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Tabloid newspaper vs. Broadsheet neswaper Daily Mirror vs. The Telegraph

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Post on 13-Nov-2014




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Page 1: British press

Tabloid newspaper vs. Broadsheet neswaperDaily Mirror vs. The Telegraph

Page 2: British press

Tabloid newspaper Broadsheet newspaper

It is about 11.75″x21.5″It has 45 pages

More dense writing

More pages


More picturesIt is about 11″x17″It has 35 pages


Page 3: British press

The title is a whole sentence which summarizes the article, when readers see the sentence; they immediately know the topic and what happened. Thus, he needs to know more about it. The article under the title is quite long. The reader can get an overall view about the news and he has the chance to buy the newspaper if he is interested on it. The summary is on the left-hand side.

Images, which are shocking and colorful, are really important because they catch the attention of the reader. There are also big titles related to the images and their little explanation. The article is not developed on the front page. Even though the title takes pretty much space, it is not a whole sentence, just a few words to make the reader wonder what it is about.

AppearanceTabloid newspaper Broadsheet newspaper

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Audience is part of the reason. Tabloids target a less educated readership but also deal in sensational stories and sensationality generally. That is supported by more advertising which takes up space that is irrelevant to sensationalism, but which is important to papers that report less sensational, more substantial, hard news.

There's a difference in both, Spanish price and UK price

Spanish price: 2.30 € UK PRICE: 50p

Spainish price: 3.80 € UK PRICE: 70p

Page 5: British press

It is aimed at readerships with a high-medium socioeconomic level, as it offers news about culture, politics, education (…) related to present or recent events. It also shows a political inclination, it is clearly conservative. The news match with the images, which have an elegant and discreet style.

This daily national tabloid is clearly aimed at middle and lower social classes, with a clearly preference for shocking and polemic articles like interviews with today’s famous people like Lady Gaga, social scandals and often murders. It also features humor sections and columns about different issues (sexual advice, economic counseling and others). This newspaper is known by supporting the Labour Party and using a direct, offensive and ironical language.

In contradistinction with The Telegraph, Daily Mirror shows a simple and sensationalist style, matching with stunning images of celebrities on bikini shots, close-ups and very expressive captures (people on the images are often caught in states of anger, rage or extreme pain).

Aimed at Tabloid newspaper

Broadsheet newspaper

Page 6: British press


From the lives of Royal family•In favour of the Royal family – favourable articles, funny details, mentions every move, other articles seem to be written in a more detached way.

•Article about Prince Charles's confession says that he smoked cigarettes behind a chicken coop when he was 11, literally „he indulged in a little rebelion“.

•Mention of Queen and Duchess visiting Brixton charity a big photography.

•Bias in titles, attempts to make the content as attractive as possible by the usage of colourful expressions, dramatizing stories„Children in homes hit by the Bedroom Tax are going hungry as their parents are forced to squeeze family food budgets.“

•Evaluation and comparison everywhere, puns, etc.

Tabloid newspaperBroadsheet newspaper

Page 7: British press

The Telegraph distributes the different kind of news in a precise way and at the top it has a small square which shows what kind of news you will find in that page, so when you are reading, you know what those news are about. On the other hand, Daily Mirror does not divide it clearly and you just know what you are going to read because of the title.Daily Mirror, as a tabloid newspaper, is interested in scandals. Nevertheless, The Telegraph is a Quality Paper interested in more serious topics.

Comparing both Daily Mirror and The Telegraph we can see a clear difference between them related to the

distribution of news.

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Comparing Daily Mirror and The Telegraph

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Comparing Daily Mirror and The Telegraph

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Two papers reporting the same story

Daily Mirror The TelegraphPrince Charles admits: 'I smoked behind the chicken coop as a boy but gave up aged 11'

Charles: I smoked on sly when I was 11

Bigger picture Smaller picture

545 words697 words

Although it seems, because of the title, that the whole story is related to Charles smoking at the age of 11, when you keep on reading it, you can see that it is only a pretext in order to flatter the labour of nurses.

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