budget rollout galaxy school budget survey tool training guide june 8, 2009

Budget Rollout Galaxy School Budget Survey Tool Training Guide June 8, 2009

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Page 1: Budget Rollout Galaxy School Budget Survey Tool Training Guide June 8, 2009

Budget Rollout

Galaxy School Budget Survey Tool

Training GuideJune 8, 2009

Page 2: Budget Rollout Galaxy School Budget Survey Tool Training Guide June 8, 2009


Session Objectives

Review need to gather and maintain data on the impact of the budget changes for FY10 on the schools: Budget Reductions in basic tax levy funding streams Stimulus ARRA (American Recovery and Reinvestment Act) and

Stabilization funding to preserve or create jobs

Introduce “School Budget Survey” and ISC/CFN monitoring tools in Galaxy

Review school training and ongoing assistance from the ISC/CFN/SSOs

Discuss timeframe for completion of budget and survey tool

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School Budget Survey Tool A new feature has been created in Galaxy to enable schools to report

on the effects of both of the following events: Budget reduction:

• The tool will allow schools to describe the impact of the services that had to be reduced from the school’s basic funding:• Fair Student Funding • Children First Funding• Instructional Programs

ARRA/Stabilization Funds: • What services was the school able to save with the various

ARRA/Stabilization funding streams.• In the case of Title I ARRA funding: Explain the particular services that

would have been eliminated and what effect that would have had on the schools program “but for” the ability to save or create that service with Title I ARRA funds.

• To the extent that schools use their regular Title I funds (known as “Title I Basic” in the tool) to save or create new services, that needs to be explained in the tool.

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Allocation Categories Included in the Tool

Budget Reduction Allocation Categories: TL Fair Student Funding/HS TL Fair Student Funding Incremental/HS TL FSF General Hold Harmless/HS TL Instructional Programs/HS TL Children First Funding/HS

ARRA/Stabilization Allocation Categories (“ARRA Others”): TL DRA Stabilization/HS TL Stabilization/HS IDEA ARRA CTT

Title I “ARRA” Allocation Categories: Title I ARRA TA Title I ARRA SWP

Title I “Basic” Allocation Categories: Title I SWP Title I Targeted Initiative

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Careful monitoring and implementation will also be essential around management of new ARRA funds Preserve and create jobs

DOE: jobs saved, especially teachers Use funds to maintain current DOE staff

Support ARRA four core educational reforms Adopting rigorous college- and career-ready standards and

high-quality assessments; Establishing data systems and using data for improvement; Increasing teacher effectiveness and equitable distribution of

effective teachers; and Turning around the lowest-performing schools.

ARRA Title I and ARRA IDEA: Additional Mandates Maintenance of Effort Comparability Supplement, not Supplant

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Thorough and transparent documentation of reduction decisions and use of new fund sources

Financial Documentation Preserve/create Jobs: use of funds on Galaxy TO ARRA Funds…Supplantation: DOE must demonstrate that it

would not have been able to provide the services in question with local funds had the federal funds not been available. In other words, “but for” the federal funds, the services would have been reduced or eliminated. e.g., provide documentation showing that position which would have

been eliminated was previously funded with tax levy

Programmatic Documentation Galaxy Program Field Drop Down

Grant reporting requirements

Budget Reductions

Year-over-Year Galaxy TO comparison (DBOR) Galaxy Program Field Drop Down



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Galaxy Filter Rules for ARRA Program Descriptions

ARRA program descriptions must be selected from the Galaxy “Program” field drop down menu.

There are five program descriptions to be used to describe all ARRA funds. Title I ARRA has additional descriptions to be able to

accommodate ARRA and Title I program mandates. Modifications to all ARRA fund sources will require a comment

describing the action being taken.



Updated ARRA Program DescriptionsARRA Funds

Title I ARRA Funds

Maintain Classroom Positions to Improve Achievement for All Students Maintain or Improve Teacher Quality & Effectiveness Maintain or Expand Use of Education Data & Data Systems Maintain or Expand Use of High Quality Assessments Maintain or Expand Use of Effective Academic Interventions Improved Teacher Quality & Effect – 5% HQ PD NA Improved Teacher Quality & Effect – 10% PD NA Improved Parent Involvement – 1% NA




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Before Completing the Survey

Before completing the survey, the following items should be finalized to ensure budget completeness:

You should have completed all items on the Galaxy Checklist.

All allocation categories should be fully scheduled.

Removals, excess, and vacancy transactions should be updated on your school's TO.

Budget items have been approved by your ISC/CFN budget liaison.

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Conceptualizing and Documenting Budget and Program Changes

The table on the next slide presents a theoretical “walk-thru” of one of the categories on the survey: Regular Classroom Teachers – Core Academics.

The “Questions” in the first column are starters to help you begin to compare the budget and programs your school had last year to the budget and programs you are planning for FY 2010, given the new budget condition.

The next column entitled “Data/Column” points you to the place on the survey where you can find details about the changes in your budget to help tie program information to budget information.

The column “Notes about the Data” gives you some pointers about the data, so that you can have a better understanding of the numbers on the survey.

The last column “Examples of Services” lists the details of the service category and how that service changed from last year to this year.

In the example provided, we can see how this school managed to create the positions needed to support its need for additional classes to accommodate a register increase.

The ARRA funds filled the hole caused by the budget reduction, which would have otherwise wiped out any additional funds allocated for the register gain. Without the ARRA funds, the school would not have been able to open the additional classes needed.

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What was my school’s program last year?

FY10 Baseline Includes: Staff Rolled into FY10, plus FY09 Vacancies, Per Diem, Per Session, OTPS, Set Asides, Unscheduled Balances

10 Classroom Teachers

What is my school’s program this year?

FY10 Scheduled All approved items on the FY10 TO 12 Classroom Teachers

What are the changes from last year to this year?

Budget Reduction or Change

Does Not Include Stimulus (ARRA) Funds

2 Classroom Teachers

How much of the change from last year is due to register adjustments and/or FSF student weighting?

Estimated Amount of Difference Attributable to Register and Student Weights

Can optionally be Realigned Across Categories

+2 Classroom Teachers are from register growth

What are the changes from last year to this year if we exclude register adjustments and FSF student weighting

Difference Remaining to be Explained

0 Change

Please choose one or more reasons that explain the impact of the change from last year to this year

Impact of Budget Reduction or Change in My School

Net of Register Change I would have had to increase class size in order to absorb two new classes without hiring any new teachers

Have I used any ARRA funding to restore services that would have been lost from last year to this year but if for the ARRA $?

Services and Positions Restored or Created via Stimulus and/or Basic Title I

Yes 2 Classroom Teachers

Please choose one or more reasons that explain the impact of having the ARRA money

Services which in the absence of Title I ARRA or Title I Basic my school would have eliminated

The ARRA money enabled me to keep my class size the same by funding the two teachers I would have had to cut otherwise

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Accessing the School Budget Survey Tool in Galaxy

The “School Budget Survey” tool is available in Galaxy on the blue menu bar in the “Info” pop-up menu.

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All data displayed is pre-populated information from the school’s TO (Table of Organization).

Amounts do not include fringe benefits.

All data displayed is pre-populated information from the school’s TO (Table of Organization).

Amounts do not include fringe benefits.

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•The Categories of Service are similar to, yet different from, the sections on the TO.

•Most of the categories are self-explanatory.

•We’ll discuss the ones that are not self-explanatory on the next slide.

•A table detailing which services fall into each category is available as a companion to this guide.

•The Categories of Service are similar to, yet different from, the sections on the TO.

•Most of the categories are self-explanatory.

•We’ll discuss the ones that are not self-explanatory on the next slide.

•A table detailing which services fall into each category is available as a companion to this guide.

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This category combines the staff in the coordinator section of the TO, with Coaches and

other “Out-of-Classroom” staff

such as: Lab Assistance, Attendance

Teachers, etc.

This category combines the staff in the coordinator section of the TO, with Coaches and

other “Out-of-Classroom” staff

such as: Lab Assistance, Attendance

Teachers, etc.

Core Academics equates to

Classroom teachers in Elementary schools, and

English, Math, Social Studies and Science in Middle and High Schools.

Core Academics equates to

Classroom teachers in Elementary schools, and

English, Math, Social Studies and Science in Middle and High Schools.

“Other Subjects” includes non-Core

subjects in Middle and High Schools and the

subject specific cluster/quota teachers

in Elementary Schools.

“Other Subjects” includes non-Core

subjects in Middle and High Schools and the

subject specific cluster/quota teachers

in Elementary Schools.

The Push In/Pull Out category includes all of the variations of push-in and pull-out service and any

other remaining modes of teaching not covered by the

other categories.

The Push In/Pull Out category includes all of the variations of push-in and pull-out service and any

other remaining modes of teaching not covered by the

other categories.

Special Education teachers are any

teacher with a Special Ed title.

This category includes self-

contained and CTT teachers.

Special Education teachers are any

teacher with a Special Ed title.

This category includes self-

contained and CTT teachers.

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Data Tree – Display More Information•Additional information can be obtained about each category by clicking on the “plus” sign to the left of the category description.

•The additional information is summarized at the “Level of Detail Available” for each category, which differs based on the attributes generally available in Galaxy for those services.

•The FY 2010 TO is always readily available if the actual budget items scheduled need to be referenced.

Data Tree – Display More Information•Additional information can be obtained about each category by clicking on the “plus” sign to the left of the category description.

•The additional information is summarized at the “Level of Detail Available” for each category, which differs based on the attributes generally available in Galaxy for those services.

•The FY 2010 TO is always readily available if the actual budget items scheduled need to be referenced.

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Hyperlinks – Display More Information•Additional information can be obtained where ever FTEs are underlined on the tool by clicking on the FTE.

•A list of the staff comprising that category and funding will be displayed. •These pop-up lists of staff can be exported to excel if needed.

Hyperlinks – Display More Information•Additional information can be obtained where ever FTEs are underlined on the tool by clicking on the FTE.

•A list of the staff comprising that category and funding will be displayed. •These pop-up lists of staff can be exported to excel if needed.

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• The FY10 Baseline is a conceptualization of the FY09 budget, updated for the actions and job cost updates done during the rollover to FY10.

• This data in green is from a snap-shot taken at the time of the rollover (May 11, 2009), and will not change. It includes:

•All of the Staff Rolled into FY10•FY09 Vacancies•FY09 Per Diem•FY09 Per Session•FY09 OTPS•FY09 Set Asides•FY09 Unscheduled Balances

• The FY10 Baseline is a conceptualization of the FY09 budget, updated for the actions and job cost updates done during the rollover to FY10.

• This data in green is from a snap-shot taken at the time of the rollover (May 11, 2009), and will not change. It includes:

•All of the Staff Rolled into FY10•FY09 Vacancies•FY09 Per Diem•FY09 Per Session•FY09 OTPS•FY09 Set Asides•FY09 Unscheduled Balances

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•The FY10 Scheduled columns represent the FY10 budget as currently approved on the TO.

•The survey tool is updated on-line within a few minutes of ISC/CFN mod approval (when the item is in black or red on the TO).

•The FY10 Scheduled columns represent the FY10 budget as currently approved on the TO.

•The survey tool is updated on-line within a few minutes of ISC/CFN mod approval (when the item is in black or red on the TO).

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•The funding being compared in the FY10 Baseline and FY10 Scheduled columns is for only the specific allocation categories indicated in the column headings.

•Title I Basic is included to facilitate the calculation of the difference in how the funding was used this year from last year, so that those changes can be captured.

•Descriptions of services saved or created with Title I Basic funds must be entered in the tool.

•The funding being compared in the FY10 Baseline and FY10 Scheduled columns is for only the specific allocation categories indicated in the column headings.

•Title I Basic is included to facilitate the calculation of the difference in how the funding was used this year from last year, so that those changes can be captured.

•Descriptions of services saved or created with Title I Basic funds must be entered in the tool.

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•Budget Reduction or Change

• This column is the difference between the FY10 Schedule and the FY10 Baseline.

• The FTE and $ amount columns represent the change in the budget from one year to the next in the tax levy fund sources which are supposed to support basic school services in the school (Fair Student Funding, Children First Funding, and Instructional Programs).

• ARRA, Stimulus, and Title I funds are not included in this calculation.

•Budget Reduction or Change

• This column is the difference between the FY10 Schedule and the FY10 Baseline.

• The FTE and $ amount columns represent the change in the budget from one year to the next in the tax levy fund sources which are supposed to support basic school services in the school (Fair Student Funding, Children First Funding, and Instructional Programs).

• ARRA, Stimulus, and Title I funds are not included in this calculation.

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Estimated Amount of Difference Attributable to Register and Student Weights (Can be Realigned Across Categories – Optional)

• This column represents estimates for the school’s budget change due to register change between FY09 and FY10.

• The amounts were applied to the categories on the tool based on the mapping to the lower left corner.

• The amounts can be re-apportioned to other categories to better represent the actual services that the school reduced in order to accommodate the funding reduction or increase.

• The register estimates can also be left as is, against the services indicated.

Estimated Amount of Difference Attributable to Register and Student Weights (Can be Realigned Across Categories – Optional)

• This column represents estimates for the school’s budget change due to register change between FY09 and FY10.

• The amounts were applied to the categories on the tool based on the mapping to the lower left corner.

• The amounts can be re-apportioned to other categories to better represent the actual services that the school reduced in order to accommodate the funding reduction or increase.

• The register estimates can also be left as is, against the services indicated.

FSF Weight Applied to:Grade/ELL/Academic Intervention Core Teachers

Grade/ELL/Academic Intervention/ Portfolio

Other Subjects

Grade/ELL/Academic Intervention Push-In/Pull Out

Special Ed Special Ed

Grade/ELL/Academic Intervention Coordinators etc.

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This school had a register loss that equated to a funding reduction. Details of the register change and student weights affected are available on the web. FY10 School Budget Overview FY10 School Budget Overview

Special Note about the change in the Per Capita and its effect on the Register Adjustment:

To account for the full financial impact of the projected register change, the final FSF register change amount was modified to factor in the change in the per capita from FY09 to FY10, as follows:•FY09 per capita $3,946•FY10 per capita $4,003.35

The FSF details page on the web presents the budget change for register at the FY09 per capita rate. The change for the increase in per capita ($57.35) to FY10 is reflected at the bottom-line of the web data.

However, the per capita change is factored in the register adjustment column in the tool in Galaxy. To update the value of the register change to FY10 dollars, the register change of $111,242 is multiplied by $4003.35/$3,946.00. For this school, the total comes out to $112,859.

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• If you choose to realign the estimated difference due to register change, please be aware of the following:

• The FTEs for teacher categories will automatically re-calculate based on the $ amount entered divided by the school’s average teacher salary.

• The FTE amounts are grayed out and cannot be changed by the user directly.

• The net amounts reapportioned must total the original register adjustment amount, which is noted in RED at in the column heading.

• The amount in BLUE is a running total of the current register change amount.

• The BLUE must equal the RED in order to finalize and submit the survey.

• In this example an adjustment was made, but no compensating adjustment was entered. The register adjustment column is out of balance and the survey cannot be submitted.

• If you choose to realign the estimated difference due to register change, please be aware of the following:

• The FTEs for teacher categories will automatically re-calculate based on the $ amount entered divided by the school’s average teacher salary.

• The FTE amounts are grayed out and cannot be changed by the user directly.

• The net amounts reapportioned must total the original register adjustment amount, which is noted in RED at in the column heading.

• The amount in BLUE is a running total of the current register change amount.

• The BLUE must equal the RED in order to finalize and submit the survey.

• In this example an adjustment was made, but no compensating adjustment was entered. The register adjustment column is out of balance and the survey cannot be submitted.

The register estimates can be realigned to any service category on the tool, including the dollar categories on the lower half of the tool, such as Per Session and OTPS, if that is where the school reduced or created services with their register adjustment funds.

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Difference Remaining to be Explained is the schools’ net budget increase or decrease after allowing for funding changes due to register changes.

Impact of Budget Reduction or Change in My School (Net of Register Change) is the place where principals will select descriptions that best describe the impact of the budget change on the school’s programs.

Difference Remaining to be Explained is the schools’ net budget increase or decrease after allowing for funding changes due to register changes.

Impact of Budget Reduction or Change in My School (Net of Register Change) is the place where principals will select descriptions that best describe the impact of the budget change on the school’s programs.

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Impact of Budget Reduction or Change in My School (Net of Register Change) – Select Details

•Yellow highlights indicate that a reason is required.

•No highlight indicates that entry of a reason is optional.

•Changes of +/- $100 do not require an explanation; however, details should be provided where there were offsetting changes within the schools program(s). This will be discussed more fully on the following slides.

•Check all reasons that apply.

Impact of Budget Reduction or Change in My School (Net of Register Change) – Select Details

•Yellow highlights indicate that a reason is required.

•No highlight indicates that entry of a reason is optional.

•Changes of +/- $100 do not require an explanation; however, details should be provided where there were offsetting changes within the schools program(s). This will be discussed more fully on the following slides.

•Check all reasons that apply.

•While the budget change across the entire school may be a negative condition, the budget change to a particular category may have been minimal or may even be an increase of funding for that service.

•For instance a school with a register gain in special ed and a register decrease in general ed, will show increases in the “Special Ed Teacher” category and decreases in “Core Teachers”.

•Some schools may even have a positive budget change.

•The drop-down list of reasons will display choices that allow explanation of decreased services, maintained services and increased services.

•While the budget change across the entire school may be a negative condition, the budget change to a particular category may have been minimal or may even be an increase of funding for that service.

•For instance a school with a register gain in special ed and a register decrease in general ed, will show increases in the “Special Ed Teacher” category and decreases in “Core Teachers”.

•Some schools may even have a positive budget change.

•The drop-down list of reasons will display choices that allow explanation of decreased services, maintained services and increased services.

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Impact of Budget Reduction or Change in My School (Net of Register Change) is the place where principals will select descriptions that best describe the impact of the budget change on the school’s programs.

•Click on the three dots (…) to view the drop-down list of reasons.

•The drop-down list is specific for the category of service. The actual list of reasons will be different from those displayed in this example.

Impact of Budget Reduction or Change in My School (Net of Register Change) is the place where principals will select descriptions that best describe the impact of the budget change on the school’s programs.

•Click on the three dots (…) to view the drop-down list of reasons.

•The drop-down list is specific for the category of service. The actual list of reasons will be different from those displayed in this example.

• Check off as many reasons as apply to best describe the program changes in your school due to the budget reduction or change.

• Spaces where the three dots (…) are highlighted in yellow must have reasons selected in order to complete the survey.

• Selecting reasons for spaces with no highlight are optional, however, principals are strongly encouraged to describe any changes in service, even where the net dollar change to the overall budget category is minimal.

• Click “Apply” when all appropriate reasons have been entered.

• As you complete entering reasons on the required items, the survey status bar at the bottom of the screen will be updated.

• Check off as many reasons as apply to best describe the program changes in your school due to the budget reduction or change.

• Spaces where the three dots (…) are highlighted in yellow must have reasons selected in order to complete the survey.

• Selecting reasons for spaces with no highlight are optional, however, principals are strongly encouraged to describe any changes in service, even where the net dollar change to the overall budget category is minimal.

• Click “Apply” when all appropriate reasons have been entered.

• As you complete entering reasons on the required items, the survey status bar at the bottom of the screen will be updated.

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Impact of Budget Reduction or Change in My School (Net of Register Change) – Select Details

This column is the place where principals will select descriptions from a drop-down list that best describe the impact of the budget change on the school’s programs.

Schools may have increases and/or decreases to explain, depending on the school’s budget condition and the difference displayed on each category.

Even where there is no significant budget change on a particular category, there may have been noteworthy changes to a school’s program, so principals should check off all reasons that apply. For instance, a school may have reduced a position for pull-out academic intervention

services and added a SETSS teacher. Even though the category will show no change, both service changes should be reflected in the reasons selected from the drop-down list.

There may even be diametrically different reasons that apply to a particular category. For instance, if a school reduced professional development services reflected in the

Per Session category, and created an after-school program, both the appropriate increase reason and the decrease reason should be checked off.

Principals should select as many reasons as needed to describe the impacts to each category.

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Impact of Budget Reduction or Change in My School (Net of Register Change) – Select Details (continued)

Reasons are specific to each category. There is a separate set of reasons for describing services saved or created

with ARRA funding, which will be addressed in the next topic. Sample reasons for explaining the Budget Reduction or Change are as

follows: Regular Classroom Teachers - Core Academics

• Increase Class Size on multiple grade levels

• Decrease Class Size on multiple grade levels

• Reduced capacity for academic assessments School Aides

• Reduce clerical/administrative support

• Reduced capacity for pupil personnel tasks Per Session

• Reduce Per Session budget for before/after school student programs - academic enrichment

• Reduce Per Session budget for before/after school student programs - AIS

A complete list of reasons by category is available on the website where these instructions were found.

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Services and Positions Restored or Created via Stimulus and/or Basic Title I Funds These columns represent the services scheduled

with ARRA Stimulus funds on the school’s TO in the following Allocation Categories:

ARRA Title I: Title I ARRA TA Title I ARRA SWP

ARRA (Others) TL DRA Stabilization/HS TL Stabilization/HS IDEA ARRA CTT

For Title I Basic funding, this data represents the net change to services scheduled with either: Title I SWP, or Title I Targeted Assistance


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Services which in the Absence of Title I ARRA or Title I Basic my school would have eliminated

In this section of the survey, principals must detail what services the school was able to save with the various ARRA/Stabilization funding streams.

In the case of Title I ARRA funding: Explain the particular services that would have been eliminated and what effect that would have had on the schools program “if but for” the ability to save or create that service with Title I ARRA funds.

To the extent that schools may have used their regular Title I funds (known as “Title I Basic” in the tool) to save or create new services, those need to be explained in the tool as well.

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Services which in the Absence of Title I ARRA or Title I Basic my school would have eliminated – Services Saved

This column is the place where principals will select descriptions from a drop-down list that best describe the services saved or created with the Title I ARRA and other ARRA fund source dollars.

Schools will only have increases to explain in the ARRA funding columns as those funds are new and did not exist in the baseline.

Where “Basic” Title I funds existed in the school previously, the school will need to explain changes in their Basic Title I programs, especially where they used Title I to save or create a service under the “if but for” parameters.

This information will be shared with monitors at every level, so it is critical that the reasons selected align with the person’s program or the activity happening in the school.

A complete list of reasons by category is available on the website where these instructions were found.

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Services which in the Absence of Title I ARRA or Title I Basic my school would have eliminated – Services Saved (continued)

Sample Services Saved Reasons: Regular Classroom Teachers - Core Academics

• Maintain capacity for academic assessments Push In, Pull Out, Other Modalities

• Maintain frequency of push-in/pull-out services – AIS

• Maintain student group size for push-in/pull-out services – AIS Guidance Counselors, Social Workers and School Psychologists

• Maintain guidance counselor-pupil ratio consistent with CEP

• Restore non-mandated guidance counselor services Per Diem

• Maintain Per Diem coverage for professional development

Principals should select as many reasons as needed to describe the services saved or created with ARRA or Title I funds in each category.

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Staff in ExcessThis column displays the FTE and dollar

value of staff currently in the FY

2010 Excess section of the TO.

Note: This may include actions done by the school but not yet approved by the


Positions Moved to Other Service

Categories (Net Zero)

This column displays staff who shifted from one survey category

to another. For instance, a

Push-in/Pull-Out teacher who became

a Core Classroom Teacher.

AttritionThis column includes all staff in the Removals section, funded with TL ASA for Holdharmless, plus any discrepancy removals. An example of a discrepancy removal would be someone who transferred to another school under the Open Market Transfer process.

Net Personnel Reductions – For Information Purposes Only

No action is needed by the Principal. This section should help principals reconcile staffing changes with budget changes where applicable.

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Answers CompletedThere is a guide at the bottom of the survey which displays how much of the survey has been completed, based on reasons needed in required fields (highlighted in yellow). Remember you can also select reasons for non-required item if needed too!

SubmitWhen reasons have been entered on all required items (highlighted in yellow) the survey can be submitted by clicking on the “Submit” button. This will lock the survey from further changes. Remember you can also select reasons for non-required item if needed too!

Completion Status Bar and How-to Submit the SurveyWhen all required reasons have been entered, you can submit the survey.

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Open and Closed – Survey Status

When you begin working on the tool, you will notice that the status at the top of the screen is “Open”.

Once you submit the survey, the status will change to “Closed”. At that time no further changes will be allowed on the survey. The budget condition in the survey data will be frozen as of the point in time when the survey is submitted.

If you need to have the survey re-opened to bring in an updated budget condition, or make corrections or changes to the reason entered, please contact your ISC/CFN budget liaison for assistance. They can release the survey back to you by re-opening it.

No changes will be allowed after the survey submission deadline of June 18.

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The following enhancements to the tool should be in production in the next few days: School Narrative Field – (optional use)

• A free-form field for principals to write a narrative description about the effects of the budget reduction or change in their school and services restored or created in their school with the stimulus funding.

• Completing a narrative will be optional and only needs to be entered at the discretion of the principal.

Locked Category and Level of Detail Columns

• This will keep the first two columns of the tool on the screen at all times as the user scrolls to the right.

Export to Excel

• The option to export the survey to an excel spreadsheet will become available.

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Finalizing the Survey – Checklist

Complete? Task - By order of display on the tool.

If the estimated amount of the difference attributable to Register and Student Weights was realigned across categories (Optional):

Does the register estimate in blue equal the register estimate in red?

Impact of Budget Reduction or Change in My School (Net of Register Change)

Have all of the required reasons (highlighted in yellow) been selected in the “Select Details” column?

Impact of Budget Reduction or Change in My School (Net of Register Change)

Have optional reasons (not highlighted in yellow) been selected in the “Select Details” column (if necessary)?

Services which in the Absence of Title I ARRA or Title I Basic my school would have eliminated

Have all of the required reasons (highlighted in yellow) been selected in the “Services Saved” column?

Services which in the Absence of Title I ARRA or Title I Basic my school would have eliminated

Have optional reasons (not highlighted in yellow) been selected in the “Services Saved” column (if necessary)?

Have you clicked the “submit” button on the bottom-right-hand corner of the screen?

(Status at top of survey will say “Closed”)

Page 38: Budget Rollout Galaxy School Budget Survey Tool Training Guide June 8, 2009


Due Date

The deadline for completing your school’s budget and the survey in Galaxy and obtaining approval from your ISC/CFN is Thursday, June 18.

Page 39: Budget Rollout Galaxy School Budget Survey Tool Training Guide June 8, 2009


ISC-CFN Support

Individualized Budget/Staffing Consultations: ISC/CFN will offer principals the opportunity to have consultations with their budget teams, at office locations or on-site at the school. Partnership - SSOs…ISC teams will partner with Network Leaders

and their teams to provide coordinated assistance. Strategic Focus…optimize resources and maintain core services, in

a time of budget reduction. Added Support…ISC teams will have, when available, the services

of consultants (retirees), who will assist principals in the process of aligning resources with the educational plan, based on priorities and guidelines.

Ongoing Support: The ISC and CFN budget teams will review the status of budget development and the survey tool continuously; target support as may be needed to facilitate budget and survey completion by the due date.

Page 40: Budget Rollout Galaxy School Budget Survey Tool Training Guide June 8, 2009


For Assistance

Contact your ISC/CFN Budget Liaison

Special thanks to the Principals, ISC & CFN, and Galaxy Project Office staff who worked together to make this tool possible.

Division of Budget Operations & Review

Galaxy Budget Unit & Galaxy Project Office

June 2009