brochure | trimit configuration


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Post on 19-Mar-2016




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TRIMIT Configuration brochure. Read about the TRIMIT add-on which adds industry-specific capability to Microsoft Dynamics NAV - not by replacing functionality from the ERP solution but by extending and improving existing functionality.


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trimit product configuration & manufacturing

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2 industry knowledge

we know product configuration & manufacturing

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there is something fundamentally true about this quote. Your company might not be involved in all the mentioned areas but you will probably feel the impact from these. You need to concentrate on driving your business forward always looking ahead to find out what the new trends are, and how to be cost effective.

these are just some of the reasons why you need a stan-dardized It solution that can rise to the challenges your company is facing.

trIMIt Product Configuration is based on a close co-ope-ration with our customers, where we take advantage of their knowledge and experience to continuously advance trIMIt Product Configuration. thus both current and new customers benefit from a knowledge- and experience base built by 250+ customers since 1991.

trIMIt Product Configuration is based on deep and prac-tical insight - which has, moreover been acknowledged by Microsoft, awarding trIMIt Product Configuration “Best Vertical Solution”.

industry knowledge 3

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4 product configuration & manufacturing

trIMIt Product Configuration reduces the number of BoMs significantly, due to the use of master BoMs and generic item BoMs, making it very simple to create and maintain BoMs. the formula calculator is a tool that con-trols the BoM creation, by using logical expressions for calculating, routing, material- and time consumption, etc. this tool enables you to set up all the necessary conditi-ons in order to control what can and cannot be configured. this way, your sales persons can only configure what you allow them to, which minimizes errors remarkably, and by using the configuration all relevant specifications for both production and purchase are generated automatically. this moreover, reduces the bottlenecks that often occur when handling special orders and gives you a very quick turnaround on orders.

trIMIt Product Configuration combines calculation of actual prices and standard cost prices. the prices are

When working with production of customizable products, creation and handling of BOM (Bill of Material) is often very comprehensive and time consuming.

Furthermore, if the BOM is not correct, detailed and updated it will inevitably result in numerous errors in both material consumption and cost calculation.

trimit product configuration & manufacturing

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• Onlinecalculationatorderentry

• Handlingofvariantsanddimensions throughouttheentiresolution

• Variantoutcomesdependenton costumer-,country-ofbasicitemdata

• Productconfiguration–controlof individualitemqualitiesattheorder stage

• Optimizationoforderhandlingprocess

• Easycreationandmaintenancevia masters

• Unlimitedvariantsanddimensions

• PossibilityofDataCapture

• Capacityplanning

• Onlinecontrolofbottlenecksthrough- outorderprocessing

• Automaticcreationofproduction orderswithrelationtocustomer orders

• Combinationofactualcostpricesand standardcostprices

• Searchbasedontechnicalspecifica- tions

• DirectlyintegratedwithMicrosoft DynamicsNAV


continous all the way from supplier order through BoM to the sales lines, giving all involved employees a complete overview over the prices, costs and contribution margins of all products.

Furthermore, trIMIt Product Configuration automati-cally recalculates and deletes orders, which means that cancellation of orders removes all related orders, prices etc. while adjustments of orders lead to an automatic recalculation of everything involved in the order. this way reducing time spent on errors and bottlenecks remarkably.

trIMIt Production is fully integrated with your entire erP-system making it possible to calculate cost- and sales prices in the moment of configuration. this improves customer service significantly as customers get answers to e.g. price requests instantly.

product configuration & manufacturing

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6 industry knowledge

HigH tecH

Being part of the High tech Industry, whether you’re buil-ding innovative High-tech products, integrating solutions into customers’ systems or assembling bundles for new applications and markets, speed is paramount to capture and keep a competitive advantage. Furthermore, the range of High tech products becomes more and more complex, while production processes are changing and the product life cycle is shortened. At the same time, customers demand higher speed of delivery, increased flexibility, customized products, high quality, and all this at competitive prices.

trIMIt Product Configuration & Manufacturing on Microsoft Dynamics nAV has made it very simple to control individual item properties in the order stage, and moreover, the solution gives you complete control of allowable configurations in accordance with discounts, price lists, currency etc. this way you always get precise estimates on prices, availability, time of delivery etc. trIMIt Product Configuration & Manufacturing offers a very high degree of flexibility and agility, improving your adaptability to change remarkably.Furthermore, even though the BoM (Bill of Material) in High tech companies often is very complex, trIMIt makes it simple and easy to create and maintain this by using logical statements.

industry knowledgeWhat is Product Configuration & Manufacturing? There isn’t really an easy answer to this question. Howe-ver, our customers since 1991 can more or less be categorized into the three areas High Tech, Industrial Equipment Manufacturing & Metal Fabrication.

the BoM makes information on the entire production process visible, thus offering complete coherence in all parts of the value chain from sales order through related production orders to purchase of materials.

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Microsoft Dynamics NAVMicrosoft Office

Microsoft WindowsMicrosoft Server System


Order Receiving



Data Capture





industry knowledge 7


• Product Configuration• requirement Calculation (Production & Purchase) • tracing• location Management• Price/Discount Calculations• Fully Integrated Data Capture (Job & Material registration)• Fast and Simple Creation and Maintenance of Item and BoM• optimization of Planning & Capacity• Direct relation Between Sales-, Production- and Purchase order• Quality Assurance• Pre- & Post Calculation• Fully integrated with Microsoft Dynamics nAV

• Reduceerrorsremarkably

• Automateprocesses

• Havetotalcontrolofcomplexproducts

• Automateorderstosuppliers

• CreateandmaintaincomplexBOMsin multiplelevels

• Offerimprovedcustomerservice

enaBles you to:

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industrial equipment manufacturing

Industrial equipment manufacturing refers to manufac-turers of large machinery that are often built by numerous different components, delivered by a number of different suppliers. Furthermore, often customers have a very large number of specific demands to the products they have ordered.

trIMIt Product Configuration & Manufacturing makes it much simpler to configure complex, customer specific products. With this system you gain complete control of all different variants and dimensions, and with the configura-tion tool, you can easily set up configuration rules in order to avoid configuration errors , thus saving a lot of time and resources correcting product errors or even confiscating wrong products.

8 industry knowledge

Furthermore, trIMIt Data Capture offers real-time data of all processes within the entire production flow. this way, you get total overview of all processes, and can identify exactly, what processes are not making a profit. this way, you can concentrate on optimizing these specific proces-ses in order to save time and money.

In trIMIt Product Configuration & Manufacturing sales-, purchase and production orders are related, which e.g. means that the system automatically controls and sends orders to all relevant suppliers. Furthermore, tracing makes it possible to know exactly, where and for what every little component needs to be used. this way, you have constant control over all components and the deli-very of these.

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9industry knowledge

Microsoft Dynamics NAVMicrosoft Office

Microsoft WindowsMicrosoft Server System












AltogetherTRIMITProductConfiguration&Manufacturingoffers• Product Configuration• requirement Calculation (Production & Purchase)• Price/Discount Calculations• Fast and Simple Creation and Maintenance of Item and BoM• optimization of Planning & Capacity• Direct relation Between Sales-, Production- and Purchase order• Fully Integrated Data Capture (Job & Material registration)• real-time data of all production processes • Pre- & Post Calculation• tracing • location Management • Quality Assurance• Fully integrated with Microsoft Dynamics nAV

• Automateorderstosuppliers

• Automateprocesses

• Reducetimeandresourcesspenton errors

• Gaincompletecontrolofwhereandfor whatallcomponentsareused

• CreateandcontrolcomplexBOMsin multiplelevels

• Minimizedeliverytime

• Optimizeproductioncapacity

• Lowerproductioncosts

enaBles you to:

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metal faBrication

Metal Fabrication refers to companies, mainly subcon-tractors that cut, shape and assemble components. Furthermore, these companies often concentrate on metal preparation, welding and assembly aspects or ma-chining of parts.

Being able to control and calculate a product’s actual pro-duction cost is extremely important to companies within this area, because this is what determines the company’s contribution margin. Doing the right calculations is com-plex and very time consuming, and because of this it is often not done properly, which very frequently results in miscalculations.

Another key factor within the area of metal fabrication is continuous production optimization. every little delay or

deviation in the production process count in the perpetual attempt to produce the agreed components with as little resources as possible and deliver these to the customer within the agreed time frame.

trIMIt Product Configuration & Manufacturing makes all the exacting calculation work for you. the pre- and post-calculation enables you to make pre –calculations on time and materials and post-calculations on time and proces-ses.

Furthermore, trIMIt Datacapture offers real-time data on all processes within the entire production flow. this way, you get total overview of all processes, and know exactly, where to take action and optimize processes in order to save time and money.

industry knowledge

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Microsoft Dynamics NAVMicrosoft Office

Microsoft WindowsMicrosoft Server System













• Product Configuration• requirement Calculation (Production & Purchase)• tracing• location Management• Price/Discount Calculations• Fully Integrated Data Capture (Job & Material registration)• Fast and Simple Creation and Maintenance of Item and BoM• optimization of Planning & Capacity• Direct relation Between Sales-, Production- and Purchase order• Quality Assurance• Pre- & Post Calculation• Fully integrated with Microsoft Dynamics nAV

• Reducederrorsremarkably

• Automateprocesses

• Gaintotalcontrolovercomplexproducts

• ControlcomplexBOMsinmultiplelevels

• Minimizedeliverytime

• Optimizeproductioncapacity

• Lowerproductioncosts

enaBles you to:

industry knowledge

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12 partner info

local support

partner infoAlthough we are very interested in expanding the trIMIt concept into new areas, we do not just pick any partner to work with us on this. We look very closely at new poten-tial partners, to make sure there is a match between the goals we have in trIMIt and the partner’s business plan. trIMIt is a very focused solution, and we are looking for partners with industry knowledge. Furthermore, we expect our partners to have deep knowledge of Microsoft Dynamics nAV and most importantly: the will to create success stories to lead the way for trIMIt and the partner on any given market.

We believe very much in close relationships with our partners and do what we can to support them. We assist in building marketing material, we participate in seminars and we plan regular meetings to make sure our partners get what they want from the relationship.

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implementation By certified experts

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13partner info

our objective is that Microsoft Dynamics nAV and the trIMIt solution covers most requirements of a company, thereby minimizing the need for customization.each company adapts the system by adjusting parame-ters - not by programming customizations.

trIMIt is made of components, thus it is possible to adapt the system exactly to any company’s requirements, with a minimum of implementation resources and custo-mization.our objective is also that trIMIt does not replace any functionality from Microsoft Business Solutions butextend and/or improve existing functionality.

We fully support a partner’s business strategy if it includes releasing frequent updates and keeping all Microsoft Dynamics nAV trIMIt customers up-to-date.

therefore, with the trIMIt business model approach, all customers work on the exact same version of trIMIt. new functionality is developed in close dialogue with our partners, based on the needs of their customers and is then distributed to all customers by the next update.this way, trIMIt always matches the market demands and ensures that your company is always up-to-date.


Customized functionality

TRIMIT PartnerVendor

referencesproduct security

“Zero cost upgrade”

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14 product description

product description


• Easycreationand Maintenancevia Masters

• UnlimitedVariants

• SimpleManage- mentofComplex ItemConfiguration

• AutomaticCreation ofItems

• Calculationof Weight,Volume, Material Consumptionetc.

• Routingbasedon Variants/Qualities

• StandardCosting incl.Materials, Time,Machineand IPO

product configuration

• HandlingofVariants andDimensions Throughoutthe EntireSolution

• VariantOutcomes Dependenton Customer-, Country-orBasic ItemData

• ProductConfigura- tion–Controlof IndividualItem Qualitiesinthe OrderStage

• DefinitionofRela- tionsbetween Variants

• Calculationof PriceandDiscount basedonVariants


• Optimizationof theOrderHandling Process

• OnlineDisposalof Materials,Time andCapacity

• DirectCreationof Underlying Production-or PurchaseOrders

• Maintenanceof RelatedProduc- tion-/Purchase Orders

• BlanketOrder Control

• AdvancedPrice andDiscount Structures

• Commission-, BonusandRoyalty Handling

• Calculationof Charges


• FullyIntegrated Datacapture

• CaptureofCheck in/Checkout Timesforusein Payroll

• CaptureofJob TimeforthePost Calculationofthe ProductionOrder

• “TeamStamping” -OnePersoncan Registerforthe Team

• MassRegistration –onePersoncan doMultipleJobsat thesameTime

• MaterialRegistra- tion

• Registration ofScrap


• Stock-andOrder Production

• DirectCreationand RelationtoUnder- lyingProduction andPurchase Order

• AutomaticCrea- tionofProduction OrderviaMRP (BasedonNeeds)

• Pre-andPost Calculation

product description - product configuration &

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15product description


• Optimizationof Tradewith Suppliers

• AutomaticCreation ofPurchaseOrders viaMRP(Basedon Needs)

• MinimumQuantity/ MultipleQuantity

• AdditionalCosting (Freight,Customs etc.)

• BlanketOrders

• AdvancedPricing

• AdvancedDis- counting

• Mail,Faxor PrintoutofOrder– incl.Printoutsof EndProducts


• Registrationwith orwithoutInvoice Reference

• FindsActualSales Prices/Discounts

• DifferentCustomer andSupplier Actions

• Substitute Handling

• ReturnItem Handling


• FlexibleRulesfor GeneratingPick Suggestions

• PickSuggestions basedonInventory

• Location Management

• Integrationto ShippingAgents

• BarcodeScanning


• AdvancedFacilities concerning StandardCosting

• Provisionsfrom PurchaseandSale (Charges,Freight, Commissionetc.)

• Intercompany (Automationof Tradebetween Subsidiaries)

• Printoutsof Freight-andExport Documents.

• InvoicingviaPaper, EDI,FaxandMail.


• StandardReports Included

• AdvancedSales Statistics

• Built-inReport Generator

• IntegrationtoMS Excel

• IntegrationtoBI

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16 B2B portal

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B2B portalWith TRIMIT B2B – a task-oriented, easy-to-use, web-based Portal you will be able to get simple configuration of complex products, minimize possible errors, eliminate double or even triple work, improve communication, get access to online information and give your customers the opportunity to order directly through the system.

In short, you will be able to optimize your value chain, make distance shorter and accelerate Time-to-Market.

B2B portal

B2B portal:

The B2B Portal makes it possible to expand the network to include your customers. This way, customers can retrieve relevant information instantly.

The Portal also makes it possible to retrieve and enter data outside office hours.

With TRIMIT Product Configuration B2B Portal your customers can order directly through the system, whenever they want, without spending time on calling or faxing.

TRIMIT Product Configuration B2B saves time spent on e.g. communication and manual order entry, and gives you one place to save, find and change information quickly and easily.

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18 tecHnology

microsoft dynamics naV 2009 Has made it easier to work ”simple,

smart and innoVatiVe”

nAV 2009 is built on a new structure, based on the indivi-dual employee or role of the employee, instead of being based on different processes. this role-based approach provides access to information, tasks and business pro-cesses relevant to the individual employee in one single, integrated view. this helps your employees becoming more effective and your company to stay competitive.

Zero cost upgrade - position your solution for greater


trIMIt Product Configuration & Manufacturing uses the latest Microsoft technology. Most likely you already use this well-known technology in your outlook mail system, Microsoft office or other applications. trIMIt Product Configuration & Manufacturing is a “zero cost upgrade” solution easily updated when new technology is released from Microsoft. this way, you will always have the latest Microsoft technology.


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tecHnology 19

certified - your guarantee of a competent part-

ner and solution

trIMIt has the Microsoft Business Solutions and the ISV (Independent Software Vendor) competencies. More-over, being a Microsoft gold Certified Partner, trIMIt represents the highest level of competence and expertise with Microsoft technologies and has the closest working relationship with Microsoft. Furthermore, Microsoft has awarded trIMIt Product Configuration & Manufacturing ”Best Vertical Solution”.

B2B portal – task-oriented, easy-to-use & weB-Based

trIMIt Product Configuration & Manufacturing portal tech-nology offers the extra functionality that gives you a unique competitive edge. the Portal give instant access to informa-tion for external partners in both ends of the value chain.the trIMIt Portal technology is based on the newest Microsoft .net 3.5 C# platform using technologies such as SQl Server 2008, AJAX, lInQ for eF, XAMl/WPF and Silverlight, WCF/WebServices, FtP, WebDAV, Message Queuing, SharePoint, office 2007.

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we know product configuration & manufacturing

TRIMIT A/SLivøvej 238800 Viborg

Phone +45 7020 8970

[email protected]

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