broadcast 200910

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  • 8/14/2019 Broadcast 200910


    And God is able to make all grace abound to you,

    so that all things at all times, having all that you need,

    you may abound in every good work.

    2 Corinthians 9:8Pastor Patricks Pen Page 3

    Letter from Reena... Page 5LWML. Page 7Joy Circle/TAG Page 8Adopt a Semi Committee. Page 9Youth News...... Page 10Marilyns Memo...... Page 11Know Your Leadership... Page 13Devotional Reading.. Page 15

    Financial Update .. Page 18Anniversaries .. Page 18Birthdays. ..... Page 19

    News for Gods people at Peace With Christ Lutheran Church

    October 2009

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    1412 West Swallow Road Pastor: Ralph Patrick

    Fort Collins, CO 80526 Parish Worker: Reena LinkePhone: (970) 226-4721 Ministers: MembersFax: (970) 204-1570 Editor: Marcy PetagoEmail:[email protected] Youth Coordinator: Marilyn LasichOn the Prayer Chain Coordinator: Cheryl HarsenPrayer Chain: 229-1459

    Radio Broadcast: KCOL (600 AM), at 9:00 AM Sundays

    Church Elders:

    Wes Nierman, Head Elder.. ....226-5936Ray Kaiser, Worship Elder......223-0987Dan Krueckeberg, Staff Elder... ..482-9545Art Pforr, Elder . .223-8533Dan Prevedel, Elder.....204-4008Michael Rohlfs, Elder......482-2663

    Church Council:President, Chad Hamilton

    Vice President, Larry SiegfriedSecretary, Ernestine MunseyTreasurer, Lisa BernhardtEducation Chairman, Eric PetagoEducation Co-Chair, Jane PenningtonEvangelism Chairman, Rhonda KaiserFellowship Co-Chairman, Kerri Fagan/Linda SiegfriedYouth Ministry Chairman, Amy HoyMissions & Ministry Chairman, Jerry BuchleiterHead Trustee, Fred Kropp

    Hands in Harmony Chairman, Betty Keeney

    Next months articles are due Sunday, October 18!



    Members are invited to sign up to place flowers on our altarfor special occasions: in memory or honor of a loved one ora special event. Please sign up on the flower chart located

    in the Sunshine Hall and see posted guidelines for flowers.

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    Pastor Patricks PenPastor Patricks PenPastor Patricks PenPastor Patricks Pen

    Elijah was a man with a nature like ours and he prayedearnestly that it would not rain, and it did not rain on theland for three years and six months James 5:17

    Dear Children of God,

    Martin Luther once claimed that if he didnt spend at leastthree hours a day in prayer he wasnt able to accomplish allthe tasks that awaited him.

    What a powerful reminder of how important, yes essential,prayer is for men and women of God.

    We are reminded of this in the lesson from James. Elijahwas indeed a godly man, a great prophet, a man who ac-complished great things. And yet, he was a man, with a na-ture like ours. A weak nature, a sinful nature, a doubtingnature. And therefore he was compelled to be in commun-

    ion with God. He was compelled to spend extended time inprayer. Were told in 1 Kings 17 that prior to the severedraught the Lord led Elijah to the Brook Cherith where hedevoted Himself to the Lord and to prayer.

    We are no different from Elijah, for we also face the joyousvictories of the Lord and the mountain-top experiences, as

    Where is it that we go to be still, and know that I am


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    Continued from page 3

    God. Do we well as the times of draught in our dailylife. The question is: Where is our Brook Cherith?Where is it that we go to be still, and know that I amGod. Do we recognize the need we have to be fed bythe angels as Elijah was, or do we try to go on our ownstrength? Do we find ourselves so busy that we simplyMUST spend time with God?

    Consider the following from F.B Meyer:Looking back to the blessed age from which we date

    the centuries, there are many notable ravines. TheIsle of Patmos, the solitude of the roman prisons, theArabian Desert, and the hills and valleys of Palestine areall as enduringly memorable as those experienced by the

    people who have shaped our modern world. Our LordHimself lived through His Brook Cherith in Nazareth,in the wilderness of Judea, amid the olive tress of Beth-any, and in the solitude of the city of Gadara. So none ofus is exempt from a ravine experience, where thesounds of human voices are exchanged fro the waters ofquietness that flow from the throne of God, and where wetaste the sweetness and soak up the power of a lifehidden with Christ (Col. 3:3)

    God bless you as you spend time with Him in yourBrook Cherith.



    ____________________________________ Taken from Streams in The Desert by L.B. Cowman.


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    Dear Friends in Christ,

    This past month has been a whirlwind of beginnings Sunday School, FED nights, the children and youth

    choirs, college/young adult group, Rocky Mountainlunches, and the list goes on! Through these variousopportunities we teach a variety of ages about thefaith of the church. One particularly important facet ofseveral of these is song. Liturgy, hymnody, and an-thems express our theology in a way that is morethan cerebral. As Robin Leaver describes in his pam-phlet, The Theological Character of Music in Wor-ship, Theology prevents music from becoming anend in itself by pointing man to its origins in the dox-ology of creation. Music prevents theology from be-coming a purely intellectual matter by moving theheart of man to consider its ultimate purpose thedoxology of the new creation. Music and theologywork cooperatively in worship, neither an end unto


    Further, music and congregational song are not justfor the musically talented or for those with the gift ofsinging. All believers share in this elevated speech,lifting our words from mere talk to that of the angelsand the archangels. Luther believed presence in wor-ship was not enough and said that because God has

    made our hearts and spirits happy through His dearSon.He who believes this sincerely and earnestlycannot help but be happy; he must cheerfully sing.While certainly we are not under the Law with regardto singing, it is and has been an integral part of wor-ship for all time.

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    Continued from page 5

    Hymnody and congregational song are a great way toteach and discuss the faith with your families and chil-

    dren, as well. Here are some practical ways to en-gage members of your family in song: Have yourchild find the hymn in the hymnal and point to thewords as they go, sing as an example to your childrenand others around you, discuss what different hymnverses or parts of the liturgy mean later on that week,sing one of the meal prayers in the Lutheran ServiceBook before or after evening meals, or maybe memo-

    rize a hymn a month. Most of us listen to the radioand can sing many of those songs by heart; howgreat would it be to sing the songs of our faith as eas-ily! As we worship together, may we look to song asthe viva vox evangelii(a living voice of the Gospel),teaching, expressing, and uniting in the faith of ourLord and Savior Jesus Christ. To Him be the glory!

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    October 4th is LWML Sunday! The mite box for World Mis-sions will be in the Narthex this morning.

    Through mid-October, LWML will be accepting donationsto support Roadrunners for Christ. A monetary gift

    equivalent to the cost of 1-2 gallons of gas ($3-6) would go along way in helping Roadrunner to continue deliveringtheir precious cargo and message of hope. Marked enve-lopes are available in the Sunshine Room.

    Ladies of LWML will provide treats to go with your coffeeEVERY Sunday in October. Your free will offering will

    support Cameron and Andrea (Chandler) Heiligers mis-sion work in Turkey.

    LWMLs Ladies Day Out is Saturday, October 10th . Wellget to know Reena a little better through a short program atMulligans Restaurant beginning at 10am. A deliciouslunch will follow. All ladies are welcome to join us for food

    and fun!

    A FINAL Craft Workshop for the Holiday Craft Fair is be-ing offered Saturday, October 24th at 9am in the FellowshipHall. Connie Jesser will have a variety of simple projects tocomplete. There is something for everyone!

    Continued on page 8

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    continued from pageContinued from page 7

    LWMLs Holiday Craft Fair and Soup & Pie Luncheon isonly a month awaySaturday, November 14th. Proceedswill benefit Stephen Heimer, current student at Concordia

    Seminary, future LCMS pastor. Sign up sheets for bakedgoods, pies and soup, kitchen help, cashiering, and set upare posted on LWMLs bulletin board.

    LWMLs Executive Board will meet Monday, October 26thbeginning at 6pm in the home of Colleen Rohlfs. All ladiesare welcome!

    Joy CircleJoy CircleJoy CircleJoy CircleOctober 8th at 1:00, Pat Patrick will present a

    program on her trip to Africa. Pat Stegner willhave devotions. Ida and Cheryl will be hostesses.

    All ladies are welcome to join us!



    Tuesday Afternoon Group

    All older adults are welcome to attend the various activi-

    ties and Bible studies of this Older Adult Ministry

    Group. Our Bible study and meal are on the 1st Tues-day of the month. Some months there will be an addi-

    tional activity. Come and enjoy the fellowship.

    Tuesday, October 6th at NoonTuesday, October 6th at NoonTuesday, October 6th at NoonTuesday, October 6th at Noon

    October is the time for Oktoberfest. Bring your favorite

    German dish to share. This will be followed by a Bible

    study led by Pastor Caspersen at 1:00pm.

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    Adopt - A - Seminary Student Committee

    Dealing with debt is something most of us are familiar with in someway or another. Substantial educational debt in the lives of LCMSchurch workers is the subject of two recent issues ofThe LutheranWitness (December 2008 Letters; February 2009Rocky Mountain

    District, Opportunities).

    Neither our committee nor our congregation is chartered to elimi-nate debt in the affairs of our adopted seminary student ministerialcandidates nor would we have been able to over the 20 years wehave administered funds for their training. We have simply pro-vided what we can toward their training, relying on their discretionto use our gifts as best they can, trusting in God to provide the in-


    Our Rocky Mountain District has aDebt Assistance Program de-signed to help pastors, teachers, and other called workers, but fund-ing toward helping otherthan our pastors has not been possible. Inour Rocky Mountain District as of February 2009 there were 28pastors with a total $940,000 educational debt who were receiving

    assistance. This is an average $33,571 per pastor. The burden ofdealing with such debt can often distract from the ministry of thepastor bearing it.

    Our congregation has, through our church council, designated Ad-vent and Lenten offerings for support of the candidates we choose.Generally, our candidates for the ministry are known and nomi-nated by someone in our congregation, providing a personal rela-

    tionship with them and their families. Our committee feels thatcongregational support, as a result, has always been generous.

    We are currently supporting Stephen Heimer who is entering histhird year of training. Many of us at PWC have met him duringprevious visits and he and his family will again be here Oct. 4th.We look forward to his visit here with his family, Lysia and youngJaden Timothy.

    For the committee, Dave Muth

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    Fritzlers Haunted Corn Maize Thursday, OCT. 15 meet atPWC at 6:00 pm to car pool to Fritzlers (PSD and ThompsonValley schools have Oct 16 off). Please eat before arriving,there will be snacks later at the maze. Cost is $15 per person.

    IF you bring the following items (2 canned goods & 1 pr. mit-tens/gloves), PWC Youth will pay $5 off your entrance fee,with a cost to you of $10. Items to bring include canned fruit,vegetables, or soups; mittens or gloves for kids are great, too!

    Harvest Farms Corn Maze - Sunday, Oct. 25 meet at PWCat noon. We will eat lunch before heading to the maze. If theweather permits, there will be a bonfire at Lasichs after we

    finish at harvest farms. Cost is $15 per person. IF you bringthe following items (2 canned goods & 1 pr. Mittens/gloves),PWC Youth will pay $5 off your entrance fee, with a cost toyou of $10. Items to bring include canned fruit, vegetables, orsoups; mittens or gloves for kids are great, too!

    FED Night meal - Oct. 20 & 21. We will again serve the meal

    October 21. Plan to come on Tuesday, Oct. 20 at 5:30 pm tohelp cook the main dish and dessert. Then plan to help onWed. Oct.21 beginning at 4:30pm to serve and clean-up. Alldonations will go to help cover the cost of fall events.

    Football Games - there are two games in October that wecan attend as a group: Oct. 17 Rocky/Poudre and Oct. 30Fort Collins/Rocky. We will meet before the game and then

    return to PWC for donation and food. Please sign-up!

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    Dear Family at PWC,

    As I write this to you, its the first day of autumn andits easy to believe as it is rainy, only about 50 and a very fallish

    day! October is a time of harvest and seasonal changes. The leaves

    begin to change, it may snow, corn and beets are harvested, there

    are homecomings, bon-fires, hayrides, the pumpkins, squash and

    gourds are ready in the pumpkin patch. Its a wonderful time of

    the year. A good time to reflect on the many blessings we have

    and receive daily from our Lord.What blessings have you received over the last ten

    months? What do you find joy in this season? We can even rejoice

    in Gods comfort during our times of sorrows and troubles, see 2

    Cor. 1:1 7. These are times when we may rely more on His grace

    and pray more often. He promises to be with us through it all and

    share in our burdens and joys.

    All these earthly blessings of the season enable us to

    see the wonder and beauty of Gods creation but they are nothing

    compared to the joy and blessings we receive through faith in

    Christ. God richly blesses us each and everyday. In Luthers

    Morning and Evening Prayers, he thanked God each morning and

    evening for keeping him safe throughout the day and night. Its an

    awesome way to begin and end your day. We have assurance of

    forgiveness through Christs death on the cross, the assurance of

    everlasting life through His resurrection, the promise that He will

    always be with us in sorrow or rejoicing what glorious blessings!

    Remember this month all the earthly gifts you enjoy in this

    life. Rejoice in the heavenly gifts given to you, God forgives us and

    loves us!

    In His love,



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    Conversations of Grace ConferencePlease consider attending the 2009 Conversations of Graceconference on November 6 and 7 in Albuquerque. There willbe a great lineup of speakers for this personal evangelismconference. Please see the poster on the bulletin board

    (across from the kitchen) for further details. You can alsofind information on the Internet

    Small Jelly JarsSmall Jelly JarsSmall Jelly JarsSmall Jelly Jars ---- If you have any small jelly jarsIf you have any small jelly jarsIf you have any small jelly jarsIf you have any small jelly jarsthat you would be willing to donate to the Youththat you would be willing to donate to the Youththat you would be willing to donate to the Youththat you would be willing to donate to the Youthfor their hard candy sales, it would be greatlyfor their hard candy sales, it would be greatlyfor their hard candy sales, it would be greatlyfor their hard candy sales, it would be greatlyappreciated. Please put the jars in the Youthappreciated. Please put the jars in the Youthappreciated. Please put the jars in the Youthappreciated. Please put the jars in the Youth

    Room or contact MarilynRoom or contact MarilynRoom or contact MarilynRoom or contact Marilyn.

    SHOPPING WITH THE YOUTH!!Did you know that the Scrip program is a fund-raiserfor the PWC Youth Group? It is! We have gift cardsavailable for groceries, restaurants, departmentstores, movies, candy - just check out what we have

    or see if we can order cards for you for your favorite store! Youreceive the full amount of the card - the youth receive apercentage of the total from each retailer.










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    Know Your Leadership

    Larry Siegfried, Vice President

    I was born in a farm house one mile south of Severance, Colorado toHenrietta and Rheiny Siegfried. I grew up on a farm southeast of

    Timnath, Colorado and attended first grade through twelfth gradeat the school in Timnath. My high school class was the last class tograduate at Timnath high school.

    I attended Colorado State University and graduated with a MastersDegree in Vocational Agriculture and taught agriculture classes inthe high schools in Julesburg, Colorado, Montrose, Colorado and atthe Larimer County Voc Tech Center in Fort Collins for 21 years. I

    met Linda when I was teaching in Montrose and we moved to FortCollins in 1970. We have two children, Suzanne Malm who lives inGreeley, Colorado and Jim Siegfried who lives in Sheridan,Arkansas. We also have four grandchildren - Jack, Jake, Madelyn,and Griffin.

    For the past 25 years, after I resigned from teaching, I have been alife insurance agent and registered representative helping clientswith their insurance and financial needs.

    When I was growing up, I attended Bethel Lutheran Church inWindsor, Colorado where I was baptized, confirmed and have beena Lutheran all my life.

    In 1970 when Linda and I moved to Ft. Collins, we started

    attending St. Johns Lutheran Church and were involved in theinitial meetings to start a mission church which became PeaceWith Christ Lutheran Church. As charter members of Peace WithChrist, I can still remember meeting at ODea Elementary Schoolfor two years while Peace With Christ was being built.

    Since I have been a member of Peace With Christ, I have served asPresident, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Elder, Chairman of

    various committees, Chairman of our 30th Anniversary,

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    Continued from page 13

    Sunday School Superintendent, Youth Leader, and various CallCommittees. In addition to these activities and responsibilities, Ihelp Linda clean our church facilities. P.S. I also play golf and goRV camping. Another memory, was working with fellow mem-bers at Peace With Christ and Labors of Christ to build the addi-tion to our church which included the fellowship hall, preschoolrooms, kitchen, etc.

    I want to say that most of Linda and my best friends and associ-ates are members of Peace With Christ and look forward to thiscontinued relationship. We are very blessed to have our church

    family in our daily lives. God Bless you all.

    Quilt Sale

    Saturday, October 24th 9:00am - 3:00pmGloria Christi Lutheran Church

    1322 31st Ave., Greeley (corner of 13th & 31st)

    Additional miscellaneous quilted items andun-quilted quilt tops to finish.

    Proceeds will benefit church kitchen, Quilts of Valor,& other charity quilts.

    Dates to RememberDates to RememberDates to RememberDates to Remember

    December 12 & 16 - Childrens Christmas Service

    rehearsal (12th) and Service (16th)

    December 19 - Christmas Caroling to shut-ins and

    nursing homes

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    In the morning...come up...Present yourself to me there on top ofthe mountains. (Exodus 34:2)

    The morning is the time I have set to meet with Lord.Morning - the very word itself is like a cluster of luscious

    grapes to crush into sacred wine for me to drink. In the morning!This is when God wants me at my best in strength and hope sothat I may begin my daily climb, not in weakness but in strength.Last night I buried yesterdays fatigue, and this morning I took ona new supply of energy. Blessed is the day when the morning issanctified - set apart to God! Successful is the day when the firstvictory is won in prayer! Holy is the day when the dawn finds me

    on the mountaintop with God!

    Dear Father, I am coming to meet with You. Nothing on thecommon, everyday plain of life will keep me away from Yourholy heights. At Your calling I come, so I have the assurance thatYou will meet with me. Each morning begun so well on themountain will make me strong and glad the rest of the day!

    Joseph Parker

    Still, still with You, when the purple morning breaks,When the birds awake, and the shadows flee;Fairer than morning, lovelier than daylight,

    Dawns the sweet consciousness, I am with Thee.

    Alone with You, amid the misty shadows,The solemn hush of nature newly born;

    Alone with You in breathless adoration,In the calm dew and freshness of the morn.

    As in a sunrise oer a waveless ocean,The image of the morning star does rest,So in this stillness, You discerning onlyYour image in the waters of my breast.

    When sinks the soul, subdued by toil, to slumber,Its closing eyes look up to You in prayer;

    Sweet the repose, beneath Your wings oershadowing,

    But sweeter still to wake and find You there.Harriet Beecher Stowe

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    Peace With Christ Lutheran Church will be hosting a preventivehealth event for local residents. The event is being offered byLife Line Screening and will take place on Monday, October 26.Life Line Screening is the nations leading provider of preventive

    screenings and scans for potential health problems related to:blocked arteries (which is a leading cause of stroke); abdominalaortic aneurysms (which can lead to a ruptured aorta); Harden-ing of the arteries in the legs (which is a strong predictor ofheart disease); and atrial fibrillation (irregular heart beat) whichis closely tied to stroke risk.

    All four affordable, non-invasive, painless vascular screenings

    take 60-90 minutes to complete. Register for the four tests for$149. Also available will be an Osteoporosis screening and threeimportant finger-prick blood tests (lipid panel, glucose for diabe-tes and hs-C-Reactive Protein). You must pre-register for thescreenings. Appointments are limited, so sign up now by calling1-800-324-1851.


    The Lutheran Chorale invites you to the first concerts of the2009-2010 season.

    First performance is Saturday, October 24 at 7:00pm at As-cension Lutheran Church, 1701 W. Caley Ave., Littleton. A

    free will offering will be collected.

    On Sunday, October 25, at 7:30pm, will be performing atConcordia Lutheran Church, 13371 W. Alameda Pkwy.,Lakewood. Ticket prices are $12 for Adults, $10 for Seniors/Students, and $25 for families.

    For more information [email protected] orLinda Blandin at 303-973-1161.

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    FocusOnFinancial Management workshop:Take steps to reach your financial goals.

    A free educational workshop, FocusOnFinancial Management,can help you learn how to develop a financial strategy to reachyour goals. The workshop focuses on important financial man-agement issues and shows you how to take steps to:

    Protect what you value.

    Manage your cash flow.

    Make wise investment decisions.

    Determine how much money you need for retirement andprepare to retire with confidence.Pass on your legacy to the people and institutions that are impor-tant to you.

    The one-hour workshop will be presented by Thrivent Financialfor Lutherans representatives Nancy Behm, Ryan Behm, PaulCaylor, Jeff Losh and Robert Watson.

    When: Tuesday, October 27th, from 7:00 pm to 8:00 pmWhere: Ft. Collins Hilton, 425 W.Prospect Rd.

    **** Complimentary refreshments will be served.

    Sign up for this free workshop today!Contact Ryan Behm, at 970-266-1700 or email [email protected] by Fri. Oct 16th to reserve your seat.


    In Search of Fun-Loving-Party-People

    Lutheran Family Services needs men and women who enjoy mak-ing good times happen. On November 14, 2009 at Redeemer Lu-theran Church in Ft. Collins we are holding a Family-Fun Eventcalled Deck the Halls Festival. There will be great family enter-tainment, Christmas decorations of all types for sale and amazingHoliday Food. If this sounds like a fun love to have youassist us in planning and producing this fundraising event. Pleasecall Doyle Lott at 303-217-5860 for more information.

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    Vern & Char Carlson October 9, 1949Joshua & Darci Johnson October 11, 2003Mark & Kirstin Olsen October 19, 1996Brian & Kim Molzer October 21, 2006Mike & Lewanda Fields October 23, 1976Jerry & Barbara Holder October 25, 1969Wes & Eunice Nierman October 28, 1961

    We apologize if we missed your anniversary.Please notify the church office to update.

    Financial UpdateAs of August 31 2009

    2009 budget: $359,000.00

    Year-to-date total PWC income: $222,438.87

    Year-to-date total PWC expenses: $229,249.80

    Net Income: -$6,810.93

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    Helen Leben 1stViola Monahan 1stSteve Inscho 2ndBrendon Votipka 3rdPaul Rubel 4thJohn Jesser 5thFran Watson 5thKen Keeney 6th

    Lisa Bernhardt 8thClaude France 8thJillian Jesser 8thMacKenzie Ross 12thNaomi Loschen 13thMackenzie Cheuvront 15thMark Olsen 15thStacie Yeldell 16thCharity Dowdell 17thReuben Blumenshine 21stElenore Lund 23rdJerry Buchleiter 24thTyler Dixon 24thAshley Holloway 24thDana Leininger 24thEsther Daugherty 28thEvelyn Marweg 28th

    Dana Spanjer 28thNancy Spillman 28thBridger Boehnke 30thAlex Cheatham 30thAshley Fischer 31stDoug Kettelson 31stMolly Krueckeberg 31stScott Yeldell 31st

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