brownie b. & the three people

A Parody Tale By: Lucas Mazzini & Preston Njapa Njeuha

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Post on 21-Jul-2016




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Child's Parody Story By: Lucas Mazzini & Preston Njapa Njeuha


Page 1: Brownie B. & The Three People

A Parody Tale By: Lucas Mazzini & Preston Njapa Njeuha

Page 2: Brownie B. & The Three People

Once upon a time, there was a little brown bear named Brownie B. He went for a walk in the forest. Pretty soon, he came upon a human house.

Page 3: Brownie B. & The Three People

He knocked on the front door and, when no one answered, he walked right in the door.

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At the dining table in the kitchen, there were three bowls of Lucky Charms Marshmallow Cereal. Brownie B. was very hungry. He tasted the Lucky Charms from the first bowl. "This cereal does not have enough milk!"he exclaimed.

Page 5: Brownie B. & The Three People

So, he tasted some the cereal from the second bowl. "This cereal has too much milk," he said.

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So, he finally tasted the last bowl of cereal. "Ahhh, this cereal is magically delicious," he said happily while he ate it all up.

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After he had eaten all three of the people’s breakfasts he decided he was feeling a little bit tired. So, he walked into their living room where he saw three chairs.

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Brownie B. then sat in the first chair to rest his feet. "This chair is much too big!" he exclaimed with frustration.

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So then he sat down in the second chair. "This chair is still much too big!" he whined to himself.

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So finally he tried the last and smallest chair. "Ahhh, this chair is just right," he sighed. But just as he had settled down into the chair to rest, it broke into pieces!

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Brownie B. was very tired by this time, so he went upstairs to see the bedrooms. He went into the first room laid down in the first bed, but it was much too hard for him .

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Then he he went into the second room laid in the second bed, but it was much too soft for him.

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Then once he laid down in the third bed, which was in the third bedroom, and it felt just right. Brownie B. quickly fell asleep.

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Brownie B fell asleep. While he was sleeping, the three humans came home.

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“Someone has been eating my cereal!" shouted the Man.“Someone has been eating my cereal," said the Woman."Someone has been eating my cereal and they ate it all up!" cried the Boy.

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"Something has been sitting in my chair!" shouted the Papa Man."Something has been sitting in my chair," said the Mama Woman."Something has been sitting in my chair and they have broken into pieces!" cried the Baby Boy.

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They decided to look around some more and when they got upstairs to the bedrooms, the Man shouted, “Something has been sleeping in my bed!"

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"Something has been sleeping in my bed too," said the Woman

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"Something has been sleeping in my bed and it’s still there!" exclaimed Baby Boy.

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Just then, Brownie B woke up and saw the three humans. He screamed, “OH NOOOOOO!" And he jumped up and ran out of the room, down the stairs, opened the door, and back into the forest. And he never returned to the home of the three humans again.

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