brownell ~ • ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ gets~ ~ ~ '{o ~ 3• •• year•• ~ •...

,.._------------- .. , $2.00 A YEAR WILL BRING THE PAPER EVERY WEEK BY MAIL r $2.00 A YEAR WILL BRINGl THE PAPI:R EVERY WEEK BY MAIL I I J Nurses Home Congratulations By MatI $200 per year There s a new ar!lval at the home of Dr 5 M Brownell superintend. ent of schools HIS name IS RICh~ ard MIller aud, when he armed lw wh!!tlnA...ns~~}-/.m..~}i.olVt<;.;S"11 ., Mrs Brownell 1S reportea dotnR' nIcely Richard 15 their first child A new home for nurse! at tl'e Cottage Hospital the gIft of Mn John S ~e'\\-berry was to be opened thIS week It IS on RIdge road be tween LewI;:)ton and Oak streets and has accommodatlOns for 30 hQS pltal atta.cl1es beSIQeS attendants The equtpment and furmsh111gs were donated by Mrs Emo~y L Ford The nurses at present, are USIng the old hospItal bUlldmg on Oak street for thelr ltvlng quarters, f Chapter of National Honor Society Asked for ~t High School Officer~ of the National Honor 50 clcty for HIgh ~chools have been as1{ed by Jerome Burtt pnncIpal of th(" Grosi>e POinte HIgh School to mstall a chapter tn the local school A three year contract provldll1g :for a total salary mcrease ot $2000;:: ca~ before the -contract exp~res was ten dered to Dr S M Brownell superm tcndent of schools at the regular meet mg of the board of educatlOn last Mon day mght The resolutlOn dlrectlng t~e contra-ct be offered to Dr Brownell was drawn up and presented to the board by President Fred Sutter Those who -supported Sutter's resolu tlon were John R Watkms, Charles A Parcells and Charles Poupard The !trongest support for the resolution came from the bloc compnsed of Wat klns Sutter and Parcells Poupard voted 111 favor of It when It seemed certaIn of passage no matter whH:h way hIS vote was cast and only after he opposed lts passaogc during the dISCUS SlOn Valentine's Dance Under the dIrectIon bt MISS Florence Mason who IS acting as -chairman a group of young people of 5t Paul ~ Pansh are bUSIly engaged In arrallgll1g for a St Valent me s Dance to be held III the Parish Audltonum at 126 Gro&><. POlllte Boulevard on FrIday FebruarY 14 from 9 00 to 12 00 p m DecoratIOns and features WIll be 111 keepIng \\Ith the spmt of the occa"IO 1 and Lon 0 Connor s peppy orche~tTa ,,,111 furnIsh the musIc A door pnzC' WIll be gl-.,.en to the holder of the luck) number Asslstmg MISS Mason are the fo 10wmg Ray Huetteman Madel ne Adams L 0 Connor Agnes LaBelle Pauhne Paye Luella Godfrey Al 11- Beaupre, Neil McEachin, Jerome Van Becelare N P ~eff The publtc 1S '9ordIal1y InVIted. and admIssl0n IS SOc Julius L Berns was the only one to offer vIgorous oppOSition to the meas t.. .. c and the only one to vote aga ns~ It He objected to the terms of the contract partIcularly 'because 1t was of fered on a three year, rather than a shorter baSIS Dr Brownell now draws a salary of $6000 a year HIS present contract ex pires July 1 The new contract pro vIdes a salary mcrellse -of $1 000 for the first year an additIonal $500 durtng the second and the final raise to $8 000 an nually for the third year (Contmued on Page Two) To Sell Kerby School Roadway Is Proposed Over Fox Creek in Anti-Flood Project Fred \{ Sutter presldent of the board of educatIOn has been named a commIttee of one to meet With counCil men of Grosse Pomte Farms to fix a valuatIOn for the Kerby school bUlldmg and Dlot The Farms CounCil IS anxIOUS to purchase the property as the sIte of a new mUniCIpal hall but to date has not been able to come to terms with the board of educatlOll a~ to the pur chase pnce Mr Sutter s appomtment ,\as made 111 the hope of effectmg a concilIation Ice Boat Races The first Ice boating regatta of the season at the Grosse Pomte Yacht Club scheduled for last Sun day was postponed untItl next Sun- day because of soft Ice The races WIll start at noon 'W1J.en Class A yachts \\111 VIe for pomts on the Grosse POll1te Yacht Club Trophy Class R boats WIll compete for mer c~andlse prizes as WIll the Rand B boats The races are to be under the auspices of the Lake 5t Clw Ice Yacht111g ASSOCIatIOn Russell Alger's Will Probated; Son and Daughters Legatees Return to California -".,... Last day fQr filtllf for the vanous offices of Grosse ~oltlte TownshIp WIll be Wednesda), Feb 12 The TownshIp Board w1.H hold a spe-cl:,d meetmg that nIght at the Township Hall to gIve the canllldates who vdsh to file an opportunity to do so , Remodeled and redecorated to bring It Up to the highest standards of theaters, the "Aloma," the former Grone POIntePark theater at Waybum and CharleVOIXavenues, ushers In a new ero In. the amusement CirclesIn Grosae POInte Park Upder the capable management of Albert Heuser and pledged to a polIcy of latest film stories, the "Aloma," eqUipped WIth the latest sound and talkInJ deVIcespromises the opportumty of many enJoyable evenIngs to r.'ldenb In the Park and the Gro.5e POinte district as a whole, ~dr It IS they who have made po.slble the 1m.. prQTemeutJ .nc1 m'OdemlZ&tloll of tho theater by theU' loyal patron.,e In the Put. ...... ~ ......... .-..r ..-..ta:J.J.,.. Mr and lIrs Frank Vol Hubbard of Jrosse Pomte have returned to Pasa lena Calif where they are to spend he wmter at the HuntIngton Hotel They arnved on the day of the for lal openmg of the hotel January 23 ,he 1 a dmner entertarnment and ball .wn-ched the SOCial season Hotels 111thIS popular southern Call orma resort cIty report an 1l1crease m he number of WInter VISItors as com ared wlth thIS t me last year the stock I arket dlop apparently not affectlUg hose who regularly Wll1ter hele I\, a" at Gala Re-opening this week GROS"L POINTL MICHIGAN, THURSDAY rFBRUARY 6 1930 , velopment Co The mte-nor of hIS home was -destroyed An 1OVJeshgatlOn by J T Bnsson chIef of the VIllage fire department has caused hIm to beheve the fire was caused eIther by rubbIsh piled 1U a coal bm from spontaneous combustton or from llghted clgaret butts that had been dropped mto a box near the bin (Contmued on Page Two) Damage whIch It IS estimated WIll reach a total of $100 000 was caused by a fire whIch last Fnday mght swept a terrace apartment bUlldmg at 321 339 Rivard boulevard j Grosse Pomte VIll age The fire started 1U the basement of the apartment occupied by Harry W Gnfflth, 329 RIvard boulevard treas. urer of the BrIggs CommercIal & De Medical Men in Club '1800 ~ttend Annl;lal Gabriel Rich~)'d School MedIcal men -w-It-h offices In the ChIropractors Dance Two W~}lks Behind Grosse Pomte TownshIp dlstrlct re ------- --- Th" w 11of the late Rus~el A Alger More than 1800 patlents and fnends d L fG P t fil d P bt tl f d 1 h 1b d Ba weaher has r.used a two weeks 0 ro%c om e was e 1n ro a e cen y onlle a unc eon -c u an of chIropractors attended the second "1:\< elected Dr B A Warren presIdent delay m the constrt1ctton schedule of Court thlC; week It rcev1led hat Mr annual ChIropractors' Ball at the new Al 1 f <h b I' fh h The club meets once a month 10 the the new Gabriel R'I>ohard School ac ger et l' e u l\. 0 1<; estate to 1') Vamty Ball Room East Jefferson at If R 11A J dt d ht Nelghborhood club house It has a son uss\"' r a 1 wa aug ers, Newport January 30th The dance cordmg to a -contra:c;~6rS '1"eport at the beSIdes provldll1g a bequest of $5 000 to membersh1p of 15 b h f 11 d f \ was gIven yte 0' OWlOg octors 0 last meetmg of the;~Board of Educa. the DetrOlt Newsboy,; ASSOCIatIOn The doctors are unanimously In favor chiropractIc C A Carlson R A f h C G h 1 tlon Slxteen days ,were lost due to The two homes 11 the Gros<;e Pomte o opemng te ottage rove OSPltd Denfield J B Tunney N r Gal ' on Oak Street They feel WIth the the mc1ement weather Some of thIS dIstrIct one 10 Grosse POll1te }arms A project lnvolvmg '$1138000 for lagher, C h Mangas G 0 Gunder i and the other the bUilding known as flood protect on at ['ox Creek and contmuous growth of Grosse Pomte son G E Varsey JJ McCloskey I time may be made p With the return 'T'h M I ft t th h II d h h h 1 .l, e ! oormg<; were e 0 e W lch WI tie In WIth the present '\\-ork we nee t e ot er osplta E Caron a D BrQwnell E L Nolan of favorable- weat~lr the board was I (Continued on Page Three) bemg d)ne on the Black '1arsh DItch If r McCorkle A C Berry 1: F mformed The m;mber.$ expressed project In Grosse POinte has been pre Nickerson Is Manager Roehlke r: A Lehr J L Eugstrom themselves as pot pemg In favor of 1M. E. Church Club sented to the DetrOlt CounCIl -- A Curne L W LoomiS ho1dlOg the c:pntr<\qt~ to a schedule The project has been approved by J R NIckerson IS the new proprIetor ------- that borders on the't>~nr-e2$ooable ~nd to Sponsor Play the CIty Plan CommiSSIon FIve alter. of the Leon01nlcal PJu/1>bmg and Heat T~ac;:hPiano in Schools_ oue whI<h IWght b~ dlSrupted by bad nate Sijgg.,tIom beSIdes the one ap ~A:o.:mnan~_l' 4llZUtt -Kel' a.*~~ ~"" _ ....-'_ "'-_"'.... w~~thet:. _ ." \... "'~1I~ The Woman less Wedd111g 1 spen proved by the commISSIOn were pre cheval avenue Grosse P01pte VIllage It Plano lessons are to be .lva la~e at - ~ fr "'- sQrecfby the mTh"'s c1tIi:t'Ur1he!\.-~ rSe1tttcI-'~O'St:.-rr-rotrre"""'('a'Ttl1tttg .. was announced early thiS week The the Grosse POInte schools as t1Je result Gas Escapes from Sewer son avenue MethodIst Episeopal church hIgh as $2 900 000 company under Its new management of a declsion made at the board of edu \ WIll 'be presented In the audltorlum of Under engmeermg studIes submItted has adopted tlle motto No Job Too I catlon meetmg thiS week Dr S M Perils 22 Men Working the PIllar Recreatlon 14525 Kercheval by John Vv Reid commISSIoner of I argl.' or Too Small The phone num I Brownell supenntendent of schools avenue rebruary 20 and 21 Raymond publlc works all the property on the ber of the plumbl11g office IS !\lagara proposed a plan to enable 1l1structlOn Twenty two men at work In a c;cwer [A fox 1S general chairman west bank of the neek wou1d be con 1020 0 be had at an exceptIO la1Jy low rate a t~e LIght M Ie road and Je'ferson ----___ dp nned and a dke e ected equal m and hIS plan was accepted by the board avenue GrosS'e Pomte Shores were In Insurance Counsel Now he ght to the concrete '\'vall now pro Punch and Judy Theater Students must take the lessons after danger of death last Thursday when tectmg the east bank school hours OutSide mstructors WIll one of them dIsconnected a gas hne At the last meetmg of the board of from an engmeermg standpOint the gIve the lessons under the dIrection of and was unable to find the cutoff Otto educatIOn PreSIdent Fred M Sutter plan approved wll1 permIt of the creek the school system s mUSiC department Guanno 23 of 64 vVlggms avenue was ref'ommended to the trustees a plan to channel bemg enclosed later on If de ov~"come and was resusclated by a obtam an Insurance -cQunsel who for ~Ired and a roadway bUIlt over It ReId r~scu-e squad from the DetrOIt City Gas d said ThiS IS SImIlar to the manner m a certalO fee wOl1ld adVIse the boar at Co I ater he was treated at ReceiVing bl whIch Black Marsh DItch now IS belOg all ttmes on theIr msurance pro ems HospItal covered over 1U the Grosse Pomte sec. tIon The Punch and Judy Theater Ker cheval and Fisher Road Grosse Pomte ['arms "A11lchange ItS pIctures three Lochmoor Registers Vol 4-No 10 VILLAGERS FLEE Park Theater Made Modern at Cost of $40,000; Talkies Now Registration of all Qualtfied cIec tors of the Village of Lochmoor who have not reglstered WIll take place Tuesday, February 18th at Loch- troor mUnIcipal bylldmg m prepar atIOn for the annual electIOn to be held March 10 The Board of Reg ,lstrahol1 WIll be J-llseSSIOn from 8 00 am jp 8 00 'P ,m February 18 to I -eft-ect the reg~stratlOns Up to that date)'Ithe 'VIlla~e"Clerk} "~<I,., T~ <Allar<!).~",'lLrel\lalltt-alJ:': Quabfled e"!clotS 100,000 FIRE ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ '{o ~ •• •• ~ '{o '{o A ~ •• ••• '{o '{o Brownell Gets 3 Year Contract with Sharp Salary Increase from ,Board; Berns Protests '{o '{o '{o '{o '{o '{o ~ .* * * * * * 'to '{o If 'io '{o '{o '{o '{o '{o '{o '{o '{o 'to '{o '{o '{o '{o '{o '{o Aloma Theatre H~s Gala Re-opening -- , ----- TERRACE IN VILLAGE SCENE OF f WINNERS OF GIGANTIC SKATING Sutter Made Terms MIDNIGHT FIRE; FIREMAN HURT Notice to Clindidates MEET AT LOCAL RINK ANNOUNCED As Post Is Not a for Town&lUpOffices "Political Football" The '\elhborhood Club skatIng rmk ter Leo Teetaert I<red Baker Joseph was the scene of much actIvIty last H Pnmeau Eugene Hoelxle and of Sunday afternoon and evenmg when ficlals were Referee George El worthy Starter Raymond Kauhtz one of the most successful skatll1g meets T mer Nel! Blondell Clerk of Course ever held In Grosse Pomte took place II \f Anderson Announcer hap The general COml11lttee consIsted of R DesRocher Judge at FInIsh \V A P Connor f.; P 1\,eff Chester Carp en !\eff Inspector Bert ThIbault ChIef of Pollce \V m WeIgand FIre Mar shall Joseph Bnsson Wll10ers of the events ,\ ere as fol lows Afternoon Program GIrls under 12 >ears (01 e lap)- (Contmued on Pag" 1 \\0) A gala op~nIn~ for the Aloma Thea- ter, Waylburn and CharlevOIX avenues formerly known as the Grosse Pomte Park Theater, was held tillS week More than $4Q 000 was spent In Te modelhng the house among the new eqUIpment mstatled bemg complete sound apparatus for the presentation of sound and talking motion pIcture$ The Intef/IOr of the audItOrium has been done over In a Spamsh mohf and from the extenor now hangs a huge electrIC sIgn spelling' out the name j Aloma' for all to see r The sound eqUIpment IS \Vestern :Clectnc, one of the pIoneers In the de velopment of talkmg pIctures and 1 the best and most modern of It~ type The InstallatIOn oi thIS eqUIpment wJ11 allow the management to present all of the newest and greatest films exactly as they are presented In the do\\ntm .... n deluxe houses (Lontmued on Page Three) l. I 1 I

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,.._------------- ..,$2.00 A YEAR WILL BRINGTHE PAPER EVERY WEEK





Nurses Home


By MatI $200 per year

There s a new ar!lval at the homeof Dr 5 M Brownell superintend.ent of schools HIS name IS RICh~ard MIller aud, when he armed lwwh!!tlnA...ns~~}-/.m..~}i.olVt<;.;S"11 .,

Mrs Brownell 1S reportea dotnR'nIcely Richard 15 their first child

A new home for nurse! at tl'eCottage Hospital the gIft of MnJohn S ~e'\\-berry was to be openedthIS week It IS on RIdge road between LewI;:)ton and Oak streetsand has accommodatlOns for 30 hQSpltal atta.cl1es beSIQeS attendantsThe equtpment and furmsh111gs weredonated by Mrs Emo~y L FordThe nurses at present, are USIng theold hospItal bUlldmg on Oak streetfor thelr ltvlng quarters,


Chapter of NationalHonor Society Asked

for ~t High SchoolOfficer~ of the National Honor 50

clcty for HIgh ~chools have been as1{edby Jerome Burtt pnncIpal of th("Grosi>e POinte HIgh School to mstalla chapter tn the local school

A three year contract provldll1g :fora total salary mcrease ot $2000;:: ca~before the -contract exp~res was tendered to Dr S M Brownell supermtcndent of schools at the regular meetmg of the board of educatlOn last Monday mght

The resolutlOn dlrectlng t~e contra-ctbe offered to Dr Brownell was drawnup and presented to the board byPresident Fred Sutter

Those who -supported Sutter's resolutlon were John R Watkms, CharlesA Parcells and Charles Poupard The!trongest support for the resolutioncame from the bloc compnsed of Watklns Sutter and Parcells Poupardvoted 111 favor of It when It seemedcertaIn of passage no matter whH:h wayhIS vote was cast and only after heopposed lts passaogc during the dISCUSSlOn

Valentine's DanceUnder the dIrectIon bt MISS Florence

Mason who IS acting as -chairman agroup of young people of 5t Paul ~Pansh are bUSIly engaged In arrallgll1gfor a St Valent me s Dance to be heldIII the Parish Audltonum at 126 Gro&><.POlllte Boulevard on FrIday FebruarY14 from 9 00 to 12 00 p m

DecoratIOns and features WIll be 111

keepIng \\Ith the spmt of the occa"IO 1

and Lon 0 Connor s peppy orche~tTa,,,111 furnIsh the musIc A door pnzC'WIll be gl-.,.en to the holder of the luck)number

Asslstmg MISS Mason are the fo10wmg Ray Huetteman Madel neAdams L 0 Connor Agnes LaBellePauhne Paye Luella Godfrey Al 11-

Beaupre, Neil McEachin, Jerome VanBecelare N P ~eff

The publtc 1S '9ordIal1y InVIted. andadmIssl0n IS SOc

Julius L Berns was the only one tooffer vIgorous oppOSition to the meast.. .. c and the only one to vote aga ns~It He objected to the terms of thecontract partIcularly 'because 1t was offered on a three year, rather than ashorter baSIS

Dr Brownell now draws a salary of$6000 a year HIS present contract expires July 1 The new contract provIdes a salary mcrellse -of $1 000 for thefirst year an additIonal $500 durtng thesecond and the final raise to $8 000 annually for the third year

(Contmued on Page Two)To Sell Kerby School

Roadway Is ProposedOver Fox Creek in

Anti-Flood Project

Fred \{ Sutter presldent of theboard of educatIOn has been named acommIttee of one to meet With counCilmen of Grosse Pomte Farms to fix avaluatIOn for the Kerby school bUlldmgand Dlot The Farms CounCil IS anxIOUSto purchase the property as the sIte ofa new mUniCIpal hall but to date hasnot been able to come to terms withthe board of educatlOll a~ to the purchase pnce M r Sutter s appomtment,\as made 111 the hope of effectmg aconcilIation

Ice Boat RacesThe first Ice boating regatta of

the season at the Grosse PomteYacht Club scheduled for last Sunday was postponed untItl next Sun-day because of soft Ice The racesWIll start at noon 'W1J.en Class Ayachts \\111 VIe for pomts on theGrosse POll1te Yacht Club TrophyClass R boats WIll compete for merc~andlse prizes as WIll the Rand Bboats The races are to be underthe auspices of the Lake 5t ClwIce Yacht111g ASSOCIatIOn

Russell Alger's WillProbated; Son and

Daughters Legatees

Return to California


Last day fQr filtllf for the vanousoffices of Grosse ~oltlte TownshIpWIll be Wednesda), Feb 12 TheTownshIp Board w1.H hold a spe-cl:,dmeetmg that nIght at the TownshipHall to gIve the canllldates who vdshto file an opportunity to do so,

Remodeled and redecorated to bring It Up to the highest standards of theaters, the "Aloma," the former GronePOInte Park theater at Waybum and CharleVOIXavenues, ushers In a new ero In. the amusement Circles In GrosaePOInte Park Upder the capable management of Albert Heuser and pledged to a polIcy of latest film stories, the"Aloma," eqUipped WIth the latest sound and talkInJ deVIcespromises the opportumty of many enJoyable evenIngsto r.'ldenb In the Park and the Gro.5e POinte district as a whole, ~dr It IS they who have made po.slble the 1m..prQTemeutJ .nc1 m'OdemlZ&tloll of tho theater by theU' loyal patron.,e In the Put. ...... ~..........-..r ..-..ta:J.J.,..

Mr and lIrs Frank Vol Hubbard ofJrosse Pomte have returned to Pasalena Calif where they are to spendhe wmter at the HuntIngton HotelThey arnved on the day of the for

lal openmg of the hotel January 23,he 1 a dmner entertarnment and ball.wn-ched the SOCial season

Hotels 111thIS popular southern Callorma resort cIty report an 1l1crease mhe number of WInter VISItors as comared wlth thIS t me last year the stockI arket dlop apparently not affectlUghose who regularly Wll1ter hele I \,

a" at Gala Re-opening this week



velopment Co The mte-nor of hIShome was -destroyed

An 1OVJeshgatlOn by J T BnssonchIef of the VIllage fire department hascaused hIm to beheve the fire wascaused eIther by rubbIsh piled 1U a coalbm from spontaneous combustton orfrom llghted clgaret butts that hadbeen dropped mto a box near the bin

(Contmued on Page Two)

Damage whIch It IS estimated WIllreach a total of $100 000 was caused bya fire whIch last Fnday mght swept aterrace apartment bUlldmg at 321 339Rivard boulevardj Grosse Pomte VIllage

The fire started 1U the basement ofthe apartment occupied by Harry WGnfflth, 329 RIvard boulevard treas.urer of the BrIggs CommercIal & De

Medical Men in Club '1800 ~ttend Annl;lal Gabriel Rich~)'d SchoolMedIcal men -w-It-h offices In the ChIropractors Dance Two W~}lks Behind

Grosse Pomte TownshIp dlstrlct re ------- --- Th" w 11of the late Rus~el A AlgerMore than 1800 patlents and fnends d L f G P t fil d P b ttl f d 1 h 1 b d Ba weaher has r.used a two weeks 0 ro%c om e was e 1n ro a ecen y onlle a unc eon -c u an of chIropractors attended the second "1:\<

elected Dr B A Warren presIdent delay m the constrt1ctton schedule of Court thlC; week It rcev1led hat Mrannual ChIropractors' Ball at the new Al 1 f <h b I' f h h

The club meets once a month 10 the the new Gabriel R'I>ohard School ac ger e t l' e u l\. 0 1<; estate to 1')Vamty Ball Room East Jefferson at If R 11A J d t d htNelghborhood club house It has a son uss\"' r a 1 wa aug ers,Newport January 30th The dance cordmg to a -contra:c;~6rS '1"eport at the beSIdes provldll1g a bequest of $5 000 to

membersh1p of 15 b h f 11 d f \was gIven y t e 0' OWlOg octors 0 last meetmg of the;~Board of Educa. the DetrOlt Newsboy,; ASSOCIatIOn

The doctors are unanimously In favor chiropractIc C A Carlson R Af h C G h 1 tlon Slxteen days ,were lost due to The two homes 11 the Gros<;e Pomteo opemng t e ottage rove OSPltd Denfield J B Tunney N r Gal '

on Oak Street They feel WIth the the mc1ement weather Some of thIS dIstrIct one 10 Grosse POll1te }arms A project lnvolvmg '$1138000 forlagher, C h Mangas G 0 Gunder i and the other the bUilding known as flood protect on at ['ox Creek and

contmuous growth of Grosse Pomte son G E Varsey J J McCloskey I time may be made p With the return 'T'h M I ft t th h IId h h h 1 .l, e ! oormg<; were e 0 e W lch WI tie In WIth the present '\\-ork

we nee t e ot er osplta E Caron a D BrQwnell E L Nolan of favorable- weat~lr the board was I (Continued on Page Three) bemg d)ne on the Black '1arsh DItchIf r McCorkle A C Berry 1: F mformed The m;mber.$ expressed project In Grosse POinte has been pre

Nickerson Is Manager Roehlke r: A Lehr J L Eugstrom themselves as pot pemg In favor of 1M. E. Church Club sented to the DetrOlt CounCIl-- A Curne L W LoomiS ho1dlOg the c:pntr<\qt~ to a schedule The project has been approved by

J R NIckerson IS the new proprIetor ------- that borders on the't>~nr-e2$ooable ~nd to Sponsor Play the CIty Plan CommiSSIon FIve alter.of the Leon01nlcal PJu/1>bmg and Heat T~ac;:hPiano in Schools_ oue whI<h IWght b~ dlSrupted by bad nate Sijgg.,tIom beSIdes the one ap~A:o.:mnan~_l' -Kel' a.*~~ ~"" _ ....-'_ "'-_"'.... w~~thet:. _ ." \... "'~1I~ The Woman less Wedd111g1 spen proved by the commISSIOn were precheval avenue Grosse P01pte VIllage It Plano lessons are to be .lva la~e at - ~ fr "'- sQrecfby the mTh"'s c1tIi:t'Ur1he!\.-~ rSe1tttcI-'~O'St:.-rr-rotrre"""'('a'Ttl1tttg ..

was announced early thiS week The the Grosse POInte schools as t1Je result Gas Escapes from Sewer son avenue MethodIst Episeopal church hIgh as $2 900 000company under Its new management of a declsion made at the board of edu \ WIll 'be presented In the audltorlum of Under engmeermg studIes submIttedhas adopted tlle motto No Job Too I catlon meetmg thiS week Dr S M Perils 22 Men Working the PIllar Recreatlon 14525 Kercheval by John Vv Reid commISSIoner ofI argl.' or Too Small The phone num I Brownell supenntendent of schools avenue rebruary 20 and 21 Raymond publlc works all the property on theber of the plumbl11g office IS !\lagara proposed a plan to enable 1l1structlOn Twenty two men at work In a c;cwer [A fox 1S general chairman west bank of the neek wou1d be con1020 0 be had at an exceptIO la1Jy low rate a t~e LIght M Ie road and Je'ferson ----___ dp nned and a d ke e ected equal m

and hIS plan was accepted by the board avenue GrosS'e Pomte Shores were In Insurance Counsel Now he ght to the concrete '\'vall now proPunch and Judy Theater Students must take the lessons after danger of death last Thursday when tectmg the east bank

school hours OutSide mstructors WIll one of them dIsconnected a gas hne At the last meetmg of the board of from an engmeermg standpOint thegIve the lessons under the dIrection of and was unable to find the cutoff Otto educatIOn PreSIdent Fred M Sutter plan approved wll1 permIt of the creekthe school system s mUSiC department Guanno 23 of 64 vVlggms avenue was ref'ommended to the trustees a plan to channel bemg enclosed later on If de

ov~"come and was resusclated by a obtam an Insurance -cQunsel who for ~Ired and a roadway bUIlt over It ReIdr~scu-e squad from the DetrOIt City Gas d said ThiS IS SImIlar to the manner ma certalO fee wOl1ld adVIse the boar atCo I ater he was treated at ReceiVing bl whIch Black Marsh DItch now IS belOgall ttmes on theIr msurance pro emsHospItal covered over 1U the Grosse Pomte sec.


The Punch and Judy Theater Kercheval and Fisher Road Grosse Pomte['arms "A11lchange ItS pIctures three

Lochmoor Registers

Vol 4-No 10


Park Theater MadeModern at Cost of$40,000; Talkies Now

Registration of all Qualtfied cIectors of the Village of Lochmoor whohave not reglstered WIll take placeTuesday, February 18th at Loch-troor mUnIcipal bylldmg m preparatIOn for the annual electIOn to beheld March 10 The Board of Reg,lstrahol1 WIll be J-llseSSIOn from 8 00a m jp 8 00 'P ,m February 18 to

I-eft-ect the reg~stratlOnsUp to that date)'Ithe 'VIlla~e"Clerk}

"~<I,., T~<Allar<!).~",'lLrel\lalltt-alJ:':Quabfled e"!clotS

100,000 FIRE~ • ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ '{o ~ • •• •• ~ • • '{o '{o • • • A ~ • • • • •• ••• '{o '{o •

Brownell Gets 3 Year Contract with SharpSalary Increase from ,Board;Berns Protests

'{o '{o '{o '{o • • • '{o '{o • ~ .* * * * * * 'to '{o If 'io '{o • '{o '{o '{o '{o '{o • '{o '{o 'to • '{o '{o '{o '{o '{o • '{o

Aloma Theatre H~s Gala Re-opening-- , -----


for Town&lUpOffices "Political Football"The '\elhborhood Club skatIng rmk ter Leo Teetaert I<red Baker Josephwas the scene of much actIvIty last H Pnmeau Eugene Hoelxle and ofSunday afternoon and evenmg when ficlals were Referee George El

worthy Starter Raymond Kauhtzone of the most successful skatll1g meetsT mer Nel! Blondell Clerk of Course

ever held In Grosse Pomte took place II \f Anderson Announcer hapThe general COml11lttee consIsted of R DesRocher Judge at FInIsh \V AP Connor f.; P 1\,eff Chester Carp en !\eff Inspector Bert ThIbault ChIef

of Pollce \V m WeIgand FIre Marshall Joseph Bnsson

Wll10ers of the events ,\ ere as follows

Afternoon ProgramGIrls under 12 >ears (01 e lap)-

(Contmued on Pag" 1 \\0)

A gala op~nIn~ for the Aloma Thea-ter, Waylburn and CharlevOIX avenuesformerly known as the Grosse PomtePark Theater, was held tillS week

More than $4Q 000 was spent In Te

modelhng the house among the neweqUIpment mstatled bemg completesound apparatus for the presentationof sound and talking motion pIcture$

The Intef/IOr of the audItOrium hasbeen done over In a Spamsh mohf andfrom the extenor now hangs a hugeelectrIC sIgn spelling' out the namej Aloma' for all to see


The sound eqUIpment IS \Vestern:Clectnc, one of the pIoneers In the development of talkmg pIctures and 1

the best and most modern of It~ typeThe InstallatIOn oi thIS eqUIpment wJ11allow the management to present all ofthe newest and greatest films exactlyas they are presented In the do\\ntm ....ndeluxe houses

(Lontmued on Page Three)


, 1 '




We wa"t you to foe! .t hemp he.." Even'sel VIce we off'er---ss\ mg,, com"mercu~.i,trust, zafety depO$lt-15 yours toco"'mand Every employee and every officer'" eagel to ass,.t you. It's YOUR Bank.

I! I





You will please TAKE NOTICE that the Board ofRegistration for the Annual Elec~ion to be held in theVillage of Lochmoor on the 10th day of March, A. D. 1930,will be in session at the Municipal Building, MackAvenue, between Road and Anita Avenue, in theVillage of Lochmoor, Grosse Pointe Township, WayneCounty, Michigan, on TUESDAY, THE 18TH DAY OFFEBRUARY, A. D. 1930, between the hours of eight(8:00) o'dock in the forenoon and eight (8:00) o'clock inthe evening of said day, Eastern Sta .

.~ ~i~.iI'" ~"" ~~~,,!¥ "> ~ K

a1ltd w3:O"prHe:)"'~l';"¥"J ~ JIl; ~~6r~ "a di~em.t!",~reto~t_~_~fi.!l

ept re'gistr~ on any day up to and includingTUESDAY, the 18TH DAY OF FEBRUARY, A. D. Hl30

PHILIP F. ALLARDVillage Clerk.


To the Qualified ElectorsOF THE





~ r


Winners of GiganticSkating Meet at Local

Rink AcreAnnounced

G P Farms

tV 6


TRYFamous Jersey

Milk andIce Cream


Gabel. RisdonCreamerY Co.

i470, o.t.r 81.,4-,,_.tOR ...1*fti'M

At 14$S7 Jefferson Ave.r and Philip A.,e.

For P•• t 10 Years

'the Perfect Foo,d, Rich in Vitamines

Are your winter garments ready.....we do excellent a1termc and re ..bu!ldll\\< to m.. ~ the pre.entchange In .tyles.....,

SHOE ImPAIRINGAlllat",st moden, machlnervIn c4arge of expert shoe-maker Ptlces reasonable Ii

We call for andCleHwer

LENOX 1526

Oanitll G. Allor andSons Ice & Coal Co.

16 Ker!>" Road



All resldent~ of the Vlllacre of Gro<;<;eI'omic \\ ho 0\\ n 01 hdl hOl Jo~~ dre notIfJe(l f~that dog hcense~ fOl the yea! ending Febru- i:iJary l, 1931, may now be obtamed at the Vl1l- i~age office "('ndel the Law it IS reqUired thatall dogs owned 01 hal bored m tll1S \! l1lage be @

hcensed Tll1S Law also 1 eqUires that any mdog allowed to run at large be ImmuTIlzed or Ivaccmated agamst RabIes (Hvdlophobla) mJAny dog not so ImmuTIlzed must be kept con- @

(Contmued from Page One) fi d h I 1 I II r!l11adelmeVanderbeke VJrgll11aHoelzle ne on a caIn or eas 1 w len a owed In the i11iLorenda Mehl streets \;Yhen applymg for license please be I~

Boys under 9 VCdrs (one lap)-Wm t 1 th t L t fBlownell Hugh Clark Jack Beally sure 0 lave e cer lllca e 0 VqCClnatlOnBoys under 14 years (two laps)- WIth you

H:arvey Wesenberg Carlyle MOlll.neff i I t ~ iMorns Balle ill OfFICE HOURS. 8.30 A, M. to 4.30 P. M." Saturday", closed

GJrls under 16 years (two lapS)-1 at 12:00 Noon.Gene":"ve UVlck Murrel Badder Norbert P Neff, Clerk I~Betty Markham

Bo"s ;choo! relay-WlIllln g team VILLAGE OF GROSSE POINTE,__________ --_ Sheppard We s e 11 bel g. MonCrIef!~ 11150 Maumee Avenue il., ~_ I I Otumet ~ ffl]

Fancy skatIng (bo;s under 16years) iliJ ~-Lllnch Wesenberg Balle Ii!IiQItilJl!Jiil.ffilJl!_~lii1ffi1li!1;Jf,!JijjiQ"'lI\\lJi!li!liIDO!~lWi!r~Jiil~

~nl1lllllllllllllllmllll1ll1l1lnlllllllllllllllllllllllll1lllllllllllllllllllllllllUlIlIlIlIlIllIlIllIllIlIllIIllIIIllI1lI111II11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111l1l1l1ll1ll1ll1ll1ll1ll1ll1ll111111ll111i5E SE= =& COMING:




"'" -------------- ===""" - sa;= All Me~al Kitchen Chairs SUll E~ch ~~ =WATCH THIS PAPER FOR OPENING SALE ==

Morse Outfitting Company ~MARSHALL W l\IORSE ;:

i 15115Kerch::a~;::t::::~:::;a~;e:; Lakepointe} :


'I'L_ Gr 'D3' t D' It sttlk~s me a, unusual he de F,ve lap race (boys 1620 years)-I One lap spnnt (women)-lIlargaret Nei.ghborhood Club :l:OJ::::IIOI'====:lU.u:::i.OW:;I De alse.- OlD e Aenew Idared that the 'Supermtendt'nt s con Shepp.a.rd A Moncrleff C Moncneff Vanderbeke \ lrgmla Hal n"ell Dor •.I!Il< __ ........ 1Il.

Edlted. pubhshed and djStnb<1tedea~h tract shouldpc brought up for conSld E'vcnmg Program othy Payne Activities °0 'week by eratlon at thIS tune as It does not ex One ld.p <;pnnt (mE'n)-Donald Mon Tf'n lap ract. (mcn)-D Moncneff

TI(E GROSSE POINTE PRINTII'IlG plle untl! July and customanly "con cmff Harry 'A esenberg Joe Btlsson C Moncneff Raymond Wesenberg ,arty two elllldrenwoo are '!lembersC01'l'lI'AJlIY Sldered.t the same tunc that teacher' of the NeIghborhoodClub were taken A It'

LEnox 1l~ 14935Ker.chevalAT' contract> arc drawn late m April ~~,!Il!,","IO!Iii!Jl!I1QWJCHiill'''!J~i'11~,"J~@@JiiJ,Cl to the Shrine CIrcus through tpe cour V SDetro.t. MIchIgan ".s a personal semce contract he Itesy 01 toe Detro t Commu11ltyL11100

____ ~- __ _"_____ could break It at any tIme and leav-e ~ A bus wa<; charterpd to tran<:.port the ISutter Made Terms the board w1thout a <~medy That IS Noah G,.Paye l!j chIldren to and from tne State laIr

A Pr I N why I am opposed to the long term ~ Grcund<; MIS,> Bulter and \itss Beau

S oat ,S at a offered and furthermore we don t know t'8 pre glrls 1\ orkers 01 the 'N"Clglborhooct 1

"Political Football" )et Ii hether 111',Ideas are fight or not ~ dub a d \1 '>s Brownlee ~oual worker \and t oc('ur~ to me 'We WIll not know ooli\ere 11 charge of the '{IOUP l-romlO

(lolltmu,d from Page One) for the next) car or '0 "hether he IS ,!Jijjiilli!lO!J"Ji!!Jii!I1'JiilJii1lO!~JiQJiilI&iilliill ii'l' th' man, happy faces of toe el Idren10Dr Bl'o\\uel1 expressed hImself as gOllg to be as valuable to us a'i thiS I ~I upon t1 e r ret rn l~ 1<;ceria n they all more than pleased wilh the turn contract lntllnates I Candidate for ~I thoroughlY <:,n)o\cd tt crout ngof events Parcells VOIcedthe sentimentsof the ~ * * • 10

The board has been very generous Parcells Sutter \Vatkms bloc when m @) V V V GiRLS PI AN PARTY \Dr BrowneU -said but as a matter of a three ll1HlUte speech congratulatng Ie.. i Tl e V V V Glf s Athlet c Club arc.fact I am not so much mterested III the board on Its action In tendering the OmmlSS10ner ~ om) et 19 platts {or a t1 eater part..,the compensation as I am m the Job contract to Dr Brownell sald m part I ~ to be g Vt n at 1c P 1 Clan 1 J d\ 1

Sutter s leadershIp 111the renew111g of We are keepmg faIth With our ong I ~ tl en. er on rr day e" e lmg rebruarythe -contract was based on h15 -con mal plans He then went on With hIgh 17th After tl c S 10V. rcues lments "\\ 11tentlOu that he want>ed to remove the words of praise for Dr Brownell s alb11 Grosse Pointe Park I e served at t1 e home of 'lyflSSElizapolltrcal aS1Jectof the supenntendent s ~tresand hIS proJect, heth Jordan "lis Dorothy Damero" 0:POSlt10,n W1-tn a "Change of personnel 1s 10 cl arge of arrangements n~n:uo;;:'h~:~:~:ss ~:~;,:nh:,;:~:g;~ AI~::'''ant;rh;':~::'N~f:~l;v-':.':-:i ~:;~ ~~~fiilliil ~II A val~:,:,~Np~~~Ew~t~:~,ven for Y Grolse Pointe SavingsBanken4angered should It be held under a burn. EI i M h 10 h Veet on arc t the JunlOr classes at the Nelghborhood ~

short hme contract whH:h would cause ------ -II Club an Wednesday February 12th 1 JIDfl'Cf3@1l1at Rlvam BiV'd.

It ta be a pollll••1plum to be award~6 Terrace in Village ~ Menbers ll1 good stapdmg only WIllfor 'SerV1J:~stendered • • ~S of M d ht

@! be mVlted A program sUltable to the I ' I

'fh!s argument was rerfute:d by Berns cene 1 Dig occaSlOn w111 be <::arncd out and rewho pomted out that the ffi8.jOntyof Fire: Firemen Hurt ~ freshn ents ",II bc scrved AI-ftC ,,; Z"AJ:::(OJJ::::===:rboard members three of them at least l====:iil ~ V~~~--- ---~- ----alway, r<mam on the board while the ~ 11 # iOClAe"'==""""",,",,:=:Ji""'-AlI "'"""'!A--"""lli====11terms of two others are expmng Never (lontlnued from Page One) NOTICE ~ Vitlllll ~V~VIa~""' "V_V

IS the personnel of the boal d changed State Clty and msurance officlals IOnentirely. at anyone tIme he declared followlng a.- complete lllvestlgatlOn all'"

wIth the result that the haldmer mem noun-ced Tuesday that the- conRagrahon ~bers of the board would be m control started In a refuse box. m the basement @ ~of any SItuatIOnwhIch mIght aClSeas Others who concurred111 the behefthat !iil TO ALL RADIO OWNERS l!to the renewmg 01 the supenntendent <; the Ortglll was 1I1 the refuse box 10.. I " 114 1mcontract or the replaCIng of 111mby eluded P R Karn. deputy state fire ~ Mr. A. Gr9.lnger, 624 Notre Dame, emert Ra.ii~trieian, ~sotRe one else marshal S M Peterson of Detl."01t@i N aJ. R d I ff ~. J:t: ~Insurance agency. and R C Lougheed, jjj] ahon a Ie nst,tute, 0 en something,,;lew ancl IW,que In ~

dud eng111Mt'of the MIclugan Iltspec~ ~ RadIO Sen'lce. For a nominal sum of a fevl~~;nts per~eek, he @lVOrl Bureau Lougheed furthrr ex ~ wll! service your radio whenevf<r called, ~ make penodu::al ItrJaned that the fir& started near the anspechon, charging only for any new parts necessary. Avail 0bo' whlrh he sa,d. "as the anly place yourselves of this service and aVOid sudden breakdowns and DIt'l the basement whIch appedred to [~~poor receptIon. tt.1

ha\e been touched by the nre1 he- fire swept up through 'fhe three ~ .At

stones of the Gnffith apartment to the Mr. Gratnger abo caN1.CS a hue of fine eustorh budt A. C. ~ Vroof Carl R M.eek an archItect who receivers at prices competing WIth tbe much cheaper prcduc..was rcturn.1Ilg WIth frlends from a pi)!rty bon butlt Job. For informationat the Punch and Judy theater rescuedSally GI een a mald 111 the Gnfflthhome carryll1g her from her room onthe thIrd floor

--- Tosephine Ann l<lsher three year oldV,..l FI Sh pC daughter of VV J rlshu all aSSOCIate-DUOn ower op III the bondmg .nd Insurancebusmess

" 15003 Kercheval Ave. of John L Grllesp" fonn<r pohceat 'W..,b",,. Croue POiDte Park conUUlsslOner of DetrOIt was earned"F E to safety Iby her father He also had

lowers for very lust returned from the Punch &- JudJOccasion theater

,rlV~Iha,m M :);taspn, ".n,el1W'r~~the Farms department, fell fr~ alan

r~~~1I';;!.s~M'r~d ~~~ th~f'~.~te chlefO~ollce oOf LoC'bmpor

'" J~~\;!2!!l}h &.re t£omml~.e1Rpe_rotthe Village rescued Bill a pnze wm111lg w re halr fox terner owned byUr Gr filt! \1r Cron n found hedog huddled under a bed 01 the secondfloor and earned hini to the street Th~a11lmal was suffenng from the smokeand It was necessary to revIVe hun wlththe poltce department .1I1halator



Pag\, Three2&,-_ • ,

14705 Charlnoix




SALEBoston Ferns

1\ P()~'vel iLll LJrama


Telephone N I"gara. 3813

Groase P"mte Farm>








$200 Plants for

$1 00 Plants for

EXTRA SPECIAL ON BUITERBlue RIbbon Ctedmery Butter Ib 39cDet rOlt Ct e,nH I) Blue v,lle) Land

() I ake~ and }o alrmol1t CreameryRoll Butter pound

Beech }.ut ( offee 1 Pound andQuarter

"UCOd pound

Kercheval and Fisher Road




"THEY HAD TO SEE PARIS"'\ DelIghtful (omedv


2 Days Only-Saturday and Monday JJ 'f

(:harlevoi~ Flower ShopFRED B MIESEL, Pro!'.

l\Iembel of }loftsts leleglaph DebelY \ssoclatlOn

Flowers Furni:.hed for All Occasions

Phone LEnox 9688


'-;\\ 11 \\1[[[ IIU\'lh'-;


IPunch and JudyTheatre

Save Money-Come In and let 1,\$ ex-

at the Blue Ribbon Meat Market,

14532Charlevoix, Between Marl borough and Philip Avenues


'- The Ar.Maye Barber and Beauty ShopWishes to Announce its Opening

1 ancy Steer Beet Roa,tPork I om rancy ):oung Pork

Leg of Cenume ::'prmg LambFresh Spare RIbsl:<resh :'>tra\\ ben,e, PmtM,Ik quart

Messiah Lutheran

Grosse Pomte Hlgh School have beenentered 111 a nahonal scholai>t1c prCi>S

competltlOn conducted by the C.olumbldScholastIC Press ASSDCl,atwn Prucs"" 11be awa1'ded to the Wll1J.l~'ng pnbhcatwas the,~ II ners be11g announced atthe natIOnal conventIOn of th(" a~<;o.clItlOn 11 '\ew York CIty, 1fdHh 13 14and )5

Faith Lutheran WillHold Service Sunday

For Fathers, Sons I\ spu. 11 1 atl r II 1 '; n C( , 11

I {' held 1t ra th 1 l\hcr1n chnrl! m '\.tI'-JtlHla\ n or I I b 1t 10 45 11 e pIt r

k \ R D L nha t " 11pi cael on tht. ~l "t I llli tl t [1<1 \\ 11 Gu XlI ler @l

II 1 \Yonl p (Gt.l1 22)) It" on ItIll<; one ~t1nd 1\ of the \ car thatLhurche throughotlt the couotr) request the fathers and l m tu 'lccompany each {ther to churel1 ",plclal1ll1S1C ,\ 11 n d.r1 thb bedut in1 service1 he front row~ 111 the church audlton 1m 1a\ e been reserved for the men'1 td the DOY,> A.ll fdther,; and sons oftl e community are ll1vlted to attendthl;. spC'c1al se VIce I

J ",rge crm.,.ds are attendmg the :'UI1

day evemng BIble Art plctUrLS WhlCh

Me bemg shown by the expert Eve 0GraphIC lecturer Mr Carl D 1 a1L~These pictures set forth 1n bLautlfu!colors the hfe of Christ The 'Characters of t11C Dible appear 111 hfe size and,',i"<'11l to hve before one;. very eyesThe meetmg bCglllS promptly '"It 7 30p I11 All are ¥.elcol1w to dttcnd thc~ep e~el1tat ons

fhe Sunday morn ng n hie <"lhoo1meets 'It 9 15 d. m 1he pup Is melt 111

th" r 1l1dlVlduai das<Jc<, <lnd then !!llrchI} d<l~ses lflto the church dtHbto 1tJmfo C01 vocatlO11 1h(' 'l,nool do"i,s ~proml tJv tl 10 30,\ m ~Pt'Cl d Iital I':>J:.,!HI1 to Cd h 1-11III HI thh rt. lID11glO1~ II ~tructl{Hl cour~e hy r.-ompe fflJtent II J v,ell tramed tcarht>l" f'heparcnb of the chJ1dren 11l the r elghbor! O)t! It vlted to tocnd thelt boysand b rl~ to thiS Bible. -5chdol 1 heAd 1ll Llblc Classe.;; mect at 9 15 <.i In

'sot1thea<:t corn-er of I akcwood andh,c-rchevdl avenues A H A Loeberpastor 1434 Lakev.ood a,enue 1clephone Lenox 2121

fi01Iiii "ddre,ss~ plain the Brown Stamp System. Th1S Coupon good for 10 Brown TradmgI Stamp, at tlm store

Jill"..J1!Jf!!J1j!f<J<'l.Jii!Ji!lO!Ii1J1'1fii!JiWolJil!Ji!1JilJ• .IillimlilJii!Ji1fi!1fti1fi'l~ ~Jl\lIii1l1i1l1i1l1i1l1i1ffi11inl""""''''''''"'''''''''''",,,,~~ II. II • 1!l!I!!l!J.!~1 • U .. n~U!ll!OO!W!.I!!l!l!U!1!=t!Hf1!m!~II'" ~-'!oo!-.--'-'-'!1l!-"~

f • n ,iTiIi~liTiiTiTh• n r'IiIIiitiliiliiiiTirtUliiliTiJ iIiliiIiTil • II. liTiTi'1iTii1iiJi1 • II • lifiTiiTiTiiTiTiilililTJiiiJ1aliiTiTifliTiilifTiiTiTiililiiTiliiID


I~~••~~.- Barber Shop SpeCIalizes m Lad.ea' and Beauty Parlol'

O and ChIldren's aI, e. m~.=. ~~ z ~

O "'" all branches of~ Hair Cutting Beauty Culture~ Shampoo, Scalp Treatments. Hair 1),e.o ~ First class Ch,ldren's HaIr Cut 35c ,f mg, H81r Dressmg, Marcel Wave. Fmger~ before 5 p m Wave, Brow Shapmg, Round CurUng. ~~ ManIcure and Permanent WaVIng ~'II Barber Shop under personal superVISIon Beauty Shop under personal superVision Ii~~ R. J. (DICK) ARMSTRONG, MA YE KOW ALSKY ~


O II 15135 Charlevoix ~t Lakepointe '~PA \<h ,0-l7"'(t""~OIii ;~ ~

O~.... !~JlJ~~!l!!!H;HHIUilm!l!.lI!I!Hlr.llrh.KDIH~nHi*HIr1HHiItUf;tiHltH1itiHi1i!1!l!HiH~iIiH~!l!L1~~!~!OO!~IIlIl.1f.!!i@lm'iHlUm~ ..... 1m w.iTiIil I' -. iTjjIjifii II n n .. I' iOOi •• i 'I. \t al' '1)'.11 iIlllll lilili.a lilil'i •• fll llli1iiTiliiTi:rii1iliiJiTiiIiTil!J!J1It iiliJ1J1il'ij'!i[j~li

1 estaul1nt 111

tl1.:1. then lnough of the assets be heldback to ltlsure tl e payment to her of$:,0000 anllU'dl)

Bequests 01 $.1 000 each" ere made tothe ~on and the two daughters \-Irs(.J.r 1 e I d\ \1 Iler and \ir<; Jo~epI t t." \ (hJ. lv ..od after a few otl erb lUt::.t& t \\J.~ pray ded thf' flsldue1 tl \ Ie 1 II ong th m f'Quallv rhe

t't 1ell I tru.:.t to pr Wide the.lrh \) I t for \1rs Alger abo are

tIt." J JeJ t ! l'1.11y an Ollg the thrl"e'I Ilt t' t 1 Itr

'\ 1 f' 1l t l1f ~b000 a'> a s11ghtt 1 f l tlllI ,as leu to I av.rcnceJ 11 \ r I \Ir~ '\hrer \\a~ gvel1

lOl )J t d t Il) It(' 11 0 19 t Ie servants"t 1 ~ 00 f r,', !J 1 r t e 1.'; she n <lV

Ie &1 J.trj I ext tur~ na 1 eel \H're \1 rs

\lg tJ e ,:,llll dlHl J,.nnes 0 1!urfil1



14402 Mack, corner Ch"lm.lS

hcautlWl CJUllC<;C "1n 1 \mencan•cast SIde of the ctty


----- --

CHAS. E. MATHERRe •• Phoue Lenox 6532

Russell AIg-er's WillProbated; Son and

Daughters Legateesl t 1 j I P'"IO"( Om)

d \ \ir \[J. ) t\ll,cr It wasPIO, elut tl t 1ll \1 or g be \1rs\lJlr OIl} 1t 1 tbe

,01 I High's Student Paper11 t ('::,tatl \,as Ishe! a" COl1SIStlllg of Is Entered in Press

$,0000 and "l)\' ards p personal prop Meet of Associationerty and $50000 ,11 d up \ard<; III reaestate 1 he \\111 d rected that a bequest (1 e,', of the la,',t th t.e numbels ofof $50000 be g ven to 1fr<; Alger anI:: 11.. [0 lef student ,!\ubhcatlOn of the

llOJi!lij!j~ilJ_~" i,rolJNJil!Jil!ro!JiillNJil!m1f@Jil!Jilm~


Iloyalty and thelr steady patronageMr Heuser sald

The new Intenor decoratIOns of thehouse were done by the J agmdnStud as PIasteru g \'vork was dOlle byDe Peore floor~, ere 11 d by the- rl1Jer111(. Co an 1 b) BLllI ett pIn lbmg\ ork was clone bv tl t. ])(''-)1 {t PI trr bBy Co dnt..! lC\\ j xt Ir ,', \\lre 111 talletl

L \ tl e 11101 1 ltt St Idl(),',ThL g.wantlc electnc :. gl t1 f' hrge::,t

o till 1 t l" n ('t I I 1 1 eIll-

1. t t l1e I b} thl I e icral ~1/:,1l ( 0

are the best


We rent, lease, sell or furnish maint~nance on y-ourpresent sign. Phone COlumbia 0970. Ask for


3408 Woodward Ave.Federal Electric Co.

All tpyes of Electric Signs

15001 Charlevoix. Ave.Comer of Wayburn


(Contlllued from Page One)1 ) the lobby has been added a pleas

1g Iou 1ge al d the attendants are now11 t l1fo 11$ as Sl1'lPPY as those ,\ 1rnby the rill tary 3- oung ushers In theelm I1tO\' n houses

fl e theatu <; 01 e of 1. cha n of four I

theater:. 111 tll ~ '\ lel lit) 1nd III DetrOlt11 ha<, bLell n Open!l n for 1> \e1r~

DIn 19 tll last SIX "ears as 1Sthe case.It pre~el t \lbert IlL USt.r has t cen tilt.111 1 g II; tl r( ct r

\\ t I 1H l 1pk tt.h mo krnucd (\H

! ou e al l blO1dened Its pol C) tJbetter ,',o.t f} 0 If IMt!OU'> 1un a<; 1.

taIet 1 of 01 0:1.11 rt.Cl1.tlOll for 11L I


100% All Talkwg P1ctureROBERT ARMSTRO"G



100% All Talklllg PIcture4 ,fARX BROS



FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 7-.see Actual War Scenes 1

"Behind the GermanLines"

MUSIC and FffectsI 01 \iV Lstern Elt.ctnc hqUlpmentOn the Stage-



reature ~o 1-ROD I '\. ROCQUL


"The Delightful Rogue"I eature ~ a 2-


"On The Divide"On the Stage-Country Store Nlght-$1700 In Cash,

aleo 24 Grocery Prizes FREE


at the


Funeral Dire~tors

Geist & Company

Beautiful MonticelloBallroom

Learn to Dance andDance Correctly

East Jefferson at Chalmers\\ l a t'l 1 and co Hluct the

1 t LO 1 lit. te Ld.l c ng school 111

'\f c1 ga 1

T ('$ 01 ddlh f 011 10 00 a 111 to10 ('0 p 111 be tk 1 1 11~trtldor<;

for the lac! c<:; and lady lll'>tructorsfor tl L gel len Cl Clas:, or pr vate

20 One Hour le:,SOl S teacl1l1g al1t Ie modern (11. Ices \\,ltl1 the advancesteps d. lel a hat ce d,nc ng tor~jOO

Fvery cour<.,e IS absolutely guarantted D111C 11'; n ghtly exceptMOIChy and lUlScll) eves MUSICby tht. l1compara )le M 10rs Melodlans \i\ "M B C broadcasters the01chestra that makes and breaksiccords

• LinerseVlewFor Sale

'"" ] OR SA] F - Bu lder, At01tlon 1139 Lakepo He south or

hcval w1ll sell at a leal bargall1

0lots 60",,-163 '\!<lth modern 5 roomalow steam hedt fireplace Very

pnce 1f sold th1s month0For Rent ,

,NISHED 5 ROOM Bungalow fOlnt-$15 weekly with garage nrChC'dl bus Tel Niagara 1071

Work WantedULD LIKe pm tlOn 1n prIvate 0me- a~ tnt01 for young children 0,Laf 4945 after four 0 clock

1I fO"" WANTLD - Glrl 20 0Ishe':>hou<,e work steady and goodAmy Klena Call Whither 1375

DLL AGED woman W1shes canngr children 2::lc per hour ...$200 perJ nd transportation mendlllg 35chOUl light c1ealllng or any odd

Call Ll11coln 9702~M

'lISll~imlll!llllSlll!I!JI~19'IllI'HHI'9II 111111.1111111111 ••• 11. II

Harry AkroydTeacher of

PlanO and Organ0eory, Harmony and Counter-

0pomt:Curopean Method

AU lessons .lvett III your 0own home.25 years experience at Teacher

8~Newport A"I" ¥lick...,._"M.

'1lIlIlllSlllllb'll!lltJ;f,BlIIfll_I n_u_n_. _nil. .. I

eib Conservatory °of Music 0nVlllclllg Demon trat on of \!USICachers "ho have Dl'lg to" 19 and 0esetlb 1.., Abll t} 'lllll who 1I1S1St onla}..atlOD hh)thn lIme Lxpre~slOn

and Memonzmg SelectIOnsAll Branche. Taught

j70 East Jefferson, cor ContmentalPhone Lenox. 6831


"110 South PhIlIp Avenu~

HIckory 2151W

DEast Grand Circus "Park118 WItherell

Same locatton 1912-1928Groue Pointe Brallftt

~-' ;--- •.~ Park Theater MadeBusiness DIrectory Modern at Cost of:=:::::======~\ $40,000;Talkies Now

Edw Teppert, S"'c and Trella.Price fS a matter of your own deSire

14911 Kercheval Ave near Alter Road

Lenox 4281

Star"O Penn

Wilford B. StrittmatterAuthorJzed WhIte Star Dealer

Kercheval and Beaconsfield

White Star Flhyl Starohne

N. and Ladies' Tailor

14613 E Jefferson Ave DetrOIt, MIChLenox 7935

E. D. SMITH, D. D. S.14950 East JeffersonCor Barrington Road

Lenox 3473



















Eastern Chevrolet Co. ICOME1~:OT:::~.~~:x:::S:~~:d NEW I

SMOOTHER rAsT~RBFTTER IL The 1930 MasterpIece ~


Ji'Jilli!Ji!Ij!J1!Ji!Ji!JiilJi"~~I1iIJ1ilJ<'l.J1'1il!!ilJ'lJO'Jii! ~~---" ~~J@ii!lii!!~_Jil!f@J_Jl'!l@1iIDi!1fiill'ii1fOlJi!fri1Jil!Ji!lM,,"

~Dancing every Sat. and Sun. I9 P. M to 1 A M i>I


J \ cll<). 'h II be the subject of thePatchlllg " AlteratIons .. Stucco Work THURSDAY FEBRUARY 12- V CHARGE sermon on the {"onungc;,undaj ..bebru

100 All Talbng PIcture NO CO ER or, 9 Thl>" 11 be the second of a547 Stc Claire. Grosse POinte Village CJ ARA BOW ~ W. Speculhxe In Banquet8, El:"ldse and Prtva.t. Partlet; senes of s€'rmons on Great "" omen of

"" ~ ,,.. ~lagara 1020 b" & The Saturd~~ Night Kid ~ Phone LE:no:x 8545-' l T~ee:'ll~~: "III be held a' follows Ger IE£nnnmlcal.Plum lng @i.;\ " fli man at 9 a m Engltsh at 11 15.a .>\,..~ .... • T • C '!OO!!I!l!!W!!J!'I!!OO!!OO!!I!l!!l!L",",,!J!'I!!OOl!l!l!!OO 1neatlng o. h'liJiir_lijfiliilUilafIiTiTiiJiTriTiniTiiTrifiTilmiiYiTiili! ~_______ __ Sun<!ay School at 10is a m

- ""'.......0." 4""--0. ,OI:lOI==:IA The monthly Blble Hour an.ngedl M' D'I 300 P ME"(Undar New Mao.g.ment) Oc::lO' 'V_ 'A_ __ V__ • ""0 by the loung Peoples 'ioO'et) AlIItake abnee al y at: " venlng"\0 Job 10) I argc 0 100 S,lall 0 place next Sllnday at 5 15 p m Theil Performances 7 and 9 o'clock

17021 KERCHEVAL AVE lhkmg Club of the Waltber League IG'"osse Pomte Village MlC:h I 11 t d th B bl II bod

----------- 10 0 ~I at en e I e O\lr In a v ;@ffi11@ffi!Ir!Iiil.fflJi.~Jf~IW~iiM!~~Jil!1@JI;!m!Jj~!!Jil!JiEIi!!l@-fii!JO!Ji!!fi.M1ii!Jil!Ji1fJj>Jii!J""fl!li!Ji!fl!Ji!mm!m!Jj>l~@J1IIR ~~ ~.


1 m.kory 4277 W




AND NOW we have added the very latest equipment to present to you the veryfinest Sound and Screen pictures.


Al ThFred DeLodder

oma eatre CO. r~\V.Js;hi::~~ Daniel C. MilleviUe

For 12years we have kept pace with the moving picture industry - alwaysstriving to give our patrons the best obtainable.

, <,Remember....latel'...."The Birth of a Nation," and the first large orchestra fol-lowing the shifti. shadows racing through the first Griffith epic? Still latercame the day of 'litemighty organ ....great and versatile instrument, which pro.jected every moo~ of the silver screen into the hearts of the audience.


REMEMBER ....years and years ago....the very first time you went to amovie? Remember the thrills of "The Great Train Robbery" ....the one reel ro-mances of Vita~l'aph days? Remember, too the incongruity of it all at first? Oflovers' lips movmg soundlessly ....of Bill Hart's pistols flashing pantomine inthe backrqom of a frontier bar?

...1 f



Home of all that is finest and bestin Sound and MovingPictures from thefour corners ofthe earth.

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