britannia preface

A Research Report on “Retailer’s Perception Towards Britannia Daily Bread” Presented to Jayesh Patel Faculty VMPIM-GNU On March 5, 2! In Part"al #ul#"ll$en t o# the re%u"re$en t #or the su&'ect (Reta"l Mana)e$ent* "n the Master o# +us"ness Ad$ "n"strat"on pro)ra$ Presented &y Paras Ma.ana /!0 1alpesh Patel /20  Va run Vy as / 0  M+A-3e$-IV /Mt)40 V4 M4 Patel Inst"tute o# Mana)e$ent, Ganpat Un".ers"ty 1her.a-Mehsana

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( heory 6"thout pract"ce has no #ru"t Pract"ce 6"thout theory has no root4*

As a $ana)e$ent student, 6e $ust ha.e so$e pract"cal no6led)e re)ard"n) research

and research $ethodolo)y4

he educat"on "nst"tut"ons o##er"n) $ana)e$ent pro)ra$s play a s")n"#"cant part "n

uncalculat"n) the $uch needed $ana)er"al s "lls "n the"r students, the asp"r"n) $ana)ers4

he real success o# $ana)e$ent l"es "n apply"n) the pro#ess"onal $ana)e$ent techn"%ues

"n all $ana)er"al act"."t"es4 Pract"cal study "s e$"nent, and plays ."tal role #or the students

o# $ana)e$ent, &ecause classroo$ coach"n) and theoret"cal study alone are not enou)h4o sur.".e "n th"s h")hly co$pet"t".e 6orld, pract"cal"ty out6e")hs theoret"c4 3tudents are

supposed to learn the .ar"ous pr"nc"ples o# &us"ness ad$"n"strat"on conceptually &ut

accuracy and e##"c"ency "n the"r "$ple$entat"on "s poss"&le only throu)h e7posure to

pract"cal en."ron$ent4

hrou)h th"s pro'ect report 6or 6e can &etter understood the d"##erent aspects l" e

research des")n, $easure$ent and scal"n) techn"%ues, %uest"oner and #or$ des")n, data

collect"on, analys"s and "nterpretat"on4 hrou)h th"s report 6e can understood &us"nessresearch $ethodolo)y "n pract"cal ter$4

8ence, to atta"n th"s o&'ect".e and to ha.e the outloo o# all "ntr"cac"es o# corporate 6orld

6e ha.e underta en the research pro'ect a&out 9Reta"ler:s percept"on to6ards +r"tann"a

;a"ly +read49 <e ha.e tr"ed our &est and ha.e appl"ed all $y e##orts, no6led)e and

sources a.a"la&le, "n th"s pro'ect .

8ere 6e try our le.el &est #or #"nd"n) data4

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“In corporate world practical knowledge does matter” o ta e sentence "n our $"nd6e start our pro'ect on Reta"ler:s percept"on to6ards +r"tann"a ;a"ly +read4

It "s 6"th pro#ound "nde&tness that 6e ac no6led)e the e##orts o# all the 6ell-6"shers6ho ha.e "n so$e or the other 6ay contr"&utes "n the"r o6n spec"al 6ay to the successo# th"s pro'ect4

<e 6ould l" e to e7press deep sense o# )rat"tude to Mr4 Jayesh Patel #or the"r ad."se,constant encoura)e$ent and t"$ely help throu)hout the course o# our pro'ect .

<e 6ould l" e to than Mr4 Jayesh patel #or pro."de us th"s )olden opportun"ty #or

prepar"n) report and pro."de us )u"del"ne re)ard"n) pro'ect4

<e 6ould l" e to than all the respondents 6ho )".e the"r .alua&le t"$e #or #"ll"n)

%uest"oner and pro."de necessary "n#or$at"on re)ard"n) our pro'ect4

=ast &ut not the least 6e than all the persons 6ho ha.e d"rectly or "nd"rectly support "nth"s pro'ect4

han "n) you,

Paras Ma .ana /! 0

1alpesh Patel /2 0 Varun Vyas / 0

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E ec!ti"e #!mmary

Reta"l research pro'ect "$pl"es to the o.erall analys"s o# certa"n "$portant aspects #or the

purpose o# (Reta"ler:s percept"on to6ards +r"tann"a ;a"ly +read*4 <e ha.e ta en +a ery

"ndustry, 6h"ch "s #astest )ro6"n) "ndustr"es "n Ind"a as 6ell as "n the 6orld4

In our pro'ect here 6e "nclude secondary as 6ell as pr"$ary data #or no6"n) a&out

Reta"ler:s percept"on to6ards +r"tann"a ;a"ly +read4

he present report tr"es to re."e6 the Reta"ler:s percept"on to6ards +r"tann"a ;a"ly +read

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Ta$le of %ontents

Ta$le&o. partic!lars Page&o.• Preface "

• Aknowledgement ""

• E ec!ti"e s!mmary """

'. Introd!ction !

(. A$o!t t)e retail ind!stry 2

*. A$o!t t)e company 2

+. ,iterat!re re"iew

-. Researc) met)odology

.Data analysis




Anne !re

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+read "s one o# the oldest prepared #oods, dat"n) &ac to the Neol"th"c era4 he #"rst &read

produced 6as pro&a&ly coo ed .ers"ons o# a )ra"n-paste, $ade #ro$ )round cereal )ra"ns

and 6ater, and $ay ha.e &een de.eloped &y acc"dental coo "n) or del"&eratee7per"$entat"on 6"th 6ater and )ra"n #lour4 >east spores are u&"%u"tous, "nclud"n) the

sur#ace o# cereal )ra"ns, so any dou)h le#t to rest 6"ll &eco$e naturally lea.ened4 here

6ere $ult"ple sources o# lea.en"n) a.a"la&le #or early &read4 A"r&orne yeasts could &e

harnessed &y lea."n) uncoo ed dou)h e7posed to a"r #or so$e t"$e &e#ore coo "n)4

Pl"nythe ?lder reported that the Gauls and I&er"ans used the #oa$ s "$$ed #ro$ &eer to

produce 9a l")hter "nd o# &read than other peoples49 Parts o# the anc"ent 6orld that dran

6"ne "nstead o# &eer used a paste co$posed o# )rape 'u"ce and #lour that 6as allo6ed to

&e)"n #er$ent"n), or 6heat &ran steeped "n 6"ne, as a source #or yeast4 he $ost co$$on

source o# lea.en"n),, 6as to reta"n a p"ece o# dou)h #ro$ the pre."ous day to use

as a #or$ o# sourdou)h starter4

Fresh &read "s pr"@ed #or "ts taste, aro$a, %ual"ty and te7ture4 Reta"n"n) "ts #reshness "s

"$portant to eep "t appet"@"n)4 +read that has st"##ened or dr"ed past "ts pr"$e "s sa"d to

&e stale4 Modern &read "s so$et"$es 6rapped "n paper or plast"c #"l$, or stored "n a

conta"ner such as a &read&o7 to reduce dry"n)4 +read that "s ept "n 6ar$, $o"sten."ron$ents "s prone to the )ro6th o# $old4 +read ept at lo6 te$peratures, "n a

re#r")erator #or e7a$ple, 6"ll de.elop $old )ro6th $ore slo6ly than &read ept at roo$

te$perature, &ut 6"ll turn stale %u"c ly due to retro )radat"on4

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Daily BreadUnder the ;a"ly +read &rand, the co$pany $anu#actures and reta"ls a ran)e o#

&reads "ncludes &a)uettes, rolls, Pan"n"s, c"a&attas, $ult"-)ra"ns, cro"ssants,#occacc"as, &a)els and as 6ell a ran)e o# ultra pre$"u$ health &reads4 For the s6eet

lo.ers, there 6ould &e ;an"shes, dou)hnuts, cheeseca es, $ousse ca es, )ateau7,#ru"t ca es, #ru"t tarts, pastr"es, &ro6n"es, coo "es and +el)"an pral"nes and tru##les4Also to ser."ce custo$ers 6"th $ore o# a $eal or tea t"$e snac , there are6onder#ul select"ons o# 6raps, %u"ches, curry pu##s, sa.oury and p"es4 A &") dra6 atthe ;a"ly +read pre$"u$ stores are the l".e salad and sand6"ch &ar 6h"ch o##ers#resh and healthy .e) and non-.e) salads as 6ell as sand6"ches that can &ecusto$"@ed &y choos"n) #ro$ a ran)e o# #reshly &a ed &reads, scru$pt"ous #"ll"n)sand dress"n)s4

Del!ca’s;eluca:s "s a d"."s"on o# ;a"ly +read Gour$et Foods Ind"a P.t4 =td4, launched "nApr"l 2 D o##er"n) ultra pre$"u$ %ual"ty DK #at #ree Ital"an )elato and #ro@endessert &rand o##er"n) the 6"dest ran)e o# )elato, sor&eto, )elato ca es, sundaes,desserts, #loats and #rappe:s #reshly $ade e.ery day 6"th "$ported "n)red"ents4;eluca:s en'oys co$pet"t".e ad.anta)e due to technolo)y and rec"pe trans#er andche# tra"n"n) a)ree$ents 6"th the lar)est 6holesaler o# pre$"u$ Ital"an GelatoAro$"tal"aL 3e$pl"ce H Gen"ale4

Daily Brew;a"ly +re6 "s the &rand o# ;a"ly +read Gour$et Foods Ind"a P.t4 =td that 6aslaunched "n 2 C4 he pre$"u$ ;a"ly +re6 espresso &ars, pro."de an a$&"ence

that "s 6ar$ and "n."t"n), a )reat place to $eet #r"ends #or a cuppa #ro$ ;a"ly+re6:s pre$"u$ espresso $enu o# a .ar"ety o# co##ee and tea a l")ht $eal4

;a"ly +read s ran)e o# products "s $anu#actured at state-o#-the-art product"on#ac"l"t"es4 here are currently three such set-ups across Ind"a4 ;a"ly +read s #"rst6holesale &a ery &e)an co$$erc"al product"on on Octo&er 2 , 2 E "n +an)aloreand a second 2 , s%#t4 product"on un"t "n +an)alore, 6h"ch co$$enced

product"on "n ;ece$&er 2 D4 he 2 , s%#t co$$"ssary at 8ydera&ad &e)an product"on "n Au)ust 2 C 6h"le an ! , s%#t product"on set-up "n operat"on "n No"da #ro$ 3epte$&er 2 C4

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#tone Baked Artisan #tyle Bread

Masala =oa#

RsEEPan"n" - 8er& H Pesto RsE3an Franc"sco 3ourdou)h =oa# RsPar"s"an +a)uette Rs 5Ital"an +ell Pepper H 8e&oscanne =oa# Rs 5

"a&&atta - +lac Ol".es Rs5Foccac"a - On"on H 3un ;r"edo$ato Rs5

Mult")ra"n =oa# 6"th Apr"cots Rs55

E!ropean #andwic) Breads

?n)l"sh Pre$"u$ +utter +read Rs 2EFrench V"lla)e 3l"ced +read Rs"an ;ar Rye 3l"ced +read Rs 5Med"terranean 3l"ced +read Rs 2

%o!ntry #tyle 3ealt) Breads

8ealthy <hole <heat +read Rs 25

3pan"sh =oa# Rs EGer$an Root +a)uette Rs 5Muesl" 3l"ced +read Rs 2Rust"ca <heat H <alnut =oa# Rs 5Mult")ra"n =oa# Rs 55A$er"can Rye =oa# Rs 558")h F"&re Fru"tt" F"t =oa# Rs

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+read, 6h"ch #"nds "ts 6ay to D la h households da"ly, "s the $a"nstay o# the

co$pany s non-&"scu"t &us"ness at present4 Its ey co$pet"t"on "n the or)an"sed nat"onal

$ar et are Modern and perhaps 8ar.est Gold4 +r"tann"a hopes to dr".e th"s e$er)"n)

&us"ness throu)h the e7plod"n) $odern trade and has already )a"ned access to Rel"ance

Reta"l and r"nethraL Fa&$all #or "ts &reads4

Ne6 ;elh", Au)4 !C +r"tann"a Industr"es =td sa"d that "t 6as plann"n) to "ncrease "ts

sta e "n the recently ac%u"red +an)alore-&ased ;a"ly +reads P.t =td to 5 per cent4 9<e

are loo "n) at "ncreas"n) sta e "n ;a"ly +reads P.t =td #ro$ the current strate)"c sta e to

5 per cent "n the t"$e to co$e,9 sa"d Ms V"n"ta +al", Mana)"n) ;"rector o# +r"tann"a

Industr"es =td, on the s"del"nes o# a $ar et"n) su$$"t or)an"@ed &y the on#ederat"on o#

Ind"an Industry4

-. Researc) 6et)odology1

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O&'ect".e► o #"nd out Reta"ler:s Percept"on Re)ard"n) “+RI ANNIA ;AI=>

+R?A; ”.► o chec the 3er."ce Pro."ded &y ( +RI ANNIA ;AI=> +R?A;*

Purpose o# study

h"s study "s a&out Reta"ler:s percept"on to6ards +r"tann"a ;a"ly +read

and )et "n depth no6led)e a&out the &a ery "ndustry4

Research ;es")nonclus".e Research

?7ploratory Research

3a$pl"n) $ethod on.en"ence 3a$pl"n)

Research "nstru$ent uest"onna"re

=ocat"on 1 Ah$eda&ad, and Mehasan

3a$ple 3"@e 1 !

;ata 3ources

Pr"$ary ;ata uest"onna"re

3econdary ;ata Internet, Ma)a@"ne,Ne6s paper

.Data Analysis1

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7.' Do yo! keep Britannia Daily Bread in yo!r s)op8


Fro$ a&o.e )raph, 6e can conclude that the DEK o# reta"l respondents are eep"n)+r"tann"a da"ly +read "n the"r shop and ECK respondent do not eep +r"tann"a ;a"ly+read "n the"r shop4

7.( 9)ic) of t)e following Bread 6an!fact!rer gi"es yo! ma im!m profit margin8

>es No63 37

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+harat Moder

n +r"tann"a Ra'la7$

" 3a$e Other3 17 30 2 9 2


Fro$ a&o.e )raph 6e can conclude that +r"tann"a ;a"l +read Manu#acturer )"."n) the$a7"$u$ pro#"t $ar)"n4 8ere 6e #"nd that C4D!K reta"ler:s say"n) that $a7"$u$ pro#"t$ar)"n pro."ded &y +r"tann"a ;a"ly +read #ollo6ed &y Modern &read 2D4 K and sa$e! 42 K4

7.* Are yo! satisfied wit) profit margin yo! are getting from Britannia DailyBread8

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>es No33 30


8ere 6e #"nd that 524E K reta"lers are sat"s#"ed 6"th the pro#"t $ar)"n )".en &y +r"tann"a;a"ly +read and C4D!K reta"lers are not sat"s#"ed 6"th the pro#"t $ar)"n )".en &y+r"tann"a ;a"ly +read4

7:+ w)ic) is t)e most sella$le $rand8

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+harat Moder

n +r"tann"

a Ra'la7$

" 3a$e9 20 27 7


Fro$ a&o.e )raph 6e can conclude that +r"tann"a ;a"ly +read "s the $ost sella&le &rand#ollo6ed &y Modern and the other &rands4

24 5K reta"lers are say"n) that +r"tann"a "s $ost sella&le &rand #ollo6ed &y ModernE!4C K and +harat ! 42 K and Ra'la7$" !!4!!K

7.- 9)at do yo! feel; cons!mer consider w)ile p!rc)asing $read8

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ual"ty Freshness

A.a"la&"l"ty Pr"ce

+rand Na$e

12 15 6 3 27


Fro$ a&o.e )raph 6e can conclude that 24 5K respondents are )"."n) $ore pre#erenceto the +rand na$e 2E4 K are )"."n) pre#erence to #reshnesh and ! 4 K are )"."n)

pre#erence to %ual"ty ,a.a"la&"l"ty 452K and pr"ce 4CDK4

7. 9)ic) of t)e following Bread will yo! recommend to cons!mer in case ofa$sence of $read demanded $y c!stomer8

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+harat Moder

n +r"tann"

a Ra'la7$

" 3a$e5 28 30


Fro$ the a&o.e )raph 6e can conclude that "n a&sence o# de$anded &rand &y consu$er reta"ler:s reco$$ends +r"tann"a ;a"ly +read #"rst then Modern and then other &rands4

7./ 9)ic) of t)e following $rand is more cons!med $y c!stomer8

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+harat Moder

n +r"tann"

a Ra'la7$

" 3a$e2 23 36 2


8ere 6e can say that the +r"tann"a ;a"ly +read "s $ost consu$ed &rand ha."n) 5C4! K#ollo6ed &y Modern ED45 K, +harat and ra'la7$" E4!CK

7.0 9)at do yo! feel a$o!t 7!ality of $read of following $rands8

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=ood =ood A"erage Bad <eryBad

Brandsof $read +harat+read 7 19 24 11 2

+r"tann"a+read 32 25 6

Modern+read 15 30 13 5

Ra'la7$"+read 2 19 20 16 6


8ere 6e #"nd that E K respondents are say"n) that the %ual"ty o# +r"tann"a da"ly +read "s.ery )ood #ollo6ed &y Modern &rand and then other &rands4

7.> 9)at do yo! feel a$o!t ser"ice pro"ided $y Britannia Daily Bread 8

8/9/2019 Britannia Preface 23/35


=ood =ood A"erage Bad <eryBad

+r"tann"a;a"ly+read 31 6 21 5


8ere 6e can conclude that 42 K respondents are say"n) that ser."ce pro."ded &y+r"tann"a ;a"ly +read "s .ery )ood 6h"le EE4EEK are say"n) that ser."ce pro."ded &y+r"tann"a da"ly +read a.era)e 4

7.'? 9)at do yo! feel cons!mer gi"es weig)tage to $rand or not8

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>es No55


8ere 6e can conclude that C4E K respondents are )"."n) 6e")hta)e to &rand 6h"le!24D K respondents are not )"."n) 6e")hta)e to &rand4

7.'' 9)ic) pack of Britannia Daily Bread is more cons!med $y c!stomer8

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3pec"al +read

Pre$"u$ +read

31 21 7 4


8ere 6e can conclude that sand6"ch &read "s consu$ed 42 K #ollo6ed &y &ha'" pa.EE4EEK, spec"al &read !!4!!K, pre$"u$ &read D4E K4

7.'( 9)at si@e of Britannia Daily Bread )as more sales in yo!r s)op8

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2G$s4 G$s4 G$s412 41 10


8ere 6e can conclude that )$s s"@e o# &read "s sold D54 CK #ollo6ed &y 2 )$ss"@e o# &read ! 4 K, )$s s"@e o# &read !54 CK4

7.'* 9)at is yo!r response regarding packaging of Britannia Daily Bread8

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Very)ood Good A.era)e +ad


22 2C 9 5


8ere 6e can conclude that 24 5K respondents are say"n) that pac a)"n) o# &r"tan"a;a"ly +read "s )ood, E 4 2K are say"n) .ery )ood,! 42 K are say"n) a.era)e, C4 EK aresay"n) .ery &ad pac a)"n)4

7.'+ 9)ere do yo! p!t Britannia Daily Bread in yo!r s)op8

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heaper o$pet"t".

e ostly12 37 14


8ere 6e can conclude that 5 4CEK respondents are say"n) that the pr"ce o# +r"tann"ada"ly +read "s co$pet"t".e ,22422K are say"n) that pr"ce "s costly and ! 4 K are say"n)that pr"ce "s cheaper4


8/9/2019 Britannia Preface 30/35

Reta"lers are eep"n) +r"tann"a da"ly +read "n the"r shop &ecause o# h")h pro#"t $ar)"n and sat"s#"ed 6"th "t4+ecause o# prest")"ous &rand na$e +r"tann"a ;a"ly +read "s $ost sella&le

&rand 4Respondents are )"."n) $ore pre#erence to &rand na$e #ollo6ed &y#reshness, %ual"ty, a.a"la&"l"ty and pr"ce4<e #"nd that %ual"ty and ser."ce o# +r"tann"a ;a"ly +read "s .ery )oodco$pare to other &rands43and6"ch &read "s $ore consu$ed "n co$pare to &ha'" pa., spec"al &readand pre$"u$ &read4

)$s pac a)"n) "s $ost sella&le co$pare to 2 )$s and )$s4<e #"nd that 24 5K respondents are say"n) that pac a)"n) o# +r"tann"a;a"ly +read "s .ery)ood 4

<e #"nd that +r"tann"a ;a"ly +read "s co$pet"t".e than other &reada.a"la&le "n the $ar et4


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Malhotra Naresh 4 /2 C0, Mar et"n) Research /An Appl"ed Or"entat"on0, F"#thed"t"on, h4 ! to !24


8ttp &read &oard o# d"rectors4ht$

8ttp &read +r"tann"a Industr"es ="$"ted O##"c"al <e&s"te4ht$

8ttp &read ;a"ly +read!4ht$

8ttp &read ;a"ly +read'h4ht$


+r"tann"a "s the &read 6"nner, ?cono$"c "$es E th Apr"l C

+r"tann"a plans to ra"se sta e "n ;a"ly +reads to 5 pc , ?cono$"c "$es E th

Fe& C

Anne !re

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<ery=ood =ood A"erage Bad <ery Bad

#r. Brands of $read Rate t)e T)eir 7!ality

! +harat +read ! 2 E 5

2 +r"tann"a +read ! 2 E 5

E Modern +read ! 2 E 5

Ra'la7$" +read ! 2 E 5

4 <hat do you #eel a&out ser."ce pro."ded &y +r"tann"a ;a"ly +read

' ( * + -

<ery =ood =ood A"erage Bad <ery Bad

! +r"tann"a ;a"ly +read ! 2 E 5

4! <hat do you #eel consu$er )".es 6e")hta)e to &rand or not Q >es Q No

4!! <h"ch pac o# +r"tann"a ;a"ly +read "s $ore consu$ed &y custo$erQ 3and6"ch +read Q +ha'" Pa.Q 3pec"al +read Q Pre$"u$ +read

4!2 <hat s"@e o# +r"tann"a ;a"ly +read has $ore sales "n your shopQ 2 G$s4 Q G$s4

Q G$s4

4!E <hat "s your response re)ard"n) pac a)"n) o# +r"tann"a ;a"ly +readQ Very )ood Q Good Q A.era)eQ +ad Q Very +ad

4! <here do you put +r"tann"a ;a"ly +read "n your shopQ In #ront Q On des

8/9/2019 Britannia Preface 35/35

Q In sel# Q +eh"nd other &read

4!5 <hat do you #eel re)ard"n) pr"ce o# +r"tann"a ;a"ly +read co$par"n) 6"th other+read

Q heaper Q o$pet"t".e Q ostly

4!D G".e your su))est"on to "$pro.e sales o# +r"tann"a ;a"ly +read 4Q! 3er."ce -Q2 ual"ty -QE Ad.ert"se$ent -Q Pac a)"n) -Q5 Other -

Na$e -Address -