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  • 7/28/2019 Bsl Project by Somya







    Bhushan Steel Limited (GZB.)




    Submitted in Partial Fullfiment of the Requirement of BBA Program


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    Summer Training Report


    Recruitment and selection

    Completed In Bhushan Steel Ltd.

    Submitted In Partial Fulfillment

    Of the Requirement

    Of Bachelor of Business Administration

    Training Supervisor Submitted By

    Name: Mr. Devinder Sharma Name of the student: Ms. Somiya Gupta

    Designation: Associate Professor ENRNo./Batch: 00950501710/2010-13

    Submitted To:

    Banarsidas Chandiwala Institute of Professional Studies, Dwarka, New Delhi

    (Affiliated to Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University)

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    I take this golden opportunity to my express my gratitude for providing me opportunity to

    undertake my summer training.

    I am deeply thankful to my summer training guide Mr. ROHIT SINGH (HR Officer).

    I would also like to thank my faculty guide Assistant Prof. Mr. Devinder Sharma for his

    guidance and supervision of this report.

    Without their guidance and supervision this project would not be a success.

    At last but not the least, I would like to thank my parents for strength and encouragement

    they gave for the project and to be with me.


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    Executive summary


    Human resources are a term used to describe the individuals who comprise the workforce

    of an organization. The use of the term 'human resources' by organizations to describe the

    workforce capacity available to devote to the achievement of its strategies has drawn

    upon concepts developed in Organizational Psychology.

    The human resources are the most important assets of an organization. The success or

    failure of an organization is largely dependent on the caliber of the people working

    therein. Without positive and creative contributions from people, organizations cannotprogress and prosper. In order to achieve the goals or the activities of an organization,

    therefore, they need to recruit people with requisite skills, qualifications and experience.

    While doing so, they have to keep the present as well as the future requirements of the

    organization in mind.

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    Recruitment is distinct from Employment and Selection. Once the required number and

    kind of human resources are determined, the management has to find the places where

    the required human resources are/will be available and also find the means of attracting

    them towards the organization before selecting suitable candidates for jobs. All this

    process is generally known as recruitment. Some people use the term Recruitment for

    employment. These two are not one and the same. Recruitment is only one of the steps in

    the entire employment process. Some others use the term recruitment for selection. These

    are not the same either. Technically speaking, the function of recruitment precedes the

    selection function and it includes only finding, developing the sources of prospective

    employees and attracting them to apply for jobs in an organization, whereas the selection

    is the process of finding out the most suitable candidate to the job out of the candidates

    attracted (i.e., recruited). Recruitment activities need to be responsive to the ever-

    increasingly competitive market to secure suitably qualified and capable recruits at all

    levels. To be effective these initiatives need to include how and when to source the best

    recruits internally or externally. Selection may be defined as the process by which the

    organization chooses from among the applicants, those people whom they feel would best

    meet the job requirement, considering current environmental condition.

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    Recruitment is defined as, a process to discover the sources of manpower to meet the

    requirements of the staffing schedule and to employ effective measures for attracting that

    manpower in adequate numbers to facilitate effective selection of an efficient workforce.


    Recruitment means finding and/ or attracting a fairly large number of well-qualified

    applicants for the employers open position.


    Recruitment is the process of searching for prospective employees and stimulating

    and encouraging them to apply for jobs in an organization.

    Recruitment is a linking activity as it brings together those with jobs(employer)

    and those seeking jobs (prospective employees).It is a positive function as its seeks to

    develop a pool of eligible person from which more suitable ones can be selected.

    The basic purpose of recruitment is to locate the sources of the people required to

    meet job requirement and attracting such people to offer themselves employment in the

    organization. Recruitment is an important function as it makes it possible to acquire the

    numbers and the types of persons necessary for the continued functioning of the

    organization. Careful recruitment of the employees in India is important because the

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    chance of mismatching the job and the person is greater. Recruitment is a two way

    process which includes recruiter and recruitee . Just as the recruiter has a choice whom to

    recruit or not, similarly the prospective employee can choose for which organization to

    apply for a job

    Recruitment and selection aims to search the potential candidate to strengthen manpower

    in BSL. Manpower requirements due to resignations, retirements,

    deaths, or manpower arises due to new projects. First HR checks its internal resources to

    fill the gap with approval from management after HOD checks.


    The basic purpose of recruitment is to locate the sources of people required for jobs.

    Specifically, the purposes are to:

    Recruitment determines the present and future human resources requirements ofthe organization in conjunction in conjunction with human resource planning

    activities and job analysis activities.

    It helps to increase the pool of potential personnel and the organisation has anumber of options to choose from.

    It helps in increasing the success rate of the selection process by filtering thenumber of under qualified or overqualified job applicants.

    It reduces the probability that applicants, once selected and made available to theorganization, leave it after a short period of time.

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    It helps in evaluating the effectiveness of various recruitment techniques andsources of recruitment.


    Recruitment is a process of consisting of various activities, through which search of

    prospective personnel-both in quality and quantity-as indicated by human resource

    planning and job description and job satisfaction is made. This process includes

    recruitment planning, identification of recruitment sources, contracting those sources, and

    receiving applications from prospective employees. These applications are, then, passed

    to selection process.

    Recruitment planningRecruitment process starts with its planning which involves the determination of number

    of applicants and type of applicants to be contacted.

    Number of contactsOrganizations, generally, plan to attract more applicants than what they intend to

    select as they wish to have option in selecting the right candidates. This option is

    required because some of the candidates may not be interested in joining the

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    organization; some of them may not meet the criteria of selection. Therefore, each

    time a recruitment programme is contemplated, the organization has to plan about

    the number of applications it should receive in order to fulfill all its vacancies

    with right personnel. The number of applicants is determined by yield ratio (YR)

    which expresses the relationship of applicant inputs to outputs at various decision


    Type of contactThis refers to the type of personnel to be informed about the job openings based

    on job description and job specification. This determines how the prospective

    personnel may be communicated about the job openings. For example, if an

    organisation requires unskilled workers, mere putting the requirement notice on

    the factory gates may be sufficient. If it requires qualified and experienced

    managers, perhaps, it may go for advertising in national newspapers.

    Sources of recruitmentAfter the finalization of recruitment plan indicating the number and type of prospective

    candidates, they must be attracted to offer themselves for consideration to their

    employment. This necessitates the identification of sources from which these candidates

    can be attracted. Normally for an on-going organization, there are two sources of supply

    of manpower: internal and external. Each of these are sources has its own merits and

    demerits. Therefore, both sources are to be tapped in varying proportion.

    Basically, there are two main sources of recruitment commonly divided under twoheads:

    Internal SourceThey include those who are already on the pay-roll of the organization and

    those who served the organization in the past (but quit voluntary or due to

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    retrenchment) and would like to return if the organization likes to re-employ.

    There is merit in looking for int4ernal resources since they provide

    opportunities for better deployment and utilization of existing human

    resources through planned placements and transfers or to motivate people

    through planned promotions and career development where vacancies exists

    in higher grades. The law provides preferences to retrenched employees when

    vacancies arise in future.

    External Sources External sources lieoutside an organization. Entry level jobs are usually filled by new entrants

    from outside. Also in the following circumstances organizations may resort to

    outside sources: (a) when suitably qualified people are not available; (b) when

    the organization feels it necessary to inject new blood into it for fresh ideas,

    initiatives, etc.; (c) when it is diversifying into new avenues; and (d) when it is

    merging with another organization. Here the organization can have the

    services of : (a) employees working in other organizations; (b) job aspirants

    registered with employment exchange; (c) students from reputed educational

    institutions; (d) candidates forwarded by search firms and contractors; (e)

    candidates responding to the advertisements, issued by the organization; and

    (f) unsolicited applications/walk-ins.

    Methods of contacting sourcesAfter the finalization of sources from where the prospective candidates will be selected,

    the process of contracting these sources starts. Recruitment is a two-way street; itinvolves recruiter and recruit. A recruiter has the choice of whom to recruit based on the

    various information about the candidates. In same way, a recruit must have information

    about the organization to decide whether to join it or not. Therefore, before making the

    contact with the sources, particularly the external ones, the organization must decide the

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    information which must be shared with the candidates. There are two techniques for

    providing information: realistic job preview and job compatibility questionnaire.

    Realistic Job PreviewRealistic Job Preview (RJP) provides complete job information, both positive

    and negative, to the applicants with a view to help them to evaluate the

    compatibility between the job and themselves kin arriving at a decision to

    offer themselves for the employment or not. RJP helps the candidates to

    decide whether they should participate in the future processes of selection-

    selection tests, interviews, etc.-or withdraw themselves at the initial process.

    RJP is more popular in campus recruitment as in this process; a recruiter

    makes contact with a number of recruited at a time.

    Job Compatibility QuestionnaireJob Compatibility Questionnaire (JCQ) has been developed to determine the

    compatibility or match between the job characteristics and the applicants

    preferences for the job. A JCQ contains information in the question form on

    all those aspects of the job which have a bearing on job performance, job

    satisfaction, absenteeism and personnel turnover. The items included in JCQ

    cover job requirements, physical work environment, customer characteristics,

    peer characteristics, leader characteristics, compensation preferences, and

    promotional preferences. Respondents (prospective candidates) are asked to

    indicate the extent to which each JCQ item is descriptive to their expectations

    from the job. The analysis of various questions indicates the degree of match

    between job characteristics and job expectations of the candidates.

    After deciding the type of information to be shared with the prospective

    candidates, the process of contacting those candidates begins.

    Methods or techniques of recruitment

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    The following are the most commonly used methods of recruiting people:

    Internal Methods Promotions and transfers

    This is a method of filling vacancies from within through transfer and


    A transfer is an internal movement within the same grade, from job to

    another. It may lead changes in duties and responsibilities, working

    conditions, etc. but not necessarily salary.

    Promotion, on the other hand, involves movement of employee from a lower

    level position to a higher level position accompanied by (usually) changes in

    duties, responsibilities, status, and value.

    Job PostingJob posting is another way of hiring people from within. In this method, the

    organization publicizes job openings on bulletin boards, electronic media and

    similar outlets.

    Employee ReferralsEmployee referral (also known as word of mouth advertising) means using

    personal contacts to locate job opportunities. It is a recommendation from

    current employee regarding a job applicant. The logic behind employee

    referral is that it takes one to know one.

    Direct Method Campus Recruitment

    It is a method of recruiting by visiting and participating in college campuses

    and their placement sell. Here the recruiters visit reputed institutions, colleges

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    and universities with a view to pick up job aspirants having requisite technical

    or professional skills.

    Campus recruiting helps a company in reaching out to a large number of

    qualified job seekers in a short period of time and at a single location. The

    hiring process could be completed quickly, with timely help and

    administrative support from partnering institutions. Further, campus recruiting

    is moderate in terms of cost.

    Job FairsJob fairs are kind of variant of campus recruitment in which there is a

    centralized recruitment programme of various institutions in large cities and

    surrounding areas. In this case, either a participating institution or an

    independent institution acts as host. In such a programme, prospective

    students have to pay a nominal fee of Rs. 100- 200 per head to meet out the

    expenses. Companies intending to participate in such a programme are fixed

    in advance on the basis of the placement brochures of various institutions.

    Rest of the process of recruitment is carried out as discussed in campus

    recruitment process. This method has one advantage-in that a company is able

    to meet the students of a number of institutions in a single campus.

    Indirect Method Advertisement

    These include advertisements in newspapers; trade, professional and

    technical journals; radio and television; etc. in recent times. The ads

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    generally give a brief outline of the job responsibilities, compensation

    package, prospects in the organizations, etc. this method is appropriate


    (a) The organization intends to reach a large target group.

    (b) The organization wants a fair good number of talented people- who

    are geographically spread out.

    To apply for the advertised agencies there are wide variety of alternatives

    available to a company as far as ads are concerned.

    News paper AdsHere its easy to place job ads without much of a lead time. It has

    Flexibility in terms of information and can conveniently target a Specific

    geographic location.

    Television and Radio AdsThese ads are more likely to reach individuals who are not actively

    Seeking employment; they are likely to stand out distinctly, they

    Help the organization to target the audience more selectively and

    They offer considerable scope for designing ads creatively.

    Some factors affecting design of ads are:

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    Image of the organization Choice of media Prediction of target market Nature of job Employers Trade Associations/ Clubs

    Meetings, conferences, seminars, and other social functions ofemployees

    trade associations/ clubs are yet another means of locating suitable hands.

    Professional AssociationsMeetings, conferences, seminars, and other social functions of social

    professional associations/ bodies of major professionals like doctors,

    Engineers, Auditors, chartered Accounts and managers also provide ample

    opportunity to locate candidates for technical, scientific and managerial

    cadre vacancies.

    Third Party Method Private Employment Search Firms

    A search firm is a private employment agency that maintains computerised list of

    qualified applicants and supplies these to employers willing to hire people from a

    list for a fee.

    Employment ExchangesPublic employment exchanges, or simply known as employment exchanges, have

    been set by government all over the country in deference to provisions of

    Employment Exchanges (Compulsory Notification of Vacancies) Act of 1959.

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    The Act requires that all industrial undertakings must notify their vacancies up to

    supervisory levels to employment exchange concerned before these vacancies are

    filled-up. The job seekers get themselves registered with the employment

    exchanges. The major role of the employment exchanges is to find a match

    between jobs notified by various industrial undertakings and the job seekers, and

    to inform the job seekers accordingly. Thus, an employment exchange acts as a

    link between employers and job seekers.

    Gate Hiring and ContactorsThe concept of gate hiring is to select people who approach on their own for

    employment in the organization. This happens mostly in the case of unskilled and

    semi-skilled workers. Gate hiring is quite useful and convenient method at the

    initial stage of the organization when large number of such people may be

    required by the organization.

    Labour contractors supply labourers, particularly the unskilled ones, by charging a

    nominal fee per worker. These labourers may be appointed for certain specified

    period as casual workers in an organization.

    Unsolicited Applicants/Walk-insCompanies generally receive unsolicited applications from job seekers at various

    points of time. The number of such applications depends on economic conditions,

    the image of the company and job seekers perception of the type of jobs that

    might be available etc. Such applicants are generally kept in data bank and

    whenever a suitable vacancy arises, the company would intimate the candidate to

    apply through a formal channel.

    Internet RecruitingThe website offers a fast, convenient and cost effective means for job applicants

    to submit their resume through the internet. There are variety of websites

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    available- in addition to a companys own website- where applicants can submit

    their resumes and potential employers can check for qualified applicants (such as

    (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) (vi) (vii)

    Application PoolWhatever the method of recruitment is adopted, the ultimate objective is to attract as

    many candidates as possible so as to have flexibility in selection. When the sources of

    recruitment are contracted, the organization receives applications from prospective

    candidates. The number of applications depends on the type of organization, the type of

    jobs, and the conditions in specific human resource market.

    Evaluation and Control of RecruitmentEvaluation and control of recruitment programme is the last stage of a recruitment

    process. In any process, evaluation and control is required to ensure that the process has

    gone well in the light of its stated objectives and costs. The post- action evaluation of a

    recruitment programme has important implications for further recruitment programmes.

    While the basic objective of recruitment is to attract maximum number of suitable

    applicants, the costs of recruitment are on the following items.

    Cost of salary and other perquisites of recruiters. Management and professional time spent on preparing job descriptions, job

    specifications, advertisements, agency liaison, etc.

    Cost of advertisement or other recruitment methods such as cost of campusrecruitment, consultants fee, etc.

    Cost of producing supporting literature. Recruitment overheads and administrative expenses.
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    Cost of overtime and outsourcing while the vacancies remain unfilled. Cost of recruiting unsuitable candidates for the selection process.

    The total recruitment programme should be evaluated in the light of its objective and

    costs involved. For this purpose, various qualitative and quantitative criteria can be

    developed to measure the effectiveness of a recruitment programme. Such criteria may be

    the following nature:

    Type of organizational image that has been created in the minds ofprospective candidates.

    Number of applications received. Number of applicants rejected at different stages of recruitment and selection


    Ratio of candidates selected and rejected. Ratio of candidate selected and candidates joined. Number of candidates joined and candidates retained over a period time, say

    six months or one year.


    Selection is the most crucial stage in the process of acquiring human resources in an

    organization. After building the application pool through the process of recruitment, next

    step is the selection of the personnel who can fit the overall job requirements in the light

    of job description, role analysis, and job specification.


    To select means to choose. Selection is the process of picking individuals who have

    relevant qualifications to fill jobs in an organization. The basic purpose is to choose the

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    individual who can most successfully perform the job, from the pool of qualified


    According to Stone Selection is the process of differentiating between applicants in

    order to identify (and hire) those with a greater likelihood of success in a job.

    Selection is the process of examining the applicants with regard to their suitability for the

    given jobs or jobs, and choosing the best from the suitable from the suitable candidates

    and rejecting the others. Thus, selection is negative in its application in as much as it

    seeks to eliminate as many unqualified applicants as possible in order to identify the right



    The purpose of selection is to pick up the most suitable candidate who would best meet

    the requirements of the job and the organization in other words, to find out which job

    applicant will be successful, if hired. The needs of job are matched with the profile of

    candidates. The most suitable person is then picked up after eliminating the less suitable

    applicants through successive stages of selection process. How well an employee is

    matched to a job is very important because it directly affects the amount and quality of

    the employees work. Any mismatch in this regard can cost an organization a great deal

    in terms of money, time and trouble, especially, by way of training and operating costs.

    In course of time, the employee may find the job distasteful and in frustration. He may

    even circulate hot news and juicy bits of negative information about the company,

    causing incalculable harm in the long run.Effective selection, therefore, demands

    constant monitoring of the fit between person and job.


    Selection is usually a series of hurdles or steps. The basic idea is to solicit

    maximum possible information about the candidates to ascertain their suitability for

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    employment. Since the type of information required for various positions may vary, it is

    possible that selection process may have different steps for various positions. So, a

    standard selection process has the following steps:

    ReceptionA company is known by the people it employs. In order to attract people with

    talent, skills and experience, a company has to create a favorable impression

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    on the applicants right from the stage of reception. Whoever meets the

    applicant initially should be tactful and able to extend help in a friendly and

    courteous way. Employment possibilities must be presented honestly and

    clearly. If no jobs are available at that point of time, the applicant may be

    asked to contact the HR department after a suitable period of time has elapsed.

    Screening InterviewA preliminary interview is generally planned by large organisations to cut the

    costs of selection by allowing only eligible candidates to go through the

    further stages in selection. If the HR department finds the candidate suitable, a

    prescribed application form is given to the applicants to fill and submit.

    Application BlanksApplication blank or form is one of the most common methods used to collect

    information on various aspects of the applicants academic, social,

    demographic, work-related background and references. It is a brief history

    sheet of an employees background, usually containing the following things:

    Personal data (address, sex, identification marks) Marital data (single or married, children, dependents) Physical data (height, weight, health condition) Employment data (past experience, promotions, nature of duties, reasons

    of leaving previous jobs, salary drawn, etc.)

    Extracurricular activities (sports/games, NSS, NCC, prizes won, leisure-time activities)

    References (names of two or more people who certify the suitability of anapplicant to the advertised position)

    Selection Tests

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    Tests are important device used in the selection of the candidates. A test is

    designed to measure such skills and abilities in a worker as are found by job

    analysis to be essential for successful job performance. A test is a instrument

    designed to measure selected psychological factors. It can be defined as:

    According to Monappa and Saiyadain, Psychological tests are an objective

    and standardized measure of a sample of behavior.

    Types of Tests

    Some of the employment tests are as follows:

    Intelligence testsThese are mental ability tests. It tries to measure the level of intelligence of a

    candidate. This test generally includes verbal comprehension, word fluency,

    memory, inductive reasoning, number facility, speed of perception, spatial

    visualization, etc. The scores on the test are usually expressed numerically as

    Intelligence Quotient (IQ) which can be calculated as follows:

    IQ = Mental age/Actual age X 100

    It means that the IQ is derived by converting actual age into mental age and

    multiplying it by 100 in order to facilitate comparison. Higher is the figure,

    higher is the level of intelligence.

    The basic idea behind intelligence test is that if the organization is able to get

    people with higher intelligence, its training and learning process will be easier

    because intelligent employees learn faster than dull employees.

    Aptitude tests

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    Aptitude test measure an individuals potential to learn certain skills clerical,

    mechanical, mathematical, etc. These tests indicate whether or not an

    individual has the ability to learn a given job quickly and efficiently. Aptitude

    tests, unfortunately, do not measure on-the-job motivation. That is why the

    aptitude test is administered in combination with other tests, like intelligence

    and personality tests.

    Personality testsThese tests probe deeply to discover clues to an individuals value system, his

    emotional reactions and maturity and characteristic mood. They expressed in

    such traits like self-confidence, tact, emotional control, optimism,

    decisiveness, sociability, conformity, objectivity, patience, fear, distrust,

    initiative, judgment, dominance or submission, impulsiveness, sympathy,

    integrity, stability and self-confidence.

    Achievement testsIt is also called performance tests or trade test. Achievement is concerned with

    what one has accomplished. When candidates claim that they have done

    certain things and know these, the achievement test may be conducted to

    measured how well the candidates know these. A candidates knowledge may

    be measured through his answers to certain questions or his performance at a

    practical test.

    Ability testThe general meaning of ability is to have quality or being able to do a work.

    Ability of a person constitutes his intelligence (capacity to think abstractly),

    skills (proficiency required to use the knowledge to do a work), and aptitudes

    (potential abilities that have not been fully developed or applied).

    Simulation tests

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    This test evaluates a candidate in a similar real life situation. In this test, the

    candidate is asked to cope with the situation or solve critical situations of the


    Selection InterviewThe interview is a selection technique which enables the employer to view the

    total individual and directly appraise him and his behaviour. It is a method by

    which an idea about an applicants personality (including his intelligence,

    breadth of interest, and general attitudes towards life) can be obtained by face-

    to-face contact.

    An interview is an attempt to secure maximum amount of information from

    the candidate concerning his suitability for the job under consideration.

    Types of Interview

    Several types of interviews are commonly used depending on the nature and

    importance of the position to be filled within an organization.

    Non-directive or Unstructured InterviewIn a non-directive interview the recruiter ask questions as they come to mind.

    There is no specific format to be followed. The questions can take any

    direction. The unstructured interview can have deep insight of a candidate if

    the interviews have requisite skills to probe insight.

    Directive or Structured InterviewIn the directive interview, the recruiter uses a predetermined set of questions

    that are clearly job related. Since every applicant is asked the same questions,

    comparison among applicants can be made easily. Structured questions

    improve the reliability of the interview process, eliminate biases and errors

    and may even enhance the ability of a company to withstand legal challenge.

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    Situational InterviewOne variation of structured interview is known as the situational interview. In

    this approach, the applicant is confronted with a hypothetical incident and

    asked how he or she would respond to it. The applicants response is then

    evaluated relative to pre-established benchmark standards.

    Behavioural InterviewThe behavioural interview focuses on actual work incidents (as against

    hypothetical situations in the situational interview) in the applicants past. The

    applicant is supposed to reveal what he or she did in a given situation.

    Stress InterviewThe basic objective of stress interview is to find out how the candidate

    behaves in stressful situation. In stress interview, the interviewers create

    stressful situation for the candidate. The basic idea is to annoy, embarrass and

    frustrate him deliberately. Stress interview is more relevant for evaluating

    candidates who are required to work under stressful constantly.

    Panel InterviewIn a panel interview, the applicant meet with three to five interviewers who

    take turns asking questions. After the interview, the interviewers pool their

    observations to arrive at a consensus about the suitability of the applicant. The

    panel members can ask new and incisive questions based on their expertise

    and experience and elicit deeper and more meaningful responses from

    candidates. Such an interview could also limit the impact of the personal

    biases of any individual interviewer.

    Medical Examination

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    Certain jobs require usual stamina, strength or tolerance of hard working

    conditions. A physical examination reveals whether or not a candidate

    possesses these qualities. It brings out deficiencies, not as a basis of rejection

    but as a positive aid to selection placement and as indicating restrictions on

    his transfer to other positions.

    Reference ChecksMany employers request names, addresses, and telephone numbers or

    references for the purpose of verifying information and, perhaps, gaining

    additional background information on an applicant. The usual referees may be

    previous employers, persons associated with the educational institutions from

    where the candidates have received education, or ability.

    Reference checks serves two important purposes:

    One purpose is to gain insight about the potential employee from the peoplewho have had previous experience with him or her.

    The second purpose for reference checks is to assess the potential success of aprospect.

    Hiring DecisionThe employment is offered to those applicants who have crossed all the

    hurdles which come across in the way of selection process. The offer of

    employment is made through a letter of appointment. Such a letter generally

    contains a date by which the appointee must report on duty.

    When the job is offered and the candidates accept the offer, certain documents

    need to be executed by the employer and the candidate. One such document is

    the attestation form, which contains certain vital details about the candidate,

    which are authenticated and attested by him/her. Attestation form is a valid for

    future reference.

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    There is also a need for preparing a contract of employment. The basic

    information that should be included in a written contract of employment will

    vary accordingly to the level of the job, like:

    Job title, Duties. Hours of work, Holiday arrangements, Sickness leave, payment, Rate of pay, allowances, overtime, method of payment, shift rates, Data when continuous employment starts and the basis for calculating service, Grievance procedure, etc.

    Great care is taken to draft the contract forms.

    After all the formalities are completed, the candidates are placed on their jobs

    initially on probation basis for one to two years. After satisfaction

    performance during this period, the candidate is finally confirmed in the job

    on permanent basis or regularized.

    InductionThe final step of procurement is orientation or socializing or induction. The

    newly selected personnel are introduced to their environment, working

    procedure. They are also informed about their seniors, i.e. whom they have to

    report to, whom to give instructions and orders i.e. their subordinates, their

    peer group or co- workers. He is also made aware of the rules and regulations

    practiced in the organization.

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    It is the first step.

    Identifies the sources of


    It is positive in nature as it

    increases the number of


    It involves the searching.

    It comes after recruitment.

    It chooses the best out of it.

    It is negative in nature as it converts the

    large number of applicants into few.

    It involves comparison and choice of



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    I have undertaken the project effectiveness of recruitment and selection process. It is

    under the study

    Recruitment and selection at Bhushan to access the effectiveness suggestion toimprove it.

    Also comparative study of BSL with other organisation with same profile ofrecruitment process.

    Job satisfaction, job enlargement, job enrichment at BSL.

    Performance appraisal of BSL employees.

    The main objective is to select right sort of candidate among candidates to righttype of job at right time to reduce the cost of employment, loss occurred due to

    errors made by employees which are not appropriate to corresponding job. In

    each and every organisation recruitment and selection are main duties of its

    human being who make the organisation on the basis of human. Organisation can

    run in corporate world. Apart from these each and every employees of BSL are

    very much satisfied with job enrichment, enlargement and performance appraisal,etc. to know whether according to their pre- determined duties and responsibility

    and also the work done by the personnel director is very critical. It may cause

    loss or profit to company as it is very delicate and recruit and improvise of an

    employee and further give him training and development.

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    As one of the leading initiators in technological revolution in the steel industry, BSL

    equipment and machinery are well complimented by its people and continue to create

    benchmark for industry.

    B.B. SinghalChairman

    BSL is in the process of setting of the most advance HR rolling plant of the worldin Orissa.

    The construction of the first phase is being carried out with speed and nearing ofcompletion to gather with its state of the art of cold rolling plant at Sahibabad and


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    The company is well established industry. It has recently launched Galume (zincand aluminum coated) sheets for the first time in India.

    BSL is constantly exporting to USA, Europe, Canada, Africa, China, Middle East,and Asian market and is looking ahead steadily defining the future of steel day by



    Our mission is to grow our company by providing innovative

    strong and high performance products and solutions to meet our

    global customer needs.

    Company was established in 1982 by name of Jawahar Metal Ltd.

    But in 1992 known as Bhushan Steel & Strips Ltd. (BSS)

    In 2007 known as Bhushan Steel Ltd. (BSL)

    ChairmanMr. Brij Bhushan SinghalVice-chairmanMrs. Ritu Singhal

    Managing DirectorMr. Neeraj Singhal

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    A part from these, there are sixteen branches in India situated at:

    1. Ahemedabad 2. Gurgaon 3. Jaipur

    4. Aurangabad 5. Kanpur 6. Bangalore

    7. Mumbai 8. Chennai 9. Panchkula

    10. Coimbatore 11. Hyderabad 12. Pune

    13. Guwahati 14. Indore 15.Varanasi

    16. Jammu



    F-Block, 1st

    Floor, International Trade Tower,

    Nehru Place, New Delhi-110019, India

    Tel: +91.11.6462373

    Fax: +91.11.6478750

    E-mail: [email protected]


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    23, Site 4, Sahibabad, Industrial Area, Disst. Gaziabad- 201010


    Tel: +91.120.2770601-08

    Fax: +91.120.2770509, 2773601, 2773602

    E-mail:[email protected]

    WORKS- KHAPOLIVillage: Nifan, Sarvoli, Kharpada Road, Taluka- Khalapur

    Near Khapoli, Disst: Raigad-410203 (Maharastra) India

    Tel: +91.2219. 274263, 274294, 274296

    Fax: +91.2219. 274292, 274293

    E-mail:[email protected]

    WORKS- DHENKANALNarendrapur

    P.O- Shibapur, Meramanadali

    Disst.- Dhenkanal- 759121

    Tel: 06764- 229850

    Fax: 06764- 22886, 229853


    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]
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    Bhushan Steel Ltd formerly known as Bhushan Steel & Strips Ltd. is a globally

    renowned one of the leading prominent player in Steel Industry. Backed by more than

    two decades, of experience in Steel making, Bhushan Steel is now Indias 3rd largest

    Secondary Steel Producer company with an existing steel production capacity of 2

    million tones per annums (approx.). Given a vibrant Steel industry dynamics in

    India, we are on a course to become a fully Integrated Steel & Power Company with

    market leading offerings in value added Steel in Automotive and White Good

    Segment with the quality been approved by ISO 9002 and QS 9000. Bhushan Steel

    Ltd formerly known as Bhushan Steel & Strips Ltd. is a globally renowned one of the

    leading prominent player in Steel Industry. Backed by more than two decades, of

    experience in Steel making, Bhushan Steel is now Indias 3rd largest Secondary Steel

    Producer company with an existing steel production capacity of 2 million tones per

    annums (approx.). Given a vibrant Steel industry dynamics in India, we are on a

    course to become a fully Integrated Steel & Power Company with market leading

    offerings in value added Steel in Automotive and White Good Segment with the

    quality been approved by ISO 9002 and QS 9000.

    It was the vision of the founder; Brij Bhushan Singal, that the first stake was driven

    into the soil of Sahibabad (Uttar Pradesh) in 1987. His vision helped BSL overcome

    several periods of adversity and strive to improve against all odds.

    The company is centralized source for wide variety of products such as Annealed,

    Galvanized, High Tensile Steel Strapping, Corrugated Sheets, Galume Sheets and

    Coils, Hardened & Tempered Steel Strips , Billets, Sponge Iron and Precision Tubes.

    Manufactured in its various plants. BSL has the distinction of being the only producer

    In India of the widest width CR Sheet, besides being a preferred supplier ofautomotive grade steel sheets for inner and outer panels to all leading 4-wheeler and

    2-wheeler manufacturers in the country.

    The company has three manufacturing units in the state of

    -Uttar Pradesh (Sahibabad Unit)
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    -Maharashtra (Khapoli Unit)

    -Orissa (Meramandali Unit)

    Sahibabad Plant:

    The Sahibabad plant was commissioned in 1987, giving a tremendous volume thrust

    to the production capacity of Bhushan Steel Ltd. with a production of 4, 75,000 MT

    per annum. The plant compromises the products such as Cold Rolled Coil, Cold

    Rolled Sheet, Corrugated Sheet, Galvanized Coil And Sheet.

    Khopoli Plant:

    The Khopoli plant, commissioned in 2004 has been playing a remarkable role not

    only in the growth of exports, but in the production of a much wider variety of value

    added steel like Cold Rolled Coil And Sheet, Corrugated Sheet, Galvanized Coil And

    Sheet, Hardened And Tempered Coil, Precision Tubes, High Tensile Steel Strapping,

    Color Coated Sheet, Galume Coil & Galume Sheet. The production capacity of the

    Khopoli plant is 4,25,000 MT per annum.

    Meramandali Plant:

    BSL is currently implementing a backward integration project to set up an integrated

    steel plant of 2.3 MTPA capacity at Meramandali, district Dhenkanal, Orissa to

    manufacture Hot Rolled (HR) coils (which is the key raw material for its existing

    operations) / billets, so as to guard against future increase in prices / possible

    shortages of HR coils for its cold rolling facilities. The steel plant is being

    implemented through Direct Reduced Iron (DRI) Blast Furnace (BF)Electric Arc

    Furnace (EAF). The steel plant will have the capacity to manufacture 2.0 MTPA of

    HR coils and 0.3 MTPA of billets and power generation capacity of 110 MW. The

    plant has introduced the new productsBillets And Sponge Iron.

    The sales networkof the company is distributed globally across many countries such

    Germany, Japan, China etc.
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    Bhushan's products are being exported to China, Singapore, Malaysia, Hong Kong,

    Indonesia, Philippines, Dubai, Oman, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, Thailand, Korea,

    Myanmar, Sri Lanka, Nepal, Bangladesh, Vietnam, USA, Nepal, England, Belgium,

    Turkey, Angola, and a host of African countries.


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    The vision of involving into a totally steel production committed to achieve the

    highest standard of quality through cutting edge technology being realised at BSL.

    The vision of total integration of BSL is a lot closer to realisation today. BSL through

    seamless backward integration is consolidating its position under entire steel production

    value added steel the company is searching ahead.

    Finally, the vision of BSL is to achieve sources from the latest technology from the

    leaders and in maintaining the global quality standards continuously upgrading the steel

    plants and efficiently implement projects within the schedule and budgets always meeting

    obligations on time and hence these are hallmarks of BSL.


    ...Everything associated with the trademark of

    Bhushan steel

    reflects the companys position, leadership and qualityAt Bhushan Steel

    It is our endeavour to attain the highest level of customer


    To attain the global best practice and best utilisation.

    To provide uninterrupted quality and reality safe excellence and power tocustomers reliability.

    To achieve excellence, safety, reliability to customers service.

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    To constantly achieve high growth with high level of productivity.

    To be technically driven and financially sound organisation.

    To be a responsible corporate citizenship, nutrient human values and concern forthe society, the environment and about our people.

    To contribute to our community development and nation building.

    To promote work culture that faster production, growth, team spirit and creativityto overcome challenges to attain goal.

    To encourage ideas and value system.


    BSL commits to produce CR and galvanised steel sheets of world class quality in a safe,

    healthy and clean environment by involving employees with continual improvements in

    system implementation, technological advancement, operational integration, prevention

    of pollution and hazards maintaining expectations of customers.

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    Following are the certifications:

    Quality system certification- ISO/ TS 16944:2002

    Environment management system certification- ISO:14001:2004

    Safety Management System Certification- OHAS:18001:2007


    It stands forOccupational Health Safety Assessment Series. BSL commits to produce

    cold rolled and galvanized steel sheets of world class quality in a safe, healthy and clean

    environment, technological advancement, operational integration, prevention of pollution

    and hazards maintaining legal compliances and satisfying needs and expectations of

    customer for safety management system.


    To develop the concept of my own organisation among the employees. To be firm and fare disciplinary. To provide them harmonious safe working condition, timely assistance, canteen,

    interest free loans, chilled water, etc.

    No organized trade union, worker grievances are taken care of properly. Take care of its employees in hardship at work and family level a feeling of

    togetherness is developed which elevated various problems.

    Educate and train employees to make them a feel a part of organisation. Regulartrainings are permanent features of training and development activities.

    To provide insurance benefits to the employees

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    To provide employees through reward and benefits. Take care of companies good hospitality services.


    Mr. BrijBhushanSinghal (Chairman)

    Mr. NeerajSinghal (Managing Director)

    Mr. SandeepBaksh (Non-Admin Director)

    Mr. Surya Naravana (Nominee Director of LIC)

    Mr. RavikantSrivastava (Director)

    Mr. V.K. Mehrotra (Director)

    Mr. Mohan Lal (Director)

    Mr. NitinJohari (Director)

    Mr. Rahul Sen Gupta (Whole Time Director -


    Mr. P.K. Agarwal (Whole Time Director-


    Mr. O.P. Daura (Company Secretary)

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    Mehra, Goel& Co. (Charted Accountants)


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    The following are the products manufactured in BSL:

    Cold Rolled coils &sheets

    Galvanized coils & sheets

    Sponge Iron

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    High Tensile Steel Strapping

    Hardened &Tempered Steel Strips (HTSS)

    Alloy Billets

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    Color Coated Tiles

    Color Coated Coils

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    Drawn Tubes of OEM Trade Drawn tubes of original equipment manufacturer trade




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    Bhushan Steel Limited has recently successfully implemented SAP system at its

    Sahibabad works along with its sales outlets with the help of Siemens Information

    System Ltd. BSL commits to produce Cold Rolled & Galvanized steel Sheets of world

    class improvements in system implementation, technological advancement, operational

    integration, prevention of pollution and hazard maintaining.


    Cold Rolled Coil Cold Rolled Sheet Galvanized Plane Coil Galvanized Plane Sheet Galvanized Corrugated Sheets



    Cold rolling

    Widest upto 1700mm 3,50,000

    Wider upto 1200mm 1,00,000 Narrower upto 550mm 25,000

    Total Cold Rolling 4,75,000

    Galvanized Sheets 2,25,000

    Hardened & Tempered Strips -

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    Colour Coated Sheets -

    Drawn/precision Tubes 15,000

    High Tensile Steel Strapping -

    Alloy steel/Wire rods 70,000

    Service centre 30,00,000

    Captive power 24MW


    COLD ROLLING MILL (CR MILL)It is the widest mill (1700mm) for automobile appliances. It is universal crown

    control for better shape control and auto shape control are on both sides of the

    mill while the mill is running at 1200m/m. All these things have been brought

    first time in India.

    ELECTROLYTIC CLEANING LINE (ECL)It is for degreasing the strips before annealing. It helps in removing the oil

    completely and removes iron fines.

    ACID PICKLING LINEFeatures are as follows:

    High speed turbulent pickling with five stage, effective cascade rinsing. To avoid/ under pickling. For better cleanliness of sheets. Two push-pull type pickling lines of H.B. esmech Bombay with technical

    knowhow from Proeco, Canada 1720mm and 1400mm wide.

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    MPM SPEEDIt has been launched first time in India and the main features are given below:

    X- Ray gauges for better thickness control. Mill clean system to minimize rocking oil quantity on strips. Level it computerization. Auto gauge control.

    KATHABAR COOLING SYSTEMThese are coils cooling and storage system technology by Lio Germany. Here

    coils after annealing are stored to avoid oxidation through dehumidification to

    prevent rusting.

    CR SLITTING LINESIt is from Fimi, Italy/ Daehyun Korea. It is fully automatic operation including

    slitter blades setting by computer and shim less setting to ensure burr free and

    scratch free operation.

    MULTI BLANKING AND CTL LINESIt is from Heinrich Georg, Germany; Fimi, Italy and Daeyhun Korea and is also

    electromagnetic stacker for best surface quality standards and fully computerized

    level for tabletop flat sheets from shuntz, Germany. All these have been launched

    first time in India.

    BELL ANNEALING FURNACESIt is 100% hydrogen based batch type furnaces made from Ebner, Autria- the

    number one supplier in the world. It is fully computerized high convention and

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    fully sealed base technology. Annealing cycle programs are available in the

    computer for getting optimum mechanical properties.

    ROLL GRINDERIt is from Waldrich Siegen, Germany. It is CNC controlled, fully computerized

    grinder to provide best quality rolls for mills with automatic roll inspection


    GALVANIZED LINESIt is furnace based on the design of Stein Heurty, France. Non- oxygen furnace is

    used for cleaning of strip inert medium of nitrogen with 30% hydrogen to avoid

    oxidation. Coating with Radiometry skin helps to minimize spangle, tension

    levelling for improved shape, chromatizing to avoid zinc oxidation.

    TESTING EQUIPMENTS Spectrometer from Hylger, U.K. Fully computerised universal testing machine from Zwick, Germany for

    measurement of yield strength, ultimate tensile strength, %r value, n value,

    type, u, e.

    Metallurgical microscope axiovert Germany up to 500x magnification. Automatic surface roughness tester from Hommel, Germany. Fully computerized micro hardness tester from Tinus Olsen, USA.


    The company has a latest state of the art R&D centre and has Tensile & IF steel

    for passenger car skin pannel application, development of pannel grade material

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    for Refrigerator, Visi Coolers & Chest Coolers of Coco-Cola and Pepsi and

    battery application.

    With constant stress on innovation, product quality and product range supported

    by an extensive network of branch offices, dynamic dealers and distribution

    network, BSL has been today a familiar name in the country.


    Balance sheet

    Mar ' 12 Mar ' 11 Mar ' 10 Mar ' 09Mar '


    Sources of funds

    Owner's fund

    Equity share capital 42.47 42.47 42.47 42.47 42.47

    Share application money 383.01 - - 400.44 -

    Preference share capital 85.94 68.69 36.68 - -

    Reserves & surplus 7,267.95 5,785.25 3,912.52 1,985.59 1,582.85

    Loan funds

    Secured loans 16,955.36 12,391.85 8,326.96 5,136.32 3,333.11

    Unsecured loans 2,861.20 4,200.78 3,077.15 2,929.93 2,385.02

    Total 27,595.94 22,489.04 15,395.78 10,494.75 7,343.46

    Uses of funds

    Fixed assets

    Gross block 18,203.34 14,424.40 3,685.89 3,281.86 2,927.09

    Less : revaluation reserve - - - - -

    Less : accumulated depreciation 2,469.45 1,858.11 1,606.57 1,395.89 1,168.07

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    Mar ' 12 Mar ' 11 Mar ' 10 Mar ' 09Mar '


    Net block 15,733.90 12,566.29 2,079.32 1,885.97 1,759.02

    Capital work-in-progress 9,068.67 7,393.21 11,109.33 7,400.13 4,567.97

    Investments 329.45 277.73 370.04 107.73 58.46

    Net current assets

    Current assets, loans & advances 8,318.84 5,024.95 3,774.19 2,746.40 2,420.14

    Less : current liabilities & provisions 5,854.93 2,773.14 1,937.10 1,645.48 1,462.14

    Total net current assets 2,463.91 2,251.80 1,837.08 1,100.92 958.01

    Miscellaneous expenses not written - - - - -

    Total 27,595.94 22,489.04 15,395.78 10,494.75 7,343.46


    Book value of unquoted investments 328.44 177.87 164.18 58.98 52.71

    Market value of quoted investments 1.06 1.35 151.73 0.56 1.25

    Contingent liabilities 6,464.63 6,147.69 4,047.07 2,424.34 2,545.91

    Number of equity sharesoutstanding(Lacs)

    2123.58 2123.58 424.72 424.72 424.72

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    Personnel Management by K.V.Mishra, Aditya Publishing House Madras, 1992

    CHHBRA T.N. Principles and Practices of Management, DhanpatRai& Co. (P)Ltd., Delhi, 2000

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    Practice of Human Resource by Danny Shield

    Human Resource Management by V.S.P.Rao, Excel Books, New Delhi, 2010

    Managing Human Resource by L.M.Prasad

    Manuals from company