brave new world essay topics

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Name:__________________ Date:___________________ Ms. Cohen EM/ Period:______________ Brave New World: Essay Exam Directions: Select ONE of the following topics and write a 2-5-page essay. You must include a strong introduction as well as a provocative conclusion. Remember to include the title and the author in the introduction. Also, remember that literary analysis is written in Present Tense, No Contractions, No Personal Pronouns, No Could/ Would/ Shouldbe definitive. You must have a thesis statement which is profound, original, thought provoking, and which directs the essay. You must include SEVERAL quotations from the novel which support your thesis statement, and which are clearly explained and interpreted. The quotations must be used correctly. Example: Direct quotation belongs here. (42) This is when a quote stands alone. However, when a quote is integrated into a sentence, it belongs here as part of the sentence (42). Stay Focused: Continue to refer to your thesis statement and make sure your essay refers to your thesis points, and the topic that you have selected. Make certain that your essay is organized and makes sense. Include a brainstorming, rough draft, final draft, work cited, and receipt from Final draft and work cited must be typed, double-spaced, 12-point font, Times New Roman. DUE:___________________________ NO LATE PAPERS WILL BE ACCEPTED! Topics: 1. The French quotation by Nicolas Berdiaeff at the beginning of the story translates as follows: Humanity is coming closer to the ability to realize utopias than was believed earlier. We find ourselves facing a disturbing question: How can we avoid achieving a utopian society? Utopias are possible. Life is heading toward this. Maybe we should work more for a new future where intellectuals and other educated people should consider how to avoid a utopia and return, instead, to a non-utopian, less perfect and freer society. Agree or disagree with this quotation. Is Berdiaeff correct? If so, why would it be wise to avoid achieving a utopia, and why would such utopias pay the price of freedom? If not, how has humanity advanced so far that a perfect society could be achieved without paying such a price? Base your essay on the people and practices of Brave New World.

2. Brave New World is often seen as a warning about what has occurred and a prophecy of the future. What is the nature of Huxleys warning and prophecy, and in what ways are people responding or not responding to his observations and descriptions? 3. Mental health professionals often discuss the importance of friendship, love and close relationships. In Brave New World, however, the ides of friendship is not valued or encouraged. How does Brave New World perceive it and control it, and what is the reaction of its citizens? 4. The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the one, said Spock in Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan. The government of Brave New World clearly would agree with this philosophy. Analyze the ways in which Huxleys world reflects this idea. 5. Huxley sets up two opposite societies, Brave New World and the Savage Reservation. Compare and contrast these cultures in two or more ways, analyze the values each promotes, and discuss the philosophical basis for the lifestyles of each. Grading Rubric for: Brave New World (50 pts. Total)1. Thesis statement and supporting points: Are they original, clear, concise? Did you use quotes? Were they used correctly? Were the quote choices appropriate? Was there analysis and explanation of points/examples? ___________________/20 2. Organization and format: Are the introduction and conclusion organized and complete? Is the essay organized and formatted? ___________________/10 3. Three or fewer spelling, grammar, and punctuation errors: ___________________/5 4. Sophistication of voice and flow of paper: ___________________/10 5. All papers are included: Receipt from, Final draft, Rough draft (with edits), Work Cited (MLA form), and Brainstorming. ___________________/5 TOTAL:________________/50 Additional Comments: