brnt newsletter feb 3013


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DESCRIPTION February Newsletter of Bracken Ridge Natural Therapies


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4 Heart Surgeon Speaks Out On What Really Causes Heart Disease

7 Did You Know

Common causes of female infertility9Gratitude Changes Your Perception11Is the Gluten Free Fad Just a Fad, or an Important Part of a Healthy Gastrointestinal System?12Gluten Free Bread Recipe14What’s on

Contact usBracken Ridge Natural Therapies

9/57 Gawain RdBracken Ridge, QLD, 4017

(07) 3261 [email protected]

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Page 4: BRNT Newsletter Feb 3013

We physicians with all our training, knowledge and authority often acquire a rather large ego that tends to make it difficult to admit we are wrong. So, here it is. I freely admit to being wrong. As a heart surgeon with 25 years experience, having performed over 5,000 open-heart surgeries, today is my day to right the wrong with medical and scientific fact.

I trained for many years with other prominent physicians labelled “opinion makers.” Bombarded with scientific literature, continually attending education seminars, we opinion makers insisted heart disease resulted from the simple fact of elevated blood choles-terol.

The only accepted therapy was prescribing medications to lower cholesterol and a diet that severely restricted fat intake. The latter of course we insisted would lower cholesterol and heart disease. Deviations from these recommendations were considered heresy and could quite possibly result in malpractice.

It Is Not Working!

These recommendations are no longer scientifically or morally defensible. The discovery a few years ago that inflammation in the artery wall is the real cause of heart disease is slowly lead-ing to a paradigm shift in how heart disease and other chronic ailments will be treated.

Despite the fact that 25% of the population takes ex-pensive statin medications and despite the fact we have reduced the fat content of our diets, more Americans will die this year of heart disease than ever before.

Statistics from the American Heart Association show that 75 million Americans currently suffer from heart disease, 20 million have diabetes and 57 million have pre-diabe-tes. These disorders are affecting younger and younger people in greater numbers every year.

Simply stated, without inflammation being present in the body, there is no way that cholesterol would accumulate in the wall of the blood vessel and cause heart disease and strokes. Without inflammation, cholesterol would move freely throughout the body as nature intended. It is inflam-mation that causes cholesterol to become trapped.

Inflammation is not complicated -- it is quite simply your body’s natural defence to a foreign invader such as a bacteria, toxin or virus. The cycle of inflammation is per-fect in how it protects your body from these bacterial and viral invaders.


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However, if we chronically expose the body to injury by toxins or foods the human body was never designed to process, a condition occurs called chronic inflammation. Chronic inflammation is just as harmful as acute inflammation is beneficial.

What thoughtful person would willfully expose himself repeatedly to foods or other substances that are known to cause injury to the body? Well, smokers perhaps, but at least they made that choice willfully.

The rest of us have simply followed the recommended mainstream diet that is low in fat and high in polyunsaturated fats and carbohydrates, not knowing we were causing repeated injury to our blood vessels. This repeated injury creates chronic inflammation leading to heart disease, stroke, diabetes and obesity.

Let me repeat that: The injury and inflammation in our blood vessels is caused by the low fat diet recommended for years by mainstream medicine.

Highly processed carbohydrates

What are the biggest culprits of chronic inflammation? Quite simply, they are the overload of simple, highly processed car-bohydrates (sugar, flour and all the products made from them) and the excess consumption of omega-6 vegetable oils like soybean, corn and sunflower that are found in many pro-cessed foods.

Take a moment to visualize rubbing a stiff brush repeatedly over soft skin until it becomes quite red and nearly bleeding. You kept this up several times a day, every day for five years. If you could tolerate this painful brushing, you would have a bleeding, swollen infected area that became worse with each repeated injury. This is a good way to visualize the inflamma-tory process that could be going on in your body right now.

Regardless of where the inflammatory process occurs, exter-nally or internally, it is the same. I have peered inside thousands upon thousands of arteries. A diseased artery looks as if someone took a brush and scrubbed repeatedly against its wall. Several times a day, every day, the foods we eat create small injuries compounding into more injuries, causing the body to respond continuously and appropriately with inflammation.

While we savor the tantalizing taste of a sweet roll, our bodies respond alarmingly as if a foreign invader arrived declaring war. Foods loaded with sugars and simple carbohydrates, or processed with omega-6 oils for long shelf life have been the mainstay of the American diet for six decades. These foods have been slowly poisoning everyone.

How does eating a simple sweet roll create a cascade of inflammation to make you sick?

Imagine spilling syrup on your keyboard and you have a vi-sual of what occurs inside the cell. When we consume simple carbohydrates such as sugar, blood sugar rises rapidly. In re-sponse, your pancreas secretes insulin whose primary pur-pose is to drive sugar into each cell where it is stored for en-ergy. If the cell is full and does not need glucose, it is rejected to avoid extra sugar gumming up the works.

When your full cells reject the extra glucose, blood sugar rises producing more insulin and the glucose converts to stored fat.

What does all this have to do with inflammation?Blood sugar is controlled in a very narrow range. Extra sugar molecules attach to a variety of proteins that in turn injure the blood vessel wall. This repeated injury to the blood vessel wall sets off inflammation. When you spike your blood sugar level several times a day, every day, it is exactly like taking sand-paper to the inside of your delicate blood vessels.

While you may not be able to see it, rest assured it is there. I saw it in over 5,000 surgical patients spanning 25 years who all shared one common denominator -- inflammation in their arteries.

Let’s get back to the sweet roll. That innocent looking goody not only contains sugars, it is baked in one of many omega-6 oils such as soybean. Chips and fries are soaked in soybean oil; processed foods are manufactured with omega-6 oils for longer shelf life. While omega-6’s are essential -they are part of every cell membrane controlling what goes in and out of the cell -- they must be in the correct balance with omega-3’s.

If the balance shifts by consuming excessive omega-6, the cell membrane produces chemicals called cytokines that di-rectly cause inflammation.


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Today’s mainstream American diet has produced an extreme imbalance of these two fats. The ratio of imbalance ranges from 15:1 to as high as 30:1 in favor of omega-6. That’s a tre-mendous amount of cytokines causing inflammation. In today’s food environment, a 3:1 ratio would be optimal and healthy.

To make matters worse, the excess weight you are carrying from eating these foods creates overloaded fat cells that pour out large quantities of pro-inflammatory chemicals that add to the injury caused by having high blood sugar. The process that began with a sweet roll turns into a vicious cycle over time that creates heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes and finally, Alzheimer’s disease, as the inflammatory process continues unabated.

There is no escaping the fact that the more we consume prepared and processed foods, the more we trip the inflam-mation switch little by little each day. The human body cannot process, nor was it designed to consume, foods packed with sugars and soaked in omega-6 oils.

There is but one answer to quieting inflammation, and that is returning to foods closer to their natural state. To build muscle, eat more protein. Choose carbohydrates that are very com-plex such as colorful fruits and vegetables. Cut down on or eliminate inflammation- causing omega-6 fats like corn and soybean oil and the processed foods that are made from them.

Come to our free information evening on 4th March at 7pm to find out more about this program.

The first 10 people to book will receive portable digital bath scales.Bookings are essential. Ph 3261 5436 or email [email protected]

One tablespoon of corn oil contains 7,280 mg of omega-6; soybean contains 6,940 mg. Instead, use olive oil or butter from grass-fed beef.

Animal fats contain less than 20% omega-6 and are much less likely to cause inflammation than the supposedly healthy oils labelled polyunsaturated. Forget the “science” that has been drummed into your head for decades. The science that satu-rated fat alone causes heart disease is non-existent. The sci-ence that saturated fat raises blood cholesterol is also very weak. Since we now know that cholesterol is not the cause of heart disease, the concern about saturated fat is even more absurd today.

The cholesterol theory led to the no-fat, low-fat recommenda-tions that in turn created the very foods now causing an epi-demic of inflammation. Mainstream medicine made a terrible mistake when it advised people to avoid saturated fat in favor of foods high in omega-6 fats. We now have an epidemic of arterial inflammation leading to heart disease and other silent killers.

What you can do is choose whole foods your grandmother served and not those your mom turned to as grocery store aisles filled with manufactured foods. By eliminating inflammatory foods and adding essential nutrients from fresh unprocessed food, you will reverse years of damage in your arteries and throughout your body from consuming the typical American diet.


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You may be aware that we are not just an award winning health clinic. We are also a Registered Training Organisation reg-istered to provide training for people wanting to be Health Practitioners specialising in Kinesiology. The nationally accredited courses we are licensed to teach are a Certificate IV in Kinesiology and a Diploma in Kinesiology.

As well as these two practitioner training courses we also provide courses for everyone. Other courses range from 3 hour workshops to a 7 day advanced course. Below is a list of some of what we teach. If you have an interest in helping yourself and your family then I highly recommend you try these courses. The feedback people give us is fantastic so come and join in.

HYPERTON – X (also known as Sports Kinesiology)Feb 15th 6-9pm, Feb 16th & 17th 9am-6pm.$650 includes class notes and manuals

Most Kinesiology methods assess and correct muscles in contraction (their shortest position). Hyperton-X takes the muscles into extension, longest position. When muscles are unable to go into full extension many problems can arise. In Hyperton-X you will learn how to release these tight muscles in a manner that affects learning, sensitivities, sports injury reduction and injury recovery.

HYPERTON – X ADVANCED (2nd half of Sports Kinesiology)April 26th - 29th 9am-6pm$880 includes class notes and manualsWhile HT-X concentrates mainly on the muscles, HT-X Advance focuses on the joints as well as other advanced mecha-nisms of the body.

Hyperton-X and Hyperton-X Advanced can both be learnt by experienced practitioners as well as people that have never learnt Kinesiology before. HT-X is a course I believe can help everyone.

HOMEOPATHY FOR THE HOMEFeb 24th 10am-2.30pm$205 includes Homeopathic First Aid Kit (25 remedies)

This is a course that everyone should do, especially if you have children. This course comes with a Homeopathic first aid kit of 25 remedies and instruction book. These remedies are very helpful for everything from bites, to hangovers, to sprains, to sore throats and ear infections.

BEING YOUR BEST YOUMay 15th, 6-9pm

This is a workshop not to be missed! Your most direct path to living the life of your dreams is in taking ownership of how your emotional state impacts upon your life. Learn how to identify your values and sabotaging behaviour patterns and let go of beliefs that limit you and set meaningful goals that are action based. This will help you live your life being the best version of you with purpose, gratitude, freedom and joy.


FREE (Valued at $97)

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Healthy the F&ST Way (Test foods and supplements)April 24th 6-9pm$95

Healthy the FaST Way is a 3 hour workshop that teaches you about basic nutrition and many of the myths about what the media says is good for you. You will also learn a very important tool called muscle testing. With the help of muscle testing you will learn how to test foods and supplements to provide you with a good indication of whether they are ok or safe for you and your family. Many foods are safe for the general public but may be a problem for you or your family. This course will help you sort out the good from the bad so that you and your family can be in the best possible health.

HEALTHY VISION (Sight Improvement)June 12th, 6-9pm

Eyes are muscles and need exercise, the correct nutrients and variety in what how they do. Emotions also play a big part in how our eyes perform. This course is designed to help you improve the quality of your eyes and your eye sight.

Some past participants of this course have improved their sight so much that they no longer need glasses while others have reduced their prescription. This is an easy yet practical course for everyone.

N.O.T. (Neural Organisation Therapy)

Module 1: May 17th – 19th - $650*Module 2: May 21st -27th - $1485*Module 3: Nov 16th – 24th - $1835** includes class notes and manuals

This is an advanced course for qualified Kinesiology practitioners. Definitely not a course for beginners. The Professional Kinesiology Program (PKP) is extremely powerful and focuses on the upper outer brain that makes us humans more intelligent than other animals. N.O.T. isolates the 4 main survival reflexes that affect and control our immune, reproduction, digestive and fight/flight systems that are the basis of much of how we automatically respond to stimulus and events.

N.O.T. has an excellent reputation for learning difficulties, pain release, digestive problems and scoliosis. There are many other health problems and issues NOT has great success for as well.

N.O.T. is an advanced course requiring a good knowledge and experience in basic Kinesiology methods and techniques.

There are 3 levels of N.O.T.. •The first module is mainly theory so that you understand what and why you do what you do. •Module two teaches the practical side of N.O.T.. How to do the techniques and the order to do them to achieve the best results. There is quite a lot of practice during this module so that you we can make sure you can do it correctly. This module teaches you how to calm down the nervous system and reflexes that are the basis of many ill health’s, pain and brain-disorganisation. •Module 3 is even more advanced. This module teaches how to correct problems such as learning difficulties, scoliosis, other back problems and more.



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About 15% of couples across developed countries face infertility. According to statistics, there is a 50% chance that it may be because of female infertility. A couple faces infertility when they fail to conceive after having a year of unprotected sex. In the case where the couple is childless, it is known as primary infertility. In cases where the couple already has a child but fails to have the next, it is known as secondary infertility. Female infertility tends to be caused by a few major causes: • Poly cystic ovarian syndrome • Pelvic inflammatory disease • Endometriosis • Premature ovarian failure (early onset of menopause) • Elevated prolactin levels • Uterine fibroids • Structural obstructions

Of the above listed causes, two significant patterns can be extracted, infertility caused by hormones and infertility caused by obstructions.

The most common, poly cystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) is a condition in which a woman has an irregular menstrual pattern. Due to a hormonal imbalance, the eggs in her ovary develop irregularly and never fully mature and release in to the uterus. She puts on weight, especially around her hips, has thinning hair and painful cramps.

Hormone related infertility

Endometriosis is another very common cause for fertility issues. It occurs when tissue that is similar to the lining in a woman’s womb begins to grow outside the womb, usually in a woman’s pelvic region, although it can grow elsewhere in the body.

Premature ovarian failure also known as early onset of meno-pause is another hormone related condition to cause infertility. Here, due to high production of FSH hormone, the body starts depleting its follicles. This condition occurs in only 1% of women and is caused by genetic disorders, radiations and certain dis-eases.

Hyperprolactinemia is a condition where there are abnormally high levels of prolactin in a non-pregnant female. The hormone is usually associated with pregnancy and stimulates the breasts to start milk production. The elevated levels of this hormone in turn reduce the levels of gonadotropin hormones which stimu-late fertility.


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Obstruction related fertilityUterine fibroids are the most common cause of infertility in women in their 30s. These fibroids are non-cancerous tumors which obstruct the chances of a healthy fetus being implant-ed. Uterine fibroids in the fallopian tubes obstruct the chance of the egg meeting the sperm. If it is located in the uterus, it may prevent implantation of the fetus on the uterine wall.

Structural obstructions to pregnancy may also be caused by a variety of unknown reasons. Some women were born with uteruses that are shaped differently or blocked fallopian tubes. In some situations, when a woman has an accident or an abortion, her uterus is no longer conducive for pregnancy due to the damage that has occurred.

Most of these conditions can be treated naturally. In the next newsletters I will be writing more in detail about the most common causes of infertility, starting with polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS).

This is one of the most common causes of infertility. Incorporating dietary changes, supplements and homeopathic remedies this condition can be overcome. Not only will it lead to pregnancy, but by making these changes further health problems such as diabetes can be prevented. But more about this in the next newsletter.

Call now for your free 30 min consultation with Evelin to find out if the program is suitable for you. Contact us on (07) 3261 5436, [email protected] or CLICK HERE see our website for more info.


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Let’s face it, ever-lasting happiness does not exist! and life would be pretty boring if it did. It is usually in our darkest hour that our true strength shines and our greatest challenge that gives us the most rewards. So this year when life throws you a curve ball, stop and see where the beauty is in your life. Ask yourself what has to happen in order to change things and work out the benefits to what is challenging you. I promise you that in taking a moment to do these few things, you will be able to take back control and make the best decisions you can at the time. We will always experience natural cycles of highs and lows, it’s how you decide to ride the wave and the way you view it that will leave the biggest impression.

Wishing you all a joyful and rewarding 2013. If you need some help getting your life back on track and working with you mind-set so that you can be the best version of yourself, book in to come see me.

With the beginning of a new year, comes the chance to think about what we want to achieve and how we can make those thoughts become a reality. A lot of the time, new year resolutions fall to the way side because we get busy doing other things, especially when it’s time to go back to work and get the kids ready for school again. So rather than getting an-noyed at yourself for slipping back into old patterns this year, change your mindset and start thinking about everything you are grateful for in your life right now. I often find that when you start being thankful, you can’t help but be present, you often get a warm feeling inside your soul and life seems to stand still for a moment with a sense of calmness and love. I often tell my clients it’s easy to be grateful in the good times, but it’s even more life changing when you have gratitude during the toughest days.


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Having a Gluten Free Diet is definitely the ‘in thing’ right now, it is now common to see restaurants and cafés advertising their Gluten Free options, even country bakeries are stocking Gluten Free breads!

But the question is why all of a sudden is Gluten a problem? Our parents grew up eating white bread and they are fine? Right?...?

There are two answers to this question, and I’m sure it is a combination of both that is the answer. But before I get there let’s look at what Gluten actually is and what the difference is between Gluten Intoler-ance and Coeliac Disease.

What is Gluten?Gluten is a protein carbohydrate mixture1 found in wheat, rye, barley and possibly oats.

What is the Difference Between Gluten Intolerance & Coeliac Disease?Coeliac Disease is an autoimmune (the immune system attacks itself) inflammatory disease affect-ing the small intestine2 The protein gliadin3 found in gluten triggers an autoimmune reaction which kills the mucous membrane of the villi in the small in-testine2. The mucous membrane is where most of our nutrients are absorbed, therefore damage to them can cause a range of secondary conditions including diarrhoea, flatulence, abdominal distension (bloating) or in more severe cases, failure to thrive, muscle wasting, stunting of growth, anaemia, bone disorders, neurological symptoms, fertility problems2,3, chronic fatigue, general weakness, muscle or joint pain, depression & dermatitis4.

Coeliac disease can be diagnosed with a biopsy of the small intestinal mucosa and is said to occur in people with a genetic susceptibility2.

Gluten Intolerance (or Sensitivity) has no know medical test to clinically diagnose it. People who believe they are intolerant to Gluten will take note of their signs and symptoms before and after eating a gluten free diet. The cause of gluten intolerance is currently clinically unknown5.

A double blinded randomised placebo-controlled trial was conducted of people with gastrointestinal symptoms who were tested and confirmed ‘non-coeliac’ of a gluten free and non-gluten free diet. The participants were randomly given a diet either containing gluten or not and their symptoms were monitored. All participants that received the gluten containing diet reported symptoms worsening within one week. Symptoms included pain, bloating, stool consistency and tiredness.

So, if there is no medical test then how do we work out if we have a gluten intolerance? You have two options. 1. Make an appointment to see your Kinesiologist where you can be muscle tested to see if your body is reacting unfavourably to gluten (or any foods or allergens). 2. Stop eating gluten and note the difference in how you feel!! Simple.


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So, if there is no medical test then how do we work out if we have a gluten intolerance? You have two op-tions. 1. Make an appointment to see your Kinesiologist where you can be muscle tested to see if your body is reacting unfavourably to gluten (or any foods or allergens). 2. Stop eating gluten and note the difference in how you feel!! Simple.

So, Why is Gluten all of a Sudden a Problem?Here are my two theories on the answer to this question. 1. The grains we eat have changed. The grains that we eat in our diets are becoming more and more refined; the bread we eat now is different to the bread our parents ate when they were growing up. Also they ate les refined foods than we do now; they ate more fruits and veg-etables, which means more fibre and more vitamins and minerals1. 2. Gluten always has been a problem, but we just never took notice until now. I’ll use myself as an example, before I entered the field of Natural Medicine, I was overweight, un-happy and suffering from depression, but I never thought that I had gastrointestinal issues. It’s normal to have pain before every movement and to be constantly farting (and they weren’t the ones that smell like roses)… Right? Once I started learning about my body and become aware of the ‘Gluten Free Fad’ I tried a gluten free diet, and now I know that I did have gastrointestinal problems! Not only that I no longer have the low lows of depression I used to, and I find it’s so much easier to lose weight.Also, you only have to look at the increasing rates of obesity, cancer and heart disease to wonder if our highly processed, gluten–containing diet is to blame.3Rolfes, SR, Pinna, K & Whitney, E 2012, Normal and Clinical Nutrition,9th Edition, Wadsworth Cengage Learning, Australia.

4Lugg, J 2012, ‘Celiac Disease, Gluten Sensitivity, and the Gluten-Free Diet’, Macrobiotics Today, May/June 2010.

5Newnham, ED 2011, ‘Does gluten cause gastrointestinal symptoms in subjects without celiac disease?’, Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Issue 26, Suppl 3, pp 132-134.

What Can Kinesiology Do to Help?As Kinesiology works with neurological impulses we can tune the body and turn the down the negative reactions that occur in the energetic, immune and gastrointestinal systems. Using muscle testing Kinesiology can also identify any emotional influences that may be impacting on the intoler-ance.

Some people experience changes in their intoler-ances reactions that last for over a year or more, some people may require multiple balances to see a change in the symptoms they have.

1 Haas, EM 2006, Staying Healthy with Nutrition, 21st Century Edition, Celestial Arts, Berkley.

2Wahlqvist, ML 2011, Food & Nutrition: Food & Health Systems in Australia and New Zea-land, 3rd Edition, Allen & Unwin, Crows Nest, NSW.

I Challenge YOU!If you suffer from any Gastrointestinal symptoms and can’t make it to see a Kinesiologist, I chal-lenge you to try a Gluten Free Diet for 2 weeks and see what the difference in your symptoms are. It’s so easy these days and you can find Glu-ten Free options everywhere!!


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Want to go Gluten Free but think you will miss bread to much? – Don’t fear here is a very simple gluten free bread recipe for you!


• 2 ½ cups blanched almond flour • ½ teaspoon celtic sea salt • ½ teaspoon baking soda • 3 eggs • 1 tablespoon agave nectar • ½ teaspoon apple cider vinegar

1. In a large bowl, combine almond flour, salt and baking soda 2. In a medium bowl, whisk the eggs, then add agave and vinegar 3. Stir wet ingredients into dry 4. Scoop batter into a well greased 6.5 x 4 inch baby loaf pan 5. Bake at 300° for 45-55 minutes on bottom rack of oven; until a knife comes out clean 6. Cool and serve

Makes 1 loaf (about 12 slices)

Ingredients Method


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Meet the Team!Meet your Practitioners at Bracken Ridge Natural Therapies

Danny Liddell--KinesiologistDanny is an award winning practitioner, he is a specialist in the Professional Kinesiology Program (PKP), Neural Organisation Technique (N.O.T.), Hyperton-X (Sports Kinesiology), Learning Enhancement Advanced Program (L.E.A.P.). Danny is a senior faculty member of the International College of Professional Kinesiology Practice, and Dean of Kinesiology School Australia’s Brisbane Campus, where he has been the senior lecturer since 2000.Tuesdays 9 am - 9 pmFridays 8 am - 1 pm

Evelin Liddell--HomeopathEvelin Liddell is an excellent Homeopath with 15 years experience in the natural health field. Evelin has great success and built an excellent reputation with infertility, hormonal problems, glandular fever, chronic fatigue, children’s health (asthma, colds, tonsillitis, ear infections, fevers, colic, behavioural problems), depression and skin problems.

Mondays 8.:45 am - 2.:45 pmThursdays 8:45 am - 8:45 pm

Michael McCloskey--KinesiologistMichael is a Certified Kinesiologist, graduating from the Australian College of Natural Medicine before retraining with Kinesiology Schools Australia. Specialising in nutrition, digestion, neck and shoulder pain, learning difficulties, posture, children, weight loss and general health and wellbeing.

Mondays 8 am - 5 pmThursdays 1 pm - 9 pm

Bronwyn Kennedy--KinesiologistBronwyn is our weight loss consultant having completed specialised training in weight management, herbs and nutrition. Many people have difficulty losing weight due to a number of reasons including emotional baggage, self sabotage, poor nutrition, thyroid problems or food choices to name a few. The weight loss program looks into all these aspects of weight loss and more.Wednesdays 10 am - 7 pmThursdays 7:30 am - 9:30 amFriday 3:30 pm - 6:30 pm

Bryan Smith--OptometristBryan Smith, provides both traditional Optometrist consultations and Developmental and Behavioural Optometry consultations. Bryan has a special interest in Children’s Vision, Neuro-Optometric Rehabilitation and Sports Vision. Bryan assesses the “whole” visual system to achieve better vision and sensory integration.

Tuesdays 9 am - 5 pm

Kylie Evans--KinesiologistKylie has completed a Certificate IV in Kinesiology, Neural Organization Technique 1 and 2, Hyperton-X and is cur-rently putting the finishing touches on her Diploma in Kinesiology. In her spare time Kylie is also studying a Bachelor of Health Science (Naturopathy). Before starting her career as a Kinesiologist Kylie was an Aerospace Engineer working in motorsport and automotive. This understanding of mechanics and systems integration transfers well to the human body, and therefore makes Kylie a Kinesiologst with the ability to see how everything fits together and the effects an imbalance can have. Being a rally driver in her spare time Kylie thrives to work with injuries from car, motorcycle and sporting accidents.

Fridays 9 am - 5 pmCall us on (07) 3261 5436 to make an appointment.


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15 Friday – 17 Sunday

Hyperton-X Sports Kinesiology Course24 Saturday 10am – 2:30pm

9 Saturday – 10 Sunday

Certificate IV in Kinesiology Starts

metabolic balance® Information Evening

Homeopathy for the Family Course

4 Monday 7pm – 8:30pm

24 Wednesday 6pm – 9pm

Healthy the F&ST Way (Food & Supplement Testing)

26 Friday – 29 Monday

Hyperton-X Advanced (2nd Half Sports Kinesiology)

15 Wednesday 6pm – 9pm

Being Your Best You Course

16 Saturday – 24 Sunday

N.O.T. (Neural Organisation Therapy) -- Module 3

17 Friday – 19 Sunday

N.O.T. (Neural Organisation Therapy) -- Module 121 Tuesday – 27 Monday

N.O.T. (Neural Organisation Therapy) -- Module 2

15 Wednesday 6pm – 9pm

Healthy Vision (Sight Imporvement)


13 Wednesday 6:30pm – 8:30pm

Certificate IV in Kinesiology Information Evening