bts3900 gsm hardware description-(v300r008&r009_02)

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  • BTS3900 GSMV300R008&R009

    Hardware Description

    Issue 02Date 2009-09-30

    Huawei Proprietary and ConfidentialCopyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.

  • Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. provides customers with comprehensive technical support and service. For anyassistance, please contact our local office or company headquarters. Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.Address: Huawei Industrial Base

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    Website: http://www.huawei.comEmail: [email protected] Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 2009. All rights reserved.No part of this document may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means without prior writtenconsent of Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. Trademarks and Permissions

    and other Huawei trademarks are the property of Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.All other trademarks and trade names mentioned in this document are the property of their respective holders. NoticeThe information in this document is subject to change without notice. Every effort has been made in thepreparation of this document to ensure accuracy of the contents, but the statements, information, andrecommendations in this document do not constitute a warranty of any kind, express or implied.

    Huawei Proprietary and ConfidentialCopyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.

  • Contents

    About This Document.....................................................................................................................11 Changes in the BTS3900 GSM Hardware Description.......................................................1-12 System Architecture of the BTS3900......................................................................................2-13 BTS3900 Cabinet.........................................................................................................................3-1

    3.1 Structure of the BTS3900 Cabinet..................................................................................................................3-23.2 Hardware Structure of the BTS3900...............................................................................................................3-2

    3.2.1 Structure of the BTS3900 -48 V Cabinet...............................................................................................3-33.2.2 Structure of the BTS3900 +24 V Cabinet..............................................................................................3-53.2.3 Structure of the BTS3900 220 V Cabinet..............................................................................................3-7

    4 BTS3900 Components................................................................................................................4-14.1 BBU3900 Equipment......................................................................................................................................4-3

    4.1.1 Structure of the BBU3900......................................................................................................................4-34.1.2 Functions of the BBU3900.....................................................................................................................4-34.1.3 Boards and Modules of the BBU3900...................................................................................................4-4

    4.2 Structure of SLPU.........................................................................................................................................4-154.2.1 UELP....................................................................................................................................................4-164.2.2 UFLP....................................................................................................................................................4-184.2.3 USLP2..................................................................................................................................................4-18

    4.3 DCDU-01......................................................................................................................................................4-204.4 FAN...............................................................................................................................................................4-214.5 DRFU............................................................................................................................................................4-224.6 GRFU............................................................................................................................................................4-264.7 GATM...........................................................................................................................................................4-304.8 ELU...............................................................................................................................................................4-324.9 DC/DC Power System...................................................................................................................................4-33

    4.9.1 Components of the DC/DC Power System..........................................................................................4-334.9.2 PSU (DC/DC).......................................................................................................................................4-344.9.3 Power Subrack (+24 V)........................................................................................................................4-35

    4.10 AC/DC Power System.................................................................................................................................4-364.10.1 Components of the AC/DC Power System........................................................................................4-364.10.2 PMU...................................................................................................................................................4-374.10.3 PSU (AC/DC).....................................................................................................................................4-40

    BTS3900 GSMHardware Description Contents

    Issue 02 (2009-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and ConfidentialCopyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.


  • 4.10.4 Power Subrack (220 V)......................................................................................................................4-425 PS4890 Components...................................................................................................................5-16 BTS3900 Cables...........................................................................................................................6-1

    6.1 List of BTS3900 Cables..................................................................................................................................6-36.2 PGND Cables of the BTS3900........................................................................................................................6-76.3 Equipotential Cable.........................................................................................................................................6-86.4 BTS3900 Power Cable....................................................................................................................................6-9

    6.4.1 Power Cable Connections of the BTS3900............................................................................................6-96.4.2 -48 V Power Cable...............................................................................................................................6-176.4.3 +24 V Power Cable..............................................................................................................................6-176.4.4 220 V Power Cable..............................................................................................................................6-186.4.5 Power Cable Between the PSU (AC/DC) and the DCDU...................................................................6-196.4.6 Power Cable Between the PSU (DC/DC) and the DCDU...................................................................6-206.4.7 Power Cable Between the DCDU and the BBU..................................................................................6-216.4.8 Power Cable Between the DCDU and the FAN Unit..........................................................................6-216.4.9 Power Cable Between the DCDU and the RFU...................................................................................6-226.4.10 Power Cable Between the DCDU and the GATM.............................................................................6-23

    6.5 BTS3900 Transmission Cable.......................................................................................................................6-246.5.1 Transmission Cable Connections of the BTS3900..............................................................................6-246.5.2 E1/T1 Signal Cable..............................................................................................................................6-256.5.3 FE/GE Cable........................................................................................................................................6-27

    6.6 BTS3900 Signal Cable..................................................................................................................................6-286.6.1 Signal Cable Connections of the BTS3900..........................................................................................6-296.6.2 Monitoring Signal Cable for the PMU.................................................................................................6-436.6.3 Monitoring Signal Cable for the PSU (DC/DC)..................................................................................6-446.6.4 In-Position Signal Cable for the PSU (DC/DC)...................................................................................6-446.6.5 Monitoring Signal Cable for the FAN Unit.........................................................................................6-456.6.6 Signal Cable Between Cascaded FAN Units.......................................................................................6-466.6.7 Monitoring Signal Cable for the EMU.................................................................................................6-476.6.8 Monitoring Signal Cable for the GATM..............................................................................................6-486.6.9 BBU Alarm Cable................................................................................................................................6-496.6.10 GPS Clock Signal Cable....................................................................................................................6-506.6.11 Signal Cable for the ELU...................................................................................................................6-50

    6.7 BTS3900 RF Cable.......................................................................................................................................6-516.7.1 RF Cable Connections of the BTS3900...............................................................................................6-516.7.2 RF Jumper............................................................................................................................................6-566.7.3 Inter-RFU RF Signal Cable..................................................................................................................6-56

    6.8 BTS3900 CPRI Electrical Cable...................................................................................................................6-566.8.1 CPRI Electrical Cable Connections of the BTS3900...........................................................................6-576.8.2 CPRI Electrical Cable..........................................................................................................................6-60

    7 PS4890 Cables............................................................................................................................. 7-1

    ContentsBTS3900 GSM

    Hardware Description

    ii Huawei Proprietary and ConfidentialCopyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.

    Issue 02 (2009-09-30)

  • 8 BTS3900 Auxiliary Equipment................................................................................................8-18.1 PS4890 Cabinet...............................................................................................................................................8-2

    8.1.1 Structure of the PS4890 Cabinet............................................................................................................8-28.1.2 Structure of the PS4890..........................................................................................................................8-28.1.3 Cable Connections of the PS4890..........................................................................................................8-3

    8.2 EMU................................................................................................................................................................8-6

    BTS3900 GSMHardware Description Contents

    Issue 02 (2009-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and ConfidentialCopyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.


  • Figures

    Figure 2-1 BTS3900 system.................................................................................................................................2-1Figure 2-2 PS4890 system....................................................................................................................................2-2Figure 3-1 BTS3900 cabinet................................................................................................................................3-2Figure 3-2 Typical configuration of the BTS3900 -48 V cabinet in single cabinet installation..........................3-3Figure 3-3 Typical configuration of two BTS3900 -48 V cabinets in side-by-side installation..........................3-4Figure 3-4 Typical configuration of two BTS3900 -48 V cabinets in stack installation.....................................3-5Figure 3-5 Typical configuration of the BTS3900 +24 V cabinet in single cabinet installation.........................3-6Figure 3-6 Typical configuration of the BTS3900 +24 V cabinet in double cabinet installation........................3-6Figure 3-7 Typical configuration of the BTS3900 220 V cabinets in single cabinet installation........................3-7Figure 3-8 Typical configuration of the BTS3900 220 V cabinets in double cabinet installation.......................3-8Figure 4-1 BBU3900............................................................................................................................................4-3Figure 4-2 GTMU panel.......................................................................................................................................4-4Figure 4-3 GTMUb panel.....................................................................................................................................4-4Figure 4-4 Panel of the UPEU..............................................................................................................................4-9Figure 4-5 Panel of the UEIU.............................................................................................................................4-11Figure 4-6 Panel of the UBFA...........................................................................................................................4-12Figure 4-7 Panels of the USCU (0.5 U).............................................................................................................4-13Figure 4-8 Panels of the USCU (1 U)................................................................................................................4-13Figure 4-9 Structure of SLPU............................................................................................................................4-16Figure 4-10 Panel of the UELP .........................................................................................................................4-16Figure 4-11 DIP switch on the UELP ...............................................................................................................4-17Figure 4-12 Panel of the UFLP..........................................................................................................................4-18Figure 4-13 Panel of the USLP2........................................................................................................................4-18Figure 4-14 DIP switches on the USLP2...........................................................................................................4-19Figure 4-15 Panel of the DCDU-01...................................................................................................................4-20Figure 4-16 Panel of the FAN............................................................................................................................4-21Figure 4-17 DRFU panel....................................................................................................................................4-23Figure 4-18 Functional structure of the DRFU..................................................................................................4-24Figure 4-19 GRFU panel....................................................................................................................................4-27Figure 4-20 Logical structure of the GRFU.......................................................................................................4-28Figure 4-21 GATM panel...................................................................................................................................4-31Figure 4-22 Structure of an ELU........................................................................................................................4-32Figure 4-23 DC/DC power system.....................................................................................................................4-33

    BTS3900 GSMHardware Description Figures

    Issue 02 (2009-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and ConfidentialCopyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.


  • Figure 4-24 Panel of the PSU (DC/DC).............................................................................................................4-34Figure 4-25 Power subrack (+24 V)...................................................................................................................4-35Figure 4-26 AC/DC power system.....................................................................................................................4-37Figure 4-27 PMU................................................................................................................................................4-38Figure 4-28 Front panel of the PMU..................................................................................................................4-38Figure 4-29 Right panel of the PMU..................................................................................................................4-40Figure 4-30 Panel of the PSU (AC/DC).............................................................................................................4-40Figure 4-31 Panel of the power subrack (220 V)...............................................................................................4-42Figure 6-1 PGND cable for the cabinet................................................................................................................6-8Figure 6-2 PGND cable for the modules..............................................................................................................6-8Figure 6-3 Equipotential cable.............................................................................................................................6-8Figure 6-4 Power cables connections of a single cabinet...................................................................................6-10Figure 6-5 Power cable connections of two cabinets in side-by-side installation..............................................6-11Figure 6-6 Power cable connections of two cabinets in stack installation.........................................................6-12Figure 6-7 Power cable connections of a single cabinet....................................................................................6-13Figure 6-8 Power cable connections of two cabinets in side-by-side installation..............................................6-14Figure 6-9 Power cable connections of a single cabinet....................................................................................6-15Figure 6-10 Power cable connections of two cabinets in side-by-side installation............................................6-16Figure 6-11 -48 V power cable...........................................................................................................................6-17Figure 6-12 +24 V power cable..........................................................................................................................6-18Figure 6-13 220 V power cable (220 V AC single-phase).................................................................................6-18Figure 6-14 Power cable between the PSU (AC/DC) and the DCDU...............................................................6-19Figure 6-15 Power cable between the PSU (DC/DC) and the DCDU...............................................................6-20Figure 6-16 Power cable between the DCDU and the BBU..............................................................................6-21Figure 6-17 Power cable between the DCDU and the FAN unit.......................................................................6-22Figure 6-18 Power cable between the DCDU and the RFU...............................................................................6-22Figure 6-19 Power cable between the DCDU and the GATM...........................................................................6-23Figure 6-20 Transmission cable connections.....................................................................................................6-24Figure 6-21 E1/T1 signal cable..........................................................................................................................6-25Figure 6-22 FE/GE cable....................................................................................................................................6-27Figure 6-23 Signal cable connections in a -48 V cabinet (1).............................................................................6-29Figure 6-24 Signal cable connections in a -48 V cabinet (2).............................................................................6-30Figure 6-25 Signal cable connections in a +24 V cabinet (1) ...........................................................................6-31Figure 6-26 Signal cable connections in a +24 V cabinet (2)............................................................................6-32Figure 6-27 Signal cable connections in a 220 V cabinet (1).............................................................................6-33Figure 6-28 Signal cable connections in a 220 V cabinet (2).............................................................................6-34Figure 6-29 GPS signal cable.............................................................................................................................6-35Figure 6-30 Signal cable connections in two -48 V cabinets (1).......................................................................6-36Figure 6-31 Signal cable connections in two -48 V cabinets (2).......................................................................6-37Figure 6-32 Signal cable connections in two -48 V cabinets (3).......................................................................6-38Figure 6-33 Signal cable connections in two -48 V cabinets (4).......................................................................6-39Figure 6-34 Signal cable connections in two +24 V cabinets............................................................................6-41

    FiguresBTS3900 GSM

    Hardware Description

    vi Huawei Proprietary and ConfidentialCopyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.

    Issue 02 (2009-09-30)

  • Figure 6-35 Signal cable connections in two 220 V cabinets............................................................................6-42Figure 6-36 Monitoring signal cable for the PMU.............................................................................................6-43Figure 6-37 Monitoring signal cable for the PSU (DC/DC)..............................................................................6-44Figure 6-38 In-position signal cable for the PSU (DC/DC)...............................................................................6-44Figure 6-39 Monitoring signal cable for the FAN unit......................................................................................6-45Figure 6-40 Signal cables between cascaded FAN units....................................................................................6-46Figure 6-41 Monitoring signal cable for the EMU.............................................................................................6-47Figure 6-42 Monitoring signal cable for the GATM..........................................................................................6-48Figure 6-43 BBU alarm cable............................................................................................................................6-49Figure 6-44 GPS clock signal cable...................................................................................................................6-50Figure 6-45 Signal cable for the ELU................................................................................................................6-50Figure 6-46 RF cable connections of a single cabinet........................................................................................6-52Figure 6-47 RF cable connections of a single cabinet........................................................................................6-52Figure 6-48 RF cable connections of two cabinets in side-by-side installation.................................................6-53Figure 6-49 RF cable connections of two cabinets in side-by-side installation.................................................6-54Figure 6-50 RF cable connections of stacked cabinets......................................................................................6-55Figure 6-51 RF jumper.......................................................................................................................................6-56Figure 6-52 Inter-RFU RF signal cable..............................................................................................................6-56Figure 6-53 CPRI electrical cable connections (1).............................................................................................6-57Figure 6-54 CPRI electrical cable connections (2).............................................................................................6-58Figure 6-55 CPRI electrical cable connections (3).............................................................................................6-59Figure 6-56 CPRI electrical cable......................................................................................................................6-60Figure 8-1 PS4890 cabinet...................................................................................................................................8-2Figure 8-2 Internal structure of the PS4890 cabinet.............................................................................................8-3Figure 8-3 Power cable connections of the PS4890 configured with a 48 V 92 Ah battery group.....................8-4Figure 8-4 Signal cable connections of the PS4890 configured with a 48 V 92 Ah battery group.....................8-5Figure 8-5 Power cable connections of the PS4890 configured with 48 V 184 Ah batteries..............................8-6

    BTS3900 GSMHardware Description Figures

    Issue 02 (2009-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and ConfidentialCopyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.


  • Tables

    Table 4-1 LEDs on the GTMU.............................................................................................................................4-5Table 4-2 Ports on the GTMU..............................................................................................................................4-6Table 4-3 Description on S1.................................................................................................................................4-7Table 4-4 Description on S2.................................................................................................................................4-8Table 4-5 Description on S4.................................................................................................................................4-8Table 4-6 Description on S5.................................................................................................................................4-8Table 4-7 LED on the UPEU..............................................................................................................................4-10Table 4-8 Ports on the UPEU.............................................................................................................................4-10Table 4-9 Ports on the UEIU..............................................................................................................................4-11Table 4-10 LED on the UBFA...........................................................................................................................4-12Table 4-11 LEDs on the USCU..........................................................................................................................4-14Table 4-12 LEDs on the TOD port.....................................................................................................................4-15Table 4-13 Ports on the USCU...........................................................................................................................4-15Table 4-14 Ports on the panel of the UELP........................................................................................................4-17Table 4-15 DIP switch on the UELP .................................................................................................................4-17Table 4-16 Ports on the panel of the UFLP........................................................................................................4-18Table 4-17 Ports on the panels of the USLP2....................................................................................................4-19Table 4-18 DIP switches on the USLP2.............................................................................................................4-19Table 4-19 Items on the panel of the DCDU-01................................................................................................4-20Table 4-20 LEDs on the panel of the FAN.........................................................................................................4-22Table 4-21 Ports on the panel of the FAN..........................................................................................................4-22Table 4-22 LEDs on the DRFU..........................................................................................................................4-25Table 4-23 Ports and socket on the DRFU.........................................................................................................4-26Table 4-24 LEDs on the GRFU panel................................................................................................................4-29Table 4-25 Ports on the panel of the GRFU.......................................................................................................4-30Table 4-26 LEDs on the GATM panel...............................................................................................................4-31Table 4-27 Ports on the GATM..........................................................................................................................4-32Table 4-28 Components of the DC/DC power system.......................................................................................4-33Table 4-29 LEDs on the panel of the PSU (DC/DC).........................................................................................4-34Table 4-30 Ports and terminals on the power subrack (+24 V)..........................................................................4-36Table 4-31 Components of the AC/DC power system.......................................................................................4-37Table 4-32 Ports and switch on the PMU...........................................................................................................4-38Table 4-33 LEDs on the panel of the PMU........................................................................................................4-39

    BTS3900 GSMHardware Description Tables

    Issue 02 (2009-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and ConfidentialCopyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.


  • Table 4-34 LEDs on the panel of the PSU (AC/DC).........................................................................................4-41Table 4-35 Terminals and switch on the power subrack (220 V).......................................................................4-42Table 6-1 Cable list...............................................................................................................................................6-3Table 6-2 Power cables of a single cabinet........................................................................................................6-10Table 6-3 Power cables of two cabinets in side-by-side installation..................................................................6-11Table 6-4 Power cables of two cabinets in stack installation.............................................................................6-13Table 6-5 Power cables of a single cabinet........................................................................................................6-14Table 6-6 Power cables of two cabinets in side-by-side installation..................................................................6-15Table 6-7 Power cables of a single cabinet........................................................................................................6-16Table 6-8 Power cables of two cabinets in side-by-side installation..................................................................6-17Table 6-9 -48 V power cable..............................................................................................................................6-17Table 6-10 +24 V power cable...........................................................................................................................6-18Table 6-11 220 V power cable...........................................................................................................................6-19Table 6-12 Power cable between the PSU (AC/DC) and the DCDU.................................................................6-20Table 6-13 Power cable between the PSU (DC/DC) and the DCDU.................................................................6-20Table 6-14 Pin assignment of the power cable between the DCDU and the BBU............................................6-21Table 6-15 Pin assignment of the power cable between the DCDU and the FAN unit.....................................6-22Table 6-16 Pin assignment of the power cable between the DCDU and the RFU.............................................6-23Table 6-17 Pin assignment of the power cable between the DCDU and the GATM.........................................6-23Table 6-18 Transmission cables.........................................................................................................................6-25Table 6-19 Pin assignment for the wires of the 75-ohm E1 coaxial cable.........................................................6-25Table 6-20 Pin assignment for the wires of the 120-ohm E1 twisted pair cable................................................6-26Table 6-21 Pin assignment for the wires of the FE/GE cable............................................................................6-27Table 6-22 Signal cables in a -48 V cabinet (1).................................................................................................6-30Table 6-23 Signal cables in a -48 V cabinet (2).................................................................................................6-30Table 6-24 Signal cables in a +24 V cabinet (1)................................................................................................6-31Table 6-25 Signal cables in a +24 V cabinet (2)................................................................................................6-32Table 6-26 Signal cables in a 220 V cabinet (1).................................................................................................6-33Table 6-27 Signal cables in a 220 V cabinet (2).................................................................................................6-34Table 6-28 GPS signal cable..............................................................................................................................6-35Table 6-29 Signal cables in two -48 V cabinets (1)...........................................................................................6-36Table 6-30 Signal cables in two -48 V cabinets (2)...........................................................................................6-37Table 6-31 Signal cables in two -48 V cabinets (3)...........................................................................................6-38Table 6-32 Signal cables in two -48 V cabinets (4)...........................................................................................6-40Table 6-33 Signal cables in two +24 V cabinets (1)...........................................................................................6-41Table 6-34 Signal cables in two 220 V cabinets (1)...........................................................................................6-42Table 6-35 Pin assignment of the monitoring signal cable of the PMU.............................................................6-43Table 6-36 Pin assignment of the in-position signal cable for the PSU (DC/DC).............................................6-45Table 6-37 Pin assignment of the monitoring signal cable for the FAN unit.....................................................6-46Table 6-38 Pin assignment of the signal cables between cascaded FAN units..................................................6-46Table 6-39 Pin assignment of the monitoring signal cable for the EMU...........................................................6-47Table 6-40 Pin assignment of the monitoring signal cable for the GATM........................................................6-48

    TablesBTS3900 GSM

    Hardware Description

    x Huawei Proprietary and ConfidentialCopyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.

    Issue 02 (2009-09-30)

  • Table 6-41 Wire sequence of the BBU alarm cable...........................................................................................6-49Table 6-42 Pin assignment of the signal cable for the ELU...............................................................................6-51Table 6-43 RF cables of a single cabinet............................................................................................................6-52Table 6-44 RF cables of a single cabinet............................................................................................................6-53Table 6-45 RF cables of two cabinets in side-by-side installations...................................................................6-53Table 6-46 RF cables of two cabinets in side-by-side installation.....................................................................6-54Table 6-47 RF cables of stacked cabinets..........................................................................................................6-55Table 6-48 CPRI electrical cables (1).................................................................................................................6-57Table 6-49 CPRI electrical cables (2).................................................................................................................6-58Table 6-50 CPRI electrical cables (3).................................................................................................................6-59Table 8-1 Power cables of the PS4890.................................................................................................................8-4Table 8-2 Signal cables of the PS4890.................................................................................................................8-5

    BTS3900 GSMHardware Description Tables

    Issue 02 (2009-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and ConfidentialCopyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.


  • About This Document

    PurposesThis document provides an overview of the BTS3900 GSM hardware for the planning anddeployment of the BTS3900 GSM. It describes the configurations, functions, and specificationsof the components in the BTS3900 GSM cabinet. This document also describes the classification,connector specification, and installation positions of the cables.

    Product VersionThe following table lists the product version related to this document.

    Product Name Product VersionBTS3900 GSM (referred to as BTS3900 inthis manual)


    Intended AudienceThis document is intended for:l BTS installersl Site maintainers

    Organization1 Changes in the BTS3900 GSM Hardware DescriptionThis provides the changes in the BTS3900 GSM Hardware Description.2 System Architecture of the BTS3900The BTS3900 consists of the BBU3900, RFUs, and indoor macro cabinet. The BBU and RFUsare installed in the indoor macro cabinet. When backup power or space for customer equipmentis required, the PS4890 can be used together with the BTS3900.3 BTS3900 CabinetThe BTS3900 cabinet has a modular design and houses the RFUs, BBU, DCDU-01, and FANunit. The power system is also included in the +24 V cabinet or the 220 V cabinet.4 BTS3900 Components

    BTS3900 GSMHardware Description About This Document

    Issue 02 (2009-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and ConfidentialCopyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.


  • This describes the BTS3900 components, which are the BBU, SLPU, DCDU-01, FAN, RFU,GATM, EMU, ELU, power system, and PS4890 components.5 PS4890 ComponentsThe PS4890 components are the power subrack, DCDU-04, DCDU-03, and batteries. For details,see the PS4890 User Guide.6 BTS3900 CablesThis describes the BTS3900 cables. The BTS3900 cables consist of the PGND cable, powercable, transmission cable, signal cable, and RF cable.7 PS4890 CablesThe PS4890 cables consist of the PGND cables, power cables, and signal cables. For details,please refer to PS4890 User Guide.8 BTS3900 Auxiliary EquipmentThis describes the auxiliary equipment of the BTS3900.

    ConventionsSymbol ConventionsThe symbols that may be found in this document are defined as follows.

    Symbol DescriptionIndicates a hazard with a high level of risk, which if notavoided,will result in death or serious injury.

    Indicates a hazard with a medium or low level of risk, whichif not avoided, could result in minor or moderate injury.

    Indicates a potentially hazardous situation, which if notavoided,could result in equipment damage, data loss,performance degradation, or unexpected results.Indicates a tip that may help you solve a problem or savetime.Provides additional information to emphasize or supplementimportant points of the main text.

    General ConventionsThe general conventions that may be found in this document are defined as follows.

    Convention DescriptionTimes New Roman Normal paragraphs are in Times New Roman.

    About This DocumentBTS3900 GSM

    Hardware Description

    2 Huawei Proprietary and ConfidentialCopyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.

    Issue 02 (2009-09-30)

  • Convention DescriptionBoldface Names of files, directories, folders, and users are in

    boldface. For example, log in as user root.Italic Book titles are in italics.Courier New Examples of information displayed on the screen are in

    Courier New.

    Command ConventionsThe command conventions that may be found in this document are defined as follows.

    Convention DescriptionBoldface The keywords of a command line are in boldface.Italic Command arguments are in italics.[ ] Items (keywords or arguments) in brackets [ ] are optional.{ x | y | ... } Optional items are grouped in braces and separated by

    vertical bars. One item is selected.[ x | y | ... ] Optional items are grouped in brackets and separated by

    vertical bars. One item is selected or no item is selected.{ x | y | ... }* Optional items are grouped in braces and separated by

    vertical bars. A minimum of one item or a maximum of allitems can be selected.

    [ x | y | ... ]* Optional items are grouped in brackets and separated byvertical bars. Several items or no item can be selected.

    GUI ConventionsThe GUI conventions that may be found in this document are defined as follows.

    Convention DescriptionBoldface Buttons, menus, parameters, tabs, window, and dialog titles

    are in boldface. For example, click OK.> Multi-level menus are in boldface and separated by the ">"

    signs. For example, choose File > Create > Folder .

    Keyboard OperationsThe keyboard operations that may be found in this document are defined as follows.

    BTS3900 GSMHardware Description About This Document

    Issue 02 (2009-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and ConfidentialCopyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.


  • Format DescriptionKey Press the key. For example, press Enter and press Tab.Key 1+Key 2 Press the keys concurrently. For example, pressing Ctrl+Alt

    +A means the three keys should be pressed concurrently.Key 1, Key 2 Press the keys in turn. For example, pressing Alt, A means

    the two keys should be pressed in turn.

    Mouse OperationsThe mouse operations that may be found in this document are defined as follows.

    Action DescriptionClick Select and release the primary mouse button without moving

    the pointer.Double-click Press the primary mouse button twice continuously and

    quickly without moving the pointer.Drag Press and hold the primary mouse button and move the

    pointer to a certain position.

    About This DocumentBTS3900 GSM

    Hardware Description

    4 Huawei Proprietary and ConfidentialCopyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.

    Issue 02 (2009-09-30)

  • 1 Changes in the BTS3900 GSM HardwareDescription

    This provides the changes in the BTS3900 GSM Hardware Description.

    02(2009-09-30)This is the first commercial release.Compared with issue 01(2009-07-15) of V300R009, the changed parts in this release are asfollows:l The description of GTMU is changed, refer to GTMU.l The description of USCU is changed, refer to USCU.

    01(2009-07-15)This is the draft release.

    BTS3900 GSMHardware Description 1 Changes in the BTS3900 GSM Hardware Description

    Issue 02 (2009-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and ConfidentialCopyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.


  • 2 System Architecture of the BTS3900The BTS3900 consists of the BBU3900, RFUs, and indoor macro cabinet. The BBU and RFUsare installed in the indoor macro cabinet. When backup power or space for customer equipmentis required, the PS4890 can be used together with the BTS3900.

    BTS3900Figure 2-1 shows the BTS3900 system.

    Figure 2-1 BTS3900 system

    (1) RFU (2) Indoor macro cabinet (3) FAN unit(4) BBU (5) DCDU-01 -

    The BTS3900 mainly consists of the following components:l The BBU, a baseband processing unit, enables interaction between the BTS and the BSC.l The RFU is an RF filtering unit, which performs modulation, demodulation, data

    processing, and combination and division for baseband signals and RF signals.

    BTS3900 GSMHardware Description 2 System Architecture of the BTS3900

    Issue 02 (2009-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and ConfidentialCopyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.


  • l The indoor macro cabinet houses the BBU3900 and RFUs. In addition, the indoor macrocabinet has functions such as power distribution, heat dissipation, and surge protection.


    This takes the BTS3900 cabinet (-48 V) as an example.

    PS4890The PS4890, an indoor power cabinet, provides DC power and installation space for customerequipment. When installed with battery groups, the PS4890 can also provide backup power.Figure 2-2 shows the PS4890 system.

    Figure 2-2 PS4890 system

    (1) AC/DC power system (2) DCDU-04 (3) DCDU-03(4) Negative wiring copper bar forthe battery group

    (5) Support plate for the batterygroup

    (6) Positive wiring copper bar for thebattery group

    2 System Architecture of the BTS3900BTS3900 GSM

    Hardware Description

    2-2 Huawei Proprietary and ConfidentialCopyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.

    Issue 02 (2009-09-30)

  • 3 BTS3900 CabinetAbout This Chapter

    The BTS3900 cabinet has a modular design and houses the RFUs, BBU, DCDU-01, and FANunit. The power system is also included in the +24 V cabinet or the 220 V cabinet.

    3.1 Structure of the BTS3900 CabinetThe BTS3900 cabinet is designed in compliance with the IEC297 standard. It is a vertical cabinet.3.2 Hardware Structure of the BTS3900The BTS3900 cabinet supports three types of input power: -48 V DC, +24 V DC, and 220 VAC. The hardware structure of the cabinet varies with power distribution.

    BTS3900 GSMHardware Description 3 BTS3900 Cabinet

    Issue 02 (2009-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and ConfidentialCopyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.


  • 3.1 Structure of the BTS3900 CabinetThe BTS3900 cabinet is designed in compliance with the IEC297 standard. It is a vertical cabinet.Figure 3-1 shows the BTS3900 cabinet.

    Figure 3-1 BTS3900 cabinet

    3.2 Hardware Structure of the BTS3900The BTS3900 cabinet supports three types of input power: -48 V DC, +24 V DC, and 220 VAC. The hardware structure of the cabinet varies with power distribution.

    3.2.1 Structure of the BTS3900 -48 V CabinetThe BTS3900 cabinet (-48 V) uses the external -48 V DC input. The DC power is directly ledinto the DCDU-01 and the DCDU-01 distributes the DC power to each component in the cabinet.The BTS3900 -48 V cabinet can be installed alone, stacked on another BTS3900 -48 V cabinet,or installed side by side with another BTS3900 -48 V cabinet.3.2.2 Structure of the BTS3900 +24 V CabinetThe BTS3900 cabinet (+24 V) uses the external +24 V DC input. The PSUs (DC/DC) convertthe external input power into -48 V DC power and supply the -48 V DC power to the DCDU-01.Then, the DCDU-01 distributes the -48 V DC power to each component in the cabinet. TheBTS3900 +24 V cabinet can be installed alone or side-by-side with another BTS3900 +24 Vcabinet.3.2.3 Structure of the BTS3900 220 V CabinetThe BTS3900 cabinet (220 V) uses the external 220 V AC input. The PSUs (AC/DC) convertthe external input power into -48 V DC power and supply the -48 V DC power to the DCDU-01.Then, the DCDU-01 distributes the -48 V DC power to each component in the cabinet. TheBTS3900 220 V cabinet can be installed alone or side-by-side with another BTS3900 cabinet(220 V).

    3 BTS3900 CabinetBTS3900 GSM

    Hardware Description

    3-2 Huawei Proprietary and ConfidentialCopyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.

    Issue 02 (2009-09-30)

  • 3.2.1 Structure of the BTS3900 -48 V CabinetThe BTS3900 cabinet (-48 V) uses the external -48 V DC input. The DC power is directly ledinto the DCDU-01 and the DCDU-01 distributes the DC power to each component in the cabinet.The BTS3900 -48 V cabinet can be installed alone, stacked on another BTS3900 -48 V cabinet,or installed side by side with another BTS3900 -48 V cabinet.The BTS3900 -48 V cabinet consists of the following components: the RFUs, BBU, GATM,DCDU-01, and FAN unit, among which the GATM is optional.

    Single Cabinet InstallationFigure 3-2 shows the typical configuration of the cabinet in single cabinet installation.

    Figure 3-2 Typical configuration of the BTS3900 -48 V cabinet in single cabinet installation

    Double Cabinet InstallationFigure 3-3 and Figure 3-4 shows the typical configurations of the cabinets in double cabinetinstallation.

    BTS3900 GSMHardware Description 3 BTS3900 Cabinet

    Issue 02 (2009-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and ConfidentialCopyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.


  • Figure 3-3 Typical configuration of two BTS3900 -48 V cabinets in side-by-side installation

    3 BTS3900 CabinetBTS3900 GSM

    Hardware Description

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    Issue 02 (2009-09-30)

  • Figure 3-4 Typical configuration of two BTS3900 -48 V cabinets in stack installation


    l When two BTS3900 -48 V cabinets are stacked, the BBU is installed only in the lower cabinet andserves as the baseband control unit for the two cabinets.

    l The rated current for the upper-level -48 V DC MCB is 80 A.

    3.2.2 Structure of the BTS3900 +24 V CabinetThe BTS3900 cabinet (+24 V) uses the external +24 V DC input. The PSUs (DC/DC) convertthe external input power into -48 V DC power and supply the -48 V DC power to the DCDU-01.Then, the DCDU-01 distributes the -48 V DC power to each component in the cabinet. TheBTS3900 +24 V cabinet can be installed alone or side-by-side with another BTS3900 +24 Vcabinet.

    BTS3900 GSMHardware Description 3 BTS3900 Cabinet

    Issue 02 (2009-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and ConfidentialCopyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.


  • The BTS3900 +24 V cabinet consists of the following components: the RFUs, BBU, DCDU-01,PSUs (DC/DC), and FAN unit.

    Typical Configuration of the Cabinet in Single Cabinet InstallationFigure 3-5 shows the typical configuration of the cabinet in single cabinet installation.

    Figure 3-5 Typical configuration of the BTS3900 +24 V cabinet in single cabinet installation

    Typical Configuration of the Cabinets in Double Cabinet InstallationFigure 3-6 shows the typical configuration of two cabinets in side-by-side installation.

    Figure 3-6 Typical configuration of the BTS3900 +24 V cabinet in double cabinet installation

    3 BTS3900 CabinetBTS3900 GSM

    Hardware Description

    3-6 Huawei Proprietary and ConfidentialCopyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.

    Issue 02 (2009-09-30)

  • 3.2.3 Structure of the BTS3900 220 V CabinetThe BTS3900 cabinet (220 V) uses the external 220 V AC input. The PSUs (AC/DC) convertthe external input power into -48 V DC power and supply the -48 V DC power to the DCDU-01.Then, the DCDU-01 distributes the -48 V DC power to each component in the cabinet. TheBTS3900 220 V cabinet can be installed alone or side-by-side with another BTS3900 cabinet(220 V).The BTS3900 220 V cabinet consists of the following components: the RFUs, BBU, DCDU-01,PMU, PSUs (AC/DC), and FAN unit.

    Typical Configuration of the Cabinet in Single Cabinet InstallationFigure 3-7 shows the typical configuration of the cabinet in single cabinet installation.

    Figure 3-7 Typical configuration of the BTS3900 220 V cabinets in single cabinet installation

    Typical Configuration of the Cabinets in Double Cabinet InstallationFigure 3-8 shows the typical configuration of two cabinets in side-by-side installation.

    BTS3900 GSMHardware Description 3 BTS3900 Cabinet

    Issue 02 (2009-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and ConfidentialCopyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.


  • Figure 3-8 Typical configuration of the BTS3900 220 V cabinets in double cabinet installation

    3 BTS3900 CabinetBTS3900 GSM

    Hardware Description

    3-8 Huawei Proprietary and ConfidentialCopyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.

    Issue 02 (2009-09-30)

  • 4 BTS3900 ComponentsAbout This Chapter

    This describes the BTS3900 components, which are the BBU, SLPU, DCDU-01, FAN, RFU,GATM, EMU, ELU, power system, and PS4890 components.

    4.1 BBU3900 EquipmentThis describes the BBU3900 equipment in terms of the structure, boards and their panels,module, LEDs, ports, and engineering specifications.4.2 Structure of SLPUThe SLPU has a case structure, which requires a 19 inch-wide and 2 U-high space.4.3 DCDU-01The Direct Current Distribution Unit-01 (DCDU-01) supplies power to each component in thecabinet.4.4 FANThe FAN dissipates the heat in the cabinet. One FAN has four fans.4.5 DRFUOne Double Radio Frequency Unit (DRFU) handles two carriers.4.6 GRFUThis describes the GSM Radio Frequency Unit (GRFU). The GRFU is designed on the basis ofmulti-transceiver technology.4.7 GATMThe GSM antenna and TMA control module (GATM) is a module that controls the antenna andTMA. The GATM is optional. The GATM is optionally installed in the power cabinet ortransmission cabinet when the DRFU module is configured.4.8 ELUThe Electronic Label Unit (ELU) reports the cabinet type information to the FAN unit.4.9 DC/DC Power SystemThe DC/DC power system converts +24 V DC power into -48 V DC power.4.10 AC/DC Power System

    BTS3900 GSMHardware Description 4 BTS3900 Components

    Issue 02 (2009-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and ConfidentialCopyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.


  • The AC/DC power system converts 220 V AC power into -48 V DC power.

    4 BTS3900 ComponentsBTS3900 GSM

    Hardware Description

    4-2 Huawei Proprietary and ConfidentialCopyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.

    Issue 02 (2009-09-30)

  • 4.1 BBU3900 EquipmentThis describes the BBU3900 equipment in terms of the structure, boards and their panels,module, LEDs, ports, and engineering specifications.

    4.1.1 Structure of the BBU3900The BBU3900, which features a case structure, is 19 inches wide and 2 U high.4.1.2 Functions of the BBU3900This describes the functions of BBU3900. The BBU3900 is the baseband control unit that enablesthe information interaction between the BTS and the BSC.4.1.3 Boards and Modules of the BBU3900This describes the boards and modules of the BBU3900 in terms of their configuration principles,functions, ports, LEDs, and DIP switches.

    4.1.1 Structure of the BBU3900The BBU3900, which features a case structure, is 19 inches wide and 2 U high.The dimensions of the BBU3900 are 442 mm (width) x 310 mm (depth) x 86 mm (height).Figure 4-1 shows the BBU3900.

    Figure 4-1 BBU3900

    4.1.2 Functions of the BBU3900This describes the functions of BBU3900. The BBU3900 is the baseband control unit that enablesthe information interaction between the BTS and the BSC.The BBU3900 performs the following functions:l Providing physical ports for the communication between the BTS and the BSC

    BTS3900 GSMHardware Description 4 BTS3900 Components

    Issue 02 (2009-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and ConfidentialCopyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.


  • l Providing CPRI ports for communication between the BBU and the RFUl Providing the USB port for downloading the BTS softwarel Providing the OM channel for connection to the LMT or M2000l Processing uplink and downlink datal Providing centralized management on the entire BTS system, such as OM and signaling

    processingl Providing the system clocks

    4.1.3 Boards and Modules of the BBU3900This describes the boards and modules of the BBU3900 in terms of their configuration principles,functions, ports, LEDs, and DIP switches.

    BBU3900 Boards and ModulesThis describes the boards and modules of the BBU3900, which are the GTMU, UEIU, UPEU,USCU, and UBFA.

    GTMUThe GSM Transmission & Timing & Management Unit for BBU (GTMU) is the basictransmission and control function entity of the BBU. It provides the reference clock, maintenanceport, and external alarm collection port, monitors the power supply, and controls and managesthe entire base station.

    PanelThe GTMU is classified into two types: GTMU and GTMUb. Figure 4-2 and Figure 4-3 showthe panels of the GTMU and GTMUb.

    Figure 4-2 GTMU panel

    Figure 4-3 GTMUb panel

    4 BTS3900 ComponentsBTS3900 GSM

    Hardware Description

    4-4 Huawei Proprietary and ConfidentialCopyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.

    Issue 02 (2009-09-30)

  • NOTEThe GTMU hereinafter mentioned in this document is the first type.

    FunctionsThe GTMU has the following functions:l The GTMU controls and manages the base station.l The GTMU supports fault management system, configuration management system,

    performance management system, and security management system.l The GTMU monitors the fans and power modules.l The GTMU provides and manages the clock source of the base station in centralized mode.l The GTMU provides the clock output for test.l The GTMU provides the FE port for maintenance on the OM system.l The GTMU supports transmission through four E1s and two FEs.l The GTMU provides CPRI ports for communication between the BBU and the RFUs.l The GTMUb supports interconnected BBUs.l Four IDX2 ports on the backplane of the GTMUb can achieve the function of baseband

    resource pool backup.

    LEDsTable 4-1 describes the LEDs on the GTMU.

    Table 4-1 LEDs on the GTMULED Color Status DescriptionRUN Green ON The board is faulty.

    OFF There is no power supply, or theboard is faulty.

    ON for 1s and OFFfor 1s

    The board is running properly.

    ON for 2s and OFFfor 2s

    The board is being tested.

    ON for 0.125s andOFF for 0.125s

    Software is being loaded to theboard.

    ALM Red ON An alarm is generated,indicating a running fault.

    OFF The board is running properly.ACT Green ON The board is in the active state.

    OFF The board is in the standby state.

    BTS3900 GSMHardware Description 4 BTS3900 Components

    Issue 02 (2009-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and ConfidentialCopyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.


  • LED Color Status DescriptionLIU0 to LIU3 Green ON The link is in the idle state.

    ON for 0.125s andOFF for 0.125s

    An E1/T1 remote alarm isgenerated.

    OFF The link is functional.CPRI0 toCPRI5

    Green ON The CPRI link is functional.Red ON The optical module fails to

    receive signals.ETH Green (LINK

    LED on the left)ON The connection is set up

    successfully.OFF No connection is set up.

    Orange (ActivityLED on the right)

    Blinking Data is being transmitted.OFF No data is being transmitted.


    - - This is the LED of the reservedport.


    - - This is the LED of the reservedport.

    PortsTable 4-2 describes the ports on the GTMU.

    Table 4-2 Ports on the GTMULabel Connector DescriptionCPRI0 to CPRI5 SFP connector Data transmission port interconnected to the RFU.

    It supports the input and output of optical andelectrical transmission signals.

    EXT (GTMUb) SFP connector Group combined port. It supports the input andoutput of optical and electrical transmissionsignals.

    ETH RJ-45 connector Local maintenance and debugging portFE0 RJ-45 connector Connected to the routers in the equipment room

    through FE cables to transmit networkinformation

    FE1 DLC connector Connected to the routers in the equipment roomthrough optical cables to transmit networkinformation

    4 BTS3900 ComponentsBTS3900 GSM

    Hardware Description

    4-6 Huawei Proprietary and ConfidentialCopyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.

    Issue 02 (2009-09-30)

  • Label Connector DescriptionUSB USB connector Used for automatic software upgrade through the

    USB diskTST USB connector Provides a reference clock for the testerE1/T1 DB26 female

    connectorUsed for four E1/T1 inputs and outputs betweenthe GTMU and the UELP or between BSCs

    The RST button on the panel of the GTMU is used for resetting the board.

    DIP SwitchesOn the GTMU, there are five DIP switches, each of which has four bits. DIP switches S1 andS2 need to be set jointly. The functions of the five DIP switches are as follows:l S1 is used to select the E1 resistance. Table 4-3 provides details on the DIP switch.l S2 is used to select the grounding mode of E1/T1 cables. Table 4-4 provides details on the

    DIP switch.l S3 is reserved.l S4 is used to select the E1 bypass. Table 4-5 provides details on the DIP switch.l S5 is used for timeslot settings when the E1 bypass is selected. Table 4-6 provides details

    on the DIP switch.

    Table 4-3 Description on S1DIPSwitch

    Bit Status Description1 2 3 4

    S1 ON ON OFF OFF The E1 resistance is set to75 ohm.

    OFF ON OFF OFF The E1 resistance is set to120 ohm.

    ON OFF OFF OFF The T1 resistance is set to100 ohm.

    Others Unavailable


    Bits 3 and 4 of S1 should be kept the out-of-factory state, without any manual setting on site. The out-of-factory state should be OFF. If the bits are ON, set them to OFF.

    BTS3900 GSMHardware Description 4 BTS3900 Components

    Issue 02 (2009-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and ConfidentialCopyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.


  • Table 4-4 Description on S2DIPSwitch

    Bit Status Description1 2 3 4

    S2 OFF OFF OFF OFF By default, all the DIPbits of S2 are set to OFFin all the modes .

    ON ON ON ON When the four E1 RXlinks in 75 ohm haveerrors, all the bits of S2must be set to ON torectify the faults on theE1 links.

    Others Unavailable

    Table 4-5 Description on S4DIPSwitch

    Bit Status Description1 2 3 4

    S4 ON ON ON ON Supporting E1 bypassOFF OFF OFF OFF Not supporting E1

    bypassOthers Unavailable

    Table 4-6 Description on S5DIPSwitch

    Bit Status Description1 2 3 4

    S5 ON ON ON ON Not supporting E1bypass

    OFF ON ON OFF Supporting E1 bypassof level-1 cascadedbase stations

    ON OFF ON OFF Supporting E1 bypassof level-2 cascadedbase stations

    OFF OFF ON OFF Supporting E1 bypassof level-3 cascadedbase stations

    4 BTS3900 ComponentsBTS3900 GSM

    Hardware Description

    4-8 Huawei Proprietary and ConfidentialCopyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.

    Issue 02 (2009-09-30)

  • DIPSwitch

    Bit Status Description1 2 3 4ON ON OFF OFF Supporting E1 bypass

    of level-4 cascadedbase stations

    OFF ON OFF OFF Supporting E1 bypassof level-5 cascadedbase stations

    NOTEThe E1 bypass function is not supported in this version. All the bits of S4 should be set to OFF, and all thebits of S5 should be set to ON.

    UPEUThis describes the Universal Power and Environment Interface Unit (UPEU). It is a mandatoryboard of the BBU3900 that converts -48 V DC to +12 V DC.

    PanelThe UPEU converts -48 V DC to +12 V DC. Figure 4-4 shows the UPEU panel.

    Figure 4-4 Panel of the UPEU

    FunctionsThe UPEU has the following functions:l Converting -48 V to +12 V DC that is applicable to the boardsl Providing two ports with each transmitting one RS485 signal and another two ports with

    each transmitting four dry contact signalsl Providing reverse connection protection for power cable connectors.

    LEDsThe UPEU has only one LED, indicating the running status of the board. Table 4-7 describesthe LED and its status.

    BTS3900 GSMHardware Description 4 BTS3900 Components

    Issue 02 (2009-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and ConfidentialCopyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.


  • Table 4-7 LED on the UPEULabel Color Status MeaningRUN Green ON The UPEU is

    operational.OFF Power input is

    unavailable or theboard is faulty.

    PortsTable 4-8 describes the ports on the UPEU.

    Table 4-8 Ports on the UPEULabel Connector Type DescriptionPWR 3V3 +24 V/-48 V DC power inputEXT-ALM1 RJ45 Transmitting four dry contact

    alarmsEXT-ALM0 RJ45 Transmitting four dry contact

    alarmsMON1 RJ45 Transmitting one RS485

    environment monitoringsignal

    MON0 RJ45 Transmitting one RS485environment monitoringsignal

    UEIUThis describes the Universal Environment Interface Unit (UEIU) of the BBU3900. The UEIUtransmits monitoring and alarm signals from the external devices to the main control andtransmission unit.

    PanelFigure 4-5 shows the panel of the UEIU.

    4 BTS3900 ComponentsBTS3900 GSM

    Hardware Description

    4-10 Huawei Proprietary and ConfidentialCopyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.

    Issue 02 (2009-09-30)

  • Figure 4-5 Panel of the UEIU

    FunctionsThe UEIU has the following functions:l Providing two ports with each transmitting one RS485 signal.l Providing two ports with each transmitting four dry contact signals.l Transmitting monitoring signals and alarm signals from external devices to the main control

    and transmission unit.

    PortsTable 4-9 describes the ports on the UEIU.

    Table 4-9 Ports on the UEIULabel Connector Type Quantity DescriptionMON0 RJ45 1 Transmitting one

    RS485 signalMON1 RJ45 1 Transmitting one

    RS485 signalEXT-ALM0 RJ45 1 Transmitting four

    dry contact signalsEXT-ALM1 RJ45 1 Transmitting four

    dry contact signals

    UBFAThe Universal BBU Fan type A (UBFA) is the fan unit of the BBU3900. The UBFA controlsthe fan speed, detects the temperature of the fan board, and dissipates the heat in the BBU.

    PanelFigure 4-6 shows the panel of the UBFA.

    BTS3900 GSMHardware Description 4 BTS3900 Components

    Issue 02 (2009-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and ConfidentialCopyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.


  • Figure 4-6 Panel of the UBFA

    FunctionsThe UBFA has the following functions:l Controlling the fan speed.l Reporting the fan status to the main control board.l Detecting the temperature of the air inlets.l Dissipating the heat.

    LEDThe UBFA has one LED, indicating the running status of the module. Table 4-10 describes theLED and its status.

    Table 4-10 LED on the UBFALabel Color Status DescriptionSTATE Green 0.125s ON, 0.125s

    OFFThe module is notregistered, and noalarm is reported.

    4 BTS3900 ComponentsBTS3900 GSM

    Hardware Description

    4-12 Huawei Proprietary and ConfidentialCopyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.

    Issue 02 (2009-09-30)

  • Label Color Status Description1s ON, 1s OFF The module is

    running properly.Red OFF No alarm is reported.

    1s ON, 1s OFF The module isreporting alarms.

    USCUThis describes the Universal Satellite card and Clock Unit (USCU).

    PanelThe USCU has two types of panels, that is, the 0.5 U and 1 U panels, as shown in Figure 4-7and Figure 4-8 respectively.

    Figure 4-7 Panels of the USCU (0.5 U)

    Figure 4-8 Panels of the USCU (1 U)

    (1) GPS port (2) RGPS port (3) TOD port (4) M-1PPS port (5) BITS port

    FunctionsThe USCU has the following functions:

    BTS3900 GSMHardware Description 4 BTS3900 Components

    Issue 02 (2009-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and ConfidentialCopyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.


  • l Providing the synchronization clock information of the base station for the main controlboard

    l Providing synchronization time information for the lower-level BBU to achieve the BBUclock cascading

    LEDsTable 4-11 and Table 4-12 describe the LEDs on the USCU.

    Table 4-11 LEDs on the USCULED Color Status DescriptionRUN Green ON There is power supply, but the

    board is faulty.OFF There is no power supply, or the

    board is faulty.Blinking (ON for 1sand OFF for 1s)

    The board is running properly.

    ON for 0.125s andOFF for 0.125s

    Software is being loaded to theboard, or the board is notconfigured.

    ALM Red OFF The board is running properly,and no alarm is generated.

    ON An alarm is generated, and theboard needs to be replaced.

    Blinking (ON for 1sand OFF for 1s)

    An alarm is generated. Thealarm may be caused by thefaults of the related boards orports. Therefore, whether theboard needs to be replacedcannot be decided.

    ACT Green ON The serial port forcommunication between theUSCU and the main controlboard is enabled.

    OFF The serial port forcommunication between theUSCU and the main controlboard is disabled.

    4 BTS3900 ComponentsBTS3900 GSM

    Hardware Description

    4-14 Huawei Proprietary and ConfidentialCopyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.

    Issue 02 (2009-09-30)

  • Table 4-12 LEDs on the TOD portColor Description DefaultGreen ON: The TOD port is

    configured as the inputport.

    The green LED of the TOD0 port is OFF,and the yellow LED of the TOD0 port isON.

    Yellow OFF: The TOD port isconfigured as the outputport.

    The yellow LED of the TOD1 port is OFF,and the green LED of the TOD1 port is ON.

    PortsTable 4-13 describes the ports on the USCU.

    Table 4-13 Ports on the USCUPort Connector DescriptionGPS port SMA coaxial

    connectorReceiving the GPS signals

    RGPS port PCB weldedwiring terminal

    Receiving the RGPS signals

    TOD0 port RJ-45 connector Receiving or transmitting the 1PPS+TOD signalsTOD1 port RJ-45 connector Receiving or transmitting the 1PPS+TOD signals,

    and receiving TOD signals from the M1000BITS port SMA coaxial

    connectorReceiving the BITS clock signals, supportingadaptive input of 2.048 MHz and 10 MHz clockreference source

    M-1PPS port SMA coaxialconnector

    Receiving 1PPS signals from the M1000

    4.2 Structure of SLPUThe SLPU has a case structure, which requires a 19 inch-wide and 2 U-high space.Figure 4-9 shows the SLPU.

    BTS3900 GSMHardware Description 4 BTS3900 Components

    Issue 02 (2009-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and ConfidentialCopyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.


  • Figure 4-9 Structure of SLPU

    4.2.1 UELPThe Universal E1/T1 Lightning Protection (UELP) is a universal E1/T1 surge protection unit.The UELP is optionally installed in the SLPU or BBU. Each UELP provides surge protectionfor four E1s/T1s.4.2.2 UFLPThe universal FE/GE lightning protection (UFLP) board is optionally installed in the SLPU orBBU3900. Each UFLP supports 2-way FE/GE surge protection.4.2.3 USLP2The Universal Signal Lightning Protection unit 2 (USLP2) is a universal E1/T1 surge protectionunit. It is optional and can be installed in the SLPU. Each USLP2 provides protection for fourRS485 signal, four E1s/T1s, or eight Boolean alarm signals.

    4.2.1 UELPThe Universal E1/T1 Lightning Protection (UELP) is a universal E1/T1 surge protection unit.The UELP is optionally installed in the SLPU or BBU. Each UELP provides surge protectionfor four E1s/T1s.

    PanelFigure 4-10 shows the panel of the UELP.

    Figure 4-10 Panel of the UELP

    PortsTable 4-14 describes the ports on the panel of the UELP.

    4 BTS3900 ComponentsBTS3900 GSM

    Hardware Description

    4-16 Huawei Proprietary and ConfidentialCopyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.

    Issue 02 (2009-09-30)

  • Table 4-14 Ports on the panel of the UELPLabel Connector TypeINSIDE DB25OUTSIDE DB26

    DIP SwitchThe UELP has one DIP switch, which is used to check whether the receive terminal is grounded.The DIP switch has four bits. Figure 4-11 shows the DIP switch on the UELP.

    Figure 4-11 DIP switch on the UELP

    Table 4-15 describes the DIP switch on the UELP.

    Table 4-15 DIP switch on the UELPDIPSwitch

    DIP Status Description1 2 3 4

    S1 ON ON ON ON 75-ohm E1 cable

    BTS3900 GSMHardware Description 4 BTS3900 Components

    Issue 02 (2009-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and ConfidentialCopyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.


  • DIPSwitch

    DIP Status Description1 2 3 4OFF OFF OFF OFF 120-ohm E1 cable or 100-ohm T1 cable

    4.2.2 UFLPThe universal FE/GE lightning protection (UFLP) board is optionally installed in the SLPU orBBU3900. Each UFLP supports 2-way FE/GE surge protection.

    PanelFigure 4-12 shows the panel of the UFLP.

    Figure 4-12 Panel of the UFLP

    PortsTable 4-16 describes the ports on the panel of the UFLP.

    Table 4-16 Ports on the panel of the UFLPPort Location Label QuantityINSIDE side FE0, FE1 2OUTSIDE side FE0, FE1 2

    4.2.3 USLP2The Universal Signal Lightning Protection unit 2 (USLP2) is a universal E1/T1 surge protectionunit. It is optional and can be installed in the SLPU. Each USLP2 provides protection for fourRS485 signal, four E1s/T1s, or eight Boolean alarm signals.

    PanelFigure 4-13 shows the panel of the USLP2.

    Figure 4-13 Panel of the USLP2

    4 BTS3900 ComponentsBTS3900 GSM

    Hardware Description

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    Issue 02 (2009-09-30)

  • PortsTable 4-17 describes the ports on the panel of the USLP2.

    Table 4-17 Ports on the panels of the USLP2Port Quantity Connected CableRJ-45 2 Surge protection transfer cable

    from the main control board inthe cabinet

    4-pin 4 Transmission cable from anexternal device

    DIP SwitchThe USLP2 has two DIP switches, which determine whether the receiving end is grounded. TheDIP switch has four DIP bits. Figure 4-14 shows the DIP switches on the USLP2.

    Figure 4-14 DIP switches on the USLP2

    Table 4-18 describes the DIP switches on the USLP2.

    Table 4-18 DIP switches on the USLP2DIPSwitch

    Bit Status Description1 2 3 4

    S1 and S3 ON ON ON ON 75-ohm E1/T1 (unbalanced) surgeprotection

    BTS3900 GSMHardware Description 4 BTS3900 Components

    Issue 02 (2009-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and ConfidentialCopyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.


  • DIPSwitch

    Bit Status Description1 2 3 4OFF OFF OFF OFF 120-ohm E1/T1 (balanced) surge


    4.3 DCDU-01The Direct Current Distribution Unit-01 (DCDU-01) supplies power to each component in thecabinet.

    PanelFigure 4-15 shows the panel of the DCDU-01.

    Figure 4-15 Panel of the DCDU-01

    FunctionsThe DCDU-01 has the following functions:l Supporting one -48 V DC input and ten -48 V DC outputs


    The ten -48 V DC outputs are:l One 25 A output to the SPARE2 portl Nine 12 A outputs to other ports

    l Supplying power to the BBU3900, WRFUs, FAN unit, and customer equipment in thecabinet

    PortsTable 4-19 describes the ports, terminals and MCBs on the panel of the DCDU-01.

    Table 4-19 Items on the panel of the DCDU-01Port Label Connector Type DescriptionPower inputwiringterminals

    NEG(-) OT terminal Negative input wiringterminal.

    RTN(+) Positive input wiringterminal.

    4 BTS3900 ComponentsBTS3900 GSM

    Hardware Description

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    Issue 02 (2009-09-30)

  • Port Label Connector Type DescriptionPower outputport

    SPARE2, SPARE1,BBU, FAN, andRFU5 to RFU0

    Parallel terminal Providing 10 poweroutputs to the modulessuch as the BBU3900,RFUs, and FAN unit.

    Power switch SPARE2, SPARE1,BBU, FAN, andRFU5 to RFU0

    - Powering on or poweringoff the modules such asthe BBU3900, RFUs, andFAN unit.

    4.4 FANThe FAN dissipates the heat in the cabinet. One FAN has four fans.

    FunctionsThe FAN has the following functions:l Ventilating the cabinet and dissipating the heat in the cabinet.l Supporting temperature detection.l Supporting two modes of fan speed adjustment: based on the temperature or controlled by

    the main control unit.l Stopping the fans when the ambient temperature is low.

    PanelFigure 4-16 shows the panel of the FAN.

    Figure 4-16 Panel of the FAN

    LEDsTable 4-20 describes the LEDs on the panel of the FAN.

    BTS3900 GSMHardware Description 4 BTS3900 Components

    Issue 02 (2009-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and ConfidentialCopyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.


  • Table 4-20 LEDs on the panel of the FANLabel Color Status DescriptionRUN Green ON for 0.125s and OFF for

    0.125sThe unit runs normally but thecommunication with the BBU orupper-level FAN unit is notestablished.

    ON for 1s and OFF for 1s The unit runs normally and thecommunication with the BBU orupper-level FAN unit is established.

    OFF There is no power input, or the unit isfaulty.

    ALM Red ON for 1s and OFF for 1s An alarm is generated.OFF No alarm is generated.

    PortsTable 4-21 describes the ports on the panel of the FAN.

    Table 4-21 Ports on the panel of the FANPort Label Connector


    Power supplysocket

    -48V 3V3 Feeding -48 V DC power.

    Temperaturesensor port

    SENSOR RJ-45 For connection to theexternal temperaturesensor.

    Communication port

    COM OUT RJ-45 For connection to thelower-level cascaded FANunit.

    COM IN RJ-45 For connection to the BBUor upper-level FAN unit.

    4.5 DRFUOne Double Radio Frequency Unit (DRFU) handles two carriers.

    PanelFigure 4-17 shows the DRFU panel.

    4 BTS3900 ComponentsBTS3900 GSM

    Hardware Description

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    Issue 02 (2009-09-30)

  • Figure 4-17 DRFU panelDRFU

    Rx1 in

    Rx1 out ANT1








    Rx2 in

    Rx2 out

    FunctionsThe DRFU performs modulation and demodulation between baseband signals and RF signals,data processing, and combining and division of signals.The DRFU has the following functions:l Implementing the direct frequency conversion technology in the TX channel to modulate

    the baseband signals to GSM RF signals, and then sending the signals to the antenna fortransmission through the duplex filter after filtering, amplifying, and combining the RFsignals

    l Receiving RF signals from the antenna, performing down-conversion, amplification,analog-to-digital conversion, digital down-conversion, matched filtering, and AutomaticGain Control (AGC), and then transmitting the signals to the BBU for further processing

    l Performing power controll Supporting the Frequency Domain Reflectometer (FDR) for accurate VSWR detection

    BTS3900 GSMHardware Description 4 BTS3900 Components

    Issue 02 (2009-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and ConfidentialCopyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.


  • l Providing reverse power detectionl Providing frequency synthesis and loopback testl Generating the CPRI clock, recovering the CPRI clock of lost synchronization, and

    detecting alarms.The main components in the DRFU are the high-speed interface unit, signal processing unit,power amplifier, and dual-duplexer. Figure 4-18 shows the functional structure of the DRFU.

    Figure 4-18 Functional structure of the DRFU






    amplifier Dual-duplexer

    l The functions of the high-speed interface unit are as follows:

    Transmitting the signals received from the BBU to the signal processing unit Transmitting the signals received from the signal processing unit to the BBU

    The signal processing unit consists of two uplink RX channels and two downlink TX channels.l The functions of the uplink RX channel are as follows:

    Performing down-conversion of the RF signals to IF signals Amplifying the IF signals and performing IQ demodulation Performing analog-to-digital conversion through the ADC Sampling digital signals Performing matched filtering Performing Digital Automatic Gain Control (DAGC) Encapsulating data

    l The functions of the downlink TX channel are as follows: Processing the clock signals, control signals, and data signals from the BBU and sending

    them to associated units Shaping and filtering downlink signals Performing digital-to-analog conversion through the DAC and performing IQ

    modulation Performing up-conversion of RF signals to the frequency band for transmitting

    The power amplifier amplifies the low-power RF signals from the signal processing unit.

    4 BTS3900 ComponentsBTS3900 GSM

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    Issue 02 (2009-09-30)

  • l The functions of the dual-duplexer are as follows: Multiplexing the RX signals and TX signals Enabling RX signals and TX signals to share one antenna channel Filtering RX signals and TX signals

    LEDsThere are six LEDs on the DRFU panel, which indicate the operating status of the DRFU. Table4-22 describes the LEDs on the DRFU.

    Table 4-22 LEDs on the DRFULED Color Status DescriptionRUN Green ON The power supply is normal, but the

    module is faulty.OFF There is no power supply, or the module

    is faulty.ON for 1s and OFF for1s

    The module is functional.

    ON for 0.125s and OFFfor 0.125s

    The software is being loaded to themodule.

    ALM Red ON for 1s and OFF for1s

    An alarm is generated, indicating afault.

    OFF No alarm is generated.ON Alarms are generated, and the module

    needs to be replaced.ACT Green ON The module is functional and is

    correctly connected to the BBU.OFF The link with the BBU is unavailable.ON for 1s and OFF for1s

    The local testing is being performed.

    VSWR Red OFF No VSWR alarm is generated.ON for 1s and OFF for1s

    The VSWR alarm is generated on onlythe ANT2 port.

    ON for 0.125s and OFFfor 0.125s

    The VSWR alarms are generated on theANT1 and ANT2 ports.

    ON The VSWR alarm is generated on onlythe ANT1 port.

    CPRI0 Red/Green Steady green The CPRI link is functional.

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    Issue 02 (2009-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and ConfidentialCopyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.


  • LED Color Status DescriptionSteady red The interface unit fails to receive

    signals.ON for 1s and OFF for1s (red)

    The CPRI link is out of lock.

    CPRI1 Red/Green Steady green The CPRI link is functional.Steady red The interface unit fails to receive

    signals.ON for 1s and OFF for1s (red)

    The CPRI link is out of lock.

    PortsThere are eight ports on the DRFU, of which two are RF TX/RX ports, two are CPRI ports, fourare interconnection ports for receiving RF signals. In addition, there is a power supply socket.Table 4-23 describes the ports and socket on the DRFU.

    Table 4-23 Ports and socket on the DRFUPort Connector Port ID DescriptionRF TX/RXports

    DIN femaleconnector

    ANT1 Connecting to the antenna systemANT2

    CPRI port SFP femaleconnector

    CPRI0 Connecting to the lower-level RFUduring the cascading

    CPRI1 Connecting to the BBU, or the upper-level RFU during the cascading

    Interconnection port forreceiving RFsignals

    QMA femaleconnector

    Rx1 in Diversity RX port in antenna channel 1Rx1 out Diversity TX port in the antenna channel

    1Rx2 in Diversity RX port in antenna channel 2Rx2 out Diversity TX port in antenna channel 2

    Power supplysocket

    3V3 powerconnector

    PWR Feeding power

    4.6 GRFUThis describes the GSM Radio Frequency Unit (GRFU). The GRFU is designed on the basis ofmulti-transceiver technology.

    4 BTS3900 ComponentsBTS3900 GSM

    Hardware Description

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    Issue 02 (2009-09-30)

  • PanelFigure 4-19 shows the GRFU panel.

    Figure 4-19 GRFU panel

    FunctionsThe GRFU performs modulation and demodulation between baseband signals and RF signals,processes data, and combines and divides signals.The GRFU has the following functions:l Implements the direct frequency conversion technique in the transmit channel, modulates

    the baseband signals to GSM RF signals; then, sends the signals to the antenna fortransmission through the duplex filter after filtering, amplifying, and combining the RFsignals. The combining can be performed as required.

    BTS3900 GSMHardware Description 4 BTS3900 Components

    Issue 02 (2009-09-30) Huawei Proprietary and ConfidentialCopyright