bs l05 strategic intention

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  • 8/9/2019 BS L05 Strategic Intention



    Prof.Dr.Dr.Dr.H.C. Cons tantin B ratianu

    Facul ty of Bus iness Adm inist ration

    Academy of Economic Stud ies

    Buc harest , Romania

  • 8/9/2019 BS L05 Strategic Intention










    Strategic management


  • 8/9/2019 BS L05 Strategic Intention


    Strategic Intention

    Vision Mission StrategicObjectives

  • 8/9/2019 BS L05 Strategic Intention


    The Vision

    The vision of an organization represents an ideal stateprojected in the future and which shapes a desirabledevelopment of that particular organization.

    The vision implies a dynamic way of thinking capableto evaluate the real chances of development of theorganization on the long term.

    Not anyone has this ability to see the development of the

    organization in time.

    The vision represents one of the most essentialqualities ofleaders.

  • 8/9/2019 BS L05 Strategic Intention


    Simon Wootton & Terry Horne, Strategic thinking, Kogan

    Page, London, 2010, p 67.

    Without a great dream, nothing great will be achieved. But

    great dreams are not sufficient. There must be the

    means of delivery key resources, key skills and key

    actors to deploy them.

    An organization without a shared vision that is positive and

    hopeful is more likely to have people with the thinking

    skills needed to turn that vision into reality. Your best

    hope must be realistic.

  • 8/9/2019 BS L05 Strategic Intention




    General Motors vision is to be the world leader int ranspo rtant ion prod ucts and related services,

    earning its customer enthusiasm throughcon t inuous improv ement dr iven by the integr i ty ,

    teamwork and inno vat ion o f GM people GM has defined 6 co re values:

    1.Custom er enthus iasm

    2.Integri ty & accoun tabi l i ty


    5.Cont inuous improv ement

    6.Ind ividual respect and responsabi l i ty

  • 8/9/2019 BS L05 Strategic Intention


    Timken Company

    We are dedicated to improving our customers

    performance by apply ing our k now ledge of f r ic t ion

    management and power transm ission to del iver

    unparal led value and inn ovation all around the

    wor ld .

    TIMKEN: Where you tu rn

    Our fr ic t ion m anagement and power transm iss ion

    products are found wherever machines turnfrom

    industr ia l equipment and precis ion instrum entat ion

    to househo ld appl iances and vehic les.

  • 8/9/2019 BS L05 Strategic Intention


    Kings College of London

    Kings will built on its numerous accomplishments and

    formidable current advantages to become an

    outstanding university institution comparable in all

    respects with the best in the worlds

    For Kings the overarching vision over the next decade is

    one of quality and distinction. Already a momentum is

    being created in the last 12 months the College has

    climbed up the Times Higher Education SupplementWorld League Tables from 73rdto 46th. This is an

    outstanding achievement.

  • 8/9/2019 BS L05 Strategic Intention


    John P. Kotter, Leading change, Harvard Business School

    Press, 1996, pp.67-84

    Vision refers to a picture of the future with some implicit orexplicit commentary on why people should strive to

    create that future.

    A good vision has 3 main purposes:

    - To show the direction of action

    - To motivate people for change

    - To align all forces and resources for change

  • 8/9/2019 BS L05 Strategic Intention


    John P. Kotter, Leading change, Harvard Business School

    Press, 1996, pp.67-84

    Character ist ics of an effect ive v is ion:

    Imaginable: Conveys a picture of what the future will look


    Desirable:Appeals to the long-term interests of employees,

    customers, stockholders, and others who have a stake inthe enterprise.

    Feasible: Comprise guidance in decision making.

    Focused: Is clear enough to provide guidance in decision


    Flexible: Is general enough to allow individual initiatives.

    Communicable: Is easy to communicate and explained.

  • 8/9/2019 BS L05 Strategic Intention


    The Mission

    The mission of an organization represents its reason of

    being and creating value for consumers and society.

    The mission integrates the fundamental law of theorganization and clarifies its vision.

    The vision focuses on the internal image of the

    organization, while the mission focuses on the externalimage of the organization.

  • 8/9/2019 BS L05 Strategic Intention


    Mission statement (I)

    A general statement of the vision.

    A communication of the fundamental values that thetop management assumes

    A clear presentation of the fundamental or strategicobjectives of the organization

    A correlation with the social responsibility of theorganization.

  • 8/9/2019 BS L05 Strategic Intention


  • 8/9/2019 BS L05 Strategic Intention


    Peter Drucker, Management: Tasks, responsibilities,

    practices, Harper Business, 1993 (p.17)

    Management has to give direction to the

    institution it manages. It has to think

    through the institutions mission, has to set

    its objectives, and has to organizeresources for the results the institution has

    to contribute

  • 8/9/2019 BS L05 Strategic Intention


    Peter Drucker, Management: Tasks, responsibilities,

    practices, Harper Business, 1993 (pp. 60-61)

    Another conclusion is that a business cannot be defined or

    explained in terms of profit. Asked what a business is,

    the typical businessman is likely to answer, An

    organization to make a profit. The typical economist is

    likely to give the same answer. This answer is not o nlyfalse, it is irrelevant.

    To know what a business is we have to start with its

    purpose. Its purpose must lie in society since business

    enteprise is an organ od society. There is only one validdefinition of business purpose: to c reate a cus tomer

  • 8/9/2019 BS L05 Strategic Intention


    Examples of missions

    Mission for Maytag Company:

    Improvement of quality of life of citizens households bydesigning, executing and sale of the best homeappliances in the world.

    Mission for the Electricity Company of Seattle City inWashington state:

    To be the private municipal company most focused oncustomers, the most competitive, efficient, innovative

    and environmentally responsible, in the U.S.A.

  • 8/9/2019 BS L05 Strategic Intention


    Coca-Cola Company (I)

    Everything we do is inspired by our enduring mission:

    To refresh the worldin body, mind, and spirit.

    To inspire moments of optimismthrough our brandsand our actions.

    To create value and make a differenceeverywhere

    we engage.

  • 8/9/2019 BS L05 Strategic Intention


    Coca-Cola Company (II)

    Values: Leadership: The courage to shape a better future.

    Passion: Committed in heart and mind.

    Integrity: Be real. Accountability: If it is to be, its up to me.

    Collaboration: Leverage collective genius.

    Innovation: Seek, imagine, create, delight.

    Quality: What we do, we do well.

  • 8/9/2019 BS L05 Strategic Intention


    Strategic objectives

    Strategic management is a major goals orientedprocess for which the achievement is projected in time.

    The achievement of these strategic objectivesrepresents in the same time the achievement of the

    organizations mission for a certain time scale. The strategic objectives must be:

    - very clearly and realistically formulated

    - accepted by all employees

    - action oriented- joined by metrics/ assessment systems