
British Folk Music (BFM)

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Post on 27-Jun-2015




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British Folk Music (BFM)

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What you set out to achieve

I set out to achieve a music magazine which was intentionally designed to promote traditional British folk music to people aged 18-30. I wanted to ensure that young people felt as if the magazine really spoke to them.

I decided to set out and achieve a folk magazine which young people could buy and media outlets thought could sell. Therefore I wanted to make sure the magazine was not dull and showed that the folk industry is fun.

Before I started I found that their was a lack of well known, easy to buy folk magazines especially for young people.

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In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and convections of

real media products?

My Magazine uses real media products such as a music downloads and it does so in order to excite and make people want to receive these downloads.

It uses the internet in order to have to receive these downloads, which is a real media product.

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How does your media product represent particular social groups?

My music magazine is representing British folk music it does this by using colours such as brown which are relevant to the genre as it is a natural looking colour. If I was to have used bright , vibrant colours I may have made my magazine look too pop culture.

My magazine is trying to appeal to young people aged 18-30 in order to do so the magazine is interviewing new up, and coming bands in the folk industry.

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What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

Stores such as Hmv and Whsmiths could sell my magazine as although they mainly sell rock magazines like kerrang and mainstream magazines such as top of the pops. They sell some different ones such as classic fm magazine

My magazine also has some mainstream elements to it in order to attract young people to it. They would sell my magazine as there is a gab in the music magazine market, for the folk industry and many people enjoy the genre.

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Who would be the audience for your media product?

Young British ABC1, folk music enjoyers would buy my magazine as it appeals to them.

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How did you attract/address your audience?

In order to attract the attention of my audience I used colours which contrast with folk music (brown and green).

In order to appeal to young people I enticed them by offering music downloads, downloading music has become more popular to do than buying cd’s especially with the young generation.

Features such as it’s bold, eye-catching banner can attract anyone to look at.

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What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

Whilst constructing my magazine I have learnt how blogging is simple and veryeasy to use. I have also learnt how to update and edit my blog

I have learnt that fireworks can be used to edit photos and add glow effects tothem for a greater look.

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Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?

The preliminary task showed me how to work and navigate quicker in fireworks.This helped me to make my music magazine as I had learnt more from makingthe previous one, I was able to work quicker and safe time which I then used Making and designing other pages, and I picked up new skills and effects I could use.

My preliminary task also showed me that I should consider using a three colour theme throughout my magazine as it makes it look more professional, and shows that some thought has been put into the design and layout of it.

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How well does it fit the brief?

My magazine fits the brief which was written for it almost perfectly. I have used a traditional folk colours throughout to appeal to the folk industry and have made itappeal to young people with the style and way words have been writing in the article.

The band Mumford & Sons who are my main feature have been used as they are a new up coming band which many young people know and have heard about therefore they will want to hear more about the band. The band help mefit my brief as they appeal to 18-30 year olds who are into folk music.

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Audience Evaluation & feedback

The feedback I have received from the people I asked was that my magazinefits the genre its meant for, and that it appeals well to young people with theImages and style it has been written in. However they did say that more imagesWould appeal to the younger audience even more.

They also told me that the contents page shows lots of interesting goings onand really makes you want to read more about the bands/ goings on. It was alsosaid that the banner across the front page is instantly eye-catching and hard not to instantly look at. Overall they believed it looked professional and could see itBeing sold on a wide scale.