british council 2013 presentation we act

Dr. Jorge Nelson All teachers are invited to see how leadership can support relevant teaching methodologies. The participants can expect to observe, learn and practice current trends in teaching methodologies as presented by educational leaders focusing on five core competencies all students need to thrive: world view, emotional intelligence, academics in balance, creativity and technology.

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Page 1: British council 2013 presentation we act

Dr. Jorge Nelson

All teachers are invited to see how leadership can support relevant teaching methodologies. The participants can expect to observe, learn and practice current trends in teaching methodologies as presented by educational leaders focusing on five core competencies all students need to thrive: world view, emotional intelligence, academics in balance, creativity and technology.

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29 years overseas in accredited international schools in Asia,

Latin America and Europe

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Philosophy of Education

• Kurt Hahn• Seymour Papert• Alfie Kohn• Gary Stager• Socrates• Reggio Emilia• Clayton Christensen• Morris Berman

• Edward de Bono• Malcolm Knowles• Maggie Chadwick• Lao Tzu• John Dewey

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Opportunity to create one of the finest schools in the world but not “more of the same” in Songdo, Korea.

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How to Bring Our Schools Out of the 20th CenturyThere's a dark little joke exchanged by educators with a dissident streak: Rip Van Winkle awakens in the 21st century after a hundred-year snooze and is, of course, utterly bewildered by what he sees. Men and women dash about, talking to small metal devices pinned to their ears. Young people sit at home on sofas, moving miniature athletes around on electronic screens. Older folk defy death and disability with metronomes in their chests and with hips made of metal and plastic. Airports, hospitals, shopping malls--every place Rip goes just baffles him. But when he finally walks into a schoolroom, the old...

By Claudia Wallis and Sonja Steptoe Sunday, Dec. 10, 2006

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Subjects vs. Competencies

“A curriculum defines what we ought to learn. For what? To become competent to live a life that we freely chose, for which we are fully responsible, and that brings us realization. A curriculum, therefore, is not a set of subject matters (‘disciplines’) we need to assimilate, but a matrix of competencies we need to build.”

- Eduardo Chaves

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21st Century Student

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Building the entire school curriculum…

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…from scratch – 180 days of working together as a faculty of 20+ and only 2 students!?!

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5 Core Competencies: WE ACT

• World view, • Emotional intelligence,

• Academics in balance, • Creativity and • Technology

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World view

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Solving ? = world peace

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Worldview is a perspective guided by a thorough knowledge of current global issues and an understanding of individual responsibility on the local, national, and international levels as a global citizen.

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Worldview Learner Understandings

•An increasingly interconnected world creates new complexities, realities, responsibilities, and opportunities.

•Each person has a responsibility as a global citizen in taking action on the 20 Global Issues.

•All cultures have value, and cultural diversity has to be maintained.

•Collaboration is essential for the solution of global problems.•There are both positive and negative effects of globalization.•There is a commonality of all human beings.

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Emotional intelligence

Emotional intelligence is the ability to perceive self and others as unique and valuable to the world. There are five domains of emotional intelligence: knowing your emotions, managing your emotions, motivating yourself, recognizing and understanding other people’s emotions, helping others to manage their own emotions.

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Emotional Intelligence Learner Understandings

•Internal motivation and self-direction are essential.•Empathy and respect for others are essential.•Each person has a responsibility to self and others.•Each person must practice self-discipline, self-assessment and proper

social skills.•Each person must know and accept himself.•Self-expression is an important part of developing emotional intelligence.•There is a continuum of respect from top to bottom level: adapting

behavior, cooperating, valuing difference, accepting other viewpoints, tolerating.•One’s emotional intelligence affects the quality of one’s relationships.•A lack of emotional intelligence can cause social and personal problems.

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Academics in balance

Academics in balance are project based learning experiences that foster the development of the multiple intelligences, creating lifelong learners who are inquiring, knowledgeable, and caring people who will make the world a better place.

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Academics in balanceLearner Understandings

•A broad range of knowledge and skills is required for personal success and the ability to contribute positively to the human community.

•There are many ways to acquire knowledge and skills.•Learning can be differentiated to accommodate

individual learning styles and needs.•The human mind is a combination of various

intelligences.•Education is a continuous, lifelong process.

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Relevant learning experiences

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NEA’s Teacher’s Top 100 books for children

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Creativity is a mindset characterized by a willingness to generate new ideas, possibilities and outcomes. It is multi-faceted, ranging from cognitive to aesthetic.

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CreativityLearner Understandings

•Creativity is stimulated by asking new questions while generating new ideas to apply to various situations and challenges.

•Every human being has the capacity to be creative. •Environment has a dramatic effect on creativity.•People may not exhibit the same level of creativity in all areas. •Self-assessment and self-motivation are needed to allow the learners

to foster creativity in all facets of their education.•Creativity takes many forms.•Creativity is applied imagination, a step into creating something new

and /or putting it into action.•Creativity takes various forms: it can be an ability, an attitude or a


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Bloom’sTaxonomymodifiedto includeCreativity

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Schools Kill Creativity

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Technology is a tool which allows an individual learner to enhance or to facilitate his or her learning process.

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TechnologyLearner Understandings

•Technology expands our ability to communicate through a wide range of media.

•Technology allows us to efficiently access, store, and use information.

•Technology supports self-directed learning. •Technology supports differentiated learning.•Technology is a tool to assist human

intelligence, not a substitute for it.

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Bloom’s Taxonomy w/Technology

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Traditional vs. Constructivism

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Putting it all together

Who are we?

What do we value?

What skills do we teach?

How do we teach?




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Trimestre Planning for WE ACT

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Student Self-


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Global Issues Grades 6-10

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Human Creativity & Innovation

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The Human Condition

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In closing• 1. Remember Socrates’ words that children are flames, not vessels• 2. Help Faculty to become a Guide by the Side • 3. Support plenty of professional development to get faculty to try new

things with IT • 4. Know that many folks from around the world support this philosophy

and methodology so you are not alone• 5. You can’t go out and buy a curriculum so you need to allow for

creativity from both students and faculty • 6. The best motivator is a great prompt – something that catches the eye,

imagination, heart and soul of the learner to go ahead and figure out a solution for a compelling problem. Global issues are very pertinent to children as they are going to inherit this earth so that is a good place to start.

• * Thank you for your time.