brepols catalog 2013

FORTHCOMING TITLES Autumn 2013 M S M L & L C H & R S M S A & A E M S G & C M H P N E & O S R H C A M L

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F orthcoming T itles Autumn2013 / Medieval Studies

New Approaches to Early Law in Scandinavia

Stefan Brink, Lisa Collinson (eds.) approx. x + 200 p., 1 b/w ill., 156 x 234 mm, 2013, AS 3, HB, ISBN 978-2-503-54754-1, ! 70 Publication date scheduled for October 2013


During recent years, there has been a revival of interest in the early laws of Scandinavia. In this volume several aspects of this "eld are pre-sented and discussed, such as the introduction and development in medieval Denmark of the næfnd, a kind of ‘jury’, which replaced the or-deal. #e Law of the Hälsingar (Hälsingelagen) is analysed and found to comprise multiple lay-ers, a mixture of obviously-old local laws and legal customs, together with new royal decrees, Church laws etc., and with close links with early Norwegian law and legal terminology. In one article the kristindómsbálkr (‘Church Law’, or ‘Ecclesiastical Law Section’) of the town law

of Trondheim, Norway (the so-called Ni!aróss Bjarkeyjarréttr) and the provincial law of me-dieval Trøndelag, Frostu"ingslög are compared. Di$erent approaches to handling violence and homicide involving laymen and clerics in late medieval Norway are discussed, drawing on the recent discovery of register protocols of the Penitentiary at the Papal Curia. #e Older and the Younger Law (Äldre Västgötalagen and Yngre Västgötalagen) are analysed from existing manuscripts, in an attempt to answer the ques-tion where the initiative came from to write the laws down. Several words for ‘outlawry’ in the Old Scandinavian languages are analysed, and the usage of the words in western Norway, Ice-land and also in Anglo-Saxon England. One author chisels out a general theory of legal culture, aimed at showing how the introduc-tion into Norwegian legal culture of three new elements (norm-producing, large-scale law-making; con%ict-resolving juries; equity as idea of justice) together led to a major change in legal culture in medieval Norway. #e "nal article focuses on homicide and wounding, and discusses the development of penal law in

Denmark in the Middle Ages, attempting to explain that development in the light of both domestic conditions and foreign in%uence, especially from Sweden and Germany.

!e Book of Nature and Humanity in Medieval and Early Modern Europe

David Hawkes, Richard G. Newhauser (eds.) approx. 375 p., 19 b/w ills., 2 b/w tables, 152 x 229 mm, 2013, ASMAR 29, HB, ISBN 978-2-503-54921-7, approx. ! 70 Publication date scheduled for October 2013


Some modern commentators welcome the al-leged approach of the ‘post-human’ era as a liberation from the constraints of essentialist identity. Others lament it as a harbinger of the

death of the soul. But both groups will "nd it instructive to consider that the nature of hu-manity has always been a contested topic. #e chapters collected here suggest that the emer-

gence of the modern idea of the human was at least as fraught a process as its putative demise.David Hawkes and Richard G. Newhauser have selected a wide array of contributions for this volume. Renowned scholars from several disciplines have produced a series of fascinat-ing essays, which concentrate on the relation between humanity and nature as it was un-derstood in the medieval and early modern periods. #e issues they examine range from poaching to %atulence, from Aztec animal sym-bolism to Jesus’s grandmother, from tulips to the Trinity.& Some chapters examine a wide variety of popu-lar texts, from the bloody legend of Robert the Devil to the sinister magic of the Anglo-Saxon ‘wen charm,’ from Lutheran Books of Nature to Emperor Maximillian’s wedding.& #e result is a book that raises intriguing implications for the modern struggle over the meaning of mankind.

Fils du MartelLa naissance, l"éducation et la jeunesse de Pépin, dit « le Bref » (v. 714 - v. 741)

Alain J. Stocletapprox. 300 p., 24 ill. n/b, 156 x 234 mm, 2013, HIFA 13, PB, ISBN 978-2-503-54877-7, approx. ! 70 Publication prévue pour octobre 2013


Fils du Martel explore l'inexplorable : la vie d'un roi qui régna au plus sombre, peut-être,

des siècles réputés « obscurs » du Moyen Âge, dont la mémoire collective ne retient guère que le nom, « amusant », et l'histoire savante quelques bribes très tôt momi"ées ; encore ne s'agit-il pas de cet objet considéré dans son ensemble, mais de sa première tranche exclu-sivement, entre toutes la moins exposée aux regards mnémogènes du dehors, celle dont les con"ns sont "xés, peu ou prou, par le cercle familial. Un redoutable dé", donc, qui oblige à échanger la focale emblématique de l'historien, macroscopique, pour un instrument capable de pénétrer les profondeurs.


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Les Stratégies Matrimoniales (IXe-XIIIe siècle)

Martin Aurell (éd.)approx. 350 p., 15 ill. n/b, 5 ill. couleur, 32 tables n/b, 156 x 234 mm, 2013, HIFA 14, PB, ISBN 978-2-503-54923-1, approx. ! 70 Publication prévue pour octobre 2013


Depuis une soixantaine d'années, le structu-ralisme a mis l'alliance au cœur de l'étude de la parenté. S'inspirant de l'anthropologie, les historiens tentent ainsi de dégager les règles qui président à l'échange de femmes entre les familles médiévales. Ils sont cependant conscients de la spéci"cité du Moyen Âge, où le mariage est fortement in%uencé par le chris-tianisme, par le droit romain, et plus généra-lement par des normes écrites et abstraites

dépassant le pragmatisme quotidien des chefs lignagers. Il est vrai qu'au sein de l'aristocra-tie, les pratiques matrimoniales ont longtemps obéi à des logiques patrimoniales. Le douaire, apporté par le mari, ou la dot, cédée par les pa-rents de la mariée, « font » traditionnellement le mariage. Du reste, l'alliance est trop souvent conclue pour entériner une trêve entre deux troupes ennemies, pour faciliter l'ascension d'un guerrier "dèle que son seigneur récom-pense par la main de sa "lle ou pour obtenir un parti prestigieux. Elle participe donc de l'e$ort d'une parentèle pour prendre et pour conserver le pouvoir. Elle réduit la future épouse, et peut-être aussi son jeune "ancé, au rôle de l'actrice passive des décisions prises par les aînés de la maison. Aussi solide et enraciné qu'il puisse paraître, ce modèle cède, du moins en partie, aux valeurs évangéliques véhiculées par le cler-gé savant : unicité, indissolubilité, consensua-lisme, exogamie extrême… Cette évolution ne se fait pas sans heurts. Elle se répercute dans les manifestations littéraires et iconographiques d'un riche imaginaire collectif.

Professeur d’Histoire du Moyen Âge à l#Université de Poitiers, Martin Aurell dirige la revue Cahiers de Civilisation Médiévale. Il a été membre de l#Institut Universitaire de France (2002-2012) et de l#Institute for Advanced Studies de Princeton (1999).

Landscapes and Societies in Medieval Europe East of the ElbeInteractions between En#ironmental Settings and Cultural Transformations

Sunhild Kleingärtner, Timothy P. New4eld, Sébastien Rossignol, Donat Wehner (eds.) xiv + 406 p., 150 x 230 mm, Ponti"cal Institute of Mediaeval Studies, 2013, PMS 23, HB, ISBN 978-0-88844-823-1, ! 80 Available


cal approaches. Re%ecting an impressively high standard of scholarship, these studies are sure to stimulate further productive re-search.” (Paul Knoll, University of Southern California)

F orthcoming T itles Autumn 2013 / Medieval Studies


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!e Second CrusadeHoly War on the Periphery of Latin Christendom

Jason T. Roche, Janus Møller Jensen (eds.) approx. 300 p., 156 x 234 mm, 2013, OUTREMER 2, PB, ISBN 978-2-503-52327-9, approx. ! 75 Publication date scheduled for October 2013


A seminal article published by Giles Constable in 1953 focused on the genesis and expansion in scope of the Second Crusade with particu-lar attention to what has become known as the Syrian campaign. His central thesis maintained that by the spring of 1147 the Church “viewed and planned” the Second Crusade a general

Christian o$ensive against& the Baltic pagan Wends and the Muslims of the Iberian Penin-sula and the Holy Land. His work remains ex-tremely in%uential and provides the framework for the recent major works published on this extraordinary mid twel(h-century phenom-

Jason T. Roche is a Lecturer in Medieval History at Manchester Metropolitan Uni-versity. His research interests cover the his-tory of the crusades and the Latin East and the topography of medieval Anatolia and the Near East.Janus Møller Jensen is head of department at Nyborg Castle, Museums of Eastern Fu-nen, Denmark. His main research interests co$er the history and historiography of the crusades and Scandinavian medieval history.


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enon. #is volume aims to readdress scholarly predilections for concentrating on the venture in the Holy Land and for narrowly focusing on the accepted targets of the crusade. It aims instead to place established, contentious, and new events and concepts associated with the enterprise in a wider ideological, chronological, geopolitical, and geographical context.

“Tightly focused and well organized, this welcome volume sheds new light upon an important medieval region and provides a fresh understanding of the stimulating theme of human society and its interac-tion with the natural world. #e individual contributors to this collection represent a stellar international assembly of experts. Original scholarship is combined with ma-ture syntheses to ensure that specialist read-ers, scholars of other times and places who focus on similar interests, and the generalist will all be enriched by reading these contri-butions. #is is a balanced and dispassion-ate treatment of a region o(en approached in the past with the ire and passion of par-ticularist and national interests. #e range of approaches re%ected in this book is im-pressive: archaeology, environmental study, disease in animals and humans, moderniza-tion, and colonization are all topics that seamlessly complement traditional histori-


North American customers are advised to order directly through University of Toronto Press.

Page 6: Brepols Catalog 2013


English School Exercises, 1420–1530

Nicholas Ormexii + 442 p., 150 x 230 mm, Ponti"cal Institute of Mediaeval Studies, 2013, ST 181, HB, ISBN 978-0-88844-181-2, ! 80 Available


Publications du Centre Européen d’Études Bourguignonnes (XIVe-XVIe s.)(2013):Négociations, traités et diplomatie dans l"espace bourguignon (XIVe-XVIe siècles)

approx. 300 p., 150 x 230 mm, 2013, PCEEB 53, PB, ISBN 978-2-503-54365-9 Publication prévue pour octobre 2013Subscriptions and price quotation: [email protected]


princes mis en essay… ». Étude des moyens diplomatiques au service de l#alliance entre la Bretagne et la Bourgogne (1465-1475) – N. Bock, H. Simmoneau et B. Walter, L#in-formation et la diplomatie à la %n du Moyen Âge. L#exemple de Picquigny (1475) – J. Devaux, Entre neutralité et guerre larvée : images de la diplomatie tournaisienne dans le Journal de Jean Nicolay (1477-1478) – M. Depreter, Le prince et les États de Flandre wallonne : des diplomaties concurrentes ? Modalités et enjeux du traité de Wavrin (14 décembre 1488) – G. Docquier, Les traités de Calais (1507) : « Pour le bien de nostre très redoubté seigneur et prince et nous tous » ? – G. Naegle, Écrire au père, écrire au prince : relations diplomatiques et familiales dans la correspondance de Maximilien Ier et de Marguerite d#Autriche – G. Bischo$, « Un faiseur de roi ». Le diplomate Paul d#Armsdorf entre Maximilien Ier et Charles Quint – J.-P. Hoyois, Une pause dans les guerres entre l#Empire et la France : la trêve de Bomy (30 juillet 1537) – A. Wijfels, Le déclin de la Hanse au %l de ses négociations avec l#Angleterre (1474-1604)

F orthcoming T itles Autumn 2013 / Medieval Studies

North American customers are advised to order directly through University of Toronto Press.

#is edition of twelve collections of grammar-school exercises makes available for the "rst time the majority of the material in the genre. #e exercises – sentences or short prose pas-sages – illustrate the kind of Latin taught in schools at the end of the middle ages and show how schoolmasters went about teaching the lan-guage. Together, they also provide a new source for the social and cultural history of England in the century before the Reformation.

“In his latest of many distinguished contri-butions to the history of medieval educa-tion, Nicholas Orme edits and translates

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into modern English twelve sets of the translation exercises known as ‘latins.’ De-vised to teach Anglophone boys the basics of Latin composition, these hundreds of short texts do much more than illustrate pedagogical methods that continued in use even as medieval gave way to human-ist Latin in the schools. #ey provide fas-cinating glimpses of "(eenth- and early sixteenth-century English popular culture and everyday life as viewed by adolescents aspiring to worldly success while endur-ing outbreaks of plague, bad meals, and especially the master’s harsh discipline. In his introductions and annotations, Orme draws on his unsurpassed knowledge of English grammar schools to contextual-ize and enhance these vivid images. His-torians of education may be the principal audience for the book, but anyone inter-ested in medieval language, customs, and institutions will consult it with pleasure and pro"t.” (Martin Camargo, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)


/"#.% /*&#*!Table des matières5

B. Schnerb, Hommage à Henri Dubois – St. Curveiller et Ph. Cassez, Les visites des ducs de Bourgogne dans le Calaisis – J.-B. Santamaria, Chantage maternel, patrio-tisme capétien ou réalisme diplomatique ? Le rôle de la comtesse d#Artois et de Bourgogne Marguerite de France et de ses conseillers dans le mariage de Marguerite de Male et Philippe le Hardi – Chr. Masson, Des ambassadeurs entre Liège et Bourgogne. Pour une étude des relations diplomatiques des pouvoirs liégeois avec les ducs Valois – B. Lethenet, Mâcon et la « maudite guerre » (1407-1435). Une diplomatie habile fondée sur le renseignement – A. Grosjean, Action diplomatique et relation historiographique : les deux missions anglaises de Toison d'or dans ses Mémoires (1430-1435) – A. Berlin, La main protectrice du duc de Bourgogne. Les réactions de Philippe le Bon et de Charles le Téméraire face au cas de sorcel-lerie de Jean d#Etampes – L. Colella-Denis, Les réconciliations entre Philippe le Bon et ses sujets révoltés dans les Mémoires de Jacques du Clercq – G. Guihard, « Et se fussent les


Page 7: Brepols Catalog 2013


!e Bayeux TapestryBayeux, Médiathèque municipale: Ms. 1A Sourcebook

Shirley Ann Brownapprox. 400 p., 178 x 254 mm, 2013, PJML 9, PB, ISBN 978-2-503-54917-0, approx. ! 85 Publication date scheduled for November 2013


#e Bayeux Tapestry is a late eleventh-century embroidery, 68.5 metres/224 feet long, visual-izing events leading up to the Battle of Hastings in 1066 and the subsequent Norman Conquest of England. In the past 300 years, since its re-

Lecteurs, lectures et groupes sociaux au Moyen ÂgeActes de la journée d"études organisée par le Centre de recherches « Pratiques médiévales de l"écrit » (PraME) de l"Université de Namur (FUNDP) et le Département des Manuscrits de la Bibliothèque royale de Belgique, Bruxelles, 18 mars 2010

Xavier Hermand, Etienne Renard, Céline Van Hoorebeeck (éd.)approx. 200 p., 156 x 234 mm, 2013, TCC 17, HB, ISBN 978-2-503-55043-5, approx. ! 65 Date de publication prévue pour octobre 2013


Depuis quelques années, la ré%exion sur la place et les usages du livre dans la société médiévale s'est considérablement renouvelée, dans ses mé-thodes comme dans ses objectifs. L'étude des pratiques de lecture au sein de lectorats socia-lement déterminés s'impose désormais comme l'un des courants les plus dynamiques dans l'historiographie relative aux livres et aux bi-bliothèques médiévales. Les dix contributions rassemblées dans ce volume s'inscrivent dans ce champ de la recherche. Historiens et philo-logues y abordent cette thématique de manière plurielle mais complémentaire. Sont tantôt privilégiés les rapports au livre et à la lecture, que ce soit dans le monde monastique, au sein des circuits humanistes ou encore en milieu curial ; tantôt l'identi"cation du lectorat et des usages de tel ou tel texte ou ensemble de textes : chansons de geste, bibles portatives, recueils d’exempla…

Writing and Reading in Medieval Manuscript Culture!e Translation and Transmission of the Story of Elye in Old French and Old Norse Literary Contexts

Ste6a Georgieva Eriksenapprox. x + 279 p., 12 colour ills., 156 x 234 mm, 2013, TCNE 25, HB, ISBN 978-2-503-54779-4, ! 80 Publication date scheduled for October 2013


#is book relates a story about the writing, reading, and reception of one text in three di$erent cultural and political contexts across Europe. #e focus is on the story of the Chris-tian knight Elye and his Saracen princess Ro-


Pre-publication price: 7 75valid until 30 November 2013

Shirley Ann Brown is Professor Emerita of Art History at York University, Toronto. She is also Founding Director of the Registry of Stained Glass Windows in Canada (RSGC).


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samunde, which was translated into Old Norse in the thirteenth century. #is is a study of three of the manuscripts in which the work is preserved: one Old French manuscript from Flanders (BnF, fr. 25516, c. 1280) and two Old Norse manuscripts, one from Norway (DG 4–7 fol., c. 1270) and one from Iceland (Holm Perg 6 4 to, c. 1400). #ese manuscripts repre-sent three di$erent rhetorical and communica-tive situations and show how the writing and reading of the same text was conditioned by the respective cultural and political environment. #e book innovatively conveys Old Norse cul-ture as an active respondent, participant, and thus modulator of European literary tenden-cies. Tracing the translation, transmission, and transformation of the text throughout Europe rede"nes aspects of the Latin-vernacular nexus in the Middle Ages, and thus presents a new and valuable voice in the discussion of medieval European literary and cultural systems.

patronage, artistic sources, dating, and purpose. #e narrative has been interpreted as Norman propaganda by some, as English propaganda by others. Its legitimacy as an historical document has been evaluated, o(en with contradictory conclusions, and attention has been drawn to its value as a re%ection of contemporary life and customs. #e Latin inscriptions have been analysed and shown to exhibit both English and French characteristics. Links have been proposed with English and French epic poetry, while recent scholarship has brought literary and communication theories into discussions. Its numerous reproductions, facsimiles, and “spino$s” attest e$orts to make it known to a greater audience, while emphasizing its rel-evance for modern viewers. It has become the world’s most famous textile.

F orthcoming T itles Autumn 2013 / Medieval Languages & Literatures

discovery in Bayeux Cathedral, it has provided fertile ground for the musings, opinions, and investigations of antiquarians, scholars, novel-ists, journalists, and other interested parties. #is volume reconstructs the o(en turbulent history of this remarkable work of art, and of-fers a critical analysis and annotated bibliogra-phy of the more than 1000 publications which have attempted to answer the many questions it has provoked. Discussions have focused on the origin of the Tapestry – workshop location,

Page 8: Brepols Catalog 2013


La compilación del saber en la Edad Media

Maria José Munoz, Patricia Cañizares Ferris, Cristina Martín (eds.) approx. 600 p., 26 b/w ills., 33 b/w tables, 165 x 240 mm, FIDEM, 2013, TEMA 69, PB, ISBN 978-2-503-55034-3, approx. ! 65 Publication date scheduled for October 2013


La práctica de la compilación de textos de otros autores, existente ya desde la Antigüedad, se desarrolló durante la Edad Media con diversas

!e Medieval Translator Traduire au Moyen ÂgeIn principio fuit interpres

Alessandra Petrina (ed.) xviii + 366 p., 12 b/w ills., 1 b/w table, 156 x 234 mm, 2013, TMT 15, PB, ISBN 978-2-503-54909-5, ! 70 Available


Translation studies centring on medieval texts have prompted new ways to look at the texts themselves, but also at the exchange and trans-mission of culture in the European Middle Ages, inside and outside Europe. #e present volume re%ects, in the range and scope of its es-says, the itinerant nature of the Medieval Trans-lator Conference, at the same time inviting readers to re%ect on the geography of medieval

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Robert Grosseteste and His Intellectual MilieuNew Editions and Studies

John Flood, James R. Ginther, Joseph W. Goering (eds.) xiv + 430 p., 150 x 230 mm, Ponti"cal Institute of Mediaeval Studies, 2013, PMS 24, HB, ISBN 978-0-88844-824-8, ! 75 Available


“#e thirteenth-century English bishop Robert Grosseteste is generally acknowl-edged to have been one of the earliest pro-ponents since classical antiquity of analyti-cal, observational, and experimental ways of thinking that we now know as the scienti"c method. Particularly interested in the na-ture and behaviour of light, Grosseteste de-veloped his ideas in three treatises, of which De colore deals with how human beings perceive colours. #is new translation, the result of a truly multi-disciplinary collabo-ration, elucidates both the historical and linguistic context of Grosseteste’s work and the nature of the physical and psychological questions with which he was engaged. In it, Grosseteste emerges as never before as one of the most remarkable scienti"c minds in the history of European thought.”

(Mary Carruthers, New York University)

técnicas de organización del material, que ex-perimentaron una difusión notable y llegaron a dar vida a diversos géneros literarios como la enciclopedia, el %orilegio y el compendio. Las producciones de este tipo pertenecen, desde un punto de vista literario, a la llamada lite-ratura de préstamo o de plagio y por ello han sido obras menospreciadas, aunque este tipo de ’literatura en segundo grado’ está recibien-do mayor atención en la actualidad. En este volumen se analiza la práctica de la compilación en sus diversas realizaciones y se determina, por una parte, el alcance de su contribución al saber medieval y, por otra, su papel como instrumento del trabajo intelec-tual y como mediadora en la transmisión de la cultura.

translation. By dividing the essays presented here into four groups, the volume highlights lines of communication and shi(s in areas of interest, connecting the migrating nature of the translated texts to the cultural, political and linguistic factors underlying the transla-tion process. Translation was, in each case un-der discussion, the result or the by-product of a transnational movement that prompted the circulation of ideas and texts within religious and/or political discussion and exchange.

F orthcoming T itles Autumn 2013 / Medieval Languages & Literatures

Alessandra Petrina is Associate Professor of English Literature at the Università degli Studi di Padova, Italy. She has published ex-tensively on late-medieval and Renaissance literature and intellectual history, as well as on modern children’s literature, and edited a number of $olumes on early modern English culture.&&&

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Page 9: Brepols Catalog 2013


Geo8rey Chaucer, !e House of Fame, 2nd Edition

Nicholas R. Havely (ed.) approx. 288 p., 150 x 230 mm, 2013, DMRT 3, PB, ISBN 978-0-88844-563-6, ! 20 Publication date scheduled for October 2013


#e "rst version of this edition appeared in 1994 and was described by reviewers as “a con-siderable advance over the work of earlier edi-tors” (Journal of English and Germanic Philol-ogy); “essential reading for those planning to write about the House of Fame” (Speculum); and “an edition which will be useful and infor-mative to both students and Chaucer scholars alike” (Review of English Studies). Critical interest in 'e House of Fame has since continued to develop, and a re-issue of this edi-tion by PIMS has provided an opportunity to acknowledge and support that interest. #e Introduction and Commentary have thus been thoroughly revised to take account of recent scholarship on the poem; glossing in footnotes to the Text and at the end of the volume has been extended; and a number of minor errors have been corrected.

!e Dimensions of ColourRobert Grosseteste"s De colore

Greti Dinkova-Bruun, Giles E. M. Gasper, Michael Huxtable, Tom C. B. McLeish, Cecilia Panti, Hannah Smithson (eds.)approx. 120 p., 150 x 230 mm, 2013, DMRT 4, PB, ISBN 978-0-88844-564-3, ! 15 Available


Robert Grosseteste’s De colore (On Colour), in which Grosseteste constructs a combinato-rial account of colour, plays an important role within the canon of his scienti"c works. In this edition, translation and commentary, the conceptual and analytical tools of contempo-rary science, itself a descendent of Grosseteste and his contemporaries, bring his physical and mathematical reasoning into sharper relief.

!e Trial of the Talmud: Paris, 1240

Robert Chazan, John Friedman, Jean Connell Ho8 (eds.)x + 182 p., 150 x 230 mm, Ponti"cal Institute of Mediaeval Studies, 2013, MST 53, PB, ISBN 978-0-88844-303-8, ! 17 Available


“#e Trial of the Talmud that took place in Paris in 1240 has been the subject of a num-ber of trenchant studies over the years. #e present volume, with its felicitous, anno-tated translations of the Hebrew protocol along with a series of crucial papal letters and other church documents, places before an English-language readership for the "rst time a corpus of the essential primary texts that have framed the earlier scholarly dis-cussions and analyses. #e masterful over-view by Robert Chazan e$ectively locates this disputation in its historical and literary contexts through a de(, critical synthesis of the previous studies; it also o$ers new insights which will undoubtedly serve to shape further discussion of this episode. #is volume should be of great interest to scholars and students of Jewish history and thought, Jewish–Christian relations, and

North American customers are advised to order directly through University of Toronto Press.

North American customers are advised to order directly through University of Toronto Press.

North American customers are advised to order directly through University of Toronto Press.

In 1240, a trial was convened in Paris to inves-tigate allegations that the Talmud was harmful. #is unprecedented event is richly re%ected in a variety of sources, both Christian and Jewish, here brought together in English translation for the "rst time.

Review polemical literature of the middle ages.” (Ephraim Kanarfogel, E. Billi Ivry Professor of Jewish History, Yeshiva University)

F orthcoming T itles Autumn 2013 / Medieval Languages & Literatures

Page 10: Brepols Catalog 2013


Roger Bacon, On Signs

9omas S. Maloney (ed.)xii + 148 p., 150 x 230 mm, Ponti"cal Institute of Mediaeval Studies, 2013, MST 54, PB, ISBN 978-0-88844-304-5, ! 16.50 Available


Roger Bacon’s Opus maius represents an at-tempt to create a whole new vision of what Christian education should be, one centered on service to the Church. In the second chapter of Part 3 of this work he presents a semiotics

William of Auvergne, On Morals

Ronald J. Teske (ed.)approx. 276 p., 150 x 230 mm, Ponti"cal Institute of Mediaeval Studies, 2013, MST 55, PB, ISBN 978-0-88844-305-2, ! 25 Publication date scheduled for October 2013


William of Auvergne, bishop of Paris from 1228 to his death in 1249, was not only one of the most proli"c writers in philosophy and theology of the "rst half of the thirteenth cen-tury but also one of the "rst to use the new translations of Greek and Islamic thought that poured into the Latin West in that century. On Morals, the second part of William’s treatise On the Virtues and the Vices, forms one component of his vast 'e Teaching on God in the Mode of Wisdom. In On Morals he extols the value of the nine virtues – faith, fear, hope, charity, piety, zeal, poverty, humility, and patience – in a so-phisticated narrative where each of the virtues, except humility, of course, speaks in praise of herself and explains her importance.


North American customers are advised to order directly through University of Toronto Press.

with several original features as a partial her-meneutic for studying the scriptures and sacra-ments. It distinguishes itself in o$ering a non-Augustinian de"nition of signs and maps out their logical and natural functions. Bacon spells out numerous ways in which words equivocate, distinguishes between analogy and equivoca-tion, classi"es "ve degrees of equivocation, and comes up with a new notion of analogical signi"cation. Words, he claims, originally were imposed only for existing things and, in con-trast with the majority opinion, name directly the things for which they are imposed and not the latter’s concepts. When a name signi"es a thing, he says, it also co-signi"es anything logi-cally or naturally connected with that thing – its concept, its genus, the thing’s matter and form, its Creator, and so on. And to understand the myriad ways in which things and words sig-nify, he says, is “a thing of marvelous usefulness and beauty.” So what we have here in Bacon’s

North American customers are advised to order directly through University of Toronto Press.

F orthcoming T itles Autumn 2013 / Medieval Languages & Literatures / Church History & Religious Studies

Asketische Schriften des Mönchs Markos (s. XIII)

Philipp Roelli (ed.)approx. 230 p., 156 x 234 mm, 2013, CCT 15, PB, ISBN 978-2-503-53396-4, ! 50


Dieser Band enthält asketische Schri(en des Mönches Markos in deutscher Übersetzung. Über den Autor ist so gut wie gar nichts be-kannt, außer dass er mehrere seiner Schri(en um 1260 für die Schwester Irene des Kaisers Michael VIII. Palaiológos verfasste. Die um-fangreichste darunter ist ein Väter%orilegium zu ihrer Erbauung. Der Autor steht in einer Tradition byzantinischer spiritueller Florile-gien, er verfasste o$enbar nacheinander zwei solche für Irene. Das kleinere, von dem drei Handschri(en bekannt sind, liegt hier in Übersetzung mit kurzen Kommentaren vor, daneben ein Widmungsbrief dazu und drei

eigene Traktate mit einer Lebensanweisung an Irene (die er ihr o$enbar vor den Flori-legien schrieb), einer recht ähnlichen sol-chen an einen Laien und einem Typikon für Nonnen. Für alle diese Werke verfügen wir über eine vom Autor diktierte Handschri(. Markos vertritt einen traditionellen, untech-nischen Hesychasmus und behandelt dazu am ausführlichsten das ununterbrochene Gebet und das Fasten, die ihm als unerlässliche Hand-lungen für jeden Christen – also nicht nur für Mönche, sondern auch für Laien – besonders wichtig sind. Alle Texte sind durchtränkt von Väterzitaten; ausführlich zitiert werden beson-ders o( Gregor von Nazianz, Nilus, Maximus, Johannes Klímakos und Isaak von Ninive. Auch Zitate aus anderen Florilegien, insbeson-dere demjenigen des Níkon vom Schwarzen Berg (11. Jh.), kommen vor.Der diesem Band zugrundeliegende Text er-schien in der Reihe Corpus Christianorum Series Graeca als Marcus monachus, Opera as-cetica: Florilegium et sermones tres (CCSG 72). Die Zi$ern am Seitenrand verweisen auf die entsprechenden Seiten der Edition.

Philipp Roelli ist am Mittellateinischen Se-minar der Universität Zürich als Lehrbeauf-tragter tätig. Momentan arbeitet er an einer lateinischen Volltextdatenbank und studiert das 'ema Latein als Wissenscha(ssprache.

“On Signs” is the most comprehensive and in-novative treatise on semiotics in the thirteenth century.

Page 11: Brepols Catalog 2013


Visions de l"Apocalypse : héritage d"un genre littéraire et interprétations théologiques, d"Irénée à Augustin

Françoise Vinel (éd.) approx. 300 p., 145 x 205 mm, Centre d'Analyse et de Documentation Patristiques, 2013, CBP 14, PB, Ref. 02010268, approx. ! 40 Publication prévue pour octobre 2013


L’Apocalypse de Jean a connu une destinée contras-tée dans le christianisme antique. En grec, à côté de citations éparses, ne sont connus que quelques fragments qui ont circulé sous le nom d'Origène (ici présentés par É. Junod), puis un commen-taire d'Oecuménius au VIe siècle (étudié par L. Vianès), mais les écrits coptes de Nag Hammadi, analysés par A. Pasquier, attestent que l’Apoca-lypse de Jean était connue et utilisée par les gnos-tiques. Dans le christianisme latin, l’Apocalypse de Jean a été lue, commentée et réécrite. La version biblique elle-même est présentée par P. Bogaert;

As the Bandit Will I Confess YouLuke 23.39-43 in Early Christian Interpretation

Mark Glen Bilby approx. 250 p., 145 x 205 mm, Centre d’Analyse et de Documentation Patristiques, 2013, CBP 13, PB, ISBN 978-2-503-55049-7, approx. ! 32 Publication prévue pour novembre 2013


ship, faith (including Nicea’s formulation), justi"-cation by faith, conversion, catechesis, confession, martyrdom, baptism (in many modes), endurance, asceticism, simplicity of language, penitence, and last-minute salvation. A wide variety of typologi-cal readings fashion the bandit as a key participant in the pivotal moment of salvation-history. #e episode’s prominence in Eastern sermons and lec-tionaries coincides with the initial rise of the cult of Dysmas in the East.

#e story of the so-called “Good #ief ” as found in Luke 23:39-43 has a vibrant and diverse a(erlife in early Christianity. Synoptic and eschatological disparities raise concerns and provoke a variety of harmonizations. Controversies notwithstand-ing, early interpreters occupy themselves most of all with the episode’s potential for exhortation as they identi"ed themselves and their hearers with the good bandit. He becomes a model of Chris-tian practices, beliefs and virtues, including wor-

F orthcoming T itles Autumn 2013 / Church History & Religious Studies

Islam: identité et altéritéHommage à Guy Monnot o.p.

Mohammad Ali Amir-Moezzi (éd.)420 p., 7 ill. n/b, 156 x 234 mm, 2013, BEHE 165, PB, ISBN 978-2-503-55026-8, ! 55 Disponible


Détenteur de la chaire d'Exégèse coranique, de 1980 à 1994, à la Section des sciences religieuses de l'École pratique des hautes études à la Sorbonne, le Père Guy Monnot a renouvelé cette discipline majeure de l'islamologie classique en la considé-rant à juste titre comme le centre de gravité de plu-sieurs autres champs d'investigation scienti"que : la pensée théologique, la spiritualité, la littérature,

entre l'islam et les autres religions, Shahrast)n* et ismaélisme, religions iraniennes et littératures per-sane et indo-persane. Les auteurs ont ainsi voulu témoigner leur amitié à l'égard de Guy Monnot ainsi que leur admiration pour la richesse, le rayon-nement et la fécondité de son œuvre.

l'hérésiologie ou encore l'histoire comparée des religions. C'est la raison pour laquelle un certain nombre parmi ses amis, collègues, anciens élèves et étudiants se sont réunis ici a"n de lui rendre hom-mage ainsi qu'à son œuvre par des contributions portant sur ses principaux domaines de recherche : étude du Coran et exégèse coranique, relations

Mohammad Ali Amir-Moezzi est Directeur d#études à l#École pratique des hautes études. Il est le fondateur de la série « Histoire et proso-pographie de la section des sciences religieuses » de la collection « Bibliothèque de l#École des Hautes Études ».

Téléchargez gratuitement une interview avec Guy Monnot, suivie de sa bibliographie:

plusieurs contributions, abordant les œuvres d'Ambroise (M. Cutino), de l'Ambrosiaster (M.-P. Bussières) et d'Augustin (C. Mazzucco), dévoilent la diversité et l'importance des discus-sions théologiques nourries par les références à l’Apocalypse, tandis que la lecture des visions d’Ézéchiel selon l'interprétation de Jérôme (A. Canellis) et l'étude parallèle de l’Apocalypse apo-cryphe de Paul et du textes johanniques, propo-sée par C. Zamagni, permettent de revenir sur l'ancrage de cet écrit néo-testamentaire dans l'apocalyptique juive.

Pluralisme religieux : Une comparaison $anco- vietnamienneActes du colloque organisé à Hanoi les 5-6 octobre 2007

Pascal Bourdeaux, Philippe Ho8mann, Nguy:n H;ng D<=ng (éd.)approx. 300 p., 1 ill. n/b, 156 x 234 mm, 2013, BEHE 164, PB, ISBN 978-2-503-55047-3, approx. ! 55Publication prévue pour octobre 2013


Les notions de pluralité, de pluralisation, de plura-lisme, sont l'objet de débats récurrents. Elles n'en sont pas moins clairement identi"ées et inscrites dans le vocabulaire scienti"que. En prolongeant un dialogue instauré dans le domaine des sciences reli-

gieuses depuis de longues années, la rencontre fran-co-vietnamienne qui s'est tenue à Hanoi en octobre 2007 a permis à un groupe de chercheurs d'échanger sur diverses formes du pluralisme, sur la pertinence de ses dé"nitions, sur les dé"s et les nécessités d'une homogénéisation du lexique religieux. Elle a surtout livré – et les présents actes nous les donnent à lire – des descriptions et des études de cas spéci"ques vi-sant à analyser, en vue de les comparer, les situations, les processus et les modes de régulation du religieux en France et au Viêt Nam. Si le passé colonial et ses legs tendent à expliquer la relation particulière que ces deux pays entretiennent, ce fait ne peut expliquer à lui seul une telle mise en miroir. Héritière d'une histoire religieuse complexe, la France continue aujourd'hui de se diversi"er et de se transformer sous les e$ets d'une laïcité plus que centenaire et de son intégration au sein de l'Union européenne. De son côté – et peut-être plus que tout autre pays de la région – le Viêt Nam a synthétisé les enjeux contemporains du XXe siècle en Asie et il soulève aujourd'hui les questionnements fonda-

mentaux en matière de politique et d'épistémologie du religieux. Religions du monde et courants minoritaires, constructions étatiques et nationales, laïcités au regard des sciences politiques et juridiques, struc-turent un dialogue sur le pluralisme religieux qui se veut porteur à la fois d'une meilleure connaissance mutuelle et d'une ré%exion plus globale sur ce qu'est, en ce début de XXIe siècle, la modernité religieuse.

Pascal Bourdeaux, historien des religions de l#Asie du Sud-Est, est maître de conférences à l#EPHE et membre du GSRL (EPHE-CNRS).Philippe Ho%mann, directeur d#études à l#EPHE, est ancien doyen de la Section des sciences religieuses et actuel directeur du Labex Hastec. Nguy&n H'ng D()ng, spécialiste du catholi-cisme vietnamien, est ancien directeur de l#Insti-tut de Recherches sur les Religions (Académie des Sciences sociales du Viêt Nam, Hanoi).

Page 12: Brepols Catalog 2013

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God’s Chosen PeopleJudah Halevi’s Kuzari and the Sh*’* Im+m Doctrine

Ehud Krinisapprox. x + 360 p., 156 x 234 mm, 2013, CELAMA 7, HB, ISBN 978-2-503-54396-3, ! 90 Publication date scheduled for October 2013


#is book presents a historical perspective for understanding the basis of Judah Halevi’s attraction to Sh* ' * theology, with its unique

category of God’s Chosen. #e polemical argu-ment over the issue of the legitimate successor to leadership in early Islam, as well as the de-bate around the legitimate successor-group in medieval interreligious disputes, emerges as the historical background for the seemingly sur-prising link between the Sh* ' * Im)m doctrine and the idea of the Chosen People in Judah Halevi’s thought. #is link on the one hand portrays Halevi as a bold, original thinker and, on the other, portrays the Sh* ' * Im)m doctrine as exceedingly fruitful and reaching beyond the bounds of Islam.

Religious Controversy in Europe, 1378–1536Textual Transmission and Networks of Readership

Michael Van Dussen, Pavel Soukup (eds.) approx. x + 350 p., 17 b/w ills., 15 b/w line art, 156 x 234 mm, 2013, MCS 27, HB, ISBN 978-2-503-54428-1, ! 90 Publication date scheduled for October 2013


#is book gathers new work by scholars who share a common interest not only in the con-troversial texts of the period between 1378 and 1536, but also in how the use, geographical movement, and manipulation of texts contrib-uted materially to the formation of groups and group identities. #e period covered spans the

traditional medieval/early modern divide and the concomitant transition from manuscript to print. #e years between the eruption of the Great Schism and the outbreak of European reformations witnessed unprecedented ri(s in communities, institutions, and alliances. Yet while the crises of this period gave rise to division, they also prompted new groups to coalesce, resulting in realignments of com-munication networks, readership, and textual circulation in Europe. #e Councils of Con-stance and Basel facilitated the production and dissemination of vast quantities of documents. Movements challenging the Roman Church and e$orts to reform the Church from within provoked a torrent of persuasive and polemical writings which gained further momentum with the introduction of printing. #ese new situa-tions also fostered the development and expres-sion of group identities, de"ned by doctrine, opposition, vernacularity, and a burgeoning sense of national self-consciousness. Religious

Controversy in Europe, 1378–1536 examines the textual and material circumstances of these developments.

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!e Pseudo-Bonaventuran Lives of ChristExploring the Middle English Tradition

Ian Johnson, Allan F. Westphall (eds.) approx. x + 533 p., 156 x 234 mm, 2013, MCS 24, HB, ISBN 978-2-503-54276-8, ! 120 Publication date scheduled for October 2013


#is is a collection of pioneering studies by a distinguished transatlantic team of scholars on a neglected yet canonical tradition of medieval English literature. From the fourteenth to the sixteenth centuries and beyond, the remark-able ‘pseudo-Bonaventuran’ tradition, %owing from the Latin Meditationes vitae Christi (and thought, wrongly, to have been composed by St Bonaventure), gave Europe orthodox models

for how to represent, know, and follow Jesus Christ. #e Meditationes, in a huge variety of Latin and vernacular versions, invite their read-

ers and listeners to imagine themselves present within the Gospel narrative. How to live, what to believe, how to feel, and how to be saved: this eloquent mainstream tradition had an im-pact on the public and private lives of English people more profound and lasting than any text save the Bible itself. For many, it even did the Bible’s work. #e tradition of the Meditationes provides us with a gauge of lived religious sensi-bility without equal in the English later Middle Ages. Deriving from the +ueen’s Belfast-St Andrews AHRC-funded research project, Geographies of Orthodoxy: Mapping the English Pseudo-Bo-naventuran Lives of Christ, c. 1350-1550, this volume questions and revises previous descrip-tions of the devotional, cultural, and political contexts in which pseudo-Bonaventuran Lives of Christ were produced, circulated, read, and understood. #e period spanning the rise and repression of Lollardy, the ostensibly ‘ortho-dox’ "(eenth century, and the Tudor Reforma-tions will never look quite the same again.


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Monasteries on the Borders of Medieval EuropeCon,ict and Cultural Interaction

Emilia Jamroziak, Karen Stöber (eds.) approx. x + 272 p., 5 b/w line art, 156 x 234 mm, 2013, MCS 28, HB, ISBN 978-2-503-54535-6, ! 80 Publication date scheduled for October 2013


#is is the "rst collection to consider the phenomenon of monastic frontiers in a cross-disciplinary manner. #e book’s ten chapters explore the role of monasteries in maintaining political and cultural borders, in breaking and sustaining linguistic boundaries in late medi-eval Europe, as well as in building and stabiliz-ing Latin Christian cultural identities on the northern and southern frontiers of Europe. Us-ing a wide range of textual, archaeological, and material evidence, an international group of au-thors examines the expansion of monastic and mendicant networks in Scandinavia, Iberia, East-Central Europe, the British Isles, northern France, the Balkans, and Frankish Greece.

!e Middle English Life of ChristAcademic Discourse, Translation, and Vernacular !eology

Ian Johnson approx. x + 213 p., 156 x 234 mm, 2013, MCS 30, HB, ISBN 978-2-503-54748-0, ! 75 Publication date scheduled for October 2013


How much did Latin academic theoretical dis-course inform mainstream late medieval Eng-lish literature? Rather than asking this question of secular poetic "ction (Chaucer, Gower), this book investigates a more central genre, lives of Christ. Any adequate understanding of vernac-ular textuality, in an age when most literature

ture in negotiating authority. Where better to test this than the life of Christ?&Derived from the Gospels, this genre&provided the set text for human existence. Too o(en, however, it has been regarded by modern schol-arship as an infantilizing clerical sop to a laity deprived of Scripture and intellectual or con-templative ambition. Inquiry into the translat-ing and the spirituality of Middle English lives of Christ yields, however, eloquent examples not of antagonism and rupture between Latin and vernacular but productive compatibility. #is challenges the common modern supposi-tion that vernacular texts and vernacular theol-ogy are at odds with Latinate clerical culture, and restores the genre’s historic value. Like their dissenting counterparts, lives of Christ, as well as being of interest in their own right, invested in learned literary and theological norms in their textual transactions. Such reli-ance demands modern (re)consideration.

!e Legal Status of dimm*-s in the Islamic West (Second/Eighth- Ninth/Fi-eenth Centuries)

Maribel Fierro, John V. Tolan (eds.)approx. 370 p., 156 x 234 mm, 2013, RELMIN 1, PB, ISBN 978-2-503-54854-8, approx. ! 70 Publication date scheduled for October 2013


F orthcoming T itles Autumn 2013 / Church History & Religious Studies


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NEW SERIES: Religion and Law in Medieval Christian and Muslim Societies presents a series of studies on the history of the legal status of religious minorities in Medieval societies in all their variety and complexity. Most of the publications in this series are the products of research of the European Research Council project RELMIN: 9e Legal Status of Religious Minorities in the Euro-Mediterranean World (5th-15th centuries) (


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was translation of some sort, cannot escape the question of the in%uence of theory on transac-tions and ideology of mainstream literary cul-

#e studies brought together in this volume provide an important contribution to the his-tory of dimm*-s in the medieval d)r al-isl)m, and more generally to the legal history of re-ligious minorities in medieval societies. #e central question addressed is the legal status accorded to dimm*-s ( Jews and Christians) in


the Muslim law in the medieval Muslim west (the Maghreb and Muslim Spain).& #e schol-ars whose work is brought together in these pages have dealt with a rich and complex vari-ety of legal sources. Many of the texts are from the M)lik* legal tradition; they include "qh, fatw)-s, hisba manuals. #ese texts function as the building blocks of the legal framework in which jurists and rulers of Maghrebi and Peninsular societies worked.&#e very richness and complexity of these texts, as well as the variety of responses that they solicited, refute the textbook idea of a monolithic dimm* sys-tem, supposedly based on the Pact of ‘Umar, applied throughout the Muslim world. In fact when one looks closely at the early legal texts or chronicles from both the Mashreq and the Maghreb, there is little evidence for a standard, uniform dimm* system, but rather a wide variety of local adaptations.& #e articles in this volume provide numerous examples of the richness and complexity of interreligious relations in Medieval Islam and the reactions of jurists to those relations.

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Removing Masculine Layers to Reveal a Holy Womanhood: !e Female Transvestite Monks of Late Antique Eastern Christianity

Crystal Lynn Lubinsky approx. 250 p., 156 x 234 mm, 2013, STT 13, PB, ISBN 978-2-503-54981-1, approx. ! 60 Publication date scheduled for November 2013


Female monks have been discussed within the spheres of socio-history, theology, and literary analysis, but no comprehensive study has fo-cused on their historical and gendered context until now. #is book reexamines their hagiog-raphies to reveal that female protagonists pos-sess a holy womanhood regardless of having lay-ers of masculinity applied to their characters. Each masculine layer is scrutinized to explore its purpose in the plots and the plausible mo-tivations for the utilization of transvestite "g-

ures in religious literature. Hagiographers had no intention of transforming their religious protagonists into anything but determined, holy women who are forced to act drastically in order to sustain ascetic dreams begun while mothers, wives, daughters, and sisters. #rough an intertextual method, masculinity and liter-ary themes work to contextualize praise for a holy womanhood within an acceptable gen-dered language, which seems to support a belief in the spiritual potential of women. #is book highlights the potential for complex irony to develop around a female transvestite, which supplies religious tales with intrigue and inter-est, the instruct/chastise mixed audiences, and the potential to portray the reversal inherent in the human drama of salvation.

Dr. Crystal Lynn Lubinsky received her PhD )om the University of Edinburgh in Ecclesias-tical History and currently lectures on ancient history and religious studies for the History Department and Religious Studies Program at University of Massachusetts at Dartmouth in the United States.

Judaïsme ancien – Ancient Judaism, 1, 2013approx. 300 p., 156 x 234 mm, 2013, JAAJ 1, PB, ISBN 978-2-503-54855-5 Publication prévue pour octobre 2013Subscriptions and price quotation: [email protected]


NOUVELLE COLLECTION La revue couvre toutes les probléma-tiques de recherche scienti4que en rap-port direct ou indirect avec le judaïsme ancien pris au sens large et couvrant aus-si bien le judaïsme sacerdotal ou syna-gogal que le judaïsme rabbinique ou chrétien. Elle s3intéresse aux débats et aux résultats de la recherche concer-nant toute la documentation permettant d3accéder à la connaissance du judaïsme ancien dans toutes ses forms et de com-prendre ses dynamiques.

Multiple subscription options & pay-per-view available


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NEW SERIES 9e journal tackles, both directly and in-directly, all of the scienti4c issues asso-ciated with Ancient Judaism. Every as-pect of Judaism, including variations, trends, and di8ering approaches, will be considered. 9e journal is particularly in-terested in debates and the results of re-search regarding primary documenta-tion allowing direct access to knowledge about Ancient Judaism.

Table des matières5

Daniel Boyarin, Is Metatron a Converted Christian? – Steve Bélanger, Entre deux mondes: enjeu d#une terminologie iden-titaire dans le discours apologétique des chrétiens au IIe siècle (Aristide d#Athènes) – José Costa, Entre judaïsme rabbinique et judaïsme sacerdotal: la %gure du patriarche – Emmanuel Friedheim, Le contexte his-torique éclaircissant le texte halakhique ou les positions des Sages vis-à-vis de la culture gréco-romaine du IIe au IVe siècle – Ron Naiweld, Purety of Body, Purety of Self: Hirhur in Rabbinic Literature – #ierry Murcia, Le procès et l#exécution des dis-ciples de Jésus dans le Talmud de Babylone (B. Sanhédrin 43a) – Pierluigi Piovanelli, From Enoch to Seth: Primeval Patrons in Jewish-Apocalyptic and Christian-Gnostic Traditions – Markus Vinzent, Marcion the Jew – David Hamidovic, Du culte des anges aux développements liturgiques du Shema dans le judaïsme ancien – Mohammed Ali Amir-Moezzi, 'e Silent Qur#an and the Speaking Qur#an. History and Scriptures 'rough the Study of Some Ancient Texts – Simon C. Mimouni, Le judaïsme chrétien ancien: quelques remarques et ré*exions sur un problème débattu et rebattu – Pierluigi Lanfranchi, Appeal to Tradition. Celsus on Jews, Christians, and the Roman Empire Recensions

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A Catalogue of Western Book Illumination in the Fitzwilliam Museum and the Cambridge CollegesPart Four: England, Ireland, Scotland, Wales. Volume One: Insular Manuscripts

Stella Panayotova, Nigel Morgan (eds.) approx. 360 p., 440 colour ills., 230 x 330 mm, 2013, HMIMC 4, HB, ISBN 978-1-909400-04-7, approx. ! 175Publication date scheduled for November 2013


#is publication is the "rst volume to appear in the catalogue series devoted to the Brit-ish Isles and covers Insular and Anglo-Saxon manuscripts produced between c. 700 and c. 1100 AD. #is was a period in which Brit-ain witnessed a great blossoming of cultural awareness and artistic cra(smanship. Under the reign of King Alfred towards the end of the ninth century England experienced a renewed impetus for scholarly activity, and as a result the production of books intensi"ed greatly. By the early tenth century, in%uenced and inspired by new trends and ideas from Continental Eu-rope, English art began to %ourish, and manu-script illumination especially made a great impact with the high quality of its "gure style and decorated initials, and with its elegance of script and mise-en-page.



A Catalogue of Byzantine Manuscripts in their Liturgical Context: Challenges and PerspectivesCollected Papers Resulting $om the Expert Meeting of the Catalogue of Byzantine Manuscripts Programme Held at the P!U in Kampen, the Netherlands on 6th-7th November 2009

Klaas Spronk, Gerard Rouwhorst, Stefan Royé (eds.)approx. 350 p., 216 x 280 mm, 2013, CBM-SUBSIDIA 1, ISBN 978-2-503-54895-1, ! 80 Publication date scheduled for October 2013


#e world of Byzantine manuscripts is fascinat-ing but also confusing. Although they play an important part in modern studies on the his-tory of Christian liturgy and on the textual his-tory of the Bible, a clear overview of the vast amount of these manuscripts in their many dif-ferent forms is lacking. A new approach in their cataloguing is called for. #e present volume

NEW SERIES 9e aim of CBM is to produce a new se-ries of catalogues of Byzantine manu-scripts from the 4th century onwards,

Prof. dr. Klaas Spronk, Head of the Re-search Department Sources of the Protestant 'eological University (P'U), and chair-man of the CBM Academic Board, location Amsterdam.Prof. dr. Gerard Rouwhorst is Professor of Liturgical History at the Tilburg School of Catholic 'eology and member of the De-partment of Biblical Sciences and Church History of that institution. He is member of the CBM Academic Board. Dr. Stefan Royé, CBM programme coordi-nator and secretary of the Academic Board, member of Research Department Sources of the Protestant 'eological University (P'U, location Amsterdam).

brings together a number of specialists in the "eld of Byzantine, liturgical and Biblical stud-ies with the aim to develop a new methodol-ogy for codicological research of the Byzantine manuscripts, taking seriously the original en-vironment of the integral codices in the mon-asteries and the churches in which they were manufactured and functioned.

Problems and Possibilities of Early Medieval Charters

Johathan Jarrett, Allan Scott McKinley (eds.) approx. x + 288 p., 5 b/w ills., 6 b/w line art, 156 x 234 mm, 2013, IMR 19, HB, ISBN 978-2-503-54830-2, ! 80 Publication date scheduled for October 2013


Although historical work on the early Middle Ages relies to an enormous extent on the evidence provided by charters and other such documents, the paradigms within which such documents are interpreted have changed rela-tively slowly and unevenly. #e critical turn, the

increasing availability of digital tools and cor-pora for study, and the acceptance among char-ter specialists that their discipline can inform a wider "eld all encourage rethinking. From 2006 to 2011 a series of sessions at the Leeds International Medieval Congress addressed this by applying new critiques and technologies to early medieval diplomatic material from all over Europe. #is volume collects some of the best of these papers by new and young scholars and adds related work from another session. #e subjects range from reinterpretations of Carolingian or Anglo-Saxon political history, through the production and use of charters by all ranks of society and their subsequent pres-ervation from Spain to Germany and England to Italy, to explorations of new media leading to new kinds of results from such evidence. #e result is an array of new perspectives which

makes an important contribution to recent re-considerations of charter studies. It will inform a wide audience from all walks of medieval his-torical studies.

based on the insight that the liturgical function of Byzantine codices was a deci-sive factor in their conception and man-ufacture.CBM has developed a comprehensive methodology (coined as “codico-liturgi-cal”), which draws directly from the in-sights of modern Byzantine codicology, whereby the “complete codex” is stud-ied in its given condition, both in con-tent and form. 9e focus does not lie solely on the text or on a selection of texts in any given codex, but is based on relat-ing the manuscripts to their original en-vironment, i.e. the liturgical context and practice of the monasteries and church-es in which they were produced and func-tioned.

F orthcoming T itles Autumn 2013 / Manuscript Studies


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!e Social Life of IlluminationManuscripts, Images, and Communities in the Late Middle Ages

Joyce Coleman, Mark Cruse, Kathryn A. Smith (eds.) approx. x + 309 p., 125 b/w ills., 8 colour ills., 160 x 240 mm, 2013, TCNE 21, HB, ISBN 978-2-503-53212-7, ! 120 Publication date scheduled for October 2013


#is anthology is the "rst broadly based explo-ration of an issue now emerging at the inter-section of art history and literary study: how the interplay of images and texts in medieval manuscripts enabled an array of social interac-

tions that helped shape individual and com-munal experience and identities. An interdis-ciplinary group of scholars, from Art History, English, and French departments, has com-bined to explore the ways in which pictures in a book can have a ‘social life’. Setting aside the traditional assumption that illuminated manu-scripts were meant chie%y for the eyes of soli-tary reader-viewers, the essays in this anthology demonstrate that illuminations took on social dimension in many ways. #ey could cue inter-nal dialogues with religious "gures or family members; they could be described, explained, and/or viewed communally during public read-ings; and they could draw their viewers into joint celebration of core secular or religious values. As much as architectural monuments, contracts, and rituals, illuminations provide a way for us to map the multiple dimensions of medieval social life.

La biblioteca di Pietro CrinitoManoscritti e libri a stampa della raccolta libraria di un umanista .orentino

Michaelangiola Marchiaro approx. 400 p., 116 b/w ills., 18 colour ills., 38 b/w tables, 12 colour tables, 165 x 240 mm, FIDEM, 2013, TEMA 67, PB, ISBN 978-2-503-54949-1, ! 55 Publication date scheduled for October 2013


Il volume si colloca all'interno di un complesso di ricerche che negli ultimi quaranta anni han-no a$rontato la cultura gra"ca e la complessi-va eredità culturale di umanisti della cerchia laurenziana, quali Angelo Poliziano, Marsilio Ficino, Bartolomeo Fonzio (libri appartenenti alla loro biblioteca, talora autogra" oppure rea-lizzati da copisti di "ducia, ma anche materiali

di lavoro della più varia natura, quali appunti, schedature, commenti inediti, traditi da fasci-coli autogra", talora oggetto di plurime, succes-sive sistemazioni in forma di volume). Il lavoro ha per oggetto la ricostruzione della biblioteca di Pietro Crinito (1474-1507), lo

Michaelangiola Marchiaro è Dottore di ri-cerca in Storia della Tradizione dei Testi nel Medioevo e nel Rinascimento. Lavora attual-mente presso l#Archivio Capitolare di Pistoia. E’ membro dell#AIMD (Associazione Mano-scritti Datati d#Italia), di APICES (Associa-tion Paléographique Internationale Culture, Écriture, Société) e dell#AAE (Associazione Archivistica Ecclesiastica).

Probable TruthEditing Medieval Texts $om Britain in the Twenty-First Century

Vincent Gillespie, Anne Hudson (eds.) approx. x + 685 p., 12 b/w ills., 6 b/w line art, 156 x 234 mm, 2013, TT 5, HB, ISBN 978-2-503-53683-5, ! 135 Publication date scheduled for October 2013


Editing as an academic mode of work has had a variable ‘press’ - it is o(en seen as just plumbing. But without editions no historian of whatever critical persuasion could operate. Texts that are not edited are e$ectively invisible.

#e advent of electronic means of text produc-tion has also raised new possibilities and new problems that need to be openly considered rather than ignored. #e papers in this volume re%ect those concerns, and explore the ways forward. How do the best editorial procedures of the past get transmitted to the future? A distinguished line-up of experienced editors and younger scholars actively grappling with these issues re%ect on their engagement with the challenges of textual theory and editorial practice.No single solution emerges as applicable to all texts and for all editions; the individual char-acteristics of each text and its transmission, to-gether with the intended audience of each edi-tion, emerge as primary areas for consideration.

studio della sua cultura gra"ca e un catalogo complessivo di tutti i libri che gli apparten-nero. In assenza di inventari e disposizioni testamentarie, la biblioteca del Crinito è stata ricostruita attraverso un sistematico spoglio della bibliogra"a di riferimento, ma anche attraverso controlli diretti dei singoli fondi delle principali biblioteche in cui sono giunti materiali del Crinito. La ricerca ha portato al reperimento di 34 volumi di proprietà del Cri-nito per un totale di 64 unità codicologiche.

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Carlo Cesare Malvasia’s Felsina pittrice:Volume XIII: Lives of Domenichino and Francesco Gessi

Elizabeth Cropper, Lorenzo Pericolo (eds.) 528 p., 135 coulour ills., 220 x 280 mm, 2013, HMFP 13, HB, ISBN 978-1-909400-00-9, approx. ! 150 Publication date scheduled for October 2013



Richly illustrated, this critical edition and English translation of Malvasia’s lives of Do-menichino and Francesco Gessi from his Felsina pittrice o$er access to the life and work of two great masters of seventeenth-century Bologna. Domenichino’s life plays a seminal role in Mal-vasia’s de"nition of the “fourth age” of painting in Italy. From the very beginning, Malvasia pits against each other Guido Reni and Domenichi-no, the two champions of the vanguard style that emerged from the Carracci reform of painting. If Guido becomes the idol of the Lombard and Bolognese school, “more attuned to tenderness

Renaissance and Later Architecture and Ornament

Paul Davies, David Hemsoll with contributions by Ian Campbell and Simon Pepper2 vols., approx. 800 p., 227 b/w ills., 362 colour ills., 210 x 280 mm, 2013, HMPMA 10, HB, ISBN 978-1-905375-77-6, approx. ! 219 Publication date scheduled for October 2013


#is two-volume catalogue is the second Part of the catalogue raisonné devoted to the large corpus of architectural and topographical drawings from the Paper Museum. #e "rst Part (A.IX), published in 2004, was dedicated to drawings of ancient Roman topography and architecture, while the present one covers Renaissance and seventeenth-century architec-tural drawings. Commissioned and collected by Cassiano dal Pozzo (1588–1657) and his younger brother Carlo Antonio (1606–89), these drawings are today divided between the

Royal Library at Windsor Castle, the British Museum’s Department of Greek and Roman Antiquities, and numerous other institutions and private collections worldwide. Bringing them here together emphasises the remarkable range and quality of the collection as a whole and provides an opportunity to bring to public attention drawings that are for the most part unpublished and unidenti"ed.

As a collection of mostly earlier material ac-quired rather than commissioned by Cassiano and Carlo Antonio, the drawings provide a comprehensive coverage of Renaissance archi-tecture and architectural ornament, including churches, palaces, villas and military forti"ca-tions, as well as designs for architectural "t-ments and decorative schemes. Many of the drawings are of particular scholarly interest as actual project drawings from the hands, work-shops or immediate circles of distinguished sixteenth- and seventeenth-century architects, including Raphael, Giulio Romano, Antonio da Sangallo the Younger, Pirro Ligorio, Jacopo Barozzi da Vignola and Gianlorenzo Bernini. As such they are connected with some of the most famous buildings constructed or remod-elled during this period, among them St Peter’s and St John Lateran in Rome and the princely palaces in Mantua, Piacenza and Granada in

and among unresolvable contradictions. His as-similation of Domenichino’s art to the Roman and Tuscan canon is, then, profoundly polemi-cal. In this light, Malvasia’s life of Domenichino can be de"ned as the most tormented and ulti-mately unsuccessful eulogy in the Felsina pittrice: a great piece of art-historical criticism about an artist whose greatness Malvasia could not deny. Malvasia’s assessment of the artistic personality of Francesco Gessi turns upon the painter’s rival-ry with his master, Guido Reni, whose perfection in painting nevertheless remains unmatchable. In relating how Domenichino snatched away the highly talented Giovan Battista Ruggeri from his previous master, Francesco Gessi, Malvasia turns the con%icts inherent in Domenichino’s life into a generational struggle between artistic factions. In the process, Malvasia provides important bio-graphical information about Giovan Giacomo Sementi, another of Guido’s disciples and Gessi’s lifelong rival.

and audacity,” Domenichino embodies an ideal of perfection more in keeping with the Floren-tine and Roman school, “fond of "nish and dili-gence.” Malvasia reports that he did not know Do-menichino, and his reconstruction of the career of the master as he moved among Rome, Naples, and Bologna stands in stark contrast to Giovan Pietro Bellori’s more sympathetic account, pub-lished in 1672. If, to redeem the supremacy of the Bolognese school, Malvasia downplays the problem of Domenichino’s “erudition” and “fer-tility” of invention, he does so with hesitation

Spain. A smaller group of drawings is associ-ated with architectural theory and includes a remarkable series of façade schemes here attrib-uted to Sebastiano Serlio.

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!e Arca di Sant’Agostino and the Hermits of St. Augustine in Fourteenth-Cantury Pavia

Sharon Dale approx. 300 p., 43 b/w ills., 12 colour ills., 220 x 280 mm, 2013, HMSAH 74, HB, ISBN 978-1-909400-01-6, approx. ! 100 Publication date scheduled for November 2013


In 1327 Pope John XXII granted the Hermits of St. Augustine joint possession of San Pietro in Ciel d’Oro in Pavia, a church that until then had been for a century in the sole charge of the Canons Regular of St. Augustine. Both orders claimed a founding by St. Augustine himself,

whose relics were somewhere in the church —although their precise location was unknown. #e unprecedented division of the church and the ensuing con%ict between the Hermits and the Canons were embedded in the larger strug-gle between the forces of universal church and regional state that engulfed the city of Pavia and ultimately much of Italy in the fourteenth century. Both city and church were contested repeatedly among the papacy, the empire, and the Visconti. #is book is a study of the po-litical negotiation between the papacy and the Visconti conducted by the Hermits at San Pi-etro in Ciel d’Oro in the Trecento — and a re-lated examination of the Arca di Sant’Agostino, the patronage and iconography of which were deeply enmeshed in that larger historical con-text. At a basic level, the Arca promotes the Hermits’ claims over those of the Canons Regular, creat-ing a collective, institutional memory of the Hermits that identi"es them as the true sons and heirs of Augustine by appropriating his writings, relics, and biography. However, the Arca is also

a remarkable document of the Hermits’ role in the complex political negotiations between the papacy and the Visconti. #at the Arca di Sant’Agostino was paid for almost entirely by donations from Galeazzo II Visconti, his wife Blanche of Savoy, and their political allies is a cir-cumstance that has never been examined. #ere is much in the iconography of the Arca that is relevant to the Visconti, such as the prominent depiction of the Virtues, recalling Giangaleazzo Visconti’s title, #e Count of Virtues. #e ico-nography also includes the +uattro Santi Coro-nati, emblematic "gures of papal temporal pow-er. I link them to the Donation of Constantine, the forged document that served for centuries as the legal basis for papal temporal power. #e promotion of papal plentitudo potestatis played a central role in Augustinian doctrine, explaining the Hermits’ unusually close political a,liation with the papacy. #us, the Arca iconography embraces three seemingly disparate agendas: the Hermits’ own claims to St. Augustine, the cel-ebration of Visconti authority in Lombardy, and the promotion of papal temporal power.

Denijs van Alsloot (vers 1568? - 1625/26)Peintre paysagiste au service de la cour des archiducs Albert et Isabelle

Sabine Van Sprangapprox. 350 p., 52 ill. n/b, 190 x 250 mm, 2013, PICT 15, HB, ISBN 978-2-503-52555-6, approx. ! 125 Publication prévue pour novembre 2013


Denijs van Alsloot (vers 1568& ?- 1625/26) fut incontestablement le principal paysagiste à Bruxelles au début du XVIIe siècle. Il sut

rapidement s'attirer les faveurs de la cour, où il occupa une position privilégiée. Ses pay-sages, composés à la fois d'éléments empruntés à l'héritage bruegélien et à une iconographie courtoise issue de l'art de la tapisserie, semblent avoir visé en premier lieu une clientèle de princes, de courtisans et de grands commis de l'état. L'ouvrage explore pour la première fois de manière systématique les di$érentes facettes de la production connue de van Alsloot. Com-posé de deux parties, il propose une étude qui non seulement repose sur une analyse des œuvres du point de vue stylistique et technolo-gique, mais les situe aussi dans le contexte des pratiques d'atelier de l'époque et dans celui de la politique artistique des archiducs.

#e paintings present a wide variety of com-positional types and integrated iconographic elements. Monumental life-size portraits co-exist with small scale representations. At the same time, there is a clear di$erentiation in ty-pology according to the city where they were produced. Along with the formal analysis, attention is paid to the material-technical gen-esis of these compositions, combining in some cases visual observation with scienti"c imag-ery and archival evidence. Also the question why patrons would order a group portrait, and how to interpret such ‘corporate splendour’, is dealt with, making use of the richly collected contemporary documents, which permit to contextualize the portraits and, in some cases, reconstruct their original habitat. #ey thus shed light on a number of factors that were involved in the realization of Brabantine civic group portraits: the type of patrons and their socio-economic and political position; the im-mediate cause for ordering a group portrait;


CORPORATE  SPLENDOURBeatrijs  Wolters  van  der  Wey


Corporate SplendourA Typological, Iconographic and Social Approach to Civic Group Portraits in Brabant 1585-1800

Beatrijs Wolters van der Weyapprox. 450 p., 150 b/w ills., 190 x 250 mm, 2013, PICT 18, HB, ISBN 978-2-503-55037-4, approx. ! 140 Publication date scheduled for November 2013


Civic group portraits, depicting trades and guilds, militias, magistrates, governors of chari-table institutions and confraternities, were in the old duchy of Brabant during the Ancien Ré-gime much better represented than is generally thought. Some hundred paintings are revealed, especially in the cities of Antwerp, Brussels, Leuven and Mechelen. For the "rst time, the book zooms in on this important subgenre of Flemish portraiture.

the artists called upon; the prices and terms of payment; and the destination – (semi)public / private, sacral / secular – of the paintings.

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Oltre il ri,essoStoria, iconogra.a e società negli specchi etruschi del Museo Archeologico Nazionale di Parma

Marco Cavalieri, Giacomo Baldiniapprox. 224 p., 100 colour ills., 190 x 255 mm, 2013, ARTES 4, PB, ISBN 978-2-503-54914-9, approx. ! 55 Publication date scheduled for October 2013


Nonostante l'interesse storico ed archeologico che la collezione di specchi etruschi del Museo Archeologico Nazionale di Parma riveste, "no ad oggi mancava una pubblicazione scienti"ca ed esaustiva sull'argomento. +uesto libro col-ma la lacuna. L'opera si divide in tre sezioni di-

Late Raphael

Miguel Falomir (ed.) approx. 200 p., 200 x 250 mm, 2013, PMP 4, PB, ISBN 978-2-503-54947-7, approx. ! 65 Publication date scheduled for August 2013


de Medici – Carmen C. Bambach, Leonardo and Raphael, circa 1513-16 – Timothy Cli$ord, Raphael and the Decorative Arts – Lorraine Karafel, Raphael’s Tapestries – Christa Gardner von Teu$el, Raphael’s Visitation: Law, Concord, Female Hierarchy and Peace – Roberto Bartalini, Da Ra+aello a Sodoma. Sulla camera nuziale di Agostino Chigi alla Farnesina – Costanza Barbieri, Sebastiano del Piombo, Raphael, and Agos-tino Chigi’s Patronage – David Franklin, Rafaellino del Colle and Giulio Romano – Arnold Nesselrath, Giovanni da Udine in Raphael’s Workshop – Linda Wolk-Simon,

Eternal Ravenna

Massimiliano Davidapprox. 288 p., 200 b/w ills., 240 x 310 mm, 2013, HB, ISBN 978-2-503-54941-5, approx. ! 95 Publication date scheduled for October 2013


Ravenna is worldwide renown for its monu-ments, exceptionally conserved although reworked through time, and for its unique widespread of mosaics in the Mediterranean. Starting from an updated load of studies and researches, this volume tries to avoid a simpli-"cation in the perceiving of the Ravenna phe-nomenon: Ravenna becoming Byzantine.

#is volume is the result of new studies and of a systematic photographic campaign that has documented the whole artistic heritage of the city and of its territories from the origins to the end of the Middle Ages. In this work are gathered – summarized and clearly explained in their urban context – the results of the most re-cent researches on Ravenna monuments by the major world scholars of the last 50 years.

Massimiliano David is Professor of ar-chaeology of the Late antiquity and of the Late-antique city in the archaeology de-partment at the university of Bologna. His interests are focused on urban and land-scape archaeology, on building techniques, and on the subjects: history of archaeol-ogy and of excavation technique, mate-rial culture and antiquarian collecting.

stinte ma complementari: la prima, a carattere antiquario, ripercorre le principali vicende che hanno portato alla formazione della collezione, attraverso un'analisi storico-critica delle esigen-ze didattico-estetiche tipiche della ricerca ar-cheologica nella prima metà del XIX secolo. La seconda, più prettamente etruscologica, prende in considerazione in un dettagliato catalogo i singoli reperti oggetto dello studio, cercando di ricostruirne il contesto culturale di provenien-za, in particolare su base stilistico-comparativa. In"ne, il vasto repertorio gra"co e fotogra"co, permette ai materiali di porsi alla diretta at-tenzione del lettore. Il libro, nelle sue diverse articolazioni, o$re una completa prospettiva sui materiali e sulla storia della collezione degli specchi etruschi di Parma, coniugando in una sola opera analisi storico-antiquaria e quelle ti-pologica e stilistico-iconogra"ca dei manufatti.

Miguel Falomir, Introduction – Paul Barol-sky, 'e Elusive Raphael – Sheryl Reiss, Raphael, Pope Leo X, and Cardinal Giulio

Marco Cavalieri è Professore di Archeologia e Storia dell#Arte Romana e Antichità Itali-che presso l'Université catholique de Lou-vain. Attualmente è anche titolare dell#in-segnamento di Archeologia delle province romane alla Scuola di Specializzazione in Beni Archeologici dell#Università degli Studi di Firenze.Giacomo Baldini si è laureato in Lettere e Filoso%a, (indirizzo archeologico) presso l#U-niversità degli Studi di Firenze con una tesi in Etruscologia ed Archeologia Italica, spe-cializzandosi successivamente in Archeologia Classica presso il medesimo Ateneo.

F orthcoming T itles Autumn 2013 / Art & Architecture

Table of Contents

Pellegrino da Modena – Jan Sammer, Tom-maso Vincidor and the Flemish Romanists – Robert La France, Timoteo Viti and Ra-phael – David Love, Gian)ancesco Penni: Designs For Overlooked Panel Paintings – Sylvia Ferino, Raphael’s St. Margaret in Vienna – Miguel Falomir, Rafael y Tiziano – Charles Dempsey, Raphael´s Legacy in Italy circa 1600 – Paul Joannides, Latest Af-terthoughts – Tom Henry, Ex post facto (“el momento de la verdad”)

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A Masterly Hand. Interdisciplinary Research on the Late-Medieval Sculptor(s) Master of Elsloo in an International PerspectiveProceedings of the Conference held at the Royal Institute for Cultural Heritage in Brussels on 20-21 October 2011

Peters Famke, Christina Ceulemans (eds.) approx. 340 p., 230 x 290 mm, 2013, SCAR 9, HB, ISBN 978-2-503-55016-9, ! 60 Publication date scheduled for November 2013


In 1940 the art historian J.J.M. Timmers intro-duced the name ‘Master of Elsloo’ to describe the anonymous creator of a late-Gothic wooden statue of St Anne with the Virgin and Child in St Augustine’s Church in Elsloo, a town in Limburg

gin of the wood and the relationship between the works. A number of complementary studies help to situate the ‘Master of Elsloo’ more accurately in ‘his’ historical and artistic context. #e results of all these studies were presented as papers at the colloquium organised by the Royal Institute for Cultural Heritage on 20 and 21 October 2011. A Masterly Hand. Interdisciplinary Research on the Late-Medieval Sculptor(s) Master of Elsloo in an International Perspective brings together the proj-ect’s "ndings, to which are added an inventory of works associated with the ‘Master of Elsloo’ and the results of new archival research.

in the present-day Netherlands. In the following decades many other stylistically-related statues came to be associated with the St Anne. As a re-sult, the Master of Elsloo’s oeuvre grew to include at least two-hundred works. Until recently, stud-ies of these sculptures and their maker(s) have been almost exclusively stylistic in approach. Yet the works of the ‘Master of Elsloo’ evoke many questions that require thorough investigation. +uestions about the identity of the woodcarver or, more likely, the woodcarvers grouped under the sobriquet of ‘Master of Elsloo’, their artistic roots, their period and place of activity, and the organisation of their work in the workshop or shops. #e major interdisciplinary research proj-ect carried out in 2010-2011 by the Royal Insti-tute for Cultural Heritage in Brussels together with partners from Belgium and other countries was intended to shed new light on this sizeable group of statues and their makers. #is time sty-listic study was augmented by extensive examina-tion of the materials and techniques employed with particular emphasis on workbench marks and the remains of any original polychromy. Also extremely important was the dendrochrono-logical analysis of a large number of sculptures, which led to surprising results regarding the ori-

Questions d"ornement

Ralph Dekoninck, Caroline Heering (éd.) 285 p., 150 ill. n/b, 24 ill. couleur, 210 x 297 mm, 2013, TA 6, PB, ISBN 978-2-503-54943-9, approx. ! 75 Publication prévue pour octobre 2013


Ralph Dekoninck, Caroline Heering et Michel Le-z, Introduction – Caroline Heering, Ques-tionner l#ornement – Debra Scha(er, From Medieval Metaphor to Modern Kunstwollen : the 19th-Century Transformation of Ornamen-tal Perception – #omas Golsenne, Le « pathos décoratif » italien du ,uattrocento selon Aby Warburg – Catherine Titeux, L#ornement d#ar-chitecture à l#âge classique, statuts et fonctions : l#apport d#Alberti – Frédérique Lemerle, Les ordres comme ornement dans la tradition vitru-vienne (XVIe-XVIIe siècles) – Maarten Delbeke, L#ornement et la beauté chez Piranèse et ses inter-locuteurs – Anne-Françoise Morel, “Moral Or-namentation” of English Church Architecture in the 17th-Century – Chiara Basalti, Getting back

ornement dans les décors italiens du XVIe siècle : le cas de la Galleria degli Stucchi du palais Capodiferro à Rome – Anne Perrin-Khelissa, Comment orne-t-on la sculpture en biscuit de Vincennes-Sèvres au XVIIIe siècle ? Figures en porcelaine ; ornements en bronze – Émilie Rof-"dal-Motte, Distinction et union des genres : les ornements et les reliefs sculptés du mobilier liturgique du sud-est de la France (XVIIIe siècle) – Valérie Nègre, Les ornements d#architecture en matériaux factices et leur réception en France à la %n du XVIIIe siècle – Émilie Passignat, Des )ises, des emblèmes, des festons, des grotesques. Giorgio Vasari et le cycle décoratif du Palazzo Vecchio à Florence – Valérie Herremans, Rubens as an In$entor of Ornament – Sébastien Bontemps, Le dessin, témoin du relief au service de l#orne-mental – Linda Hinners, Specialist Skills in the Workshop of French Ornamental Sculptors at the Royal Palace of Stockholm, circa 1700 – Ariane Varela Braga, Règles et principes : l#enseignement du dessin d#ornement en Angleterre à la %n du XVIIIe siècle – Sarah Munoz, Écriture du mur, écriture de soi : les têtes en médaillon sculptées dans l#architecture privée de la Renaissance en France – Isabelle Gilles, L#ornement au service de la distribution – Laurent Regard, Pouvoir du cadre et droit des images, l#épiscopat )ançais face à ses tableaux

to the Meaning. 'e Function of Ornament and 18th-Century Funerary Sculpture – Yves Pauwels, Elocutio. Les %gures de l#ornement en architec-ture à l#âge classique – Olivier Deloignon, À la lumière des pages. Formes et fonctions de l#orne-mentation typographique au XVIe siècle – Lizzie Boubli, Une poétique de l#ornement : l#exemple de l#Allégorie de l#Hymen d#Agnolo Bronzino – Pascal Julien, Termes, atlantes et caryatides : corps et décors d#une architecture discursive. XVIe-XVIIIe siècles – Évelyne #omas, Termes et caryatides dans les dessins et gravures de Jacques Androuet Du Cerceau – Bertrand Prevost, Des putti et de leurs guirlandes. Points, nœuds, monde – Femke Speelberg, Ordine con piu orna-mento. Reconsidering the Origins of Strapwork Ornament in Relation to the Emancipation of the Ornamental Frame – Brigitte D'Hainaut, Assonances, dissonances et résonances. E-cacités structurantes de l#ornement dans l#architecture religieuse des Pays-Bas aux XVIIe et XVIIIe siècles – Michel Le-z, L#ornement tiendrait-il à un cheveu ? Jalons pour une grammaire formelle des cheveux, barbes et autres représentations pilleuses – Alexandra Ballet, Lorsque la bordure devient sujet. L#exemple des intarsie au ,uattrocento – Christian Michel, Le putto entre motif orne-mental et %gure – Édouard Degans, La console dans l#architecture *orentine du XVIe siècle, entre ornement et sculpture – Nicolas Cordon, Stuc et

Table des matières5

Light and Shade in Dutch and Flemish ArtA History of Chiaroscuro in Art !eory and Artistic Practice in the Netherlands of the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries

Ulrike Kern275 p., 107 b/w ills., 156 x 234 mm, 2013, TA 7, PB, ISBN 978-2-503-54944-6, approx. ! 110 Publication date scheduled for October 2013


#is book presents the "rst systematic analysis of artistic techniques and terminology related to the rendering of light and shade in Dutch and Flemish art from the early-seventeenth to the mid-eighteenth century. It traces a shi( in aesthetic perception, which is visible in the han-dling of chiaroscuro in Dutch and Flemish art in the course of 150 years, and challenges the view, widespread since Julius von Schlosser’s in-%uential survey of European art and literarure, that Netherlandish art was mainly uninventive. In their discussions Netherlandish writers of art theory drew on a) earlier and foreign art literature, b) their insights, mainly as paint-ers, into workshop practice, c) observation of nature (including natural sciences) and d)

aesthetic judgement. #is volume investigates the di$erent extents to which Netherlandisch writers on art depended on these four aspects as they devised their concepts of chiaroscuro and how this relates to contemporary picto-rial practice. Statements on chiaroscuro in the writings of Karel van Mander, Philips Angel, Willem Goeree, Samuel van Hoogstraten, Ge-rard de Lairesse, Arnold Houbraken and Jacob Campo Weyerman have been compared with paintings of the period to test the writers’ state-ments against the artists’ methods.

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Sir Joshua Reynolds: Propos sur l"art

Jan Blanc approx. 800 p., 210 x 297 mm, 2013, TA 4, PB, ISBN 978-2-503-54337-6, approx. ! 175 Publication date scheduled for October 2013


trois articles pour l'Idler et ses quinze discours académiques. Il n'existait pourtant aucune édi-tion complète de ses écrits, tant en anglais qu'en français.Présentant pour la première fois l'intégralité des textes connus de sir Joshua Reynolds, qu'ils aient été publiés de son vivant et après sa mort ou restés à l'état de manuscrits, cet ouvrage pro-pose ainsi une révision complète des théories et des pratiques artistiques du peintre, à l'aune de textes connus, méconnus et inconnus. Réunis pour la première fois et présentés de façon sys-tématique et comparative, ceux-ci permettent de mieux éclairer une carrière et une pensée plus cohérentes qu'on ne l'a dit, moins confor-miste qu'on ne l'a prétendu. Ils constituent sur-tout des documents capitaux pour une histoire artistique mais aussi culturelle, sociale, histo-rique, littéraire, théâtrale et politique du Siècle des Lumières.

Die bebilderte Enea Silvio Piccolomini Handschri- des Charles de FranceEin Beitrag zur Buchmalerei in Bourges und zum Humanismus in Frankreich

Robert Schindler190 x 250 mm, 2013, ARS 17, HB, ISBN 978-2-503-54612-4, Ca. ! 100 Voraussichtliches Erscheinungsdatum November 2013


Die vorliegende Studie ist die erste ausführ-liche Untersuchung der Handschri( Ms. 68 in der Sammlung des J. Paul Getty Museums. Der Kodex enthält zwei Texte des bedeuten-

den Humanisten und Diplomaten Enea Sil-vio Piccolomini, des späteren Papstes Pius II., De Curialium miseriis und Historia de duobus amantibus, die er 1444 noch vor Beginn seiner klerikalen Karriere verfasste. Die herausragen-de Bedeutung der Handschri( resultiert ei-nerseits aus der buchmalerischen Ausstattung, die von besonderer Qualität ist und von einem bis vor kurzem völlig unbekannten Buchmaler ausgeführt wurde, andererseits aus ihrer kultur-historischen Stellung im Kontext des französi-schen Frühhumanismus.Dem Piccolomini-Meister und seiner Werk-statt können auch eine Abschri( der Epistre Othea von Christine de Pizan in Den Haag so-wie drei Miniaturen in einem Stundenbuch im Kunsthandel zugeordnet werden. Die Getty-Handschri( entstand wohl um 1465 in Bour-ges, auch weil der Au(raggeber mit Charles de France (1446–1472), dem jüngeren Bruder des

französischen Königs Louis XI, identi"ziert werden konnte. Die in dieser Studie erstmals versuchte Rekonstruktion von Charles Biblio-thek weist sein ausgeprägtes Interesse an anti-ken Schri(en nach. Demnach beschä(igte er sich vor allem mit griechischen und römischen Philosophen, Dichtern und Geschichtsschrei-bern. Unter Zuhilfenahme literaturhistorischer Überlegungen zu Eneas Texten sowie Überle-gungen zur Textinterpretation wird schließlich Charles spezi"sches Interesse an Eneas Texten rekonstruiert. Eine systematische Untersu-chung der erhaltenen, in Frankreich entstande-nen Handschri(en mit Eneas Texten vermittelt zudem den weiteren Rezeptionskontext beider Texte in Frankreich im 15. Jahrhundert. Wesentlicher Bestandteil der Publikation ist ein ausführlicher Katalog der Handschri(en aus dem Besitz von Charles de France sowie der französischen Handschri(en mit Eneas Texten.

2000 pages de sa main ou de celle de ses secré-taires. Certains de ces manuscrits ont fait l'ob-jet de publications partielles, tout comme c'est le cas des quelques textes publiés par Reynolds tout au long de sa carrière – pour l'essentiel, ses

!e Brussels Tristan TapestriesMyth Regenerated in Wool, Silk and Precious Metals

9ibault Schaeferapprox. 250 p., 50 b/w ills., 16 colour ills., 245 x 297 mm, 2013, SWT 6, HB, ISBN 978-2-503-54982-8, approx. ! 100 Publication date scheduled for October 2013


Today, a modest number of Tristanian artifacts may still be admired in museums and castles. Digital access to art collections continues to enrich the list with surprises, such as the exqui-sitely carved fourteenth century ‘Tristan’ bench of the Tallinn Town Hall in Estonia. Some em-

broidered work and painted wall decor also have survived. However, what there might have been of woven wall hangings on the subject has all but disappeared, with the exception of a modern single-panel Aubusson and the set of seven hangings which constitutes the subject of this book. #e Brussels Tristan Tapestries have never before been studied as a series. #e purpose of this monograph is to bring to light a rarely seen work of art and to apprise specialists of iconography, literature and myth of its rel-evance and uniqueness. #e chapters deal with the detailed analysis of the set and its meaning as a whole, the reconstitution of the history of its ownership, the place of this particular ver-sion in the verbal and "gurative traditions to which it refers and the role of this ‘tenture’ in the corpus of the Tristan myth. Since the ex-hibitions of 2002 and 2007 at the New York Metropolitan Museum of Arts, woven tapestry has been given place of prominence; collections

have been exhumed from storage and revealed to the public, accompanied by handsome cata-logues. It is hoped that this contribution comes at an opportune time.


Prix de lancement5: 7 149 valable jusqu3au 30 novembre 2013

Après la mort de sir Joshua Reynolds, les pre-miers visiteurs de son atelier y ont découvert, en plus de plusieurs tableaux inachevés et des œuvres de son abondante collection, un nombre considérable de manuscrits – plus de

Plus d’info:

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D"un jugement à l"autreLa représentation du jugement immédiat dans les Jugements derniers $ançais: 1100-1250

Marcello Anghebenapprox. 450 p., 92 ill. n/b, 32 ill. couleur, 156 x 234 mm, 2013, CSM 25, PB, ISBN 978-2-503-54764-0, approx. ! 70 Publication prévue pour octobre 2013


Au moment où le thème du Jugement dernier a connu un essor sans précédent, on a régulière-ment associé aux événements de la "n des temps une représentation du jugement immédiat, celui qui se déroule après la mort. La pensée chré-tienne considère qu'après avoir quitté leur corps, les âmes font l'objet d'une première évaluation au terme de laquelle elles sont conduites dans des séjours temporaires? : le paradis d'attente pour les élus, l'enfer pour les damnés. À la "n des temps, ces âmes séparées s'unissent à leur corps ressuscité, elles sont jugées une seconde fois et les élus sont conduits dans le royaume des cieux

Écrire et peindre au Moyen Âge. Le livre, ses sources et ses images, de Saint-Mihiel à Verdun

Anne-Orange Poilpré, les Amis de la Bibliothèque Bénédictine (éd.) approx. 400 p., 156 x 234 mm, 2013, CSM 27, PB, ISBN 978-2-503-54430-4, approx. ! 70 Publication prévue pour octobre 2013


crites: Michèle Gaillard, Du Vieux-Moutier à l#abbaye de Saint-Mihiel (VIIIe-IXe siècle) : les sources écrites et leur interpretation – Philippe Depreux, Le traité de Verdun, un tournant de l#histoire européenne ? Le partage de l#Empire en 843 : genèse, teneur, retentissement historique et historiogra-phique – François Ploton-Nicollet, Le manuscrit Z 28 de la bibliothèque béné-dictine de Saint-Mihiel – Fabrizio Cri-vello, Verdun et l#enluminure carolingienne Les réseaux monastiques, les réformes et le développement des scriptoria: #omas Falmagne, Réseau de bibliothèque et con)a-ternité entre 1050 et 1150 : Echternach et les institutions des diocèses de Metz, Toul et Verdun – Anne Wagner, L#œuvre hagiogra-phique de Richard de Saint-Vanne – Franck Hirschmann, L#importance du scriptorium pour la réforme monastique: l#exemple de

Saint-Vanne (1ère moitié du XIe siècle) – Marie-Paule Crochet-#éry, Saint-Airy de Verdun : rayonnement et con*uence des courants religieux au XIe et XIIe siècles au travers de l#étude de ses nécrologes – Jean-Pol Evrard, Écrire à Verdun au XIIIe siècle. Un chanoine prémontré entreprend un cartu-laire pour l#abbaye de Saint-Paul – Mickaël Georges, Le Liber Capituli de la cathé-drale de Verdun : un livre vivant témoin de l#histoire capitulaire à la %n du Moyen Âge Production livresque et mécénat: Alison Stones, Les manuscrits de Renaud de Bar et leurs in*uences stylistiques – Juliette Bou-chot, Commandes et exécutions du livre dans les duchés de Bar et de Lorraine, %n XVe-début XVIe siècle – Christian Meyer, Les manuscrits musicaux ce la Bibliothèque municipale de Verdun

Architectures de papier. La France et l"Europe (XVIe-XVIIe siècles)

Frédérique Lemerle-Pauwels, Yves Pauwels266 p., 96 ill. n/b, 210 x 270 mm, 2013, ER 11, PB, ISBN 978-2-503-55020-6, approx. ! 100 Publication prévue pour octobre 2013


La Renaissance et le Grand Siècle ont été l'âge d'or des traités d'architecture. D'Alberti, au milieu du +uattrocento à Claude Perrault à la "n du XVIIe siècle ont été écrits les ouvrages

fondamentaux qui "xaient le nouveau langage de l'architecture « classique » en même temps que l'imprimerie leur conférait une di$usion et une e,cacité encore jamais atteinte. L'histoire de l'architecture ne peut se dispenser aujourd'hui d'une étude sur la littérature architecturale, en s'intéressant non seulement à ses auteurs, à ses contenus et à son impact sur la pratique, mais aussi aux imprimeurs, aux libraires et aux gra-veurs, acteurs indispensables de cette histoire que les rééditions, les traductions et les adaptations rendent internationale. L'ouvrage s'intéresse à ces interactions fondamentales pour le dévelop-pement culturel de l'Europe, en s'appuyant sur une bibliographie inédite des livres d'architec-ture, manuscrits et imprimés, écrits et publiés en France et en français, avec leurs sources et leurs suites internationales.

où ils peuvent en"n jouir de la vision béati"que. La présence du jugement immédiat ou du para-dis d'attente peut être montrée pour une série de Jugements derniers français dont certains comptent parmi les œuvres les plus signi"ca-tives de la production sculpturale des XIIe-XIIIe siècles : les portails de Mâcon, Conques, Saint-Denis, Chartres et Reims, deux chapiteaux de Saint-Nectaire et le Psautier de Marguerite de Bourgogne. Cette lecture inédite implique que l'Église se préoccupait autant du salut des âmes que des "ns dernières, probablement parce que c'est dans le temps présent qu'elle pouvait in-tervenir e,cacement en faveur des défunts en administrant les su$rages? : prières, aumônes et messes. Ce livre développe les fondements textuels et iconographiques de cette lecture en abordant successivement le thème du jugement immédiat et chacune des œuvres interprétables dans la perspective du double jugement. Ont également été abordées plusieurs représentations isolées du Jugement dernier dont l'iconographie éclaire le sens des autres compositions?: Autun, Laon, Paris et Amiens. Cette série d'analyses monographiques détaillées et originales o$re un panorama très complet des Jugements derniers français mis en œuvre entre 1100 et 1250.

Marcello Angheben est maître de confé-rences habilité en histoire de l#art à l#Univer-sité de Poitiers et membre du Centre d#Études Supérieures de Civilisation Médiévale.

Michel Parisse, Préface – Anne-Orange Poilpré et Marianne Besseyre, Introduction Penser les origines par les sources manus-

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André Alciat (1492-1550): un humaniste au con,uent des savoirs dans l"Europe de la Renaissance

Anne Rolet, Stéphane Rolet (éd.) approx. 500 p., 76 ill. couleur, 210 x 270 mm, 2013, ER 13, PB, ISBN 978-2-503-55021-3, approx. ! 110 Publication prévue pour novembre 2013


Le volume entend réexaminer la place qu'oc-cupe l'humaniste André Alciat dans le panora-ma de la Renaissance et remettre en perspective les di$érents ouvrages qui composent le corpus

alciatique, en insérant dans leur contexte poli-tique, intellectuel, religieux, social et écono-mique les étapes biographiques et les activités scienti"ques du juriste milanais, connu avant tout pour son recueil poétique d’Emblemata (editio princeps à Augsbourg chez Steyner en 1531). Les contributions proposées ici mettent en évidence l'étendue des domaines d'investiga-tion embrassés par Alciat, les multiples facettes de ses compétences, la cohérence de son travail historique, juridique et philologique, et les rap-ports complexes qu'il entretient avec l'Antiqui-té gréco-romaine. Patiemment, des chercheurs venus de di$érentes disciplines repèrent les "ls conducteurs qui structurent une œuvre tou$ue, s'interrogent sur les thématiques récurrentes qui participent à l'élaboration d'une méthode ou sur le rôle des modèles intertextuels, éduca-tifs ou professionnels.

Vivre et imprimer dans les Pays-Bas méridionaux (des origines à la Réforme)Vol. I: Les hommes ; Vol. II, t. 1: Les ateliers ; Vol. II, t. 2: Dictionnaire prosopographique

Renaud Adam3 vol., approx. 600 p., 150 x 250 mm, 2013, NUGER 16-17, PB, ISBN 978-2-503-55015-2, approx. ! 95 Publication prévue pour octobre 2013


de l'introduction de l'art typographique dans les Pays-Bas méridionaux et de son évolution jusqu'en 1520, complété par un dictionnaire prosopographique. Le second livre répond à la question: comment les premiers imprimeurs se sont-ils intégrés au tissu socio-économique des Pays-Bas méridionaux et de la principauté de Liège au tournant des XVe et XVIe siècles ? Cette étude a été structurée autour de deux axes. Les regards se sont portés sur le métier d'imprimeur avec des questionnements cen-trés sur le statut juridique et l'organisation de cette profession, sur le fonctionnement interne d'une imprimerie ainsi que sur la commerciali-sation des livres et le pro"l de la clientèle. Les résultats de la dernière partie sont le fruit d'une investigation dans la composition de la com-munauté typographique et d'une tentative de décorticage des trames réticulaires nouées avec les autres acteurs de la société urbaine.

“And Touching Our Society”Fashioning Jesuit Identity in Elizabethan England

9omas M. McCoogxiv + 476 p., 150 x 230 mm, Ponti"cal Institute of Mediaeval Studies, 2013, ST 183, HB, ISBN 978-0-88844-183-6, ! 80 Available


“For students and scholars of Reformation, Jesuit, and Elizabethan history, #omas M. McCoog’s collection of essays encompasses a wide range of individual snapshots that collectively present a rich and nuanced panorama of the daring and o(en danger-ous Jesuit mission in the politically and religiously charged environment of Eliza-bethan England. #e author incorporates some of the more signi"cant insights of the ‘new’ historiography concerning British/Irish and Jesuit studies, as well as new his-toricism’s contributions relating to the reli-gious turn and integrating the voices of the silenced in our literary and historical narra-tives. In addition to examining important aspects of the lives and missions of major players such as Edmund Campion, Robert Persons, and Robert Southwell, McCoog also explores interesting and contested is-sues including the lifestyle of the mission-ers, the sometimes murky boundaries of Church and State, and questions about the

geography and social topography of the mission. In all, these essays clarify as well as broaden our knowledge of an o(en mis-understood but signi"cant chapter in both Catholic and English history.”

(Robert E. Scully, S.J., Le Moyne College)


F orthcoming T itles Autumn 2013 / Early Modern Studies



North American customers are advised to order directly through University of Toronto Press.

#e Jesuit mission to Elizabethan England be-gan with the arrival of Edmund Campion and Robert Persons in 1580. #is collection brings together thirteen landmark essays by #omas M. McCoog, SJ, on the Society of Jesus in Eng-land, Ireland, and Scotland, four of them ap-pearing in English for the "rst time.

Deux volumes des Nugæ seront consacrés à la brillante thèse de Renaud Adam. Le premier livre est un historique détaillé, ville par ville,

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La terre. Connaissance, représentations, mesure au Moyen Âge

Patrick Gautier Dalché, Christiane Deluz, Nathalie Bouloux, Emmanuelle Vagnon, Christine Gadrat, Paul Fermon, Armelle ?uerrienapprox. 450 p., 156 x 234 mm, 2013, AM 13, PB, ISBN 978-2-503-54753-4, approx. ! 60 Publication prévue pour octobre 2013


Cartographie et représentations de l"Orient méditerranéen en Occident (du milieu du XIIIe à la .n du XVe siècle)

Emmanuelle Vagnon approx. 500 p., 2 ill. n/b, 15 ill. couleur, 210 x 270 mm,2013, TO 11, HB, ISBN 978-2-503-54896-8, approx. ! 100Publication prévue pour novembre 2013


À la "n du Moyen Âge, l'Orient méditerranéen fait l'objet de nombreuses descriptions et de représentations cartographiques en Occident : Orient sacré de la Bible et des Évangiles, Orient épique et féodal des Croisades et des États latins de Terre sainte, mais aussi Orient de la Grèce antique et de ses vestiges. À la fois lointaines et familières, les régions du Levant font partie de la mémoire géographique de l'Occident. Il s'agit d'un espace aux limites variables, centré sur la Terre sainte mais étendu selon les cas jusqu'à l'Europe orientale et les Balkans et jusqu'à l'Égypte, sans cesse redé"ni en fonction

des intérêts occidentaux manifestés à travers les cartes. Une période particulièrement féconde de cette production cartographique s'étend de la "n du XIIIe siècle, période de vains projets de reconquête des Lieux saints et d'une recru-descence des pèlerinages, jusqu'aux dernières décennies du XVe siècle, lorsque l'exploration des îles et des côtes africaines décentre pro-gressivement l'attention des Occidentaux vers l'Atlantique. Les cartes géographiques étudiées dans ce livre (mappemondes, croquis régionaux, cartes ma-rines, mais aussi cartes et descriptions des îles),

La $ontière méditerranéenne du XVe au XVIIe siècleÉchanges, circulations et a%rontements

Bernard Heyberger, Albrecht Fuess, Philippe Vendrix (éd.) 412 p., 23 ill. n/b, 155 x 235 mm, 2013, ER 12, PB, ISBN 978-2-503-54815-9, approx. ! 100 Publication prévue pour octobre 2013


Le cadre géographique et chronologique rete-nu par cet ouvrage collectif le place immédia-tement sous les auspices de Fernand Braudel. Comme la fameuse Méditerranée de celui-ci, il semble osciller entre ce qui fait l'unité éco-nomique et culturelle du bassin méditerra-

néen, et ce qui au contraire le divise de façon radicale, essentiellement le con%it entre Islam et Chrétienté. Mais en rassemblant des contri-butions de spécialistes des deux bords, il tente de connecter des historiographies rarement amenées à se rencontrer. Selon une démarche aujourd'hui bien éta-blie chez les historiens, les contributions à ce volume combinent une approche locale et une approche globale, qui s'éloignent des grands déterminismes géographiques et économiques braudéliens. Des fragments de vie peuvent, par leur particularité, révéler un aspect plus vaste et représentatif du type de relations qui s'ins-taurent alors en Méditerranée, en un temps où course, transport et commerce sont étroite-ment imbriqués.

Plus d’info:

ne peuvent être comprises que dans leur rapport avec des textes dont elles proviennent et qui les accompagnent. Ce sont des outils intellectuels adaptés et modi"és en fonction des objectifs de leurs auteurs et de leurs destinataires. Elles illustrent la place toujours essentielle, à la "n du Moyen Âge, de la géographie sacrée et de pré-occupations géopolitiques et stratégiques. Leur point commun n'est ni leur forme ni leur souci d'exactitude, mais le contexte dans lequel elles ont été construites : l'inquiétude de l'Occident chrétien face aux Turcs. Sans nier pour autant que le merveilleux et l'exotisme y soient parfois présents, cette étude tend à montrer que ces cartes médiévales avaient bien pour fonction de représenter un espace réel sur lequel il était possible d'agir.

P. Gautier Dalché, Introduction: Historio-graphie – But et structure de l'ouvrage – HeuristiqueI. Une image du monde : la géographie dans l3Occident médiéval (Ve-XVe siècle) (par C. Deluz : Le temps des auctoritates (Ve- XIe siècle) – Le temps des questionne-ments (XIe-début XIIIe siècle) – Le temps


Table des matières5

Emmanuelle Vagnon, ancienne élève de l#École normale supérieure, docteur en his-toire médiévale, est chargée de recherches à l#Université Paris I et au Département des Cartes et Plans de la Bibliothèque nationale de France.

F orthcoming T itles Autumn 2013 / Geography & Cartography

des $oyageurs (milieu du XIIIe-début du XVe siècle) – Le temps des humanistes (XVe siècle)II. 9èmes et documents : P. Gautier Dal-ché, La terre dans le cosmos – Nathalie Bou-loux, – Emmanuelle Vagnon, – Christine Gadrat, Le $oyage – Paul Fermon, Cartes et plans à grande échelle – Armelle +uerrien, Techniques et pratiques de la mesure du sol

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Musique et dévotion à Rome à la .n de la RenaissanceLes Laudes de l"Oratoire

Anne Piéjus approx. 540 p., 53 ill. n/b, 2013, EM, PB, ISBN 978-2-503-55039-8, approx. ! 100 Publication prévue pour novembre 2013


Chanter sur le livre à la RenaissanceUne édition et traduction des traités de contrepoint de Vicente Lusitano

Philippe Canguilhem 418 p., 190 x 240 mm, 2013, EM, PB, ISBN 978-2-503-55040-4, approx. ! 100 Publication prévue pour novembre 2013


Ce livre résulte d'un travail de plusieurs années e$ectué dans le cadre du projet de recherche FABRICA, soutenu par l'Agence Nationale

de la Recherche. Il s'agissait de mieux com-prendre la pédagogie du contrepoint chanté du XVIe siècle à partir du document le plus détaillé qui nous soit parvenu, complètement négligé jusqu'alors par la communauté musicologique, et dont l'existence même était inconnue à la plupart des musiciens intéressés par ce sujet. Tous les exemples musicaux seront disponible au téléchargement sur un site internet hébergé par le Centre de la Renaissance de Tours et certains seront disponible en "chier mp3 grâce à un enre-gistrement réalisé par les Sacqueboutiers de Tou-louse. Ce livre s'adresse aussi bien aux musico-logues intéressés par l'histoire du langage et des pratiques musicales qu'aux musiciens curieux de découvrir comment l'improvisation polypho-nique était enseignée à la Renaissance.

Music and Culture in the Age of the Council of Basel

Matteo Nanni (ed.) approx. 350 p., + CD, 2013, EM, PB, ISBN 978-2-503-55041-1, approx. ! 100 Publication date scheduled for November 2013



F orthcoming T itles Autumn 2013 / Music History

#e articles published in this volume are based largely on the papers delivered at the interna-tional symposium on ‘Urbanity, Identity Con-struction, and Humanism: Music, Art, and Culture in the Age of the Council of Basel.’ #e symposium pro"ted from a fruitful dialogue conducted between scholars and performers at Basel University’s Musicology Department during the ‘Waning of the Middle Ages’ Festival (August 2011). Our volume has been enlarged with the addition of further original articles that not only expand the overall picture of the topic, but enrich the book’s underlying theses on the cultural history of music and the arts in

Saint Philippe Néri, fondateur de l'Oratoire de Rome, y a encouragé l'usage de la laude spiri-tuelle, poésie chantée en langue vulgaire inspi-rée de la piété médiévale et de la Renaissance %orentine. En pleine Réforme catholique, à une époque de large di$usion de la musique impri-mée, les Oratoriens ont adapté le répertoire et ses usages à leurs assemblées spirituelles, et uti-

lisé l'émotion musicale dans leur pastorale fon-dée sur la douceur, la joie et l'e$usion. L'Ora-toire a ainsi développé de nouvelles formes de dévotion, portées par ce chant spirituel et ses résonances intimes. Anne Piéjus, musicologue au CNRS, est l'auteur d'ouvrages sur la mu-sique et le théâtre à l'époque moderne.

the "(eenth century. Here, with a common set of questions, we have assembled articles from general historians and musicologists, as well as historians of art and literature, in order to search for possible answers to the question of identity construction in the "(eenth century. #e early age of humanism, the internation-alization of culture, the Council and concilia-rism, and the urbanity of the late Middle Ages: all are mainstays of the culture-historical edi"ce that these articles, with their contrasting meth-odological approaches, demarcate and carry out in an interdisciplinary spirit.

Die Frottola: Musik, Diskurs und Spiel, an italienischen Höfen, 1500-1530

Sabine Meineapprox. 430 p., 19 b/w ills., 190 x 290 mm, 2013, PB, ISBN 978-2-503-54880-7, Ca. ! 100 Voraussichtliches Erscheinungsdatum Oktober 2013


Petrarkismus und Diskussionen über die Liebe ab – o( in ironischer Brechung. Als erste eigen-ständige musikalische Gattung im Italienischen, dem Volgare, lieferte die Frottola zudem einen wichtigen Beitrag zur questione della lingua, den Bemühungen um die Aufwertung der ita-lienischen Sprache. Mit einem breiten kultur-wissenscha(lichen Ansatz unternimmt es die vorliegende Studie, die gesellscha(lichen und diskursiven Kontexte zu zeichnen, in denen die neue Gattung aufgeführt wurde, um von hier aus ihre Funktion sowohl für die jeweiligen “hö"schen” Inszenierungen als auch innerhalb großer kultureller Umwälzungen im damaligen Italien zu analysieren.

Als 1504 in Venedig das erste von elf Libri di Frottole des Musikverlegers Ottaviano Petrucci im Druck erschien, begann der Boom einer Mu-sik, die mit ihrer Poesie, ihrem Witz und ihrer Leichtigkeit die italienische Gesellscha( begeis-terte. Auf der Grundlage literarischer Traditi-onen, die ins 14. Jahrhundert zurückreichten, bot die Frottola, o(mals als mehrstimmiger Gesang zur Laute, eine ra,nierte Unterhal-tung, die am Mantuaner Hof der Isabella d’Este Gonzaga und an konkurrierenden Höfen in Norditalien ebenso beliebt werden sollte wie in römischen Kardinalspalästen und Kurtisanen-häusern. Die musikalische Sprache der Frottola bildete zu der Zeit %orierende Diskurse wie den


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!e “Compendium Musicæ” of René Descartes: Early English Responses

Benjamin Wardhaugh (ed.)approx. 320 p., 15 b/w ills., 210 x 270 mm, 2013, MT 2, HB, ISBN 978-2-503-54898-2, approx. ! 85 Publication date scheduled for October 2013


René Descartes’s Compendium musicæ was one of the most widely-read texts on the math-ematics of music in the second half of the sev-enteenth century, o$ering a succinct and lucid summary of its subject. It was translated into English, French and Dutch before the end of the century — though its idiosyncratic geo-metrical approach to music drew criticism as well as praise — and its sophisticated math-ematical thinking attracted a number of later scholars to explore its ideas further in print or manuscript. #is volume presents for the "rst time critical editions of the English transla-tion of the Compendium, published in 1653

VIVA V.E.R.D.I.: Music $om the Risorgimento to the Uni.cation of Italy

Roberto Illiano (ed.) approx. 550 p., 50 b/w ills., 210 x 270 mm, 2013, SML 8, HB, ISBN 978-2-503-55018-3, approx. ! 110 Publication date scheduled for October 2013


#e present book investigates the musical land-scape of the Italian peninsula from the& Risor-gimento to the formation of the unitary State, focusing in particular on the relationship be-tween music and national identity. #e editor’s aim has been to examine a number of signi"-cant aspects of the topic, including: great musi-cal "gures and popular music; Italian musical institutions of the mid-nineteenth century, and the relationship between artistic output and the historical, political and social dynam-ics which culminated in the uni"cation of Italy.

Music and Francoism

Gemma Pérez Zalduondo, Germán Gan ?uesada (eds.)approx. 700 p., 50 b/w ills., 210 x 270 mm, 2013, SMUS 21,HB, ISBN 978-2-503-54899-9, approx. ! 150 Publication date scheduled for October 2013


#is book brings together 22 essays by musi-cologists of di$erent nationalities and o$ers studies conducted within today’s most active research lines within the "eld of musicology. #e contributions refer to the analysis of net-works of relationships that musical activities and phenomena had developed with the Fran-co regime (1938-1975). #ese o$er approaches to speci"c genres (chamber music, instrumen-tal and theatrical music, %amenco, jazz, copla, light music, and cinematic music) and to di-verse repertories and creative musical languages

(nationalist, Neoclassical, and avant-garde) without neglecting the study of the creation, musical discourse, and its producers (compos-ers, performers, and critics) within the domain of public and private institutional frameworks. Also, they investigate the musical policies that formed part of the regime and involved reper-tories, creators, and performers. In this regard, the chapters that study music in the context of international relations up to the end of the Sec-ond World War stand out, as do those that in-vestigate the impact that historical events such as the Spanish Civil War. Others speci"cally examine musical in%uences exerted beyond the Spanish borders on foreign composers and their contexts as well as on Spanish composers in exile. #is volume presents a critical syn-thesis of the historiographic re%ection that to date has dealt with the relations of music with the Franco regime, together with an analysis of the theoretic-artistic and identity-de"ning speeches in force during early Francoism, with an evaluation of their precedents.

F orthcoming T itles Autumn 2013 / Music History

by the natural philosopher Walter Charleton, and of the French translation by the mathema-tician Nicole Poisson, published in 1668. #e two translations are presented in parallel, with introduction, critical apparatus and commen-tary. Also included are the unpublished manu-script treatises written by Nicolaus Mercator and Isaac Newton in response to the Com-pendium, and the printed remarks of William Brouncker and Poisson. #is rich collection of texts, most of them appearing in critical edi-tions for the "rst time, provides a unique view of the early reception of Descartes’s musical treatise in England and France.

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Science, philosophie et théologie chez Édouard Le RoyLa controverse autour de « Qu"est-ce qu"un dogme ? » (1905-1907)

Monique Foket 435 p., 6 ill. n/b, 156 x 234 mm, 2013, BRHE 97, PB, ISBN 978-2-503-54984-2, approx. ! 40 Publication prévue pour octobre 2013


Dans la revue française, La Quinzaine du 16 avril 1905, paraît un article d'Édouard Le Roy, mathématicien et philosophe, intitulé&Qu#est- ce qu#un dogme&? Arguant des méthodes critiques et des progrès de la science, les penseurs de son temps rejettent la conception intellectuelle des énoncés dogmatiques, qui tient pour secon-daire leur sens pratique.

Catholique ardent et apologète, l'auteur cherche une façon de concilier les exigences de la nouvelle rationalité avec la doctrine de l'Église. Il propose une manière de présenter la foi chrétienne, et en particulier le dogme, qui rende le christianisme accessible à la pensée moderne éprise d'immanence.&


Monique Foket est professeure émérite de la Faculté de théologie de l#Université catho-lique de Louvain-la-Neuve. Son enseigne-ment et ses publications portent sur l#histoire de l#Église, la théologie spirituelle et la péda-gogie religieuse.

Arcesilao di Pitane: l’origine del Platonismo neoaccademicoAnalisi e fonti

Simone Vezzoli approx. 200 p., 150 x 210 mm, 2013, PHR 1, PB, ISBN 978-2-503-55029-9, approx. ! 65 Publication date scheduled for October 2013


Il presente studio, che prosegue lungo le co-ordinate ora delineate, è interamente dedica-to ad Arcesilao di Pitane (316/15 a.C., 244-240 a.C.), scolarca dell'Accademia platonica a partire dal 268-264 a.C.; l'obiettivo che si propone è duplice: riconsiderare il pensiero di Arcesilao nel contesto delle dispute con le altre scuole, quella stoica su tutte (parte I, cap. I), e valutare la possibilità di inscriverlo intera-mente in un orizzonte platonico (parte I, cap. II). Tale lavoro è accompagnato dalla raccolta delle fonti concernenti il "losofo (parte II, sez. I e sez. II), che non vuole essere né una vera e propria edizione né un commentario siste-matico, ma piuttosto un utile strumento per completare e approfondire le analisi preceden-temente svolte. Se cap. I ambisce a un rigore storico-"loso"co, lo stesso non accade a cap. II, il cui carattere è maggiormente speculativo.NEW SERIES

9is series is meant for groundbreaking work in two areas of ancient philosophy, Hellenistic philosophy and Roman phi-

Selon Éd.&Le Roy, du point de vue théorique, le dogme a une valeur négative& : il ferme des voies erronées& ; du point de vue pratique, il a un sens positif en tant qu'orientation pour l'action. Cette position sauve la liberté intellectuelle si chère à ses contemporains.& L'auteur demande aux théologiens ce qu'ils pensent de sa thèse et le directeur de La Quin-zaine ouvre sa revue aux réactions des lecteurs. Ce fut le point de départ de l'une des contro-verses les plus virulentes de la crise moderniste. Cette étude historique& étudie les implications philosophiques, théologiques et psycholo-giques&de ce débat.

Grasp and Dissent: Cicero and Epicurean Philosophy

Stefano Masoapprox. 250 p., 150 x 210 mm, 2013, PHR 2, PB, ISBN 978-2-503-55030-5 Publication date scheduled for October 2013


#e present study centers on the distinctive characteristics of Cicero’s philosophical train-ing; for the "rst time in a volume, the Roman philosopher’s relationship with Epicurean phi-losophy is accurately recreated. Not only does Cicero exhibit his lo(y philosophical pro"-ciency anchored in the Academic school, but he also proves an excellent authority on Epicu-rus’s proposed philosophy.At the conclusion of the research, of course, Ci-cero will prove to be a "erce opponent of Epi-cureanism – an intelligent adversary, capable of studiose dicere contra Epicurum: understand-ing and criticizing, but also (and this is surely

quite important for us today) reiterating the opposing party’s thought with great acumen.Epicureanism accordingly played a pivotal role in Cicero’s philosophical development within the "elds of physics, theology and ethics, para-doxically proving useful both in the formula-tion of a more skeptical and probabilistic phi-losophy and in the individuation of a path open to ./0/123456 783 9:;<3, but even more strongly bound to Stoicism. Unyielding and dogmati-cally binding, Epicurus’s doctrine endured throughout this dramatic historical moment situated at the end of the Roman Republic.

F orthcoming T itles Autumn 2013 / Philosophy

losophy, that have received considerable impetus in the last couple of decennia but for which much important work remains to be done. 9e realization has taken root that one cannot properly engage in Helle-nistic philosophy without addressing Ro-man philosophy and vice versa. But this realization also requires that Roman phi-losophy be taken seriously as a subject in its own right, with its own methodologi-cal approach, and not merely as a collec-tion of sources for the strands of Helle-nistic philosophy that it re>ects on. An investigation of both the distinctive traits of Hellenistic and Roman philosophy and their points of contact would consti-tute a highly valuable research program. 9e series will accept work in English, French, German, and Italian.Series editors: Carlos Lévy & Gretchen Reydams-Schils

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Phronêsis - Prudentia – KlugheitDas Wissen des Klugen in Mittelalter, Renaissance und Neuzeit - Il sapere del saggio nel Medioevo, nel Rinascimento e nell’età moderna

Alexander Fidora, Andreas Niederberger, Merio Scattola (Hg.) Ca. 250 p., 165 x 240 mm, FIDEM, 2013, TEMA 68, PB, ISBN 978-2-503-54989-7, Ca. ! 59 Voraussichtliches Erscheinungsdatum Oktober 2013


Klugheit, heute o(mals missverstanden als Cleverness oder Gerissenheit, gehört bis in die Frühe Neuzeit zu den Schlüsselbegri$en der praktischen Philosophie.Die in diesem Band versammelten Beiträge untersuchen den Begri$ der Klugheit in his-torisch vergleichender Perspektive von seinen Ursprüngen in der griechischen Antike über die islamische Philosophie bis in das lateinische Mittelalter, das eine systematisch komplexe und stark di$erenzierte Klugheitslehre entwi-ckelt. Ein Ausblick auf frühneuzeitliche und moderne Entwicklungen beleuchtet das weite-re Geschick der Klugheit in der europäischen Tradition und macht dabei auf Kontinuitäten und Neuaufbrüche zwischen Mittelalter und Früher Neuzeit aufmerksam.

QUAESTIO 12 (2012):Intentionality and Realityapprox. 350 p., 170 x 240 mm, 2013, +UAESTIO 12, PB, ISBN 978-2-503-54355-0 Publication date scheduled for November 2013Subscriptions and price quotation: [email protected]


Associated Regional Chronologies for the Ancient Near East and the Eastern Mediterranean. History & Philology

Walther Sallaberger, Ingo Schrakamp (eds.) approx. 200 p., 210 x 295 mm, 2013, ARCANE 3, PB, ISBN 978-2-503-53494-7, approx. ! 100 Publication date scheduled for November 2013ARCANE

#e volume on “History and Philology” within the ARCANE project is an up-to-date pre-sentation of the data and problems connected to the chronology of the third millennium BC of Mesopotamia and adjacent regions.

logical problems and a regional history from the Fara period to the end of the millennium from leading experts: A. Archi and M.-G. Biga on Ebla, K. De Graef on Susa, G. Marchesi on early dynasties, F. Pomponio on Adab, I. Schrakamp on historical geography, W. Som-merfeld on the Akkadian period, H. Steible on Fara, P. Steinkeller on the Gutian period.

Walther Sallaberger teaches Assyriology (Akkadian and Sumerian) at the University of München. He has published on the culture and history of Mesopotamia, especially the early periods.Ingo Schrakamp is Assistant Professor, Insti-tute of Ancient Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations, at the Freie Universität Berlin. His main research interests are devoted to the Sumerian and Akkadian documentation of third millennium Mesopotamia.

Multiple subscription options & pay-per-view available


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As an introduction, Walther Sallaberger and Ingo Schrakamp provide an overview of the pertinent cuneiform sources and discuss the reconstruction of a historical chronology. Fur-thermore the book includes articles on chrono-

F orthcoming T itles Autumn 2013 / Philosophy / Near Eastern & Oriental Studies

Intentionality and Reality: Jörg Alejandro Tellkamp, Francisco Suárez on the Intention-al Species – Giovanna D’Aniello, L’intentio animi nella sintesi agostiniana di Cornelis

Barroso Fernández, Actualidad e intencio-nalidad en Zubiri – Elisabetta Sacchi / Al-berto Voltolini, To 'ink Is to Literally Have Something in One’s 'ought – Stefania Scar-dicchio, 'e Metamorphosis of Reality. From Royce to Goodman – Paolo Pecere, Natural-izing Intentionality between Philosophy and Brain Science. A Survey of Methodological and Metaphysical Issues (1969-2011)New Realism. A Debate: Maurizio Fer-raris, Responses to «,uaestio» – Mario De Caro, Realism and Naturalism – Costan-tino Esposito, Truth without Certainty? An Open Issue in New Realism – Matteo Mor-ganti, New Realism and Scienti%c Realism – Andrea Sereni, Mathematical Realism, What’s New?Varia: Bernd Goehring, Henry of Ghent on Human Knowledge and Its Limits – Marienza Benedetto, Da Atene a Baghdad (e oltre). Ancora sul rapporto tra %loso%a araba ed eredità greca – Cronache Note Recensioni

Jansen – Martin Lenz, Locke’s 'eory of Ideas and the Myth of the Given – Alain de Libera, L’Ouverture ecossaise : Brentano critique de Bain – Donatella Colantuono, Conoscenza della realtà e realtà come cono-scenza. Il punto di vista di Bernard Bolzano – Laurent Cesalli / Hamid Taieb, 'e Road to « ideelle Verähnlichung ». Anton Marty’s Conception of Intentionality in the Light of its Brentanian Background – Mauro An-tonelli, 'oughts Concerning Anton Marty’s Early Conception of Intentionality. Was He 'inking What Brentano Was 'inking? – Pierre-Jean Renaudie, Le réel et ses signes : Brentano et Husserl sur l’engagement on-tologique de l’intentionnalité – Carmine Di Martino, Intenzionalità e realismo nella fenomenologia husserliana – Wouter Goris, Das historische Apriori bei Husserl und Fou-cault – Zur philosophischen Relevanz eines Leitbegri+s der historischen Epistemologie – Miguel García-Valdecasas, Wittgenstein on Intentionality and Representation – Oscar

Table of Contents

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Interpreting the Late Neolithic of Upper Mesopotamia

Olivier Nieuwenhuyse, Peter Akkermans, Reinhard Bernbeck, Jana Rogasch (eds.) 520 p., 365 b/w ills., 220 x 280 mm, 2013, PALMA 9, PB, ISBN 978-2-503-54001-6, ! 110 Publication date scheduled for October 2013


#e times between the Neolithic and Urban revolutions in Mesopotamia have for a long time been interpreted as a period of stagnation. #is volume is part of an emerging discourse that challenges such assumptions. Focussing upon the northern parts of ancient Western Asia, where most recent research has concen-trated, an international group of researchers demonstrates that Upper Mesopotamia under-went complex historical changes that we just begin to grasp fully. #e Late Neolithic was a critical phase of the history of the ancient

Middle East. Authors investigate settlement patterns, practices of painting pottery, distribu-tions of various raw materials, the role of cra( industries, the emergence of seals and other issues from a variety of theoretical and practi-cal questions. #e book is a must-have for pre-historians working in the Near East, and a rich source of information for archaeologists work-ing in other parts of the world.

“#is& is an enormously impressive volume that consigns to the waste bin any notion that the Late Neolithic in Upper Meso-potamia was an inconsequential period of stagnant inactivity between the&PPNB and the Ubaid, between the origins of farming and of urbanism. Rather, the period emerg-es as diverse and complex, witnessing much dynamism and challenging many accepted assumptions. A hugely impressive compen-dium of papers transforms our vision of this time period. #e papers are lively and diverse in terms of theory and perspective. Some deal more with excavation results and with microhistories, while others provide

Manichaean Texts in SyriacFirst Editions, New Editions and Studies

Nils Arne Pedersen, John Møller Larsen (eds.) 252 p., 30 b/w ills., 210 x 297 mm, 2013, SYR 1, HB, ISBN 978-2-503-55025-1, approx. ! 100 Publication date scheduled for October 2013


#is is the "rst major work devoted entirely to the Aramaic-Syriac roots of Manichaeism con-taining inter alia editiones principes of hitherto unknown Syriac-Manichaean texts as well as other editions, studies of the palaeography and origin of the earliest specimens of Manichaean script, interpretation of the texts in the context of Enochic Jewish literature and early Syriac lit-erature, an art-historical study of the Mani seal, as well as photo plates of all the manuscripts edited in the volume.


synthetic accounts. ‘Interpreting the Late Neolithic’ is a milestone in late prehistoric research of Western Asia.” (Ian Hodder Dunlevie Family Professor in the Depart-ment of Anthropology of Stanford University, Director of the Stanford Archaeology Center, Stanford University)

Uygur Manichaean Texts: Volume II: Liturgical TextsTexts, Translations, Commentary

Larry Clark (ed.) x + 367 p., 210 x 297 mm, 2013, TUR 2, HB, ISBN 978-2-503-55024-4, approx. ! 120 Publication date scheduled for October 2013


#ose texts classi"ed as Liturgical, which are included in the present volume, always have as their framework or main theme some aspect of the conduct of services, rituals, liturgies, or worship, whether it be the act of Confession of sins or a related ritual, or the performance of Hymns of praise and Prayers of praise or appeal by individuals or within congregations engaged in private or public rituals. No sus-tained attempt has been made to assign texts to one or another known liturgy such as the Bema fest for several reasons, including that insu,cient leaves survived of what appear to have been service books (like the Iranian “Prayer and Confession Book,” M801) that would have provided a structure for support-ing such judgments. Nonetheless, certain texts retain some narrative portions of liturgies, in-

F orthcoming T itles Autumn 2013 / Near Eastern & Oriental Studies

cluding several texts connected with the ritual of confession, one connected with the sacred meal, and several other segments belonging to unidenti"ed rituals. Because liturgical texts written in Uygur were produced in the period of Uygur sponsorship of the religion (approx-imately from the middle of the 8th century through the "rst quarter of the 11th century), they may in instances re%ect the participation of real people in real time during that period (e.g. those confessors whose names appear in copies of the Xw)stw)n*(). However, the li-turgical content of such texts is fundamentally religious and static, and does not incorporate dedications or references to contemporary secular or spiritual "gures or events (the latter kinds of hymns, songs and appeals are edited as Benedictions in the Ecclesiastical volume).

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Integration through Subordination!e Politics of Agricultural Modernisation in Industrial Europe

Peter Moser, Tony Varley (eds.) 320 p., 156 x 234 mm, 2013, RURHE 8, PB, ISBN 978-2-503-54529-5, ! 72 Available


Starting from the hypothesis that states were crucial as agents of modernisation, this book explores why, how and with what results Eu-ropean states have striven to transform their agricultural sectors in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. Modernising agriculture has increasingly meant emulating the new or-ganisational models of manufacturing industry. But since agriculture continues to rely heav-

ily on living resources (plants and animals), the results of modernising farming have o(en di$ered signi"cantly from the manufactur-ing sector. Modernised agriculture, in other words, is something quite di$erent than simply industrialised agriculture. Ranging from the

Peter Moser is director of the Archives of Rural History in Bern. His research interests centre on the interaction of industrial societies with their agricultural sectors.& Tony Varley lectures in political science and sociology at the National University of Ire-land, Galway. His research interests centre mainly on agrarian politics and rural social mo$ements.

Hierarchies in Rural Settlements

Jan Kláp@tA (ed.) approx. 472 p., 210 x 297 mm, 2013, RURALIA 9, PB, ISBN 978-2-503-54517-2, approx. ! 90 Publication date scheduled for October 2013


#is volume includes thirty papers dealing with the various aspects of social and eco-nomic hierarchy in the rural settlement in medieval Europe mainly from archaeological point of view. #e authors from 15 countries

provide a broad overview of the current is-sues, complemented for the most part by extensive bibliographies. Very important are also the high quality "gures. #e main topics include the di$erentiation of rural social and economic structure, re%ected, for example, in the building culture and various aspects of everyday life. #e topic of discussion is the hierarchy of power and the many ways it is presented in archaeology. #e focus is on the manor houses and manorial farms, as well as the grain mills in rural areas and the impact of mining activity. #is book represents one of the current "elds of European archaeologi-cal research and o$ers a solid foundation for further comparative studies.


Iberian Peninsula to Hungary and from Greece to England, the chapters of this book deal with four principal questions: Why have state elites, and their civil society allies chosen to modernise agriculture? What have they understood by ag-ricultural modernisation? What sort of power resources have they taken as necessary for e$ec-tive modernisation? And what were the conse-quences of the pursuit of modernising policies for the farming population and for agriculture?


Deus Medicus Actes du Colloque du 15-16 juin 2012 à l"UCL consacré aux dieux guérisseurs et organisé par le Centre d"Histoire des Religions Cardinal Julien Ries

René Lebrun, Agnès Degrève (éd.) approx. 250 p., 20 ill. n/b, 156 x 234 mm, 2013, HR 12, PB, ISBN 978-2-503-54929-3, approx. ! 65 Publication prévue pour octobre 2013


Les contributeurs essentiellement belges et )ançais sont des spécialistes des religions de l#antiquité gréco-romaine, égyptienne et proche-orientale.

F orthcoming T itles Autumn 2013 / Rural History/ Classics


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lointaine jusqu'au début de l'ère chrétienne. Les régions concernées sont la Mésopotamie, l'Egypte, l'Anatolie, le monde minoen, hellé-nique, biblique et paléo-chrétien.

Dans le présent volume le lecteur prendra connaissance des contributions importantes de spécialistes belges et français présentées à l'occasion d'un colloque organisé à l'Université catholique de Louvain les 15 et 16 juin 2012 par le Centre d'Histoire des Religions Cardinal Julien Ries; le thème se focalisait sur les dieux guérisseurs dans l'antiquité méditerranéenne. Une mise au point s'avérait nécessaire en raison des découvertes récentes. L'action de divinités bienfaisantes, de leurs lieux de culte et de leur impact sociologique est analysée, parfois dans une solution de continuité depuis l'antiquité

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Franz Cumont, Les mystères de Mithra

Nicole Belayche, Attilio Mastrocinque, Daniela Bonanno (éd.)approx. xc + 258 p., 150 x 235 mm, 2013, BICUMA 3, PB, ISBN 978-88-8419-910-1, approx. ! 70Publication prévue pour octobre 2013


Les Mystères de Mithra reproduisent les con-clusions des Textes et Monuments %gurés relatifs aux Mystères de Mithra (1894-1899), l’œuvre magistrale dans laquelle Franz Cumont a rassemblé le corpus entier des témoignages mithriaques (textes, inscriptions, monnaies, gemmes, reliefs). Dans ces conclusions – dont est republiée ici la troisième édition parue à Bruxelles en 1913 –, Cumont soutient la thèse de la continuité entre les conceptions et rites di$usés par les mages mazdéens et le culte de Mithra dans l’Empire romain. Cette nouvelle

édition est enrichie par une introduction his-toriographique et par la publication d’un écrit inédit, annoté par #. Mommsen, dans lequel Cumont expose ses premières ré%exions sur la di$usion du culte de Mithra en Occident. Elle propose en outre les notes manuscrites conservées dans l’exemplaire personnel de Cu-mont des Textes et Monuments %gurés relatifs aux Mystères de Mithra, déposé à l’Academia Belgica de Rome. Elle o$re en"n un large panorama sur plus d’un siècle d’études mithri-aques.

!e Strange Death of Pagan RomeRe,ections on a Historiographical Controversy

Carlo Santini, Rita Lizzi-Testa (eds.)approx. 350 p., 156 x 234 mm, 2013, GIFBIB 16, PB, ISBN 978-2-503-54942-2, approx. ! 95Publication date scheduled for October 2013


Addressing the problem of the relationship be-tween pagans and Christians cannot be separat-ed from assessing the nature of the relationship that linked or divided the members of two very di$erent religions. #e model of con%ict has been disseminated by the Hungarian scholar András Alföldi, who in 1934 presented a Chris-tian Constantine in irreconcilable con%ict with a pagan Rome and later (most notably in 1958,

in a seminar conference at the Warburg Insti-tute) consolidated the idea of a con%ictual model in which the aristocracy of Rome, faced with a tightening of measures against tradition-al cults, realized a real “pagan revival”, to raise against #eodosius I “the last pagan army of the ancient world”. #is model was subjected to a massive critique by Alan Cameron ('e Last Pagans of Rome, Oxford 2011), but was power-fully restated by Stéphane Ratti (Polémique en-tre païens et chrétiens. Histoire, Paris 2012). #e debate, then, in the course of less than a year, has gained new, e$ervescent relevance.#is volume, edited by Rita Lizzi Testa, col-lects the re%ections of some twelve scholars on the theme of the last pagans of Rome. It is not A. Alföldi’s model that provides the dialectic reference for their discussions, but rather, the more insidious in its paradoxical nature, Alan Cameron’s, since for the English scholar the very existence of the last pagans of Rome must be doubted: there could be no con%ict because no pagans remained in Rome when #eodo-sius issued laws against paganism, so that the

concept of con%ict is a pure historiographical construction. In his monumental book (more than 800 pages), he argues his position through learned demonstrations and the review of a vast amount of literary, archaeological, epigraphic and even artistic documentation. Nevertheless, much of this evidence can be read again from very di$erent perspectives, and this is what the contributors of the volume try to do.

Sepulkrale Hofarchitekturen im HellenismusAlexandria - Nea Paphos - Kyrene

Anika GreveCa. x + 595 p., 95 b/w ills., 20 b/w line art, 156 x 234 mm, 2013, CS 3, HB, ISBN 978-2-503-54409-0, Ca. ! 110 Voraussichtliches Erscheinungsdatum November 2013


NEW SERIES Studies in this series examine sacred space through its material and textual culture, us-ing this as a lens to explore various aspects of social, political and religious experience, change and continuity. An open and explor-atory approach to theoretical frameworks and methods of analysis and explanation will be one of its central aims and contributions.9e timeframe and geographic area repre-sented encompass a number of di8erent dis-ciplines and area studies; archaeology, an-cient history, Assyriology, classical archae-ology, Egyptology, Near Eastern archaeolo-gy and philology. By integrating studies of

textual, architectural, iconographic, and ar-chaeological forms of evidence, Contextual-izing the Sacred encourages interdisciplin-ary research. Contemporary concern with religious landscapes of the Middle East (and increasingly of Europe) is driving increased study of its ancient cultures and the religious roots of Europe. 9is series is a stimulating medium for this developing 4eld.

Hofarchitekturen — Innenhöfe, Vorhöfe und Höfe — im Kontext von Grabanlagen begeg-nen uns im gesamten antiken Mittelmeerraum. Solche Räume am Grab entstanden aus einem bestimmten Bedürfnis heraus, welches sich aus den Todes- und Jenseitsvorstellungen der jewei-ligen Bevölkerung entwickelte. Sie wurden teil-weise aufwendig gestaltet und es wurden unter-schiedliche Ausstattungen wie etwa Wasser- oder Opferinstallationen integriert, die eindeutig auf eine regelmäßige Nutzung dieser Hofarchitektu-ren deuten. Funde von sowohl kultspezi"schen Gegenständen als auch einfacher Gebrauchske-ramik untermauern die Bedeutung solcher Inter-aktionsräume. Ausgehend von drei ausgewählten Gebieten - Alexandria in Ägypten, Nea Paphos auf Zypern und Kyrene in Libyen - in denen in hellenistischer Zeit sowohl die Architektur der Gräber als auch die der Höfe stark divergierten,

wird der Architektur und Ausstattung sowie der Funktion und Bedeutung so genannter sepulkra-ler Hofarchitekturen nachgegangen. Neben einer Einbettung der Grabanlagen in den Kontext der Grabarchitektur des übrigen Mittelmeerraumes dieser Zeit werden auch unterschiedliche Vor-bilder aus dem städtischen Kontext sowie der Funerallandscha(en der Regionen untersucht. Welche Vorstellungen von einer postmortalen Existenz können in den ausgewählten Regionen noch festgestellt werden und inwiefern können in diesem Zusammenhang Handlungen im Hof rekonstruiert werden? Ein ausführlicher Katalog der insgesamt 136 erhaltenen Hofarchitekturen der drei Gebiete schließt sich der Arbeit an.

NEW SERIES 9e series Giornale Italiano di Filolo-gia - Bibliotheca collects studies that are intended to discuss topics on literature, exegesis and textual criticism. 9e publi-cation rhythm is of one volume per year. 9e series is a supplement to the schol-arly journal Giornale Italiano di Filolo-gia (GIF).

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Hortus Artium Medievalium 19, 2013:Le monachisme insulaire du IVe à la .n du XIe s.

approx. 400 p., 235 x 305 mm, IRCLA, 2013, HAM 19, PB, Ref. 04010190 Publication date scheduled for October 2013 Subscriptions and price quotation: [email protected]


Les lettres romanes - 67.1-2 (2013):Ritualité de la littérature

approx. 350 p., 156 x 234 mm, 2013, LLR 67.1-2, PB, ISBN 978-2-503-54572-1 Publication prévue pour septembre 2013Subscriptions and price quotation: [email protected]


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Ritualité de la littérature :Myriam Watthee-Delmotte et Laurent Déom, Introduction. Expérience littéraire et


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Chr. Sapin, M. Jurkovi=, S. Bully, Introducti-on – S. Lebecq, L#insularité monastique dans l#Europe du Nord-Ouest (VIe-XIIe siècles) – T. O’Carragain, 'e View )om the Shore: Per-ceiving Island Monasteries in Early Medieval Ireland – A. Dubreucq, Le monachisme in-sulaire armoricain d#après les textes hagiogra-phiques – M. Riera Rullan, El monasterio de la isla de Cabrera (islas Baleares. siglos V-VIII d.c.). Testimonios arqueológicos de los monjes reprobados por el papa Gregorio Magno – Y. Codou, Aux origines du monachisme en

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Table des matières5

e-cacité rituelle – Simon Brunfaut, Expres-sion de soi et création littéraire : le « rituel » du vivant – Laurent Déom, Ritualité de l#émerveillement – Véronique Cnockaert, Lecture lévi-straussienne de Pot-Bouille d#Émile Zola. Vers un imaginaire culturel (et culinaire) de l#adultère – Jérémy Lambert, Du rite dans la %ction au rite de la %ction. Le Fils du roi de Michel Henry – Matthieu Dubois, Ritualité de la plume et de l#épée : la mise en jeu d#un « langage de Vie » – Arlette Bouloumié, Un rituel d#évocation des morts dans Tous les matins du monde de Pascal Quignard – Stéphane Chaudier, Désir de deuil et défaut du rite. La littérature contemporaine face à la mort d#un proche – Yannick Haenel, La Rayure. Notes sur le sacré, la solitude, Georges Bataille et l#ItalieVaria : Margherita Lecco, I Jeux cavalle-reschi del Tournoi de Chauvency tra rap-presentazione e lirica cortese – Emmanuel Picardi, Le dire-vrai d#Alceste – Beatrijs Vanacker, La « %ction à l#anglaise ». Au sujet des stratégies préfacielles dans l#œuvre de

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VARIA:M. A. Cau, C. Mas Florit, Tracing Settlement Patterns in Late Antique Mallorca (Balearic Islands): A Field Survey in the Eastern Territo-ries – S. Gutierrez Lloret, J. Sarabia Bautista, 'e Episcopal Complex of Eio-el Tolmo de Mi-nateda (Hell.n, Albacete, Spain). Architec-ture and Spatial Organization, 7th to 8th Cen-turies AD – K. Filipec, Aquileian Missionary Center in the Frankish Lower Pannonia at the Turn of the Eighth into the Ninth Century – J. Terrier, M. Jurkovi=, I. Mari=, Les sites de l#ancienne église Sainte-Cécile et de l#agglomé-ration médiévale de Guran en Istrie (Croatie) : onzième campagne de fouilles archéologiques – M. >au?evi=-Bully, I. Mari=, S. Bully, M. Jurkovi=, Le monastère Saint-Pierre D#Osor (Île de Cres)&: septième campagne d#études ar-chéologiques – M. Ble@i= Kavur, 'e Ampho-ra )om Osor – M. Mignozzi, Gli Slavi a Bari nell#xi secolo: alcuni elementi di storia del co-stume – F. Gutiérrez Baños, Un mural romá-nico en la iglesia de san Mmillán de Segovia. Transmigración de modelos textuales y de mo-delos visuales en el arte medieval – E. Carre-ro Santamaría, Cathedral and Liturgy in the Middle Ages: 'e Functional De%nition of Space and its Uses – B. Kavur, Heads Apart. 'e Invisible History of the Monastery of the Serviti Order in Koper – N. Jak?i=, 'e Skull Reliquaries of St Anselm and St Marcella, Pa-tron Saints of Nin – M. L. Mezzacasa, Per un corpus di croci astili tra Veneto e Trentino (se-coli XIV-XV) Comptes-RendusChronique

Gaule (Ve-XIe s.)& : les fouilles de l#église du Saint-Sauveur, Lérins, île Saint-Honorat, Alpes-Maritimes – D. Istria, Ph. Pergola, Moines et monastères dans les îles des mers Li-gure et Tyrrhénienne (Corse, Sardaigne, ar-chipel toscan et archipel ligure) – R. Belcari, Monachesimo insulare tirrenico. Fonti docu-mentarie e attestazioni materiali a montecri-sto e nelle altre isole dell#arcipelago toscano – Ch. Gaillard, Étude archéologique de l#église Saint-André (monastère de l#Île-Barbe, Lyon) – S. Gioanni, Les «& retraites insulaires& » en Dalmatie du IVe au XIe siècle. Idéal ascé-tique, monastères et diplomatie ponti%cale – N. Uroda, Beginnings of Monasticism on Cen-tral Dalmatian Islands - Problems and Pers-pectives – S. Gelichi, C. Moine, Peregrina-zioni in scon%nati deserti - ,uale archeolo-gia per i monasteri della laguna veneziana? – M. Agazzi, Monasteri veneziani: da Ca-stello a Torcello al Lido – M. >au?evi=-Bully, S. Bully, Esquisse d#un paysage monastique in-sulaire dans le nord de l#Adriatique: l#archi-pel du Kvarner (Croatie) – M. Bradanovi=, D. Cikovi=, 'e Church of St Lawrence Out-side the Town Walls of Krk – J. Aus-Ruko-ni=, Ipotesi sull#ubicazione dei monasteri pa-leocristiani e altomedioevali nell#insenatura di Cherso – M. Jurkovi=, Les monastères du Kvarner au XIe siecle – N. Reveyron, Un ba-teau pour une île. Ré*exions sur la métaphore de l#Arche de Noé dans la Vita sancti Hugo-nis abbatis de Gilon – E. Cirelli, La dieta dei monaci. Cultura materiale e alimentazione nei monasteri benedettini tra IX e X secolo – G. P. Brogiolo, Conclusion&

deux romancières )ançaises du XVIIIe siècle – Sarah Sindaco, De l#écrivain qui s#engage à l#écrivain qui se souvient. Ou la littérature )ançaise face à l#Histoire au tournant des années 1960Les LivresNote bibliographique

Table des matières5

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9e following titles are part of Brepols Miscellanea Online “Collection 2013”:Stefan Brink, Lisa Collinson (eds.) New Approaches to Early Law in Scandinavia Series: Acta Scandinavica 3Publication date scheduled for October 2013p. 2

David Hawkes, Richard Newhauser (eds.) !e Book of Nature and Humanity in Medieval and Early Modern Europe Series: Arizona Studies in the Middle Ages and the Renaissance 29Publication date scheduled for October 2013p. 2

Martin Aurell (éd.) Les Stratégies Matrimoniales (IXe-XIIIe siècle) Série: Histoires de famille. La parenté au Moyen Âge 14Publication prévue pour octobre 2013 p. 3

Jason T. Roche, Janus Møller Jensen (eds.) !e Second Crusade. Holy War on the Periphery of Latin Christendom Series: Outremer. Studies in the Crusades and the Latin East 2Publication date scheduled for October 2013p. 3

Xavier Hermand, Etienne Renard, Céline Van Hoorebeeck (éd.) Lecteurs, lectures et groupes sociaux au Moyen Âge. Actes de la journée d’études organisée par le Centre de recherches « Pratiques médiévales de l’écrit » (PraME) de l’Université de Namur (FUNDP) et le Département des Manuscrits de la Bibliothèque royale de Belgique, Bruxelles, 18 mars 2010Série: Texte, Codex & Contexte 17Date de publication prévue pour octobre 2013p. 5

Alessandra Petrina (ed.) !e Medieval Translator. Traduire au Moyen Âge. In principio fuit interpres Series: 'e Medieval Translator 15Availablep. 6

Ian Johnson, Allan F. Westphall (eds.) !e Pseudo-Bonaventuran Lives of Christ. Exploring the Middle English Tradition Series: Medieval Church Studies 24 Publication date scheduled for October 2013p. 10

Michael Van Dussen, Pavel Soukup (eds.) Religious Controversy in Europe, 1378–1536. Textual Transmission and Networks of Readership Series: Medieval Church Studies 27 Publication date scheduled for October 2013p. 10

Emilia Jamroziak, Karen Stöber (eds.) Monasteries on the Borders of Medieval Europe. Con,ict and Cultural Interaction Series: Medieval Church Studies 28 Publication date scheduled for October 2013p. 11

Maribel Fierro, John V. Tolan (eds.) !e Legal Status of dimm*-s in the Islamic West (Second/Eighth-Ninth/Fi-eenth Centuries) Series: Religion and Law in Medieval Christian and Muslim Societies 1 Publication date scheduled for October 2013p. 11

Johathan Jarrett, Allan Scott McKinley (eds.) Problems and Possibilities of Early Medieval Charters Series: International Medieval Research 19 Publication date scheduled for October 2013p. 13

Anne-Orange Poilpré, les Amis de la Bibliothèque Bénédictine (éd.) Écrire et peindre au Moyen Âge. Le livre, ses sources et ses images, de Saint-Mihiel à Verdun Série: Culture et société médiévales 27 Publication prévue pour octobre 2013p. 20

Jan Kláp@tA (ed.) Hierarchies in Rural Settlements Series: Ruralia 9 Publication date scheduled for October 2013p. 28

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