brian jestice train research

This train engine is similar to the one we made on Inventor. It has the cylindrical body and smoke stack. Among the similarities are the wheels and cow catcher. However, this engine has a train car that will carry coal. I don’t think that I will make a coal car. This is a Japanese bullet train. This train was designed to be very fast and aerodynamic. I don’t think that I will make a car with aerodynamics in mind, because it would be pointless being behind a train.

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Post on 12-Jun-2015




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Page 1: Brian jestice train research

This train engine is similar to the one we made on Inventor. It has the cylindrical body and smoke stack. Among the similarities are the wheels and cow catcher. However, this engine has a train car that will carry coal. I don’t think that I will make a coal car.

This is a Japanese bullet train. This train was designed to be very fast and aerodynamic. I don’t think that I will make a car with aerodynamics in mind, because it would be pointless being behind a train.

Page 2: Brian jestice train research

This is an oil tanker. It functions a way to transport oil, chemicals, or other liquids. This might be simple to make, it would be a cylinder with the ends rounded. After that I would just need a base for it.

This is a passenger car. The windows on the roof of the car are a nice touch, but would be hard to make with my limited tools supplies.

Page 3: Brian jestice train research

This is a more modern model of a train engine. This would be able to pull more cars behind it and be more productive.

This is a model of a flatbed car. This is very effective for carrying big boxes like the one in the picture. This would be very simple to make and I would probably not get a good grade for the project.

Page 4: Brian jestice train research

This is a model of a boxcar. Boxcars are an effective way to transport many things. Lots of small things or a few big things

This is an older style of passenger car. These can be found in zoos and amusement parks because they are a safe way to transport people across a small area.

Page 5: Brian jestice train research

This is a wooden cargo train car. It consists of a base and two wooden sides. This car is used for carrying lumber to and from the mills.

This is a very big advanced double-decker passenger train car. This train is very big and has a lot of assorted windows.

Page 6: Brian jestice train research

This is an electric train. These cars are attached to cables on top. These are a safe way to transport people across a few neighborhoods

This is a European passenger train. The steel frame is very sturdy and the front of the engine is slightly slanted which improves speed and aerodynamics.

Page 7: Brian jestice train research

This is an example of an older train engine equipped with a coal car on the end. However this model doesn’t have a smokestack. It does have the same type of linkage for the wheels.

This train car has a mostly rectangular body with rounded edges .I think the rounded edges of the car would be an easy design to add but would be hard to hard to get exactly the same on all sides.

Page 8: Brian jestice train research

This is a very big and intricate train engine. I notice that there are guard rails along the sides of the engine. It would look nice but would be insanely hard to make pieces that small. The wheels are very sophisticated and would be hard to replicate at the small scale.