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  • 8/13/2019 Budoire


    The ArTofBoudoir PhotograPhyhow to Create Stunning PhotograPhSof womenChrisTAMeolAthe art of Boudoir PhotograPhy:

    how to Create Stunning PhotograPhSof womenChriSta meolaNew Riderswww.newriders.comTo report errors please send a note to errata!peachpit.comNew Riders is an imprint of Peachpit a di"ision of Pearson #ducation.Copyright $ %&'( )y Christa MeolaaC*uiSitionS editor:Ted +aittPro,eCt editor:Susan RimermanProduCtion editor:-isa Braiealde"eloPment/CoPy editor:Peggy NautsProofreader:-i +elchinde0er:1arin ArrigoniComPoSition:1im Scott Bumpy 2esignCo"er and interior deSign:Mimi 3eftCo"er PhotograPhS:Christa MeolanotiCe of rightS

    All rights reser"ed. No part of this )oo4 may )e reproduced or transmitted in any form )y anymeans electronicmechanical photocopying recording or otherwise without the prior written permission of thepu)lisher. 5orinformation on getting permission for reprints and e0cerpts contact permissions!peachpit.com.notiCe of liaBilityThe information in this )oo4 is distri)uted on an 6As 7s8 )asis without warranty. +hile e"eryprecaution has )eenta4en in the preparation of the )oo4 neither the author nor Peachpit shall ha"e any lia)ility to anyperson or entity

    with respect to any loss or damage caused or alleged to )e caused directly or indirectly )y theinstructions containedin this )oo4 or )y the computer software and hardware products descri)ed in it.trademar4SMany of the designations used )y manufacturers and sellers to distinguish their products areclaimed as trademar4s.+here those designations appear in this )oo4 and Peachpit was aware of a trademar4 claim thedesignations appearas re*uested )y the owner of the trademar4. All other product names and ser"ices identifiedthroughout this )oo4are used in editorial fashion only and for the )enefit of such companies with no intention ofinfringement of thetrademar4. No such use or the use of any trade name is intended to con"ey endorsement or

    other affiliation withthis )oo4.7SBN9'&: &9(%'9;%

  • 8/13/2019 Budoire


    who e0pose and cele)rate )eauty:ou strengthen me.

    And for our lo"erswho adore and appreciate us:ou free us to )e real.3eres to feeling great na4edThis page intentionally left )lan4

    AC4nowledgMenTs7 am fortunate enough to )e )lessed with so manypeople to )e than4ful for who lo"e me who support the wor4 7 do who ma4e my life and ,o)easierwhom 7m )etter off for ha"ing 4nown who directlyor indirectly contri)uted significantly to this )oo4.+ords cannot e0press the measure of my gratitudefor the following people in my life and 7 cant possi)ly co"er e"eryone here who helped )irth this)oo4 )a)y.To the Peachpit family: Ted +aitt for )eing the)oo4s )ig daddy and early supporter. 7 decided tosay yes to this )oo49writing ,ourney )ecause of you.@m than4 youD

    #ditor e0traordinaire Susan Rimerman whosehelpful insight was so 4ey in shaping this )oo4scontent. 7 am so grateful for your guidance determination and patience.Mar4eting mastermind Scott Cowlin whoseenthusiasm for photography and this )oo4 made megiddy. Than4 you for the continuing support Scott.Copy editor Peggy Nauts whos as *uic4 withwords as she is adept at using them and proofreader-i +elch. Than4 you for ma4ing me sound polished.Production editor -isa Braieal who 4ept the)oo4 on trac4 and whose smile 7 could feel in e"eryemail. Than4 you -isa2esigner Mimi 3eft than4 you for putting such

    lo"ely attention to detail into the )oo4 design lettingme fuss a)out more negati"e space and for se0ing upa photography manual.Than4s to 1eely 3ild whose perception and PRefforts really reflected the core message of my goalsfor this )oo4.

    And the )oo4s other contri)utors: supermodelmuse and my dear friend -ar"a. Than4s for yourhonest insight into a pro models intentions anddesires. Tons more gratitude for your a)o"e9and)eyond a)ility to shine in front of my camera. ouma4e me loo4 good.Brilliant photographers and generous friendsRo)ert and 1atherine of Eohnson Sar4issian who

    made Chapter ; 6Creating -ight that 5latters8 possi)le with their enthusiastic assistance with thee*uipment and )ehind9the9scenes wor4. 7 than4 youand my )ac4 than4s you.The )est ma4eup artist 7 4now and close friendRachel -und Flsen you are as )eautiful on theinside as you are on the outside. Than4 you forma4ing the world a prettier place and for offeringyour ma4eup tips to Chapter ? 6Telling a Story withStyling.8Phenomenal designer and great friend Natasha

  • 8/13/2019 Budoire


    -a4os you 4eep my )rand loo4ing good and thediagrams in this )oo4 are no e0ception. Than4 youfor gi"ing so generously of yourself and your talent.Supercool stylist Grasie Mercedes. Than4s forlending your "alua)le ad"ice to women on how todress for their shape. 7 appreciate your efforts inhelping us all loo4 stunning as we are.Treasured friend and encyclopedia of e*uipmentinformation Eohn Cornicello. Than4 you for sharingyour insight during the )oo4s early stages. 7 "alueyour friendship and 4indness as much as your stellarad"ice.Those who ma4e my wor4 )etter and life)righter: My sponsors and partners whose generosity and ser"ice ha"e not only impro"ed mywor4 lifeand )usiness )ut also my community. Tons of gratitude to Paul 5riedman and the -ensprotogoteam2oug Boutwell and his Totally Rad Actions -eon"

    Sando"al and the team of retouchers at Colorati andNate Grahe4 founder of Stic4y Al)ums.The )est studio manager a photographer couldhope for Phil Ac4ley 4eeps the Christa MeolaPictures ship sailing smoothly and 4eeps our teamorganied and our clients happy. ou ha"e )eenin"alua)le to the creation of this )oo4. Than4 you athousand times o"er.The %& )eautiful and )rainy women of Marie5orleos mastermind group as well as Marie the )estsupport team on the planet. 7m grateful to )e a partof such an incredi)ly positi"e )rilliant and lo"ing group. our support and counsel is always wisewarm and hilarious. Than4s to 1risten Michelle

    Meric4 2awn Sarah 3olli 2anielle Brianna Een-en #lsner Eenny 1endric4 Eenna Nathalie NishaMargarita Eill Gry Rachel -aura and -ouise.My )log readers and online wor4shop students:Than4 you for your enthusiasm and curiosity and forallowing me the honor of supporting you challenging you and cele)rating your successes withyou. 7mhonored to share our passion for photography and7 deeply appreciate your support 4ind words andenthusiasm while ,oining me on this )oo49writing

    ,ourney.My family: my dad for gi"ing me my first procamera as a 4id my first drawing des4 and pencils

    and my e"erlasting lo"e of art. My mom for alwayscheering me on )elie"ing in me and coo4ing myfa"orite soup when things get tough. My older)rother Chris for engaging with me in spiritedde)ate a)out art and life and for suggesting that 76do something8 with my photography. My younger)rother Christian for helping get my )usinessstarted )y doing my first we)site.-o"e of my life and partner in crime Costa4i#conomopoulos. The )est teammate a woman could

  • 8/13/2019 Budoire


    as4 for. 7t would ma4e us )oth )lush if 7 were totruly e0press here how deeply grateful 7 am for yourpresence in my life and why. our e"er9present support and acts of 4indness understanding andlo"ethroughout this )oo49writing process ga"e me thepower to get it done. 5rom holding a reflector andshooting )ehind9the9scenes photos to your )rilliantwords of ad"ice and ongoing support no ,o) wastoo )ig or small. oure such an incredi)le man myinspiration and MHP. Than4 you for ma4ing me feel)eautiful and feminine and for cele)rating my sensuality while 7 wor4 hard to cele)rate others.-astly 7 gi"e heartfelt than4s to e"ery womanshowcased in this )oo4 who had the strength andcourage to )e "ulnera)le and share herself intimatelywith me. Than4 you for )ringing your )ody andspirit in front of my camera and for granting mepermission to print the resulting photographs inthis )oo4.>&mm lens iSo?&& f/% ';& sec."ii

    This page intentionally left )lan4A)ouT The AuThorChrista Meola is an internationally recognied photographer who tra"els theworld for portraits spea4ing engagements and teaching.She )elie"es that honoring our )odies emotions choices and impulsesthrough photographyIwhether in front of or )ehind the cameraIis empowering and profoundlyse0y.

    A self9declared sensualist she has )een infatuated with "isual story tellingsince childhood. She has en,oyed life )ehind the camera since the age of si0when playtime included dressing up with friends and ta4ing pictures.Christa is on a mission to empower women to adore their )odies. Sheoffers pri"ate one9on9one shoots in New or4 City and destinations aroundthe world. She has a penchant for capturing sensual escapades )lac4 and white

    )odyscapes and adoration in motion.Christa has taught thousands of photographers the secrets of her successful )oudoir )usiness.She is the founder of the Boudoir +or4shops a si09wee4online course she designed for new and e0perienced photographers to ignitetheir creati"ity sharpen their shooting s4ills and create a successful )usiness.She is also the creator of The Money Shots a posing and coaching guide of the)est9selling shots.-earn more a)out Christa on her popular )log at cristameola.com.Photo )y Carla Coulsoni0ConTenTsaC4nowledgmentSJ

    "aBout the authorJi0introduCtionJ0"iiiPart 7J )efore the shootChaPter '

  • 8/13/2019 Budoire


    wor4ing with womenJ >modelS muSeS and real womenJ ;Professional modelsJ ta4e her on a ,ourneyJ '>ma4e it an e"entJ 'nudityJ %>alcoholJ %>

    other PoliciesJ %>0 The ArTof Boudoir PhoTogrAPhy: 3ow to Create Stunning P3otograP3Sof womenChaPter %Creating SenSualmo"ementJ ('SenSuality and how toCulti"ate Se0 aPPealJ ((Be ConfidentJ (?ha"e fun

    J (?Practice Practice PracticeJ (>4now the innate Power of attractionJ (>focus on feelingJ (>ta4e your timeJ (>flirt

  • 8/13/2019 Budoire


    J (>Closer is Bigger farther is Smaller

    J > BiggeSt PoSing miSta4eSand how toa"oid themJ >=the fi"e Boudoir PoSeS you need to4now and maSterJ ;(why these fi"e PosesDJ ;(how to use these PosesJ ;?my PoSing SyStem: Putting it alltogether


  • 8/13/2019 Budoire


    where to find Pro StylistsJ >mm f/'.%J ''>how i use these lenses on a ShootJ ''other lensesJ '%'muSt9ha"e aCCeSSorieSJ '%'Blac4 muslin Bac4dropJ '%'gray Seamless Bac4ground Paper

    J '%(Blac4 gaffers tapeJ '%>a9ClampsJ '%>0iii ContentsChaPter ;Creating light thatflatterSJ '%

  • 8/13/2019 Budoire


    gear: leSS iS moreJ '%ta4ing ad"antage of natural lightJ '(&Shooting in the StudioJ '(%Controlled dependa)le lightJ '(%eight waySto flatter womenuSing one lightJ '(>mi0 it up and ma4e it your ownJ '(;whats the Story you want to tellDJ '(Culti"ating your "iSionand refining your "oiCeJ '>=

  • 8/13/2019 Budoire


    what is a Photographers "isionDJ '>=Be true to yourselfJ ';'4now the whyJ ';'use limitations to ignite your Creati"ityJ ';%remain openJ ';(Stay inspiredJ ';(CommuniCating your "iSionwith a CameraJ ';>intentional framingJ ';>align the elementsJ ';mm lens iSF ';&& f/(.> & sec.(( C3Apter %: Creat7ng SenSual MF"eMentNow lets ta4e the ne0t steps in culti"ating se0appeal. 7n the process respect your su),ects indi"idual comfort le"el and taste Kand your ownL.Remem)er that each person is different.3ere are some of my fa"orite tips for the women7 photograph. 7ts )est to tal4 a)out them well inad"ance of the shoot so your su),ect has time to trysome of them out.Be Conf7dentStep one in creating allure is to )rim with confidence.7n fact confidence is the se0iest thing a woman canwear K5igure %.(L. Confidence in how you mo"ehow you loo4 how you feel and what you do. 7f youfeel li4e a fool youll loo4 li4e one. Remem)er to

    stay focused on your positi"e attri)utes and 4nowthat you can pull off nearly anything if you do it withself9assurance.3A"e funMen Kand womenL are attracted to women who aregenuinely en,oying themsel"es that *uality matters more than any indi"idual physical attri)ute.

    Although this seems simple its often neglected.3a"e fun #n,oy )eing a woman. #n,oy )eingadmired. Be playful. 3a"e fun while strutting around.5igure %.( Shot in Seattle with a gal who lo"es her cur"es.Shes a)solutely )rimming with confidence so were drawn toher e0pression and she loo4s stunning%?

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    na4ed. Try posing in the mirror na4ed. Appreciate and admire your )ody from allangles. Ma4e sure you focus on the good stuff and )e grateful for the gift of your )ody.1now t3e 7nnAte power of AttrACt7onMen and women ha"e en,oyed loo4ing at women since the dawn of time certainlywell )efore Photoshop. Stretch mar4s cellulite or some e0tra pounds are not going tochange that. A womans attitude is the most important aspect of feeling and loo4ingtruly )eautiful and appealing not physical )eauty. Trust that your "iewer lo"es it all.1now that any )oldness playfulness and en,oyment of your )ody will )e appreciatedand en,oyed.foCuSon fee-7ng+hen a woman feels se0y she loo4s se0y. +hen culti"ating se0 appeal ma4e sure tofocus on pleasure and feeling good. 3ow you mo"e and how you flirt dress undressand touch yourselfIe"en how you )reatheIshould )e guided )y what feels good toyou. Sometimes putting on your fa"orite music or closing your eyes for a moment canhelp you focus on feeling good.tA1e your t7me7 was photographing a world9famous )urles*ue dancer in -os Angeles and when 7as4ed her to perform a few dance mo"ements faster for me she refused. Slower is se0iershe said. Shes right. Sensuality has a slow tempo. Ta4e your own sweet time with yourmo"ements and gestures. +al4 slowly and deli)erately. Mo"e your hands along your

    )ody languidly.t7p: ta47ng F55ClFtheSTease 2o it slowly and ta4eyour time in )etween eachpiece. 3int at remo"ing theitem )efore remo"ing it.#n,oy yourself Teasing outyour mo"ements is not onlymore sensual )ut also gi"esthe photographer more timeto catch a mo"ement shelo"es.

    (> C3Apter %: Creat7ng SenSual MF"eMent

    57gure %.? Shot in neworleans with a %&9somethingnonmodel mother of two. mydirection was to cross herarms in her lap to create a )itof appealing clea"age andwhen 7 playfully coached her tos*ueee her arms in tighter fore"en more clea"age she let outa laugh KoppositeL.>mm lens 7SF ?&& f/%

    %>& sec.57gure %.> Shot in new orleans with a (&9something nonmodel and friend of mine who trulyen,oys the art of flirtation. My direction to her was simply to let her naughty girl out to play a )itandflirt with the camera.>&mm lens iSF && f/% ';& sec.f-7rtMo"e li4e you can )arely contain your desire. Be playful and allow a )it of shyness tocome out now and again. -oo4 at your "iewer or the camera with a teasing glint in youreye. -et your inner good girl and naughty girl come out to play K57gure %.>L.

  • 8/13/2019 Budoire


    1now t3e tr7C1Sof t3e trAde5inally culti"ating se0 appeal is not a)out a crash diet or Photoshop. 7ts a)out wor4ingwhat you"e got and 4nowing a few tric4s of the trade to enhance whats already there.+ell co"er these tips and tric4s on how to find flattering wardro)e poses and lightingin upcoming sections that enhance a womans se0 appeal e"en further.(< C3Apter %: Creat7ng SenSual MF"eMentCoAC37ng

    ACt7onStoCreAte nAturA-mo"ement6Motion creates emotion8 according to TonyRo))ins. 7 agree. 7m a )ig )elie"er in the notionthat how you mo"e is how you feel. 7 would li4e to)orrow that idea and apply it to photography. Mo"ement goes a long way in communicatingauthenticemotion. Thats one of the reasons 7 en,oy coaching actions: )ig or small mo"ements and tas4sthat7 direct my su),ect to perform during the shootK 5igureS%.;L.+ith real women who ha"e ne"er professionally modeled )efore offering an action to perform

    instead of as4ing for a pose ma4es it easier for themto )e real and loo4 natural. A nonmodels )iggestchallenge is most often her self9consciousness andthe fact that she doesnt 4now go9to poses that )othflatter and loo4 natural. 7n fact many photographersalso struggle with the fear of not 4nowing how topose a su),ect. ou can o"ercome all of these hesitations )y simply gi"ing your su),ect easyactiona)ledirections such as 6toss your hair8 6sha4e your)ooty8 or 6twirl8 K57gure %.

  • 8/13/2019 Budoire


    '. 2emonstrate the mo"e7f your su),ect is unsure of how to perform the action youre coaching always pro"ide her with a*uic4 demonstration. +hile youre shooting without putting yourcamera aside )riefly demonstrate the action youre as4ing her to do. By seeing youperform it first shell feel less silly doing it herself and will )e more li4ely to commit'&& percent to it.%. Repeat as needed+hen you as4 your su),ect to repeat an action o"er and o"er again it gi"es youmultiple opportunities to capture something gorgeous K57gure %.L. The action 7coached for this image was to hold the scarf taut o"er her head and shimmy it )ac4and forth. 7 had her do this multiple times until 7 luc4ed out when all the piecescame together: her )reast lips and eye were "isi)le the scarfs fringe showed mo"ement andher legs were crossed forming a nice cur"e at the end of frame.By doing an action se"eral times your su),ect will em)race it more rela0 andget into it and laugh when she messes up. #ach of those are uni*ue and awesomecaptures. Repetition is also a secret ploy to consume her ner"ous energy. 7ts hardfor someone to )e ner"ous when shes tired out.(. Commit fully

    As4 your su),ect to commit '&& percent to the action. -eap high laugh )ig sighdeeply. Then coach her to push the action to the e0treme. Coach her to 64ic4 your

    leg higher8 or 6toss your hair with more a)andon.8?. @se in tandem with posing guidelinesCoaching actions guarantees that you create natural authentic mo"ement e"enwithout 4nowing additional posing guidelines and e"en with a woman who hasne"er stepped in front of a pros camera )efore. 7n the ne0t chapter well discusshow to incorporate posing guidelines into coaching actions a powerful com)ination of techni*ues.57gure %. Shot in Big Sur atedward westons estate wildcat 3ill with one of my fa"oritenude models KoppositeL.%?

  • 8/13/2019 Budoire


    sha4e her head side to side with her eyes closedand a slight smile K57gure %.=L. An alternati"e isto ha"e her loo4 directly at the camera and messup her hair with her hands.(. Eump run s4ip or )ounce

    Any of these actions will help deplete her ner"ous energy when shes as4ed to repeat it o"erand o"er again helping her rela0. So these areactions that 7 li4e to coach early in the session.2epending on the location and wardro)e 7ha"e my su),ect either ,ump K5igure %.'&L runtoward or away from the camera s4ip towardme or )ounce playfully on the )ed. 3ere 7 as4edthe model to do a silly cheerleader ,ump. +erepeated it a few times and 7 was thrilled that wecaptured a genuine and ,oyful emotion.?. Play with your clothingSuggest to your su),ect that she simply play withan item of clothing that shes wearing whetherits a )ra strap garters shirt collar or a hat. This iseasy flirtatious and a great way to get partially

    dressed shots with some natural mo"ement.2irections could include: Pull down your strap a)it K 5igure %.''L flirt o"er your collar pee4 outat me from under your hat unip your dress andso on.?% The ArTof Boudoir PhoTogrAPhy: 3ow to Create Stunning P3otograP3Sof women5igure %.'& Shot in florencewith a young model who wasstruggling to gi"e an authentically ,oyful e0pression. 7 wantedto loosen her up a )it and create a happy mood that matchedthe flirty and fun dress.>&mm lens iSF %&& f/'.%&&& sec.

    ?( C3Apter %: Creat7ng SenSual MF"eMentsometimes showcasing a gorgeous pair of highheels or a se0y pee4 of thigh and )um. Plus thisis another fun action for your su),ect to performand another ner"ous energy )uster.

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    you may want to do this one once the shoot hasprogressed a )it. 2irect your su),ect to use anelegant touch with her fingers )arely touchingher s4in and to 4eep her hands mo"ing slowly.7 also often coach her to not mo"e her handsparallel to each other )ut to ha"e one up andone down. 7ts important to note that where"erthe model places her hands is where the "iewerseyes will go. So )e specific a)out where you as4her to place and mo"e her hands.'&. Close your eyes andO7 let this direction )e more of a suggestion thattrails off so she can fill in the )lan4. @sually thisaction pro"o4es either a )lush a sigh a smile orsome other genuine e0pression uni*ue to yoursu),ect.5igure %.'' Shot in new yor4 City with a young aspiringmodel. 7 coached her to lift her shoulders a )it and slowly pulldown )oth straps while loo4ing down her )ody. 7 coached mysu),ect to continue pulling down the straps of her dress Kor

    lingerieL re"ealing as much or as little as she li4es dependingon her comfort le"el.>mm lens iSF '&& f/%. ';& sec.>. Sha4e itTurn on some music and as4 your su),ect to ,am.This is mostly to loosen things up and ha"e somesilly fun. 7 li4e to coach my su),ects to sha4e itif they"e got it )ecause it usually creates a funatmosphere and some laughter and lightense"eryone up. 7t also lea"es it up to your su),ecthow creati"e or daring she gets with it.;. Twirl aroundThis action can )e useful depending on your

    su),ects wardro)e. +hether shes wearing adress s4irt nightie or sil4 ro)e its easy toget a shot of mo"ement and a twirl of fa)ric?? The ArTof Boudoir PhoTogrAPhy: 3ow to Create Stunning P3otograP3Sof womenCreAt7ng

    Aut3ent7Cemot7onPhotographs that depict emotion ha"e )ecome mytrademar4. Before we get into flattering lightingand composition lets focus on nailing a wonderfule0pression. Culti"ating sensuality and se0 appeal asdiscussed earlier is the first step in creating sensualmo"ement. Coaching actions the second step co"ered is geared toward generating natural

    mo"ementregardless of a womans e0perience in front of a proscamera.Now the third step puts the icing on the ca4e.This is how you ensure that each mo"ement andemotion captured is authentic.emot7on 7S 7n 3ere0preSS7onStep one in creating authentic emotions is recogniing the real deal when you see it. ou canalways tell

  • 8/13/2019 Budoire


    an authentic smile if it rings true in her eyes as in5igure %.'%. Fther emotions could get a )it tric4ierto suss out )ut more often than not you can feelauthenticity )y loo4ing at her e0pression. As4 yourself: 7s your su),ect connected to the momentandwhats happeningD More often than not 7 feel moreauthentic emotion when a su),ect is loo4ing downat her )ody at the light source or has her eyes closedrather than directly at the camera K5igureS%.'( %.'?and %.'>L. Although this is a matter of personal taste7 feel that eyes loo4ing directly at the camera ta4e the"iewer out of the "oyeuristic feel.5igure %.'% Shot in my -os Angeles studio with a youngand cur"y nonmodel. you can always tell real laughter whenyou see it. the curl o"er her face adds to the impromptu littlegiggle from a ner"ous su),ect whom 7 was ,ust warming up.%? Shot with a nonmodel in new yor4. this woman was a )it ner"ous so 7 started )yas4ing her to let her hair

    down and mess it up which prompted some real giggles as in %.'(. Then 7 coached her to flirto"er her shoulder imagining her)iggest crush K%.'?L. well that pro"o4ed genuine laughter and )lushing K%.'>L. 7ts up to you todirect e"o4e and select thegenuine moments.>mm lens iSF ';& f/% '&& sec.t7p: Capture reallaughterThe more you laugh andcrac4 yourself up the moreshe laughs. @se her ner"ousenergy to wor4 for you. Teaseyour su),ect. As4 for fa4e

    laughter and it usually endsup in real laughter. No)odycan fa4e laugh withoutfeeling li4e a total ass so italways pro"o4es real laughterfrom )oth of you. Eust ma4esure you press the shutterwhile youre dou)ling o"er.?; The ArTof Boudoir PhoTogrAPhy: 3ow to Create Stunning P3otograP3Sof women5igure %.'; The flower 4ept

  • 8/13/2019 Budoire


    falling out of this womanshair. e"en though she was stillprepping and wasnt ready7 gra))ed this in )etweenmoment )ecause of her ,oyfulness and authenticity.>&mm lens iSF ?&& f/(.%'&& sec.?< C3Apter %: Creat7ng SenSual MF"eMent5igure %.'< 7n a (&9minutemini9session shot in 7taly witha ?&9year9old nonmodel 7directed her to sha4e her hairfrom side to side. 7 as4ed herto do it again and again untilshe )usted out laughing. 7s thecomposition perfectD no. do7 lo"e the emotion spirit and)eauty in her and this picturedespite thatD yes>mm lens 7SF %&& f/%.&

    ';& sec.? The ArTof Boudoir PhoTogrAPhy: 3ow to Create Stunning P3otograP3Sof women

    ACt7on p-An: A C3eAt S3eetto CreAte emot7onif your client is o"erwhelmed )y ner"es cant rela0 and is therefore una)le to pro"ide differentemotions here is an action plan:'. As4 her to regroup and reconnect

    As4 her 6Close your eyes rela0 )reathe and reconnect withyourself. run your hands along your )ody and let it feel good.8This action alone pro"o4es loads of different emotions andgreat shots.%. Get her mo"ing a tonCoach a series of actions to e0haust and annihilate her ner"ous energy. 3a"e her ,ump up and

    down on the )ed twirl hers4irt flip her hair and more until she laughs which happenssometimes after only a few minutes.(. Gi"e her a propThis will get her to immediately transfer her focus from herself to the prop. Fften women feelsafer 6hiding8 )ehind aprop. Plus playing with it is fun and can )e silly which is ,ustwhat is needed to ta4e the tension out of a situation.?. Turn on some tunesMusic can ma4e some women feel se0y in an instant. The typeof music is up to her indi"idual taste. Some women preferslow and sultry whereas others go for fast and fun4y. Try)oth and choose the songs that will e"o4e the mood you are

    going for. e"ery woman should ha"e a playlist of songs thatma4e her feel instantly hot. As4 her to )ring her tunes and ifshe doesnt ha"e any gi"e her the assignment of finding some.My current fa"orite playlists and recommendations are on mywe)site www.ChristaMeola.com/resources.>. Change up the energySometimes the energy in the room ,ust needs to change inorder to effect a change in your model. iwill sometimes ha"esomeone either enter or lea"e the room. 5or instance ill as4the ma4eup artist to come to the set to do a touch9up. Fr con"ersely if friends or assistants are

  • 8/13/2019 Budoire


    present ha"e one e0it togra) a cup of coffee so the energy in the room changes. Fftenthis is all thats needed to get the su),ect to rela0.;. Add the fanThe fan is an a)solute must9ha"e on set. F4ay iadmit this oneis the )iggest cheat. its the most foolproof way to add emotion when all else fails. Turn a fan on)low it toward your client and watch the emotion pour out of herIor ,ust loo4 li4eit is. Try it. The fan creates motion and sensuality e"en whensometimes its not there.)e"erages alcoholic %> =%)lac4 muslin )ac4drop '%''%%)lac4 reflector '(()lac49and9white images '%= '= '=)lurring ')ody shapes/sies ()ody shots '>>Boto0 in,ections %=transformati"e *uality of '>'weight issues %&%')oudoir session e0ample %%'%?()oudoir shoots. See photo shoots)ra inserts ()ras % ( %%=)reasts

    )ra inserts ()ras % ( %%=clea"age (

  • 8/13/2019 Budoire


    )ody oil '%>fans ?= '%&gaffers tape '%' '%>gray )ac4ground paper '%('%>

    A9clamps '%' '%>actions Photoshop %'&%'%

    Ado)e -ightroom '=&'=Ado)e Photoshop %' '= %&(%'%alcoholic )e"erages %> =%alignment ';a"aila)le light '(% '(= =

    flat (retouching %&'6wedgies8 >=)ustiers '

  • 8/13/2019 Budoire


    utility '''oom '''camera raw files '=>catli4e pose ;;;'(; '?stro)es '% '(% '(('(? '(reflectors '(% '(( %((

    soft)o0es '(>'(; '?stro)es '% '(% '(('(? '(modelmayhem.com '=finding %%'hiring =modesty ;' ; ;= '(= ''muses '''?

    nudity. See nudity--asso tool Photoshop %& %?&laughter ?; ?legsposing ;%retouching %&'6stumpy8 ;%wardro)e and (lenses ''''%'aesthetics '''''%for )oudoir ''('%'comparison of '''''(

    focal lengths '''''(primes '''types of ''(''utility '''oom '''light stand '(> '(;lighting '%

  • 8/13/2019 Budoire


    monolights '(>natural light '(&'(%noir '?o"ere0posure '(= '>portraits '%=reflectors '(% '(( %((shooting in studio '(%'(;%? The ArTof Boudoir PhoTogrAPhy: 3ow to Create Stunning P3otograP3Sof women7nde0FFcta)o0 '(>'(;oil )ody '%>outsourcing %&%o"ere0posure '(= '>Ppanties >= ( ;paper gray '%('%>pedicures %;personality *ualities ';'as special occasion '?modesty ;' ; ;= '(= ''

  • 8/13/2019 Budoire


    monolights '(( '(>motion. See mo"ementmo"ementcoaching actions (?'

  • 8/13/2019 Budoire


    easy pose '>?eyes/eye lines >? >=;&hands >?>; ;'infusing sensuality into ;'loo49)oo4s ?'>="ariety '

  • 8/13/2019 Budoire


    prop shots '>?realistic e0pectations '=&retouching. See retouching photos%>& The ArTof Boudoir PhoTogrAPhy: 3ow to Create Stunning P3otograP3Sof women7nde0weight issues %&%'wor4ing with >%reflectors '(% '(( %((renting e*uipment '&=retouching photos. See also post9productionchec4list for %&&%&'considerations %' '=%&(e0ample session %?&%?%-ightroom '=&'=limiting time for %&%minimal amount of %&%outsourcing for %&%Photoshop %' '= %&(%'%remo"ing distractions '== %&' %?'retro loo4 ';self9esteem '= ( ;sidelighting '?;'?signs =%silhouettes '(&sil"er reflector '((smiling (> ?> >? 'soft)o0es '(>'(; '?spontaneity ;(

    stoc4ings stomach >% %&'storytelling %%=stylists

  • 8/13/2019 Budoire


    %>% The ArTof Boudoir PhoTogrAPhy: 3ow to Create Stunning P3otograP3Sof women7nde0for photo shoots %; %%>%%;playing with clothing ?%??remo"ing clothing (>retouching clothing %&'ro)es (scar"es/shawls ?> ;sheer fa)ric ; =weight issues %&%'

    white )alance '=(white side '((wireless transmitter '(?women. See also models su),ectsnudity. See nudityposing. See posing6real.8 See 6real women8weight issues %&%'wor4ing with >%wrin4les '== %&' %&; %&