buffet salad will please all guests€¦ · legislature 'up in air' about major differences " by...

Legislature 'Up in Air' About Major Differences " By VINCENT THOMAS Apart from these principal Assemblyman, 6Rth District | issues, our work during the As 1 write this less than c ° npral session is about on a three days remain before the lovcl " ith that of previous ion* i i , ., General sessions in recent 1B85 general session or the vcars In the Sena , e 1531 Legislature must adjourn in bills were introduced, and in compliance with the Constl- the Assembly, 3490. Each tutlon. Rut still waiting final lmusp nas passed roughly action are three basic issues | h »U "!« bills. About a third .. 10 necc KJ-. . ; of the bills passing one house the 1965-fifi hiidfirt. taxes. !havc be en H jent £ the Gov. and Senate rrapportionment. 'ernor Failure to pass legislation in ny one of these three areas could result in the calling of a special session. As of right now, few will hazard a guess as to what the outcome of the general session may be. The budget bill has passnl both houses, but in different versions. The two totals r.i- not far apart, close to $4 ! ' billion, but there are wn!< variations between the vn ions in some controversi.t' items. The conference com mittee of three members from each house has already held hours of hearings in its efforts to iron out the differ- ences. THE OMNIBUS tax bill squeaked through the Assem- bly. losing several features because the necessary two- thirds vote could not be ob- tained. Its authors gave it vigorous support in the hear- ing before the Senate Reve nue and Taxation Committee. but It was obvious that the bill was not getting a very favorable reception. The Com mittee's decision to "take thr bill under submission" i: considered a good indicator. that It will take no action on taxes until the size of the budget for next year Is decid- ed. New or Increased taxes can be decided upon after the width of th e gap between next year's revenues and ap- proved expenditures Is known. The bill to reapportlon our state Senate underwent ma- jor surgery In the Assembly Elections and Reapportlon- ment Committee before it passed that house. The bound- aries for the 12 Ix>s Angeles County districts to be estab- lished by the measure as »p- proved by the Senate were junked. Substituted were new boundaries devised by the Committee, which the lone Senator from that county an- grily described as "crass po- litical gerrymandering." The Assembly version also would set district boundaries In each of the five counties which would be entitled to two Senators under the bill. All obaervers expect the Sen- ate to reject the Assembly version. TF A SPECIAL session Is necessary. Its timing will de- pend on which of these three measures has failed to make the grade when our deadline arrives. If It It reapportlon- ment. the Governor may feel obliged to call It early enough ao we could be back In spe- cial session before you read this, because of the federal court decision requiring re- districting by July 1. If It is taxes, the session could be delayed some Ume. DOCTOR'S NURSE Bettye Avon Tanner. DN, of 6528 Laurette, has been asked by the American Asso- ciation of Doctors' Nurses to serve on its Decade of Healtli Committee. The purpose of the committee, which will hold Its annual convention July 15 to 18 In Atlanta, Ga. will be the development of several projects to help man kind. He has signed 420 Assem- bly measures, and 270 Senate biils. Under the Constitution, he has unti! July 23rd to sign bills. All those he does not sign by that day are pocket vetoed. Several hundred bills which have been sent to in- terim study, will be referred to the various committees, and their subject matter ex plored before the 1067 gen eral session. TRIP WINNER . . . MM. Faye Ev«eff receives twe expense-paid ticket* for a trip to Hawaii from LM Sllversteln. president of the Rolling I1IIU Plata Mer- chant* A**nclation, who made the pre«entatlon a* a climax to the Hawaiian Days celebration at the cen. ter last weekend. (Portrait by Roblson) ENUOY MU_K AT VERMONT DAIRY nui usaoM wmmti or IM STATS MIS HOMOOINItSD. PA1TIUIIUB VITAMIN "D" MILK 2 GAL 43< HALF & HALF . . qt.43c AH Purpose Cream II WMp« Inllyl NEW 10 QUART HOME DISPENSE llFUU. PMCI AT OUR DRIVE-IN STORE low I* Calt'iM NONFAT MILK .. H.H 6.1k. IUTTf*MllK OIANOI JUICi .... FROZEN MILK IARS_ Fudgtkkt .. 4t« JO-M ttn ......... I 0««. •<*• * «.L 14* Prvll PtiMfc U Of.»g. Drink GRADE AA LAROI - Me DM. 3 $105 DOZ1N I MIDIUM - 33t D»t. 3 DOOM 90* DARI-GOLD ICE CREAM, i 6al.. . 59c GOLDEN GRAIN BREAD.... loaf 2k VERMONT DAIRY (BETWEEN CARSON AND SIPULVIDA) 22400 S. VERMONT FA 8-4S91 JUNE 23, 1965 PRESS-HERALD B-9 SCHOOL IS OUT! ICARSON BOOTERY "SEZ" LETS GO CASUAI WOMEN'S SANDALS 299 FROM Children's Sandals and Tennis Shoes FROM 350 MIN'S Sandals & Casuals FROM BOAT SHOES- LITTLE LEAGUE TEXAS BOOTS TRACK SHOES BOOT£W 1211 W. CARSON ST. TORRANCE 3204460 CORNS* CARSON * NORMANOI* Bankamarlcara S. Hlbll ••D«Ml Mon. and Frl.. S i.m. S D.m. Sun.. 10 a.m. -4 p.m. Tun.. W«d., Thure., Sat. t «.m. . S P.m. JOIN OUR SHOD CLUI CKfi Wl CARRY A FULL LINll OF CHILDRIN'S ORTHOPIDIC) SHOIS B te Widths We Guarantee the Fit andl Wear . . . Doctor's Pr»itrlp-| tloni Filled. FOR LAZY SUSAN SALAD, let everyone as- semble his own from a large tray heaped with crisp iceberg lettuce wedge*, ham, cottage cheese, vegetablee and a tippy dressing. Buffet Salad Will Please All Guests For lazy summer days, "Lasy Susan Salad" Is Just the ticket. It's a topnotch buffet salad and you can In- crease or decrease the quantities to suit the slse of the group. It also travel* well to a picnic or potluck supper; simply csrry along the flxing<i and arrange the salad on the spot. You'll notice the outer leaves of Iceberg lettuce are used as cup* for the various mounded foods. None of the leaves need go to waste when you buy a firm head of Iceberg. Bqueese the let- tuce gently and If It "gives" to slight preesure. It's ready for your shopping bag. LAZY Srs.\\ HALAD 2 heads Iceberg lettuce 1 cup cooked caullfkrwerette* 1 cup sliced cooked carrot* 1 cup cooked lima beans Bottled French or Italian dressing 1 cup dairy eour cream H cup mayonnaise 2 tbs. lemon Juice 1 Up. dry mustard H tap. salt <4 Up. onion powder 1 or 2 medium-else red onions 1 pt. cottage eheeee ' 2 cup* Julienne eeoked ham OKIE RNER HlUJOt KTTK OnOMKfl \ eup margarine V cup sugar 1 egf. beaten H up. vanilla. 3 tb>. cream 2% cups flour S t*p. baking powder H eup leedle** black raspberry preserves (or other preserves If desired) Cream together marga- rine and sugar. Add egg, vanilla, and cream. Mix well. Add the flour lifted with baking pcnrdei. Chill. Roll out on lightly floured board to 1/lft-lneh thicknee*. Cut with J-lnch round cut- ter. Cut out a small star or creecenl or other ahap* from center of on* half the rounds. Place the whole round* on lightly greeted baking sheet*. Place a teaspoon of preserve* on each whole round. Top with *tar-eut round. Pris* edge* together with a floured fork. Bake *t 175 degree* for 10 minute* or until the edge* are lightly browned. Yield: 24* down cookie*. Core, rinse and drain let- tuce. Place In plastic bsg or wrap In plastle wrap; chill. Combine In bowl eaull- flowerettcs, carrot* and bean*. Moisten well with French dneetng; marinate ,n refrigerator 1 hour or more. Blend cream, mayon- naise, lemon Juice, mue- tard, salt and onion powder; chill. Just before erring, slice onions crosswise; sep- arate intn rings. Reserve outer leaves of lettuce to hold vegetable* and hajn. Cut wedge* from remain- ing lettuce; arrange on large tray. Drain mixed vegetable*; arrange vege- table*, onion rings, eheeee and ham In leparate mounds on lettuce leaves between wedgei. Serve with cream-mayonnaise dress- ing. Makes « servings. Change Flavor Of Salad By New Dressing You can change the flavor and character of a fruit sal- «d tvery time you change the iilad dressing for It. This recipe calls for cltrui juice plu§ cream cheeie, which adds pleasant zip to the salad. CREAMY FRUIT DRESSING 1 the. honey 1 tbs. lemon juice 2 tbi. orange juice 1 3-oi. package cream cheese I tsp. grated orange rind H Up. aalt Dash of cayenne H cup lalad oil Gradually add the honey, lemon and orange juice to the cream cheese, blending until imooth. Add orange rind, ialt and cayenne and beat until well blended. Add the oil very slowly, beating well after each addition. Chill. Beat well again before serving over the fruit salad. Free Mexican Recipes Offered Ole, friend*! If you are fond of Mexi- can food (and who Isn't?) you'll want to take advan- tage of an offer of the Lln- dy'» Taco Sauce Company. Free label recipe* are. yours for the asking, among them such Interesting dish- es ai ChilaquUe*, Mh Are. k Tacc* (made with ham), jt enchilada*, taeo burgers and tuna taco*. Theee are free for writ- Ing to Undy's Mexican Product*, P.O. Box 1142. San Bernardino, Calif. Happy eating! CALIFORNIA'S rich fresh peach crop will provide us with all summer-long eating pleasure.. California Peaches Romanoff are but on* example. California Peaches Are Now Appearing in Local Markets With the appearance of frrsh California peaches on the market, we can now look forward to many month* of enjoyable eating. An attractive dessert for the family or for guests Is our Peaches Romanoff. CALIFORNIA PKACHE8 ROMA\OFF Fresh sliced peaches, sweetened 1 eup sugar 1 cup water Orated rind of 1 lemon 2 tbs. lemon juice legg yolk 2 tbs. butter H cuprum Whipped cream Cook V cup sugar and water to 240 degree* or un- ti! thick syrup forms. Add lemon rind and juice. Beat egg yolk with remaining sugar. Add hot *yrup grad- ually. Return to heat and con- tinue conking over low heat 6 minutes. Add butter and rum and reheat until but- ter Is melted, but do not cook. Cool, then chill. Just before serving, whip cream and add rum lauce to suit your own taste. Spoon sauce Into bottom of sherbet glas* or hollow stem glass; add a layer of sliced peaches. Alternate Isyem of pesches and *auce, ending with a freeh peach etice for garni ah. «rut to feARBECWHC ^MARtNATWG TENDERIZING In crab umdwictwt,tH> Utfftiniiot te Domino's. Vegalene SPECIAL OFFER! Save 50* on Deluxe HOSTESS CHEESE SLICER Now see what a dollar and a Denting'* labd wW buy. and eddnes on beak of l*bs»*. tend to DIMttW* MX *M im, **«* WeMwlon Mill. Yort M^M *)* toMh/ .a baMMuL gemiln*. eulMad pasrt eat ki I Of fVOMtMH Of 1Mb MAMMOTH MOUNTAIN INN $1.00 value. I ONLY 50* SM*M s*y skew, I sari sr stats tMI*IMtl«l md lid llntr from ny MorshouM Food Product! , , , . him ml ._____*MMM«MS*tMMStaftt, mlxi as* to Ml* mt » M»itaii us SM> <sr eM NMMM «>u et**M saw MM*. TOPS IN QUALITY! LOW IN PRICI ...In Calltornla'* s«««Mta**yMM ROOM rut* ***»r*afie«* . MummHt* IBOIO VINTURA HOUCtVARO. | MSKMAN OAH*. OALlfOKNlA TR 1.0110 ST S-SIIO Why eat hamburger when you can enjoy STEAK KOLD KIST FOR THE SAME PRICE ... or less High Protein.., Low Calorie... Perfect for Sandwiches FHOZEN BEEF STEAK wusKuuuTJnE^iiii f th« B4«t f amou. lal Sihlnf la tb. WMt . CKOWLKT LAIU LAU 0*J»GC JVNI uua uxir WTcao LA» CONVICT LAK* mOHOttllOE LAKI TWIN LAKH OWBNI WVCB . . . PLUS du.mil .rj «itoruta. m.nt It th. Inn. U.N. forM« iUnB.r tuhbd tour.. it>> «u«l> (or filu. iiwUcutu uwior.nil. .hair lift vl.w.,. avparb dloln*,.. tat

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  • Legislature 'Up in Air' About Major Differences


    By VINCENT THOMAS Apart from these principal Assemblyman, 6Rth District | issues, our work during the

    As 1 write this less than c°npral session is about on a three days remain before the lovcl " ith that of previous ion* i i , ., General sessions in recent 1B85 general session or the vcars In the Sena ,e 1531Legislature must adjourn in bills were introduced, and in compliance with the Constl- the Assembly, 3490. Each tutlon. Rut still waiting final lmusp nas passed roughly action are three basic issues | h »U "!« bills. About a third .. 10necc KJ-. . ; of the bills passing one house the 1965-fifi hiidfirt. taxes. !havc been Hjent £ the Gov.and Senate rrapportionment. 'ernor Failure to pass legislation in ny one of these three areas could result in the calling of a special session. As of right now, few will hazard a guess as to what the outcome of the general session may be.

    The budget bill has passnl both houses, but in different versions. The two totals r.i- not far apart, close to $4 ! ' billion, but there are wn!< variations between the vn ions in some controversi.t' items. The conference com mittee of three members from each house has already held hours of hearings in its efforts to iron out the differ- ences.

    THE OMNIBUS tax bill squeaked through the Assem- bly. losing several features because the necessary two- thirds vote could not be ob- tained. Its authors gave it vigorous support in the hear- ing before the Senate Reve nue and Taxation Committee. but It was obvious that the bill was not getting a very favorable reception. The Com mittee's decision to "take thr bill under submission" i: considered a good indicator. that It will take no action on taxes until the size of the budget for next year Is decid- ed. New or Increased taxes can be decided upon after the width of the gap between next year's revenues and ap- proved expenditures Is known.

    The bill to reapportlon our state Senate underwent ma- jor surgery In the Assembly Elections and Reapportlon- ment Committee before it passed that house. The bound- aries for the 12 Ix>s Angeles County districts to be estab- lished by the measure as »p- proved by the Senate were junked. Substituted were new boundaries devised by the Committee, which the lone Senator from that county an- grily described as "crass po- litical gerrymandering." The Assembly version also would set district boundaries In each of the five counties which would be entitled to two Senators under the bill. All obaervers expect the Sen- ate to reject the Assemblyversion.

    TF A SPECIAL session Is necessary. Its timing will de- pend on which of these three measures has failed to make the grade when our deadline arrives. If It It reapportlon- ment. the Governor may feel obliged to call It early enough ao we could be back In spe- cial session before you read this, because of the federal court decision requiring re- districting by July 1. If It is taxes, the session could be delayed some Ume.

    DOCTOR'S NURSEBettye Avon Tanner. DN,

    of 6528 Laurette, has been asked by the American Asso- ciation of Doctors' Nurses to serve on its Decade of Healtli Committee. The purpose of the committee, which will hold Its annual convention July 15 to 18 In Atlanta, Ga. will be the development of several projects to help man kind.

    He has signed 420 Assem- bly measures, and 270 Senate biils. Under the Constitution, he has unti! July 23rd to sign bills. All those he does not sign by that day are pocket vetoed. Several hundred bills which have been sent to in- terim study, will be referred to the various committees, and their subject matter ex plored before the 1067 gen eral session.

    TRIP WINNER . . . MM. Faye Ev«eff receives twe expense-paid ticket* for a trip to Hawaii from LM Sllversteln. president of the Rolling I1IIU Plata Mer- chant* A**nclation, who made the pre«entatlon a* a climax to the Hawaiian Days celebration at the cen. ter last weekend. (Portrait by Roblson)




    MILK 2 GAL 43<HALF & HALF . . qt.43c

    AH Purpose Cream II WMp« InllylNEW 10 QUART




    low I* Calt'iM NONFAT MILK ..




    JUICi ....


    Fudgtkkt .. 4t«

    JO-M ttn ......... I 0««.• Utfftiniiot te Domino's.


    Now see what a dollar and a Denting'* labd wW buy.

    and eddnes on beak of l*bs»*. tend to DIMttW* MX *M im, **«* WeMwlon Mill. Yort M^M *)* toMh/

    .a baMMuL gemiln*. eulMad pasrt eat ki

    I Of fVOMtMH Of 1Mb


    $1.00 value. I


    SM*M s*y skew, Isari sr stats tMI*IMtl«l

    md lid llntr from ny MorshouM Food Product!

    , , , .him ml ._____*MMM«MS*tMMStaftt, mlxi as* to Ml* mt » M»itaii us SM> u et**M saw MM*.


    ...In Calltornla'*

    s«««Mta**yMMROOM rut*

    ***»r*afie«* . MummHt*IBOIO VINTURA HOUCtVARO. |


    Why eat hamburger when you can enjoy


    ... or lessHigh Protein.., Low Calorie... Perfect for Sandwiches


    BEEF STEAKwusKuuuTJnE^iiii f th« B4«t f amou. lal Sihlnf la tb. WMt .


    . . . PLUS du.mil .rj «itoruta. m.nt It th. Inn. U.N. forM« iUnB.r tuhbd tour.. it>> «u«l> (or

    filu. iiwUcutu uwior.nil. .hair lift vl.w.,. avparb dloln*,.. tat