btf guidelines for tbi maj ajay

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  • 7/29/2019 BTF Guidelines for TBI Maj Ajay


  • 7/29/2019 BTF Guidelines for TBI Maj Ajay



    A joint project of the Brain Trauma Foundation

    American Association of Neurological Surgeons(AANS)

    Congress of Neurological Surgeons(CNS)

    AANS/CNS Joint Section on Neurotrauma and CriticalCare

  • 7/29/2019 BTF Guidelines for TBI Maj Ajay


    TBI(Traumatic Brain

    Injury)Incidence 56430/100,000

    Male: female = 3:2

    60% occur in 2040 yr age

    High mortality and morbidity

    Majority of deaths occur in the first 72 hrs

    Commonest cause is road traffic accidents

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    Introduction Major cause of disability, death and economic cost to

    our society.

    Damage from TBI not only at the time of impact butevolves over a time of hours and days.

    Reduction in mortality from 50%--35%--25%

    subsequent to the use of Evidence Based Protocols thatemphasize monitoring and maintaining adequatecerebral perfusion

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    BTF Guidelines for management TBI

    1st Edition: 1995


    Edition: 2000

    3rd Edition: 2007

    6 new chapter

    Standard Level I

    Guidelines Level II

    Options Level III

  • 7/29/2019 BTF Guidelines for TBI Maj Ajay



    Blood Pressure andOxygen

    Hyperosmolar Therapy


    Infection Prophylaxix

    DVT Prophylaxix

    Indications for ICPmonitoring

    ICP MonitoringTtechnology

    ICP Thresholds Brain Oxygen monitoring

    and Threshold

    Anaesthetics, Analgesics, andSedatives


    Antiseizure Prophylaxis

    Hyperventilation Steroids

  • 7/29/2019 BTF Guidelines for TBI Maj Ajay


    Levels of Recommendations Level I : Recommendations are based on the

    strongest evidence, represent principles of

    patient management that reflect a high degree

    of clinical certainty.

    Level II : Recommendations reflect a moderate

    degree of clinical certainty.

    Level III : Recommendations for which the

    degree of clinical certainty is not established

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    Blood Pressure and Oxygen

    Level I: Insufficient Data

    Level II: BP should be monitored and Hypotension

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    Scientific Foundation

    (data collected from TCDB)

    Hypoxemia occurred in 22.4% of severe TBI mortality andmorbidity

    In non-Hypoxemic patient mortality was 14.3% with a 4.8%rate of severe disability

    Patient with O2 saturation

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    A single episode of Hypotension (SBP

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    Key Issues Ethical : Manipulative investigation

    Level of hypoxia/hypotension that correlates with pooroutcome

    Treatment threshold

    Optimum resuscitation protocols for hypoxia andhypertension

    Specification of target values

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    Hyperosmolar Therapy

    Level I: Insufficient Data

    Level II: Mannitol 0.25-1gm/kg BW effective for raisedICT( SBP

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    Possible MOA of Mannitol


    Plasma expansion


    Blood viscosity

    deformability of erythrocyte

    CBF and O2 delivery


    Delayed 15-30min

    Persists for 90min-6hrs

    Risks: Arterial hypotension


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    Hypertonic Saline Osmotic mobilization of water across BBB

    Cerebral water content

    HS as a bolus infusion may be an effective adjuvent oralternative to mannitol

    However current evidence is not strong enough to makerecommendation

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    Key Issues RCT to determine relative benefit of HSVs mannitol

    Optimal administration and concentration of HS

    Validation of use single high dose mannitol

    Efficacy of prolonged hypertonic therapy for raisedICT, especially in relation to outcome.

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    Prophylactic Hypothermia

    Level I: Insufficient Data

    Level II: Insufficient Data

    Level III: Not significantly associated with mortalityVs normothermic, however some findings suggest that

    a greater mortality risk if target temp maintained for>48 hrs

  • 7/29/2019 BTF Guidelines for TBI Maj Ajay


    Evidence from 6 moderate quality RCT

    Not clearly demonstrate hypothermia with significantreduction in mortality.

    Hypothermia may have higher chances of reducingmortality and better GOS(Glasgow Outcome Scale) scoreof 4 or 5 if cooling maintained for >48 hrs.

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    Key Issues Inadequate or poorly described randomization

    Inability to rule out confounding of treatment effects

    No blinding of outcome assessors

    Inadequate management of missing outcome data

    Improvement : Independent event monitoring committees

    : Larger sample size/Multiple centre

    : Increase standardization / Control group

  • 7/29/2019 BTF Guidelines for TBI Maj Ajay


    Infection Prophylaxis Level I: Insufficient Data

    Level II: Periprocedural antibiotics (Intubation) toreduce incidence of Pneumonia

    Level III: Routine Ventricular catheter exchange or

    prophylactic antibiotic use for its placement is notrecommended.

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    Ventriculostomies and other ICP monitors should beplaced under sterile condition to close drainage systemsminimising manipulation and flushing

    No support for use of prolonged antibiotics for systemicprophylaxis in intubated TBI patient

    A single study(Sirvent et al) supports the use of a shortcourse of antibiotic at the time of intubation the riskof pneumonia

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    Key Issues

    Lack of RCTs with sufficient number of TBI

    Trials including those with antibiotic impregnatedcatheters, would be both ethical and useful

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    DVT Prophylaxis Level I: Insufficient Data

    Level II: Insufficient Data

    Level III: Graduated Compression stockings or intermittentpneumatic compression(IPC) unless lower

    extremity injuries (till ambulation): LMWH/ low dose UH should be used incombination with mechanical prophylaxis

    ( risk of expansion of ICH)

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    Risk of DVT in absence of DVT prophylaxis 20% aftersevere TBI

    Any decision must weigh efficacy against harm(Intracranial/systemic bleeding)

    No reliable data for pharmacological prophylaxis and

    medication choice or optimal dosing regimen basedon current evidence

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    Key Issues

    An RCT of mechanical prophylaxisVswith addition ofpharmacological prophylaxis in severe TBI is needed

    Specifically address the issue ofWHEN, WHAT andHOW MUCH

    Comparison of risk in specific traumatic intracraniallesion(eg. ContusionVs SDHVs SAH etc.)

    Vena Cava Filters

  • 7/29/2019 BTF Guidelines for TBI Maj Ajay


    Indications of

    ICP monitoring Level I: Insufficient Data

    Level II: ICP should be monitored in all severe TBI(GCS

    3-8) and an abnormal CT

    Level III: Patient with severe TBI with normal CT with2 or more of followig features present

    : Age >40 years: Uni/Bilateral motor posturing

    : Systolic BP

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    ICP data useful in predicting outcome and guidingtherapy

    There is an improvement in outcomes in those patientswho respond to ICP lowering therapy

    Treating elevated ICP without monitoring can bedeleterious and result in a poor outcome

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    Key Issues

    RCT of ICP monitoring with or without treatment

    Further studies on sequential normal CT in severe TBIpatients and the incidence of ICH and evolving lesionswould be useful to identify a group that may notrequire ICP monitoring and treatment.

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    ICP Monitoring TechnologyAccurate, Reliable, Cost effective and cause

    minimum patient morbidity.

    AAMI (Association of the Advancement of MedicalInstrumentation) standard device should havefollowing specifications:

    > Pressure range 0-100 mm Hg

    > Accuracy + 2 mm Hg in range of 2-20 mm Hg> Maximum error 10% in range of 20-100mm Hg

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    Ranking of ICP Monitoring Technology

    1. Intraventricular devices: fluid-coupled catheter withexternal strain guage

    2. Intraventricular devices: micro strain gauge or fibroptic

    3. Parenchmal pressure transducer devices

    4. Subdural devices

    5. Subarachnoid fluid coupled devices

    6. Epidural devices

  • 7/29/2019 BTF Guidelines for TBI Maj Ajay


    Key Issues Specification for ICP devices should be reviewed in the

    context of what data is useful in management ofpatient that receive ICP monitoring

    Research about parenchymal monitoring near acontusion site provide ICP data that improve ICPmanagement and outcome as compared to other sites

    To develop multiparametric ICP devices that canprovide measurement of Ventricular CSF, parenchymalICP and other advanced monitoring parameters

  • 7/29/2019 BTF Guidelines for TBI Maj Ajay


    ICP Threshold

    Level I: Insufficient Data

    Level II: Treatment should be started with ICPthresholds > 20 mm Hg

    Level III:A combination of ICP values, and clinical

    and brain CT findings should be used to determinetreatment

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  • 7/29/2019 BTF Guidelines for TBI Maj Ajay


    Key Issue Identify more concrete treatment thresholds for ICP

    : To develop a method to estimate Herniation Pressure

    : To determine the critical values for other parameters

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    Cerebral Perfusion

    Threshold Level I: Insufficient Data

    Level II:Aggressive attemps to maintain CPP >70 mmHg with f luids and pressors should be avoided( Risk ofARDS)

    Level III: CPP

  • 7/29/2019 BTF Guidelines for TBI Maj Ajay


    Critical threshold for ischemia generally lies in the

    realm of 50-60 mm Hg

    General threshold in the realm of 60 mm Hg

    fine tuning in patients not readily responding to basictreatment or with systemic contraindication toincrease CPP manipulation

    Routinely using pressors and volume expansion tomaintain CPP >70 mm Hg is not supported (systemiccomplications)

  • 7/29/2019 BTF Guidelines for TBI Maj Ajay


    Key Issues Minimally invasive, efficient, and accurate methods of

    determining and following the relationship betweenCPP and autoregulation and between CPP and Ischemia

    in individual patient

    RCT for influence on outcome of basing optimal CPPon ischemia monitoring or on the quantitative indices

    of pressure autoregulation

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    Brain Oxygen Monitoring

    and Thresholds Level I: Insufficient Data

    Level II: Insufficient Data

    Level III:Jugular venous saturation

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    Patients with multiple desaturation episode had 46-

    71% mortalityVs patients without desaturation (18%)

    Arterio-Jugular difference of O2 content (AJDO2) ameasurement of O2 extraction by tissue with high

    value (4.3 vol %) was associated with better prognosis

    Brain tissue O2 saturation (PbtO2) 30 min associated with high mortality

  • 7/29/2019 BTF Guidelines for TBI Maj Ajay


    Key Issues Future investigation need to explore what specific

    therapeutic strategies can improve the outcome andprevent these threshold (SjO2, AJDO2 or PbtO2) frombeing crossed.

    For SjO2 monitors may require technologicalimprovements

    Issues about probe placement w/r/t location of injury

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    Anaesthetics, Analgesics

    and Sedatives Level I: Insufficient Data

    Level II : Prophylactic Barbiturates to induce burst

    suppression EEG not recommended

    : High dose Barbiturates recommended tocontrol elevated ICP refractory to maximum

    med/surg treatment

    : Propofol recommended for control of ICP,

    no long term improvement in mortality


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    Analgesics and Sedatives are common managementstrategy for ICP control, but no evidence to supporttheir efficacy in this regard and no positive effect onoutcome

    Attention must be paid to potential undesirable side

    effects that might contribute to secondary injury

  • 7/29/2019 BTF Guidelines for TBI Maj Ajay


    Key Issues To identify subsets of patients who might respond

    favorably to analgesic-sedative and/or barbituratetreatment

    To identify alternative agents, drug combinations, anddosing regimens

    Research about novel sedative-anaestheticDexmedetomidine

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    Level I: Insufficient Data

    Level II : Patients should be fed to attain full caloricreplacement by day 7 post-injury

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    Starved TBI patient lose sufficient nitrogen to reduce

    weight by 15% per week

    100-140% replacement of Resting Metabolism Expenditurewith 15-20% nitrogen calories reduces nitrogen loss

    It is not established that any method of feeding is betterthan another

    Full nutrition replacement be instituted by day 7 post-injury

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    Key Issues Studies to determine if specific nutritional formulations

    and addition of vitamins and other supplements canimprove outcome

    Timing of feeding, Rate of achievement of target caloricintake and method of delivery

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    Antiseizure Prophylaxis Level I: Insufficient Data

    Level II : Prophylactic use of Phenytoin or Valproate isnot recommended for preventing lateposttraumatic seizures(PTS)

    : Indicated to decrease the incidence of early

    PTS (within 7 days of injury), However earlyPTS is not associated with worse outcome

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    Majority of studies do not support the use of prophylacticanticonvulsants for prevention of late PTS

    Routine use later than 1 week not recommended

    For late PTS patients should be approached as new onsetseizures

    Phenytoin shown to reduce early PTS, Valproate hascomparable efficacy to Phenytoin but may be associatedwith higher mortality

  • 7/29/2019 BTF Guidelines for TBI Maj Ajay


    Key IssuesAdditional studies about effect on outcome after

    reduction in early PTS

    Study should utilize continuous EEG monitoring toidentify seizures

    Study about neuroprotective agents eg. MgSO4 and

    other NMDA receptor antagonists

  • 7/29/2019 BTF Guidelines for TBI Maj Ajay


    Hyperventilation Level I: Insufficient Data

    Level II : Prophylactic hyperventilation (PaCO2 of 25

    mm Hg or less) is not recommended

    Level III : Recommended as a temporizing measurefor reduction of elevated ICP

    :Avoided during first 24 hrs when CBF isoften critically reduced

    : If hyperventilation is used, SjO2 or PbtO2

    measurement are recommended

  • 7/29/2019 BTF Guidelines for TBI Maj Ajay


    Hyperventilation reduces ICP by causing cerebral

    vasoconstriction, and so the CBF

    Because of vasoconstriction, risk of ischemia withaggressive hyperventilation

    Poorer outcome at 3-6 months when prophylactichyperventilation was used compared to when not used

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    Key Issues

    Further RCT need to be conducted for

    : How does short term hyperventilation affect outcome

    : Effect of moderate hyperventilation in specific subgroup

    : Critical levels of PaCO2/CBF and outcome

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    Level I : Not recommended for improving outcome orreducing ICP

    : High dose methylprednisolone is associated

    with increased mortality and is contraindicated

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    Trials in TBI with different steroids (syntheticglucocorticoid, triancinolone, 21-aminosteroid tirilazard,dexamethasone, methylprednisolone) None has indicatedan overall beneficial effect on outcome

    One trial was halted when interim analysis showedincreased mortality

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    Key Issues

    If new compounds with different mechanism ofactions are discovered, further study may be justified

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