bros., buy for cash made debut yesterday....

HOOPER BROS., 939 Pa. Ave. mm .Sensible .New Year s Gifts .at Special .Underselling .Prices. NEW YEAR SLIPPERS for Men. 1-ot of Men's Opera Slip¬ pers. in tan anri *>. g black. Regular 11 11.5ft value. Sp«-- I cial " l.ot of Men's Romeo and Opera Slippers, in tan and hlark: kid lined. Regular JIMIO value. Special r l.ot of Men's Slippers; opera and Romeo styles. in tan and black. f| .¥© Rejfular $2.50 value. jj Special NEW YEAR SLIPPERS for Women. Women's Kelt .Juliets; fur trimmed; hand turn- <r ^ .,0. ed: in black, red T| and gray. Regular H $2.00 value. Special.. Lot of Women's Evening Slip¬ pers. in patent leather and suede; ankle straps. Regular value. Special $ jj -98 Women's Rath Scuffs. Regular 7.">c value. Special 49c "Women's Rath Scuffs. Regular jOc value. Special New Year Shoe Specials. Women's Standard Shoes; 1 all styles in all leath¬ ers. Special Men's Standard $TV5Q Shoes; latest shapes, in all good leathers. Special.... $2- 98 Hooper Bros. Sole Agents HTJ-MAN-IC and "JENNESS MILLER" Shoes. 939 Pa. Ave. (Formerly Crocker's.) ICE' .v fJEE OrR KM* DIGIT MOCNTING. Oftentimes dizzine>s, insomnia and oer- .}{. vonsnesji htc caused by defective ey <». Jf, sipbt. We examine each eye «eparately 41 without charge. t guum'. ...: .$1.00 ji. Kahti « Special Gold-fllled « (fVfx Nom liliwrf ...PU.iPtl J. M per cent discount on oculist*' pre- A scriptlons. 5 d»28-tf A. KAH N,q35 F St.£ Plctiure! )i Reduction on All Unframed Pictures for This Week Only. We Frame Them Reasonably. Silverberg's Art Store 414 9th Street N.W. del-30t.30 | STIEBEL'S % '¦? Hign-cla«i Millinery ':1 * ». Z. Removed to f I 1304 G St. N.W. | <N>xt to Droop's, > i .Balance of the stock & of Trimmed Hats from % the 1113 G st. store at * sacrifice prices. s .Many New and Reautifui i'reations in Midwinter Mil¬ linery added to the display daily. mt J ifM!).40 J D) ¦uh27-d.rSu.20 &T B1DWI01D PTC£§. $3.80 SWITCHES NOW $3.00. $8.50 SWITCHES NOW $5.00. $8.00 SWITCHES NOW $0.00. I^ee"» Hair Medlcant. $1. Restores If my hair to natural color. QUAH- ANTBED. Prevents fallinf bair. HilrdrtulBf, shsiupoolnf. "20 7TB ST. N.W. S. HELLER'S, Only Women and Children Treated. Last Week for Reduced Prices on Scalp Treatments. «'*rds for *calp treatments must he purchased before the end of the month I if you wish to tak" advantage of the I sjie. ial December rat* < f a « p/* I *?. .50 Hattie M. Shacklette, Specialist for the Hair and Skin, Phone M. 3474. J<i0U-4 F at. n.t*. Tio30-3m,ef»u-2S * V .? V V £ 2 BUY FOR CASH And get the most and the best for your money V .> t Then you are sure to trade with us £ V V J V y y y y V t y y y y y y y y t y x 5* Aanticoke Tomatoes, per can, 7c: per doz 75c ~X~ Nomini Tomatoes, 4 cans for. 25c ^ Kiver View Tomatoes. 4 cans for 25c X Webster's Standard Tomatoes, per can .. 6c X War Eagle Flat Cans Sockeye Salmon, per can 19c 2 tall cans Chehalis Salmon for 25c 3 tall cans Copalis Salmon for 25c 2 cans Cal. Lemon Cling Peaclies for 25c X 3 cans Extra Sifted Peas for 25c 5 lbs. Cal. Prunes for 25c «jj» 3 lbs. Evaporated Peaches for 25c X 3 cans Paragon Plums for 25c % 8 lbs. Broken Rice for 25c ^ 4 lbs. Lima Beans for 25c Sj/2 lbs. Buckwheat for 25c ?}. 3 packages Sure Rising Brand Buckwheat for 25c | Van Houten's Cocoa, per can 20c Y Wilbur's Cocoa, per can 19c Wilbur's Baking Chocolate, per cake 18c Ijp Wilbur's 25c Milk Chocolate 17c *t* Wilbur's ioc Milk Chocolate 7c $1.00 Tea. 1 pound for 50c X 50c Tea, 1 pound for . 29c % Quaker Matches, per dozen ioc Old Virginia Fish Roe, per can 8c Curtice's Blue Label Catsup 19c *»* y Br o A Large cans Pears. 7c ioc cans Evaporated Milk 6c X t t y y V t y y t y x y y f y t ceJJ T. 412 4th Street S.K. 214 H Street N.W. 14.18 P Street N.W. N. J. Ave. and R St. N.W. 1714 14th Street N.W. »;th and H Streets N.W. 1420 7th Street N.W. 14 Grocery Stores 11th Street 8.E. 4th and II Streets N.E. 11 7th Street N.E. 15th and G Streets N.E. 3d and Md. Ave. N.E. 12 Good Hope Road. 33-18 M Street N.W. y y y y y y y x y y y * The Wise, They Buy Our Groceries £ i»nn»»»»n»»»iiinnm»ii»»i»»»»«m: DROOP MUSIC HOUSE IS NOW LOCATED AT G aod 113th Sts. Steinway and Other Pianos. The Boudoir and Other Players. Victor Talking Machines. Edison Phonographs. Musical Instruments of All Kinds. Sheet Music. B. H. Stinemetz & Son Co. Established 1856. F Street, Corner 12th. FUR-LINED OVERCOATS FOR MEN, $75, $100 & $125 Such near-zero weather as this emphasizes the need of a Fur-lined Over¬ coat. Showing some excep¬ tionally handsome Over¬ coats for men.broadcloth, lined with genuine fur. Priced at $75, $100. Si25. JV Stinemetz & Son II. Co., F Street, Corner 12th. New Year Gifts of CUT GLASS. Special Our 2<Kv> reduction sale <>f 1 ut Glass is helping many secure worth-while Sew V e a r remem¬ brances under price. Our crystal alcove contains trays, bonbon dishes, toi¬ let bottles, etc., la rich¬ est cutting*. 20 c/o Discount. Henry Evans, 1006 f. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DRUGGIST. de:M>-d.eSu.28 . ==<£ Odd Things Not Found Elsewhere Fine Stationery and Engraving You can be sure of getting the newest ideas combined with high - class workman¬ ship here. Berry & YVhitmore Co., Berry ft Wbltnwr# Bid#., F and nth Streets. de2J> tf.lo "pearl Necklaces 3\«strung VPe have in our exclusive employ ait expert pearl stringer. Estimates furnished for restringin$ pearl neck¬ laces anb making over seed-pearl Jewelry. (Ball t&ro. Tstablls^ Over a Century 3ewellers. Silversmiths. Stationers 1107 "Pennsylvania Avenue .Do You Admire .Rich and Distinctive Wall Papers? fF SO, you'll find our show¬ ing particularly attractive. A superb line of Imported Wall Papers, embracing the newest designs and color effects. Papering, painting, frescoing, etc. Estimates submitted. Wurdeman&Co. INTERIOR DECORATORS * FURNISHERS 61012th St. SSSST do:M),30 Rich Furs .Were Never Lower In prices than these we are now offering. The year's most attrac¬ tive bargains in Modish Coats, Muffs, Scarfs. Collars, etc., are assembled here. g^Bear in mind that QUALITY is an absolute certainty at this store. Liebster.The 1'"rrier- 1224 FSt.N.W., FlioOR^ MADE DEBUT YESTERDAY. MISS MABIE LOUISE HOWSEE. (Clliiedinst, Photo.) IN THE WORLD OF SOCIETY PRESIDENT AND CHILDREN IN NEW YORK TODAY. Yesterday's Parties for Miss Taft and White House Visitors. Dinners.Teas.Notes. President Taft. accompanied by his daughter. Miss Helen Taft; his son, Mr. Robert Taft, and Capt. Archibald Butt, his military aid, left here today at 9 o'clock over the Pennsylvania railroad for New York to attend the wedding of his niece, Miss Louise W. Taft, daugh¬ ter of his brother, Henry W. Taft, to George H. Snowden of Seattle. The party will return here tomorrow morn¬ ing. Miss Helen Taft, Mr. Robert Taft and their holiday visitors. Miss Eleanor Roelkor and Miss Elizabeth Parsons of New York and Mr. R. A- Wodell of Yale, were entertained at a dinner of forty covers last night by Miss Mabel Board- man. About as many more came In for the dance which followed. Mr. Marshall Crane of Dalton, Mass., nephew of Sena¬ tor Crane, and Mr. Henry Sheffield of Cleveland, Ohio, nephew of Airs. Board- man, are her guests this week. Secretary Carpenter announced today that the number already invited to the reception to be held at the White House Tuesday, January 4, had attained such proportions that it had becomc necessary to close the list. No more invitations will be issued. Mrs. Lewis More and Mrs. Charles An¬ derson of Cincinnati, sisters of Mrs. Taft, ar*» expected at the White House during January. The Misses Anderson, daugh¬ ters of the latter, will also be here. Mrs. Gaff's cotillon, Mrs. William Hay¬ wood's dance for her young daughter. Miss Doris Haywood, and Mrs. Boutell's dinner for Miss Alice BouteJl and her guests, Miss Mary Alger of Annapolis and Mr. I^add of Boston, which will be followed by a dance at the Highlands, make a pretty full evening for the danc¬ ing contingent. Mrs. Edson Bradley s tea for her guests and a number of din¬ ners. the guests of which are expected later at the dances, are also events of tins date. Mr. and Mrs. Edson Bradley, who re¬ turned yesterday from their Christmas visit to their son-in-law and daughter, Rev. and Mrs. Herbert Shipman in New York, are entertaining this afternoon for their guests. Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Walk¬ er of New York and Tuxedo, whose wed¬ ding was a recent event. Mrs. Walker was Miss Sybil Kane. Assisting Mrs. Bradley today will be Mrs. Truman New¬ berry, Mrs. William Phelps Eno, Mrs. V. S. Grant, third, Mrs. Roscoe C. Bul- mer and Mrs. Charles O'Donnell Lee. Mr. and Mrs. Bradley will give a dinner for Mr. and Mrs. Walker New Year night, a dance January 12 and another dinner the 19th. Mrs. Guidet Duryee had a company of young people dining with her last night for her debutante daughter, the company going on later to the Pilling c otillon. Mrs. Duryee's guests were Miss Mary McCauley, Miss Jessie Krogstad, Miss trances Noyes, Miss Olga Roose¬ velt, Miss Elizabeth Howry, Miss Mar¬ guerite Barbour, Miss Leonora Finley, Miss Conrad, Miss Katherine Britton, Miss Elsie Downing, Miss Helen Parker, Miss Pichon, Rustem Bey, charge d'af¬ faires of Turkey; Mr. de Thai of th® Russian embassy. Baron Hardenbroek and Lieut. Von Breunlng, both of the German embassy; Mr. Henri Martin of the Swiss legation, Mr. W. Bowie (. larke, Mr. Jack Siebert, Mr. Frank Scott, Mr. John Henderson, jr., Mr- Totten. Mr. Welldon, Lieut. Commander White, Mr. Myer and Mr. Henry. Mrs. William Manning Iiwin gave a large dinner last night, when her guests were Miss Carol Newberry. Miss Sibley of Detroit, guest of Miss Newberry; Misj Aleshire and her. guest, Miss Root of New York, Miss Murray, Miss Caro¬ lyn Murray. Miss Katherine Weeks, Miss Margaret Michie, Miss Irwin, Miss Mary Irwin, Lieut. Rockwell, Dr. Davis, Lieut. Calhoun, Mr. Jesse Brown, Mr. Seaton Schroeder, Mr. Charles Walcott and his guest, Mr. Jack Fine of Princeton; Cadet Griswold, Cadet Strong and Cadet Hol- mer, all of West Point; Mr. l'rescott, and Mr. Harry Irwin. The compauy went later to the Pilling cotillon. Mrs. Beale R. Howard has cards out for January 1, from 5 to 7. Mrs. Depew will follow her usual cus¬ tom and receive New Year, from 3 to T. She will also toe at home Thursdays throughout the season. Mrs. Richard Wainwright will give a tea Wednesday, January 5, from 4 to 7, in honor of Miss Alice Sorrell Blech. The Hon. Mrs. James, wife of the mili¬ tary attache of the British embassy, gave a tea yesterday, when she was assisted in receiving by her sister, the Hon. Rachel Kay Shuttleworth. Mr*. Esmond Ovey and Mrs. H. W. Ker.nard were at the tea table. Mrs. Alexander Mullowny is entertain¬ ing at luncheon and bridge today in honor of her mother, Mrs. Thomas, who is visiting in Washington. Miss E2stell« Crane, daughter of Mrs. J. Burnet Crane, gave a tea for the ycunger set yesterday to meet Miss Eliz¬ abeth Rogers, home from school for the holidays. Miss Gertrude Gordon, Miss Frances Brooks. Miss Elizabeth Noyes and Miss Katherine Crane were present. Sirs. Pettus is giving a tea this after- noon for her young daughter, Miss Char¬ lotte Pettus, and her guest, Miss Marie Louise Elkins of Philadelphia. Mr. and Mrs. Harry K. Howser pre¬ sented their daughter. Miss Marie Louise Howser, at a large tea yesterday after¬ noon at their home, on 17th street. In the drawing room the debutante's bouquets, together with evergreens and palms, formed the decoration, and it was here that Mrs. Howaer, in a handsome gown of black lace, received, assisted by her daughter, whose gown was of white satin, trimmed with silver spangled gauze. She carried an armful of roses chosen from among the large number sent her. In the dining room, where the decora¬ tions were in red and green, Mrs. Conrad Syme. Mrs. David Moore and Miss Gardi¬ ner did the honors at the daintily ap¬ pointed tea table. The other members of the receiving party were Miss Nina Van Arsdale, Miss Lucinda Pennebnker. Miss Lauck, Aliss Elizabeth Bouvier Walsh, Miss Helen Whyte. Miss Blanche Howser of Balti¬ more, Miss Robyn Young and Miss Eliza¬ beth Howser, the schoolgirl daughter of the house. A supper and an informal dance tilled the evening, a number of young men remaining after the tea. A small company of relatives and per- sonal friends attended the marriage last night at the home of the bride's brother- in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hudson Martin, of Miss Lulu Edwina Hanna. youngest daughter of the late Mr. E. P. Hanna. solicitor of the Navy Depart¬ ment, and Mr. William Leroy Fairbanks of Georgetown. Mass. Rev. Dr. Charles Wood of the Church of the Covenant of¬ ficiated. The bride was beautifully dressed in white satin and duchess lace with pearl trimmings. Her shower bou- quet was of lilies of the valley and she wore a spray of the same blossom hold¬ ing her tulle veil. Mr. and Mrs. Fairbanks left last night for the west and will sail from San Francisco on the steamer Korea January 7 for Peking, China, where Mr. Fair¬ banks will take up his duties as an at¬ tache of the American legation. The 'out-of-town relatives and guests at the wedding were Mr. and Mrs. Frank R. Hanna of New York, brother and sis¬ ter-in-law of the bride; Pay Inspector and Mrs. Phillips of Baltimore, Mrs. F. L. Perrine of Aljenliurst, N. J., and Mr. Atherton Holmes of Georgetown, Mass. Mrs. Clarence R. Edwards had dining with her last night the Secretary of the Treasury and Mrs. MaeVeagh, the French ambassador and Mme. Jusserand, Mr. and Mrs. Truman H. Newberry. Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Keep, Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Legare, Mrs. Thomas Bayard, Frederick W. Carpenter. Mr. and Mrs. McClintock. Sir Charles Ross, C. R. Simpklns and Col. McCawley. Gen. Edwards is in Porto Rico. Mrs. L. Z. loiter has Mr. Amos Law¬ rence of Boston and Mr. Seymour Morris of Chicago In her house party for the holidays. Mr. and Mrs. John Hays Hammond will be at home to invited guests Saturday, Januarys, at 15U0 Rhode Island avenue. The marriage of Miss Mary "Wallace Mason, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bever¬ ley Randolph Mason, and Mr. Philip Hal- sey Patchln, which took place yesterday afternoon at 4:3»>. at St. Margaret's Epis¬ copal Church, was one of the prettiest of the season. The church was beautifully decorated with palms, evergreens and great clus¬ ters of white lilies. The bride's uncle. Bishop C. K. Nelson of Atlanta, Ga., assisted by the Rev. Her¬ bert Scott Smith, performed the cere¬ mony. The bride was escorted by her father and looked particularly handsome in her gown of white satin crepe trimmed with duchess point. Her tulle veil fell in grace¬ ful folds from a coronet of orange blos¬ soms. and her bouquet was a shower of lilies of the valley. The maid of honor, the bride's sister. Miss Josephine Beverley Mason, wore an exquisite gown of pink chiffon cloth over pink inessallne eonbroidered in sold, with a large pink-plumed picture hat. She carried a large bouquet of Killarney roses. The best man was Mr. Ira H. Patchin of New York, the groom's brother, and the ushers were Lieut. Victor W. Foster, 1'. S. A.; Mr. Frank Blake Gjrdon of Pittsburg. Pa.; Mr. Harris Crist, Mr Philip Lee Scantling, Dr. William Bev¬ erley Mason, the bride's cousin, and her brother, Mr. Richard Nelson Mason. A small reception followed at the home of the bride's parents, where a tasteful decoration of pink roses, southern smilax and palms was in place. The bride and groom were assisted in receiving by Mrs. Mason, who wore a handsome gown of black satin richly em¬ broidered and trimmed with duchess lace, and Mrs. Patchin, the groom's mother, in a gown of black satin trimmed with Irish lace; Mrs. George Hoxie Moflfett of Kansas City, Mo., in old rose crepe meteor, with point lace, and Miss Julia Mason, in light blue satin crep? embroid¬ ered in gold, the two last named being sisters of the bride. Mr. and Mrs. Patchin left later on an extended bridal tour, the latter wearing a stylish coat suit of blue diagonal serge, with hat to match. On their return they will take up their residence at their new home on N street. Among the out-of-town guests here for the wedding were Mrs. M. V. Wallace of Richmond. Va.; Bishop and Mrs. C. K. Nelson of Atlanta, Ga.; Mr. Ira Patchin of New York city; Miss Mary King Nash of Portsmouth. Va.; Miss Leila Phillips of North Carolina, Miss Adelaide Alex¬ ander of Virginia, Miss Elizabeth Galla- her of West Virginia, Mrs. Garden De- laney and Miss Bessie Reed of Baltimore. Mrs. R. Randall Hoes entertained at a large tea for young people yesterday afternoon, when the honor guests were Miss Ruth Pilling and Miss Katherine Brown. The decorations were Xmas sirens, polnsettla and holly throughout the drawing room suite. The hostess wore a very becoming gown of black lace over white. In the dining room Mrs. Goodloe and Miss Gouverneur presided at efther end of the bountifully served and daintily adorned tea tabic. Mrs. Jarres C. Pilling's cotillon last night for her young daughter. Miss Ruth Pilling, was one of the prettiest and merriest of the holiday dan«-es. It was held at the Colonial Dames Club. where the rooms and halls are spacious and where in jears gone by many similar events have been given, notably in the younp ladyhood of Mrs. Richardson Clover, whose home it was as M ss Miller, daughter of the then senator from Cali¬ fornia, (Jen. Miller. Mrs. Pilling wore nile green cliarmeuse and lace and Miss Pilling wore a danc¬ ing gown of pink chiffon. Mr. Charles 11. Campbell, assisted hy Mr. John W.! Davidge, led the cot llion for which there were pretty favors tied with pink and blue ribbons, gold wands with gol«| fruit and leaves, gilded spoons, butterflies tied to sold wands, butterfly nets, mandarin, Scotch and Indian «aps. parasols and fans, and lots of other pretty little nov¬ elties for maids and men. The guests at the dinner were Miss Marion Leutze. Miss Esther Denny. Miss Katherine Krown. Miss Marthena Harri¬ son. Miss Burton of Kentu «ky; Miss Pil¬ ling. Mr. John \V. Davidge. Mr. Robert V. Fleinine. Mr. Percival Waters. Mr. Cadv, Mr. Gouverneur Hoes and Mi. Robert Krogstad. And to the dan<;e there were invited Miss Aleshire, Miss Attwater. Miss Mar¬ guerite Karl>our. Miss ivatherlne B.own, Miss Baxter. Miss Alice Boutell. Miss Burton. Miss Calvo. Miss Evelyn Carpen¬ ter, Miss Evelyn Chew. Miss Clabaugh. Miss Maud Conrad, Miss Conger. Miss Esther Denny, Miss Vera Downing, M ss Elsie Downing. Miss Natalie Driggs, Miss Marie Duryee, Miss Leonora Fin ley. Miss Gleaves. Miss Gracie. Miss Haywood. Miss Heath, Miss Howry. Miss Annie Ir¬ win, M;ss Cornelia Janln, Miss Krogstad. Miss Leutze. Miss Natalie Magruder. Miss Pauline Magruder, Miss Margaret Michle. Miss Murray, Miss Carolyn Murray, Miss Monday, Mrs. James Mitchell, Miss New¬ berry. Miss Frances Noyes. Miss Helen Parker. Miss Piehon. Miss Radford, Miss Eugenic Root of New York. Miss Olga Roosevelt. Miss Sands. Miss Sibley of De¬ troit, Miss Marie Stevens, Aflss Stead, Miss Edith Sutherland. Miss Prescott. Miss Yandergrift. Miss Dorothy Williams, Miss Margaret Worthington. Miss Kath¬ erine Weeks, Miss Frances Webster, Mr. J. C. Asp nwall, Cadet Aleshire, Mr. An¬ drews, Mr. Britton Brown. Mr. Jesse Brown. Mr. Arthur Brown. Mr. Hugh Boutell. Mr. Henry Blagden, Mr. Beale Bloomer. Mr. Bartlett. Mr. Sevellon Blown, Mr. David Barry, Mr. Carl But¬ ler. Mr. Cady, Mr. Alexander Craig, Mr. Donald Craig. Mr. Calvert. Mr. Calhoun, Lieut. Randolph Coyle, Mr. Conard, Lieut. Chase. Mr. Calvo, Capt. Davis, Mr. Clar¬ ence Davis, Mr. J. McG. Dickinson, jr.. and his house guest, Mr. Price; Mr. Ar¬ thur Dutton. Mr. William Finley. Mr. Robert Fleming, Mr. Arthur Ferguson, Mr. Fitzslmmons. Mr. Philip Goode, Mr. Gait, Maj. Horton, Cadet Holmer, Mr. Gouverneur Hoes, Mr. Paul Hoes. Mr. Arthur Hellen, Mr. Milton Harrison. Mr. Henpsche. Mr. Hubbard, Mr. Ray Howe, Cadet Hobbs, Mr. Harrison Irwin. Com¬ mander Jewell. Capt. Johnston. Mr. John Paul Jones. Lieut. Pratt. Mr. Pousette of the Swedish legation. Mr. Edward Peachy. Maj. Reynolds, Lieut. Rockwell, Mr. Brewster Reamey. Mr. Robert Rad¬ ford. Mr. William Strong. Mr. Robert Stead, Mr. Manning Stead, Mr. Frank Kerroorfhan Scott, Mr. Robert Krogstad. Mr. J. Brooks I^add. Mr. L. Morris, Lieut. Magruder. Dr. Mitchell. Mr. Mat- thewson, Mr. Moore, Mr. Miley.' Capt. Newbold. Mr. Newbold Noyes, Mr. Doug¬ las Thropp, Mr. Scott Thro|>p, Mr. Taylor Thom, Mr. Charles D. Walcott, jr., and Mr. Percival Waters. Representative and Mrs. Boutell enter¬ tained at dinner last night at their apart¬ ment at the Highlands, when theip guests were Miss Worthington, Miss Foster, Miss Edith Sutherland. Ml&s Frances Webster, Miss Alice Boutell, Capt. John¬ son. Lieut. Pratt, Lieut. Sultan, Mr. Brooks Ladd of Boston and Mr. Hugh Boutell. After the dinner the whole par¬ ty went to the Pilling cotillon. Mrs. James C. Welling, Miss Dixon and Miss Welling have returned to Washing- ton for the season and are occupying their home, 1302 Connecticut avenue. Mr. William C. WelHng (Yale, '00). now at the Massachusetts Institute of Tech¬ nology, is in Washington for the holi¬ days. The Washington Wellesley Club annu¬ ally entertains all Wellesley visitors to the city during the Christmas holidavs. This year the meeting will l»e held with the president. Miss Spaulding, 2224 N street, Friday, December 31, at 1:30 o'clock. Mrs. Josiah Edson of Chicago is visiting her mother, Mrs. W. A. Rider. 1424 W street. Mrs. L. W. Reilly and Miss Grace Reilly of 1234 Columbia road are spending sev¬ eral weeks at Galen Hall, Atlantic City. N. J. Mr. William T. Smith of this city and Miss Bessie McCarty of Richmond coun¬ ty. Va., were married December 28 at Calvary Baptist Church by Rev. Dr. Greene. A reception followed at tho home of the bride's sister, Mrs. M. H. Box well. 1201 4tli street northwest. The dining room was elaborately decorated and re¬ freshments served. The couple will re¬ side at 813 7th street southwest. Mrs. Minnie A. White of Cockeysville, Md., is spending the holiday season with her aunt, Mrs. llattie E. Lovel of G street. Mrs. Samuel Gompers and Miss Gom- pers, 2122 1st street northwest, will re¬ ceive New Year day after 4 o'clock p.m. Mrs. Ludlow is giving a dance this evening for Henry Chittenden, the eldest son of her daughter-in-law, Mrs. Fred¬ erick Bugher, to which a company of about forty young people from fourteen to sixteen years old have been asked. Tuesday Mrs. Ludlow gave an afternoon party for her young grandson, Master Frederick McLean Buglier, and had for her guests fourteen children from the households of the Brazilian ambassa¬ dor and the Montgomery Blairs, Craw- fords. Horace Wylies, Peckhams, de Sibours and Montgomerys. Mrs. Ludlow entertained at dinner last evening in honor of Mrs. Buglier of New York, who will njturn to New York Jan¬ uary 4. Anions: her guests were Rear Admiral and Mrs. Emory, the military attache of the French embassy and Countess de Chambrun. Lieut, and Mrs. I". S. Grant. 3d; Gen. and Mrs. Wil¬ liam F. Draper. Col. and Mrs. Symons and Gen. and Mrs. Fitzhugh. Miss Gertrude Smith of I>a Crosse, Wis. who is attending the Pratt In¬ stitute of Brooklyn. N. Y.. is the guest of her cousin, Miss Kathryn Dampier of 120 W street northwest. Miss Gertrude L. Parsons, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Alfred V. Parsons of Ta- koma Park, D. C., gave a dance last night in Takonia Hall in honor of her guest. Miss Eleanor H: Charles of Cumberland, Md. The hall was beautifully decorated in holly and mistletoe, witli l>ow knots of red ribbons. The chaperons were Mrs. L. Losekam, Mrs. A. V. Parsons. Mrs. Dun¬ bar. Mrs. Thom, Mrs. B. S. Favorite, Mrs. George Curran. Mrs. W. L. F. King, Mrs. T. C. King and Mrs. James W. Dyre. The evening was pleasantly spent and dancing continued until midnight. Among those present were Miss Edith Curran, Miss Florence Markhatn. Miss Elizabeth Wat- kins, Miss Elizabeth Cady, Miss Cressy Dudley. Miss Mildred Hoge, Miss Ruth Curtis, Miss Ruth Van Houten, Miss Ha¬ zel Van Houten, Miss Edith Cowl. Miss Charlene Brown. Miss Ma'ion Taylor, Miss Bet tie Thom. Miss Louise Cruitt. Miss Agnes Langley. Miss Katherine Thom, Miss Maud Wagstaff, Mr. and Mrs. George Curran. Mr. and Mrs. B. S. Favorite, Dr. and Mrs. A. V. Parsons. Mr. and Mrs. W. L. F. King, Mr. and Mrs. T. C. King. Mr. and Mrs. James W. Dyre, Mr. Newberry, Mr. Hodgkin. Mr. Miller, Mr. Roseola. Dr. Dqniel Mattingly, Mr. James King, Mr. Lee Grabill, Mr. Barton, Mr. Wilson Knight, Mr. John Cady, Mr. James Taylor. Mr. Joseph Cashell. Mr. Albert Terflinger, Mr. Mor¬ timer Clark. Mr. Harry Bates, Mr. Mar¬ tin Fisher. Mr. Frank Favorite, Mr. Ed¬ win Parker. Mr. Nugent, Mr. Remmy and Mr. George Miller. Refreshments were served during the evening. Miss Ida M. Hayes entertained a few of her friends at a heart party Tuesday evening, December 28. when her guests were Miss Mad'gan, the Misses Murpliy, the Misses Hoover. Mr. Monarch, Mr. Neil, Mr. Rondeau. Mr. Brady, Mr. Hur¬ ley, Mr. Tobin. Mr. Flanagan and Dr. Crowley of New York. Christmas decora¬ tions prevailed in the dining room. The members of Mrs. Ellen S|»encer Mussey Tent-, No. 1. Daughters of Vet¬ erans, will be at home to their friends on (Continued on Eighth Page.) THE CHARXTT BALL. President Taft Has Consented to Be Present. The President %J11 attend the charity ball next Monday night at the New W'tl- lard. and will occupy a box during hi* stay. The patronesses of the 1m«U are: Baron e«s Mayor des P'atu-hes, Baroness 1 lengelmuller. Mme. Jiisserand. Mme. Na- buco. Countess van H«rnstor<T, Haronesa Rosen, Senora dc Mejia. Mme de I^ger- crantz. Mtne. <1mlc, Mme. Ixnidon, Coun¬ tess Moltke. Mme. Sannon, Senora dc Jouhert, Mrs. Meyer. Mrs. Oliver. Miss Patton, Mrs. Victor Kmiffmann. Mrs. Frank Xoyes, Mrs. Alexander Britton. Mrs. Isaac Mann, Mrs. Kdson Bradlev, Mrs. Weeks. Mrs. Brownson. Mrs. Mc- Gowan, Miss Kibbey. Mrs. Iteekman Win. tlirop, Mrs. Murray Cobb. Mrs. John Story, jr.. Mrs. Nicholas And* rson, Mrs. Wickersham. Mrs. Lars Anderson. Mrs. Audenried, Mrs. Beverldge, Mrs. Ruike- ley. Miss Cannon, Mrs. Clover. Mrs. Cosby, Mrs. Crowninshield. Mrs. Kno, Mrs. Fitz- hugh. Mrs. FahriesU:. k, Mrs. liale. Mrs. Johnston. Mrs. loiter, Mrs. NeWberry, Mrs. A. H. Legare. Mrs. John Hays Ham¬ mond, Mrs. Merrill and Mrs. Boyd. Mr. John Story is the chairman of the floor committee, and will be assisted by Mr. Murray Cobb. Mr. and Mrs. Ellas Richards of Lyn« h- burg have Issued invitations t< ;he mai- riage of their niece. Miss Harriet Christian Frencl. of Wilmington. N. C., to VVIlliani fcinglebert Victor, the event to take place at their home in Lynchburg, Va., Janu¬ ary 3. DIED. BOYP. On Tuosday. December 28. 1901V ar it: 15 p.m.. GEORGE WASHINGTON BOYP. the liflDfpd husband of Mary I*. Boyd. He leave* three George H.. Jr.. Oosin>> ami William 1'., and « boat of friend* to mourn hU loss. Fun<T:il from Mt. Zlon M. K. Ctarrti, 2fl'h street liftwn-n Dumbarton avenuo and «? street, Friday. December 31, 2:3<> o'clock p.m. All member* of I'otoiuao Union Ijodge. N«. W)2. (¦. I O. of O. K., are hereby notttted meet »t the liall at 1 |> in. to attend the funeral of Hr.ith.-i GEORGE W. BOYD, which will t.e held at Ml. Zlon M. E. Church Friday. 2:30 p.m. Bv order of X. G. DAVID C. WRIGHT. P. 8 Members of Widow's Sou Ixxlge. No. 7. F. A. A. M.. an' rnjucstiii to meet at the temple, cor¬ ner 5th street and Virginia aveoue wnitheasl. Friday, December 31, at I o'clock p.m. for tha purpose of attending the funeral of Brother GKORGF. W. BOVD. Br or.Wr of JOHN It- ASHTON. W. M. JOHN S. GKoltGE. Secretary. CHAPMAN. Suddonly. on Tuesday. December 2*. JANF WADK. widow of Rev. John 1'. Chapman, in the eighty-seventh year of her age. Funeral nervier at the rcaidence of her son, 3323 Wboonsln avenue, on Friday. Ifc-ccmber 31. at 2:3«> p.m. Relatives and friends Invited. In termetit private. (Newark, X. J., papers please copy.) CROSBY. On Thursday. December 30. 190P. at 1:2«» a.m.. HANNAH EVERETT CROSBY, widow of Francis W. Crosby, In the eighty- sixth yar of her age. Funeral fr.Kii chapel of J. W. Dee. 332 Pennsyl¬ vania avenue northwest, on Friday. Poop ni¬ ter 31, at 2 o'clock p.m. Relative* and friends are invited. Interment, private, at Oak Hill cemetery. Members of the Legion of Loyal Women will attend the funeral servi.-es of Mrs. HANNAH «'ROSBY. at Lee's undertaking establishment. Friday, I>eeeuiber 31. lt«0!», at 2 p.m., to hold our usual services. LAURA V. MeCULLOUGH, President. EUTIIIORN. On Monday. December 20, lu New York city, JOHN HENRY KHR- HOKN. the beioved son of Henry and' Sarah Bbrborn (nee Oarteri, aged six years. Internicut at German Lutheran cemetery, N. V. FRAWI.KY. Suddenly, on Thursday. December :u>. HMD. nt II a.m.. at the residence of his sister, Mrs. J. F. l*o*-ney. 32*1 G etreei southwest, STEPHEN II. PILAW LEY. he- loved son of the late John and Ann Frawlej. Notice of funeral hereafter. HUNT. On Thursday. De<-erober 30. I!HW. at 2:30 a.m.. CATHERINE A., widow of Georpe N. Hnnt. Funeral from her late residence, J02 4th afreet southeast. Saturday. January 1. 191»». at 2 p.m. Interment, private, iu Clenwood crme¬ ter)". 2 LIXGEBACH. t»n Tuesday. December 28. 1#<K». at 5 p.m., MARY ANS.TB L1NGEBACH <nee «'arpenter'. l«e|oved wife of <""harles B. Ling* bacu. aged forty-nine yean and nine months. Tunoral fn>m her lato residence. 3121 lltb street northweet. nn Friday, Decemlwr 31, at 5> a.m. Requietu innss at Church of the Sacred Heart at 9:30 a.m. Relatives and frleods invited. Interment at Mount Olivet cemetery. MATTHEWS. Suddenly, on December 28. lfHW, Mrs. JENNIE, wife of Harry Matthews. Funeral from residence of her brother. X37 D street southwest, Friday at 2 p.m. Friends invited. PAYNE. On Tuesday. December 28, 1009. at 4:20 p.m.. at his residence. 2112 Maaaacnu- setts aveuue northwest, JAMES G. PAYNE, in his seventy-seventh year. Funeral fr<>in St. Jobn'a Church on Thursday, December 30, at 2 p.m. SIMPSON. On Wednesday. December 2». lft"D. at «> p.m., at HM3 17th street, Anacottia. MARY M. SIMPSON, widow of Thomas K. Simpson, in the sixtieth year of her age. Funeral from Garden Memorial I'n-shyteriaH rhurch. Friday, December 31. 2 o'clock p.m. Interment at Congressional cemetcry. In Memori&m. DAVIS. In sad and loving remembrance «f iuv dear husband, JOHN W. DA\ IS, who departed this life December 3o. Itt07. BY HIS LOVIXG WIFE, INDIANA DAVIS. GIBSON. In "sad but loving remembrance of our father. WILLIAM GIBSON, who died two rear* ago today. December 30. li^". and of our mother. MARGARET A. GIBSON, who died January 2C. 190S. Gone, bat not forgotten. BY THEIR CHILDREN. LANGLEY. In sn.l but loving remembran.e of our Joar wife and mother. ROSE J . l.ANtrLEY. wh.- died one year agi today. December 30, 11108. The last farewell was spoken one year agi> today. Our family olrele broken when our loved one * WJ4 V. Oh. the uiemory "of that evening, as we walled with aching hearts. Seeing the «c loved so dear pierceu oy death's most cruel dart. Farewell, dear mitb'r. is tbr solemn w>rd Which thrills through every heart; But. oh. It is the will of God That dearest ones mnst pari. BY HER LOVING HFBBAND AND CHILDREN. SHEPHERD. In loving remembrance of my l>eloved huslwnd and <>ur dear father. JOH^ A. SHEPHERD, nho died eight years as- todav, I»eeember 3<\ I9"l. BY HIS WIFE AND CHILDREN. FUNERAL DIRECTORS. WM. H. SARDO & CO., FUNERAL DIRECTORS AND EMBALMEK& 406 H at. n.e. Modern chapel. Phone Lln<x)ln 524. GKORGF. P. ZCBHORST. Undertaker and Embalmer. Fnneral Parlors. 301 East Capitol at. Telephone I.lncoln 372. J. T. CLEMENTS, 1241-43 WISCONSIN AVE. N.W. (Georgetown). Telephone West 804. Washington. D. C. FRANK GEIER'S SONS, 1113 SEVENTH ST. N.W. Modern chapel. Telephone call North 520. THOS. M. HINDUS UNDERTAKER. 5TH AND H N.W. Phone M. 537. J. WILLIAM LKK. Funeial Director and Embalmer. Livery In connection. Comma- dlona chapel and modern crematorium. Modest prlcea. 332 Pa. ave. n.w. Telephone call 1385. R. F. HARVEY'S SONS, FUNERAL DIRKCTORS AND KMBALMERS, 132B 14TH ST. N.W. Telephone North 281. Joseph F. Birch's Sons, 3034 m st. n.w. rv>^orw^ra."- A. G. FREY, FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND BMBLAMEB. 1830 14th at. n.w. Telephone North Uttfe. WT R. SPEARE, FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND EMBALXER, 940 F Street N.W. WASHINGTON. D. C. Phones ^lain Frank A. Spearc, Mgr. FUNERAL DXSTOVST Funeral Dealgna. Funeral DeslgAs. Geo. C. Shaffer. Beantlfol floral designs very reasonable la wrlot. Phooa 241ft Main. 14th and Bye ata. «.w. Superb Clusters, $j.Worth $5 Blsck 1st one's Floral Designs pnsasau r*st beauty. Freak and fragrant flowers Mad. Black is tone's, Je25-7«

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MISS MABIE LOUISE HOWSEE.(Clliiedinst, Photo.)



Yesterday's Parties for Miss Taftand White House Visitors.Dinners.Teas.Notes.

President Taft. accompanied by hisdaughter. Miss Helen Taft; his son, Mr.Robert Taft, and Capt. Archibald Butt,his military aid, left here today at 9o'clock over the Pennsylvania railroadfor New York to attend the wedding ofhis niece, Miss Louise W. Taft, daugh¬ter of his brother, Henry W. Taft, toGeorge H. Snowden of Seattle. Theparty will return here tomorrow morn¬


Miss Helen Taft, Mr. Robert Taft andtheir holiday visitors. Miss EleanorRoelkor and Miss Elizabeth Parsons ofNew York and Mr. R. A- Wodell of Yale,were entertained at a dinner of fortycovers last night by Miss Mabel Board-man. About as many more came In forthe dance which followed. Mr. MarshallCrane of Dalton, Mass., nephew of Sena¬tor Crane, and Mr. Henry Sheffield ofCleveland, Ohio, nephew of Airs. Board-man, are her guests this week.

Secretary Carpenter announced todaythat the number already invited to thereception to be held at the White HouseTuesday, January 4, had attained suchproportions that it had becomc necessaryto close the list. No more invitationswill be issued.

Mrs. Lewis More and Mrs. Charles An¬derson of Cincinnati, sisters of Mrs. Taft,ar*» expected at the White House duringJanuary. The Misses Anderson, daugh¬ters of the latter, will also be here.

Mrs. Gaff's cotillon, Mrs. William Hay¬wood's dance for her young daughter.Miss Doris Haywood, and Mrs. Boutell'sdinner for Miss Alice BouteJl and herguests, Miss Mary Alger of Annapolisand Mr. I^add of Boston, which will befollowed by a dance at the Highlands,make a pretty full evening for the danc¬ing contingent. Mrs. Edson Bradley s

tea for her guests and a number of din¬ners. the guests of which are expectedlater at the dances, are also events of tinsdate.

Mr. and Mrs. Edson Bradley, who re¬turned yesterday from their Christmasvisit to their son-in-law and daughter,Rev. and Mrs. Herbert Shipman in NewYork, are entertaining this afternoon fortheir guests. Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Walk¬er of New York and Tuxedo, whose wed¬ding was a recent event. Mrs. Walkerwas Miss Sybil Kane. Assisting Mrs.Bradley today will be Mrs. Truman New¬berry, Mrs. William Phelps Eno, Mrs.V. S. Grant, third, Mrs. Roscoe C. Bul-mer and Mrs. Charles O'Donnell Lee.Mr. and Mrs. Bradley will give a dinnerfor Mr. and Mrs. Walker New Yearnight, a dance January 12 and anotherdinner the 19th.

Mrs. Guidet Duryee had a companyof young people dining with her lastnight for her debutante daughter, thecompany going on later to the Pillingc otillon. Mrs. Duryee's guests were MissMary McCauley, Miss Jessie Krogstad,Miss trances Noyes, Miss Olga Roose¬velt, Miss Elizabeth Howry, Miss Mar¬guerite Barbour, Miss Leonora Finley,Miss Conrad, Miss Katherine Britton,Miss Elsie Downing, Miss Helen Parker,Miss Pichon, Rustem Bey, charge d'af¬faires of Turkey; Mr. de Thai of th®Russian embassy. Baron Hardenbroekand Lieut. Von Breunlng, both of theGerman embassy; Mr. Henri Martin ofthe Swiss legation, Mr. W. Bowie (. larke,Mr. Jack Siebert, Mr. Frank Scott, Mr.John Henderson, jr., Mr- Totten. Mr.Welldon, Lieut. Commander White, Mr.Myer and Mr. Henry.Mrs. William Manning Iiwin gave a

large dinner last night, when her guestswere Miss Carol Newberry. Miss Sibleyof Detroit, guest of Miss Newberry;Misj Aleshire and her. guest, Miss Rootof New York, Miss Murray, Miss Caro¬lyn Murray. Miss Katherine Weeks, MissMargaret Michie, Miss Irwin, Miss MaryIrwin, Lieut. Rockwell, Dr. Davis, Lieut.Calhoun, Mr. Jesse Brown, Mr. SeatonSchroeder, Mr. Charles Walcott and hisguest, Mr. Jack Fine of Princeton; CadetGriswold, Cadet Strong and Cadet Hol-mer, all of West Point; Mr. l'rescott,and Mr. Harry Irwin. The compauy wentlater to the Pilling cotillon.

Mrs. Beale R. Howard has cards out forJanuary 1, from 5 to 7.

Mrs. Depew will follow her usual cus¬tom and receive New Year, from 3 to T.She will also toe at home Thursdaysthroughout the season.

Mrs. Richard Wainwright will give atea Wednesday, January 5, from 4 to 7,in honor of Miss Alice Sorrell Blech.

The Hon. Mrs. James, wife of the mili¬tary attache of the British embassy, gavea tea yesterday, when she was assistedin receiving by her sister, the Hon.Rachel Kay Shuttleworth. Mr*. EsmondOvey and Mrs. H. W. Ker.nard were atthe tea table.

Mrs. Alexander Mullowny is entertain¬ing at luncheon and bridge today inhonor of her mother, Mrs. Thomas, whois visiting in Washington.

Miss E2stell« Crane, daughter of Mrs.J. Burnet Crane, gave a tea for theycunger set yesterday to meet Miss Eliz¬abeth Rogers, home from school for theholidays. Miss Gertrude Gordon, MissFrances Brooks. Miss Elizabeth Noyesand Miss Katherine Crane were present.

Sirs. Pettus is giving a tea this after-

noon for her young daughter, Miss Char¬lotte Pettus, and her guest, Miss MarieLouise Elkins of Philadelphia.Mr. and Mrs. Harry K. Howser pre¬

sented their daughter. Miss Marie LouiseHowser, at a large tea yesterday after¬noon at their home, on 17th street.In the drawing room the debutante's

bouquets, together with evergreens andpalms, formed the decoration, and it washere that Mrs. Howaer, in a handsomegown of black lace, received, assisted byher daughter, whose gown was of whitesatin, trimmed with silver spangledgauze. She carried an armful of roseschosen from among the large numbersent her.In the dining room, where the decora¬

tions were in red and green, Mrs. ConradSyme. Mrs. David Moore and Miss Gardi¬ner did the honors at the daintily ap¬pointed tea table.The other members of the receiving

party were Miss Nina Van Arsdale, MissLucinda Pennebnker. Miss Lauck, AlissElizabeth Bouvier Walsh, Miss HelenWhyte. Miss Blanche Howser of Balti¬more, Miss Robyn Young and Miss Eliza¬beth Howser, the schoolgirl daughter ofthe house. A supper and an informaldance tilled the evening, a number ofyoung men remaining after the tea.

A small company of relatives and per-sonal friends attended the marriage lastnight at the home of the bride's brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. HaroldHudson Martin, of Miss Lulu EdwinaHanna. youngest daughter of the late Mr.E. P. Hanna. solicitor of the Navy Depart¬ment, and Mr. William Leroy Fairbanksof Georgetown. Mass. Rev. Dr. CharlesWood of the Church of the Covenant of¬ficiated. The bride was beautifullydressed in white satin and duchess lacewith pearl trimmings. Her shower bou-quet was of lilies of the valley and shewore a spray of the same blossom hold¬ing her tulle veil.Mr. and Mrs. Fairbanks left last night

for the west and will sail from SanFrancisco on the steamer Korea January7 for Peking, China, where Mr. Fair¬banks will take up his duties as an at¬tache of the American legation.The 'out-of-town relatives and guests

at the wedding were Mr. and Mrs. FrankR. Hanna of New York, brother and sis¬ter-in-law of the bride; Pay Inspector andMrs. Phillips of Baltimore, Mrs. F. L.Perrine of Aljenliurst, N. J., and Mr.Atherton Holmes of Georgetown, Mass.

Mrs. Clarence R. Edwards had diningwith her last night the Secretary of theTreasury and Mrs. MaeVeagh, the Frenchambassador and Mme. Jusserand, Mr. andMrs. Truman H. Newberry. Mr. and Mrs.Frederick Keep, Mr. and Mrs. AlexanderLegare, Mrs. Thomas Bayard, FrederickW. Carpenter. Mr. and Mrs. McClintock.Sir Charles Ross, C. R. Simpklns andCol. McCawley. Gen. Edwards is inPorto Rico.

Mrs. L. Z. loiter has Mr. Amos Law¬rence of Boston and Mr. Seymour Morrisof Chicago In her house party for theholidays.Mr. and Mrs. John Hays Hammond will

be at home to invited guests Saturday,Januarys, at 15U0 Rhode Island avenue.

The marriage of Miss Mary "WallaceMason, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bever¬ley Randolph Mason, and Mr. Philip Hal-sey Patchln, which took place yesterdayafternoon at 4:3»>. at St. Margaret's Epis¬copal Church, was one of the prettiest ofthe season.The church was beautifully decorated

with palms, evergreens and great clus¬ters of white lilies.The bride's uncle. Bishop C. K. Nelson

of Atlanta, Ga., assisted by the Rev. Her¬bert Scott Smith, performed the cere¬mony.The bride was escorted by her father

and looked particularly handsome in hergown of white satin crepe trimmed withduchess point. Her tulle veil fell in grace¬ful folds from a coronet of orange blos¬soms. and her bouquet was a shower oflilies of the valley.The maid of honor, the bride's sister.

Miss Josephine Beverley Mason, wore an

exquisite gown of pink chiffon cloth over

pink inessallne eonbroidered in sold, witha large pink-plumed picture hat. Shecarried a large bouquet of Killarneyroses.The best man was Mr. Ira H. Patchin

of New York, the groom's brother, andthe ushers were Lieut. Victor W. Foster,1'. S. A.; Mr. Frank Blake Gjrdon ofPittsburg. Pa.; Mr. Harris Crist, MrPhilip Lee Scantling, Dr. William Bev¬erley Mason, the bride's cousin, and herbrother, Mr. Richard Nelson Mason.A small reception followed at the home

of the bride's parents, where a tastefuldecoration of pink roses, southern smilaxand palms was in place.The bride and groom were assisted in

receiving by Mrs. Mason, who wore ahandsome gown of black satin richly em¬broidered and trimmed with duchess lace,and Mrs. Patchin, the groom's mother,in a gown of black satin trimmed withIrish lace; Mrs. George Hoxie Moflfettof Kansas City, Mo., in old rose crepemeteor, with point lace, and Miss JuliaMason, in light blue satin crep? embroid¬ered in gold, the two last named beingsisters of the bride.Mr. and Mrs. Patchin left later on an

extended bridal tour, the latter wearinga stylish coat suit of blue diagonal serge,with hat to match.On their return they will take up their

residence at their new home on N street.Among the out-of-town guests here for

the wedding were Mrs. M. V. Wallaceof Richmond. Va.; Bishop and Mrs. C. K.Nelson of Atlanta, Ga.; Mr. Ira Patchinof New York city; Miss Mary King Nashof Portsmouth. Va.; Miss Leila Phillipsof North Carolina, Miss Adelaide Alex¬ander of Virginia, Miss Elizabeth Galla-her of West Virginia, Mrs. Garden De-laney and Miss Bessie Reed of Baltimore.

Mrs. R. Randall Hoes entertained at alarge tea for young people yesterdayafternoon, when the honor guests wereMiss Ruth Pilling and Miss KatherineBrown.The decorations were Xmas sirens,

polnsettla and holly throughout thedrawing room suite. The hostess wore avery becoming gown of black lace overwhite.In the dining room Mrs. Goodloe and

Miss Gouverneur presided at efther end

of the bountifully served and daintilyadorned tea tabic.

Mrs. Jarres C. Pilling's cotillon lastnight for her young daughter. Miss RuthPilling, was one of the prettiest andmerriest of the holiday dan«-es. It washeld at the Colonial Dames Club. wherethe rooms and halls are spacious andwhere in jears gone by many similarevents have been given, notably in theyounp ladyhood of Mrs. RichardsonClover, whose home it was as M ss Miller,daughter of the then senator from Cali¬fornia, (Jen. Miller.Mrs. Pilling wore nile green cliarmeuse

and lace and Miss Pilling wore a danc¬ing gown of pink chiffon. Mr. Charles11. Campbell, assisted hy Mr. John W.!Davidge, led the cot llion for which therewere pretty favors tied with pink andblue ribbons, gold wands with gol«| fruitand leaves, gilded spoons, butterflies tiedto sold wands, butterfly nets, mandarin,Scotch and Indian «aps. parasols andfans, and lots of other pretty little nov¬elties for maids and men.The guests at the dinner were Miss

Marion Leutze. Miss Esther Denny. MissKatherine Krown. Miss Marthena Harri¬son. Miss Burton of Kentu «ky; Miss Pil¬ling. Mr. John \V. Davidge. Mr. Robert V.Fleinine. Mr. Percival Waters. Mr. Cadv,Mr. Gouverneur Hoes and Mi. RobertKrogstad.And to the dan<;e there were invited

Miss Aleshire, Miss Attwater. Miss Mar¬guerite Karl>our. Miss ivatherlne B.own,Miss Baxter. Miss Alice Boutell. MissBurton. Miss Calvo. Miss Evelyn Carpen¬ter, Miss Evelyn Chew. Miss Clabaugh.Miss Maud Conrad, Miss Conger. MissEsther Denny, Miss Vera Downing, M ssElsie Downing. Miss Natalie Driggs, MissMarie Duryee, Miss Leonora Fin ley. MissGleaves. Miss Gracie. Miss Haywood.Miss Heath, Miss Howry. Miss Annie Ir¬win, M;ss Cornelia Janln, Miss Krogstad.Miss Leutze. Miss Natalie Magruder. MissPauline Magruder, Miss Margaret Michle.Miss Murray, Miss Carolyn Murray, MissMonday, Mrs. James Mitchell, Miss New¬berry. Miss Frances Noyes. Miss HelenParker. Miss Piehon. Miss Radford, MissEugenic Root of New York. Miss OlgaRoosevelt. Miss Sands. Miss Sibley of De¬troit, Miss Marie Stevens, Aflss Stead,Miss Edith Sutherland. Miss Prescott.Miss Yandergrift. Miss Dorothy Williams,Miss Margaret Worthington. Miss Kath¬erine Weeks, Miss Frances Webster, Mr.J. C. Asp nwall, Cadet Aleshire, Mr. An¬drews, Mr. Britton Brown. Mr. JesseBrown. Mr. Arthur Brown. Mr. HughBoutell. Mr. Henry Blagden, Mr. BealeBloomer. Mr. Bartlett. Mr. SevellonBlown, Mr. David Barry, Mr. Carl But¬ler. Mr. Cady, Mr. Alexander Craig, Mr.Donald Craig. Mr. Calvert. Mr. Calhoun,Lieut. Randolph Coyle, Mr. Conard, Lieut.Chase. Mr. Calvo, Capt. Davis, Mr. Clar¬ence Davis, Mr. J. McG. Dickinson, jr..and his house guest, Mr. Price; Mr. Ar¬thur Dutton. Mr. William Finley. Mr.Robert Fleming, Mr. Arthur Ferguson,Mr. Fitzslmmons. Mr. Philip Goode, Mr.Gait, Maj. Horton, Cadet Holmer, Mr.Gouverneur Hoes, Mr. Paul Hoes. Mr.Arthur Hellen, Mr. Milton Harrison. Mr.Henpsche. Mr. Hubbard, Mr. Ray Howe,Cadet Hobbs, Mr. Harrison Irwin. Com¬mander Jewell. Capt. Johnston. Mr. JohnPaul Jones. Lieut. Pratt. Mr. Pousette ofthe Swedish legation. Mr. EdwardPeachy. Maj. Reynolds, Lieut. Rockwell,Mr. Brewster Reamey. Mr. Robert Rad¬ford. Mr. William Strong. Mr. RobertStead, Mr. Manning Stead, Mr. FrankKerroorfhan Scott, Mr. Robert Krogstad.Mr. J. Brooks I^add. Mr. L. Morris,Lieut. Magruder. Dr. Mitchell. Mr. Mat-thewson, Mr. Moore, Mr. Miley.' Capt.Newbold. Mr. Newbold Noyes, Mr. Doug¬las Thropp, Mr. Scott Thro|>p, Mr. TaylorThom, Mr. Charles D. Walcott, jr., andMr. Percival Waters.

Representative and Mrs. Boutell enter¬tained at dinner last night at their apart¬ment at the Highlands, when theip guestswere Miss Worthington, Miss Foster,Miss Edith Sutherland. Ml&s FrancesWebster, Miss Alice Boutell, Capt. John¬son. Lieut. Pratt, Lieut. Sultan, Mr.Brooks Ladd of Boston and Mr. HughBoutell. After the dinner the whole par¬ty went to the Pilling cotillon.

Mrs. James C. Welling, Miss Dixon andMiss Welling have returned to Washing-ton for the season and are occupyingtheir home, 1302 Connecticut avenue.

Mr. William C. WelHng (Yale, '00). nowat the Massachusetts Institute of Tech¬nology, is in Washington for the holi¬days.The Washington Wellesley Club annu¬

ally entertains all Wellesley visitors tothe city during the Christmas holidavs.This year the meeting will l»e held withthe president. Miss Spaulding, 2224 Nstreet, Friday, December 31, at 1:30o'clock.

Mrs. Josiah Edson of Chicago is visitingher mother, Mrs. W. A. Rider. 1424 Wstreet.

Mrs. L. W. Reilly and Miss Grace Reillyof 1234 Columbia road are spending sev¬eral weeks at Galen Hall, Atlantic City.N. J.

Mr. William T. Smith of this city andMiss Bessie McCarty of Richmond coun¬ty. Va., were married December 28 atCalvary Baptist Church by Rev. Dr.Greene. A reception followed at tho homeof the bride's sister, Mrs. M. H. Boxwell.1201 4tli street northwest. The diningroom was elaborately decorated and re¬freshments served. The couple will re¬side at 813 7th street southwest.

Mrs. Minnie A. White of Cockeysville,Md., is spending the holiday season withher aunt, Mrs. llattie E. Lovel of Gstreet.

Mrs. Samuel Gompers and Miss Gom-pers, 2122 1st street northwest, will re¬ceive New Year day after 4 o'clock p.m.

Mrs. Ludlow is giving a dance thisevening for Henry Chittenden, the eldestson of her daughter-in-law, Mrs. Fred¬erick Bugher, to which a company ofabout forty young people from fourteento sixteen years old have been asked.Tuesday Mrs. Ludlow gave an afternoonparty for her young grandson, MasterFrederick McLean Buglier, and had forher guests fourteen children from thehouseholds of the Brazilian ambassa¬dor and the Montgomery Blairs, Craw-fords. Horace Wylies, Peckhams, deSibours and Montgomerys.Mrs. Ludlow entertained at dinner last

evening in honor of Mrs. Buglier of NewYork, who will njturn to New York Jan¬uary 4. Anions: her guests were RearAdmiral and Mrs. Emory, the militaryattache of the French embassy andCountess de Chambrun. Lieut, and Mrs.I". S. Grant. 3d; Gen. and Mrs. Wil¬liam F. Draper. Col. and Mrs. Symonsand Gen. and Mrs. Fitzhugh.

Miss Gertrude Smith of I>a Crosse,Wis. who is attending the Pratt In¬stitute of Brooklyn. N. Y.. is the guestof her cousin, Miss Kathryn Dampier of120 W street northwest.

Miss Gertrude L. Parsons, daughter ofDr. and Mrs. Alfred V. Parsons of Ta-koma Park, D. C., gave a dance last nightin Takonia Hall in honor of her guest.Miss Eleanor H: Charles of Cumberland,Md. The hall was beautifully decoratedin holly and mistletoe, witli l>ow knots ofred ribbons. The chaperons were Mrs. L.Losekam, Mrs. A. V. Parsons. Mrs. Dun¬bar. Mrs. Thom, Mrs. B. S. Favorite, Mrs.George Curran. Mrs. W. L. F. King, Mrs.T. C. King and Mrs. James W. Dyre. Theevening was pleasantly spent and dancingcontinued until midnight. Among thosepresent were Miss Edith Curran, MissFlorence Markhatn. Miss Elizabeth Wat-kins, Miss Elizabeth Cady, Miss CressyDudley. Miss Mildred Hoge, Miss RuthCurtis, Miss Ruth Van Houten, Miss Ha¬zel Van Houten, Miss Edith Cowl. MissCharlene Brown. Miss Ma'ion Taylor,Miss Bet tie Thom. Miss Louise Cruitt.Miss Agnes Langley. Miss KatherineThom, Miss Maud Wagstaff, Mr. andMrs. George Curran. Mr. and Mrs. B. S.Favorite, Dr. and Mrs. A. V. Parsons.Mr. and Mrs. W. L. F. King, Mr. andMrs. T. C. King. Mr. and Mrs. James W.Dyre, Mr. Newberry, Mr. Hodgkin. Mr.Miller, Mr. Roseola. Dr. Dqniel Mattingly,Mr. James King, Mr. Lee Grabill, Mr.Barton, Mr. Wilson Knight, Mr. JohnCady, Mr. James Taylor. Mr. JosephCashell. Mr. Albert Terflinger, Mr. Mor¬timer Clark. Mr. Harry Bates, Mr. Mar¬tin Fisher. Mr. Frank Favorite, Mr. Ed¬win Parker. Mr. Nugent, Mr. Remmy andMr. George Miller.Refreshments were served during the

evening.Miss Ida M. Hayes entertained a few of

her friends at a heart party Tuesdayevening, December 28. when her guestswere Miss Mad'gan, the Misses Murpliy,the Misses Hoover. Mr. Monarch, Mr.Neil, Mr. Rondeau. Mr. Brady, Mr. Hur¬ley, Mr. Tobin. Mr. Flanagan and Dr.Crowley of New York. Christmas decora¬tions prevailed in the dining room.

The members of Mrs. Ellen S|»encerMussey Tent-, No. 1. Daughters of Vet¬erans, will be at home to their friends on

(Continued on Eighth Page.)

THE CHARXTT BALL.President Taft Has Consented to Be

Present.The President %J11 attend the charity

ball next Monday night at the New W'tl-lard. and will occupy a box during hi*stay. The patronesses of the 1m«U are:Barone«s Mayor des P'atu-hes, Baroness1 lengelmuller. Mme. Jiisserand. Mme. Na-buco. Countess van H«rnstor<T, HaronesaRosen, Senora dc Mejia. Mme de I^ger-crantz. Mtne. <1mlc, Mme. Ixnidon, Coun¬tess Moltke. Mme. Sannon, Senora dcJouhert, Mrs. Meyer. Mrs. Oliver. MissPatton, Mrs. Victor Kmiffmann. Mrs.Frank Xoyes, Mrs. Alexander Britton.Mrs. Isaac Mann, Mrs. Kdson Bradlev,Mrs. Weeks. Mrs. Brownson. Mrs. Mc-Gowan, Miss Kibbey. Mrs. Iteekman Win.tlirop, Mrs. Murray Cobb. Mrs. JohnStory, jr.. Mrs. Nicholas And* rson, Mrs.Wickersham. Mrs. Lars Anderson. Mrs.Audenried, Mrs. Beverldge, Mrs. Ruike-ley. Miss Cannon, Mrs. Clover. Mrs. Cosby,Mrs. Crowninshield. Mrs. Kno, Mrs. Fitz-hugh. Mrs. FahriesU:. k, Mrs. liale. Mrs.Johnston. Mrs. loiter, Mrs. NeWberry,Mrs. A. H. Legare. Mrs. John Hays Ham¬mond, Mrs. Merrill and Mrs. Boyd.Mr. John Story is the chairman of the

floor committee, and will be assisted byMr. Murray Cobb.

Mr. and Mrs. Ellas Richards of Lyn« h-burg have Issued invitations t< ;he mai-riage of their niece. Miss Harriet ChristianFrencl. of Wilmington. N. C., to VVIllianifcinglebert Victor, the event to take placeat their home in Lynchburg, Va., Janu¬ary 3.

DIED.BOYP. On Tuosday. December 28. 1901V ar

it:15 p.m.. GEORGE WASHINGTON BOYP.the liflDfpd husband of Mary I*. Boyd. Heleave* three George H.. Jr.. Oosin>>ami William 1'., and « boat of friend* tomourn hU loss.

Fun<T:il from Mt. Zlon M. K. Ctarrti, 2fl'hstreet liftwn-n Dumbarton avenuo and «?street, Friday. December 31, 2:3<> o'clockp.m.

All member* of I'otoiuao Union Ijodge. N«.W)2. (¦. I O. of O. K., are hereby notttted i»meet »t the liall at 1 |> in. to attend the funeralof Hr.ith.-i GEORGE W. BOYD, which will t.eheld at Ml. Zlon M. E. Church Friday. 2:30 p.m.Bv order of X. G.


Members of Widow's Sou Ixxlge. No. 7. F. A.A. M.. an' rnjucstiii to meet at the temple, cor¬ner 5th street and Virginia aveoue wnitheasl.Friday, December 31, at I o'clock p.m. for thapurpose of attending the funeral of BrotherGKORGF. W. BOVD. Br or.Wr of JOHN It-ASHTON. W. M. JOHN S. GKoltGE. Secretary.CHAPMAN. Suddonly. on Tuesday. December

2*. JANF WADK. widow of Rev. John1'. Chapman, in the eighty-seventh year ofher age.

Funeral nervier at the rcaidence of her son, 3323Wboonsln avenue, on Friday. Ifc-ccmber 31. at2:3«> p.m. Relatives and friends Invited. Intermetit private. (Newark, X. J., papersplease copy.)

CROSBY. On Thursday. December 30. 190P. at1:2«» a.m.. HANNAH EVERETT CROSBY,widow of Francis W. Crosby, In the eighty-sixth yar of her age.

Funeral fr.Kii chapel of J. W. Dee. 332 Pennsyl¬vania avenue northwest, on Friday. Poopni¬ter 31, at 2 o'clock p.m. Relative* andfriends are invited. Interment, private, atOak Hill cemetery.

Members of the Legion of Loyal Women willattend the funeral servi.-es of Mrs. HANNAH«'ROSBY. at Lee's undertaking establishment.Friday, I>eeeuiber 31. lt«0!», at 2 p.m., to holdour usual services.


EUTIIIORN. On Monday. December 20,lu New York city, JOHN HENRY KHR-HOKN. the beioved son of Henry and'Sarah Bbrborn (nee Oarteri, aged six years.

Internicut at German Lutheran cemetery, N. V.FRAWI.KY. Suddenly, on Thursday. December

:u>. HMD. nt II a.m.. at the residence ofhis sister, Mrs. J. F. l*o*-ney. 32*1 G etreeisouthwest, STEPHEN II. PILAWLEY. he-loved son of the late John and Ann Frawlej.

Notice of funeral hereafter.

HUNT. On Thursday. De<-erober 30. I!HW. at2:30 a.m.. CATHERINE A., widow of GeorpeN. Hnnt.

Funeral from her late residence, J02 4th afreetsoutheast. Saturday. January 1. 191»». at 2p.m. Interment, private, iu Clenwood crme¬ter)". 2

LIXGEBACH. t»n Tuesday. December 28. 1#<K».at 5 p.m., MARY ANS.TB L1NGEBACH <nee«'arpenter'. l«e|oved wife of <""harles B. Ling*bacu. aged forty-nine yean and nine months.

Tunoral fn>m her lato residence. 3121 lltb streetnorthweet. nn Friday, Decemlwr 31, at 5> a.m.Requietu innss at Church of the Sacred Heartat 9:30 a.m. Relatives and frleods invited.Interment at Mount Olivet cemetery.

MATTHEWS. Suddenly, on December 28. lfHW,Mrs. JENNIE, wife of Harry Matthews.

Funeral from residence of her brother. X37 Dstreet southwest, Friday at 2 p.m. Friendsinvited.

PAYNE. On Tuesday. December 28, 1009. at4:20 p.m.. at his residence. 2112 Maaaacnu-setts aveuue northwest, JAMES G. PAYNE,in his seventy-seventh year.

Funeral fr<>in St. Jobn'a Church on Thursday,December 30, at 2 p.m.

SIMPSON. On Wednesday. December 2». lft" «> p.m., at HM3 17th street, Anacottia.MARY M. SIMPSON, widow of Thomas K.Simpson, in the sixtieth year of her age.

Funeral from Garden Memorial I'n-shyteriaHrhurch. Friday, December 31. 2 o'clock p.m.Interment at Congressional cemetcry.

In Memori&m.DAVIS. In sad and loving remembrance «f

iuv dear husband, JOHN W. DA\ IS, whodeparted this life December 3o. Itt07.


GIBSON. In "sad but loving remembrance ofour father. WILLIAM GIBSON, who died tworear* ago today. December 30. li^". and ofour mother. MARGARET A. GIBSON, whodied January 2C. 190S.

Gone, bat not forgotten.BY THEIR CHILDREN.

LANGLEY. In sn.l but loving remembran.eof our Joar wife and mother. ROSE J .

l.ANtrLEY. wh.- died one year agi today.December 30, 11108.

The last farewell was spoken one year agi>today.

Our family olrele broken when our loved one* WJ4 V.

Oh. the uiemory "of that evening, as we walledwith aching hearts.

Seeing the «c loved so dear pierceu oydeath's most cruel dart.

Farewell, dear mitb'r. is tbr solemn w>rdWhich thrills through every heart;

But. oh. It is the will of GodThat dearest ones mnst pari.


SHEPHERD. In loving remembrance of myl>eloved huslwnd and <>ur dear father. JOH^A. SHEPHERD, nho died eight years as-todav, I»eeember 3<\ I9"l.



406 H at. n.e. Modern chapel. Phone Lln<x)ln 524.

GKORGF. P. ZCBHORST.Undertaker and Embalmer.

Fnneral Parlors. 301 East Capitol at.Telephone I.lncoln 372.

J. T. CLEMENTS,1241-43 WISCONSIN AVE. N.W. (Georgetown).Telephone West 804. Washington. D. C.


Modern chapel. Telephone call North 520.


Phone M. 537.

J. WILLIAM LKK. Funeial Directorand Embalmer. Livery In connection. Comma-dlona chapel and modern crematorium. Modestprlcea. 332 Pa. ave. n.w. Telephone call 1385.


132B 14TH ST. N.W. Telephone North 281.

Joseph F. Birch's Sons,3034 m st. n.w. rv>^orw^ra."-

A. G. FREY,FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND BMBLAMEB.1830 14th at. n.w. Telephone North Uttfe.


940 F Street N.W.WASHINGTON. D. C.

Phones ^lainFrank A. Spearc, Mgr.FUNERAL DXSTOVST

Funeral Dealgna. Funeral DeslgAs.

Geo. C. Shaffer.Beantlfol floral designs very reasonable la wrlot.Phooa 241ft Main. 14th and Bye ata. «.w.

Superb Clusters, $j.Worth $5Blsck 1stone's Floral Designs pnsasau r*stbeauty. Freak and fragrant flowers Mad.

Blackistone's,Je25-7« _«