b.tech. biotechnology notes (18)

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  • 8/6/2019 b.tech. Biotechnology Notes (18)


    -M!ti9r-!!rg4b!ut!b4J!!etabolisrr 's ll'e 6el of cl'ernca rca(rio"s lidl !! !ui r occu' in livind obani.ml

    the metaborenol al orqa-sm deteirni.eswhrcf subslaFces

    olAs=16;;a,, " r,re rhe;e p,ocesbeqlow o'qarisms o oow.nd Eorodue-=rdelllS]!:fySt*. dnd eslond o hq envnonmenlsvetabolism,isGiitii-djildll tliiiifrdcateso ;s catabolisnrreaksownarcemolecules'ore-&EBleo haNesl nersy!,!qlqlausesenerovo conslrucl 4u9!e!lsql99!!! suchThe hemicaleaclionsrmelabollsare.rqloize9l|no etabolio:athwavs4wnicn--6iE66Fial rs ansiorrnednloanolher v a seouencer enzvm9sEnwm"" "re cmcial a metabolismecausehev alLow rdanlsmso ddvedesnabb Jt U'ernooyra-icrlly.ravoEble".clronsbv @uollno,lhemotd@;b6 ds-Ilzvm?vm6 d$ al!r! llc-rcslJrali9! a s--Lnresponseo chanae!n l'e @lfsenlnontrenl 'sgrals I omornelcsrlsj _ .nLnrlous ndwhrch l wrll indposonous ot e\aaple,htd;6iE; suLlide s a rulnani yeirhis qa1E poFfiflaoNm. rhemeraboricre,srsonrrlorcs howmrch o:otj,e$:lallljllA skikinoealuof melabolisms hesimilarilvf hebasicmeteMeen eveny3!!r!49!gt!jp9C3l For e/arple. lhe sel ol c.rboxylrc cids

    s mrlailiesn nrerabolEn remosl ir.elyhe esJllo' he hh ellioency l lhEtnatarebed(n;fMs lhe nler:-edialesn rnecilrcacd cvcls elEient-n an-orgalsms.berg lound n specles s dive6e as lhe unrcollularadelraE5lr\lrraralrand ugFm!ri@llula,' s2n,shsike lgdellE"l Thes lritunq

    Metabolic ctlvorl( cconstruction:Metabolic network recon3trucllonallows ror an n deconrbr.h.ndinghe molecularmechanlsms l a p.dlc'i;r ".g."ism, spociallyiohly.Ap!ons4dio!-Ueat9$14!

    into heft esoecliveea.rions nd.9!zy!t9t, ndanalyzesrremw rh,ru'e per pechve' theerl e nelwo Examples fvanbus elabo/icpathwaysnctulegtggUSDE9L!9J2ypk'penlosephosohateBthwav,.tc lnsmpiled len]ls,a r9S!nlormalion f an orcanrsm nd hencompilnql in a w!a ous vpeq.r,n-ry(Fr lo oepero_med r'eco,'ea,onhClrtee!lle 09qeand nelabol,sm s made by searct.ngg.lp dd ab:qos sucn as 6q9!aqDeQ,B.elc, lor oa icularoenesbv inpullino nzvneor o.oleinn.meF.Forexan,ple,a search caf be corducled based on the pl9!dl!94q-!dnqEq

    p!thways, ndoftheiiearlv ppearanceneaolulofary.

  • 8/6/2019 b.tech. Biotechnology Notes (18)


    number a number hat represetrlshe cataLvtcinterest)norder o i d lheassocialedgene'r' Lte

    runcrionr,tfe e'lzYlP:l

    BelowF -o p dela ed dPslrplor ol a itw oe e' 'nzJme/teacl'odPathwaydarabasesl"dlarecrLcE o d melabohceconsrrJdr ' '_ ' ' :-.l'/. KyotoEncvcropediar Gses andG4od6 qt:il'- r**-t!*;ii;:o;:,,;;ai;;;s;!an:1.91j-.9"1ie".-: ""ss!q*",.pq",1"*l,:ffi:'-".i6qi- "t lrs9-9rre!E:;'s.-----_^:,^":.":i:*;: ll::;e,o ;;;"-;tui lrt r@om-passes:"I9ls:1':1":I.:lt*;;";.d5fu-'b""*;':dqyq'i.l1.the".:ll'.1,"e,gaft*

    -r"*** can be elr@merv erur wnen-D!rc,ul when build'ng lh6i""i.rirc" o"r*."" *"u"rj". "".u.""

    /. GeneoataBaseGenoDB) rmlaro lhe KEGG esourcehe Cne" siiil:li,iL':::is:i:ffitd.a;:ll.ffi *1lr** il;r:e!a!el's9!gqgEsadud{'lbli"o'v'"" ii,:'o'isl"o o"sw,t th;;brm;r6; 01rne enesln hecas..oriii,liijii l"" p"'n"i" t" sr"*"'") rr's erveasvoaccassrr

    hiii.*',r "enes raiaFassociaredir1g&qlgE Fudhmote' eneDB;;; ;-.'*;;; o sanzriona (rru- ror meraborismnd r is#":*;i""=l',u:"1;l;?i{l:':,i:H":l#"'::1il}tnalare n"olled i he organsm

    /. Brocyc,Ecocyc ndMetacyc:ioqLj!+++de!-++-4-?q!;;i',-;;,;;# "L**'. ;"t,1'q utrotearauses-leoicaeuoEniffi;^"ri'"' "-.pr".srscy"1,:ll:l:-"g9:I:*i*P"j,ffi. ,. " r"ghi d"rdredo, omarl:_dalabase^on"thed6;;-;;;;;b.r. -;";d"ar'on o' fs.heilh,a cgi ircrudhsiTo."o. o"*i"r'-" ol u"evado"s ign.lin! athwals.heEcocvcoaraoai..arse'veas a pladgn' r'd modelor arv 'consruclonAdo .ora'y Mclacvc, n crcvcopedra rmelabol'calhw;avs,?n!?rg*wealihor'in6;;Gton-E9lq!9ll!-ls!!qF d-ilvedifromove. 600dlS!9!&s3!9!qsPathwav lools: Ll-s 's a bbrnlormalr.' orc{.ae lnal asslsis in theconsi,u;r,o. r p:rhw>v/c.n6mealabasesuchas EgqgL&tgltvTools compses severalSgp4qlqllhlhal wolk looethero leneralen-w pallMa//qenomealrbrsesF-.1.Prl oLooc akes n annolaled

  • 8/6/2019 b.tech. Biotechnology Notes (18)


    !rselE-&'-'illll':lll,.:il:,1lffi,l1iffi.*#ilrl#l#ffiffijiit-".-.ffiljili'i,,Ei&'iii"Jiii.iir"""""""o" "i"u-'/. ENZYME: his sm4z,ne o$sc'alu,l:d$aqsef ,+*ffilHJ'Hffi -*iffi J",&;{_i.-*':"*,*1"f*"'jil:ff"'*::::'il#i:ffi.'jiiEdia-'";11";[*n**X*6;"l3ilf i;:iT"'#,'ff'"il"iii'"'*'i'a-u""""-"t'""reoo2.BRENDA:Acomprehensivee*t:l:*l"t::".;iP-."**"1!?in'lili,""Li;;;:--'t-*t-t=*"."t"!ff'rc .il.ri....=,-_-"."""a'r ep1,"3.1.1'*'*"iiiiii"""g-ih;,ur"'""'v* "r'""'r'

    Ei*waoshe isanismt nteestt'us eand tsuse nside ttheoroanlsm

    or currenl|verng

    "ffi4. Osplterregrowirtgumber

    ; ; rc 1r,curfur rr ' : ' r ' r

    aeo,lem'dlteresaEia!iiiiT ae"v".a g"r'e","no_lxelt;il;v tei!-lsesi!!-i!rycJ!9fr;,1-"b16""rhr"," rof slchMlysesJiiiifr t;i;-*"s"4-q:4-':**anddeb!e!9aY":ll.:f:i'i";:f'il,"T;#ili6g!rriJ;,'ree'-* -*"'r""andrnela!ohcDa!'wavrecnr'3rdr'n (A5sAnu'iii--ewauores ana tassitication

    'iiq'Ilying cause_@nsequenceolherser'esTheanalrEEnen2. Nelwo,khollillavconslruclonronrnicro. like larqelednnrlanonand lime-series?l? rnes

    Mctlll )ol iclt!rthlvn l{ccorrsI !!l!j

    ffm*,.*."",".Ji;'Ji1l'":ffol whch getcs.re corlrollcd Y

  • 8/6/2019 b.tech. Biotechnology Notes (18)


    involvesheprornolernalysisl lreqenesnsidehesame lusleto dentiiycomnronesularorylenents. nunrberf diifenl algeted utalionsanalsobe cohblned o infef he possible ndeyingnelwork y various

    reaclanrs., 2n.rh., F..ri.4, i.e. p-!ad!ds_!!_s!9_549!9l!can ombinewilholhe. otei.sor compoufdso om new rotelnycompoundsn hepr$ence fdifierenlnzvNes rcatalvsls

    ' 2. Furlhernorepgtg!!I9!e1ue can be researhed n .rdd lo rubt6d .nyi'onralion obi.inE.r inm nnp ol lhe rnanv mplabolic @aclio. and q!tromedalabase

  • 8/6/2019 b.tech. Biotechnology Notes (18)


    lJitlMirrer - BioM er is a sofiwaresyslen ror lla[ziqrjffLl1js]la]Lirsla4plet bo.he-cal neh{o'[s and oro.esses.T.e path{inder toorilhminegrarcq ow nreraboicnro.Farior o. a o,oupo, organismsolecledromdNerse ara ourcesntoa rnelaboticraoh'Z ' CYlosc:rDc Cyloscapesa bioinformatcsottwarc taformorvisuatizino4ole., r F'4^ r-hnlwo said rlea an.o rhesenterdctronsrilhoen;glplgssrdr-plo]rcsndourer rare :,2

    lllll|rc||rc - D_Lrejrs,s tEe sofiwa,eackaae nuen n rlrAtLAB,orinre'lnsd!an'c Bavesrardwn,kq i,h Mc4rb. rre progra;;-liiokerurcl,onsr heEavcsNel ootbox rlrp.by hevin&rpbl s; youneod odowdoaols so warepsckoocisl. D&ncrncs a Leesoflwareackag

    "/ . Ccrr l ' t l th

    I)ynx||r ic i !nl l inqMnps(;cnctic

    N('lrv0r'k/'itl ll tvrl , lcconslt tcl i ( ,n | ltd nnl sissoftware:

    InicrVicrrr- ll )athlr i l |dcrI 'Al l l l | l lo l(cr

  • 8/6/2019 b.tech. Biotechnology Notes (18)


    Scv.ra r$ql5r-br",ies "a L"t@el oea.,.,,zvrne. aro raaclrol319. quo sned nera ure soLrcesregardf! l..e meldboic ia,orm

    ryr!qE++t'r4 s asvsremalrcvecanonnd oFprtalronrd,ra Dm adoussourcesnalEkesntoaccounll ot h. .E.ron:^.,es./A consr.ucncombinesfe.etev6rlmetaboti.ndaelonrc ntomationfan999!EDr'2a_e- 0'srrarol it$ a'ows tor dclrbotiL @.rprENE ro Jeper,omedbelwnvdnous peces o.resare organism s wet 66 belweendif,ec organisms.

    Cttnclusion:Inco,rclJs.on,trbohcetworheconstruction,de\uarion anbeeffsctivetyi:jil":f"j::!i{ i':{r3i:il;|;i"'tl,rr":Hfi:,1snfitac obhases hF rhesoator meldbotceconsrrchon/sidrtarionluti 60 6;ijlrffil;Jliii!i ';:i:""ffi:':i1",'J:Jfitff:",x58r",,l"t;onrrue oewde llE hosr'smmJne Fleh. a @corstru.honodetEervess6: ,\':'#"-"":il"i:.l'"'it""J":riffi"$i'J"["",'"":;::TJ"'J:.i::l;:Ht- -"t" andapo'v ro d'usderve'vnddrus'ensi*e'nsCLr,cr ' ly InanyhooLa dseasesat tect i |gt . i rowo, td narEnsnao6q,rdleJt'Jdcterized, rid huspoorty derstooo heretore,ecorslutlon r1d sin-rtro4 or Ineparas,es -at cause rc lropical@Jd aid n develop,.ges aro i|novalNe ulesard treamenG.

    Lgroilsh'url i0n: