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HEC School of ManagementMSc Admissions1, rue de la LibérationF – 78351 Jouy-en-JosasTel: +33 (0) 1 39 67 73 52/96 95Fax: +33 (0) 1 39 67 73 04E-mail: [email protected]/MSc

Master of Science



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A Stepladder to International SuccessHEC’s Master in International Business (HECMIB) is a 12-month full-time Master programtaught entirely in English. It is designed to giveparticipants the pertinent academic and practicalknowledge in management for an internationalcareer. This program also benefits from close tieswith the business community: corporate partnershelp us shape the curriculum and are also veryactive in providing practical knowledge; they takepart in courses, training seminars, consultancyprojects and conferences organized on campus.

Based on the standards developed by MSc pro-grams, the HEC MIB is focus on the pre-experiencesector. While professional experience is notrequired, we expect students to have a strong aca-demic background in management. The HEC MIBbecomes a natural choice for students who have aBachelor in Business Administration, excellenttrack records and the potential to take on interna-tional management responsibilities.

Furthermore, our goal is to foster students’international exposure. To do so, we have there-fore decided to offer our students two optionswhen setting up their curriculum: they can eitherdecide to spend the whole academic year on cam-pus or benefit from the CEMS network and spenda semester at one of our partner institutions.

HEC also has a high standing reputation for thequality of its programs and the placement of its

graduates. Moreover, the international recognition of the degree will helpyour future employer assess your ability.

Finally, we believe that the content of the program, its international expo-sure, the involvement of the business community and the reputation ofHEC Paris are the key assets the HEC MIB offers participants from all overthe world. In addition, the rich cultural and social environment of nearbyParis will help make your stay at HEC an enriching experience. We look for-ward to welcoming you soon.

Jean-Paul LarçonAcademic Director, Senior Associate Dean for International Development

Eloïc-Anil PeyracheAssociate Dean, Academic Director

A Unique Program Portfolio

Master Degrees MSc in Management, Grande Ecole program (18 months, French or English) is designed for

students who hold a Bachelor degree in any field. The 1st academic year is comprised of generalbusiness courses; the 2nd academic year is devoted to the student’s area of specialization.

Masters of Science (12 months, English) are designed for students who hold a Bachelor degreein Business and who want to acquire an expertise in a specific field of management.

Specialized Masters (12 months, French and English) are designed for students atpostgraduate level to acquire an expertise in a specific field of management.

MBA ProgramFull-Time Option (16 months) and Part-Time Option (24 months)

The MBA addresses both functional and cross-functional skills through a fundamental and a cus-tomized thread to cover all areas of management in depth. Participants will, throughout the program,enhance their leadership potential through unique learning experiences in a diverse environment,developing their self-awareness and people & relationship management, to boost and change theircareer path.

PhD ProgramThe PhD program shapes professor-researchers, offering high quality, internationally renownedtraining. The program gives them the preparation needed to publish in leading academic journalsthroughout the world and face future research and teaching challenges.

Executive EducationHEC Paris Executive Education spans a wide range of degree and non-degree programs speciallydesigned for experienced managers and executives.

In addition to Executive MBAs and Executive Masters Programs, HEC Executive Education offersOpen-Enrolment programs, Custom Programs and Coaching.

Highlights of the program range:

TRIUM Global Executive MBA, specially designed for global executives and CEOs, is a jointdegree developed by three top-ranked schools: New York University Stern School of Business(NYU Stern), the London School of Economics (LSE) and HEC Paris.

HEC Executive MBA is a multi-site degree program designed to meet the needs of executivesand senior managers. The program is offered in 6 locations (Paris, Beijing, Shanghai, St.Petersburg and Doha) and proposes 6 Majors (Aerospace and Aviation, Energy,Entrepreneurship and Innovation, Global Business Perspectives, Luxury).

Part-time Executive Masters are post-graduate degree programs providing specializedtraining in specific areas of management such as the MSc HEC Oxford Consulting and Coachingfor Change and the MSc HEC Oxford Reinventing Management.

Open-enrolment Programs are specific, short executive programs to strengthen managerialskills. More than 50 programs are offered, which last from 3 to 20 days.

Custom programs are tailored and delivered to the precise specifications of a company.

Design & LayoutG-one Design & Page [email protected]

PhotographyJean-Marc Biais (for HEC)[email protected]

Disclaimer: The information provided hereinis subject to change without notice. HEC dis-claims any responsibility relating to the infor-mation contained herein and disclaims anyresponsibility arising from a negligence orotherwise concerning such information.

Jean-Paul Larçon,Academic Director, Senior

Associate Dean forInternational Development

Eloïc-Anil PeyracheAssociate Dean,

Academic Director

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HEC Paris The Leading Business School in Europe

Since the Financial Times’ first ever European BusinessSchool ranking in 2005, HEC Paris has held the #1 positionas the best Business School in Europe and the best MSc inManagement offered by a Business School.

A large international academic network. HEC hasprestigious academic partners worldwide and offers itsstudents numerous exchange opportunities as well asDouble Degrees with top Business Schools. In addition, HECis co-founder of two major international networks: PIM (anassociation of more than 50 world-class business schools)and CEMS (a strategic alliance of 27 leading businessschools and over 50 multinational corporate partners).

A combination of state of the art research with innovativetraining. HEC’s faculty is dedicated to academic researchand has well-established expertise in all areas of business.This ensures that the courses provided are based on thelatest developments in market disciplines.

A campus to live and learn. HEC has one of the largestcampuses in Europe with all the academic, leisure andsports facilities one can dream of: language and computerlabs; an extensive library; a trading room and restaurants…Each year, the campus hosts around 4,000 full-time studentsof close to 100 different nationalities.

A large Alumni Association. HEC's Alumni Associationcounts more than 44,000 members in 113 countries;professional groups have been set up in 64 countries.

Muhammad Yunus,HEC Honoris Causa, Nobel Peace Prize,Co-President of the HEC Chair in SocialBusiness

Bill Gates,Founder of Microsoft CorporationAwarded an Honorary HEC Degree


HEC holds the prestigious Triple Crown accreditation: AACBS, AMBA, EQUIS.

and has joined ParisTech.

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Faculty & ResearchThanks to a permanent faculty of over 100 holding PhDs from the world’sleading research universities such as Boston College, Cornell, Harvard,McGill, MIT, Princeton, Stanford, UCLA, Wharton, Yale and also from topEuropean institutions, HEC offers a broad range of quality programs. 50% are non-French and of 26 different nationalities. Whilst teaching thevarious programs, they also carry out research and work in, or act as, con-sultants to major firms. This ensures that they are constantly up-to-datewith the latest managerial practices.

Moreover, more than 120 affiliate and visiting professors and many lecturers(academics and professionals) join the faculty’s ranks each year.

Research the Essence of Management Science

HEC’s faculty is dedicated to pushing the frontier of knowledge in their fieldof expertise by actively engaging in research, regular publications in top aca-demic journals with an international audience and also through active par-ticipation in international academic conferences. The HEC Faculty is ranked4th for Research in Europe according to the Financial Times, 2010.

Some of the Professors teaching in the MIB J. Anand, Professor in Strategy, Ohio State University V. Bastien, Affiliate Professor in Marketing, Former CEO Louis Vuitton

Malletier and YSL Parfums J. Bessis, Professor in Finance, HEC E. Cornuel, Affiliate Professor in Strategy and Business Policy, Director

General and CEO of the EFMD F. Dalsace, Associate Professor in Marketing, HEC J-M Gauthier, Affiliate Professor in Finance, Global Partner, Deloitte O. Gottschalg, Associate Professor in Strategy and Business Policy, HEC L. Jacque, Professor in Finance, Fletcher University P. Kubisa, Partner Global Capital Market Group, PricewaterhouseCoopers A. Lorenzo, CEO of Parfums Givenchy E. Matta, Associate Professor in Management and Human Resources, HEC T. Michalski, Assistant Professor in Economics and Decision Science, HEC A. Michaut-Denizeau, Assistant Professor in Marketing, HEC C. Paolantoni, Vice President, Consumer Goods, Global Investment

Banking, Calyon P. Parada, Professor in Strategy, ESADE N. Plambeck, Associate Professor in Strategy and Business Policy, HEC K. Singh, Professor in Strategy, NUS

Honoris CausaEach year, HEC awards the Honoris Causa to prominentacademics in France and abroad:

ProfessorsChris Argyris, David S. Landes, Michael E. Porter, Michael C. Jensen, and Jay O. Light (Harvard);Philip Kotler (Northwestern);Jim March (Stanford);Ikujiro Nonaka (Hitotsubashi);Oliver E. Williamson (Berkeley);Theodore Zeldin (Oxford).

Nobel Prize winnersRobert F. Engle (Economics, New York University);Pierre-Gilles de Gennes(Physics, Collège de France);Robert C. Merton (Economics, Harvard);Rajendra K. Pachauri (Peace);Muhammad Yunus (Peace).


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HEC MIBA Wealth of Assets

HEC MIB’s academic ambition is to shape top international man-agers to prepare them for the challenges of a steadily evolving,multi-cultural business world. The curriculum focuses on givingMIB students all the academic knowledge and practical experience in management for an international career. It is a natural choice for a student desirous to take on internationalmanagement functions.

A 12-month intensive and elite master programAdmission to the MIB is very selective and HEC’s expectationsregarding the performance of students are very high. Not onlydo MIB students take courses but they must also interact withbusiness leaders on campus, get involved in a business plancompetition, do consultancy work…

A specialized program in core disciplines of InternationalBusinessAll MIB students must have acquired all the fundamentals ofmanagement before joining the program. HEC then offers thema wide variety of courses in 4 major fields: Finance/Economics,Marketing, Strategy and General Management in order to builda balanced curriculum.

Strong connections with the business communityHEC provides both academic and practical knowledge. Stu-dents will largely interact with business leaders through theleadership series, consultancy projects, internships, careerfairs organized on campus...

International academic experienceStudents can decide to spend the whole academic year on cam-pus, or, in order to enhance their international careers, HECoffers them the option of spending an academic semester atone of its partner universities either through the CEMS networkor with the Double degree from the Queen’s School of Business.

An international student bodyToday, there are more over 30 nationalities in the program.Cross-cultural experiences are therefore part of everyday life.

Frédéric Dalsace,Professor in Marketing, HEC

Jay Anand, Visiting Professor in Strategy,Ohio State University

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HEC MIBA Comprehensive Curriculum

The HEC MIB curriculum is articulated around the following elements:

A Block Seminar kicks off the program. It hinges around academiccourses, case studies, corporate representatives’ lectures andteamwork.

Courses are interactive in format and interdisciplinary in content. Someare viewed as fundamentals of international management, others are aselection of the best courses with an international management profile.

Training Seminars in practical skills are designed to help participantsprepare for an international management career.

Consultancy Projects are real life business experiences. Students act asconsultants in partnership with a company to address one of its keystrategic problems. Students work in groups of 3 to 5 and are tutored bythe company and a professor from HEC.

Strategic Game CompetitionIn a contest based on a business case in international strategy, studentswork in groups and compete against other teams either locally (HEC) orinternationally.

Certificate Programs correspond to a group of courses which provide anin-depth understanding of the structure, management, economics andfinance in a specific field. Students who successfully complete all thecourses in the same program will be awarded an additional HECcertificate.

Master Thesis and InternshipStudents are required to write a research-oriented master thesis andStudents must also complete a 16-week minimum internship, in Franceor abroad. First job experience will be counted as internship experience. Students may validate previous professional/internship experience if thejob was related to International Business.

Conferences Professionals specialized in International Management, Consulting,Finance are invited to give lectures on current economic and strategicissues troughout the year.

The Visions of Leadership is a series of interactive conferences androundtables that enables CEOs, entrepreneurs, and leadershipspecialists to share their experiences.

French Language Courses are offered to students of all levels, frombeginners to highly proficient.

Examples ofCompanies offering Consultancy Projectsin 2009

AccentureAccorAdagioBiotherm (L’Oréal)BNP ParibasCanal + OverseasColumbus ConsultingENSTAGivenchyGreen FitHolland BikesIneum ConsultingLes Ateliers RubyLe Printemps Moët & Chandon (LVMH)NestléProcter & GambleReckitt BenckiserSmartgrainsSwoonThomson Reuters

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While the MIB’s ambition is to offer students the best program in the field of International Business, it also aims atbeing a gateway to the rest of the world so that students can enhance their international profile. We also expect themto be versatile, adaptable and to have the ability to succeed in a cross-cultural environment. With this perspective inmind, students can choose to:

Spend the whole academic year in HEC’s international environment

Prepare the CEMS Master’s in International Management by spending a semester at one of the partnerinstitutions. Founded in 1988 by four leading European Universities, CEMS is a unique strategic alliance of 27 world-classacademic institutions and over 50 world-renowned multi national corporate partners. The CEMS Master's Degreein International Management (MIM) is the label which guarantees businesses recruiting a standard of qualityshared by the best Business Schools. CEMS also offers an outstanding level of cultural diversity. 5,500 graduatesof 60 nationalities currently occupy positions at various management levels in a broad range of industry sectorsthroughout the world. (Please visit The CEMS option must be chosen upon application and must be submitted at the January session. Each school in the network has its own educational policy. Make sure you look up the curricula of the

schools you are interested in. To be granted the CEMS MIM students must be proficient in 2 foreign languages.

Join the one year Double Degree Master of Global Management/MSc in International Business with Queen’sSchool of Business, Ontario, Canada.

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Finance/Economics Strategic Issues of Financial

Reporting for Management Economics of Money and

Banking Corporate Finance Energy & Finance International Risk Management Emerging Market Economics International Financial

Management Asset & Investment


Marketing Luxury Strategies Marketing & Innovation: New

Product Development Managing Luxury Brands in

Global Markets

Strategy Business Strategies and

Institutions in Europe Lobbying and Political Strategy Strategic Mergers and

Acquisitions Strategies for

Internationalization andGlobalization

Global Strategy Strategies and Alliances in Asia

Management Buyouts Strategy Implementation and


Management Cross-cultural Management Managing Global Complexity Globalization and CSR Managing in times of Financial


Training Seminars Innovation and Creation Project Management International Career

Management Cross-border Collaborative

Management - Growing Careersacross borders

Introduction to ConsultingMethods

Negotiation Develop a Competitive Brand

Strategy in Cross-functionalTeams

IT Consulting

Certificate Programs Energy & Finance Real Estate Social Business Luxury Strategies

HEC MIBExamples from the Course Portfolio


Without repeating the basics that Ihave studied during my bachelordegree at the University ofMaastricht and Cass BusinessSchool London, every second of theprogram was useful, engaging, andchallenging in a way I had not beenchallenged before. Every professorthat walked into the classroomnever failed to leave me completelyin awe about the world, the conceptof leadership, and new ways ofperceiving the dynamics of businessthat surround us everyday.

Marco F.W. Juelich, GermanDeutsche Bank Group

Mergers & AcquisitionsAlumnus 2008

HEC MIB and the French languageMIB students do not need to speak French to follow the program. However,some knowledge of French can be useful to enjoy the full HEC experience:become professionally bicultural and optimize networking with Frenchstudents and alumni. This is why HEC Paris offers (optional) French lan-guage classes free of charge to its international students.

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Energy & FinanceSponsored by Deloitte and Société Générale.

Investment decisions have become more and morecomplex with the discovery that most currentforms of energy have a negative climatic impact.This reality requires corporations to deeply rethinktheir business models, individuals to change their behavior, and governments to adopt visionarypolicies.The Energy & Finance Certificate is an exceptionalopportunity for participants to confront the issuesin the sector and acquire the knowledge and ana-lytical skills that will help them make informeddecisions as important contributors to the currentindustrial revolution.

Social BusinessSponsored by Danone, private donators, and co-presided by Muhammad Yunus, Nobel PeacePrize winner and Martin Hirsch, President ofAgence du service Civique.

The aim of the Social Business certificate is to traina new generation of managers, aware of societalchallenges and aspiring to be part of the solution,regardless of their professional activity. The objec-tive is to train students innovative businessapproaches that reduce poverty by offering new eco-nomic models for both developed and developingcountries, and investigate new methods of co-cre-ation and distribution of wealth to reduce poverty.

Luxury StrategiesSponsored by The Gucci Group.

The HEC Luxury Strategies certificate is a businessoriented certificate, seeking to provide future man-agers with in depth understanding of the uniquerules for the effective management of luxurybrands and companies. The course mostly featuresexperts in the marketing area (both academic andpractitioners). Yet, the certificate will maintain aninter-functional perspective as luxury cannot berestricted to marketing alone.

Real EstateSponsored by Unibail-Rodamco and MorganStanley.

The real estate industry has gone through profoundtransformations in the last few years, and, as such,needs professionals who are well-trained in thecomplexities of real estate product evaluation andmanagement. The objective of this course is tofocus on real estate economics and finance, toextend the global reach of the real estate industryand its leading players and to provide tomorrow’sprofessionals with the necessary skills to succeedin the global real estate industry.

More Certificate programs to come in Spring 2011(more information on

Certificate ProgramsThe Certificate Programs, offered in the final year of studies as a complement to the specialization, is a setof interdisciplinary courses corresponding to approximately 100 contact hours as well as business projectsand other types of field work related to a given sector, sponsored by a company. Students who successfullycomplete all the courses in the same program will be awarded an additional HEC certificate.

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HEC MIBCountless Career Opportunities…

A vision to build bridges between academia and business is a core aim ofHEC's education. Its goal is to provide businesses worldwide with youngmanagers who are instantly operational, first-rate team players and expertsin problem solving.

The HEC Corporate Relations Department aims at facilitating the profes-sional integration of students. The resources available are:

The Career and Corporate Information Center which provides studentswith files on current job & internship opportunities, online internationaldirectories, busi ness reviews and guides on job search strategy, informa-tion on companies in France and abroad, information on jobs and sectors…

The Career Services which organize company presentations, seminars,conferences, round tables, mock interviews with recruiters, meetingswith alumni and job/internship events throughout the year

… and Major Career FairsSeveral career fairs are organized on campus throughout the year.

International Finance Career Fair (October). 29 of the leading interna-tional financial institutions (in 2009): BNP Paribas, Goldman Sachs,J.P.Morgan, RBS, Citi, Deutsche Bank, Thomson Reuters, Credit Suisse,UBS, Credit Agricole, Dexia, Ernst & Young, Exane, GE, Lazard, Leonardo& Co, Morgan Stanley, Oddo & Cie, Oliver Wyman, PricewaterhouseC-oopers, RBS, Société Générale, Nomura, Vendôme Associés, Tibra,Natixis, Bank of America, Barclay’s Capital, Rothschild.

Legal & Fiscal Career Fair (October). 30 leading international law firms(in 2009) such as Linklaters, Allen & Overy, Landwell, Freshfields Bruck-haus Deringer, CMS Bureau Francis Lefebvre, Paul Hastings…

Consulting Career Fair (November). 25 leading consulting firms (in2009) such as Accenture, AT Kearney, Bain & Company, The Boston Con-sulting Group, McKinsey, PricewaterhouseCoopers, Arthur D. Little,Roland Berger Strategy Consultants, BearingPoint, Beijaflore…

Alumni Career Fair (January). HEC Alumni from all sectors – informa-tion gathering on job functions and sectors.

International Career Fair (January). 102 world-renowned companies (in2010) from all sectors such as Coca Cola, LVMH, Mazars, Unilever,Microsoft, PricewaterhouseCoopers, Shell, Axa Investment Managers,Veolia, L’Oréal, Canal Plus, Sanofi Aventis, Ogilvy, Dell, GE, Procter &Gamble, Air Liquide, Coty, Renault, Michelin, Nestlé, Fiat, AstraZeneca…

After graduating from HEC, I started working in InvestmentBanking in the mid heart of the economic turmoil. HEC prepared me to tackle financialanalysis in very different businesssituations while maintaining anoverview on market dynamics. This is particularly useful in crisissituations, where solid technicalknowledge and the capacity to seethe market as a whole are keyingredients in order to identify andseize opportunities.

Roland Pezzutto, Italien, Corporate Finance - Natural

Resources Group M&ADeutsche Bank AG, London,

Alumnus 2008,

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Significant Employment Facts & Figures

MIB students follow the same program as the students enrolled inthe International Business specialization of the Grande Ecole andbenefit from the same exposure and the same access to our power-ful network.

HEC’s Corporate Relations Department carries out annualemployment surveys for each of the HEC degree programs. Amongthe employed of the class of 2009, 54,3% found a job beforegraduation, 74,3% within 3 months and 82,9% within 5 months. Theaverage annual salary just after graduation is 46,727€ (± 58,750 USD,currency rate: July 2010); 41,3% of the graduates earn more than50,000€ (45,5% in 2008 survey).

They work in a wide variety of sectors in France or abroad.

Sectors of Employment*

*2009 Data

Alumni AssociationFounded in 1883, the HEC Alumni Association isone of the largest in France with more than44,000 members in 113 countries. It provides aplatform for the exchange of experience, ideasand information, facilitates entry into the profes-sional world and accompanies career advance-ment. Services and events include careerguidance, personal coaching, career fairs andseminars, monthly meetings with business lead-ers and an annual international managementforum drawing together major senior businessexecutives, experts and international businesspersonalities.

In order to ensure HEC's international reputa-tion and to maintain an active network, profes-sional groups are organized in 64 countries ofwhich the largest chapters are Paris, New York,London, Shanghai and Hong-Kong.

HEC FoundationThe HEC Foundation, a non-profit organization ofselect corporate members, contributes to thedevelopment policy of HEC in the fields of:


Establishing professional Chairs

Financial assistance to students and campusinstitutions

Visiting Professors Program

Development of teaching material

Innovation in the use of new learningtechnologies

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On-campus:Accommodation,Services and FacilitiesStudents can be housed in one of the 1,350 individual roomsor 60 apartments on campus.

Among its other outstandingfacilities: A restaurant and cafeteria A 474-seat lecture hall 30 lecture halls with a seating

capacity of over 50 60 classrooms with a seating

capacity of 8 to 35 A multimedia resource center

with 50,000 books, 753 journals, 50 databasesubscriptions

A trading room (in collaboration with ThomsonReuters)

Open-access computers in allclassrooms; networked PCsthroughout the campus

A linguistic resource centerwith workstations

2 business bookshops A printing center A place of worship A spacious 1,000 m2 reception /

exhibition area.

Located close to Paris and Ver-sailles, the 300-acre wooded HECcampus is one of the largest inEurope. The campus is also close to"La Défense", one of the largestEuropean business districts housingthe headquarters of many multina-tional companies. These companiesinteract with HEC Paris both as part-ners and as potential recruiters.

Community Life

HEC considers community life asone of the cornerstones of its educa-tion. It develops the sense of respon-sibility, audacity and an enterprisingmind. Belonging to one or moreclubs and associations is anabsolute must on the campus! It isthe best way to make friends, meetcompany representatives, shareideals or hobbies with others, havefun and take part in an activity.

Over the years, HEC students havefounded and manage today over 120 clubs and associations (sports,culture, professional activities,humanitarian aid, public affairs…).

Students plan social events, sportstournaments, concerts and plays;they invite politicians and businessVIPs to speak and debate currentaffairs; they help people in needthroughout the world; they welcomeforeign students…

International StudentAssociation

HEC IS is a student-run associationwhose purpose is to bring Frenchand international students togetherthrough events such as the welcome

A Place to Live & Learn

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week, "Discover France" weekendsand various on-campus activities.

HEC Students’ Union

Known as the BDE (Bureau desÉlèves), the union is run by a team ofstudents who are annually elected .Its many responsibilities includewelcoming incoming students,organizing concerts, theater produc-tions and other social events such asthe famous HEC parties and theannual HEC Gala. It also publishesthe campus magazine and coordi-nates the activities of the otherclubs.

HEC Sports Clubs and Competitions

HEC has excellent indoor and outdoorfacilities on campus. These include amulti-purpose gymnasium, an indoormountain climbing wall, a weighttraining room and facilities for aero-bics, fencing and martial arts.

8,000 m2 of outdoor fields includetennis courts, an athletics track andtwo rugby/football pitches.

The Sports Office is managed by apermanent staff of 25 qualified pro-fessionals and coaches who teachthe various sports offered. Eachsport has its own club, run by stu-dents in collaboration with theSports Office.

HEC teams compete with other uni-versities in all sports, such as theBusiness School Coupe de Francecompetition and the World BusinessSchool Rugby Tournament and LesMercuriales.

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HEC MIBWhat You Need to Know

The Profile We ValueHEC welcomes applications from candidates of all nationalities younger than27 years old the year of their application. They must also:

Be fluent in English; Hold a Bachelor degree from a non-French institution in Business

Administration or equivalent with a high track record from aninternational institution;

Possess cross-cultural sensitivity and international outlook; Show ability to contribute to the HEC MIB experience.

There is no requirement of previous work experience; the average age is 24.

Fees and Living Costs Annual tuition (2010-2011): HEC MIB: 20,500�€ HEC MIB + CEMS: 22,500�€

Remaining costs (approximately 1,000€ per month in 2010) include housingand food, compulsory insurance (health and civil liability), sports andleisure, phone and IT access…

Funding your studies The HEC Merit based Scholarship: all admitted students may apply for

this grant The two main national French Scholarships (depending on your nationality):

The French Government "Eiffel Scholarship" is a merit-based grantoffered to students from certain regions. Applications for this grant areopen exclusively to November Session candidates as the yearlyapplication deadline is fixed to mid-January. To learn The "Conseil Regional" Scholarship is a need-based grant offered tocertain nationalities. To learn more, please see the campusfrancescholarship finder.

Many other local scholarships are available on the Campusfrancescholarship finder,

Students may also finance the cost of their education with studentloans, which typically carry low interest rates and can be paid backfollowing graduation. However, in France banks generally require aguarantor living in France

The internship period is usually paid and thereby provides students withextra financial resources.

Application Checklist Official Academic Transcripts

Two Letters of Recommendation from Professors


Official Test Score Reports: GMAT

TOEFL/IELTS: required ofinternational students whosenative language is not Englishand who have not earned auniversity degree whereEnglish was the primarylanguage of instruction.

Interview (optional)

Online application form

Application Fee of 100€

Application DeadlinesAdmission sessions for applicantswishing to enroll for the newacademic year in September are:

November 15th, 2010 (reservedexclusively for candidates witha minimum GMAT score of700).

January 15th , 2011 (candidatesfor CEMS option may applyonly through this session)

March 1st,, 2011

April 15th,, 2011

For more informationTel: +33 (0) 1 39 67 73 52/96 95E-mail: [email protected]/MSc

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A Stepladder to International SuccessHEC’s Master in International Business (HECMIB) is a 12-month full-time Master programtaught entirely in English. It is designed to giveparticipants the pertinent academic and practicalknowledge in management for an internationalcareer. This program also benefits from close tieswith the business community: corporate partnershelp us shape the curriculum and are also veryactive in providing practical knowledge; they takepart in courses, training seminars, consultancyprojects and conferences organized on campus.

Based on the standards developed by MSc pro-grams, the HEC MIB is focus on the pre-experiencesector. While professional experience is notrequired, we expect students to have a strong aca-demic background in management. The HEC MIBbecomes a natural choice for students who have aBachelor in Business Administration, excellenttrack records and the potential to take on interna-tional management responsibilities.

Furthermore, our goal is to foster students’international exposure. To do so, we have there-fore decided to offer our students two optionswhen setting up their curriculum: they can eitherdecide to spend the whole academic year on cam-pus or benefit from the CEMS network and spenda semester at one of our partner institutions.

HEC also has a high standing reputation for thequality of its programs and the placement of its

graduates. Moreover, the international recognition of the degree will helpyour future employer assess your ability.

Finally, we believe that the content of the program, its international expo-sure, the involvement of the business community and the reputation ofHEC Paris are the key assets the HEC MIB offers participants from all overthe world. In addition, the rich cultural and social environment of nearbyParis will help make your stay at HEC an enriching experience. We look for-ward to welcoming you soon.

Jean-Paul LarçonAcademic Director, Senior Associate Dean for International Development

Eloïc-Anil PeyracheAssociate Dean, Academic Director

A Unique Program Portfolio

Master Degrees MSc in Management, Grande Ecole program (18 months, French or English) is designed for

students who hold a Bachelor degree in any field. The 1st academic year is comprised of generalbusiness courses; the 2nd academic year is devoted to the student’s area of specialization.

Masters of Science (12 months, English) are designed for students who hold a Bachelor degreein Business and who want to acquire an expertise in a specific field of management.

Specialized Masters (12 months, French and English) are designed for students atpostgraduate level to acquire an expertise in a specific field of management.

MBA ProgramFull-Time Option (16 months) and Part-Time Option (24 months)

The MBA addresses both functional and cross-functional skills through a fundamental and a cus-tomized thread to cover all areas of management in depth. Participants will, throughout the program,enhance their leadership potential through unique learning experiences in a diverse environment,developing their self-awareness and people & relationship management, to boost and change theircareer path.

PhD ProgramThe PhD program shapes professor-researchers, offering high quality, internationally renownedtraining. The program gives them the preparation needed to publish in leading academic journalsthroughout the world and face future research and teaching challenges.

Executive EducationHEC Paris Executive Education spans a wide range of degree and non-degree programs speciallydesigned for experienced managers and executives.

In addition to Executive MBAs and Executive Masters Programs, HEC Executive Education offersOpen-Enrolment programs, Custom Programs and Coaching.

Highlights of the program range:

TRIUM Global Executive MBA, specially designed for global executives and CEOs, is a jointdegree developed by three top-ranked schools: New York University Stern School of Business(NYU Stern), the London School of Economics (LSE) and HEC Paris.

HEC Executive MBA is a multi-site degree program designed to meet the needs of executivesand senior managers. The program is offered in 6 locations (Paris, Beijing, Shanghai, St.Petersburg and Doha) and proposes 6 Majors (Aerospace and Aviation, Energy,Entrepreneurship and Innovation, Global Business Perspectives, Luxury).

Part-time Executive Masters are post-graduate degree programs providing specializedtraining in specific areas of management such as the MSc HEC Oxford Consulting and Coachingfor Change and the MSc HEC Oxford Reinventing Management.

Open-enrolment Programs are specific, short executive programs to strengthen managerialskills. More than 50 programs are offered, which last from 3 to 20 days.

Custom programs are tailored and delivered to the precise specifications of a company.

Design & LayoutG-one Design & Page [email protected]

PhotographyJean-Marc Biais (for HEC)[email protected]

Disclaimer: The information provided hereinis subject to change without notice. HEC dis-claims any responsibility relating to the infor-mation contained herein and disclaims anyresponsibility arising from a negligence orotherwise concerning such information.

Jean-Paul Larçon,Academic Director, Senior

Associate Dean forInternational Development

Eloïc-Anil PeyracheAssociate Dean,

Academic Director

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HEC School of ManagementMSc Admissions1, rue de la LibérationF – 78351 Jouy-en-JosasTel: +33 (0) 1 39 67 73 52/96 95Fax: +33 (0) 1 39 67 73 04E-mail: [email protected]/MSc

Master of Science