b.sc ii unit 5 eating skills

Dressing Skill Subject: English Communication and Life skill Course: B.Sc Unit: 5 Sem: II

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Dressing SkillSubject: English Communication and Life skill

Course: B.Sc Unit: 5

Sem: II

Page 2: B.sc ii unit 5 eating skills

Eating Skills

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Importance of Healthy Lifestyle and necessary components.

• A healthy lifestyle is important for everyone.

• ‘Healthy living’ means maintaining a healthy lifestyle and introducing habits that improve your health. (Define: Healthy Living)

• It’s about enjoying yourself without risking your health. It’s what you eat and drink; sleeping well and managing stress.

• It’s about feeling fitter physically, mentally and emotionally.

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• Those who truly enjoy a healthy lifestyle take a number of things into account. Beyond eating right, they also pay attention to exercise, emotional well being and business well being.

• A healthy lifestyle is important for a many reasons.  The first reason a healthy lifestyle is important is to remain as free of disease and illness as possible and to have as long a life expectancy as you possibly can.  The second reason is that it makes life more enjoyable.  When you are fit and healthy you have much more energy and a much better outlook on life without having to worry about health problems.

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• A healthy lifestyle is one that that concerns itself with good physical and mental health.  Good physical health can be achieved by following a healthy diet and doing regular exercise.  The basics of a balanced healthy diet are lots of fruit and vegetables, wholegrain foods such as brown bread, pasta and rice, a source of protein and low fat dairy products.

• Exercise is an important part of a healthy lifestyle because it helps to burn off excess calories, is good for strength and flexibility. Exercising is also a great way of boosting the metabolism and promotes healthy weight loss and any form of physical activity.

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• Good mental health is also important.  Stress is a big problem for many people these days and has been linked to many health issues.  Stress can also cause the body to put on weight. Controlling stress can be hard but relaxation techniques such as yoga, massage and aromatherapy have been shown to be a big help.

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• The Components of Healthy Life Style are as follows:

1) Healthy Food

2) Sufficient Sleep and Water

3) Proper Exercise and an active body

4) Enough sunshine and fresh air

5) Healthy relationships

6) Sound (strong) career

7) Balance between work and relationships

8) Healthy mindset and spirituality

9) Proper finances

10)Healthy eating habits

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Conclusion:Therefore to conclude, Getting healthy helps you feel in control of your life.

Regular exercise can lift your mood and help you feel better.

Eating junk food, smoking, and drinking sugary drinks or alcohol are all expensive habits.

Living a healthier lifestyle means a lower risk of developing many illnesses.

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Tips for Healthy Eating:

1) One of the most important tip for healthy eating includes a balanced diet and meal.

2) We should never skip meals.

3) We should drink plenty of water.

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4) One should eat a variety of nutrient rich food.

5) One should enjoy plenty of whole grains, fruits and vegetables.

6) Eat moderate portions.

7) One should choose what to eat and keeping in mind what our body needs.

8) Reduce not eliminate certain foods.

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9)Make changes gradually and think about what you can add to your diet rather than what you can take away first.

10) Every meal should be enjoyed and consumed slowly. This will aid better digestion of the food.

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Food pyramid and its relevance with eating skills.

The Food Pyramid shows us in decreasing order what we should consume in a day and in what quantity.

According to the food pyramid, the first level shows fats, oils and sweets should be consumed the least. We should not have more than one serving of fats, oils and sweets in a day. Hence, we should use it sparingly.

Following the order, in the second level comes Milk, yoghurt and cheese group along with meat, fish, eggs, dry beans and nuts group. We should not have more than two-three servings per day.

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In the third level, comes fruits and vegetables group. As per the pyramid, we should not have more than three-five servings of vegetables and two-four servings of fruits, in a day.

In the last level (fourth level) comes rice, pasta, bread, wheat group. We can have six – eleven servings of it in a day.