branding jodhpur

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  • 7/29/2019 Branding Jodhpur


    Aravali institute of management

    Research Paper Review


    Branding Jodhpur

    Submitted to: - Submitted by:-

    Mr. Amlan Bhattacharya Kishore Arora(1)

    MohitAsayach (2)

    Awdhesh (3)

  • 7/29/2019 Branding Jodhpur



  • 7/29/2019 Branding Jodhpur


    Topic: Branding Jodhpur


    1. Problem faced by tourists during visit of Jodhpur

    2. Lack of tourism based infrastructure


    The marketing practice of creating a name, symbol or design that identifies anddifferentiates a product from other products. A brand is a name, term, sign, symbol,

    association, trademark or design which is intended to identify the products or services

    of one provider or group of providers, and to differentiate them from those ofcompetitors. A brand has functional and emotional elements which create a

    relationship between customers and the product or service.

    An effective brand strategy gives you a major edge in increasingly competitivemarkets. But what exactly does "branding" mean? Simply put, your brand is your

    promise to your customer. It tells them what they can expect from your products and

    services, and it differentiates your offering from that of your competitors. Your brandis derived from who you are, who you want to be and who people perceive you to be.

    The foundation of your brand is your logo. Your website, packaging and promotionalmaterials--all of which should integrate your logo--communicate your brand.Your

    brand strategy is how, what, where, when and to whom you plan on communicating

    and delivering on your brand messages. Where you advertise is part of your brand

    strategy. Your distribution channels are also part of your brand strategy. And what youcommunicate visually and verbally is part of your brand strategy, too.

    Consistent, strategic branding leads to a strong brand equity, which means the added

    value brought to your company's products or services that allows you to charge morefor your brand than what identical, unbranded products command. The most obvious

    example of this is Coke vs. a generic soda. Because Coca-Cola has built powerful

    brand equity, it can charge more for its product--and customers will pay that higherprice.

    The added value intrinsic to brand equity frequently comes in the form of perceivedquality or emotional attachment. For example, Nike associates its products with star

    athletes, hoping customers will transfer their emotional attachment from the athlete to

    the product. For Nike, it's not just the shoe's features that sell the shoe.

    Brand Awareness

    Brand awareness is a common measure of marketing communications effectiveness.

    Brand awareness is measured as the proportion of target customers which has priorknowledge of the brand. It is measured by two distinct measures; brand recognition

    and brand recall. Brand recognition is the customers' ability to confirm prior

  • 7/29/2019 Branding Jodhpur


    exposure/knowledge of a brand when shown or asked explicitly about the brand (also

    referred to as aided or prompted awareness).


    Jodhpur, the second largest city of Rajasthan, at the edge of the Thar Desert was oncethe capital of the Marwar state. The city dominated by the massive Mehrangarh fort ona rocky hill is charming with its wealth of historic attractions and colorful markets

    which specializes in antiques. It is still one of the leading centers of wool, cattle,

    camels and salt. As all the houses are painted in blue, the city of Jodhpur is known asthe Blue City. The magnificent Umaid Bhawan is another of the citys landmark. Its

    museum contains many artifacts of the royal times of Jodhpur.

    History of Jodhpur

    Jodhpur was founded by Rao Jodha whose clan claim to be descendants from Lord

    Rama. According to history, Nayal Pal established a kingdom at Kannauj thatremained the Rathore bastion for more than seven centuries, till they were ousted by

    Mohammad Ghori. The then ruler Jai Chand died while fleeing and his son Shivaji

    later founded the Rathore kingdom at Mandore by defeating the Pratiharas.

    Rao Jodha's father Rainmal was killed as a result of Court intrigue and Rao Jodha was

    forced to flee. Later he recaptured his lost kingdom, when a hermit advised him to set

    up his capital atop a sandstone hillock on the edge of the boundless gold Thar sands.

    Though set in a waterless barren land, royal blue Jodhpur flourished with regal

    elegance. Jodhpur was situated on a famous ancient silk trade route that connected

    India to different parts of Central Asia. Jodhpur was thus a land of limitless riches andregal splendor.

    The Mehrangarh Fort was near invincible and therefore Jodhpur was almost immune toenemy attacks though the Mughals and Marathas had their eye on this region. The

    history of Jodhpur took a glorious turn when the Mughal Emperor Akbar became a

    political ally of Jodhpur.

    In the later years Jodhpur signed a treaty with the Marathas and later with the

    Britishers to be able to maintain its suzerainty.The eighteenth century saw many

    bloody battles between Jodhpur and the other princely states in Rajasthan, Jaipur and

    Udaipur. Ajit Singh's successor Maharaja Abhai Singh captured Ahmedabad and laterin 1818, Jodhpur signed a treaty with the British. The treaty ensured the kingdom

    relative peace and prosperity.The last Maharaja before Independence - Umaid Singhafter whom the Umaid Bhavan is named - is the grandfather of the present MaharajaGaj Singh.

    Geography of Jodhpur

    The walled city or old Jodhpur has eight gates, of which Jalori Gate and Sojati Gate on

    the south are the most important - the busiest commercial centers surround them. The

    new city expands to the south and east of the old city.

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    Jodhpur Railway station lies to the southwest of Sojati Gate along Station Road.

    Outside the station three main roads fan out from a statue of a horseman. OlympicCinema Road to the far left, leads to the telegraph office. The road directly in front of

    the state leads to the Jalori Gate, which is the best way into the old city. Station Road,

    leading off to the right towards Sojati Gate, is lined with cheap hotels and restaurants.High Court Road is the main east-West Avenue, running from Sojati Gate past theUmaid Gardens and the Tourist Reception Centre to the distant Raika Bagh Railway

    Station, just opposite the bus stand, where it bends north towards Paota Circle. Trains

    from the east stop at the Raika Bagh station, which is before the main station.

    Nai Sarak, or New Road, leads through Sojati Gate to the biggest shopping

    thoroughfare and then to the market area, Sadar Bazaar, at the base of the deck tower

    that marks the centre of Jodhpur. The magnificent Meherangarh Fort (above the city)and Jaswant Thada can be seen from almost everywhere

    Jodhpur history revolves around the Rathore Clan. Rao Jodha, the chief of the Rathore

    clan, is credited with the origin of Jodhpur in India. He founded Jodhpur in 1459. Thecity is named after him only. It was previously known as Marwar. The following

    paragraphs will tell you more about the past of Jodhpur, Rajasthan.

    The Rathores were driven out of their original homeland, Kaunaj, by Afghans. Theyfled to Pali, near to the present day Jodhpur. Rathore Siahaji married the sister of a

    local prince. This helped the Rathores to establish and strengthen themselves in this

    region. In some time they ousted the Pratiharas of Mandore, just 9 km of today'sJodhpur. Initially, Mandore served as their capital, but, by 1459, Rathores felt a need

    for a secure capital. This lead to the formation of Jodhpur, the Sun City, by Rao Jodha.

    The Rathores enjoyed good relations with all the Mughals, except Aurangzeb.

    Maharaja Jaswant Singh even supported Shahjahan in his struggle for succession. AfterAurangzeb's death, Maharaja Ajit Singh drove out Mughals from Ajmer and added itto Marwar (now Jodhpur). Under the reign of Maharaja Umed Singh, Jodhpur grew

    into a fine modern city.

    During the British Raj, the state of Jodhpur was the largest in Rajputana, by land area.

    Jodhpur prospered under the British Raj. Its merchants, the Marwaris, flourishedendlessly. They came to occupy a dominant position in trade throughout India. In 1947

    India became independent and the state merged into the union of India. Jodhpur

    became the second city of Rajasthan.

    Places to see

    Mehrangarh Fort

    Situated on a steep hill, Mehrangarh fort is one of the largest forts in India. The beauty

    and the grandeur of numerous palaces in the fort narrates a saga of hard sandstones

    yielding to the chisels of skilled Jodhpuri sculptures. Mehrangarh Fort, spreading over5 km on a perpendicular hill and looking down 125 meters, presents a majestic view on

    city horizon.

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    It was built on advice of a saint in 1459 to establish an impregnable head-quarter. This

    Fort is one of the best in India with its exquisitely latticed windows, carved panels,

    elaborately adorned windows and walls of Moti Mahal, Phool Mahal, Sheesh Mahal. Acollection of musical instruments, palanquins, royal costumes, furniture and the

    cannons on the fort's ramparts are well preserved.

    Jaswant Thada

    Close to the fort complex, lies Jaswant Thada. This 19th century royal cenotaph built

    in white marble in commemoration of Maharaja Jaswant Singh II and three othercenotaphs, stand nearby. The cenotaph of Maharaja Jaswant Singh holds the rare

    portraits of the rulers and Maharajas of Jodhpur. A visit inside the cenotaphs, with

    some villagers of the region, would bring forward the reverence they still hold for theirbrave kings

    Umaid Bhawan Palace

    The romantic looking Umaid Bhawan Palace was actually built with the purpose ofgiving employment to the people of Jodhpur during a long drawn famine. The royal

    family of Jodhpur still lives in a part of the palace.Another part of the palace houses a

    well-maintained museum, displaying an amazing array of items belonging to theMaharaja and the royal family - weapons, antiques & fascinating clocks, crockery and


    Government Museum

    This museum has a rich collection of weapons, textiles, miniature portraits, local crafts

    and images of Jain Tirthankars. It is situated in the middle of the Umaid publicgardens.

    Rai-ka-Bag Palace

    This palace is situated near Raika Bag palace railway station. It was constructed in1663 by Hadiji, queen of king jaswant Singh-I. King Jaswant Singh-II liked this palace

    very much. He mostly stayed in the octagonal bunglow of this palace. In 1883 when

    Swami Dayanand Saraswati came to Jodhpur, his sermons were arranged for the publicin the public ground of this palace. Even Jaswant Singh used to listen to Swami

    Dayanand in this palace only. Now income tax office functions in this palace.

    Umed Garden

    Umed garden covers an area of 82 acres. developed by Maharaja Umed Singh, it has

    green lawns, towering Ashoka trees, roses and seasonal flowers, museum, fountains,library and a zoo.In 1978 'Walk-in Aviary' was constructed there one could seedifferent types of birds, local, African and Australian parrots, ducks, rabbits etc; in

    their natural environment. There are large cages for bears, foxes, deers, lions leopard

    etc. It is place frequented by children and adults with equal interest.

    Raj Ranchhodji Temple

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    It was made by queen Jadechi Rajkanwar after the death of her husband, king Jaswant

    Singh. Major Part of the temple is made of red sandstone, carved with beautiful filigree

    work. The heart of the temple has the statue of Ranchhodji made of black marble.It hasgreen, yellow and blue glassess fixed on its main door.

    Achal Nath ShivalayaAchal Nath Shivalaya was constructed by Nanak Devi, queen of Rao Ganga. Theconstruction was completed on 21st May 1531. A large water reservoir called Bawari

    was made near the Shivlinga which is known as Ganga Bawari. The Garbh Griha,

    Mandap and Kirtan Bhawan of the temple are made of carved Chhitar stone.


    Siddhnath Shiv temple is located between Takhat Sagar hills. On the road going fromthe right of filter house on Jodhpur-Chopasani Road, on crossing the stairs made by

    cutting rocks, one can reach Siddhnath temple. Many years ago it was an absolutely

    deserted place. And because of that, a hermit Veetragi Narain Swami started staying

    here. He was a highly worshipped and respected saint, known in the nearby areas.Once a handicapped saint named Gaurishanker, later known as Nepali Baba, came to

    this place. He had only four fingers in each of his hand and foot. He made a big temple

    by cutting stones, which is now known as Siddhnath.

    Ganesh Temple

    The area which is called Ratanada was named after a dog called Rata. About 150 yearsago a teacher Radidas in a place called Gorunda saw a statue of Vinayakji in the hills

    of Ratanada. The statue is eight feet high and five feet wide.


    Towards the north of Jodhpur is the ancient capital of Marwar, Mandore. It is just 8Kms from the city. Main attractions of the place are hall of Heroes where sixteen huge

    figures which have been carved out of a single rock, the shrine of 330 million Godsand the royal cenotaphs. This area is of immense historical importance but what makes

    it worthy of a visit is the Hall of Heroes. Sixteen gigantic figures carved out of a single

    rock depicting popular Hindu and folk deities stand there in bright colours and are wellmaintained. But one can not miss the caves in crags and the sprawling gardens, which

    are now shelter place for monkeys and peacocks. Greenery of the place makes

    Mandore, in true sense, an oasis.


    65 Kms from Jodhpur, lies ruins of an ancient city called Ossian. This city is famousfor Brahmanical and Jain temples, which belong to 8th and 11th century. Surya or Suntemple and the Sachiya temples are famous for their beauty. The shikhar of Sachiya

    temple is clustered by two rows of turrets, an ambulatory and a large assembly hall

    with an elaborate ceiling. This town which was once a great trading centre is an oasisand houses an abundance of peacocks. The largest of the 16 Jain and Brahmanical

    temples is dedicated to Mahavira, the last of the Jain tirthankars. In the same area the

    Surya temple has fascinating images of Durga, Surya and Ganesh. The sculptural

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    intricacy of the Osian temples rival that of any of the famous temples of the country,

    be it the Sun Temple of Konark, or the Hoysala temples of Karnataka.

    Balsammand Lake & Palace

    Many a times you must have dreamt of staying in a huge, royal palace on the sea-shore

    or on the banks of river or if not both at least a palace facing the water reservoir. Thereis such a place at Mandore in Rajasthan .The 19th Century sandstone palace built on ahillock facing Balsammand lake is one of such places that's definitely going to win

    your heart.The palace was created by Maharajah Sur Singhji, as a summer pavilion. It

    is very finely carved with latticed windows that allow the soft, cool breeze to blow intothe interiors of the palace. The embankments of the lake, in front of the palace, have

    domed structure that offers fabulous views of the lake encircled by hills. An artificial

    cascading waterfall, brings water down from the reservoir to the gardens. Mandore, is apart of Jodhpur but it enjoys the calmness by being far from the city crowd.

    The rooms and suites, the entire ambience here makes one feel as if you are staying in

    a royal palace. One can even enjoy a walk through the trees, the rose beds, pools

    covered with lilies and the groves of mango, plum, banana, pomegranate and so on.One will also get to see the peacocks, blue bulls, jackals and hundreds of flying foxes

    (fruit bats) in the trees.

    Kaylana Lake

    Located 8 kms. West of Jodhpur, Kaylana lake was constructed in 1872 by Pratap

    Singh. It is spread over 84 square kilometers' area. Earlier this area had palaces andgardens made by two rulers of Jodhpur-Bhim Singh and Takhat Singh. These were

    destroyed to make Kaylana lake. Near the lake is a Dak Bungalow of PHED. Boating

    facilities have also been made available for tourists here.

    Guda BishnoiThis village is inhabit ated by the Bishnoi community. They are staunch believers in

    the sanctity of plant and animal life. Villages are marked by Khejri trees and deerswhich thrive.