break it down!: national symphony orchestra kinderkonzert

Performances for Young Audiences is made possible by Did you know that music is made up of parts? That’s right. Just like a building made of blocks, music is made with different parts. At the performance, two musicians will help you explore how music and even musical instruments break down and come together to make amazing music. Performed by Paul Fadoul, marimba Zara Lawler, flute Hello, teachers and parents! Please see page 5 for information and activities. David and Alice Rubenstein are the Presenting Underwriters of the NSO. Kinderkonzert

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Take an exciting look at music makers and the art of making music! This energetic program delights in dissecting the pieces and parts of music and musical instruments. Just like a building is made of blocks, music is made with different parts. Explore how music and even musical instruments break down and come together to make amazing music.


Page 1: Break It Down!: National Symphony Orchestra Kinderkonzert

Performances for Young Audiences is made possible by

David M. RubensteinChairman

Michael M. KaiserPresident

Darrell M. AyersVice President, Education

Christoph EschenbachMusic Director,National Symphony Orchestra

Additional support for Performances for Young Audiences is provided in part by Adobe Foundation, The Clark Charitable Foundation; Mr. James V. Kimsey; The Macy*s Foundation; The Max and Victoria Dreyfus Foundation, Inc.; The Morris and Gwendolyn Cafritz Foundation; Park Foundation, Inc.; Paul M. Angell Family Foundation; an endowment from the Ryna and Melvin Cohen Family Foundation; U.S. Department of Education; Washington Gas; and by generous contributors to the Abe Fortas Memorial Fund, and by a major gift to the fund from the late Carolyn E. Agger, widow of Abe Fortas.

Cuesheets are produced by ARTSEDGE, an education program of the Kennedy Center.

Learn more about Education at The Kennedy Center at

The contents of this Cuesheet do not necessarily represent the policy of the U.S. Department of Education, and you should not assume endorsement by the Federal Government.

©2013 The John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts

Please recycle this Cuesheetby sharing it with friends! Did you know that music is made up of parts?

That’s right. Just like a building made of blocks, music is made with different parts. At the performance, two musicians will help you explore how music and even musical instruments break down and come together to make amazing music.

Performed by

Paul Fadoul, marimbaZara Lawler, fl ute

A Good Audience… stays seated,stays quiet,doesn’t eat,

listens, and claps.Have fun!

Wait! There’s More!

Musical Instrument“Petting Zoo”Before the concert, enjoy hands-onfun with the instruments that themusicians will play on stage inthe Hall of States. A project of theWomen’s Committee for the NSO.

“Preview” the Concert HallWe hope you have so much fun at the concert that you’ll come back soon to hear a performance of the full National Symphony Orchestra—that’s 100 musicians! When they all play together, they perform on the big stage in the Kennedy Center Concert Hall. Get a sneak peak at the Hall (and even go backstage) in the playful online tour led by former NSO Associate Conductor Emil de Cou at:

Upcoming Family ConcertsPlease build on your Kinderkonzert experience by joining us at the next National Symphony Orchestra Family Concerts, performed by the full NSO:

Sunday, March 24, 2013 — Tchaikovsky Discovers America

Sunday, May 19, 2013 — The Cricket in Times Square

The NSO also presents full orchestra Young People’s Concerts for school groups in the Concert Hall each season during the school day for grades 3 through 6.

For more about NSO education programs, see

5 6

Here are some activities for children.

Name That TuneDuring the performance, you’ll learn to hear the difference between rhythm and melody. After the performance,

choose a song that you and your friends both know. Try clapping the rhythm of the song and see whether your

friends can guess it. If they can’t, try humming the melody. Try this with a few different songs. Which part, rhythm

or melody, was easier to guess?

Instrument Make-BelieveDuring the performance, you’ll see how instruments can help tell stories. After the performance, try it yourself.

Gather a few musical instruments. Mime (using face expression and movement but no talking!) an action using

the instrument as another object (like pretending to write a letter using a fl ute as the pencil). See whether friends

and family can guess your action. Or, do the opposite. Find objects that look like instruments, and mime playing

them and have friends guess the instrument.

For Teachers and ParentsDear Grownups:

Welcome to the NSO Kinderkonzerts, designed to introduce children in pre-kindergarten

through grade 2 to musical instruments of the orchestra. Please help your young concert-

goers read and understand the information in this Cuesheet. The information and activity

ideas below are designed to help you further the children’s concert experience.

The Concert ProgramThe musicians will perform repertoire that includes the musical selections below. Before or after the concert, you may

want to have the children listen to some or all of these musical selections if you have access to them in the library or

online. Point out that the music was not originally written to be performed by fl ute and marimba, so the performers

changed it a little to work with their instruments. Children will notice a difference between recorded versions and

what they hear on stage. Ask children to see whether they can recognize the music when they hear it the second time.

Prelude No. 1, by George Gershwin

Prelude No. 2, Op. 34, by Dmitri Shostakovich (duh-MEE-tree Shah-stuh-KOH-vitch)

Valse-Souffl é by Arnold Black

More Fun With Music

Hello, teachers and parents!Please see page 5 for

information and activities.

David and Alice Rubenstein are the Presenting Underwriters of the NSO.


Orchestra InteractiveEnjoy an interactive exploration of orchestras, their instruments, and their music at the Perfect Pitch Web site at:

Page 2: Break It Down!: National Symphony Orchestra Kinderkonzert

32 4

Breaking Down MusicWhen you hear music, it might sound like one whole piece. But if you listen closer, you’ll hear that most music has three important parts:

Paul Fadoul and Zara Lawler

Rhythm—makes you want to tap your foot, snap your fi ngers, or clap your hands when you hear the music; it’s made up of strong and weak beats played in a repeating pattern

Harmony— the soundthat occurs when severaldifferent notes are playedor sung at the same time; thesedifferent notes can be played on thesame instrument or by blending notesfrom many instruments

Melody—the tune you hum or sing when listening toa favorite song

Your musician hosts at the performance are Paul Fadoul (marimba and drums) and Zara Lawler (fl ute). They both began playing music as kids. At age 9, Paul started playing his fi rst “drum set”—a bunch of chopsticks and some books. Zara began playing the fl ute in fi fth grade. Even though she was the last kid in the class to be able to make a sound on her instrument, she didn’t get discouraged. Look at her now!

As grownup musicians, Paul and Zara are a musical team. When you play on a team, you work together to do more than you can by yourselves, right? It’s the same with musicians and music. They play different parts that work together to make music.

The Drum SetThe drum set is a group of percussion instruments that play both high and low sounds. These sets—played by one musician—usually include:

■ a snare drum, a small cylinder with two heads and wires (or snares) that create a buzzing sound when the player hits the drum with drumsticks

■ a bass drum, a larger drum with deep sound played using a foot pedal

■ cymbals, round metal plates with a high sound that the musician hits with drumsticks or clashes together with a foot pedal

The MarimbaThe marimba belongs to the percussion family. These instruments make sound when you cause them to vibrate (move very quickly) by hitting, rubbing, shaking, or scraping. The marimba has a large set of wooden bars set up like a piano keyboard. The bars vibrate when you strike them with mallets. Resonators, or small metal tubes under each bar, make the sound stronger. To play this large instrument, players sometimes use four or more mallets—watch how Paul does this with only two hands.

Putting It All TogetherTo put it all together and make great music,we just need to give the instruments something to play, like melody. In music, certain parts are usually played on certain types of instruments. For example, instruments with a lower sound (like the double bass) often play the harmonies and those instruments played by drumming or striking (like percussion) often play the rhythm.

But there are a few surprises here, too. Some instruments (like the marimba, pronouncedmuh-RIM-buh) can play two roles at once—which can be challenging and fun for the musician. And sometimes composers (people who write music) and performers like to create different sounds by mixing up the parts. Do you think the fl ute can play rhythms normally played by the drums?At the performance, you’ll fi nd out.

The fl ute belongs to the woodwind family of instruments, even though it is made of metal, not wood. The important thing to remember is “wind,” because musicians play woodwind instruments by blowing into them. With the fl ute, the musician blows air across the opening.

To change the sounds, the musician can adjust the airfl ow and press different keys. Related instruments include the piccolo (which looks like a baby fl ute and plays higher sounds) and the alto fl ute (a longer fl ute with a curved end that plays lower sounds).

The Flute

BreakingDown InstrumentsMusical instruments help us make music. But something else has to happen before many musical instruments can make their sounds. Can you guess? We have to put them together. Believe it or not, many of the woodwind, brass, and percussion instruments come apart into different pieces. That makes them easier to carry—some can even fi t in your backpack—and also take care of. At the performance, you’ll get a good look at how a few instruments are assembled and how they work.

Also watch outfor the unexpected

ways instruments can help tell stories.


Page 3: Break It Down!: National Symphony Orchestra Kinderkonzert

32 4

Breaking Down MusicWhen you hear music, it might sound like one whole piece. But if you listen closer, you’ll hear that most music has three important parts:

Paul Fadoul and Zara Lawler

Rhythm—makes you want to tap your foot, snap your fi ngers, or clap your hands when you hear the music; it’s made up of strong and weak beats played in a repeating pattern

Harmony— the soundthat occurs when severaldifferent notes are playedor sung at the same time; thesedifferent notes can be played on thesame instrument or by blending notesfrom many instruments

Melody—the tune you hum or sing when listening toa favorite song

Your musician hosts at the performance are Paul Fadoul (marimba and drums) and Zara Lawler (fl ute). They both began playing music as kids. At age 9, Paul started playing his fi rst “drum set”—a bunch of chopsticks and some books. Zara began playing the fl ute in fi fth grade. Even though she was the last kid in the class to be able to make a sound on her instrument, she didn’t get discouraged. Look at her now!

As grownup musicians, Paul and Zara are a musical team. When you play on a team, you work together to do more than you can by yourselves, right? It’s the same with musicians and music. They play different parts that work together to make music.

The Drum SetThe drum set is a group of percussion instruments that play both high and low sounds. These sets—played by one musician—usually include:

■ a snare drum, a small cylinder with two heads and wires (or snares) that create a buzzing sound when the player hits the drum with drumsticks

■ a bass drum, a larger drum with deep sound played using a foot pedal

■ cymbals, round metal plates with a high sound that the musician hits with drumsticks or clashes together with a foot pedal

The MarimbaThe marimba belongs to the percussion family. These instruments make sound when you cause them to vibrate (move very quickly) by hitting, rubbing, shaking, or scraping. The marimba has a large set of wooden bars set up like a piano keyboard. The bars vibrate when you strike them with mallets. Resonators, or small metal tubes under each bar, make the sound stronger. To play this large instrument, players sometimes use four or more mallets—watch how Paul does this with only two hands.

Putting It All TogetherTo put it all together and make great music,we just need to give the instruments something to play, like melody. In music, certain parts are usually played on certain types of instruments. For example, instruments with a lower sound (like the double bass) often play the harmonies and those instruments played by drumming or striking (like percussion) often play the rhythm.

But there are a few surprises here, too. Some instruments (like the marimba, pronouncedmuh-RIM-buh) can play two roles at once—which can be challenging and fun for the musician. And sometimes composers (people who write music) and performers like to create different sounds by mixing up the parts. Do you think the fl ute can play rhythms normally played by the drums?At the performance, you’ll fi nd out.

The fl ute belongs to the woodwind family of instruments, even though it is made of metal, not wood. The important thing to remember is “wind,” because musicians play woodwind instruments by blowing into them. With the fl ute, the musician blows air across the opening.

To change the sounds, the musician can adjust the airfl ow and press different keys. Related instruments include the piccolo (which looks like a baby fl ute and plays higher sounds) and the alto fl ute (a longer fl ute with a curved end that plays lower sounds).

The Flute

BreakingDown InstrumentsMusical instruments help us make music. But something else has to happen before many musical instruments can make their sounds. Can you guess? We have to put them together. Believe it or not, many of the woodwind, brass, and percussion instruments come apart into different pieces. That makes them easier to carry—some can even fi t in your backpack—and also take care of. At the performance, you’ll get a good look at how a few instruments are assembled and how they work.

Also watch outfor the unexpected

ways instruments can help tell stories.


Page 4: Break It Down!: National Symphony Orchestra Kinderkonzert

32 4

Breaking Down MusicWhen you hear music, it might sound like one whole piece. But if you listen closer, you’ll hear that most music has three important parts:

Paul Fadoul and Zara Lawler

Rhythm—makes you want to tap your foot, snap your fi ngers, or clap your hands when you hear the music; it’s made up of strong and weak beats played in a repeating pattern

Harmony— the soundthat occurs when severaldifferent notes are playedor sung at the same time; thesedifferent notes can be played on thesame instrument or by blending notesfrom many instruments

Melody—the tune you hum or sing when listening toa favorite song

Your musician hosts at the performance are Paul Fadoul (marimba and drums) and Zara Lawler (fl ute). They both began playing music as kids. At age 9, Paul started playing his fi rst “drum set”—a bunch of chopsticks and some books. Zara began playing the fl ute in fi fth grade. Even though she was the last kid in the class to be able to make a sound on her instrument, she didn’t get discouraged. Look at her now!

As grownup musicians, Paul and Zara are a musical team. When you play on a team, you work together to do more than you can by yourselves, right? It’s the same with musicians and music. They play different parts that work together to make music.

The Drum SetThe drum set is a group of percussion instruments that play both high and low sounds. These sets—played by one musician—usually include:

■ a snare drum, a small cylinder with two heads and wires (or snares) that create a buzzing sound when the player hits the drum with drumsticks

■ a bass drum, a larger drum with deep sound played using a foot pedal

■ cymbals, round metal plates with a high sound that the musician hits with drumsticks or clashes together with a foot pedal

The MarimbaThe marimba belongs to the percussion family. These instruments make sound when you cause them to vibrate (move very quickly) by hitting, rubbing, shaking, or scraping. The marimba has a large set of wooden bars set up like a piano keyboard. The bars vibrate when you strike them with mallets. Resonators, or small metal tubes under each bar, make the sound stronger. To play this large instrument, players sometimes use four or more mallets—watch how Paul does this with only two hands.

Putting It All TogetherTo put it all together and make great music,we just need to give the instruments something to play, like melody. In music, certain parts are usually played on certain types of instruments. For example, instruments with a lower sound (like the double bass) often play the harmonies and those instruments played by drumming or striking (like percussion) often play the rhythm.

But there are a few surprises here, too. Some instruments (like the marimba, pronouncedmuh-RIM-buh) can play two roles at once—which can be challenging and fun for the musician. And sometimes composers (people who write music) and performers like to create different sounds by mixing up the parts. Do you think the fl ute can play rhythms normally played by the drums?At the performance, you’ll fi nd out.

The fl ute belongs to the woodwind family of instruments, even though it is made of metal, not wood. The important thing to remember is “wind,” because musicians play woodwind instruments by blowing into them. With the fl ute, the musician blows air across the opening.

To change the sounds, the musician can adjust the airfl ow and press different keys. Related instruments include the piccolo (which looks like a baby fl ute and plays higher sounds) and the alto fl ute (a longer fl ute with a curved end that plays lower sounds).

The Flute

BreakingDown InstrumentsMusical instruments help us make music. But something else has to happen before many musical instruments can make their sounds. Can you guess? We have to put them together. Believe it or not, many of the woodwind, brass, and percussion instruments come apart into different pieces. That makes them easier to carry—some can even fi t in your backpack—and also take care of. At the performance, you’ll get a good look at how a few instruments are assembled and how they work.

Also watch outfor the unexpected

ways instruments can help tell stories.


Page 5: Break It Down!: National Symphony Orchestra Kinderkonzert

Performances for Young Audiences is made possible by

David M. RubensteinChairman

Michael M. KaiserPresident

Darrell M. AyersVice President, Education

Christoph EschenbachMusic Director,National Symphony Orchestra

Additional support for Performances for Young Audiences is provided in part by Adobe Foundation, The Clark Charitable Foundation; Mr. James V. Kimsey; The Macy*s Foundation; The Max and Victoria Dreyfus Foundation, Inc.; The Morris and Gwendolyn Cafritz Foundation; Park Foundation, Inc.; Paul M. Angell Family Foundation; an endowment from the Ryna and Melvin Cohen Family Foundation; U.S. Department of Education; Washington Gas; and by generous contributors to the Abe Fortas Memorial Fund, and by a major gift to the fund from the late Carolyn E. Agger, widow of Abe Fortas.

Cuesheets are produced by ARTSEDGE, an education program of the Kennedy Center.

Learn more about Education at The Kennedy Center at

The contents of this Cuesheet do not necessarily represent the policy of the U.S. Department of Education, and you should not assume endorsement by the Federal Government.

©2013 The John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts

Please recycle this Cuesheetby sharing it with friends! Did you know that music is made up of parts?

That’s right. Just like a building made of blocks, music is made with different parts. At the performance, two musicians will help you explore how music and even musical instruments break down and come together to make amazing music.

Performed by

Paul Fadoul, marimbaZara Lawler, fl ute

A Good Audience… stays seated,stays quiet,doesn’t eat,

listens, and claps.Have fun!

Wait! There’s More!

Musical Instrument“Petting Zoo”Before the concert, enjoy hands-onfun with the instruments that themusicians will play on stage inthe Hall of States. A project of theWomen’s Committee for the NSO.

“Preview” the Concert HallWe hope you have so much fun at the concert that you’ll come back soon to hear a performance of the full National Symphony Orchestra—that’s 100 musicians! When they all play together, they perform on the big stage in the Kennedy Center Concert Hall. Get a sneak peak at the Hall (and even go backstage) in the playful online tour led by former NSO Associate Conductor Emil de Cou at:

Upcoming Family ConcertsPlease build on your Kinderkonzert experience by joining us at the next National Symphony Orchestra Family Concerts, performed by the full NSO:

Sunday, March 24, 2013 — Tchaikovsky Discovers America

Sunday, May 19, 2013 — The Cricket in Times Square

The NSO also presents full orchestra Young People’s Concerts for school groups in the Concert Hall each season during the school day for grades 3 through 6.

For more about NSO education programs, see

5 6

Here are some activities for children.

Name That TuneDuring the performance, you’ll learn to hear the difference between rhythm and melody. After the performance,

choose a song that you and your friends both know. Try clapping the rhythm of the song and see whether your

friends can guess it. If they can’t, try humming the melody. Try this with a few different songs. Which part, rhythm

or melody, was easier to guess?

Instrument Make-BelieveDuring the performance, you’ll see how instruments can help tell stories. After the performance, try it yourself.

Gather a few musical instruments. Mime (using face expression and movement but no talking!) an action using

the instrument as another object (like pretending to write a letter using a fl ute as the pencil). See whether friends

and family can guess your action. Or, do the opposite. Find objects that look like instruments, and mime playing

them and have friends guess the instrument.

For Teachers and ParentsDear Grownups:

Welcome to the NSO Kinderkonzerts, designed to introduce children in pre-kindergarten

through grade 2 to musical instruments of the orchestra. Please help your young concert-

goers read and understand the information in this Cuesheet. The information and activity

ideas below are designed to help you further the children’s concert experience.

The Concert ProgramThe musicians will perform repertoire that includes the musical selections below. Before or after the concert, you may

want to have the children listen to some or all of these musical selections if you have access to them in the library or

online. Point out that the music was not originally written to be performed by fl ute and marimba, so the performers

changed it a little to work with their instruments. Children will notice a difference between recorded versions and

what they hear on stage. Ask children to see whether they can recognize the music when they hear it the second time.

Prelude No. 1, by George Gershwin

Prelude No. 2, Op. 34, by Dmitri Shostakovich (duh-MEE-tree Shah-stuh-KOH-vitch)

Valse-Souffl é by Arnold Black

More Fun With Music

Hello, teachers and parents!Please see page 5 for

information and activities.

David and Alice Rubenstein are the Presenting Underwriters of the NSO.


Orchestra InteractiveEnjoy an interactive exploration of orchestras, their instruments, and their music at the Perfect Pitch Web site at:

Page 6: Break It Down!: National Symphony Orchestra Kinderkonzert

Performances for Young Audiences is made possible by

David M. RubensteinChairman

Michael M. KaiserPresident

Darrell M. AyersVice President, Education

Christoph EschenbachMusic Director,National Symphony Orchestra

Additional support for Performances for Young Audiences is provided in part by Adobe Foundation, The Clark Charitable Foundation; Mr. James V. Kimsey; The Macy*s Foundation; The Max and Victoria Dreyfus Foundation, Inc.; The Morris and Gwendolyn Cafritz Foundation; Park Foundation, Inc.; Paul M. Angell Family Foundation; an endowment from the Ryna and Melvin Cohen Family Foundation; U.S. Department of Education; Washington Gas; and by generous contributors to the Abe Fortas Memorial Fund, and by a major gift to the fund from the late Carolyn E. Agger, widow of Abe Fortas.

Cuesheets are produced by ARTSEDGE, an education program of the Kennedy Center.

Learn more about Education at The Kennedy Center at

The contents of this Cuesheet do not necessarily represent the policy of the U.S. Department of Education, and you should not assume endorsement by the Federal Government.

©2013 The John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts

Please recycle this Cuesheetby sharing it with friends! Did you know that music is made up of parts?

That’s right. Just like a building made of blocks, music is made with different parts. At the performance, two musicians will help you explore how music and even musical instruments break down and come together to make amazing music.

Performed by

Paul Fadoul, marimbaZara Lawler, fl ute

A Good Audience… stays seated,stays quiet,doesn’t eat,

listens, and claps.Have fun!

Wait! There’s More!

Musical Instrument“Petting Zoo”Before the concert, enjoy hands-onfun with the instruments that themusicians will play on stage inthe Hall of States. A project of theWomen’s Committee for the NSO.

“Preview” the Concert HallWe hope you have so much fun at the concert that you’ll come back soon to hear a performance of the full National Symphony Orchestra—that’s 100 musicians! When they all play together, they perform on the big stage in the Kennedy Center Concert Hall. Get a sneak peak at the Hall (and even go backstage) in the playful online tour led by former NSO Associate Conductor Emil de Cou at:

Upcoming Family ConcertsPlease build on your Kinderkonzert experience by joining us at the next National Symphony Orchestra Family Concerts, performed by the full NSO:

Sunday, March 24, 2013 — Tchaikovsky Discovers America

Sunday, May 19, 2013 — The Cricket in Times Square

The NSO also presents full orchestra Young People’s Concerts for school groups in the Concert Hall each season during the school day for grades 3 through 6.

For more about NSO education programs, see

5 6

Here are some activities for children.

Name That TuneDuring the performance, you’ll learn to hear the difference between rhythm and melody. After the performance,

choose a song that you and your friends both know. Try clapping the rhythm of the song and see whether your

friends can guess it. If they can’t, try humming the melody. Try this with a few different songs. Which part, rhythm

or melody, was easier to guess?

Instrument Make-BelieveDuring the performance, you’ll see how instruments can help tell stories. After the performance, try it yourself.

Gather a few musical instruments. Mime (using face expression and movement but no talking!) an action using

the instrument as another object (like pretending to write a letter using a fl ute as the pencil). See whether friends

and family can guess your action. Or, do the opposite. Find objects that look like instruments, and mime playing

them and have friends guess the instrument.

For Teachers and ParentsDear Grownups:

Welcome to the NSO Kinderkonzerts, designed to introduce children in pre-kindergarten

through grade 2 to musical instruments of the orchestra. Please help your young concert-

goers read and understand the information in this Cuesheet. The information and activity

ideas below are designed to help you further the children’s concert experience.

The Concert ProgramThe musicians will perform repertoire that includes the musical selections below. Before or after the concert, you may

want to have the children listen to some or all of these musical selections if you have access to them in the library or

online. Point out that the music was not originally written to be performed by fl ute and marimba, so the performers

changed it a little to work with their instruments. Children will notice a difference between recorded versions and

what they hear on stage. Ask children to see whether they can recognize the music when they hear it the second time.

Prelude No. 1, by George Gershwin

Prelude No. 2, Op. 34, by Dmitri Shostakovich (duh-MEE-tree Shah-stuh-KOH-vitch)

Valse-Souffl é by Arnold Black

More Fun With Music

Hello, teachers and parents!Please see page 5 for

information and activities.

David and Alice Rubenstein are the Presenting Underwriters of the NSO.


Orchestra InteractiveEnjoy an interactive exploration of orchestras, their instruments, and their music at the Perfect Pitch Web site at: