bridge report 2006

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  • 7/29/2019 Bridge Report 2006



    To: Honorable President and Members of CouncilHonorable Mayor Toni E. MiddletonJohn B. Blaser, Safety Service Director

    From: Curtis D. Bungard, City EngineerDate: January 4, 2007RE: 2006 Bridge Inspection Report

    The Engineering Department is required to annually inspect the condition of the Citysbridges spanning more than ten feet. Each year we must send reports of the bridges backto the Ohio Department of Transportation (ODOT) for their records. We respectfullysubmit copies of the Bridge reports (ODOT form BR-86) for each bridge to Council foryour use and information. We have included a copy of our recommendations to theStreet and Water Distribution Departments for maintenance and repair, as well. Theserecommendations also identify projects that may be needed for the bridges.

    The most notable occurrence for the 2006 Bridge Inspection period was the eliminationof the Mahoning Avenue Bridge shown on the front cover. The bridge was a cast inplace concrete box culvert. The structure spanned a haul road under Mahoning Avenueused to transport clay from the west side of the road to the brick factory on the east side.Although this stocky bridge was built very strong, we found it to be in relatively poorcondition. The bridge deck had large spalled areas with exposed rusting steel, holesthrough the deck, and deteriorating abutments with eight inches of concrete crumbledaway from their walls. Faced with a potentially large repair cost, perpetual maintenancecosts, and knowing the haul road and clay mine had been abandoned for decades, wedecided to eventually fill in the bridge.

    While examining the Mahoning Avenue Bridge, we found another abandoned haul roadunder Mahoning Avenue. This on was spanned by a brick arch culvert which was incritical condition and needed immediate attention. The double brick walls of thestructure were separated and bowing in. Fill soils from above the culvert were falling inthrough gaps at the base of the arch roof. With the ownership of both the brick culvertand the Mahoning Avenue Bridge in question, we teamed up with Mahoning County toeliminate both structures at the same time. The County hired Shook Bros., Inc. to fill inboth structures for a total cost of $63,092. We credited Mahoning County for half of thatcost, or $31,546, toward the $39,498.99 that they owed us for paving Mahoning Avenueas part of our 2006 Paving Program. This prevented the City from having to do the work

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    as a large change order at a higher cost. We were also able to complete both structuresbefore the road was paved, so the new roadway did not get damaged.

    Also of note, the Keystone Street Bridge was removed and replaced by a large culvertback in 1993 but the inventory for ODOT was never updated to show that. The newculvert is a 93x129 horizontal elliptical reinforced concrete pipe and is itself, largeenough to qualify as a bridge. Before next years report, we intend to complete thedetailed ODOT inventory forms to retire the Keystone Bridge, the Mahoning Avenue

    Bridge, and to create a structure inventory for the new Keystone Culvert.

    Most of the structures not included in this report likely fall under the jurisdiction of StarkCounty, a railroad, ODOT, or have a span of less than ten feet. However, some of theCitys other culverts may be large enough to need added to our bridge inventor. As partof the requirements of the existing GASBY 34 regulations and the upcoming EPAStormwater Phase II regulations, we will be required to inventory and map every bridge,culvert, and storm outfall in the City of Alliance. So, it is possible that our list ofstructures to inspect will increase dramatically over the coming years.

    Thank you for the opportunity to help guard the welfare and safety of the Alliance

    Community. We look forward to doing this, and more, again.

  • 7/29/2019 Bridge Report 2006





    Mahoning Avenue Bridge Retired 2006

    Prepared by:Curtis D. Bungard, P.E.Alliance City Engineer

  • 7/29/2019 Bridge Report 2006


    Mahoning Avenue Bridge Spalled Concrete and Exposed Steel

    Holes Eroded in Abutment Walls Hole through Concrete Deck

    After Mahoning Avenue Bridgewas eliminated. Haul road was

    filled in and the embankmentwas graded, seeded, andmulched. A 24 inch highdensity polyethylene pipe wasinstalled to drain a small lowlying area on the east side of theroad (foreground).

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    Brick Arch Culvert South of Mahoning Ave.Bridge. Note collapsed parapet and wingwalls lying in foreground.

    Double row brick wall separated andcollapsed. Debris falling in from fill dirtabove culvert.

    The brick culvert eliminated, there is little sign ofwhere it once was. The embankment was filledand mulch placed to prevent erosion.

    Close up of separation in the brick walls.Inner row bowing and collapsing.

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    Keystone Street Elliptical RCP Culvert Checking for Scour and Erosion

    Looking up pipe. Break at joint.

    Bad pipe cut-in. Repair needed. Bad lift hole plug Styrofoam cup.Exposed steel, concrete spall.

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    Under the East Broadway Street Bridge. Cracking, spalling, efflorescence, staining.

    Handrail post rotted at bottom. Crack in northeast abutment wall and seat.

    Northeast abutment and retaining wall. Southeast stone abutment and retaining wall.

  • 7/29/2019 Bridge Report 2006


    The Martin Luther KingViaduct was constructed in1976. Its five spans reacha total of 431 feet in lengthover roads, a parking lot,and four railroads. Shownhere is the east face of thebridge. Note the four Y-

    shaped piers below thebeams that support eachspan of the bridge.

    The Viaduct has a reinforced

    concrete deck supported by fivesteel girders which are each fourfeet deep. The x-shapeddiaphragms, or cross-frames,keep the girders from twistingunder uneven loads.

    Massive concrete abutments supportthe beams at their ends. These

    girders sit on steel rockers thatallow the beams to expand andcontract with changes intemperature. The pipe in front is adrain pipe from the scupper (smallgrate) in the road above.

    Shown here (from top to bottom)are the safety fence, concreteparapet wall, concrete bridge deck,steel girders or beams, steel rockers

    and/or pins, pier support on the leftat spans end, and abutment seat onthe right at bridges end. The steelbeams are made of weatheredsteel which develops a protectiverust patina. Its typically used overnon-water crossings where moistureis intermittent. This steel does notusually get painted.

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    Replace wood posts behind guardrail. Repair concrete along curb, sidewalk, & wall.

    Fill void under slope protection slab. Clean all scuppers.

    Clean debris from abutment seats and pier seats, Clean rust and debris from beam flanges.especially under rockers for free movement. Debris traps moisture and causes bad rust.

  • 7/29/2019 Bridge Report 2006




    To: Mike Dreger, Water Distribution SuperintendentKen Rhome, Street SuperintendentJohn Blaser, Safety Service Director

    From: Curtis Bungard, City EngineerDate: December 29, 2006RE: 2006 Bridge Reports

    Recommendations for Maintenance and Repair

    The Engineering Department is required by ODOT to inspect the Citys bridges each yearand send reports back to them. These annual inspections, however, are of little use if thedefects found are not reported to the maintenance departments. In that regard, Id like tobegin sending Recommendations for Maintenance and Repair to each of you at theconclusion of our inspections each year.

    I would be happy to meet with each or all of you at the individual sites to go over ourrecommendations if you would like. That might save a lot of typing. Please look at theattached request for each of the sites. Please call if you have questions or want to gettogether.

    Thank you for your help and cooperation, as always.

  • 7/29/2019 Bridge Report 2006


    Martin Luther King Viaduct Structure 7663463

    Location: From the intersection of N. Liberty Ave. and Market St. to the intersectionof N. Webb Ave. and Patterson St.

    Crossing: Norfolk Southern RailroadType: Continuous steel girder with reinforced concrete deck and substructure.Spans: 5 spans 65-6; 97-0; 101-6; 101-6; 65-6. Total = 431-0Condition: General Appraisal = 7, Good Condition - some minor problems.

    Operating Status = A, Open with no restrictions.

    Comments: Maintenance and repair recommendations:Clean out all scuppers. Clean out both expansion joints. Straighten theguardrail on the northwest side and replace posts that have been hit.Asphalt patch all bad joints in concrete approach pavement, especially atthe expansion joint on the approach slab. Repair holes in fence. Stretchloose fence segment on east side over second R/R track. Break awayloose and spalling concrete from the curb and parapet wall on the westside of the deck. Where steel is exposed, chip below the bars to aidbonding. Repair with mortar. Clean abutment and pier walls of all grit

    and debris, especially around rockers. Wear breathing protection, aspigeon waste can be very harmful if breathed. Clean all rust flakes anddebris off of the webs of the girders (mostly at bridge ends) because theytrap moisture and promote corrosion. One slab of the slope protection onthe south side is raised up and has a 1 void underneath. Recommendfilling void with concrete before washes out further.

    From the ODOT Structures Dept website: stub abutments - Power wash abutment seats annually after lastsalting. Seal abutment seats and face of abutment with silane/siloxaneevery five years, or with epoxy/urethane every fifteen years. Many other

    bridge operation and maintenance tips are also available.

    Project recommendations:

    Remove and replace wearing surface, waterproofing membrane system,and wick drain system. Sounding of bridge deck to identify any concretebridge deck repair needed.

    Possible project options:

    More extensive jackhammering and repair of soft concrete in parapetwalls. Paint interior of parapet walls. Paint exterior of outside girders or

    just outside girder facing downtown. (Very expensive and must be

    maintained. Would recommend spot sand blasting and repairs to any/allrust on interior girders if this is being pursued.) Paint or replace fencewith vinyl coated fence (may have to meet new wrap over standards ifreplaced.) Install landscaping at both ends of the bridge. Place improved,lighted signs at both ends of the bridge.

    East Broadway Street Bridge Structure 7663080
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    Location: E. Broadway St. between S. Park Ave. and S. Arch Ave. (near RodmanPublic Library)

    Crossing: Abandoned RailroadType: Concrete slab deck with stone abutmentsSpans: 1 span 19-10Condition: General Appraisal = 5, Fair Condition all primary structural elements

    are sound, but may have minor section loss, cracking, or spalling.Secondary elements may have significant deterioration.

    Operating Status = A, Open with no restrictions.

    Comments: Maintenance and repair recommendations:Clean out dirt and vegetation from gutters. Crack seal roadway andgutters at curb with hot asphalt cement. Repair or replace 3 pipe handrailswhere rotted at base. 3 each north side, 7 each south side. The stoneretaining walls (slope protection) on the southeast and southwest side ofthe bridge, right behind the abutments, is failing. Mortar joints are loose,stones are sinking or missing, there are voids behind the walls, and thesidewalks above are sinking. Remove and reset stones in mortar. Fillvoids behind wall with concrete and compacted stone. Replace sunken

    sidewalk slabs to stop water flow over the wall. Place large dumped rockalong the slope in front of these walls for further erosion control. Sealcracks in the concrete wing wall (northwest side), northeast abutment, andlarge retaining wall (northeast side) with non-shrink grout.

    Project recommendations:Recommend re-pointing and/or repairing mortar joints of the stone blocksfor the wing walls and abutment walls within next three years.

    Possible project options:Waterproofing and resurfacing of the bridge deck. Sounding for concrete

    deck repairs top and underneath.

  • 7/29/2019 Bridge Report 2006


    Keystone Street Culvert Formerly Structure 7663250

    Location: Keystone Street east of Garrison Avenue.Crossing: Ryans Run StreamType: Horizontal elliptical reinforced concrete pipe 93x129Spans: 1 span 10-9Condition: General Appraisal = 7, Good Condition - some minor problems.

    Operating Status = A, Open with no restrictions.

    Comments: Maintenance and repair recommendations:Cut down all saplings and trees over or within 10 feet of the pipe outlet.Seal all gaps in joints with expanding polyethylene/urethane caulk (foam),especially joints 9 & 13 where gravel is washing in. Use Water Stop orLeak Stop for any of these gapped joints below the waterline. Section19 Poor cut for 15 pipe mortar/grout repair needed. Remove thestyrofoam cups from all lift holes and fill with non-shrink mortar/grout.Broken pipes at joints Joints 6 and 28 Repair with non-shrinkmortar/grout. Also, use epoxy mortar over exposed steel at Sections 2 and29.

    Project recommendations:None.

    Possible project options:None.

  • 7/29/2019 Bridge Report 2006


    Mahoning Avenue Bridge Structure 7663307

    Location: Mahoning Avenue between East State Street and South Street (nearWhitacre Greer brick factory).

    Crossing: Abandoned haul road for clay mines.Type: Concrete box culvertSpans: 1 span - 11-11Condition: General Appraisal = 4, Poor condition advanced section loss,

    deterioration, or spalling.Operating Status = A, Open with no restrictions.

    Comments: Structure Abandoned and Filled In

    As of November 13, 2006, the structure was abandoned and filled in. Itwas replaced by a 24 HDPE storm sewer for minor drainage of a smallarea from east to west.

    Maintenance and repair recommendations:

    Monitor site for settlement in roadway, curbs, sidewalk, or embankment.Report any such settlement to City Engineer. (Do same for site of brick

    culvert abandonment, approximately 267 to the south, which was filled inat the same time.)

    Project recommendations:


    Possible project options:None.