brilliant bins - the sanitary bin guide for business, community and leisure - wales

Brilliant Bins is a trading name of Seiquelle Innovation Ltd, 103 High Street, Hungerford, Berkshire RG16 0NB  [email protected]  Tel: 01488 684850 © Edition 1 May 2013 Seiquelle Innovation Ltd  Brilliant Bins The Sanitary Bin Guide For Commercial, Community and Leisure in Wales  Sanitary bin regulations  Brilliant Bins disposable sanitary bins Answering the big questions…. There is a lot of confusion about the controls and regulations that apply to sanitary bins. This guide contains the answers to the questions that we get asked. Some of the information may surprise you, but this guide will provide you with in depth understanding of the regulations concerning disposal of sanitary waste. For example, most web information would like you to believe that sanitary waste is clinical waste, but this is rarely the case. This guide deals with regulations covering Wales. Separate guides for England and Scotland are available and one for Northern Ireland is currently being prepared. The practical result is pretty similar, but from different sources. If you would like further information or a no-obligation discussion about your own disposal arrangements, please d o contact me.  Is it a legal requirement to provide sanitary waste bins?  Is feminine hygiene waste classed as cli nical or hazardous waste?  Is there a limit on how much sanitary waste can go in my main waste collection bin?  How easy is it for the cleaning staff to manage your disposable sanitary bins?  I have been told our sanitary bin waste is controlled or offensive waste and must be collected by a “specialist” service. Is this correct?  Dentist's, Doctor's & Healthcare – what regulations apply to feminine hygiene waste?  Schools – what regulations cover feminine hygiene waste in schools?  Is Brilliant Bins registered with the Environment Agency?  How can I check the registration of my waste collector?  How environmentally friendly is a disposable bin?  I’m concerned about odour. Why don’t you have chemical fragrance powder in the bin?  What is Cellogreen Eco-Print laminate?  I’d like to provide bags for items to go into before going in the bin. Do you sell these?  Do you provide guidance on Duty of Care - Waste Transfer Notes?

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Explains the law on sanitary bin provision and on disposal of feminine hygiene waste in Wales.


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Brilliant Bins is a trading name of Seiquelle Innovation Ltd,103 High Street, Hungerford, Berkshire RG16 [email protected] Tel: 01488 684850© Edition 1 May 2013 Seiquelle Innovation Ltd


Brilliant Bins

The Sanitary Bin Guide

For Commercial, Communityand Leisure in Wales

  Sanitary bin regulations

  Brilliant Bins disposable sanitary bins

Answering the big questions….

There is a lot of confusion about the controls and regulations that apply to sanitary bins.This guide contains the answers to the questions that we get asked. Some of theinformation may surprise you, but this guide will provide you with in depth understanding of the regulations concerning disposal of sanitary waste. For example, most web informationwould like you to believe that sanitary waste is clinical waste, but this is rarely the case.

This guide deals with regulations covering Wales. Separate guides for England and Scotlandare available and one for Northern Ireland is currently being prepared. The practical result is

pretty similar, but from different sources.

If you would like further information or a no-obligation discussion aboutyour own disposal arrangements, please do contact me.

•  Is it a legal requirement to provide sanitary waste bins? 

•  Is feminine hygiene waste classed as clinical or hazardous waste?

•  Is there a limit on how much sanitary waste can go in my main waste collection bin?

•  How easy is it for the cleaning staff to manage your disposable sanitary bins?

•  I have been told our sanitary bin waste is controlled or offensive waste and must be

collected by a “specialist” service. Is this correct?

•  Dentist's, Doctor's & Healthcare – what regulations apply to feminine hygiene waste?

•  Schools – what regulations cover feminine hygiene waste in schools?

•  Is Brilliant Bins registered with the Environment Agency?

•  How can I check the registration of my waste collector?

•  How environmentally friendly is a disposable bin?

•  I’m concerned about odour. Why don’t you have chemical fragrance powder in the bin?

•  What is Cellogreen Eco-Print laminate?

•  I’d like to provide bags for items to go into before going in the bin. Do you sell these?

•  Do you provide guidance on Duty of Care - Waste Transfer Notes?

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Brilliant Bins is a trading name of Seiquelle Innovation Ltd,103 High Street, Hungerford, Berkshire RG16 [email protected] Tel: 01488 684850© Edition 1 May 2013 Seiquelle Innovation Ltd


Is it a legal requirement to providesanitary waste bins?

The applicable law is the Workplace (Health,Safety and Welfare) Regulations 1992paragraphs 20 and 21. The Regulations do not specifically mention bins for sanitarywaste, but do have an overriding condition that “sanitary conveniences” (iewashroom facilities) should be “suitable and sufficient”.

The Health and Safety Executive, however, in the “Approved Code of Practice” related to the above Regulations, issue their interpretation of “suitable and sufficient” which includes: “In the case of water closets used by women, suitable means shouldbe provided for the disposal of sanitary dressings”.

In practise this could be a covered pedal bin, although this would mean revealing the

contents to users and cleaners. Our bin is aimed at providing a better option than thepedal bin, without having the costs and inconvenience of service collection contracts.

Is Feminine Hygiene Waste clinical or hazardous waste?

The detail, for all kinds of commercial municipal hygiene waste from non-healthcare sources, including feminine hygiene waste:

The following guidance is an extract from the Department of Health document: SafeManagement of Healthcare Waste, Edition 2, published March 2011, pages 108 & 109

(Link to document on 

This document is valid for Wales until a new version is published for Wales. (TheWelsh version will be referenced WTM 07-01 (Wales Technical Memorandum) and is

due to be published in May 2013 by the NHS Wales Shared Services Partnership –Facilities Services. The changes are principally to remove reference to non-Waleslegislation and country references, but will otherwise have the same guidance.)

Municipal premises other than domestic:

This section considers potentially offensive/hygiene waste from non-healthcareactivities and premises (for example offices, shops, schools, childcarefacilities, animal boarding kennels, dog faeces collection bins, body piercingfacilities).

These wastes can normally be assumed under this step of the assessment topresent no risk of infection unless an indication to the contrary is provided bya healthcare professional. However, those who have a duty of care for suchwaste should undertake appropriate assessment and segregation where any

risk factors indicate that an element of the waste may be infectious.

Where there is a risk of infection, the waste is clinical waste and possesses the

hazardous property “H9: Infectious". The EWC code 20 01 99 should beassigned and the waste disposed of in orange receptacles. (Note added by us:this would only be for a situation such as an outbreak of diarrhoea at a

daycare nursery leading to the production of potentially infectious nappies) 

Waste contaminated with non-infectious bodily fluids is capable of causing offenceand therefore requires appropriate packaging to alert those in the waste

management chain of the contents. It is recommended that such types of waste be classified as offensive/hygiene waste. This waste should be

segregated where it is generated in quantity – one bag (7 kg or more) in anycollection interval. Only quantities less than 7 kg may be placed in the

black-bag waste stream. 

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Brilliant Bins is a trading name of Seiquelle Innovation Ltd,103 High Street, Hungerford, Berkshire RG16 [email protected] Tel: 01488 684850© Edition 1 May 2013 Seiquelle Innovation Ltd


So I can put up to 7kg of sanitary waste in one collection?

As noted above, the limit set by the Department of Health guidance means that up to7kg in any one collection cycle may go in the “black bag” waste. One full Brilliant Binis likely to weigh approx. 1.0 kg and so our customers are unlikely to come near the

limit. Remember you only need change the bins when full and therefore you will notbe replacing all bins at the same time as with a service contract provider.

The Waste Code for black bag waste is 20-03-01 and called Mixed Municipal Waste.

How easy is it for the cleaning staff to manage disposable bins?

Very easy, very quick, no fuss, and nothing unpleasant to deal with. Each Brilliant Binhas a plastic sleeve, on the reverse, containing a black bin bag, ready for the wholebin to be put into for disposal. It is easy for the cleaning staff to check whether the

bin needs changing by just picking it up – there’s no need to look inside. When itstime to change the bin, the whole bin is placed in the black bin bag and then,

securely double wrapped, it is disposed of within the general waste collection.

Dentist's and Doctor's Surgeries and other HealthcarePremises. Can these premises use the Brilliant Binsystem?

The Department of Health publication “Safe Management of Healthcare Waste Version 2.0 England”, is valid in Wales until

updated as mentioned above. It is the prime source of informationon waste management for healthcare organisations and incorporatessector-specific guidance for GP Practices and Health Centres onpages 344 to 369.

It makes clear that feminine hygiene waste from toilets can beplaced in the municipal (commercial) black bag wastes where the

total quantity is less than 7kg in a collection interval (see pages350-351).

The advice is therefore exactly as for a commercial premises, and subject to the same

quantity limits. However please request our Sanitary Bin Guide for General Practices orSanitary Bin Guide for Dentists.

(Link to document on 

What regulations cover feminine hygiene waste in schools?

Schools are deemed to be “Municipal premises other than domestic” and so the

advice is exactly as for business premises. However please request our Sanitary BinGuide for Schools.

I have been told our sanitary bin waste is controlled or offensive waste andmust be collected by a “specialist” service. Is this correct?

All household, commercial and industrial waste is “controlled waste” as defined in the

Environmental Protection Act 1990 and further classified in the Controlled Waste

Regulations (England & Wales) Regulations 2012. Therefore sanitary waste is indeedcontrolled waste.

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Brilliant Bins is a trading name of Seiquelle Innovation Ltd,103 High Street, Hungerford, Berkshire RG16 [email protected] Tel: 01488 684850© Edition 1 May 2013 Seiquelle Innovation Ltd


However, you don’t need a “specialist” to collect feminine hygiene waste. Controlledwaste may only be transferred to a waste carrier registered with the Environment

Agency, and the waste management company collecting your commercial waste willbe registered as a waste carrier in exactly the same way as any sanitary bin servicecontract collector. This means that it is perfectly acceptable for your main waste tohave a proportion of hygiene waste included.

The Controlled Waste Regulations (England & Wales) 2012 also define “offensivewaste” from non-healthcare sources as waste for which the code 20-01-99 applies.

When feminine hygiene waste is a small component of general commercial waste, itdoes not need to be described as offensive waste, does not fall within code 20-01-99,and the whole collection is general municipal waste under code 20-03-01.

Only when feminine hygiene waste is collected as a “separate fraction” and handledin bulk, as done by the contract service collection companies does it need to behandled as “offensive waste” with the waste code 20-01-99, which then has a moreonerous final disposal rules.

Is Brilliant Bins registered with the Natural Resources Wales?

On 1 April 2013 Natural Resources Wales (NRW) took over the responsibilities of the

Environment Agency in Wales. The Environment Agency is continuing to provide theonline registration service on behalf of Natural Resources Wales on a temporary


Brilliant Bins is registered with the Environment Agency as both a Waste Carrier andWaste Broker under our company name Seiquelle Innovation Ltd ref CB/HN5010CZ.

How can I check the registration of my waste collector? 

You can easily check that your waste collector is registered at the EnvironmentAgency 

How environmentally friendly is a disposable bin? 

Using the Brilliant Bin system reduces the vehicle mileage required to dispose of thewaste and eliminates the need for water and chemicals to wash out exchange units.Please request our guide – the “Environmental and Operational Case for DisposableBins”.

  The Brilliant Bin is inexpensive and so affordable by every business. It

therefore helps to ensure that sanitary waste is not flushed down the loo. It isestimated that 2 billion sanitary items are flushed down the loo each year.

More on this from the "Bag it and Bin it Don't Flush it" campaign. Also worthreading is the BBC online article about the Welsh Water campaign to save ontheir £7m annual bill to sort blocked sewers 

  The Brilliant Bin enables you to buy 6 month’s or a year’s supply of bins and

store them compactly in your cleaner’s cupboard. One delivery replacesmultiple trips to your site to deliver exchange units reducing vehicle mileage.

  Sanitary waste in the Brilliant Bin is collected along with your othercommercial waste and so no additional vehicle miles are required.

  The Brilliant Bin is printed and constructed in the UK, so no shipping from theFar East is involved.

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Brilliant Bins is a trading name of Seiquelle Innovation Ltd,103 High Street, Hungerford, Berkshire RG16 [email protected] Tel: 01488 684850© Edition 1 May 2013 Seiquelle Innovation Ltd


  FSC (Forest Stewardship Council) certifiedbox board is the principal material making up the bin. The original pulp is

bleached using an elemental chlorine free process, and the board produced atan EMAS accredited mill. It can be disposed of by incineration for energyrecovery or is bio-degradeable. Not suitable for recycling due to the content of the bin

  The glossy laminate’s major raw material, Cellulose, comes predominantlyfrom managed forestry in North America. The pulp suppliers have active

replanting programmes and plant more trees than they harvest each year.Thus this film is distinguished from most other thermoplastic films in that itcomes from a sustainable source and is not derived from fossil fuels. Thesecondary raw material is acetic anhydride, a simple derivative of theeveryday tabletop chemical acetic acid (vinegar).

I’m concerned about odour. Why is there no chemical fragrance in theBrilliant Bin?

The Brilliant Bin is designed to minimise environmental impact, therefore we do notuse chemical powders and fragrance inside the bin.

Our research shows that the addition of scented chemicals inside a bin does notmake a significant difference to odour outside the bin whether on an exchange bin orfor the Brilliant Bin.

The lid of our bin is secured with a magnetic closure.

Occasionally there is an issue which would only be dealt with by changing the bin.You can change a Brilliant Bin immediately. With an exchange bin you may need towait weeks for the next exchange date.

You can also provide small disposal bags for sanitary items to be put in before

placing the item in the Brilliant Bin. These are available, along with an optionaldispenser, on our product page.

I’d like to provide small bags for items to go into before going in the bin.Do you sell these?

Yes, we supply printed paper disposal bags and also a clearPerspex holder if needed. See our website product pages.

What is Cellogreen eco-print laminate?

The glossy laminate inside and outside the Brilliant Bin is notmade from fossil-fuel based plastics. The primary raw materialused in the production of the cellulose acetate laminate issourced from refined wood pulp from Sustainable ForestInitiative managed forestry.

Do you provide guidance on Duty of Care - WasteTransfer Notes?

With the Brilliant Bin system, you do not need a specific waste transfer note for your

sanitary bins. The completion of a 12 month waste transfer note is carried outannually with your main waste management company. You should let your waste

management company know that you have a small amount of hygiene waste in yourcollection.

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Brilliant Bins is a trading name of Seiquelle Innovation Ltd,103 High Street, Hungerford, Berkshire RG16 [email protected] Tel: 01488 684850© Edition 1 May 2013 Seiquelle Innovation Ltd

Please request our Waste Transfer Note Information Sheet. It included suggesteddescriptions, waste code and details to add to your existing waste transfer note

content. Should your waste collection company have any questions, we will be veryhappy to assist. We have positive agreementfrom major waste collection companies for oursystem. 

We hope this has assisted you to understand that youcan handle your own disposal of hygiene waste as an

alternative to using service contract exchange-binproviders. Please do call us if you would like to discussany of this information further.

Susan HofgartnerBSc (Hons) ARCS ACMA

All information is provided in good faith, but we do not accept any liability if you use this advice which

is summarised and not tailored to any specific situation.