budget planner

Page 1 Budget planner Summary HOW TO USE Show results Programs Income Income $73,736 Total income: $73,736 Customising Outgoings Financial comm. $17,160 Home $1,000 Utilities $2,696 NOTE: Altering the budget planner (eg. adding rows/columns) may result in incorrect outputs Education $4,264 Health $2,868 Shopping $12,200 Feedback Transport $6,268 We welcome all feedback. Send feedback via the website form (www.moneysmart.gov.au/feedback) or use the Entertainment $5,500 feedback options on the Budget Planner webpage Eating out $1,200 Total outgoings: $53,156 This original version of this budget planner is published on www.moneysmart.gov.au and is subject to copyri What's left: $20,580 per year [Version: 2.01 - Sept 2013] § you can save Excel file to your own computer § you need Microsoft Office 2003 or higher (Excel) § you can choose how often you receive income or pay expenses using the dropdown list in the frequency column § you can customise the labels in the spreadsheet to better suit your needs by renaming existing fields Source: www.moneysmart.gov.au Financial commitments Home / utilities Education / health Shopping / transport Entertainment / eating out Income Results

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This budget planner is useful for people living in Australia, you can download the app from the moneysmart website


Page 1

Budget planner

Summary Income

HOW TO USE Show results###

Programs Income

Income $73,736


Total income: $73,736###


Customising Outgoings ###

Financial comm. $17,160###

Home $1,000###

Utilities $2,696###

NOTE: Altering the budget planner (eg. adding rows/columns) may result in incorrect outputs Education $4,264###

Health $2,868###

Shopping $12,200###

Feedback Transport $6,268###

We welcome all feedback. Send feedback via the website form (www.moneysmart.gov.au/feedback) or use the Entertainment $5,500

feedback options on the Budget Planner webpage Eating out $1,200

Total outgoings: $53,156

This original version of this budget planner is published on www.moneysmart.gov.au and is subject to copyright. What's left: $20,580###

per year

[Version: 2.01 - Sept 2013] ###


§  you can save Excel file to your own computer

§  you need Microsoft Office 2003 or higher (Excel)

§  you can choose how often you receive income or pay expenses using the dropdown list in the frequency column

§  you can customise the labels in the spreadsheet to better suit your needs by renaming existing fields

Source: www.moneysmart.gov.au

Financial commitments

Home / utilities

Education / health

Shopping / transport

Entertainment / eating out

Income Results

Page 2

Budget planner


Income Show results

Frequency Amount Annually amount

Your take-home pay $828 $21,528 Income ###

Your partner's take-home pay $1,864 $48,464 Income $73,736

Bonuses/overtime $0 $0 Total income: $73,736

Income from savings and investments $0 $0 ###

Outgoings Select

Centrelink benefits $0 $0 Financial comm. $17,160

Family benefit payments $144 $3,744 Home $1,000

Utilities $2,696

Child support received $0 $0 Education $4,264

Other $0 $0 Health $2,868

Total $73,736 Shopping $12,200

Transport $6,268

Entertainment $5,500

Eating out $1,200

Total outgoings: $53,156

What's left: $20,580per year

Source: www.moneysmart.gov.au

Financial commitments

Home / utilities Education / health Shopping / transportEntertainment / eating

outIncome Results

Page 3

Budget planner


Financial Commitments Show results

Frequency Amount Annually amount

Rent / Mortgage $660 $17,160 Income ###

Car loan repayments $0 $0 Income $73,736

Other loan repayments $0 $0 Total income: $73,736

Credit card interest $0 $0 ###

Outgoings Select

Voluntary super contributions $0 $0 Financial comm. $17,160

Savings $0 $0 Home $1,000

Utilities $2,696

Child support payments $0 $0 Education $4,264

Donations / Charity $0 $0 Health $2,868

Shopping $12,200

Pocket money $0 $0 Transport $6,268

Type in your own expense $0 $0 Entertainment $5,500

Total $17,160 Eating out $1,200

Total outgoings: $53,156

What's left: $20,580per year

Source: www.moneysmart.gov.au

Financial commitments

Home / utilities Education / health Shopping / transportEntertainment / eating

outIncome Results

Page 4

Budget planner


Home Show results

Frequency Amount Annually amount

Council rates $0 $0 Income ###

Body Corporate fees $0 $0 Income $73,736

Home and contents insurance $0 $0 ###

Home maintenance and repairs $0 $0 Total income: $73,736

New furniture / Appliances $1,000 $1,000 ###

Other $0 $0 Outgoings Select

Total $1,000 Financial comm. $17,160Utilities Home $1,000

Utilities $2,696

Electricity $150 $600 Education $4,264

Gas and hot water $150 $600 Health $2,868

Water $77 $308 Shopping $12,200

Internet $59 $708 Transport $6,268

Pay TV $0 $0 Entertainment $5,500

Home phone $0 $0 Eating out $1,200

Mobile phone(s) $40 $480 ###

Type in your own expense $0 $0 Total outgoings: $53,156

Total $2,696

What's left: $20,580per year

Source: www.moneysmart.gov.au

Financial commitments

Home / utilitiesEducation /

healthShopping / transport

Entertainment / eating out

Income Results

Page 5

Budget planner


Education Show results

Frequency Amount Annually amount

School fees $0 $0 Income ###

Uni / TAFE $0 $0 Income $73,736

Childcare / Pre-school $82 $4,264 ###

School uniforms $0 $0 Total income: $73,736

Sport, music, dance, etc $0 $0 ###

Excursions $0 $0 Outgoings Select

Other $0 $0 Financial comm. $17,160

Total $4,264 Home $1,000

Health Utilities $2,696

Education $4,264

Private health insurance $164 $1,968 Health $2,868

Life insurance $0 $0 Shopping $12,200

Doctors $250 $250 Transport $6,268

Dentists $250 $250 Entertainment $5,500

Medicines / Pharmacy $200 $200 Eating out $1,200

Eyecare / Glasses $200 $200 ###

Vet $0 $0 Total outgoings: $53,156

Type in your own expense $0 $0 ###

Total $2,868

What's left: $20,580per year

Source: www.moneysmart.gov.au

Financial commitments

Home / utilitiesEducation /

healthShopping / transport

Entertainment / eating out

Income Results

Page 6

Budget planner


Shopping Show results

Frequency Amount Annually amount

Supermarket $100 $5,200 Income ###

Fruit / Veg $100 $5,200 Income $73,736

Baby products $10 $520 ###

Clothing / Shoes $50 $600 Total income: $73,736

Cosmetics / Toiletries $20 $240 ###

Hairdresser $50 $200 Outgoings Select

Gifts and others $20 $240 Financial comm. $17,160

Other food and grocery $0 $0 Home $1,000

Total $12,200 Utilities $2,696

Transport Education $4,264

Health $2,868

Car insurance $114 $1,368 Shopping $12,200

Car maintenance $1,000 $1,000 Transport $6,268

Car rego / Licence $700 $700 Entertainment $5,500

Petrol $100 $2,600 Eating out $1,200

Road tolls / Parking $0 $0 ###

Trains / Buses / Ferries $50 $600 Total outgoings: $53,156

Type in your own expense $0 $0 ###

Total $6,268

What's left: $20,580per year

Source: www.moneysmart.gov.au

Financial commitments

Home / utilitiesEducation /

healthShopping / transport

Entertainment / eating out

Income Results

Page 7

Budget planner


Entertainment Show results

Frequency Amount Annually amount

Holidays $5,000 $5,000 Income ###

Bars / Clubs $0 Income $73,736

Other alcohol $0 $0 ###

Gym / Sporting membership $0 $0 Total income: $73,736

Cigarettes $0 $0 ###

Movies / Music $0 $0 Outgoings Select

Hobbies $0 $0 Financial comm. $17,160

Newspaper / Magazines $0 $0 Home $1,000

Celebrations $500 $500 Utilities $2,696

Other $0 $0 Education $4,264

Total $5,500 Health $2,868

Eating out Shopping $12,200

Transport $6,268

Restaurants $100 $1,200 Entertainment $5,500

Takeaway / Snacks $0 $0 Eating out $1,200

Bought lunches $0 $0 ###

Coffee / Tea $0 $0 Total outgoings: $53,156

Type in your own expense $0 $0 ###

Total $1,200

What's left: $20,580per year

Source: www.moneysmart.gov.au

Financial commitments

Home / utilitiesEducation /

healthShopping / transport

Entertainment / eating out

Income Results

Page 8


Budget planner

Summary Income

SummaryShow results


Your budget position: Income

You are spending $20,580 per year less than you earn. Income $73,736

Congratulations! ###

Total income: $73,736


Your spending breakdownOutgoings ###

Financial comm. $17,160

Financial commitments Spending breakdown Home $1,000

Home / Utilities Financial commitmen 17160 Utilities $2,696

Education / Health Home / Utilities 3696 Education $4,264

Shopping / Transport Education / Health 7132 Health $2,868

Entertainment / Eating out Shopping / Transport 18468 Shopping $12,200

Entertainment / Eatin 6700 Transport $6,268

Entertainment $5,500

Eating out $1,200

Next steps:1) Do a reality check. Is your bank account going up each month? If the results don't match, track your actual Total outgoings: $53,156

spending in more detail. The money is going somewhere! ###

2) If you have spare money each month, think how best to use it, e.g. ###

i) repay any loans faster What's left: $20,580 ii) put money into a special savings account per year

3) Print your plan. ###

Source: www.moneysmart.gov.au

Financial commitments

Home / Utilities

Education / Health

Shopping / Transport

Entertainment / Eating out

Financial commitments

Home / utilitiesEducation /

healthShopping / transport

Entertainment / eating out

Income Results

Budget planner


Summary Annually amount

Total income: $73,736

Total outgoings: $53,156

What's left: $20,580

Your budget position:

You are spending $20,580 per year less than you earn.


Your spending breakdown

Your spending breakdown Annually amount

Financial commitments $17,160Spending breakdown

Home / Utilities $3,696Financial commitments $17,160

Education / Health $7,132Home / Utilities $3,696

Shopping / Transport $18,468Education / Health $7,132

Entertainment / Eating out $6,700Shopping / Transport $18,468

Entertainment / Eating out $6,700

Next steps:

1) Do a reality check. Is your bank account going up each month? If the results don't match, track your actual

spending in more detail. The money is going somewhere!

2) If you have spare money each month, think how best to use it, e.g.

i) repay any loans faster

ii) put money into a special savings account

iii) increase your contributions to superannuation or other investments

3) Print your plan.

Financial commitments

Home / Utilities

Education / Health

Shopping / Transport

Entertainment / Eating out

Budget planner

Your detailed budget

Income Frequency Amount Annually amount Notes

Your take-home pay Fortnightly $828 $21,528

Your partner's take-home pay Fortnightly $1,864 $48,464

Bonuses/overtime Annually

Income from savings and investments Annually

Centrelink benefits Fortnightly

Family benefit payments Fortnightly $144 $3,744

Child support received Monthly

Other Monthly

Financial Commitments Frequency Amount Annually amount

Rent / Mortgage Fortnightly $660 $17,160

Car loan repayments Fortnightly

Other loan repayments Monthly

Credit card interest Monthly

Voluntary super contributions Fortnightly

Savings Fortnightly

Child support payments Monthly

Donations / Charity Monthly

Pocket money Weekly

Type in your own expense Monthly

Home / Utilities Frequency Amount Annually amount

Council rates Monthly

Body Corporate fees Quarterly

Home and contents insurance Monthly

Home maintenance and repairs Annually

New furniture / Appliances Annually $1,000 $1,000

Other Monthly

Electricity Quarterly $150 $600

Gas and hot water Quarterly $150 $600

Water Quarterly $77 $308

Internet Monthly $59 $708

Pay TV Monthly

Home phone Monthly

Mobile phone(s) Monthly $40 $480

Type in your own expense Monthly

Education / Health Frequency Amount Annually amount

School fees Annually

Uni / TAFE Annually

Childcare / Pre-school Weekly $82 $4,264

School uniforms Annually

Sport, music, dance, etc Annually

Excursions Monthly

Other Monthly

Private health insurance Monthly $164 $1,968

Life insurance Monthly

Doctors Annually $250 $250

Dentists Annually $250 $250

Medicines / Pharmacy Annually $200 $200

Budget planner

Eyecare / Glasses Annually $200 $200

Vet Annually

Type in your own expense Monthly

Shopping / Transport Frequency Amount Annually amount Notes

Supermarket Weekly $100 $5,200

Fruit / Veg Weekly $100 $5,200

Baby products Weekly $10 $520

Clothing / Shoes Monthly $50 $600

Cosmetics / Toiletries Monthly $20 $240

Hairdresser Quarterly $50 $200

Gifts and others Monthly $20 $240

Other food and grocery Weekly

Car insurance Monthly $114 $1,368

Car maintenance Annually $1,000 $1,000

Car rego / Licence Annually $700 $700

Petrol Fortnightly $100 $2,600

Road tolls / Parking Monthly

Trains / Buses / Ferries Monthly $50 $600

Type in your own expense Monthly

Entertainment / Eating out Frequency Amount Annually amount

Holidays Annually $5,000 $5,000

Bars / Clubs Weekly

Other alcohol Weekly

Gym / Sporting membership Monthly

Cigarettes Weekly

Movies / Music Fortnightly

Hobbies Fortnightly

Newspaper / Magazines Weekly

Celebrations Annually $500 $500

Other Monthly

Restaurants Monthly $100 $1,200

Takeaway / Snacks Weekly

Bought lunches Weekly

Coffee / Tea Weekly

Type in your own expense Monthly


Budget planner

Source: www.moneysmart.gov.au

Financial commitments

Home / Utilities

Education / Health

Shopping / Transport

Entertainment / Eating out