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Page 1: Brosura engleza 10.05.2018 - engleza 10.05.2018.pdf · Microsoft Word - Brosura engleza 10.05.2018.docx Author: Iuliana STOICA Created Date:
Page 2: Brosura engleza 10.05.2018 - engleza 10.05.2018.pdf · Microsoft Word - Brosura engleza 10.05.2018.docx Author: Iuliana STOICA Created Date:


0900- 1330 Morning Session

0900 – 930

Opening of the Conference Michael Stanciu – President, ARIC Laurentiu Plosceanu – President, ARACO Eugen Teodorovici – Minister of Finance (to be confirmed) Narcis Neaga – General Director CNAIR (to be confirmed)

0930 – 1000

Romania’s Infrastructure – a Problem that crosses political parties boundaries Cătălin Drulă – Member of the Parliament Marius Bodea – Member of the Parliament Sorin Bota – Member of the Parliament

1020 – 1050

FIEC (European Construction Industry Federation) and EFCA (European Federation of Engineering Consultancy Associations) Positions Ulrich Paetzold – General Director, FIEC Jan van der Putten – Secretary General, EFCA

1020 – 1050

Problems and Solutions – Lack of Preparation of Projects - a strategic problem Michael Stanciu – President, ARIC Carlos Galvez – General Director, Acciona Ingenieria Nadia Badea – World Bank

1050 – 1100 Questions and Answers

1100 – 1120 Coffee Break

1120 – 1150

The Role of the General Contractor in the Implementation of Infrastructure Projects Doru Bârsan – Regional Director, Geiger Transilvania

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1150 – 1210 How can the Rate of Absorption of EU Funds be improved? Ionuţ Micu – Deputy Director MA LIOP Ministry of European Funds

1210 – 1240

Client = Designer – Beneficiary – Consultant – Contractor Valentin Stoica – Vice-President, ARACO Florin Niculescu – FIDIC Adjudicator

1240 – 1320

Form FIDIC Contracts to National Contracts Diana Antofie – Vice-President, ARIC Alexis Gressier - European Investement Bank

1320 – 1330 Questions and Answers

1330 – 1430 Lunch Break

1430 - 1715 Afternoon Session

1430 – 1500

Major Problems and Solutions in the Development of Road, Railway and Metro Infrastructure Projects Gheorghe Udrişte – President, Metroul SA (to be confirmed)

1500 – 1530

The Role of the Consultant in the Implementation of Projects Dinu Popescu – Secretary General, ARIC

1530 – 1550 Coffee Break

1550 – 1620

PPP – a Necessity! Loukas Panos – Project Director, Vinci Concessions S.A.S. Daniel Moreanu – Lawyer, Moreanu Law

1620 – 1650

Problems in urban infrastructure in the context of real estate developments Sorin Dumitraşcu – Technical Director, Atenor Group

1650 – 1700 Questions and Answers

1700 - 1715 Conclusions. Closing Speech

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Fiscal code

Registration no:

Bank account


Phone no.



The payment of the registration fee (150 euro or 105 euro respectively for ARIC and ARACO members) will

be made in advance at the official rate of the day using one of the following bank accounts:

Asociatia Romana a Inginerilor Consultanti:

RO43 INGB 0001 0082 1587 8910 - opened at ING Bank sucursala Metropolis:

ARIC Fiscal code: 12885852

Asociatia Romana a Antreprenorilor in Constructii: RO 07 BRDE 410 SV 20973014100 – opened at BRD Sucursala Academiei ARACO Fiscal code: 5249631

Confirmation of participation is made after the receiving of the payment. For all amounts ARIC or ARACO will issue an invoice.

Cancellation can be made at least 15 days before the date of the Conference. After this date, the

participation fee will not be refunded. Substitution of a participant with another person within the

same company can be made no later than 2 days before the date of the Conference.

Please fill this form and send it to one of the following contact data till June 5, 2018:

ARIC ARACO Bd. Iancu de Hunedoara, 48, Crystal Tower, et. 13

sector 1, Bucureşti, Fax: 021 222 03 82

E-mail: [email protected]

Str. Alexandru Papiu Ilarian, nr, 17, et. 2 Sector 3 Bucuresti Fax: 021 312 96 26

E-mail: [email protected]