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Post on 28-Nov-2014




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Retail 2.0


Page 1: Brick&Click
Page 2: Brick&Click

app.., , ,

Full functionality ofweb browsing is now avaliable via mobile

devices - web is no longeron the desktop and laptop.

Public spaces are becoming creativeclusters, they are filled with new

public, new function and software

People are still lookingfor free wify around

the city, because not all devices support 3g

Temporary retail in places wherecustomers work, spend their

free time have become a trendover last two years

General public appreciateslectures, attends seminars, are eager to broader their


It is a common emotion of social networks

to share, what, where, with whom are you


People would ratherlisten to other users

than to ads - proven by rapid growth of advice servises.

One Facebook account may be used to sign up forany service, your e-mail

is a universal login - everybodygot used to sign up quickly

It’s not what technology we have to sell - it’s what best customer experience

we can deliver, and only thenwhat technology should be

developed to make it possible





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Rapid growth of couponservises, that are

conceptually introducing the same discounts in new


Business takes activepart in social life of

its customers - by sponsoring and organizing events

By carrying out internal research,

a company doesn’t only improve inhouse intelligence

in the field, but also gain trustworthy among clients and partners.

QR codes are widelyused to gain quick

access to informationvia camera of mobile device

and simple software

Business try toshift their customersonline using place

of sale campaigns intheir stores

Age, gender, gepgraphicaly

targeted ads in social networks are very likely

to reach the right audience

Digital publishingis a way to distribute

print materialsonline and on mobile

devices, and to include interactive elements

into publications.

Pop-up stores appear on events

and operate in the environment, familliar

and convenientfor the customer

Loyalty programsstimulate customers

to stay with the brandand buy more

Case of Amazonshows that sometimes

people buy stuff only because it was shown to them in the

right time, based on history of purchaces, and personal


Most businesses run pages and apps in social networks to communicate with

customers and access their personal


Regular emailssent to members

keep them up to date with latest

news and great deals

Page 4: Brick&Click

It’s quick and easyto sign up in

one click.

Customer wants to be in control of what he buys,what discounts he


Apps with rewardedchallenges have provedsuccess, AlterGeo andFoursquare business in

in a way built on thisconcept.

We are comfortable that on our devices we are always loged in into mail,

facebook, it’s privatespace.

Customers try to find as many info

about the product as they can before they make


Multy-platform accountshelp to manage user data online

with no need to go back to external phisical media

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Page 6: Brick&Click

Click and Brick is useful tool for businesses that do have a network of phisical locations but wish to transfer major customer flow online. There are three easy steps: Every item on the shelf has an interactive POS material with a QR code on it, that offers to buy online on a discount, for items that are not presented on shelves -but are online, there is a wall-size print featuring pictures and QR codes that lead to this items in on-line store. Interactive screen contains information about every item, pictures, videos, 3d models, user may select colour, memory size and other specification and get a QR code for this unique purchase, to scan with mobile device or take a picture to scan later. An app for IOS, Android and other popular platforms has a feature of scanning QR codes, but it is actually an onlinestore app, that integrates this feature for greater user experience.


20% OFF

12 00020% OFF

Page 7: Brick&Click

An opportunity to shop on a discount, getting free shippingand avoiding standing in lines promts customer to download a free app, initially to scan QR codes.

But, an app is actually a fully functional online store, that is synchronized with user’s account on a web site and otherplatforms.

The app serves as a universal payment tool - there is no need in discount cards, that you always forget to take with you,no need to fill out forms, no need to log in to an interactiveterminal each time - your wallet, your identification card, your account with all your personal information, bonuses, purchasehistory is always in your pocket on your mobile device.

Once user downloads the app, he easily logs in with his Facebook,Twitter or Vkontakte account, and all his personal informationis filed automaticaly. Now, an app can keep track of what a customerhave bought or just looked through, and give personolized adviceof what may interest him just as Amazon does, as well based on age, gender and other personal information accessible via social network account.

From now on customer is not just a customer anymore - he is a member.Now he can browse through online store, invite his friends insocial networks to use the app, share great deal he got, and earn bonuses for this actions, this way promoting the app online.

While using an app, a member can be promted to usesocial network app, like the store on Facebook, get emails with special offers and best deals, always be informed, all within one account, synchronyzed among different platforms and devices.

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This type of promotion is inspired by case of Dropbox - they give 250mb if free storage space for each friend that has registered via your invite.This shifts marketing budget to discounts, but very accurate ones. Users have an account, and may earn money for completing challenges.They earn their first bonus for downloading the app, then - for inviting their friends. Nothing new so far. But - then a customer starts making purchases - and may get a discount for sharing a deal he just made on Facebook, Twitter, Vkontakte, the more accounts - the more discounts!But it’s not all the majic - to stimulate most active users of social networks - you may give them bonus of discount based on how many friends they have, say, on Facebook - this way you pay for exact number of users that will get to know about you - just set the price, according to how you value a new unique user. This way people may use the app to earn money - literaly getting payed for promoting your service - the app this wayhas an element of a game, users are inspired to tell more friends about the app. This also suits the identified thrend - users tend to believe what other people share and advice online - more than what they see in commercials. This way an app is promoted in most active and perspective environment - in social networks.

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Coupon services are nothing new - they serve the essence of discounts - to get more customers to buy a product today to stimulate cashflow, which is crucial for every retail business. What they did well was selling the old trick in new cover - discounts are annoying, theymake you feel they’re trying to push you stuff you don’t need - but coupons, serving absolutely the same goal as discounts, have made it social, and online, and, in the end, fun. In a store 2.0 there is a great apportunity to use this approach without giving away any added walueto Groupon. The same mechanism can be ran inside your store - via your mobile app, there can be a special section in best deals with the same message - to buy a coupon, or make a reservation to buy an item, and if a minimum feasible number of buyers is reached - the deal is done. One more advantage of this approach is advertizing gear of coupon servises - you can advertize deals with Facebook targeted ads, and have people register and start using your service. Unlike groupon - you have a store to browse, not just short-time deal, plus an opportunityto earn bonuses by sharing with your friends!

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When you use the same product-wall print from Brick&Click store as an outdoor ad - every location you place it becomes a pop-up store!It may be on subway, on a bench, a lightbox - and if you provide a free wify and place to sit in some locationsit would automaticaly create a public space around - people are still looking for free wify in the city, sometimes having to stand near coffe shops to check their mail - now they will have connection in the street, and you’ll get a word of mouth, a good casefor blogs and new users of your service! This format of outdoor can be used at differentevents in public places, parks, indoor locations,parties, as a real pop-up store - sell where your customer is, with minimum expence!Expose goods relevant to the event, to the categogy of,location, time of year.

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Since retail 2.0 is in its development stage, and has strong development perspective, with a real chance to become must-havepractice for retail busuness - there is a chanceto become a guru of retail 2.0 - to be associated with this industry as a leader in intellegence and research by holding a retail 2.0 researchlab, blogging on the topic, rebloging and retweeting Google ZMOT project, McKinsey Marketing reports, other retail labs, holding lectures andseminars.This will contribute to intangible assets such as reputation, trustworthy, your company will becomean issuer of knowledge in this field.Retail itself is a broad and interesting, creativeresearch topic, consumerism is the only trueinternational launguage that managed to cross all the boarders, geographical, ethical, ethnical, religious.On the other hand, internal research may help to improve your servises and be on the edge of innovation to make a true industry leader.

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It is a right question to ask - why should we use a mobile device to makepurchaces if we have customer cards, interactive terminals, or can symplypay cash upon delivery?

There are many ansvers. To start with the fact that cards are forgotten home most of the time, to get themuser has to fill in forms, employees have to do paperwork, manually type in customer information. When you download an app you simply login with yourFacebook, Twitter or Vkontakte account, and all the information is automaticalythere. Interactive terminals are good for displaying goods - but not for purchasing. Imagine a walk-in customer - having to somehow identify himself - enter adress,name, when he can just scan a code and walk away, arranging delivery time on the go.Paying with cash leaves no record, at least for a customer, while in the mobile device all the history, bonuses, discounts are preserved and displayed on demand.

Also, we should remember that retail 2.0 is an emerging format, and, switching to it,business should think a decade ahead. Remenber, how mobile internet, usage of apps, device functionality and distribution has improved over last year?Now imagine what is coming in next 5 years. Quite a reasonable horizon for a business to foresee.

To be on competitive edge you must provide the best customer experience.For customer, shopping is an emotional journey - and you have to make them feel good using your service - being where they feel confortable - in their mobile device, simply - in their pocket!