bsr visual style

Mise-en-scene, Camera Work and Editing

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editing camera work and mise-en-scene


Page 1: BSR Visual Style

Mise-en-scene, Camera Work and Editing

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Here we see an establishing shot. We can denote many power lines in the background, surrounded by many trees, with a big estate on the right of the screen. This establishing shot connotes that the characters are working class, because it shows that they live in estates, which is typically working class people. The way the building is placed on the right of the shot also connotes that its not of importance, as its showing a lot of space next to it, which emphasis the fact of them being working class and unimportant to society. This establishing shot also connotes that they live in a rough area, as estates are typically rough areas due to the working class lifestyle, but not a very busy area as there's a lot of trees and power cables around connoting its in an open area, which further connotes to the audience themes of violence, petty crime and maybe drugs/alcohol will be involved as these usually follow from the working class background of people who live in estates.

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In this shot, we can denote two characters. It is night time and its unclear, but they are standing near a lake on a path. One of the characters is wearing a grey hoodie over he's head , and the other character is dressed casual with a t-shirt and shirt on. The character on the left is laughing, as before this shot he had killed another black males dog with a gun. The use of natural lighting in the night time adds to the verisimilitude of the film, but also connotes that the characters are very urban, gang type people because they are in a very unlit area at night time, which is typically of gangs as they don’t want to be seen by police, and shows they are in a dangerous area because its so dark. The character wearing the hoodie connotes that he wants to try and hide he's identity, and makes him look intimidating, which is a typical stereotype of gangs to wear hoodies. The character on the left connotes to the audience that these people don’t really care about others, and are heartless because he had just killed a dog and finds it funny, which emphasizes how rough the area and people are. This shot portrays many themes in this film such as violence and petty crime because of the hoodies, dark lighting and the gun.

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In this shot, we can denote a little black boy standing in he's bedroom getting ready for school. The room looks quite messy, as kids rooms usually are, but the room looks very cramped with a bunk bed in, and draws and desks right next to the bed. The room is quite dark as the only light is coming from the window, and outside the window we can denote fields from a high point a view. This shot connotes to the audience that the characters are working class and don’t have a lot of money because of how little space there is in the boys room, and as he shares the room with he's older brother, shows this even more as two people living in such as cramped room tells the audience they are living in poverty. This tells the audience poverty is a theme in this film. The messy room also connotes that the characters don’t really look after their belongings as things are just scattered everywhere and their beds aren't made, which shows the audience they are lazy and not well kept. The view we can see from the window also connotes to the audience they are poor because we can see they live high up in an open area. This suggests they live in a flat, which connotes the poverty as the area looks dull and boring as there just open fields and as its very dark and dull, it brings down the mood of the audiences which emphasizes these things even further, and connotes the boy is depressed even though he has just woken up.

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Camera Work

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In this shot, we can denote a looking through shot of a character sitting in a dull lit room, with dirty looking walls taking drugs. The use of using a looking through shot connotes to the audience what this character acts like when no ones around because the shot makes the audience feel like their spying on him. This connotes that the character is a drug addict, as we can see him through the door sniffing drugs. From the look of he's house he is in poverty because the room has a scruffy and dirty look to it, so using this shot shows some of the themes that are in this film. Also, the use of this shot showing part of the room may connote the character lives in a rough location, as it denotes to the audience a rough house, and a rough house would connote a rough area as a persons house is like a reflections of their personality, which would also show this character is quite scruffy.

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In this shot, we can denote a low angle shot of a character dressed in a black hoodie walking away from a set of flats. The camera is tracking this character backwards as he walks and the characters has a straight face with no emotion. Using a low angle shot connotes to the audience this character is quite confident and makes him look more powerful. The use of the camera movement connotes that he is intimidating as well, because the camera is following him which is uncomfortable. They also use a mid shot so the audience can denote more of he's body language and what's around him, which shows he's clothes and the estates. This connotes to the audience that the character is urban by the way he dresses with the black hoodie, which is stereotypes in gangs, and showing the estates connotes he is in poverty as he can only afford a rough estate. This also connotes to the audience he lives in a rough area because estates usually bring about rough people, and establish themes like poverty and petty crime because these themes usually follow the stereotypes of what the audience can connote from this shot.

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Here we can denote a long shot of one of the main characters in the film. The character is placed on the right of the screen standing at a dirty bus stop and we can denote a lot of space around him. From this long shot the audience can connote that this character is lonely, and an outsider from this community, because leaving all the space around him in the long shot, and not making him center of attention connotes he is unimportant. This shot may also connote that some themes like isolation may be in this film because of how lonely and depressed they portray this character. Showing what's around him in the long shot, like the filled up bin makes the scene look more dirty and connotes that it isn't a very nice area because it looks scruffy.

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In this first shot, we can denote a riot going on, and we can see a lot of violent men with one trying to kick someone else which is in black and white. The next shot it cuts to a credit of the composer and then it shots back to more violent footage. By using a montage in the opening sequence introduces what the films all about to the audience. From the ‘found’ footage used in the montage it connotes to the audience that the characters in this film will be very violent and like to fight, which further connotes that they will be surrounded in a rough area as if all the people are violent it must be quite a rough area. There is also upbeat music that is used which reflects the fast pace editing of the montage and also connotes what music the characters will listen to. Using the montage editing technique it also connotes many themes like violence, petty crime, poverty and other themes like sports will be involved because all of the footage is off football hooligans fighting each other. Using the ‘found’ footage adds to the verisimilitude of the film and using the montage sets the whole story.

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In this shot, we see the main character walking down a street, dressed with a brownish coat on and the lighting looks quite dull and dark and it looks very busy.. The character is doing a voiceover while this shot is happening. This shot is a very long shot as it goes on for nearly 30 seconds. By using such a long take, it introduces the character to the audience and connotes to them that he is an intimidating person with an urban background, because in the shot we can see the way he walks which is aggressive, and the voiceover of a cockney accent also connotes he's aggressive. Showing this mid shot for a long time also connotes to the audience that the character lives in a busy city, as there are a lot of people walking around in the background behind him. This shot also establishes that themes of violence will be in the film because the cockney accent and the way he walks connotes he is a violent person.

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In the first shot, we can denote a group of police officers from a distances standing outside a train station and there are many people walking past. In the second shot we can denote two police officers on horses wearing masks, even closer to the screen and again its very busy. By editing to a shot a more police in a different area, and making them even closer to the screen, connotes to the audience that violence is a main theme in this film because its emphasizing that the event that’s happening is dangerous otherwise they wouldn't need police wearing masks there. Also, this would connote that the characters in this film are violent, because it portrays violence as the main theme, so it would also connote the main characters are violent and showing the police connotes that the police are one of their enemies and they try to avoid them. Editing to more shots of a busy area and lots of police also connotes to the audience that they live in a rough, urban and busy area. The sign in the second shot tell us its in Totten ham, but the police show its rough and urban, and all the people show its busy. So using this editing connotes a lot to the audience.