bryan geary ppp 4.4

To add presenter’s notes, select “view” then show presenter’s notes. Use the space that appears to type in your ideas for each slide. Bryan Geary PCP- Online Full Sail Library. Ap Images. (Nov 12, 2014). Retrieved from

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Page 1: Bryan Geary PPP 4.4

To add presenter’s notes, select “view” then show presenter’s

notes. Use the space that appears to type in your ideas for

each slide.

Bryan Geary PCP-Online

Full Sail Library. Ap Images. (Nov 12, 2014). Retrieved from

Page 2: Bryan Geary PPP 4.4

Bruce Lee once said, “To hell with circumstances I create opportunities”.

Full Sail Library. Ap Images. (Nov 12, 2014). Retrieved from

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I seen the passion and the drive my grandfather had for music.

Full Sail Library. Ap Images. (Nov 12, 2014). Retrieved from

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My family was very musical and I wanted to follow in their footsteps.

Full Sail Library. Ap Images. (Nov 12, 2014). Retrieved from

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I wanted to make music and film my passion.

Full Sail Library. Ap Images. (Nov 12, 2014). Retrieved from

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There are many goals I wish to accomplish.

Full Sail Library. Ap Images. (Nov 12, 2014). Retrieved from

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I would love to work for a major motion picture company.

Full Sail Library. Ap Images. (Nov 12, 2014). Retrieved from

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A goal is to get an Internship at Paramount Pictures.

Full Sail Library. Ap Images. (Nov 12, 2014). Retrieved from

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Some other goals are to manage artists and become a lawyer.

Full Sail Library. Ap Images. (Nov 12, 2014). Retrieved from

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Passion, Love, Connection and being driven are what drives me.

Full Sail Library. Ap Images. (Nov 12, 2014). Retrieved from

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I want to do what I love and be successful in life for me and my family.Full Sail Library. Ap Images. (Nov 12, 2014). Retrieved from

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Hard work and determination will help me reach my goals.Full Sail Library. Ap Images. (Nov 12, 2014). Retrieved from

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Creativity and passion and finical success are what motivates me.

Full Sail Library. Ap Images. (Nov 12, 2014). Retrieved from

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Outgoing attitude and hard work are what I offer professionally.

Full Sail Library. Ap Images. (Nov 12, 2014). Retrieved from

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These skills and my attitude will help me reach my goals.

Full Sail Library. Ap Images. (Nov 12, 2014). Retrieved from

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I will try and try till I succeed.

Full Sail Library. Ap Images. (Nov 12, 2014). Retrieved from

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To learn all I can will help me be a resourceful employee.

Full Sail Library. Ap Images. (Nov 12, 2014). Retrieved from

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I am not afraid to take a chance and try when most would pass up the opportunity.

Full Sail Library. Ap Images. (Nov 12, 2014). Retrieved from

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I work diligently, with precision and I strive to meet deadlines.

Full Sail Library. Ap Images. (Nov 12, 2014). Retrieved from

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The past mistakes I made I will carry with me into the future with positivity.

Full Sail Library. Ap Images. (Nov 12, 2014). Retrieved from

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Time management, hard work and being my own boss were great skill sets I have learned.

Full Sail Library. Ap Images. (Nov 12, 2014). Retrieved from

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Communication with fellow employees and clients was a past skill I have learned.

Full Sail Library. Ap Images. (Nov 12, 2014). Retrieved from

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Dealing with stress and clients, managing heavy phone traffic and being creative were previous skills as well.

Full Sail Library. Ap Images. (Nov 12, 2014). Retrieved from

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I have compassion in things that I stand for.

Full Sail Library. Ap Images. (Nov 12, 2014). Retrieved from

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I am a team player, open to everyones input.

Full Sail Library. Ap Images. (Nov 12, 2014). Retrieved from

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I had to work with large groups in the past and it was a success.

Full Sail Library. Ap Images. (Nov 12, 2014). Retrieved from

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I use my talents to benefit others and not just myself.

Full Sail Library. Ap Images. (Nov 12, 2014). Retrieved from

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A outgoing, creative, driven environment is where I work best.

Full Sail Library. Ap Images. (Nov 12, 2014). Retrieved from

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I work well with bubbly, determined, outgoing individuals.

Full Sail Library. Ap Images. (Nov 12, 2014). Retrieved from

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I would love to one day become a entrepreneur in the next five years.

Full Sail Library. Ap Images. (Nov 12, 2014). Retrieved from

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Building presentations like this shows some of my creative side.

Geary, B. (2014). Prezi Presentation. Retrieved from

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I am great at following directions and not afraid to try to reach my goals.

Geary, B. (2013).

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Full Sail Library. Ap Images. (Nov 12, 2014). Retrieved from

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This is the logo for my company that I wish to start.This is my logo for my company I would like to start.

Geary, B. (2014). My company logo.

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I hope to continue making music and acting as well.

Geary, B. (2013).

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Lets talk about success.

Full Sail Library. Ap Images. (Nov 12, 2014). Retrieved from

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Having passion in what you do and being happy equals success.

Geary, B. (2013). Winter 2013 Pic.

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Happiness + Success = Financial Success.

Full Sail Library. Ap Images. (Nov 12, 2014). Retrieved from

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I hope to get an Internship then eventually manage artists while learning law to become an entertainment lawyer

Full Sail Library. Ap Images. (Nov 12, 2014). Retrieved from

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There will be many speed bumps on the long, curvy road of life.

Full Sail Library. Ap Images. (Nov 12, 2014). Retrieved from

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I create my own future.

Geary, B. (2013). My pic.