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8 th Grade Science Spring Break Packet!!! 2018 Name: ____________________________________ Date: __________ Period: _______ What do YOU want to get on FCAT? _______ Maya asked eight of her classmates to participate in a controlled experiment to find out how walking and running affected their heart rates. Use the data table below to answer the following questions. (8.N.1.1) Effects of Activity on Heart Rate (in beats per minute) Student Heart Rate (at rest) Heart Rate (walking) Heart Rate (running) 1 70 90 115 2 72 80 100 3 80 100 120 4 65 75 95 5 88 112 125 6 74 83 104 7 75 88 109 8 77 95 130 1. What was Maya trying to find out—if ________________ affected __________________. Identify the independent (Test) variable and dependent (outcome) variable. Test Variable: Outcome Variable: 2. After analyzing this data, Maya concluded that heart rate rises by 10 to 20 beats per minute after walking, and 20 to 40 beats per minute after running. Does the data support or fail to support this conclusion? Why or why not?

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Page 1: Break...  · Web viewWhy don’t we use words like “prove” or “does not prove” in science?

8th Grade Science Spring Break Packet!!! 2018

Name: ____________________________________ Date: __________ Period: _______ What do YOU want to get on FCAT? _______

Maya asked eight of her classmates to participate in a controlled experiment to find out how walking and running affected their heart rates. Use the data table below to answer the following questions. (8.N.1.1)

Effects of Activity on Heart Rate (in beats per minute)

StudentHeart Rate

(at rest)

Heart Rate


Heart Rate


1 70 90 115

2 72 80 100

3 80 100 120

4 65 75 95

5 88 112 125

6 74 83 104

7 75 88 109

8 77 95 130

1. What was Maya trying to find out—if ________________ affected __________________.

Identify the independent (Test) variable and dependent (outcome) variable.

Test Variable:Outcome Variable:

2. After analyzing this data, Maya concluded that heart rate rises by 10 to 20 beats per minute after walking, and 20 to 40 beats per minute after running. Does the data support or fail to support this conclusion? Why or why not?

Why don’t we use words like “prove” or “does not prove” in science?

A. Why did Maya do this experiment with 8 people? _____________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________B. Maya’s sister wants to do this same experiment with 8 of her classmates. What is this called? __________________________

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3. The birds shown below live on a single island. (7.L.15.2)

3. These 4 bird species are closely related, and all of them share a common ancestor with a single species. What environmental factor is most likely to have caused 4 distinct species to come about? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Name a type of evidence that scientists might use to show that these birds are related, and evolved from a single species over 1 million years ago? _____________________

4. Of the physical properties listed at the right, which are independent of sample size? (in other words, which properties do not depend on how much you have?) Circle the ones that you choose. (8.P.8.4)

Boiling point Density Mass Solubility Magnetism Melting Point

Why did you choose your answer? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

5. Physical Changes vs. Chemical Changes (8.P.9.2) a. Why is the changing of water from a solid (ice) to a liquid to a gas (water vapor) a physical change, and NOT a chemical change? ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

b. Why is a rusting nail a chemical change? ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

c. If you burn a piece of wood, you will feel heat, see water vapor, and be left with ashes. How come the matter was not destroyed? ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

d. What could you do to the wood that would be a physical change?___________________________ _________________________________________

6. Objects in space by size (8.E.5.3) Put the 4 objects in space by order in size:

a. ________________________

b. ________________________

c. ________________________

d. ________________________

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7. Look at the diagram on the left and read the steps. Indicate whether each step is showing and describing conduction, convection, or radiation. Write the key word or clue that led you to the answer.

Step 1: _____________________________________

Step 2: _____________________________________

Step 3: _____________________________________

Step 4: _____________________________________

Living things have body systems that are interrelated. That means they work together to carry out bodily functions.


8. Which 2 human body systems function together to distribute oxygen for use in cellular processes throughout the body?

a. nervous and immuneb. digestive and circulatoryc. digestive and respiratoryd. respiratory and circulatory

In the answer you chose, what does each of the systems do?________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

9. The diagram below shows a mushroom. Answer the questions to the right using this illustration.


a. Into which of the following Kingdoms would the organism shown be classified?

a. Animalia c. Fungib. Eubacteria d. Protista

b. Is this organism an autotroph or a heterotroph? Why do you say that?_______________________________________________________________________________________________________C. Is this a multicellular or unicellular organism? How can you tell?________________________________________________________________________________________________________d. How do you know this isn’t a plant? _____________________________________________________ How do you know it isn’t an animal? _____________________________________________________How do you know it isn’t a protist? _____________________________________________________How do you know it isn’t a bacteria? _____________________________________________________

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10. Describe & Draw the 3 colors of stars from HOTTEST to COOLEST, and be sure to label them.


11. A rocket burns fuel to create hot gases that explode violently out of the rocket engine. This explosion creates a force called thrust. (6.P.13.3)

Thrust is a force that pushes the rocket upward. What force must thrust overcome in order to send a rocket up into space?

a) gravity acting on the rocket b) gravity acting on the exploding gases c) friction between the rocket and the

ground d) friction between the rocket and the

exploding gases Why?____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

12. What are tides? (8.E.5.9)_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

What affects the tides?_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Draw a diagram showing the Sun, Earth and moon in the position of a neap tide.

13. Describe a solar eclipse: (8.E.5.9) Draw a solar eclipse:

14. Describe a lunar eclipse: (8.E.5.9) Draw a lunar eclipse:

15. What landform might occur at a divergent plate boundary? (7.E.6.5) ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Draw a divergent plate boundary:

16. What landform might occur at a convergent plate boundary? (7.E.6.5) __________________________________________________________________________________

Draw a convergent plate boundary:

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17. What about at a transform boundary? (7.E.6.5)

18. (7.E.6.2)

This picture shows weathering from wind…describe weathering: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________What is another type of weathering that you know about? ____________________________________________

19. (7.E.6.2)

This picture shows coastal erosion…describe what erosion is: ________________________________________________________________________________________What natural resource can help people who live near water protect their homes from erosion? ________________________________________________________________________________________BONUS: Why do hurricanes devastate Haiti, but are not as disastrous for the Dominican Republic? ________________________________________________________________________________________

20. Use the following scenarios to describe what SPHERE(S) is being affected…


a. A company is off shore drilling into the ocean bottom, but the oil leaked and polluted the water __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

b. A factory is releasing gases into the air. The pollution caused acid rain, which fell into a lake. Dead fish were found floating days later._____________________________________________________________________________________________________________

c. Rising global temperatures have causes glaciers to melt. Scientists have projected (forecasted) that the water levels will rise and polar bears will drown. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

d. What in our atmosphere helps keep our planet warm and the temperature stable? _________________________________

e. What do these prefixes mean? Bio- _______________Atmo- _____________ Geo- _____________Hydro- ____________ Cryo- ______________

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21. (7.L.17.2)Using the food web diagram to the left, CIRCLE which of the interactions listed below, are examples of predator prey relationships‐ ?

a. birds eat insects and insects eat ferns

b. insects eat ferns and leaves from trees

c. skunks eat insects and wolves eat skunks

d. deer eat insects and small plants and wolves eat deer



Explain why the arrows point in the direction that they are pointing. Why NOT the opposite direction? ____________________________________________________


22. (7.P.10.1) List the types of waves in the electromagnetic spectrum from lowest frequency to highest frequency waves…

Draw a simple sketch of a low frequency wave, then a high frequency wave below it.

What is the relationship between frequency and wavelength?

The lower the frequency, the _____________________ wavelength. Is that clear to see in your sketch?

1. __________________________________________

2. __________________________________________

3. __________________________________________

4. __________________________________________

5. __________________________________________

6. __________________________________________

7. __________________________________________

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23. (6.E.7.5) Look at the picture to the right. Use the words below to answer the questions.

a. What type of heat transfer is represented by arrow A?________________________________________________________________________________________

b. What type of heat transfer is represented by arrow B?________________________________________________________________________________________

c. Now, draw arrows to show the circulation of air that occurs over land and over water on a hot, sunny day.

d. What type of heat transfer do the arrows you have drawn represent?


e. Describe how Miami’s climate is affected by the fact we are surrounded by water. __________________________________________________________________________________________

f. How is weather different from climate? __________________________________________________________________________________________

24. Below is a list of the human body systems (6.L.14.5)

a. Pick 2 body of the body systems with a bullet next to it and explain how they interact to maintain homeostasis in your body.

_________________________ and ______________________

b. Explain. Be sure to name the body parts involved and what their jobs are, then say how the systems work together.

____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________c. what is homeostasis? ____________________________________________

25. Below shows a battery-operated flashlight. (7.P.11.2) a. Describe the energy transformation that

takes place within these batteries and the flashlight.


b. Is energy created or destroyed during this energy transformation? Why?


26. Light waves, sounds waves, & Think of how sound waves travel through solids, liquids, and gases. Then list below

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other waves travel at different speeds when travelling through DIFFERENT materials.

Sound travels fastest through materials that are most dense.

Light is the opposite—it slows down when traveling through denser materials.


the order in which they travel fastest to slowest.

Fastest: ___________________Next: _____________________Slowest: __________________

How does the order change for light waves?

27. Describe the following symbiotic relationships, and give an example for each one. (7.L.17.2)

a. Mutualism:

b. Predation:

c. Parasitism:

d. Competition:

e. Commensalism:

28. A rabbit with rough fur (Homozygous Dominant RR) breeds with a rabbit with smooth fur (rr). On the right, draw the Punnett Square to predict the outcome. Show your work.

What percentage of the offspring would have rough fur?__________________________________________________


29. Explain how light is reflected. Underline the key word in your answer. (7.P.10.3)

Draw a sketch showing reflection:

30. Explain how light is refracted. Underline the key word in your answer. (7.P.10.3)

Draw a sketch showing refraction:

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31. Pedro examines a tissue sample under a high‐powered microscope. He makes a sketch in his lab notebook of one of the cells he observes. His sketch is shown here. (6.L.14.4)

Which label should Pedro use for structure A?

A. cytoskeleton B. lysosomeC. mitochondrion D. nucleus

Explain your answer:____________________________________________________

Whenever a cell HAS this cell part, we call it a

(7.L.17.2) 32. Plants transform some of the electromagnetic energy from the sun (sunlight) into

A. nuclear energy stored in sugar.B. chemical energy stored in sugars.C. visible light released by leaves.D. chlorophyll stored in leaves.

Why did you choose your answer?____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

33. Below shows a ball resting on a hill and then rolling downward.


a. Describe the energy transformation that takes place when the ball rolls down the hill.

At the top of the hill: ___________________________________________When it is rolling down: ____________________________________________When it reaches the bottom: ____________________________________________

b. Is energy created or destroyed during this energy transformation? Why /or why not?


34. Organisms are organized in a hierarchy of smallest to largest parts. The cell is the smallest part of any living thing. Fill in the next levels going from the cell all the way up to a whole human. (6.L.14.1)cells _________________ organs ____________________ whole human body

35. Even cells are organized into smaller components of matter. Fill in the following levels.atoms ___________________ _____________________ cells

36. What are the 3 parts of the cell theory? (6.L.14.2) ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

37. How do cells get energy from food? __________________________ How do cells get rid of waste? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________

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38. Why isn’t the cell theory a law? (7.N.3.1) ________________________________________________________________________________________________________