brihat parasara hora sastra (classic)

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  • 8/14/2019 Brihat Parasara Hora Sastra (Classic)


    Brihat Parasara Hora Sastra

    Contents Ch. 1. The Creation Ch. 2. Great Incarnations Ch. 3. Grah Characters and Description Ch. 4. Zodiacal Rashis Described Ch. 5. Special Lagnas Ch. . The Si!teen Di"isions o# a Rashi Ch. $. Di"isional Considerations Ch. %. Drishtis o# the Rashis Ch. &. '"ils at (irth Ch. 1). *ntidotes #or '"ils Ch. 11. +,dge-ent o# (ha"as Ch. 12. '##ects o# Tan, (ha"a Ch. 13. '##ects o# Dhan (ha"a Ch. 14. '##ects o# Saha (ha"a Ch. 15. '##ects o# (andh, (ha"a Ch. 1 . '##ects o# /,tr (ha"a Ch. 1$. '##ects o# *ri (ha"a Ch. 1%. '##ects o# 0,"ati (ha"a Ch. 1&. '##ects o# Randhr (ha"a Ch. 2). '##ects o# Dhar- (ha"a Ch. 21. '##ects o# ar- (ha"a Ch. 22. '##ects o# Labh (ha"a Ch. 23. '##ects o# a a (ha"a Ch. 24. '##ects o# the (ha"a Lords Ch. 25. '##ects o# on L,-ino,s Grahas Ch. 2 . '"al,ation o# Drishtis o# Grahas Ch. 2$. '"al,ation 6# Strengths Ch. 2%. Isht and asht (alas Ch. 2&. (ha"a /adas Ch. 3). 7pa /ad Ch. 31. *rgala8 or Inter"ention #ro- Grahas Ch. 32. ara9at:as o# the Grahas Ch. 33. '##ects o# ara9;an 6ther 0ogas Ch. 3$. Candr?s 0ogas Ch. 3%. S@r a?s 0ogas Ch. 3&. Ra 0og Ch. 4). 0ogas Aor Ro al *ssociation

  • 8/14/2019 Brihat Parasara Hora Sastra (Classic)


    Ch. 41. Co-binations #or Bealth Ch. 42. Co-binations #or /en,r Ch. 43. Longe"it Ch. 44. >ara9 Grahas Ch. 45. *"asthas o# Grahas Ch. 4 . Dashas o# Grahas Ch. 4$. '##ects o# Dashas Ch. 4%. Distincti"e '##ects o# the a9shatr Dasha8 or o# the Dashas o# the

    Lords i-shottari o# "ario,s (ha"as Ch. 4&. '##ects o# the aal Cha9r Ch. 5). '##ects o# the Char etc. Dashas Ch. 51. Bor9ing o,t o# *ntar Dashas o# Grahas and Rashis in i-shottari etc.

    Dasha s ste-s Ch. 52. '##ects o# the *ntar Dashas in the Dasha o# S@r a i-shottari Ch. 53. '##ects o# the *ntar Dashas in the Dasha o# Candr

    Ch. 54. '##ects o# *ntar Dashas in the Dasha o# >angal Ch. 55. '##ects o# the *ntar Dashas in the Dasha o# Rah, Ch. 5 . '##ects o# the *ntar Dashas in the Dasha o# G,r, Ch. 5$. '##ects o# the *ntar Dashas in the Dasha o# Eani Ch. 5%. '##ects o# the *ntar Dashas in the Dasha o# (,dh Ch. 5&. '##ects o# the *ntar Dashas in the Dasha o# et, Ch. ). '##ects o# the *ntar Dashas in the Dasha o# E,9r Ch. 1. '##ects o# /rat antar Dashas in *ntar Dashas Ch. 2. '##ects o# S,9sh-antar Dashas in /rat antar Dashas Ch. 3. '##ects o# /rana Dashas in S,9sh-a Dashas Ch. 4. '##ects o# *ntar Dashas in the ala Cha9r Ch. 5. '##ects o# Dashas o# Rashis in the *eas,res #ro- the >ale"olence o# Grahas Ch. %5. Ina,spicio,s (irths Ch. % . Re-edies #or *-a"as a (irth Ch. %$. Re-edies #ro- (irth on rishna Chat,rdashi

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    Ch. %%. Re-edies #ro- (irth in (hadra and Ina,spicio,s 0ogas Ch. %&. Re-edies #ro- a9shatr (irth Ch. &). Re-edies #ro- San9ranti (irth Ch. &1. Re-edies #or (irth in 'clipses Ch. &2. Re-edies #ro- Gandanta (irth Ch. &3. Re-edies #or *bh,9ta >,la (irth Ch. &4. Re-edies #ro- + eshtha Gandanta (irth Ch. &5. Re-edies #ro- (irth o# a Da,ghter a#ter Three Sons Ch. & . Re-edies #ro- 7n,s,al Deli"er Ch. &$. Concl,sion

    Ch. 1. The CreationI prostrate be#ore the lot,s #eet o# Lord ighnes:ara8 o##spring o# 7-a8 the ca,se o#destr,ction o# sorro:8 :ho is ser"ed b >ah;bh,tas the #i"e great ele-ents o# the,ni"erse etc.8 :ho has the #ace o# a t,s9er and :ho cons,-es the essence o# apitthaand +a-b, #r,its.

    1 4. 6##ering his obeisance to all 9no:ing >ah;rishi /ar;=ar and :ith #olded hands8>aitre a said H6 "enerable >ah;rishi8 + otish8 the s,pre-e li-b o# the edas8 hasthree di"isions8 "i . For;8 Ganita and Sa-hita. *-ong the said three di"isions For;8or the general part o# + otish is still -ore e!cellent. I desire to 9no: o# its glorio,saspects #ro- o,. (e pleased to tell -e8 ho: this 7ni"erse is createdJ Fo: does itendJ Bhat is the relationship o# the ani-als8 born on this earth8 :ith the hea"enl bodiesJ /lease spea9 elaboratel K

    5 %. >ah;rishi /ar;=ar ans:ered. 6 (rah-in8 o,r ,er has an a,spicio,s p,rposein it #or the :el#are o# the 7ni"erse. /ra ing Lord (rah-a and ErM Saras"atM8 his po:er and consort and S@r a8 the leader o# the Grahas and the ca,se o# Creation8 Ishall proceed to narrate to o, the science o# + otish8 as heard thro,gh Lord (rah-a.6nl good :ill #ollo: the teaching o# this edic Science to the st,dents8 :ho are peace#,ll disposed8 :ho hono,r the preceptors and elders 8 :ho spea9 onl tr,thand are god#earing. Boe#,l #ore"er8 do,btlessl 8 :ill it be to i-part 9no:ledge o# thisscience to an ,n:illing st,dent8 to a heterodo! and to a cra#t person.

    & 12. ErM ishn,8 :ho is the Lord o# all -atters 8 :ho has ,nde#iled spirit8 :ho isendo:ed :ith the three G,nas8 altho,gh he transcends the grip o# G,nas G,natita 8:ho is the *,thor o# this 7ni"erse8 :ho is glorio,s8 :ho is the Ca,se and :ho isendo:ed :ith "alo,r8 has no beginning. Fe a,thored the 7ni"erse and ad-inisters it:ith a ,arter o# his po:er. The other three ,arters o# Fi-8 #illed :ith nectar8 are9no:able onl to the philosophers o# -at,rit . The /rincipal '"ol"er8 :ho is both perceptible and i-perceptible in as,de"a. The I-perceptible part o# the Lord isendo:ed :ith d,al po:ers8 :hile the /erceptible :ith triple po:ers.

    13 15. The three po:ers are ErM Sha9ti >other La9sh-i :ith Satt"a G,n8 (h@Sha9ti >other 'arth :ith Ra o G,n and Ml Sha9ti :ith Ta-o G,n. *part #ro- the

    three8 the #o,rth 9ind o# ishn,8 in#l,enced b ErM Sha9ti and (hoo Sha9ti8 ass,-es

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    the #or- o# Shan9arshan :ith Ta-o G,n8 o# /rad ,-na :ith Ra o G,n and o#*nir,dh :ith Satt"a G,n.

    1 1$. >ahatat:a8 *ha-9ar and *ha-9ar >,rti and (rah-a8 are born #ro-Shan9arshan8 /rad ,-na and *nir,dh8 respecti"el . *ll these three #or-s areendo:ed :ith all the three G,nas8 :ith predo-inance o# the G,n d,e to their origin.1% 1&. *ha-9ar is o# three classes8 i.e. :ith Satt"ic8 Ra asic and Ta-asicdispositions. Di"ine class8 sensor organs and the #i"e pri-ordial co-po,nds space8air8 #ire8 :ater and earth are8 respecti"el 8 #ro- the said three *ha-9aras.

    2). Lord ishn,8 co,pled :ith ErM Sha9ti8 r,les o"er the three :orlds. Co,pled :ith(hoo Sha9ti8 Fe is (rah-a ca,sing the 7ni"erse. Co,pled :ith eel Sha9ti8 Fe isShi"a8 destro ing the 7ni"erse.

    21 24. The Lord is in all beings and the entire 7ni"erse is in Fi-. *ll beings contain both +i"at-a and /ara-at-;

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    Fence8 e"er one sho,ld ha"e a 9no:ledge o# + otish8 partic,larl the (rah-in. Theone8 :ho8 de"oid o# 9no:ledge o# + otish8 bla-es this edic Science :ill go to thehell called NRa,ra"aO and :ill be reborn blind.

    Ch. 3. Grah Characters and Description1. >aitre a H6 >ah;rishi8 o, ha"e a##ectionatel e!plained abo,t the incarnationso# Grahas. o: 9indl detail their characters and dispositions.

    2 3. /ara=ar H6 (rah-in8 listen to the acco,nt o# place-ent o# the hea"enl bodies.6,t o# the -an l,-ino,s bodies sighted in the s9ies so-e are stars8 et so-e areGrahas. Those8 that ha"e no -o"e-ents8 are the a9shatras asteris-s .

    4 . Those are called NGrahasO8 that -o"e thro,gh the a9shatras or stellar -ansionsin the odiac. The said odiac co-prises o# 2$ a9shatras co--encing #ro- *sh"ini.

    The sa-e area is di"ided in 12 parts e ,al to 12 NRashisO co--encing #ro- >esh.The na-es o# the Grahas co--ence #ro- S@r a. The Rashi rising is 9no:n8 asNLagnO. (ased on Lagn and the Grahas8 oining and departing #ro- each other8 thenati"eOs good and bad e##ects are ded,cted.

    *ddition #ro- Santhana- till Slo9a $. The na-es o# the 2$ a9shatras are *sh"ini8(harani8 ritti9a8 Rohini8 >rigasira8 *rdra8 /,nar"as,8 /,sh a8 *slesha8 >agha8/,r"aphalg,ni8 7ttaraphalg,ni8 Fasta8 Chitra8 S:ati8 isha9a8 *n,radha8 + eshtha8>,la8 /,r"ashadh8 7ttarashadh8 Shra"ana8 Dhanishtha8 Satabhisha8 /,r"abhadra87ttarabhadra8 Re"ati.

    Lagn is a "er i-portant point in the horoscope. It is the Rashi8 that rises in the 'ast8on the latit,de o# birth. The apparent rising o# a Rashi is d,e to the rotation o# theearth on its o:n a!is at a rate o# -otion8 ca,sing e"er degree o# the odiac see-inglascend on the eastern hori on.

    *ppro!i-atel 8 t:o ho,rs are re ,ired #or a Rashi to pass "ia the hori on8 therebe"er degree ta9ing #o,r -in,tes to ascend. This d,ration8 ho:e"er8 is act,alldependent on the concerned latit,de.

    *ct,all S@r a has no -otion. Fis -otion is an apparent one8 as "ie:ed #ro- therotating earth. 6ther Grahas8 incl,ding the nodes8 ha"e "aried rates o# -otion. Thea"erage dail -otions o# the Grahas8 :hich are not8 ho:e"er standard8 are8 as #ollo:sS@r a 18 Candr 13 158 >angal 3) 45O8 (,dh 5 1))O8 E,9r 2 %2O8 G,r, 5 15O8 Eani2O8 Rah,P et, 3O.

    Bith s,ch di##erent -otions8 a Grah #or-s "ario,s Drishtis :ith others. TheseDrishtis thro,gh longit,dinal distances ha"e a great deal o# ,tilit in + otish. This is:hat >aharishi /arashar s,ggests to be considered.

    $. Details o# astrono-ical nat,re o# stars ha"e to be ,nderstood b general r,les8:hile I narrate to o, abo,t the e##ects o# Grahas and Rashis.

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    % &. The positions o# the Grahas #or a gi"en ti-e be ta9en8 as per Dri9ganit. *nd :iththe help o# Rashi d,rations8 applicable to the respecti"e places8 Lagn at birth sho,ld be 9no:n. o:8 I tell o, abo,t the castes8 descriptions and dispositions o# theGrahas.

    1). a-es o# Grahas. The na-es o# the nine Grahas8 respecti"el 8 are S@r a8 Candr8>angal8 (,dh8 G,r,8 E,9r8 Eani8 Rah, and et,.

    11. (ene#ics and >ale#ics. *-ong these8 S@r a8 Eani8 >angal8 decreasing Candr8Rah, and et, the ascending and the descending nodes o# Candr are -ale#ics8 :hilethe rest are bene#ics. (,dh8 ho:e"er8 is a -ale#ic8 i# he oins a -ale#ic.

    *ddition #ro- Santhana- till Slo9a 12 13. Bhen Candr is ahead o# S@r a8 b,t :ithin12)8 she has -edi,- strength. (et:een 12) to 24) she is "er a,spicio,s8 seeN*tish,bhapredO . Aro- 24) to ) she is bere#t o# strength. This is 0a"anasO "ie:8 "ide/. $) o# - 'nglish Translation o# Sara"ali. This "ie: is8 ho:e"er8 related to CandrOsstrength8 or other:ise8 :hile :aning Candr rishna /a9sh8 dar9 hal# is a -ale#icand :a!ing Candr Sh,9la /a9sh8 bright hal# is a bene#ic. Sho,ld Candr be 0,ti :itha bene#ic8 or recei"ing a Drishti #ro- a bene#ic8 she t,rns a bene#ic8 e"en i# in a:aning state. *s regards (,dh8 :e ha"e clear instr,ctions #ro- >aharishi /arashar8that he beco-es a -ale#ic8 i# he oins a -ale#ic. I# :aning Candr and (,dh aretogether8 both are bene#ics.

    12 13. Grah go"ernances. S@r a is the so,l o# all. Candr is the -ind. >angal is oneOsstrength. (,dh is speech gi"er8 :hile G,r, con#ers no:ledge and happiness. E,9rgo"erns se-en potenc 8 :hile Eani denotes grie#.

    14 15. Grah cabinet. 6# ro al stat,s are S@r a and Candr8 :hile >angal is the *r-chie#. /rince apparent is (,dh. The -inisterial Grahas are G,r, and E,9r. Eani is aser"ant. Rah, and et, #or- the Grah *r- .

    1 1$. Co-ple!ions o# Grahas. S@r a is blood red. Candr is ta:n . >angal8 :ho isnot "er tall is blood red8 :hile (,dhOs h,e is a9in to that o# green grass. Ta:n 8"ariegated and dar9 are G,r,8 E,9r and Eani in their order.

    1%. Deities o# Grahas. Fire (Agni) J 8 Bater ar,na 8 S,brah-an a Lord Shi"aOsson8 #ollo:ing Ganesh 8 >aha ishn,8 Indra8 Shachi De"i the consort o# Lord Indra

    and Brahma J are the presiding deities o# the $ Grahas in their order.1&. Gender o# the Grahas. (,dh and Eani are ne,ters. Candr and E,9r are #e-ales8:hile S@r a8 >angal and G,r, are -ales.

    2). /ri-ordial co-po,nds. The /anchabh,tas8 space8 air8 #ire8 :ater and earth8 are8respecti"el 8 go"erned b G,r,8 Eani8 >angal8 E,9r and (,dh.

    21. Castes o# Grahas. G,r, and E,9r are (rah-ins. S@r a is a ro al Grah8 :hileCandr and (,dh belong to co--ercial co--,nit . Eani r,les the S,dras 4 th caste .

    22. Satt"ic Grahas are the l,-inaries and G,r,8 E,9r and (,dh are Ra asi98 :hile>angal and Eani are Ta-asic.

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    23. Description o# S@r a. S@r aOs e es are hone colo,red. Fe has a s ,are bod . Feis o# clean habits8 bilio,s8 intelligent and has li-ited hair on his head .

    24. Description o# Candr. Candr is "er :ind and phleg-atic. She is learned and hasa ro,nd bod . She has a,spicio,s loo9s and s:eet speech8 is #ic9le -inded and "erl,st#,l.25. Description o# >angal. >angal has blood red e es8 is #ic9le -inded8 liberal8 bilio,s8 gi"en to anger and has thin :aist and thin ph si ,e.

    2 . Description o# (,dh. (,dh is endo:ed :ith an attracti"e ph si ,e and thecapacit to ,se :ords :ith -an -eanings. Fe is #ond o# o9es. Fe has a -i! o# allthe three h,-o,rs.

    2$. Description o# G,r,. G,r, has a big bod 8 ta:n hair and ta:n e es8 is phleg-atic8 intelligent and learned in Shastras.

    2%. Description o# E,9r. E,9r is char-ing8 has a splendo,ro,s ph si ,e8 is e!cellent8or great in disposition8 has char-ing e es8 is a poet8 is phleg-atic and :ind and hasc,rl hair.

    2&. Description o# Eani. Eani has an e-aciated and long ph si ,e8 has ta:n e es8 is:ind in te-pera-ent8 has big teeth8 is indolent and la-e and has coarse hair.

    3). Description o# Rah, and et,. Rah, has s-o9 appearance :ith a bl,e -i! ph si ,e. Fe resides in #orests and is horrible. Fe is :ind in te-pera-ent and is

    intelligent. et, is a9in to Rah,.31. /ri-ar ingredients or Sapth Dhat,s . (ones8 blood8 -arro:8 s9in8 #at8 se-enand -,scles are8 respecti"el 8 denoted b the Grahas S@r a8 Candr8 >angal8 (,dh8G,r,8 E,9r and Eani.

    32. *bodes o# the Grahas. Te-ple8 :ater place8 place o# #ire8 sport gro,nd8 treas,reho,se8 bed roo- and #ilth gro,nd these are8 respecti"el 8 the abodes #or the se"enGrahas #ro- S@r a on:ard.

    33. Grah periods. * an8 >,h,rta8 a da consisting da and night 8 Rit,8 -onth8

    #ortnight and ear these are the periods allotted to the Grahas #ro- S@r a to Eani.34. Tastes o# the Grahas. /,ngent8 saline8 bitter8 -i!ed8 s:eet8 acid,lo,s andastringent are8 respecti"el 8 tastes lorded b S@r a8 Candr8 >angal8 (,dh8 G,r,8 E,9rand Eani.

    35 3%. Strengths o# Grahas. Strong in the 'ast are (,dh and G,r,. S@r a and >angalare so in the So,th8 :hile Eani is the onl Grah8 that deri"es strength in the Best.Candr and E,9r are endo:ed :ith "igo,r8 :hen in the orth. *gain8 strong d,ringnight are Candr8 >angal and Eani8 :hile (,dh is strong d,ring da and night. The rest

    i.e. G,r,8 S@r a and E,9r are strong onl in da ti-e. D,ring the dar9 hal# -ale#icsare strong. (ene#ics ac ,ire strength in the bright hal# o# the -onth. >ale#ics and bene#ics are8 respecti"el 8 strong in Da9shina an and 7ttara an. The Lords o# the

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    ear8 -onth8 da and Fora ho,r o# Grah are stronger than the other in ascendingorder. *gain8 stronger than the other in the ascending are Eani8 >angal8 (,dh8 G,r,8E,9r8 Candr and S@r a.

    3& 4). Related to trees. S@r a r,les strong trees i.e. trees :ith sto,t tr,n9s 8 Eani,seless trees8 Candr -il9 trees and r,bber ielding plants 8 >angal bitter ones li9ele-on plants 8 E,9r #loral plants8 G,r, #r,it#,l ones and (,dh #r,itless ones.

    41 44. 6ther -atters. Rah, r,les the o,tcaste8 :hile et, go"erns -i!ed caste. Eaniand the nodes indicate ant hills. Rah, denotes -,lti colo,red clothes and et, rags.Lead and bl,e ge- belong to Rah, and et,. S@r a8 Candr8 >angal8 (,dh8 G,r,8E,9r and Eani in their order go"ern red sil9en8 :hite sil9en8 red8 blac9 sil9en8 sa##ron8sil9en and -,lti colo,red robes.

    45 4 . Seasons o# Grahas. asanta8 Greesh-a8 arsh8 Sarad8 Fe-anta and Sisir arethe si! Rit,s or seasons 8 respecti"el 8 go"erned b E,9r8 >angal8 Candr8 (,dh8G,r, and Eani. Rah, and et, denote % -onths and 3 -onths8 respecti"el .

    4$. Dhat,8 >ool and +i"a Di"isions. Dhat, Grahas are Rah,8 >angal8 Eani and Candr8:hile S@r a and E,9r are >,la Grahas. (,dh8 G,r, and et, r,le +i"as.

    4%. *ge. 6,t o# all the Grahas Eani is the eldest. Fe besto:s -a!i-,- n,-ber o#ears in aisargi9 Dasha.

    4& 5). '!altation and Debilitation. Aor the se"en Grahas8 #ro- S@r a on8 thee!altation Rashis are8 respecti"el 8 >esh8 rishabh8 >a9ar8 an a8 ar98 >een and

    T,la. The deepest e!altation degrees are8 respecti"el 8 1)8 38 2%8 158 58 2$ and 2) inthose Rashis. *nd in the se"enth Rashi #ro- the said e!altation Rashi each Grah hasits o:n debilitation. The sa-e degrees o# deep e!altation appl to deep #all.

    51 54. *dditional Dignities. In Si-h the #irst 2) degrees are S@r aOs >ooltri9on8:hile the rest is his o:n (ha"a. *#ter the #irst 3 degrees o# e!altation portion in

    rishabh8 #or Candr8 the rest is her >ooltri9on. >angal has the #irst 12 degrees in>esh8 as >ooltri9on :ith the rest therein beco-ing si-pl his o:n (ha"a. Aor (,dh8in an a the #irst 15 degrees are e!altation one8 the ne!t 5 degrees >ooltri9on andthe last 1) degrees are o:n (ha"a. The #irst one third o# Dhan, is the >ooltri9on o#G,r,8 :hile the re-aining part thereo# is his o:n (ha"a. E,9r di"ides T,la into t:o

    hal"es 9eeping the #irst8 as >ooltri9on and the second8 as o:n (ha"a. EaniOsarrange-ents are sa-e in ,-bh8 as S@r a has in Si-h.

    55. at,ral Relationships. ote the Rashis8 :hich are the 2nd8 4th8 5th8 %th8 &th and 12th#ro- the >ooltri9on o# a Grah. The Grahas r,ling s,ch Rashis are its #riends8 apart#ro- the Lord o# its e!altation Rashi. Lords other than these are its ene-ies. I# a Grah beco-es its #riend as :ell8 as its ene- on acco,nt o# the said t:o co-p,tations 8then it is ne,tral8 or e ,al.

    5 . Te-porar Relationships. The Grah8 posited in the 2nd8 3rd8 4th8 1)th8 11th8 or the 12th#ro- another8 beco-es a -,t,al #riend. There is en-it other:ise. This applies to agi"en +an- ,ndali

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    5$ 5%. Co-po,nd Relationship. Sho,ld t:o Grahas be nat,rall and te-poraril#riendl 8 the beco-e e!tre-el #riendl . Ariendship on one co,nt and ne,tralit onanother co,nt -a9e the- #riendl . 'n-it on one co,nt co-bined :ith a##init on theother t,rns into e ,alit . 'n-it and ne,tralship ca,se onl en-it . Sho,ld there been-it in both -anners8 e!tre-e en-it is obtained. The + otishi sho,ld considerthese and declare horoscopic e##ects accordingl .5& ). Ratio o# '##ects. * Grah in e!altation gi"es #,ll good e##ects8 :hile in>ooltri9on it is bere#t o# its a,spicio,s e##ects b one #o,rth. It is hal# bene#icial in itso:n (ha"a. Its bene#icence is one #o,rth in a #riendl Rashi. In an e ,alOs Rashi oneeighth o# a,spicio,s disposition is ,se#,l. The good e##ects are nil in debilitation8 orene- Os ca-p. Ina,spicio,s e##ects are ,ite re"erse :ith re#erence to :hat is stated.

    1 4. on l,-ino,s 7paGrahas S,b Grahas . *dd 4 Rashis 13 degrees and 2)-in,tes o# arc to S@r aOs longit,de at a gi"en -o-ent to get the e!act position o# theall ina,spicio,s Dhoo-. Red,ce Dhoo- #ro- 12 Rashis to arri"e at atipat.

    atipat is also ina,spicio,s. *dd si! Rashis to atipat to 9no: the position o#/ari"esh. Fe is e!tre-el ina,spicio,s. Ded,ct /ari"esh #ro- 12 Rashis to arri"e atthe position o# Chap Indra Dhan,s 8 :ho is also ina,spicio,s. *dd 1 degrees 4)-in,tes to Chap8 :hich :ill gi"e et, 7pa et, 8 :ho is a -ale#ic. ( adding aRashi to 7pa et,8 o, get the original longit,de o# S@r a. These are the Grahas8de"oid o# splendo,r8 :hich are -ale#ics b nat,re and ca,se a##liction.

    5. '##ects o# S,b Grahas. I# one o# these a##licts S@r a8 the nati"eOs d nast :illdecline8 :hile Candr and Lagn8 respecti"el 8 associated :ith one o# these8 :ill destrothe longe"it and :isdo-. So declared Lord (rah-a8 the Lot,s (orn.

    &. Calc,lations o# G,li9 etc. The portions o# S@r a etc. ,p to Eani denote the periods o# G,li9 and others. Di"ide the da d,ration o# an :ee9 da into eighte ,al parts. The eighth portion is Lord less. The se"en portions are distrib,ted to these"en Grahas co--encing #ro- the Lord o# the :ee9 da . Bhiche"er portion is r,led b Eani8 :ill be the portion o# G,li9. Si-ilarl -a9e the night d,ration into eighte ,al parts and distrib,te these8 co--encing #ro- the Lord o# the 5th b :ee9. Fereagain8 the eighth portion is Lord less8 :hile EaniOs portion is G,li9. S@r aOs portion is

    aal8 >angalOs portion is >rit ,8 G,r,Os portion is 0a-aghanta9 and (,dhOs portionis *rdhaprahar. These d,rations di##erentl appl to di##erent places co--ens,rate:ith "ariable da and night d,rations .

    $). G,li9Os /osition. The degree8 ascending at the ti-e o# start o# G,li9Os portion asabo"e 8 :ill be the longit,de o# G,li9 at a gi"en place. (ased on this longit,de onl 8G,li9Os e##ects #or a partic,lar nati"it be esti-ated.

    $1 $4. Calc,lation o# /ranapad. Con"ert the gi"en ti-e into ighatis and di"ide thesa-e b 15. The res,ltant Rashi8 degrees etc. be added to S@r a8 i# he is in a >o"ableRashi8 :hich :ill ield /ranapad. I# S@r a is in a Ai!ed Rashi8 add 24) degreesadditionall and8 i# in a D,al Rashi8 add 12) degrees in #,rtherance to get /ranapad.The birth :ill be a,spicio,s8 i# /ranapad #alls in the 2nd8 5th8 &th8 4th8 1)th8 or 11th #ro-the natal Lagn. In other (ha"as /ranapad indicates an ina,spicio,s birth.

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    otes. *rdhaprahar8 0a-aghanta98 >rit ,8 aal and G,li9 are the 5 aal elas8s,ggested b >aharishi /arashar. The da d,ration8 according to altit,de8 is di"idedinto eight e ,al parts. The eighth portion is ,nlorded. The #irst portion is allotted tothe :ee9da Lord. 6ther portions #ollo: in the order o# :ee9da Lords. Be consider5 portions o# Grahas8 ignoring that o# Candr and E,9r. The portions o# S@r a8 >angal8(,dh8 G,r, and Eani are8 respecti"el 8 called aal8 >rit ,8 *rdhaprahar80a-aghanta9 and G,li9.

    In the case o# night the d,rations8 or 1P%th parts are allotted in a di##erent order. The#irst portion goes to the Grah8 r,ling the 5th :ee9da Lord8 co,nted #ro- the da in

    ,estion. The others #ollo: in the ,s,al order. Fere again8 the %th part is Lord less.The portions o# Grahas #ro- aal to G,li9 are the sa-e in no-enclat,re in the nightalso.

    eeran,r, ataRa a o# +ata9alan9ara- Ta-il "ersion gi"es Rashis o# dignities #orthese 7paGrahas and G,li9 etc. 7paGrah Q G,li9 etc. '!altation8 Debilitation8S:a9shetra o:n Rashi Dhoo- Si-h8 ,-bh8 >a9ar atipat rischi98

    rishabh8 >ith,n /ari"esh >ith,n8 Dhan,8 Dhan, Indrachap Dhan,8 >ith,n8ar9 7pa et, ,-bh8 Si-h8 ar9 G,li9 8 8 ,-bh 0a-aghanta9 8 8 Dhan,

    *rdhaprahar 8 8 >ith,n aal 8 8 >a9ar >rit , 8 8 rischi9.

    Aro- S@r a to Eani no one is e!alted in the abo"e -entioned e!altation Rashis8 nordebilitated in the abo"e -entioned debilitation Rashis.

    6,t o# the 5 aal elas8 "i . G,li9 etc.8 #o,r e!cept aal related to S@r a ha"e theiro:n Rashi s ste- in the respecti"e Rashis8 r,led b their #athers. G,li98 son o# Eani8has ,-bh8 as his o:n (ha"a. G,r,Os son8 0a-aghanta98 has it in Dhan,.*rdhaprahar8 (,dhOs son8 is in o:n Rashi8 i# in >ith,n. >rit ,8 son o# >angal8 has

    rischi98 as o:n (ha"a. It is not 9no:n8 :h aal8 a son o# S@r a shi#ted to >a9ar8 aRashi o# his brother Eani 8 lea"ing his #atherOs Si-h. 6b"io,sl 8 Eani has gi"en his>ooltri9on to his son G,li98 :hile he ga"e >a9ar a secondar Rashi to his NbrotherO


    Ch. 4. Zodiacal Rashis Described1 2. I-portance o# Fora. The :ord Fora is deri"ed #ro- *horatr a#ter dropping the#irst and last s llables. Th,s Fora Lagnas re-ains in bet:een *horatr i.e. da andnight and a#ter 9no:ing Fora the good and bad e##ects o# a nati"e be 9no:n. ErM

    ishn,8 the In"isible is Ti-e personi#ied. Fis li-bs are the 12 Rashis8 co--encing#ro- >esh.

    3. a-es o# Rashis. The 12 Rashis o# the odiac in order are >esh8 rishabh8 >ith,n8ar98 Si-h8 an a8 T,la8 rischi98 Dhan,8 >a9ar8 ,-bh and >een.

    4 4 . Li-bs o# aal /,r,sh. aal /,r,sh or Ti-e personi#ied has his li-bs8 as,nder :ith re#erence to the 12 Rashis8 respecti"el Fead8 #ace8 ar-s8 heart8 sto-ach8hip8 space belo: na"el8 pri"ities8 thighs8 9nees8 an9les and #eet.

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    5 5 . Classi#ication o# Rashis. >o"able8 Ai!ed and D,al are the na-es gi"en to the12 Rashis in order. These are again 9no:n8 as -ale#ic and bene#ic8 s,ccessi"el .Si-ilarl are -ale and #e-ale. >esh8 Si-h and Dhan, are bilio,s. rishabh8 an aand >a9ar are :ind . >ith,n8 T,la and ,-bh are -i!ed8 :hile the rest are phleg-atic.

    $. >esh described. The >esh is blood red in co-ple!ion. lt has a pro-inent big ph si ,e. It is a ,adr,ped Rashi and strong d,ring night. It denotes co,rage. Itresides in the 'ast and is related to 9ings. It :anders in hills and predo-inates inRa o G,n the second o# the three constit,ent ,alities and the ca,se o# great acti"itin li"ing beings . It rises :ith its bac9 a /rishtoda a Rashi and is #ier . Its r,ler is>angal.

    %. rishabh described. rishabhOs co-ple!ion is :hite and it is lorded b E,9r. It islong and is a ,adr,ped Rashi. It has strength in night and resides in the So,th. Itrepresents "illages and b,siness-en. *n earth Rashi8 rishabh rises :ith its bac9.

    & & . >ith,n described. The Rashi >ith,n rises :ith its head and represents a -aleand a #e-ale8 holding a -ace and l,te. It li"es in the Best and is an air Rashi. It is a biped Rashi as :ell and is strong in nights. It li"es in "illages and is :ind inte-pera-ent. It has an e"en bod :ith a green grass li9e h,e. Its r,ler is (,dh.

    1) 11. ar9 described. The Rashi ar9 is pale red. It resorts to #orests and represents(rah-ins. It is strong in nights. It has -an #eet i.e. it is a centipede Rashi and has a b,l9 bod . It is Satt"ic in disposition seen in gods and it is a :ater Rashi. It rises:ith its bac9 and is r,led b Candr.

    12. Si-h described. Si-h is r,led b S@r a and is Satt"ic. It is a ,adr,ped Rashi anda ro al Rashi. It resorts to #orests and rises :ith its head. It has a large8 :hite bod . Itresides in the 'ast and is strong d,ring da ti-e.

    13 14. an a described. This Rashi is a hill resorter and is strong in da ti-e. It rises:ith its head and has a -edi,- b,ild. It is a biped Rashi and resides in the So,th. Ithas grains and #ire in its hands. It belongs to the b,siness co--,nit and is"ariegated. It relates to h,rricanes N/rabharan aniO . It is a irgin and is Ta-asic adisposition o# de-ons . Its r,ler is (,dh.

    15 1 . T,la described. T,la is a Seershoda a Rashi8 rising :ith its head T,la isstrong in da ti-e. It is blac9 in co-ple!ion and is predo-inant :ith Ra o G,n. Itrelates to the :estern direction and resorts to land. It is destr,cti"e8 or -ischie"o,s

    NDhatinO . It represents S,dras8 or the 4th arna. It has a -edi,- b,ild ph si ,e andis a biped Rashi. Its Lord is E,9r. rischi9 described. rischi9 has a slender ph si ,eand is a centipede Rashi. It denotes (rah-ins and resides in holes. Its direction is orth and it is strong in da ti-e. It is reddish bro:n and resorts to :ater and land. Ithas a hair ph si ,e and is "er sharp or passionate . >angal is its r,ler.

    1$ 1% . Dhan, described. The Rashi Dhan, rises :ith its head and is lorded b G,r,.It is a Satt"ic Rashi and is ta:n in h,e. It has strength in night and is #ier . * ro alRashi8 Dhan, is biped in #irst hal#. Its second hal# is ,adr,ped. It has an e"en b,ildand adores an arch. It resides in the 'ast8 resorts to land and is splendo,ro,s.

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    1& 2). >a9ar described. >a9ar is lorded b Eani and has predo-inance o# Ta-o G,na disposition8 seen in de-ons . It is an earth Rashi and represents the so,thern

    direction. It is strong in nights and rises :ith bac9. It has a large bod . Its co-ple!ionis "ariegated and it resorts to both #orests and lands. Its #irst hal# is ,adr,ped and itssecond hal# #ootless8 -o"ing in :ater.

    21 21 . ,-bh described. The Rashi ,-bh represents a -an holding a pot. Itsco-ple!ion is deep bro:n. It has -edi,- b,ild and is a biped Rashi. It is "er strongin da ti-e. It resorts to deep :ater and is air . It rises :ith its head and is Ta-asic. Itr,les S,dras8 the 4th arna and the Best. Its Lord is Eani8 S@r aOs o##spring.

    22 24. >een described. >een rese-bles a pair o# #ish8 one tailed :ith the head o# theother. This Rashi is strong at night. It is a :ater Rashi and is predo-inant :ithSatt"a G,n. It denotes resol,teness and is a :ater resorter. It is #ootless and has a-edi,- b,ild. It r,les the orth and rises :ith both head and bac9. It is r,led bG,r,. This is ho: the t:el"e Rashis8 each o# 3) degrees e!tent8 are described toe"al,ate gross and speci#ic e##ects.

    25 3). ishe9 Lagn. 6 e!cellent o# (rah-ins8 no: is a step e!plained to arri"e at the ishe9 Lagn8 :hen the natal Lagn is 9no:n. ote the ang,lar distance bet:een Eaniand >andi G,li9 . *dd this to the di##erence bet:een the Lagn (ha"a >adh a8 orc,sp and the &th (ha"a c,sp . The res,ltant prod,ct in Rashis8 degrees etc. :illrepresent the -onths8 da s etc.8 that elapsed bet:een ishe9 and birth. *t birth8 i#Lagn Lord is in the in"isible hal# i.e. #ro- Lagn c,sp to descendental c,sp 8 add thedegrees etc.8 Candr -o"ed in the partic,lar Rashi8 occ,pied b her8 to the abo"e-entioned prod,ct. Then Lagn at ishe9 can be :or9ed o,t and the good and bad8e!perienced b the nati"e in the :o-b8 can be g,essed. 6ne can also g,ess :ith thehelp o# ishe9 Lagn e##ects8 li9e longe"it 8 death etc. o# the parents.

    Ch. . Special !a"nas1. 6h e!cellent o# the (rah-ins8 I e!plain belo: again so-e special Lagnas8 "i .(ha"a Lagn8 Fora Lagn and Ghati Lagn.

    2 3. (ha"a Lagn. Aro- s,nrise to the ti-e o# birth e"er 5 Ghatis or 12) -in,tesconstit,te one (ha"a Lagn. Di"ide the ti-e o# birth in Ghatis8 ighatis etc. #ro-s,nrise b 5 and add the ,otient etc. to S@r aOs longit,de8 as at s,nrise. This is called(ha"a Lagn.

    4 5. Fora Lagn. *gain #ro- s,nrise till the ti-e o# birth Fora Lagn repeats itsel#e"er 2 Ghatis i. e. ) -in,tes . Di"ide the ti-e past ,p to birth #ro- s,nrise b2 and add the ,otient etc. in Rashis8 degrees and so on to the longit,de o# S@r a8 asat the s,nrise. This :ill ield Fora Lagn in Rashi8 degrees etc.

    %. Ghati Lagn Ghati9 Lagn . o: listen to the -ethod o# :or9ing o,t Ghati Lagn.This Lagn changes along :ith e"er Ghati 24 -in,tes #ro- the s,nrise. ote birthti-e in Ghatis and ighatis. Consider the n,-ber o# Ghatis past8 as n,-ber o# Rashis8

    or Ghati Lagnas. The ighatis be di"ided b 2 to arri"e at degrees and -in,tes o# arc8 past in the said Ghati Lagn. The prod,ct so arri"ed in Rashis8 degrees and -in,tes be

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    added to S@r aOs longit,de8 as at s,nrise8 to get the e!act location o# Ghati Lagn. Sosa >aharishis8 li9e arada.

    &. 7se o# Special Lagnas. eeping the Grahas at birth8 as it is8 prepare "ario,s (ha"a,ndalis :ith respect to each special Lagn and anal e8 as done #or the natal Lagn.

    1) 13 . arnad Dasha. I no: detail arnad Dasha8 ,st b 9no:ing :hich one candeal :ith the longe"it o# a nati"e. I# the natal Lagn is an odd Rashi8 co,nt directl#ro- >esh to natal Lagn. I# the natal Lagn is an e"en Rashi8 co,nt #ro- >een to thenatal Lagn in the re"erse order. Si-ilarl 8 i# the Fora Lagn is an odd one8 co,nt #ro->esh to Fora Lagn in direct order. I# the Fora Lagn is an e"en one8 co,nt #ro- >eento Fora Lagn in the re"erse order. I# both the prod,cts are odd Rashis8 or e"en Rashis8then add both the #ig,res. I# one is odd and the other is e"en8 then 9no: the di##erence bet:een the t:o prod,cts. I# the latest prod,ct in this process is an odd one8 co,nt so-an Rashis #ro- >esh in a direct -anner i# an e"en one8 co,nt so -an Rashis#ro- >een in re"erse order. The Rashi so 9no:n :ill be the arnad #or Lagn.

    14 15. '##ects o# arnad. o: listen to the ,se o# the abo"e. 6,t o# the t:o8 "i . natalLagn and Fora Lagn8 :hiche"er is stronger8 #ro- there arnad starts. I# the natalLagn is an odd Rashi8 the co,nting o# Dashas is cloc9:ise8 other:ise anticloc9:ise.Lagn Dasha ears :ill e ,al the n,-ber o# Rashis8 inter"ening bet:een the natalLagn and arnad. Si-ilarl #or other (ha"as.

    1 2). '##ects o# arnad cont. . Sho,ld a on #ro- LagnOs arnad be occ,pied8 ordrishtied b a -ale#ic8 the nati"e :ill li"e onl ,p to the Dasha o# the said Rashi. +,st8as the R,dra Grah in Sool Dasha is capable o# ca,sing e"ils8 the abo"e -entionedGrahas related to arnadOs on be treated. The arnad Lagn be considered8 as natalLagn8 :hile the $th #ro- arnad :ill denote the longe"it o# the spo,se8 the 11thlonge"it o# elder brothers and sisters8 the 3rd longe"it o# o,nger brothers andsisters8 the 5th the longe"it o# sons8 the 4th longe"it o# -other and the &th longe"ito# #ather. The Dasha o# the Sool Rashi :ill in#lict greater e"ils.

    21 24. '##ects o# arnad cont. . Si-ilar assess-ents be -ade :ith re#erence to thearnad o# each (ha"a8 co--encing the #irst8 and the e"ils and goods d,e to a nati"it

    be 9no:n. These arnad Dashas are onl #or (ha"as Rashis and not theirocc,pants. The s,b period o# each Dasha :ill be one t:el#th o# the Dasha and theorder :ill also be cloc9:ise8 or anti cloc9:ise8 as e!plained earlier. The natal Lagn is

    to be calc,lated according to birth place8 :hile (ha"a Lagn8 Fora Lagn etc. areco--on to all places.

    Ch. #. The Si$teen Di%isions o& a Rashi1. 6 >ah;rishi /ar;=ar8 I ha"e 9no:n #ro- o, abo,t the Grahas8 Rashis and theirdescriptions. I desire to 9no: the details o# "ario,s di"isions o# a Rashi8 :ill o, please narrate.

    2 4. a-es o# the 1 argas. Lord (rah-a has described 1 9inds o# argas

    Di"isions #or each Rashi. Listen to those. The na-es are Rashi8 For;8 Dresh9an8Chat,rth;

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    1$ 21. i-sh;esh #or a >o"able Rashi8 #ro- Dhan, #or a Ai!ed Rashiand #ro- Si-h #or a Co--on Rashi this is ho: the calc,lations o# i-sh;egha8 Chinnasi8 /isachini8 Dh,-a"athi8 >atangi8(al8 (hadr8 *r,n8 *nal8 /ingal8 Ch,chch,98 Ghora8 aarahi8 aishna"i8 Sita8(h,"anes"ari8 (haira"i8 >angal and *para it.

    22 23. Chat,r"i-sh;adan and (hi-a. Re"erse these #ro- (hi-a t:ice to 9no: the deities #orthe Chat,r"i-sh;

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    bere#t o# strength8 :hen in the $th #ro- e!altation . In bet:een the strength be 9no:n b the r,le o# three process. In the case o# a Grah8 o:ning t:o Rashis8 distinction o# place-ent in oddPe"en Rashi identical :ith o:n Rashi be -ade.

    13 1 . For;8 Dresh9an and Tri-sh;aitre a8 there are other 9inds o# so,rces8 as Ie!plain belo:. Grahas in the $th #ro- S@r a :ill be #,ll e##ecti"e. 6ne :ith anidentical longit,de in co-parison to S@r aOs :ill destro the good e##ects. R,le o#three process be applied to the Grah in bet:een these positions.

    3) 32. Dasha e##ects :ith i-shopa9 (al. >aitre a8 a#ter assessing the i-shopa9(al thro,gh the "ario,s di"isions8 the rising and setting o# the Grahas be considered.The i-shopa9 (al is classi#ied ,nder /,rna8 *ti/,rna8 >adh a8 *ti>adh a8 Feen8*tiFeen8 S:alpa and *tiS:alp. Th,s sho,ld be classi#ied the i-shopa9 (al and theDasha period res,lts declared accordingl .

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    33 3 . endras8 onas etc. de#ined. 6 >aitre a8 listen to other -atters8 :hich I a-e!plaining. The endras are speciall 9no:n8 as Lagn the ascendent 8 (andh,(ha"a8 0,"ati (ha"a the descendant and ar- (ha"a -id hea"en . Dhan8 /,tr8Randhr and Labh (ha"a are /anapharas s,ccedents 8 :hile Saha 8 *ri8 Dhar- and

    a a (ha"a are called *po9li-as cadents . /,tr and Dhar- (ha"a are 9no:n bthe na-e on or trine . '"il (ha"as8 or D,sthan (ha"as are *ri8 Randhr and a a(ha"a. Chat,rasras are (andh, and Randhr (ha"a. Saha 8 *ri8 ar- and Labh (ha"aare 7pacha a (ha"as.

    3$ 3%. a-es o# (ha"as. Than,8 Dhan8 Saha 8 (andh,8 /,tr8 *ri8 0,"ati8 Randhr8Dhar-8 ar-a8 Labh and a a are in order the na-es o# (ha"as. I e!plained these brie#l and lea"e it to o, to grasp -ore8 according to o,r intelligence. *s deli"ered b Lord (rah-a8 so-e #,rther in#or-ation is added th,s i.e. in the #ollo:ing "erses .

    3& 43. Indications #ro- (ha"as. Dhar- (ha"a and the &th #ro- S@r a deal :ith oneOs#ather. Bhate"er e##ects are to be 9no:n #ro- the ar- and Labh (ha"a8 be also9no:n #ro- si-ilar (ha"as8 co,nted #ro- S@r a. Bhate"er res,lts are to be 9no:n#ro- (andh,8 Tan,8 Dhan8 Labh and Dhar- sho,ld also be 9no:n #ro- the 4th o#Candr8 #ro- ar9 Rashi itsel# and #ro- the 2nd8 11th and &th #ro- Candr8 respecti"el .Bhate"er has to be 9no:n thro,gh Saha (ha"a8 be also anal ed thro,gh the 3rd#ro- >angal. The th #ro- (,dh be also considered in regard to indications8 deri"able#ro- *ri (ha"a. The 5 th #ro- G,r,8 the $th #ro- E,9r and both the %th and 12th #ro-Eani stand #or consideration8 respecti"el 8 in respect o# o##spring8 spo,se and death.The Lord o# the (ha"a is e ,all i-portant8 :hen esti-ating the indications o# a partic,lar (ha"a.

    Ch. (. Drishtis o& the Rashis1 3. Rashi Drishtis. 6 >aitre a8 no: detailed are the Drishtis8 e-anating #ro- theRashi >esh etc. '"er >o"able Rashi drishties the 3 Ai!ed Rashis8 lea"ing the Ai!edRashi ad acent to it. '"er Ai!ed Rashi gi"es Drishti to the 3 >o"able Rashis8 barringthe ad acent >o"able Rashi. *nd a Co--on Rashi gi"es a Drishti to the other threeCo--on Rashis. The Grah in a Rashi gi"es the sa-e Drishti8 as the Rashi in :hichthe Grah is does.

    4 5. Dristhis o# the Grahas. * Grah in a >o"able Rashi gi"es a Drishti to the other 3Ai!ed Rashis8 lea"ing the Ai!ed Rashi ne!t to it. * Grah in a Ai!ed Rashi does notgi"e a Drishti to the ne!t >o"able Rashi8 b,t the re-aining 3 >o"able Rashis. Theone in a Co--on Rashi gi"es a Drishti to the re-aining 3 Co--on Rashis.Si-,ltaneo,sl a Grah in the Rashi8 that recei"es a Drishti8 is also s,b ected to theDrishti concerned.

    &. Diagra- o# Dristhis. *s depicted b Lord (rah-a8 I no: narrate the diagra- o#Drishtis8 so that Drishtis are easil ,nderstood b a -ere sight o# the diagra-. Dra: as ,are8 or a circle -ar9ing the % directions 4 corners and 4 ,arters thereo# . >ar9the odiacal Rashis8 as ,nder >esh and rishabh in 'ast8 >ith,n in the orth 'ast8

    ar9 and Si-h in the orth8 an a in the orth Best8 T,la and rischi9 in the Best8Dhan, in the So,th Best8 >a9ar and ,-bh in the So,th and >een in the So,th'ast.

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    *ddition Santhana- till Ch. &. The Drishtis as per the earlier Slo9as can be sho:nin a s ,are diagra-8 or circ,lar diagra- as per con"enience .

    Ch. ). *%ils at Birth1. 6 (rah-in8 #irst o# all esti-ate the e"ils and chec9ing #actors thereo# thro,gh Lagnand then declare the e##ects o# the 12 (ha"as.

    2. '"ils8 ca,sing pre-at,re end8 e!ist ,p to the 24th ear o# oneOs age. *s s,ch8 node#inite calc,lation o# li#e span sho,ld be -ade till s,ch ear o# age.

    3 . Short li#e Co-binations ,p to Slo9a 23 . Sho,ld Candr be in *ri8 Randhr8 ora a (ha"a and recei"es a Drishti #ro- a -ale#ic8 the child :ill die soon. I# in the

    process there be a Drishti #ro- a bene#ic8 it -a li"e ,p to %. I# a bene#ic is retrogradein *ri8 Randhr8 or a a (ha"a8 recei"ing a Drishti #ro- a -ale#ic8 death :ill occ,r

    :ithin a -onth o# birth. This is tr,e8 onl :hen Lagn is not occ,pied b a bene#ic.Sho,ld /,tr (ha"a be occ,pied b Eani8 >angal and S@r a ointl 8 earl death o#-other and brother :ill co-e to pass. >angal8 placed in Tan,8 or in Randhr (ha"aand be ,ti :ith Eani8 or S@r a8 or recei"ing a Drishti #ro- a -ale#ic8 being bere#t o#a Drishti #ro- a bene#ic8 :ill pro"e a so,rce o# i--ediate death.

    $ 11. I# Eani and >angal gi"e a Drishti to Lagn8 as the l,-inaries are ,ti :ith Rah,else:here 8 the child :ill li"e a #ortnight. I--ediate death o# the child along :ith its

    -other :ill occ,r8 i# Eani is in ar- (ha"a8 Candr in *ri (ha"a and >angal in0,"ati (ha"a. 6ne :ill i--ediatel go to the abode o# 0a-a8 i# Eani is in Tan,(ha"a8 :hile Candr and G,r, are in their order in Randhr and Saha (ha"a. 6nl a-onth :ill be the span o# oneOs li#e8 :ho had S@r a in Dhar- (ha"a8 >angal in0,"ati (ha"a and G,r, and E,9r in Labh (ha"a. *ll Grahas an Grah in a a(ha"a :ill be the so,rce o# a short li#e8 speci#icall the l,-inaries8 E,9r and Rah,.(,t the Drishti o# these #o,r Grahas on a a (ha"a :ill co,nteract s,ch e"ils.

    12. Candr is capable o# ca,sing earl end8 i# she is :ith a -ale#ic in 0,"ati8 Randhr8or Tan, (ha"a and ,nrelated to a bene#ic.

    13. 'arl death :ill co-e to pass8 i# there be a birth in the -orning8 or e"ening ,nctions8 or in a Fora8 r,led b Candr8 or in Gandanta8 :hile Candr and -ale#icsocc,p endras #ro- Lagn.

    14. De#inition o# Sandh a. 3 Ghatis be#ore the sight o# the se-i disc hal# o# therising S@r a and a si-ilar d,ration8 #ollo:ing S@r aOs set8 are called8 as -orningt:ilight and e"ening t:ilight8 respecti"el .

    15. 'arl Death. Sho,ld all the -ale#ics be in the oriental hal#8 :hile bene#ics are inthe occidental hal#8 earl death o# one born in rischi98 :ill #ollo:. In this case thereis no need o# an rethin9ing.

    1 . >ale#ic in a a and *ri (ha"a8 or in Randhr and Dhan (ha"a8 :hile Lagn is

    he--ed bet:een other -ale#ics8 :ill bring earl death.

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    1$. >ale#ics8 occ,p ing Tan, and 0,"ati (ha"a8 :hile Candr is ,ti :ith a -ale#ic:ith no relie# #ro- a bene#ic8 :ill also ca,se pre-at,re death.

    1%. 'arl death :ill be in#licted on the nati"e8 i# decreasing Candr is in Tan, (ha"a8:hile -ale#ics capt,re Randhr (ha"a and a endra. There is no do,bt abo,t that.

    1&. Candr in Tan,8 Randhr8 a a8 or 0,"ati (ha"a and he--ed bet:een -ale#ics:ill con#er pre-at,re death.

    2). Sho,ld Candr be in Tan, (ha"a8 he--ed bet:een -ale#ics8 :hile 0,"ati8 orRandhr (ha"a has a -ale#ic in it8 he :ill #ace i--ediate death along :ith his -other.

    21. Sho,ld Eani8 S@r a and >angal be in a a8 Dhar- and Randhr (ha"a :itho,tDrishti #ro- a bene#ic8 the child :ill #ace instant death.

    22. Bith a -ale#ic in 0,"ati (ha"a8 or in the rising Dresh9an8 :hile decreasingCandr is in Tan, (ha"a8 death be e!perienced earl .

    23. The li#e span o# the child :ill be either 2 -onths8 or -onths onl 8 i# all Grahasde"oid o# strength are relegated to *po9li-a (ha"as.

    24. '"ils to >other ,p to Slo9a 33 . The -other o# the nati"e :ill inc,r e"ils :illdie soon 8 i# Candr at birth recei"es a Drishti #ro- three -ale#ics. (ene#ics8 gi"ing aDrishti to Candr8 :ill bring good to the -other.

    25. Sho,ld Dhan (ha"a be occ,pied b Rah,8 (,dh8 E,9r8 S@r a and Eani8 the childOs

    birth has been a#ter its #atherOs death8 :hile e"en the -other :ill #ace earl death.2 . I# Candr is in the $th8 or the %th #ro- a -ale#ic8 be hersel# :ith a -ale#ic andrecei"es a Drishti #ro- a strong -ale#ic8 predict -others end to be earl .

    2$. The child :ill not li"e on -otherOs -il98 b,t on that o# she goat8 i# S@r a ise!alted8 or debilitated in 0,"ati (ha"a.

    2%. Sho,ld a -ale#ic be in the 4th8 identical :ith an ini-ical Rashi8 co,nted #ro-Candr8 :hile there is no bene#ic in a endra8 the child :ill lose its -other in a pre-at,re -anner.

    2&. >ale#ics in *ri and a a (ha"a :ill bring e"ils to -other. The childOs #ather:ill recei"e si-ilar e##ects8 i# (andh, and ar- (ha"a are capt,red b -ale#ics.

    3). (,dh in Dhan (ha"a8 :hile -ale#ics occ,p Tan, and a a (ha"a this 0oga:ill destro the entire #a-il .

    31. G,r,8 Eani and Rah,8 respecti"el 8 posited in Tan,8 Dhan and Saha (ha"a :illca,se -otherOs death earl .

    32. Do,btlessl the -other :ill gi"e ,p the child8 i# it has -ale#ics in onas8 co,nted#ro- the decreasing Candr. o bene#ic shall be ,ti :ith the said -ale#ics.

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    33. I# >angal and Eani are together in a endra :ith re#erence to Candr and occ,pone and the sa-e a";

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    4. Lagn Lord is singl capable o# co,nteracting all e"ils8 i# he is strongl placed in anangle8 ,st as Lord Shi"a8 the holder o# the (o: destro ed the three cities8 b,ilt o#gold8 sil"er and iron #or the de-ons b >a a.

    5. *ll e"ils are destro ed8 i# a bene#ic drishties Lagn o# one born d,ring the night inthe bright hal#. Si-ilarl a -ale#icOs Drishti on Lagn o# one born d,ring da ti-e inthe dar9 hal#.

    . S@r a in a a :ill con#er a h,ndred ear li#e span on one born in T,l Lagn.

    $. It :ill pro"e a,spicio,s #or the -other as :ell as the nati"e8 i# >angal oins8 or isdrishtied b G,r,.

    %. I# -ale#ics are s,rro,nded b bene#ics8 :hile angles8 or trines are the-sel"es bene#ic occ,pied8 e"ils disappear soon. ot onl this8 e"ils :ill not #ollo: #ro- the(ha"as concerned.

    Ch. 11. - d"e/ent o& Bha%as1. 6 >aharishi /arashar8 I ha"e co-e to 9no: o# the e"ils and antidotes thereo# #ro-

    o,. /lease tell -e8 :hat is to be ded,ced #ro- each (ha"a.

    2. Indications o# Tan, (ha"a. >aharishi /arashar replies. /h si ,e8 appearance8intellect or the organ o# intelligence8 i.e. brain 8 co-ple!ion o# the bod 8 "igo,r8:ea9ness8 happiness8 grie# and innate nat,re are all to be g,essed thro,gh theascending Rashi.

    3. Indications o# Dhan (ha"a. Bealth8 grains #ood etc. 8 #a-il 8 death8 ene-ies8-etals8 precio,s stones etc. are to be ,nderstood thro,gh Dhan (ha"a.

    4. Indications o# Saha (ha"a. Aro- Saha (ha"a 9no: o# the #ollo:ing "alo,r8ser"ants attending etc. 8 brothers8 sisters etc.8 initiator instr,ctions 7padesh 8 o,rne and parentOs death.

    5. Indications o# (andh, (ha"a. Con"e ances8 relati"es8 -other8 happiness8 treas,re8lands and b,ildings are to be cons,lted thro,gh (andh, (ha"a.

    . Indications o# /,tr (ha"a. The learned sho,ld ded,ce #ro- /,tr (ha"a a-,lets8sacred spells8 learning8 9no:ledge8 sons8 ro alt or a,thorit 8 #all o# position etc.

    $. Indications o# *ri (ha"a. >aternal ,ncle8 do,bts abo,t death8 ene-ies8 ,lcers8 step-other etc. are to be esti-ated #ro- *ri (ha"a.

    %. Indications o# 0,"ati (ha"a. Bi#e8 tra"el8 trade8 loss o# sight8 death etc. be 9no:n#ro- 0,"ati (ha"a.

    &. Indications o# Randhr (ha"a. Randhr (ha"a indicates longe"it 8 battle8 ene-ies8

    #orts8 :ealth o# the dead and things8 that ha"e happened and are to happen in the pastand #,t,re births .

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    1). Indications o# Dhar- (ha"a. Aort,nes8 :i#eOs brother8 religion8 brotherOs :i#e8"isits to shrines etc. be 9no:n #ro- Dhar- (ha"a.

    11. Indications o# ar- (ha"a. Ro alt a,thorit 8 place8 pro#ession li"elihood 8hono,r8 #ather8 li"ing in #oreign lands and debts are to be ,nderstood #ro- ar-(ha"a.12. Indications o# Labh (ha"a. *ll articles8 sonOs :i#e8 inco-e8 prosperit 8

    ,adr,peds etc. are to be ,nderstood #ro- Labh (ha"a.

    13. Indications o# a a (ha"a. Aro- a a (ha"a8 one can 9no: abo,t e!penses8histor o# ene-ies8 oneOs o:n death etc.

    14 1 . /rosperit 8 or *nnihilation o# a (ha"a. /redict prosperit o# the (ha"a8 :hichis ,ti :ith8 or drishtied b a bene#ic. *lso8 :hen its Lord is in 0,"a"astha8 or/rab,ddha"astha8 or in is-ara"astha8 or in ar- (ha"a8 the (ha"as :ell being isindicated. The (ha"a8 :hich is not drishtied b its Lord8 or8 :hose Lord is :ith a-ale#ic Grah8 or :ith one o# the Lords o# e"il and s,ch other (ha"as i.e. 3rd8 th8 %th811th and 12th 8 or is de#eated in a :ar bet:een Grahas8 or is in one o# the three*"asthas8 "i 8 riddha"astha8 >rita"astha and S,pta"astha.

    Ch. 12. *&&ects o& Tan Bha%a1 2. /h sical co-#orts. Sho,ld Lagn Lord be ,ti :ith a -ale#ic8 or be in Randhr8 th8or 12th8 ph sical #elicit :ill di-inish. I# he is in an angle8 or trine there :ill be at allti-es co-#orts o# the bod . I# Lagn Lord is in debilitation8 co-b,stion8 or ene- OsRashi8 there :ill be diseases. Bith a bene#ic in an angle8 or trine all diseases :illdisappear. LagnOs angles i.e. (andh,8 0,"ati8 or the 1)th 8 or its trine /,tr8 Dhar- 8containing a bene#ic8 is a po:er#,l re-ed #or all8 related to health.

    3. There :ill not be bodil health8 i# Lagn8 or Candr be drishtied b 8 or ,ti :ith a-ale#ic8 being de"oid o# a bene#ics Drishti.

    4. (odil (ea,t . * bene#ic in Lagn :ill gi"e a pleasing appearance8 :hile a -ale#ic:ill -a9e one bere#t o# good appearance. Aelicit o# the bod :ill be en o ed8 i# Lagnis drishtied b 8 or ,ti :ith a bene#ic.

    5 $. 6ther (ene#its. I# Lagn Lord8 (,dh8 G,r,8 or E,9r be in an angle8 or in a trine8the nati"e :ill be long li"ed8 :ealth 8 intelligent and li9ed b the 9ing. Aa-e8 :ealth8ab,ndant pleas,res and co-#orts o# the bod :ill be ac ,ired8 i# Lagn Lord is in a>o"able Rashi and be drishtied b a bene#ic Grah. 6ne :ill be endo:ed :ith ro al-ar9s o# #ort,ne 8 i# (,dh8 G,r,8 or E,9r be in Lagn along :ith the Candr8 or be inangle #ro- Lagn. I# (,dh8 G,r,8 or E,9r be in 4th8 $th8 or 1)th #ro- Lagn8 or be in theco-pan o# Candr in Lagn8 the nati"e :ill en o ro al #ort,nes.

    %. Coiled (irth. I# there be a birth in one o# >esh8 rishabh and Si-h Lagnas8containing either Eani8 or >angal8 the birth o# the child is :ith a coil aro,nd a li-b.

    The corresponding li-b :ill be in accordance :ith the Rashi8 or a";

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    &. (irth o# T:ins. The nati"e8 :ho has S@r a in a ,adr,ped Rashi8 :hile others arein D,al Rashis :ith strength8 is born8 as one o# the t:ins.

    1). To (e ,rt,red b Three >others. I# S@r a and Candr oin in one and the sa-e(ha"a and #all in one a";

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    %. Loss o# Bealth thro,gh the ing. Sho,ld the Lords o# Dhan and Labh (ha"a berelegated to *ri8 Randhr8 or a a (ha"a8 :hile >angal is in Labh (ha"a and Rah,is in Dhan (ha"a8 the nati"e :ill lose his :ealth on acco,nt o# ro al p,nish-ents.

    &. '!penses on Good *cco,nts. Bhen G,r, is in Labh8 E,9r is in Dhan and a bene#icis placed in a a (ha"a8 :hile DhanOs Lord is ,ti :ith a bene#ic8 there :ill bee!penses on religio,s8 or charitable gro,nds.

    1). Aa-e etc. I# DhanOs Lord is in o:n Rashi8 or is e!alted8 the nati"e :ill loo9 a#terhis people8 :ill help others and also :ill beco-e #a-o,s.

    11. '##ortless * ,isition. I# DhanOs Lord is ,ti :ith a bene#ic and is in a gooddi"ision8 li9e /ara"at;

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    the third brother :ill die. Sho,ld >angal be ,ti :ith Rah,8 :hile Saha Os Lord is inhis debilitation Rashi8 there :ill be loss o# o,nger brothers andPor sisters8 :hile threeelder brothers andPor sisters :ere attained b the nati"e. I# Saha Os Lord is in an angle8:hile the signi#icator >angal is e!alted in a trine and be ,ti :ith G,r,8 12 :ill bethe n,-ber o# total co born. 6,t o# these t:o elders and the 3rd8 the $th8 the &th and the12th o# the o,nger co born :ill be shortli"ed8 :hile si! o# the said t:el"e :ill belongli"ed.

    12 13. There :ill be 1 co born8 i# a aOs Lord so-e te!ts read8 as LabhOs Lord oins >angal and G,r,8 :hile Saha (ha"a is occ,pied b Candr. I# Candr is lonel placed in Saha (ha"a :ith Drishti o# -ale Grahas8 there :ill be o,nger brothers8:hile the Drishti o# E,9r denotes o,nger sisters.

    14. *d"erse Grahas. S@r a in Saha (ha"a :ill destro the preborn. The a#terborn:ill be destro ed8 i# Eani is #o,nd in Saha (ha"a. In the sa-e sit,ation >angal :illdestro both the preborn and later born.

    15. *#ter esti-ating the strength and :ea9ness o# s,ch 0ogas8 the e##ects8 related to brothers and sisters8 be anno,nced.

    Ch. 1 . *&&ects o& Bandh Bha%a1. 6 e!cellent o# the (rah-ins8 th,s ha"e been brie#l told the e##ects o# Saha (ha"a. o: listen to the res,lts8 related to (andh, (ha"a.

    2. Fo,sing Co-#orts. 6ne :ill ha"e residential co-#orts in #,ll degree8 i# (andh, isocc,pied b its Lord8 or b LagnOs Lord and be drishtied b a bene#ic.

    3. >iscellaneo,s. Sho,ld /,trOs Lord be in his o:n (ha"a8 or in o:n a";angal in Labh(ha"a this 0oga :ill con#er co:s and b,##aloes on the nati"e.

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    &. D,-bness. Sho,ld (andh, (ha"a be a >o"able one8 :hile its Lord and >angalare together in *ri8 or Randhr (ha"a8 the nati"e :ill be d,-b.

    1) 14. Con"e ances. I# LagnOs Lord is a bene#ic8 :hile (andh,Os Lord is in #all8 or inLabh (ha"a and the signi#icator E,9r is in a a (ha"a8 the nati"e :ill obtaincon"e ances in his 12th ear. Sho,ld S@r a be in (andh, (ha"a8 as (andh,Os Lord ise!alted and be :ith E,9r8 one :ill ac ,ire con"e ances in his 32nd ear. It :ill be inthe 42nd ear8 that one :ill be endo:ed :ith con"e ances8 i# (andh,Os Lord oins

    ar-Os Lord in his 4th LordOs e!altation a";andi8 one :ill ha"e adopted iss,es.

    1). Sho,ld S@r a and Candr be together in a Rashi and in the sa-e a";

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    11. *dopted iss,e is indicated8 i# /,tr is tenanted b si! Grahas8 :hile its Lord is ina a (ha"a and Candr and Lagn are endo:ed :ith strength.

    12. There :ill be -an children8 i# /,trOs Lord is strong8 :hile /,tr is drishtied bstrong (,dh8 G,r, and E,9r.

    13. I# /,trOs Lord is :ith Candr8 or is in her Decanate8 the nati"e :ill beget da,ghtersso sa + otishis.

    14. I# /,trOs Lord is in a >o"able Rashi8 :hile Eani is in /,tr8 as Rah, is :ith Candr8the child so born is o# ,estionable birth.

    15. 7ndo,btedl the nati"e is born o# otherOs loins8 i# Candr is in the %th #ro- Lagn8:hile G,r, is in the %th #ro- Candr. >ale#icOs Drishti8 or 0,ti is essential in this 0og.

    1 . I# /,trOs Lord is e!alted8 or be in Dhan8 /,tr8 or Dhar- (ha"a8 or be ,ti :ith8 ordrishtied b G,r,8 obtain-ent o# children :ill be there.

    1$. 6ne :ill obtain children8 that :ill ind,lge in -ean deeds8 i# /,tr is occ,pied bthree8 or #o,r -ale#ics8 :hile /,trOs Lord is in #all. * bene#ic incl,ding (,dh in /,tris e!cl,ded in the said co-bination.

    1%. I# /,tr is occ,pied b G,r,8 :hile its Lord is :ith E,9r8 one :ill obtain ano##spring in his 32nd8 or 33rd ear.

    1&. Sho,ld /,trOs Lord be in an angle along :ith G,r,8 the ara98 one :ill beget a

    child at the age o# 3)8 or 3 .2). I# G,r, is in Dhar- (ha"a8 :hile E,9r is in the &th #ro- G,r, along :ith LagnOsLord8 one :ill beget a child at the age o# 4).

    21. The nati"e :ill at the age o# 32 lose his child8 i# Rah, is in /,tr8 /,trOs Lord is in0,ti :ith a -ale#ic and G,r, is in debilitation.

    22. There :ill be loss o# children at 33 and 3 8 i# a -ale#ic is in the 5th #ro- G,r,8:hile another is in the 5th #ro- Lagn.

    23. Sho,ld >andi be in Lagn8 :hile LagnOs Lord is in #all8 grie# on acco,nt o# loss o#child at the age o# 5 :ill co-e to pass.

    24 32. ,-ber o# Children. There :ill be 1) sons8 i# (andh, (ha"a and *ri (ha"aare occ,pied b -ale#ics8 :hile /,trOs Lord is in deep e!altation8 oining LagnOs Lord8as G,r, is :ith another bene#ic. ine :ill be the n,-ber o# sons8 that one :ill beget8i# G,r, is in deep e!altation8 as Rah, is :ith DhanOs Lord and Dhar- is occ,pied bits o:n Lord. There :ill be eight sons8 i# G,r, is in /,tr8 or Dhar- (ha"a8 :hile/,trOs Lord is endo:ed :ith strength and DhanOs Lord is in ar- (ha"a. Eani inDhar- (ha"a8 :hile /,trOs Lord is in /,tr itsel#8 gi"es $ sons8 o,t o# :hich t:ins :ill be born t:ice. I# /,trOs Lord is in /,tr in 0,ti :ith DhanOs Lord8 there :ill be birth o#$ sons8 o,t o# :hich 3 :ill pass a:a . 6nl one son is denoted8 i# there be a -ale#icin /,tr (ha"a8 :hile G,r, is in the 5 th #ro- Eani8 or "ice "ersa. I# /,tr (ha"a has a

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    -ale#ic in it8 or8 i# Eani is in the 5th #ro- G,r,8 the nati"e :ill beget o##spring onlthro,gh his second8 or third :i#e. Sho,ld /,tr be occ,pied b a -ale#ic8 :hile G,r, is

    ,ti :ith Eani in /,tr (ha"a8 as LagnOs Lord is in Dhan (ha"a and /,trOs Lord is ,ti:ith >angal8 one :ill li"e long8 b,t lose his children one a#ter the other8 as the are born.

    Ch. 1'. *&&ects o& ,ri Bha%a1. 6 (rah-in8 #ollo:ing are the e##ects8 prod,ced b *ri (ha"a8 relating to diseases8,lcers etc. Listen to this attenti"el .

    2. 7lcersP(r,ises. Sho,ld *riOs Lord be in *ri itsel#8 or in Lagn8 or Randhr8 there :ill be ,lcers8 or br,ises on the bod . The Rashi8 beco-ing *ri (ha"a8 :ill lead to the9no:ledge o# the concerned li-b.

    3 5. Relati"es *##ected. The ara9 o# a relati"e8 or the Lord o# s,ch a (ha"a8 oining*riOs Lord8 or being in *ri8 or Randhr (ha"a8 indicates ,lcersPbr,ises to s,ch arelati"e8 li9e #ather. S@r a :ith s,ch lordship and in s,ch a (ha"a denotes s,cha##ectation o# head8 Candr o# the #ace8 >angal o# the nec98 (,dh o# the na"el8 G,r, o#the nose8 E,9r o# the e es8 Eani o# the #eet and the Rah, and et, o# the abdo-en.

    . Aacial Diseases. Sho,ld LagnOs Lord be in a Rashi o# >angal8 or o# (,dh and has aDrishti on (,dh8 there :ill be diseases o# the #ace.

    $ % . Lepros . >angal8 or (,dh8 ha"ing o:nership o# the ascending Rashi and oining Candr8 Rah, and Eani8 :ill ca,se lepros . I# Candr is in Lagn8 :hich is notho:e"er Cancer8 and be :ith Rah,8 there :ill occ,r :hite lepros . Eani in place o#Rah, :ill ca,se blac9 lepros 8 :hile >angal si-ilarl :ill a##lict one :ith bloodlepros .

    & 12 . Diseases in General. Bhen Lagn is occ,pied b the Lords o# *ri and Randhr(ha"a along :ith S@r a8 the nati"e :ill be a##licted b #e"er and t,-o,rs. >angal8replacing S@r a8 :ill ca,se s:elling and hardening o# the blood "essels and :o,ndsand hits b :eapons. (,dh so #eat,ring :ill bring in billio,s diseases8 :hile G,r, insi-ilar case :ill destro an disease. Si-ilarl E,9r :ill ca,se diseases thro,gh#e-ales8 Eani :ind diseases8 Rah, danger thro,gh lo: caste -en and et, na"eldiseases. Candr in 0,ti :ith the Lords o# *ri and Randhr (ha"a :ill in#lict dangersthro,gh :ater and phleg-atic disorders. Si-ilar esti-ates be -ade #ro- therespecti"e signi#icators and (ha"as #or relati"es8 li9e #ather.

    13 1& TI>I G 6A ILL 'SS. The nati"e :ill be a##licted b illness thro,gho,t li#e8i# Eani is :ith Rah,8 :hile *ri Lord and th (ha"a are ,ti :ith -ale#ics. 6ne :ills,##er #ro- se"ere #e"er at the age o# and at the age o# 128 i# >angal is in *ri8:hile *ri Lord is in Randhr. I# the Candr is in Dhan,P>een8 :hile G,r, is in *ri#ro- Lagn8 one :ill s,##er #ro- lepros at the age o# 1& and 22. I# Rah, is in *ri8Lagna Lord is in Randhr and >andi is in an angle8 cons,-ption :ill tro,ble thenati"e at the age o# 2 . Spleenar disorders :ill be e!perienced at the age o# 2& and

    3)8 i# the Lords o# th

    and 12th

    are in e!change o# their Rashis. Eani and Candrtogether in *ri :ill in#lict blood lepros at the age o# 45. I# Eani is :ith an ini-ical

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    planet8 :hile Lagn Lord is in Lagn itsel#8 :ind disorders li9e rhe,-atis- :illtro,ble the nati"e at the age o# 5&.

    2) 22. 7 A6RT7 *T' 0'*RS. Sho,ld Candr be ,ti :ith *ri Lord8 :hile the % thLord is in *ri and the 12th Lord is in Lagn8 the nati"e :ill be tro,bled b ani-als atthe age o# eight. 6 (rah-in8 i# Rah, is in *ri8 :hile Eani is in Randhr #ro- the saidRah,8 the child :ill ha"e danger thro,gh #ire at the age o# 1 and 28 :hile in Saha ear birds :ill bring so-e e"ils.

    23 25. 7 A6RT7 *T' 0'*RS contin,ed . Danger thro,gh :ater :ill ha"e to be#eared d,ring /,tr and Dhar- ears8 i# S@r a is in *ri8 or Randhr8 :hile Candr is in

    a a #ro- the said S@r a. Eani in Randhr8 as >angal is in 0,"ati8 all ca,se s-all po! in ar- ear and in 3)th ear o# age. I# %th Lord oins Rah, in an anglePtrine #ro-Randhr (ha"a and be in Randhr in a"a-sa8 the s,b ect :ill be tro,bled b s:ellingo# blood "essels8 ,rinar disorders etc. d,ring the 1%th ear and the 22nd ear.

    2 . L6SS TFR67GF ' '>I'S. Loss o# :ealth :ill co-e to pass d,ring the 31 stear8 i# Labh and th Lords e!change their Rashis.

    2$. I I>IC*L S6 S. 6neOs o:n sons :ill be his ene-ies8 i# /,tr Lord is in *ri8:hile *ri Lord is :ith G,r,. Si-,ltaneo,sl a a Lord sho,ld be in Lagn.

    2%. A'*R AR6> D6GS. There :ill be #ear #ro- dogs d,ring the 1)th and 1&th ear8 i#the Lagna Lord and the th Lord are in e!change.

    Ch. 1(. *&&ects o& %ati Bha%a1. 6 e!cellent o# the (rah-ins8 listen to -e8 detailing the e##ects o# the $th (ha"a. I#0,"ati Lord is in his o:n Rashi8 or in e!altation8 one :ill deri"e #,ll happinessthro,gh his :i#e and -arriage .

    2. SIC BIA'. Sho,ld 0,"ati Lord be in *ri8 %th8 or a a8 the :i#e :ill be sic9l .This ho:e"er does not appl to o:n (ha"a8 or e!altation place-ent8 as abo"e.

    3. '!cessi"eVLibidino,snessPDeathVo#VBi#e. I# E,9r is in 0,"ati8 the nati"e :ill bee!ceedingl libidino,s. I# E,9r ,ti a -ale#ic in an (ha"a8 it :ill ca,se loss o# :i#e.

    4 5. TF' $TF L6RD. Sho,ld 0,"ati Lord be endo:ed :ith strength and be ,ti :ith8or be drishtied b a bene#ic8 the nati"e :ill be :ealth 8 hono,rable8 happ and#ort,nate. Con"ersel 8 i# 0,"ati Lord is in #all8 or is co-b,st8 or is in an ene- OsRashi8 one :ill ac ,ire sic9 :i"es and -an :i"es.

    . /L7R*LIT0 6A BI 'S. I# 0,"ati Lord is in a Rashi o# Eani8 or o# E,9r and bedrishtied b a bene#ic8 there :ill be -an :i"es. Sho,ld 0,"ati Lord be partic,larlin e!altation8 the sa-e e##ects :ill co-e to pass.

    $ % . >lSC'LL* '67S >*TT'RS. The nati"e :ill be#riend barren #e-ales8 i#

    S@r a is in 0,"ati. Candr therein :ill ca,se association :ith s,ch #e-ale8 ascorresponding to the Rashi8 beco-ing 0,"ati. >angal8 placed in 0,"ati8 :ill denote

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    25. >arriage :ill ta9e place d,ring the 11th ear8 i# E,9r is in an angle #ro- Lagn8:hile Lagn Lord is in >a9ar8 or ,-bh.

    2 . The nati"e :ill -arr at 128 or l&8 i# E,9r is in an angle #ro- the Lagna8 :hileEani is in 0,"ati co,nted #ro- E,9r.

    2$. Sho,ld E,9r be in 0,"ati #ro- Candr8 :hile Eani is in 0,"ati #ro- E,9r8 -arriage:ill be in the 1%th ear.

    2%. >arriage :ill be in the 15th ear8 i# Dhan Lord is in Labh8 :hile Lagn Lord is inar-.

    2&. *n e!change bet:een the Lords o# Dhan and Labh :ill bring -arriage 13 earsa#ter birth.

    3). 6nes 22ndP2$th ear :ill con#er -arriage8 i# E,9r is in 0,"ati #ro- the %th (ha"ai.e. Dhan #ro- Lagna 8 :hile his dispositor is ,ti :ith >angal.

    31. Sho,ld 0,"ati Lord be in a a8 :hile the natal Lord is in 0,"ati in a"a-sa8-arriage :ill be in 23 rdP2 th ear o# age.

    32. 'ither the 25th ear8 or the 33rd ear :ill bring -arriage8 i# Randhr Lord is in0,"ati8 as E,9r is in a"a-sa Lagna.

    33. Sho,ld E,9r be in Dhar- #ro- Dhar- i.e. in /,tr (ha"a 8 :hile Rah, is in oneo# the said (ha"as i.e. in /,trPDhar- 8 -arriage :ill ta9e place d,ring 31st8 or 33rd

    ear.34. The nati"e :ill -arr at 3)8 or 2$8 i# E,9r is in Lagn8 :hile the $th Lord is in0,"ati itsel#.

    35 3&. TI>I G 6A BIA'OS D'*TF. Loss o# :i#e :ill occ,r in the 1%th ear8 or 33rdear o# age o# the nati"e8 i# 0,"ati Lord is in #all8 :hile E,9r is in Randhr. 6ne :ill

    lose his spo,se in his 1&th ear8 i# 0,"ati Lord is in the %th8 :hile a a Lord is in0,"ati. The nati"eOs :i#e :ill die :ithin three da s o# -arriage d,e to sna9e bite8 i#the nati"e has Rah, in Dhan and >angal in 0,"ati. I# E,9r is in Randhr8 :hile hisdispositor is in a Rashi o# Eani8 death o# :i#e :ill ta9e place d,ring the nati"eOs 12th8

    or 21st

    ear o# age. Sho,ld the ascendat Lord be in his Rashi o# debilitation8 as DhanLord is in Randhr8 loss o# :i#e :ill occ,r in the 13th ear o# age.

    4) 41. TFR'' >*RRI*G'S. Sho,ld Candr be in 0,"ati #ro- E,9r8 :hile (,dh isin 0,"ati #ro- Candr and Randhr Lord is in /,tr #ro- the Lagna 8 there :ill be-arriage in ar- ear #ollo:ed b another in the 22nd ear and et another in the 33rd


    42. D'*TF 6A BlA'. l# *ri8 $ th and %th are in their order occ,pied b >angal8 Rah,and Eani8 the nati"eOs :i#e :ill not li"e long .

    Ch. 1). *&&ects o& Randhr Bha%a

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    1. Long Li#e. 6 e!cellent o# the (rah-ins8 listen to -e spea9 on the e##ects o# Randhr(ha"a. I# RandhrOs Lord is in an angle8 long li#e is indicated.

    2. Short Li#e. Sho,ld RandhrOs Lord oin LagnOs Lord8 or a -ale#ic and be in Randhritsel#8 the nati"e :ill be short li"ed.

    3. Eani and ar-Os Lord abo,t Longe"it . Si-ilarl consider Eani and ar-Os Lordin the -atter o# longe"it . ar-Os Lord is in Randhr along :ith a -ale#ic Grah andPorLagnOs Lord.

    4 $. Long Li#e. There :ill be long li#e8 i# *riOs Lord is in a a8 or8 i# *riOs Lord is in*ri8 as a aOs Lord is in a a8 or8 i# *riOs Lord and a aOs Lord are in Lagn andRandhr. I# the Lords o# /,tr8 Randhr and Tan, (ha"a are in o:n a";

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    5. Long li"ing Aather. Sho,ld Dhar-Os Lord be in deep e!altation8 :hile E,9r is in anangle #ro- Tan, (ha"a and G,r, is in the &th #ro- a";angal and Eani. I# S@r a is in the $th #ro- Dhar- (ha"a8 asRah, is in the $th #ro- Saha (ha"a8 the th8 or 25th ear o# the nati"e :ill be #atal #or#ather. I# Eani is in the $th #ro- Randhr (ha"a8 as S@r a is in the $th #ro- Eani8 theages o# 218 2 8 or 3) :ill be #atal #or the #ather. I# Dhar-Os Lord is in its debilitationRashi8 :hile his dispositor is in Dhar- (ha"a8 the nati"e :ill lose his #ather at the ageo# 2 8 or 3). Th,s the + otishis -a 9no: the e##ects.

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    2 . Aort,nes. 6ne :ill en o ab,ndant #ort,nes8 i# E,9r is in deep e!altation and be inthe co-pan o# Dhar-Os Lord8 as Eani is in Saha .

    2$ 2%. Aort,nate /eriods. *b,ndant #ort,nes be ac ,ired a#ter the 2)th ear8 i# Dhar-has G,r, in it8 as its Lord is in an angle #ro- Lagn. Sho,ld (,dh be in his deepe!altation8 as Dhar-Os Lord is in Dhar- itsel#8 ab,ndant #ort,nes :ill be earned a#terthe 3 th ear.

    2&. Sho,ld LagnOs Lord be in Dhar-8 as Dhar-Os Lord is in Lagn and G,r, is in0,"ati8 there :ill be gains o# :ealth and con"e ances.

    3). Lac9 o# Aort,nes. I# Rah, is in the &th #ro- Dhar- (ha"a8 as his dispositor is inRandhr (ha"a and Dhar-Os Lord is in #all8 the nati"e be de"oid o# #ort,nes.

    31. Aood b (egging. Sho,ld Eani be in Dhar- (ha"a along :ith Candr8 as LagnOsLord is in #all8 the nati"e :ill ac ,ire #ood b begging.

    32. 6 (rah-in8 these are the e##ects related to Dhar- (ha"a. I ha"e e!plained brie#l .These -a be esti-ated :ith the help o# the state o# the Lords o# Lagn and Dhar-(ha"a and in other -anners as :ell.

    Ch. 21. *&&ects o& ar/ Bha%a1. I no: e!plain the e##ects o# ar- (ha"a. Listen to these8 o >aitre a8 in the :ordso# (rah-a8 Garga and others.

    2. /aternal Fappiness. I# ar-Os Lord is strong and in e!altation8 or in its o:nRashiP a";angal and ar-Os Lord are in 0,"ati8 as 0,"atiOs Lord is :ith a -ale#ic8the nati"e :ill be #ond o# carnal pleas,res and o# #illing his bell .

    % 1) Sho,ld ar-Os Lord be in e!altation and be in the co-pan o# G,r,8 as Dhar-OsLord is in ar- the nati"e :ill be endo:ed :ith hono,r8 :ealth and "alo,r. 6ne :ill

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    lead a happ li#e8 i# LabhOs Lord is in ar- and ar-Os Lord is in Lagn8 or8 i# theLord o# ar- (ha"a is ,ti :ith the Lord o# Labh (ha"a in an angle. Sho,ld ar-OsLord in strength be in >een along G,r,8 the nati"e :ill do,btless obtain robes8orna-ents and happiness.

    11. Sho,ld Rah,8 S@r a8 Eani and >angal be in Labh (ha"a8 the nati"e :ill inc,rcessation o# his d,ties.

    12. 6ne :ill be learned and :ealth 8 i# G,r, is in >een along :ith E,9r8 :hileLagnOs Lord is strong and Candr is in e!altation.

    13. Sho,ld ar-Os Lord be in Labh8 :hile LabhOs Lord is in Tan, (ha"a and E,9r isin ar-8 the nati"e :ill be endo:ed :ith precio,s stones.

    14. I# the ar-Os Lord is e!alted in an angle8 or a trine and is ,ti :ith G,r,8 orrecei"es a Drishti #ro- G,r,8 one :ill be endo:ed :ith deeds.

    15. Sho,ld ar-Os Lord be in Lagn along :ith LagnOs Lord8 as Candr is in an angle8or in a trine8 the nati"e :ill be interested in good deeds.

    1 . I# Eani is in ar- (ha"a along :ith a debilitated Grah8 :hile ar- (ha"a in the a";

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    3. I# LabhOs Lord is in Dhan (ha"a8 :hile DhanOs Lord is in an angle along :ithG,r,8 the gains :ill be great.

    4. I# LabhOs Lord is in Saha (ha"a8 :hile Labh (ha"a is occ,pied b a bene#ic8 thenati"e :ill gain 2))) ish9as in his 3 th ear.

    5. I# LabhOs Lord is ,ti :ith a bene#ic in an angle8 or in a trine8 the nati"e :illac ,ire 5)) ish9as in his 4)th ear.

    . The nati"e :ill o:n ))) ish9as8 i# Labh (ha"a is occ,pied b G,r,8 :hile Dhan(ha"a and Dhar- (ha"a are8 respecti"el 8 ta9en o"er b Candr and E,9r b position.

    $. Sho,ld G,r,8 (,dh and Candr be in the 11th #ro- Labh8 the nati"e :ill be endo:ed:ith :ealth8 grains8 #ort,nes8 dia-onds8 orna-ents etc.

    %. 6ne :ill gain 1))) ish9as in his 33rd ear8 i# LabhOs Lord is in Lagn and LagnOsLord is in Labh (ha"a.

    &. I# LabhOs Lord is in Dhan (ha"a8 as DhanOs Lord is in Labh (ha"a8 one :ill a-assab,ndant #ort,nes a#ter -arriage.

    1). I# LabhOs Lord is in Saha (ha"a8 as Saha Os Lord is in Labh (ha"a8 one :ill gain:ealth thro,gh co borns and :ill be endo:ed :ith e!cellent orna-ents.

    11. There :ill be no gains in spite o# n,-ero,s e##orts8 i# LabhOs Lord is in #all8 inco-b,stion8 or be in *ri8 Randhr8 or a a (ha"a :ith a -ale#ic.

    Ch. 23. *&&ects o& a a Bha%a1 4. 6 (rah-in8 no: I tell o, abo,t the e##ects o# a a (ha"a. There :ill bee!penses on good acco,nts8 i# a aOs Lord is :ith a bene#ic8 or in his o:n (ha"a8 ore!alted8 or8 i# a bene#ic occ,pies a a. 6ne :ill o:n bea,ti#,l ho,ses and beds and be endo:ed :ith s,perior scented articles and pleas,res8 i# Candr happens to be

    a aOs Lord and be e!alted8 or be in its o:n Rashi andPor a";

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    &. I# Rah, is in a a along :ith >angal8 Eani and S@r a8 the nati"e :ill go to hell.Si-ilar e##ect :ill occ,r8 i# a aOs Lord is :ith S@r a.

    1). I# there is a bene#ic in a a8 :hile its Lord is e!alted8 or is ,ti :ith8 or recei"esa Drishti #ro- a bene#ic8 one :ill attain #inal e-ancipation.

    11. 6ne :ill :ander #ro- co,ntr to co,ntr 8 i# a aOs Lord and a a (ha"a are:ith -ale#ics and a aOs Lord gi"es a Drishti to8 or recei"es a Drishti #ro--ale#ics.

    12. 6ne :ill -o"e in his o:n co,ntr 8 i# a aOs Lord and a a (ha"a are :ith bene#ics and a aOs Lord gi"es a Drishti to8 or recei"es a Drishti #ro- bene#ics.

    13. 'arnings :ill be thro,gh sin#,l -eas,res8 i# a a is occ,pied b Eani8 or >angaletc. and is not recei"ing a Drishti #ro- a bene#ic.

    14. I# LagnOs Lord is in a a8 :hile a aOs Lord is in Lagn :ith E,9r8 e!penses:ill be on religio,s gro,nds.

    Ch. 24. *&&ects o& the Bha%a !ords1. '##ects o# LagnOs Lord in ario,s (ha"as ,p to Slo9a 12 . Sho,ld LagnOs Lord bein Lagn itsel#8 the nati"e :ill be endo:ed :ith ph sical happiness and pro:ess. Fe:ill be intelligent8 #ic9le -inded8 :ill ha"e t:o :i"es and :ill ,nite :ith other#e-ales.

    2. I# the LagnOs Lord is in Dhan8 he :ill be gain#,l8 scholarl 8 happ 8 endo:ed :ithgood ,alities8 be religio,s8 hono,rable and :ill ha"e -an :i"es.

    3. I# LagnOs Lord is in Saha (ha"a8 the nati"e :ill e ,al a lion in "alo,r8 be endo:ed:ith all 9inds o# :ealth8 be hono,rable8 :ill ha"e t:o :i"es8 be intelligent and happ .

    4. I# LagnOs Lord is in (andh, (ha"a8 the nati"e :ill be endo:ed :ith paternal and-aternal happiness8 :ill ha"e -an brothers8 be l,st#,l8 "irt,o,s and char-ing.

    5. I# LagnOs Lord is in /,tr (ha"a8 the nati"e :ill ha"e -ediocre progenic happiness8:ill lose his #irst child8 be hono,rable8 gi"en to anger and be dear to 9ing.

    . I# LagnOs Lord is in *ri (ha"a and related to a -ale#ic the nati"e :ill be de"oid o# ph sical happiness and :ill be tro,bled b ene-ies8 i# there is no bene#ic Drishti.

    $. I# LagnOs Lord is a -ale#ic and is placed in 0,"ati (ha"a8 the nati"es :i#e :ill notli"e long . I# the Grah in ,estion is a bene#ic8 one :ill :ander ai-lessl 8 #ace pen,r and be de ected. Fe :ill alternati"el beco-e a 9ing i# the said Grah isstrong .

    %. I# LagnOs Lord is in Randhr (ha"a8 the nati"e :ill be an acco-plished scholar8 be

    sic9l 8 thie"ish8 be gi"en to -,ch anger8 be a ga-bler and :ill oin othersO :i"es.

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    &. I# LagnOs Lord is in Dhar- (ha"a8 the nati"e :ill be #ort,nate8 dear to people8 be ade"otee o# ErM ishn,8 be s9il#,l8 elo ,ent in speech and be endo:ed :ith :i#e8 sonsand :ealth.

    1). I# LagnOs Lord is in ar- (ha"a8 the nati"e :ill be endo:ed :ith paternalhappiness8 ro al hono,r8 #a-e a-ong -en and :ill do,btlessl ha"e sel# earned:ealth.

    11. I# LagnOs Lord is in Labh (ha"a8 the nati"e :ill al:a s be endo:ed :ith gains8good ,alities8 #a-e and -an :i"es.

    12 I# LagnOs Lord is in a a (ha"a and is de"oid o# bene#ic Drishti andPor 0,ti8the nati"e :ill be bere#t o# ph sical happiness8 :ill spend ,n#r,it#,ll and be gi"en to-,ch anger.

    13. '##ects o# DhanOs Lord in ario,s (ha"as ,p to Slo9a 24 . I# DhanOs Lord is inTan, (ha"a8 the nati"e :ill be endo:ed :ith sons and :ealth8 be ini-ical to his#a-il 8 l,st#,l8 hard hearted and :ill do othersO obs.

    14. I# DhanOs Lord is in Dhan (ha"a8 the nati"e :ill be :ealth 8 pro,d8 :ill ha"e t:o8or -ore :i"es and be bere#t o# progen .

    15. I# DhanOs Lord is in Saha (ha"a8 the nati"e :ill be "aloro,s8 :ise8 "irt,o,s8l,st#,l and -iserl all these8 :hen related to a bene#ic. I# related to a -ale#ic8 thenati"e :ill be a heterodo!.

    1 . I# DhanOs Lord is in (andh, (ha"a8 the nati"e :ill ac ,ire all 9inds o# :ealth. I#DhanOs Lord is e!alted and is ,ti :ith G,r,8 one :ill be e ,al to a 9ing.

    1$. I# DhanOs Lord is in /,tr (ha"a8 the nati"e :ill be :ealth . ot onl the nati"e8 b,t also his sons :ill be intent on earning :ealth.

    1%. I# DhanOs Lord is in *ri (ha"a along :ith a bene#ic8 the nati"e :ill gain :ealththro,gh his ene-ies i# DhanOs Lord is ,ti :ith a -ale#ic8 there :ill be loss thro,ghene-ies apart #ro- -,tilation o# shan9s.

    1&. I# DhanOs Lord is in 0,"ati (ha"a8 the nati"e :ill be addicted to othersO :i"es and

    he :ill be a doctor. I# a -ale#ic is related to the said place-ent b ,ti :ith DhanOsLord8 or b Drishti8 the nati"eOs :i#e :ill be o# ,estionable character.

    2). I# DhanOs Lord is in Randhr (ha"a8 the nati"e :ill be endo:ed :ith ab,ndantland and :ealth. (,t he :ill ha"e li-ited -arital #elicit and be bere#t o# happiness#ro- his elder brother.

    21. I# DhanOs Lord is in Dhar- (ha"a8 the nati"e :ill be :ealth 8 diligent8 s9il#,l8sic9 d,ring childhood and :ill later on be happ and :ill "isit shrines8 obser"ingreligio,s code etc.

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    22. I# DhanOs Lord is in ar- (ha"a8 the nati"e :ill be libidino,s8 hono,rable andlearned he :ill ha"e -an :i"es and -,ch :ealth8 b,t he :ill be bere#t o# #ilialhappiness.

    23. I# DhanOs Lord is in Labh (ha"a8 the nati"e :ill ha"e all 9inds o# :ealth8 be e"erdiligent8 hono,rable and #a-o,s.24. I# DhanOs Lord is in a a (ha"a8 the nati"e :ill be ad"ent,ro,s8 be de"oid o#:ealth and be interested in otherOs :ealth8 :hile his eldest child :ill not 9eep hi-happ .

    25. '##ects o# Saha Os Lord in ario,s (ha"as ,p to Slo9a 3 . I# Saha Os Lord is inTan, (ha"a8 the nati"e :ill ha"e sel# -ade :ealth8 be disposed to :orship8 be"aloro,s and be intelligent8 altho,gh de"oid o# learning.

    2 . I# Saha Os Lord is in Dhan (ha"a8 the nati"e :ill be corp,lent8 de"oid o# "alo,r8:ill not -a9e -,ch e##orts8 be not happ and :ill ha"e an e e on othersO :i"es andothersO :ealth.

    2$. I# Saha Os Lord is in Saha (ha"a8 the nati"e :ill be endo:ed :ith happinessthro,gh co born and :ill ha"e :ealth and sons8 be cheer#,l and e!tre-el happ .

    2%. I# Saha Os Lord is in (andh, (ha"a8 the nati"e :ill be happ 8 :ealth andintelligent8 b,t :ill ac ,ire a :ic9ed spo,se.

    2&. I# Saha Os Lord is in /,tr (ha"a8 the nati"e :ill ha"e sons and be "irt,o,s. I# in

    the process Saha Os Lord be ,ti :ith8 or recei"es a Drishti #ro- a -ale#ic8 the nati"e:ill ha"e a #or-idable :i#e.

    3). I# Saha Os Lord is in *ri (ha"a8 the nati"e :ill be ini-ical to his co born8 bea##l,ent8 :ill not be :ell disposed to his -aternal ,ncle and be dear to his -aternala,nt.

    31. I# Saha Os Lord is in 0,"ati (ha"a8 the nati"e :ill be interested in ser"ing the9ing. Fe :ill not be happ d,ring bo hood8 b,t the end o# his li#e he :ill be happ .

    32. I# Saha Os Lord is in Randhr (ha"a8 the nati"e :ill be a thie#8 :ill deri"e his

    li"elihood ser"ing others and :ill die at the gate o# the ro al palace.33. I# Saha Os Lord is in Dhar- (ha"a8 the nati"e :ill lac9 paternal bliss8 :ill -a9e#ort,nes thro,gh :i#e and :ill en o progenic and other pleas,res.

    34. I# Saha Os Lord is in ar- (ha"a8 the nati"e :ill ha"e all lands o# happiness andsel# -ade :ealth and be interested in n,rt,ring :ic9ed #e-ales.

    35. I# Saha Os Lord is in Labh (ha"a8 then nati"e :ill al:a s gain in trading8 beintelligent8 altho,gh not literate8 be ad"ent,ro,s and :ill ser"e others.

    3 . I# Saha Os Lord is in a a8 the nati"e :ill spend on e"il deeds8 :ill ha"e a:ic9ed #ather and :ill be #ort,nate thro,gh a #e-ale.

  • 8/14/2019 Brihat Parasara Hora Sastra (Classic)


    3$. '##ects o# (andh,Os Lord in ario,s (ha"as ,p to Slo9a 4% . I# (andh,Os Lord isin Tan, (ha"a8 the nati"e :ill be endo:ed :ith learning8 "irt,es8 orna-ents8 lands8con"e ances and -aternal happiness.

    3%. I# (andh,Os Lord is in Dhan (ha"a8 the nati"e :ill en o pleas,res8 all 9inds o#:ealth8 #a-il li#e and hono,r and be ad"ent,ro,s. Fe :ill be c,nning in disposition.3&. I# (andh,Os Lord is in Saha (ha"a8 the nati"e :ill be "aloro,s8 :ill ha"eser"ants8 be liberal8 "irt,o,s and charitable and :ill possess sel# earned :ealth. Fe:ill be #ree #ro- diseases.

    4). I# (andh,Os Lord is in (andh,8 the nati"e :ill be a -inister and :ill possess all9inds o# :ealth. Fe :ill be s9il#,l8 "irt,o,s8 hono,rable8 learned8 happ and be :elldisposed to his spo,se.

    41. I# (andh,Os Lord is in /,tr (ha"a8 the nati"e :ill be happ and be li9ed b all. Fe:ill be de"oted to ErM ishn,8 be "irt,o,s8 hono,rable and :ill ha"e sel# earned:ealth.

    42. I# (andh,Os Lord is in *ri (ha"a8 the nati"e :ill be de"oid o# -aternal happiness8 be gi"en to anger8 be a thie# and a con ,rer8 be independent in action and beindisposed.

    43. I# (andh,Os Lord is in 0,"ati (ha"a8 the nati"e :ill be endo:ed :ith a highdegree o# ed,cation8 :ill sacri#ice his patri-on and be a9in to the d,-b in anasse-bl .

    44. I# (andh,Os Lord is in Randhr (ha"a8 the nati"e :ill be de"oid o# do-estic andother co-#orts8 :ill not en o -,ch parental happiness and be e ,al to a ne,ter.

    45. I# (andh,Os Lord is in Dhar- (ha"a8 the nati"e :ill be dear to one and all8 bede"oted to God8 be "irt,o,s8 hono,rable and endo:ed :ith e"er land o# happiness.

    4 . I# (andh,Os Lord is in ar- (ha"a8 the nati"e :ill en o ro al hono,rs8 be analche-ist8 be e!tre-el pleased8 :ill en o pleas,res and :ill con ,er his #i"e senses.

    4$. I# (andh,Os Lord is in Labh (ha"a8 the nati"e :ill ha"e #ear o# secret disease8 he

    :ill be liberal8 "irt,o,s8 charitable and help#,l to others.4%. I# (andh,Os Lord is in a a (ha"a the nati"e :ill be de"oid o# do-estic andother co-#orts8 :ill ha"e "ices and be #oolish and indolent.

    4&. '##ects o# /,trOs Lord in ario,s (ha"as ,p to Slo9a ) . I# /,trOs Lord is inLagn8 the nati"e :ill be scholarl 8 be endo:ed :ith progenic happiness8 be a -iser8 be croo9ed and :ill steal othersO :ealth.

    5). I# /,trOs Lord is in Dhan (ha"a8 the nati"e :ill ha"e -an sons and :ealth8 be a pater #a-ilias8 be hono,rable8 be attached to his spo,se and be #a-o,s in the :orld.

  • 8/14/2019 Brihat Parasara Hora Sastra (Classic)


    51. I# /,trOs Lord is in Saha 8 the nati"e :ill be attached to his co born8 be a tale bearer and a -iser and be al:a s interested in his o:n :or9.

    52. I# /,trOs Lord is in (andh, (ha"a8 the nati"e :ill be happ 8 endo:ed :ith-aternal happiness8 :ealth and intelligence and be a 9ing8 or a -inister8 or a preceptor.53. I# /,trOs Lord is in /,tr (ha"a8 the nati"e :ill ha"e progen 8 i# related to a bene#ic there :ill be no iss,es8 i# -ale#ic is related to /,trOs Lord8 placed in /,tr(ha"a. /,trOs Lord in /,tr (ha"a :ill8 ho:e"er8 -a9e one "irt,o,s and dear to#riends.

    54. I# /,trOs Lord is in *ri (ha"a8 the nati"e :ill obtain s,ch sons8 :ho :ill be e ,alto his ene-ies8 or :ill lose the-8 or :ill ac ,ire an adopted8 or p,rchased son.

    55. I# /,trOs Lord is in 0,"ati (ha"a8 the nati"e :ill be hono,rable8 "er religio,s8endo:ed :ith progenic happiness and be help#,l to others.

    5 . I# /,trOs Lord is in Randhr (ha"a8 the nati"e :ill not ha"e -,ch progenichappiness8 be tro,bled b co,gh and p,l-onar disorders8 be gi"en to anger and bede"oid o# happiness.

    5$. I# /,trOs Lord is in Dhar- (ha"a8 the nati"e :ill be a prince8 or e ,al to hi-8 :illa,thor treatises8 be #a-o,s and :ill shine in his race.

    5%. I# /,trOs Lord is in ar- (ha"a8 the nati"e :ill en o a Ra 0og and "ario,s

    pleas,res and be "er #a-o,s.5&. I# /,trOs Lord is in Labh (ha"a8 the nati"e :ill be learned8 dear to people8 be ana,thor o# treatises8 be "er s9il#,l and be endo:ed :ith -an sons and :ealth.

    ). I# /,trOs Lord is in a a (ha"a8 the nati"e :ill be bere#t o# happiness #ro- hiso:n sons8 :ill ha"e an adopted8 or p,rchased son.

    1. '##ects o# *riOs Lord in ario,s (ha"as ,p to Slo9a $2 . I# *riOs Lord is in Tan,(ha"a8 the nati"e :ill be sic9l 8 #a-o,s8 ini-ical to his o:n -en8 rich8 hono,rable8ad"ent,ro,s and "irt,o,s.

    2. I# *riOs Lord is in Dhan (ha"a8 the nati"e :ill be ad"ent,ro,s8 #a-o,s a-ong his people8 :ill li"e in alien co,ntries8 be happ 8 be a s9il#,l spea9er and be al:a sinterested in his o:n :or9.

    3. I# *riOs Lord is in Saha (ha"a8 the nati"e :ill be gi"en to anger8 be bere#t o#co,rage8 ini-ical to all o# his co born and :ill ha"e disobedient ser"ants.

    4. I# *riOs Lord is in (andh, (ha"a8 the nati"e :ill be de"oid -aternal happiness8 beintelligent8 be a tale bearer8 be ealo,s8 e"il -inded and "er rich.

    5. I# *riOs Lord is in /,tr (ha"a8 the nati"e :ill ha"e #l,ct,ating #inances. Fe :illinc,r en-it :ith his sons and #riends. Fe :ill be happ 8 sel#ish and 9ind.

  • 8/14/2019 Brihat Parasara Hora Sastra (Classic)


    . I# *riOs Lord is in *ri (ha"a8 the nati"e :ill ha"e en-it :ith the gro,p o# his9ins-en8 b,t be #riendl to others and :ill en o -ediocre happiness in -atters8 li9e:ealth.

    $. I# *riOs Lord is in 0,"ati (ha"a8 the nati"e :ill be depri"ed o# happiness thro,gh:edloc9. Fe :ill be #a-o,s8 "irt,o,s8 hono,rable8 ad"ent,ro,s and :ealth .

    %. I# *riOs Lord is in Randhr (ha"a8 the nati"e :ill be sic9l 8 ini-ical8 :ill desireothersO :ealth8 be interested in othersO :i"es and be i-p,re.

    &. I# *riOs Lord is in Dhar- (ha"a8 the nati"e :ill trade in :ood and stonesN/ashanO also -eans poison and :ill ha"e #l,ct,ating pro#essional #ort,nes.

    $). I# *riOs Lord is in ar- (ha"a8 the nati"e :ill be :ell 9no:n a-ong his -en8:ill not be respect#,ll disposed to his #ather and :ill be happ in #oreign co,ntries.Fe :ill be a gi#ted spea9er.

    $1. I# *riOs Lord is in Labh (ha"a8 the nati"e :ill gain :ealth thro,gh his ene-ies8 be"irt,o,s8 ad"ent,ro,s and :ill be so-e:hat bere#t o# progenic happiness.

    $2. I# *riOs Lord is in a a (ha"a8 the nati"e :ill al:a s spend on "ices8 be hostileto learned people and :ill tort,re li"ing beings.

    $3. '##ects o# 0,"atiOs Lord in ario,s (ha"as ,p to Slo9a %4 . I# 0,"atiOs Lord isin Tan, (ha"a8 the nati"e :ill go to othersO :i"es8 be :ic9ed8 s9il#,l8 de"oid o#co,rage and a##licted b :ind diseases.

    $4. I# 0,"atiOs Lord is in Dhan (ha"a8 the nati"e :ill ha"e -an :i"es8 :ill gain:ealth thro,gh his :i#e and be procrastinating in nat,re.

    $5. I# 0,"atiOs Lord is in Saha (ha"a8 the nati"e :ill #ace loss o# children andso-eti-es :ith great di##ic,lt there :ill e!ist a li"ing son. There is also the possibilit o# birth o# a da,ghter.

    $ . I# 0,"atiOs Lord is in (andh, (ha"a8 the :i#e o# the nati"e :ill not be ,nder hiscontrol. Fe :ill be #ond o# tr,th8 intelligent and religio,s. Fe :ill s,##er #ro- dentaldiseases.

    $$. I# 0,"atiOs Lord is in /,tr (ha"a8 the nati"e :ill be hono,rable8 endo:ed :ith alli.e. se"en principal "irt,es8 al:a s delighted and endo:ed :ith all 9inds o# :ealth.

    $%. I# 0,"atiOs Lord is in *ri (ha"a8 the nati"e :ill beget a sic9l :i#e and he :ill beini-ical to her. Fe :ill be gi"en to anger and :ill be de"oid o# happiness.

    $&. I# 0,"atiOs Lord is in 0,"ati (ha"a8 the nati"e :ill be endo:ed :ith happinessthro,gh :i#e8 be co,rageo,s8 s9il#,l and intelligent8 b,t onl a##licted b :inddiseases.

  • 8/14/2019 Brihat Parasara Hora Sastra (Classic)


  • 8/14/2019 Brihat Parasara Hora Sastra (Classic)


    &5. I# RandhrOs Lord along :ith a -ale#ic is in Labh (ha"a8 the nati"e :ill be de"oido# :ealth and :ill be -iserable in bo hood8 b,t happ later on. Sho,ld RandhrOs Lord be ,ti :ith a bene#ic and be in Labh (ha"a8 the nati"e :ill be long li"ed.

    & . I# RandhrOs Lord is in a a (ha"a8 the nati"e :ill spend on e"il deeds and :illinc,r a short li#e. >ore so8 i# there be additionall a -ale#ic in the said (ha"a.&$. '##ects o# Dhar-Os Lord in ario,s (ha"as ,p to Slo9a 1)3 . I# Dhar-Os Lord isin Lagn8 the nati"e :ill be #ort,nate8 :ill be hono,red b the 9ing8 be "irt,o,s8char-ing8 learned and hono,red b the p,blic.

    &%. I# Dhar-Os Lord is in Dhan (ha"a8 the nati"e :ill be a scholar8 be dear to all8:ealth 8 sens,o,s and endo:ed :ith happiness #ro- :i#e8 sons etc.

    &&. I# Dhar-Os Lord is in Saha (ha"a8 the nati"e :ill be endo:ed :ith #raternal bliss8 be :ealth 8 "irt,o,s and char-ing.

    1)). I# Dhar-Os Lord is in (andh, (ha"a8 the nati"e :ill en o ho,ses8 con"e ancesand happiness8 :ill ha"e all 9inds o# :ealth and be de"oted to his -other.

    1)1. I# Dhar-Os Lord is in /,tr (ha"a8 the nati"e :ill be endo:ed :ith sons and prosperit 8 de"oted to elders8 bold8 charitable and learned.

    1)2. I# Dhar-Os Lord is in *ri (ha"a8 the nati"e :ill en o -eagre prosperit 8 bede"oid o# happiness #ro- -aternal relati"es and be al:a s tro,bled b ene-ies.

    1)3. 6 (rah-in8 I# Dhar-Os Lord is in 0,"ati (ha"a8 the nati"e beget happiness a#ter-arriage8 be "irt,o,s and #a-o,s.

    1)4. I# Dhar-Os Lord is in Randhr (ha"a8 the nati"e :ill not be prospero,s and :illnot en o happiness #ro- his elder brother.

    1)5. I# Dhar-Os Lord is in Dhar- (ha"a8 the nati"e :ill be endo:ed :ith ab,ndant#ort,nes8 "irt,es and bea,t and :ill en o -,ch happiness #ro- co born.

    1) . I# Dhar-Os Lord is in ar- (ha"a8 the nati"e :ill be a 9ing8 or e ,al to hi-8 or be a -inister8 or an *r- chie#8 be "irt,o,s and dear to all.

    1)$. I# Dhar-Os Lord is in Labh (ha"a8 the nati"e :ill en o #inancial gains da bda 8 be de"oted to elders8 "irt,o,s and -eritorio,s in acts.

    1)%. I# Dhar-Os Lord is in a a (ha"a8 the nati"e :ill inc,r loss o# #ort,nes8 :illal:a s spend on a,spicio,s acts and :ill beco-e poor on acco,nt o# entertainingg,ests.

    1)&. '##ects o# ar-Os Lord in ario,s (ha"as ,p to Slo9a 12) . I# ar-Os