b~~~,~~tlil~~~~~i~~~¥r~~rt~sl tvol+22+(1866)/sabbath... · i , the \~~r'e. 01[· broa; i...

Let us {1xamme spme both ratlOni.t.l and scnpturnl, of the PQSltlOn, /hat Icfnldre:n are at tlwlr death, by the (:!fomng sachJice elmst I NQti\ie,tbe and I acter Qf 1llildien 1 TltilYi are perSQDS, nQt mere mals, befQre they anlive at the Qf :ftJcQuntabihty While tlley sess, they dO' not use, the PQwers amoml agent (a) They were treated as numa;u'j'!lnlJU., " bemgs by GQd;when the , tefused to' enper the, country chO'se,n:1 j the mnQcent "little ShQrud mhablt tbe land prQmised.i thelr fathers Christ and invlted them IntO' 1 \\II bemgs wprtby of (b) The S'criJltures are not tbat whillh j)ngtrdles a family intO' the. umQn. ..of strength and the ness Qf I<l'Ve Wife and children, " snangers -within the gates," all therr mte! ests and all theIr happiness are enCIrcled in the house-bond's brace, the Qf hIB Qf his, $pe:cial and sQlely uPO'n the plan Qf GQd's vere distress, but a general sinkIng grace, thlQUgh faith m the LO'I d J e- Qf the system; the CO'nstitutlOn sus l,bI'ealiing: up j but I am surrounded rthen vlSlted hIm dally for severnl 80' many kInd fdends, they seem the development of bear me up as on wmgs I cannot doubt was the grace Secretary always autIclpates of God's Spmt begun and pro- everythmg He IS one of the best ico,unl;rv. gressmg m I the soul, and m tIiose I ever knew ThIS world can- subsequent ImterVIews I perceIved not reW/lrd hIm, but there IS a God that he was becomIng mQre and more. ID heaven who can do so, and I lIke a lIttle ehild, hIS farth more SIm- sure ha will not lose that' .. .. .:1 pie and con4equently more stlong There IS a God on hIgh who not He said at length, that he thought fail to' reward himl" I I he had founa the way " I have," he At tills time Senator contmued, "been thmking much of apprQached him, to whom he pord13l- these twO' hoes repeated the othe]) ly stretched out)us and sard, day I " My dear friend Fesseni:1en, the '''Here IglYemVl!eIf oW'y, whose SIde I have II sat so long, 'Tis nil that I can do ' I I have remarked the model " I begtn to understand that this Qf II statesman and Rarliamentary comprehends all, and I am begmnIng leader, on whom I leaned, and to lean alone on Jesus Chnst as my to whom I have looked mO're than to SaVIour and frIend" I repeated to any other liVIng man fOlf gmdance m him severall promIses Qf the BIble, on public affairs, the gnef I feel IS that whiCh hIS Immd seemed to fasten the silver cord which has SO' long WIth eVIdent satIsfaction bound us together mnst now be sev- On Thutsday, the twenty-second ered Bnt, my dear Fessenden, If of MaICh, thel e was an eVIdent pro- there IS memOl y after death, that gr ess m hij Spllltnnl appearance, and memory will be actIve, and I shall I began to thrnk that hIS feet wele call to mmd the whole of our mter- SUI ely pIa ted upon the rock, and course on earth" The Senator thus his Hope was bemg confirmed On addressed, too much affected to' reply alludmg tEl tlie effect of faIth in m words, Iitooped Qver and kissed qhriSt upon the mmd, and quoting the brow of hIS dying friend, and to hm the words from 5th Romans, turned away in silence " Therefor e, bemg justIiied by faIth, Afterwards Senator GrImes ap- we have peace Wltli God, through proached hIm, to whom he saId, " .A.b, our LOld Jesus Chhst ," he sPQke my dear fnend Gnmes, have you out m ans'lljer, as if C3ITymg forward come to see mt! I have been the cOl)duslOn of the Apostle, by re- through a ternble ordeal here for the peatmg the followmg most SUItable last SIX .weeks" Then notlCmg that and affeyti1g hnes . all wei e deeply affected, he added, , Jesus the [SlOn of ThJ face "Do not cease talk, these thmgs I cannot alaIm me" Then takmg the If Chns be m m, arms Senator by the hand he sald, " Yes, , 'Then whil } Q hear my heart strlugs break, I know the man, a man about whom How." et ill} mmutes roll, thel e IS no deceit j WIth whQm, nCl- A mOlto.l I1rueness on illV cheek, ther m pnvate nor m public, was And glop 1Il m) sou! there a deceItful thought, nor a de- Then, after prayer, m whiCh he cmtful word" agam solelinl y dedicated hmself to' To Senator Brown, whO' came m God, I again took leave of hIm soon after, he said, "I am glad to I d HIS last aay on eatth was spent m see you, my ear aSSOClate You receivmg ind parting WIth fllends, know what It IS to be a dISCiple Qf and perfonhmg hiS l/lst acts of relt- ChrISt I hope we shall meet m heaven This world 18 a poor place glOus devotion for samt or SIDner to dwell m for- As I apJoached him m the morn- ever Its scenes are passing away j mg, therelVere nQue pI esent at the ItS fashiOn penshes; there IS nothmg moment bilt members of the famIly, steadfast, nothmg stable bere" and I prblposed we shou1d have a About half past two O'clock, all season of prayer I bemg prepared, he slgmfiQd hIB pub- " 0, yes," he IIDplediately excltum- he professlOn of faith lIn Chnst by ed, "that IS' what I want Close the recClving the Qf the Lord's doOl, shut It tight, and come and Supper, and Jommg for the first and I t: follo\lrin," faIth may be strengthened, that new in heaven On tecelvmg the heart may be lenewed, that my bread mto hiS mouth he utteled ill a SIDS may be fOIglven thrQugh that loW and leverentIal manner, these atQnement of J Chnst, that words " ThiS bread IS the symbol of mY'lews of it may be clear, that I the blOken body of ChrIst Jesus, may Bee ''1 It a suffiClency for the through whom nlone I hQpe for the of the whole world, Ilnd mercy of God and the gift of eternal for my sms, whICh h,.ve been so many lite" This most affecting aud sol- and so agg;ravated dunng a long life, emn scene, only to be appreClated that they may be :)1). cleansed away and understood by those who have and lemembered no mQre known experImentally the life whIch A few moments after, at the re- It outwardly sets fm th, was conelud- quest of a fnend, mid when the num ed by smgtng the follQwmg hnes, bers plescnt had dinlllllsh- dunng whiCh hIB soul seemed borne ed, he repeated, for the thIrd bme, away, mdeed, as on angels' wmgs and WIth hiS hands so placed togeth- How firm "foundation l e samts of the er as If to emphaSIZe and llnpless Lord, h h k d Is 10ld for ,"OUI fatth III HIS excellent Word' t em, t e IBtn mg expressive What more cauldHe say thnn tajau He bath verses aheady quoted, and then smd SOld " S I like to hear the You who unto Jesus for refuge have flcd? mg wem The soUl that on Jesus hath leaned for repose, VOice of sallred smgmg It bears me I will not I cnnnat, ,leselt to Its foes. up as on arlgeIs' wmgs " That soul though all hell should endea> or to And to I the suggestIOn that he III ::::r'2-no, never-no, never forsake" mIght be wel11'led by so many VISitS, After thIS he Beemed to be satls- much eXCltemant and talkmg, he "NO,I It does not hUlt me, I lied, and only awaiteg. the lathel desh e It I am borne up as hour of departure on angels' mngs It IS nO' effort for me to' com else, or hear you speak- Ing" On the renewal of his Wish to have the wewereobhged toclu.nge the words he had repeated for tbat beautiful and now familIar hymn,

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Page 1: b~~~,~~tlIl~~~~~I~~~¥r~~rt~Sl tVol+22+(1866)/Sabbath... · I , THE \~~r'e. 01[· broa; I "Tha-hQlTid crowned topplmg convent any act of his 'iii' 4tr'Wi'~_ alter it, alter our own

Let us {1xamme spme :r.!1i:n!~~lfr.,~::~~Tbs: both ratlOni.t.l and scnpturnl, of the PQSltlOn, /hat Icfnldre:n are at tlwlr death, by the (:!fomng sachJice ofl'con~{)les elmst

I NQti\ie,tbe cQnditi~n and I acter Qf 1llildien

1 TltilYi are perSQDS, nQt mere mals, befQre they anlive at the Qf :ftJcQuntabihty While tlley sess, they dO' not use, the PQwers amoml agent

(a) They were treated as numa;u'j'!lnlJU., " bemgs by GQd; when the , tefused to' enper the, country chO'se,n:1

fo~ t~em j the mnQcent "little ShQrud mhablt tbe land prQmised.i

thelr fathers Christ b~~~,~~tlIl~~~~~I~~~¥r~~rt~Sl and invlted them IntO' 1 \\II bemgs wprtby of

(b) The S'criJltures are not

tbat whillh j)ngtrdles a family intO' the. umQn. ..of strength and the Qn~­ness Qf I<l'Ve Wife and children, " snangers -within the gates," all therr mte! ests and all theIr happiness are enCIrcled in the house-bond's brace, the Qf hIB pr()te(~tiQn

Qf his, $pe:cial

and sQlely uPO'n the plan Qf GQd's vere distress, but a general sinkIng grace, thlQUgh faith m the LO'I d J e- Qf the system; the CO'nstitutlOn sus l,bI'ealiing: up j but I am surrounded

rthen vlSlted hIm dally for severnl 80' many kInd fdends, they seem watc~Ing the development of bear me up as on an~els' wmgs I cannot doubt was the grace Secretary always autIclpates

of God's H~ly Spmt begun and pro- everythmg He IS one of the best ico,unl;rv. gressmg m I the soul, and m tIiose I ever knew ThIS world can­subsequent ImterVIews I perceIved not reW/lrd hIm, but there IS a God that he was becomIng mQre and more. ID heaven who can do so, and I lIke a lIttle ehild, hIS farth more SIm- sure ha will not lose that' .. m~" .. .:1

pie and con4equently more stlong There IS a God on hIgh who not He said at length, that he thought fail to' reward himl" I I

he had founa the way " I have," he At tills time Senator Fe~senden contmued, "been thmking much of apprQached him, to whom he pord13l­these twO' hoes repeated the othe]) ly stretched out)us ha~d and sard, day I " My dear friend Fesseni:1en, the

'''Here ~ord, IglYemVl!eIf oW'y, whose SIde I have II sat so long, 'Tis nil that I can do '

I I have remarked ~ the model " I begtn to understand that this Qf II statesman and Rarliamentary

comprehends all, and I am begmnIng leader, on whom I hav~ leaned, and to lean alone on Jesus Chnst as my to whom I have looked mO're than to SaVIour and frIend" I repeated to any other liVIng man fOlf gmdance m him severall promIses Qf the BIble, on public affairs, the gnef I feel IS that whiCh hIS Immd seemed to fasten the silver cord which has SO' long WIth eVIdent satIsfaction bound us together mnst now be sev-

On Thutsday, the twenty-second ered Bnt, my dear Fessenden, If of MaICh, thel e was an eVIdent pro- there IS memOl y after death, that gr ess m hij Spllltnnl appearance, and memory will be actIve, and I shall I began to thrnk that hIS feet wele call to mmd the whole of our mter­SUI ely pIa ted upon the rock, and course on earth" The Senator thus his Hope was bemg confirmed On addressed, too much affected to' reply alludmg tEl tlie effect of faIth in m words, Iitooped Qver and kissed qhriSt upon the mmd, and quoting the brow of hIS dying friend, and to hm the words from 5th Romans, turned away in silence " Therefor e, bemg justIiied by faIth, Afterwards Senator GrImes ap­we have peace Wltli God, through proached hIm, to whom he saId, " .A.b, our LOld Jesus Chhst ," he sPQke my dear fnend Gnmes, have you out m ans'lljer, as if C3ITymg forward come to see mt! ~ I have been the cOl)duslOn of the Apostle, by re- through a ternble ordeal here for the peatmg the followmg most SUItable last SIX .weeks" Then notlCmg that and affeyti1g hnes . all wei e deeply affected, he added, , Jesus the [SlOn of ThJ face "Do not cease ~ talk, these thmgs

I ~~ll\IOO~1i£~1~~:hfJ:~~:i:mblac", cannot alaIm me" Then takmg the If Chns be m m, arms Senator by the hand he sald, " Yes,

, 'Then whil } Q hear my heart strlugs break, I know the man, a man about whom How." et ill} mmutes roll, thel e IS no deceit j WIth whQm, nCl-

A mOlto.l I1rueness on illV cheek, ther m pnvate nor m public, was And glop 1Il m) sou! there a deceItful thought, nor a de-

Then, after prayer, m whiCh he cmtful word" agam solelinly dedicated hmself to' To Senator Brown, whO' came m God, I again took leave of hIm soon after, he said, "I am glad to

• I • d HIS last aay on eatth was spent m see you, my ear aSSOClate You

receivmg ind parting WIth fllends, know what It IS to be a dISCiple Qf and perfonhmg hiS l/lst acts of relt- ChrISt I hope we shall meet m

heaven This world 18 a poor place glOus devotion for samt or SIDner to dwell m for-

As I apJoached him m the morn- ever Its scenes are passing away j mg, therelVere nQue pI esent at the ItS fashiOn penshes; there IS nothmg moment bilt members of the famIly, steadfast, nothmg stable bere" and I prblposed we shou1d have a About half past two O'clock, all season of prayer I bemg prepared, he slgmfiQd hIB pub-

" 0, yes," he IIDplediately excltum- he professlOn of faith lIn Chnst by ed, "that IS' what I want Close the recClving the symbol~ Qf the Lord's doOl, shut It tight, and come and Supper, and Jommg for the first and

t~::i d~~;:: ax~ ~~:~ I h~:;y t: ~~~~~~~l Go~;t~b~fd;~ht ~~::~e~ follo\lrin," a'~coun1;lmy faIth may be strengthened, that new in heaven On tecelvmg the

"t.""t""~'lmy heart may be lenewed, that my bread mto hiS mouth he utteled ill a SIDS may be fOIglven thrQugh that loW and leverentIal manner, these

atQnement of J e~us Chnst, that words " ThiS bread IS the symbol of mY'lews of it may be clear, that I the blOken body of ChrIst Jesus, may Bee ''1 It a suffiClency for the through whom nlone I hQpe for the of the whole world, Ilnd mercy of God and the gift of eternal for my sms, whICh h,.ve been so many lite" This most affecting aud sol­and so agg;ravated dunng a long life, emn scene, only to be appreClated that they may be :)1). cleansed away and understood by those who have

Dl"JU!~D1;,1 and lemembered no mQre known experImentally the life whIch A few moments after, at the re- It outwardly sets fm th, was conelud­

quest of a fnend, mid when the num ed by smgtng the follQwmg hnes, bers plescnt had som~what dinlllllsh- dunng whiCh hIB soul seemed borne ed, he repeated, for the thIrd bme, away, mdeed, as on angels' wmgs and WIth hiS hands so placed togeth- • How firm "foundation l e samts of the er as If to emphaSIZe and llnpless Lord, h h k d Is 10ld for ,"OUI fatth III HIS excellent Word' t em, t e IBtn mg ~u expressive What more cauldHe say thnn tajau He bath

verses aheady quoted, and then smd SOld " S ~1- I like to hear the You who unto Jesus for refuge have flcd?

mg wem • The soUl that on Jesus hath leaned for repose, VOice of sallred smgmg It bears me I will not I cnnnat, ,leselt to Its foes. up as on arlgeIs' wmgs " That soul though all hell should endea> or to

And to I the suggestIOn that he III ::::r'2-no, never-no, never forsake" mIght be wel11'led by so many VISitS, After thIS he Beemed to be satls-

much eXCltemant and talkmg, he "NO,I It does not hUlt me, I lied, and only awaiteg. the

lathel desh e It I am borne up as hour of departure on angels' mngs It IS nO' effort for me to' com else, or hear you speak­Ing"

On the renewal of his Wish to have the sm~mg, wewereobhged toclu.nge the words he had repeated for tbat beautiful and now familIar hymn,

Page 2: b~~~,~~tlIl~~~~~I~~~¥r~~rt~Sl tVol+22+(1866)/Sabbath... · I , THE \~~r'e. 01[· broa; I "Tha-hQlTid crowned topplmg convent any act of his 'iii' 4tr'Wi'~_ alter it, alter our own

I ,


\~~r'e. 01[· broa; I "Tha- hQlTid crowned topplmg convent

any act of his 'iii' 4tr'Wi'~_ alter it,

alter our own

The scene photographed itself on one

brain lat leaat, that day, with,mdeJ.i,. of Cblari!'es1:" .1l1~W ble di~tinctness A little further on,

tlw Prmtcl' -In my nU111'lJer; you should have said,

the ancient jJ£elila;" and

good wages here; m ancient Califdrnia prices are

pU'~I"v< all kinds of mcchanical la­say, it is Unpos. it is impossible

cccmtJrailict himself j it is be unjust j not

U And Cmtrn.'s mountain greets us on our wavw ll

The 1l0wn m the distance looks VeI-:Y

milch like Lisbon, with its vne Un· I

mense' edifice, the Castle of Mafra


St Rogue, St Roque ORGANIZED AT, FARmA. I

At 5 PM., \'I'e arrived at SoutH. L ],I C. I FARINA, m., April1,th, 1861[;...---I-""u:u I I +------- of the Sablbath RecJrder: five or six on each occasion. am.pt(Jn,landwere met byfiiends, who

limIt to divine beljatise,lsu.c:h thmgs origi.

is wholly :~,,'un~,;r that bf power.

thlmijb~'ll,:t:ilat hele is a

It was here that that tJ. eaty was sign­ed between England and Portngal, so much deprecated by the fOlmer, afierwnrds, and of which the poet

I LETTER mOM AN ARMY SURGEON. thati~hatever occurs First Hopkinton Chnrch, som'e had long on the whaIf watoh- I

us POST A.'w MARTh'E Hosprr.u.,} h~sti)ry of re igi~ents'on nave been Ile:la,am~\~1Uf'''' approach up the narr ow NATCHEZ, Mis. , March 24, 1866 - b b' th I

1 "'ll'.,.,e,u fields, is a mamt of deep have een aptisms on east into the dock, at 'rhich To the Edi or of the Sabbath RecOlder ~

the mere power not;hh)g· to do. God's

hall;a,tum q( "nnl3l8

""1';.01; ,mrna expedient shall I emove the


wrote, HAnd evel smce that martlllJ. synod met, "

Bntanma. SICkens, Cmtra, .at thy nnme.

That bhmder, however, was after­wards retrieved I by the exploits of the Dllke of Wellmgton

;'lter~st Ito our people, I!%rIlsent the Sabbaths At Hopkinton City, lanidiDlg was effected Then 1 have been much pleased by the U -tor b 1>

1 h toJll01~Dli! relative to Fan,,=!, Sabbath, a out 10rty persons a hasty and final dlSper. receIpt f several numbers of t e Tr ,- d f h •. my last communIcation to baptize , a part 0 w om Jom that large family on board, SABBATH RECORDER, evidently sent ·~·"~'·.I .:J_ B . Ch h

received quite a large Seventh.uay aptist urc, met there as strangers, had from the office It was like seeing F' dB' to 'our IJun:iber, by the part the ITst· ay aptist

and were now parting, of constant change those faiqili which made ALLEGANY. that 'had known them ","",VATlb,,, the I egular receipt of pa- durmg tp.e past autumn A letter dated at Alfred

their accIdental mtercQurse the face an old frIend, as the last t-them no more thus for- at tImes even letters Instead 0 some twenty-

(1 am sure you will be pleased with ever. we been coming directly --_.,_, visits. I find the RECOR- and a congregation of the many extracts above, from mIght then and there have • and I never ex- from to sixty, as E had during "Childe Harold," as Byron wrote them the Bremen steamer, pages ~ the army durmg the winter, there are no about sixty While

411iug past'~with his eye upon lying hald by, awaitmg but the look df I us nsu y, on pleas.

tliese cry; scene, aud his our passage to N by all s~tisfie4 me . ant congre~tlQn of con-tions a e Stl much etter than any of have been uniintfiITllpt·iI very lIttle ~nown j m morel than ~pO j a I cady my 0 could be ~ we had other plans, II h'~Vp. been la~ghed jlt, as try_ our little hall, wIfc'b we have

W e, h 11 d h here speak Our the partv," when speak- to hold our meJtings i , to e }vere near ~ ore a ay j t e ..,

counjwas lovel1:ith the gentle us to their own hired existence Ofsuo~' asociety. itS utmosf capacl Yj thu sug-Iiound who had hard of l't, I to us, that at n distan day tints w lCh emly mer was throw- I ' 1

b h , cohElideired Its memberses belong- must build a house of worslUp, of ing ov revery hing; ut w at ill' h I "J struck te mast, b~th at LIsbon and w stop, Just ere, to teU ~Iass of fanatics, f:VhO eXIst and commodipus! dime;]ions

b f ~ h this" taking lodgings," as a season, then di out, and are now, khen all told, in our Cintra, was the a sence 0 sue I l I h h · ttl which in England di1fers -e2~ppeltl';" some new gar When some more tlian 200 indi. c mc ·fomg 0 ens as seep ea, of the kind we have seen " 'i" J I

spIres, an'd belfrey , and the uniform sat;isfiiell that the denomin, tion was

humble~ess of t1 buildings, com· Fnrnished apaltments not only in numbers but mtcrest . I manifested, To thc Editor of the Sabbath Recorder I 1 ale for a specified length of the question tha~ instantly m listening tel the preach· The following passa!!e from pared wilth their t 0 great pa aces. f t f ul t d' Thi I ~

Ime, a I S Ip a e plIce sal'· was, "How can IOU afford the gospel, but ill an apPfent pnvate letterJ'ust received. from The next mormng we were m rarlge:melht always mcludes "help," ,,_ . inquu." to hear more about 51

' !!ht of I. Cape Flhlstue, and othel -lcordin&1 SuntillY IS the bjst day inJ I ter Hydorn, dated Norfolk, ~ I at to your necessities, and you Ii b' dI of God's law, las it re':~te~1-I pomts bf land Th~n we passed qUIte in home or usmesa, an;l you can April 18, 1866, may be of interest th IB f B th t If f no1jhing on our Sunday You to holy Sabbath To meet your readers. It is another

mto e ay 0 Iscay, a gu 0 t bl ft I

n<mr··., your a e a er five days for II business, want, I have conversed\ much the chain.o~ evidence, that the OUIU"_IJ such noftoriOUS restlessness, that we land accordmg to . ul t d I f

11 d . Ii t have six," &c. The RE· CITC a e a arge is vel'" far from being properly" re-natura e:fpecte It to orm a sor ,iewa of economy m the S bb th t t d h d'

of eniSO e in our wandering" Psalm I Y COl~DE:~, I find, is a cnriosity at the I a a rac s, an a constructed," and that the treacher-y I ou order whate,ver you d' ... ~"d th

is a questIOn ap~tJal to omni·

nature of God IS the of Life,l verv much as It does in the please, post office, as I notice every 18COurs" preallUe on e ous course and criminal policy of the I'J can keep your own ac· Eld L And h saIlor's fuvonte song, "In the Bay of tA opened and read hefore I . rus, w 0, President is making him a "Pharaoh,"


0 your money for I I among us of several rather than the "Moses" he mk"e"(,"~RP.'of Biscay, fhl" But we were happily au " PU:I'clIasE:~ as you make them, or go has much to aid us in f I

disappoi ted Our song had no to If if L' I such loud promise 0 being: t shows II;." •• ()~ yourse , you pI eler, build the cause of Christ ill' 1 " oh !" i it, Old Neptune, who had t' 1 h d . h ful and pleasantly !!ltuated, on that the rebe on 18 SImp y overpow-al Ie e purc ase WIt field I , 1:)

tl eated lIs WIth such unwonted gen- Daotley' 0 to th I t hIgh above the Mil ssissippi I ered, but not subd*~ . A. H L IS Y urs e as 'conviction on the

tleness 11 rthe way, still Bhowed UB of b d b k t f RIver. town 'Contams more UW',,!>. "You will probably learn from rea ,your as e 0 :md sis~ers here, h ~ only th pleasant side of his t d wealth any of its size m the the papers more than we at t e ._

ea an sugar, your cut· number had arrived sion 'House know, concerning t e terribldll fade Here, too, of all dIS th pl""'dor and heauty of ~ a'he Rock, an even your Ba t au. s '7' T ph11lrch organization, and Freedmen'S celebration of the passa e

base, is not situated plaoes, helifhe is wont to indulge and , are as much yours to the re~;I)1ll1l;c:es, for miles arpund the illi;erE:sts of the cause demanded of the Civil Rights Bill, and t e part of the Str·n,ts GI'bralta-, but in his onft humors, he had only as if blOught to your own Tile streets affrays following. The funera1 ~ " I such organization, it was resolved, somewhoat farther the coast, on smiles fo n8, Our healt8 might well home In fact, you might out, ,vith tCk side- in Sabbath meetin!!, March 24th, to the two white people who were overflow I with grati nde; not, indeed, 11 fi h me lighted ith gas I ~ on Monday, IS to take place this

the Spanish side of Mediterrane- .i a 10m ome with you, appoint a Comrmttee to pre""re and noon, at the Baptist church, ~lJJ,"··" to the tabled old monarch of the d ~ II <'c-

an." So, as we are IjlD~vinlg these be- I This mode of life, IS use lor a urposes, tArt' 1 f Fa'th d Ch h doors from here. Monday ,.' deep, b~t to Him who "holds the . 'bl J t d presellj lC es 0 1 an urc k 'r~I:~~;f~:il hind, we see a little the gate- !btll'-Inolnt~ls sojourn in Eng. amaos",ImposSI e 0 Ig Covenant for sa'id orgamzatlOn That about mne o'cloc ,we we~e

th h h h shall.enierlgel winds in His fists, a d the waters m experIence of Hprings are ne~rly on a do, mmittee recdmmende,d the Expose by a succession of shots, ;:;:~ th::';.,,: :; th, h,n,w. ,f '"' hoind, " A,dhoc, I f" ~"om, to kok th, n'~ Thoc.;,. ""g. ,f '-ill'" MOPW by = "-rnl hut • li1<l, w'y from h~ let me ecord a Jbost remarkable . . h E ch'urch and school ~here, re- d learned yesterday, that a negro No emthlv'llorltal everJsurpass· mstltutlOn m w Ich ng- ~ onference m 1833, together with a killed, and leftllying on the

Two high fact, 10 t IS our sealgoing h18ttli'Y of ec(~ncl;nists are ahead of us SPf~ct:lib1e and Pre byterian bhef Church cdvenhnt, containing till morning Some of the te[lcbets out in bold nearly t 0 months, lhatwhereas It is a very larg~ colored solemn pledges offaithfuiness to God, went among th~ colored people

with always e ected o~ board ship that tnaFd:eu,gbt:!Ul four months of Ro·.,t.;, •• \c:01;1gnlgation, whosel house of a~d mutual aid ~nd I co.operation in terday, and gaiped some facts, Iminual the tabl s during Imeals must be must be all dropped out built of bnck, and pre- ~. I I learned sometHmg of the state 'uu:J.(le"pnlli;: gnal ded y bllrs and cords, to keep pni:serlt, as we are only" com· :i f I lee mg IS .

_:M,oro·oc()I I an appeamnce1s any 0 nend of the Church bn earth In a fear, and for the most part CaJUlltni.1i., r- b ilding up tIle cause of the Great "I ex' tm' g I They are Ill' Infl'iana":Mi!ssouri, h S . h the dish s m place, it had come to Our Ime of travel was bnildin!!s in the place ' II doors as much as possl'ble aA-~

t e pams, 1 r - b)lsmess meetmg, ca ed for that pur. "'ill' fitly known pass, tha not onlee bl ad we seen the -Lonm,,,, to LIVerpoo}, whIch place garrisoned by the Sl"-"th ,_ f I h A bay warned ~fiss Duncan that .E[~rf)ullls;" There guards la d upon th~ tables, nOl were ave seen us applOac mg, U.oJ:ore:d Heavy Artillerv, and ,! teachers were 10 anger. e h h· p6se, ~Ialch 30tlill, the report 0 te,. d H l t ' CommIttee was approved, lllld the h d h hi I 1 Ik. they, up 0 the tIm of OUI landm!! of October, ready to em· four months I ha, e I ear t e w te peop e ta

~ tIme of the organization determined h h b I I 1 tl v(>llo'w at Southmnpton mornmg on bomd the men drU1~k, and that t ou~ t ecause was a It e as never leaJ.1th-born p:o't~ntat,es Hj"m'f'iH I ~ C f W h' , On. Sabbath, A. pril14th, our church boy, that I didn't at each Just ndw/ while t eI e is nothing of steamer Ity 0 as mgton," ,-,;.," •• ~ stay of the paymaster was organized II The following Con- Clty is now Jlnder mnrtill.llaw, I 1 · t d kId . d bound for New York. Our' transIt d di'-' I .. d t h any -1l9iSq~lll . IpeCla merest on c, etermme won e W j never saw taInS a brief account of the OA<'niV 0 no suppose:we ave " thiS t tak d l t th 1 through E~lghlild hid been most de- am sure there is no I to fem' 'Va I heard shots

o 'e YOU own no e sa oon, interesting exerciscs of that UCI""'!"U>,I. t'unes last e'-en" 'mg, bnt have __ '_~~'II • T. f b Ii£. d . hghtful, full of mterest A little n e sten e that , gIve you a Vlew 0 a m e, an In· 1 Xl c After the usual exercises of n'"'4

llJ'g nothing concerning it to-day.

traduce tl6 your ~otlCe a n1lIllber of London, came Harrow, the sarne record. There the Scriptures, sillging, and evident that the friends of freed,oJP. very intbresting PfeoPle, some of bnck colleges, Then we confined ill the guard- a sermon was preached by have yet to work with a will, wham hate come wi h usft'om Chinb., canals, WIth their long All their Andrus, flom Matt 16: 18, would ~ee that the precious t velrdal~t b d th th . that ha~ been shed has not been and othe who hnve joined us at in- or er j en e nv· to be concentrated m which sixty.four brethI'en and in vain t t B t Ii 'al a ers, qlnlostlas qniet and as well behav· . h se and were 11 _.:J d ervemng por s. u or speOl re - ". prmse- ou , publicly and persona y auopte I Asking still for your l'IT",V",'O_

sons, I !eOlde to funit myself to ed as and ceIt:tinly as much m sound of the viohn and Articles of Faith add Covenant yours for the right. E HlrDO'BR.1' prominen individUlils, thosellwhose this educated propriety ~jn,w-lboIles, would puzzle a stranger commEmded for the government of names wi have found a place among Plur ramblmg mad.cap from the other, as tl:ie the Church Nearl~ all of TllE Ar.FRED HIGllLAlI1D the "houlehold words" on this side as are the genteel, t,.',rni,,_ tramp, of each can be uruting from sister II churches CURE, under the supervisIon of the l grea Atlantic; in short, indl- youths of that titled of the night. The illg their letters, P. Burdick, M. D ,and his wife, Mrs. viduals" 0 tall that men of common untutored children of I olllif!(ed to remain WIth I jc)rlIled into a CIrcle, standing on J'rfary Bryant Burdick, M. D, is a stature lIIake

boast of haVlng seen westeJrn Wilds And there were cOlcjIp,allies in the fort or at the of the conb~gation place which can safely be recommend. ,tnem_" :\3ut looking round, I find of and humble thatch- arcmna town j yet nearly all prayer was then oftieil:ed cd to mvalids, especially to those this latterlclass but one, and that one of them con8truct~d shanties on by Eld L M Cottrel~ the whose complaints have becomechron-a woman. I It IS Madame. Mario, for- vacant lots, rhere their families live. was given by Eid C. M. ic. The location can scarcely be

A WESTERN RE;VIV1'-L.~~lrlle~e)l! great revival of -relilgip,n at Springfield, Illiriool;i tion of Rev. Mr. HllrpilDo:nd;

merly Miss Jessie White, an Englis~ and There is very little destitution among the hand of fellowthIp surpassed for salubrity or beauty. It lady, wholhas for some years all these the negroes in this countl-:y, as the of the denominatidn IS neal' the line of the Erie Railway, in Italy, is an officer in ( ;we we:eletdown sun shines ~arm all wmter, and the to the church 1>y I Elq, I~I llld~s.1 at a point considerably higher IOlne.bB,1l Garabaldi's identified her- our engme suffermg complamed of farther north Eld Halsey Stillman then read "Tip.top Summit," and the ~;-:lli~~~~r;'~

politics ',[luring the late dully dlet~lchJ,ed from the tram,) through is unheard of here The demand for closing hymn, and after singmg, from the house in every direction

dark funnel, by means labor is eat, and phnter s are pay- picturesque, while that in +J,e direc-missed ~he congregation by the 'fll

and lnnded near the mg n b~ kerage of ten dollars per ediction. Thus, hand in hand, tion of Homellsville is really charm-" where we ramam· head for every hand that is furnished we consecrated ourselves anew ing Both Dr. BurdiCK and. Mrs. Icu.stolmlJij

Next morning, we them by me~ who follow the busi- _i! f G d d Burdick have had large opportunities I the senica 0 0 i an set up

the to sail at ness. able·bodied field hand, banner m the name of1thc Lord. of seeillg disease ill all its fo.rms, and IlgOllllglto

weatlier, either mJle dr female, can earn fifteen Dear I brethren and I sisters of they make it their busmess to 1J~~fiG~li~~~~~. !lassage d~'wn St. George's dollars p n/onth, food and clothing denorniliation, and supporters of and observe the cases of eac1~ of

the coast of furnishe ,aJd there is no lack . , Ii h patients We do not know of mISSIOn, pray or us, t at we may

sight all day employm nt I. in fact, some of the umted m heart and Clrii,stlan place where one whose constitution ~[lt~~~~~!~~~,:~:~$; dw:eruings; its light· planters . Ilose, as they have rented and labor so as worthily to has been broken down by overwork, mdented coast, more Ian than crln be worked, unless ill our lIttle band toe or who has became debilitated from tlt][~~i'i,,:liOlbe kno'wn

and deep little a few of Ithel colored regiments ale any other cauRe, coul/l have a better l~aj~~~~;~~~i~~~~~eD!b~~ m turn to be admired, mustered out of the sel-vice. Each chance to rest lllld rE\!;uperate. I 'I so I Next mornmg, reO"iment has several hundred hanO'- ~ l o , 0

POlt, a. ers on, who lje around thl) enmp, and l.reiDaired ~.:r~n,r like a deep basin, live on tHeir koldier friends Should

WI'll-l~iInmledborder, on which the order for muster out arrive all I .1 ' spread out before us, would be obuged to go to work all:

cOlnp:lct)ly built, but interspersed plantatiops of for themselves. The and extending up tM wealthy l~nd-holders are doillg some­

m its cU'cular form thing never I dreamed of before tbe generally of a great war; they are renting their planta­

m~eed a love- tions to Northern m~l j and are It<)tu-citi.3I)If life, a pretty ally reoeivmg more oney than when

I hidden volume the labor as well the soil was behind·th hill th hi I I ,

I 5, e sto- property j although, hen co:i:tvinc€id Emerald that the negr~ will work as well

wages las der the; old system''':''1 "Ul.,U think mnny of them will become ImleetijJg~ actual planters again A gejltle:m~Jj. t from the North pays a Icitizen of pl!\ce (who ,as ruined 'by the"war)

lUL'gUld over sixty; thouslllld dollars rent for one plantation, and his prospects for making money are good One thing

certam, if these people could make money whed cotton was ten cents


per pound, I think Northern with paid labbr, improved ma,chinery, I thorough and thrifty "g"_'[)IA its, can get in a ahort time, and nalr:rp"nt blll!idll", at the p;resen,I;.piice I

stoomd Th~furtiliw

Page 3: b~~~,~~tlIl~~~~~I~~~¥r~~rt~Sl tVol+22+(1866)/Sabbath... · I , THE \~~r'e. 01[· broa; I "Tha-hQlTid crowned topplmg convent any act of his 'iii' 4tr'Wi'~_ alter it, alter our own

.LO';'UU Sound has w thin a mC)llr;nSi been the scene of several

.steame!s causmg the of 1 ves and the

ed and and fifty

rna nde'r! [:~~:~~;~s The ]\I B4"ehero the .lmperJaIl~ts_

and the ~iX~~~,~.aI~~~~~: J Ual sts at the 12th of Feb uary m two engagements III the filet of which they killed forty men and took tw~ I p eces of artillery aud fou cases of powde In the second they killed 4~ more mcludlllg the ch ef of a till ry Col Pedroza and five othel offi ers and captured 250 =a=n::s====±==±::;:======::: horses and large quantitIes of ammu n t on

SUM1rr.!EY or NEWS The OllJah~ RepuhZwan has some

ather exc tmg news from Utah It leaJns that tlie g eatest exc tement preva Is among the }folllIlons anq a fixed dete m nat on on theIr pm to drive out or exte!mrnate all tiles E ght men have recently assass nated, while tlie editor of the Vidette WIth all other Gentiles hss been notified to qUl~ the country Plses ds a e p~sted up III Salt Lake CIty warn ng all Gent les to leave lmmed ately

A few days ago a fam ly resldlllg on Baal (Jreek~on the Iowa rver named McLau 1m cons st ng of f~ theI mother an five chlidren WeIe d owned while escapmg from a flood wh ch had sUl~ounded the house while they vere asleep In making then escape tThrough the da kness

1 __ • __ " from the threatemng dangm the CUlt III vh eh they we e bemg conveyed awnyfellmto t~ water wI eh filled a

of 1 the gIOund aud all

John Couantj Esq of Safti ey N H offered to pay a tax of $3 000 if the town ~ould pay theIr debt (amountmg to 1$26 769 "'2) the pre sent year 0 a ~ax of $1 000 per year if they would pay the deht m tInee yea sand $50? the fOUlth year If I v ng Th s IlIldu ed the town to call a publ c mleet ng when twas voted to accept Ithe th ee years pro pos t on

A Ph ladelpll a pape says that some sw ndle 81 are adve't!smg ex tens vely a Etll opean pocket tune keeper sent ~y mail fo the low p ee of one dollar It 18 S mply a pasteboa d d al fIth a strmg pendu lum fo tell n!l] t me by the sun could not cost yve two cents and wo ld be denr at that p1'1ce as t IS of no use at all

A vVash ngton d spatch says that official mfOIllJation rece ved there shows that Lou S Napoleon 8 really WIthdraWIng IllS itroops from Mex co although Manmil an s rece vmg e mforcements ofl Frenclinien Aus tr ans and Belg :ms fi om h18 fo ego leg on I

un as a passenger between London and Ne v Yo II: was

nnfo tunate last week It ap

Smee the ado~t on of the Massa ex chusett& State C nst tut on m 1 80

nmety two per$ ns 1 a~e heen sen tenced to be hf.?g fifty seven of whom have ender then I ves on the gallows The rema nder ha"e ether beeu pa doned Oll' had the r sentences commuted 1 pears that dn the t p fi om Ne v

to Ne f London on Wednes n ght when WIth n th ee miles

of N e ;v Lon40n she ran on the rocks at ~?mt go nglon however

that the passeuge s on ~othing of the fact nt 1

she had In n the e nearly an The ock at the place where

she st uck IS Iqu te sheh ng and ap patently no g eat damage was Ie co ved Afte ly ng the e fo about two hours the steam fe:r,yi boat ply mg ae oss the I ver from New Lon don the steamer off. 'and she llume,u her dastwald bound passen

at New !London On exam na Capt Borden found the steamer

was leak ng sl ghtly from the fact that her for~ foot was split about three feet below the water line Canvas was placed over the leak out­

and cpther meaSUIes taken to ';;"";ni~' any ~ulthe leakage While

herldoek dunng the day on 'l~~jtf~:1eari the leak was hardly pel C< so ~light mdeed d d It ap

that Capt Borden d d not think necessary to take any fruther steps

at epaIT ng until he should have r ved at N ew~Y ork On the of the Bosto tram at New LO:lla~>n the passenge s went on the State 0 Ma ne left about past ton 0 eloyk for New York After bemg out an hour f om New London t was foun~ that the steamer was

ma.k;ing watet cons derably fast and the steam pm;nps we e put to work Some 18 m(lhes were then 1D her hold After Ian exammat on Capt Borden reemed It best to stop and

,."nni1' ... 1 aWlllt the passage of some of the Sound boatlj to vliom he could trans

hIS passengers The steamer Old

A lette wh eh was mailed m Ne v Haven m May 1 63 was ece ved by the person to whom It was directed at Spr ngfield Mass a few days ago It conta nJd money and had been the rounil~ of the army the dead letter offic-;I and the Connectl

State !touse }Ir Robjl t }Ihyo~ estate known

as Powhatan on James RIver neaI R ehmond and fhere accordmg to a dub ous t adi on John Sm th s life was saved by the faIr Pocahon tas 18 sa d to ha"lje been sold to Col No th of Massachusetts fo $2;) -000

A National Railroad Convent on s to be held In Philadelphia July

4th for the purpose of getting the ra Iroad managers of the country acqua nted With each other and the cons deratlOn of raIl way lDterests generally

A lady from -'!lIULHm", killed herself Grand J:ta~pl(lS, been by cal t eatment

was soon after signaled by I.,.,;l;:n.l;·

means of rockets and hauled alU'll,,···,

*JJ,oisPA": and took: on hOaJd the 100 pas I BI~~~+~ll~,!'I~~i teDIlPc.raI'V Itea(Jiac1resl seligers of the State of Mame wh ch I

left to make Its way slowly to no: fa:milv' York

A.k~ rH m

Page 4: b~~~,~~tlIl~~~~~I~~~¥r~~rt~Sl tVol+22+(1866)/Sabbath... · I , THE \~~r'e. 01[· broa; I "Tha-hQlTid crowned topplmg convent any act of his 'iii' 4tr'Wi'~_ alter it, alter our own