bug-out bag basics€¦ · web view01.05.2013 · lottie wilds. the commander in ink. ....

NightScripts May 2014 Jim Laughter, Editor What the Heck Am I Doing Here? If you are reading this, you are a member of our club or thinking about joining. I wonder how we appear to newcomers. When I came to my first meeting several years ago, I found the members quiet, even introverted, laughing in little groups before the meeting. During the meeting, all those well-dressed ladies bragging about themselves, their signings and new releases sounded, to my insecure ears, pushy and competitive. The president gave a speech about struggling to publish a novel. It was well- presented and chock-full of information I would need—NEVER! Already, I was afraid that I was in over my head. I had been writing since I figured out that I could make marks with crayons, not merely enjoy eating them. I had aced every English class and majored in English, as well. Still, I was a “barely published” writer, with one measly signing event under my belt. After all, that was for a short essay in a juried literary journal from Florida called “Southern Side Up,” not a novel, screenplay, or sonnet. I had written dozens of newspaper and newsletter articles, and way too many corny poems, but had never been paid actual American money. New to the idea of referring to myself as a writer, I felt intimidated and hopeless. I squirmed in my seat. I itched. Was it just me or was I surrounded by younger, more creative, more successful people who knew they were writers and I was–just me? I was nowhere near ready for an agent or publisher or the inherent problems and frustrations the speaker alluded to. I am not a joiner. I do not do Tupperware parties, novenas, or showers. I like to be by myself. Why join a club? What brought me back? My answer was and is: because I want what other members have. If you want what I have, do what I do, right? TNW offers an almost painless path to Lottie Wilds The Commander in Ink www.tulsanightwriters.com

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NightScripts May 2014 Jim Laughter, Editor

What the Heck Am I Doing Here?

If you are reading this, you are a member of our club or thinking about joining. I wonder how we appear to newcomers.

When I came to my first meeting several years ago, I found the members quiet, even introverted, laughing in little groups before the meeting. During the meeting, all those well-dressed ladies bragging about themselves, their signings and new releases sounded, to my insecure ears, pushy and competitive. The president gave a speech about struggling to publish a novel. It was well-presented and chock-full of information I would need—NEVER!

Already, I was afraid that I was in over my head. I had been writing since I figured out that I could make marks with crayons, not merely enjoy eating them. I had aced every English class and majored in English, as well. Still, I was a “barely published” writer, with one measly signing event under my belt. After all, that was for a short essay in a juried literary journal from Florida called “Southern Side Up,” not a novel, screenplay, or sonnet. I had written dozens of newspaper and newsletter articles, and way too many corny poems, but had never been paid actual American money.

New to the idea of referring to myself as a writer, I felt intimidated and hopeless. I squirmed in my seat. I itched. Was it just me or was I surrounded by younger, more creative, more successful people who knew they were writers and I was–just me? I was nowhere near ready for an agent or publisher or the inherent problems and frustrations the speaker alluded to.

I am not a joiner. I do not do Tupperware parties, novenas, or showers. I like to be by myself. Why join a club? What brought me back?

My answer was and is: because I want what other members have. If you want what I have, do what I do, right? TNW offers an almost painless path to become better writers, to be recognized by our peers as improving writers, and to encourage growth in others.

Through our club, we help others by showing newbies that, yes, I was elected president of Tulsa NightWriters but I didn’t start at the top. I have improved my writing and speaking skills and boosted my confidence. Through the speakers, workshops, contests, and parties at TNW, I’ve been encouraged and taught how to write for money and prizes. I discovered that the members are generous, kind, and courageous. I look forward to hearing about the achievements others (perhaps because I have my own now.) And, “It ain’t braggin’ if it’s true!” Success is a real possibility at TNW.

The best part is, I put my pants on one leg at a time, just like you do. The longest trip starts with the first step! Please tell us how we might make our club friendlier, more

accessible, and especially more inspirational. Ask how you can help make it so.Welcome to TNW!

Lottie WildsThe Commander in Ink


Bug-out Bag Basics

Recent Oklahoma and Arkansas weather events should underline the importance of being prepared in an emergency. Disaster can strike at any time. The worst time to react to a disaster is when you’re in the middle of coping with fear and loss. Right now is the time to prepare your bug-out bag—a seventy-two hour survival kit.

A bug-out bag is what you grab when an emergency arises and evacuation has become necessary. Typically, time is limited in instances like fire, earthquake, blackouts, tornadoes, and floods. This is something that should be created for each person in your home. And don’t forget to pack for pets, too. Remember this is just designed to tide you over for 72 hours, so focus on travel sizes and multi-purpose items. A Swiss Army Knife with eating utensils is compact and also includes other resources like a flathead screwdriver and corkscrew, for instance.

Suggested essentials:

Large, water-proof, backpack to store items (choose a backpack with wheels for ease of transport, if you’re not one that can shoulder a backpack for a lengthy amounts of time)

Prescription related needs (medications, extra contact lenses and related supplies, spare glasses, spare reading glasses and a glasses repair kit)

First Aid kit (standard injury and medicine kit and disaster preparedness instruction book)

Additional protection and necessities (sunscreen, soap, comb, tooth brush and tooth paste, razor, mirror, bug spray, deodorant, aloe, feminine hygiene products, etc)

2 gallons of water (enough for drinking, cooking, and washing) Cooking equipment (cooking pots, pans and utensils, sanitizer, water

purification tablets, waterproof match set and/ or a lighter, and nutritious non-perishable food)

Camping equipment (tent, sleeping bag, blankets, reflective blanket, poncho, toilet paper, knives (fixed blade and folding), can opener, plastic bags (for disposal of items), utility gloves, crank operated flashlight (or glow sticks), crank operated radio, duct tape, rope or para-cord, plastic tarp, candles, hand warmers, sewing kit, compass, zip ties)

Clothing (weather appropriate, sturdy all terrain hiking shoes or boots, hats)

Personal records (birth certificate, drivers license, medical records, social security card, passport, paper and pencil)

Personal protection (pepper spray, handgun and ammo, etc) Cash

You can make your own bug-out bag or buy them pre-made. The cost can range from $100 to $400 depending on how prepared you’d like to be in an emergency. Either way, take time to prepare. People don’t plan to fail, but they do fail to plan. Giving yourself that peace of mind that you’re ready if, God forbid, the worst happens is more than worth the short amount of time it takes to make sure you’re prepared if you have to bug-out fast.

I don't need time. What I need is a deadline.Duke Ellington

Our April Speaker – April 15, 2014

Since joining Tulsa NightWriters in 2007, Jim has written five best-selling novels (pictured above, top row) along with a children’s book and two other novels. As of this posting, the first four books of his Galactic Axia Adventure Series have been on the Kindle top 100 best-seller list for 55 consecutive days. Later this year, Jim hopes to release his second psychological thriller (a still untitled follow-up to The Apostle Murders). His new Galactic Axia adventure, The Wounded Warrior, will release this month. Jim’s climate fiction novel Polar City Red will be featured at a PhD seminar on climate change in Taiwan on May 21st. It was featured in an international magazine as one of the premier books on climate change in the last decade. Click the cover to see the magazine.

You may click here to visit Jim’s author page at AWOC.COM or see all of his books on Amazon. Jim’s website has been updated, so give it a look. You never know, you might just find something worth reading.

Our own Jim Laughter presented a humorous and informative session on writing dialogue at our April meeting. If you are writing a book, short story, screenplay, or just anything where your characters speak, and if you paid attention and participated, you gained valuable information on how to let your characters speak in their own voice. Jim also covered a number of do’s and don’ts to help bring your characters to life. We had some fun, learned a few things, bragged on each other’s mastery of prose, and congratulated each other on our various successes. What more could you ask of a Tulsa NightWriter meeting? We’ll celebrate our OWFI winners at our May meeting. See you there….

owfiThe annual OWFI conference, a gathering of writers from around the state, country, and the world, was two days jam packed with presentations by authors, editors, and publishers. If you attended, you know what I mean. If not, you’ll want to set aside the first weekend of May 2015. This year OWFI was wonderful with excellent coordination at every turn. If you were not able to attend for financial reasons, we'll discuss scholarships at a meeting sometime later this year. Otherwise, if you'll set back the cost of a cup of coffee or soda pop a day for the next year, you'll have the registration fee this time next year.

Congratulations to everyone that entered the OWFI writing contest. As I understand it, there were 920 entries made by 332 writers. The competition was tough but Tulsa NightWriters held our own. Of the 34 categories, we took awards in 17. Our totals include 7 first place, 2 second place, 5 third place, and 11 honorable mentions. And remember, 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place finishes had checks attached to them. Some were $20 checks, and some were as high as $50. I figure our members received around $310 in award money.

We’ll be celebrating our award winners at our May 20th meeting, so come prepared to PARTY….. If you weren’t at the conference, I’ll have your certificates and checks at the meeting, so you must attend. That’ll teach you for making me carry that load of awards! If you were at OWFI, please bring your certificate with you. I know you've already spent the money.

Congratulations to all of our award winners... See you May 20th....

Ok, here we go with our winners…..

The will to win, the desire to succeed, the urge to reach your full potential… these are

the keys that will unlock the door to personal excellence……. Confucius

Category 1- Mainstream Novel – 21 entries

First Place – Life for a Life – Jennifer Adolph1st Honorable Mention – Man Disposal – Donna Welch Jones

Category 2 -- Romance – 14 entries

First Place – Texas Hearts – Susan ShayThird Place – The Dark Side of the Moon – Dixie Maxwell

Category 3 – Historical Novel – 12 entries

1st Honorable Mention – Last Train to Honobbie Flats

Jim Miser

Category 4 -- Mystery/Suspense Novel – 14 entries

First Place – Paid in Blood – Jennifer Adolph

Category 5 -- Western Novel -- 13 Entries1st Honorable Mention – Lighting in the Grass – Jim Miser

Category 11 – Poetry Unrhymed Short – 60 Entries4th Honorable Mention – Evening in Camp – Jim Miser

Category 12 -- Poetry Unrhymed Long – 60 Entries1st Honorable Mention – Retiree at the Mall – Jim Miser

Category 6 – SciFi/Fantasy/Horror Novel – 24 Entries

First Place – Unexpected Eden – Rhenna Morgan

2nd Honorable Mention – Children of Light – Laura Popp

Category 14 – Poetry Rhymed Long – 47 Entries

4th Honorable Mention – I Know – Lottie Wilds

Category 15 – Flash Fiction – 69 Entries

First Place – The Wrong House – Sandra Parsons

Third Place – Going Home – Julie Kimmel-Harbaugh

Category 16 – Short Short Story – 61 Entries

Second Place – Click – Carol JohnsonThird Place –Come Die With Me – Donna Welch Jones5th HM – Necessary Things – M. Carolyn Steele

Category 17 – Short Story – 57 Entries

Third Place – Midwife 1836 – M. Carolyn Steele

1st Honorable Mention – The Rally – Nequita Hanna

Category 18 – Young Adult Short Story – 17 Entries

2nd Honorable Mention – Christmas Puppies – Laura Popp

SandraParsonsNo PicAvailable

Category 20 – SciFi/Fantasy/Horror Story – 25 Entries

Second Place – Vegetarian – Gloria Teague

Category 22 – Essay – 39 Entries

Third Place – The Fight for Relevance – Nequita Hanna

Category 27 – Inspirational – 33 Entries

First Place – The Gift of Believing – M. Carolyn Steele

Category 29 – Nostalgia – 41 Entries

First Place – Being Thelma and Louise – Nequita Hanna

1st Honorable Mention – Fingerprints on My Heart – M. Carolyn Steele

It’s fine to celebrate success but it’s more important to heed the lessons of failure. Bill Gates

Book bonanzaIf you are a published author and you’d like to make your books

available to the club, please bring them to the meetings. We have plenty of room to set up a table to display and sell your books before and after the meeting (not during). You’ll need to arrive early enough (around 6:30) to

get set up. You’ll be responsible for providing your own change, and taking down your table. There are plenty of tables available in the closet at the back of the room unless you want to provide your own. All we ask for the benefit of the club is a 15% consignment paid to the club from your book sales. If you don’t already have it, may I suggest you get the PayPal swipe

device for your smartphone? Writers always carry credit cards. Cash seems to elude us.

If you don’t want to set up a table and go through the hassle of setting up and taking it down, just bring a few of your books with you in a bag and

make them available. If nothing else, they will be an inspiration to our unpublished members who are dreaming of ink, or eBook in our modern

publishing world.

Our doubts are traitors and make us lose the good we oft might win by fearing to attempt.

William Shakespeare

"Rich in culture and the arts, the city of Tulsa nurtures artists of all kinds--including writers. SHADES OF TULSA reflects a wealth of topics inspired by the city in short stories, memoirs, and a few poems.

"The professional and aspiring writers in Tulsa NightWriters give readers their view of the life and people of Tulsa. Many of the stories in this collection are written by nationally known writers who live in or near Tulsa and want to celebrate their home.

Written by members of our group, the proceeds from the sale of this book go to support the Tulsa

A REVIEW FOR YOUA number of our authors have received 5-Star reviews of their books. Here are a few. Click on the book covers to order your copy today. If you receive

a review that you’d like to share in the next newsletter, please send it to [email protected].

Linda Trout

Bill Wetterman

A Top Pick for Linda Trout's debut novel, Grave Secrets, from The Romance Reviews.

GRAVE SECRETS is high suspense and high emotion. It is a fast paced suspenseful book and the plot line was smoothly written. An intense story with loving characters, this is a must read for anyone ready for a romantic suspense story.

MADNESS: THE PEACOCK TRILOGY - BOOK 2 by Bill Wetterman has everything fans are looking for: intrigue, adventure, danger, excitement, conflict and romance. A great read!

The front cover is masterfully executed and I believe it would compete with any other book cover on the shelf today. The colors are lovely and certainly appropriate to the title. The model is gorgeous and has just the right expression. The cityscape is awesome, and the peacock feathers worked in -- Wow! Shows up great on Amazon, too. Fantastic, in my view. Works nicely with the first book in the series. Be sure to stick with this artist.

The back cover does not disappoint. Though peacock feathers are still used, I had no problem reading the copy over them. The story is outlined very well. Readers looking for this type of story are sure to investigate inside, whether in person or on Amazon. Nice author photo and bio.

Inside, the font is pleasant and easy to read. I think the author should put the copyright in his name.

The writing moves the story along well with considerable skill. The tone is unflinching, but appropriate to the story. Although the main character is a female, I think men would still enjoy the story. In fact, because of the tone and the fact Peacock is tough herself, I imagine the story might actually find more male than female readers.

All in all, a satisfying read with great elements. Kudos.

*Commentary may be quoted as: “Judge, Writer’s Digest 21st Annual Self-Published Book Awards”

Karen Marie Graham

5.0 out of 5 stars Fantastic first book for the little one's, March 22, 2014

By H.R Specter - See all my reviewsThis review is from: Thank You, God, For Everything: A Nursery Rhyme Picture Book (Kindle Edition)

What a great first book to read to your little one. If you have a keyboard or piano, you can play as you read as the sheet music is included. It could even be the first thing your child learns to play. This book would be a great addition to a toddler Sunday school class as well.

Deborah Camp is MEAN!, April 8, 2014

By Sebella Blue (North Carolina, USA) - See all my reviews

This review is from: Through His Eyes (Mind's Eye) (Kindle Edition)

I decided to review this book because I remembered Deborah Camp from her Harlequin days. I had fond memories of her books, but I hadn’t read anything from Deborah for years. I DO NOT remember anything like Through His Eyes being written for Harlequin. WOW!! Trudy and Levi are a couple of extremely unique and complicated characters. Trudy has her own little quirks, like she drives a huge RV around with her chihuahua, Mouse. She was a fairly balanced woman though, for a woman who receives the thoughts of killers.

Leviticus “Levi” Wolfe, however, is just a whole barrel full of ego, issues, and secrets. I thought I had kinda, sorta figured Levi out until Deborah Camp decided to drop a HUGE bomb on my head at the very end. I gasped and cussed and threw things and called Deborah everything but the “Son of God.” Look at her author’s picture. Go ahead. Does she look evil to you? Ha, don’t be fooled. EVIL!!!

The story behind Levi and Trudy was riveting, scary, complicated and extremely sexual. Lord, have mercy, Levi was quite the Lothario. Once again I do NOT remember this aspect in Deborah’s earlier books. I was surprised and greatly appreciative. This is NOT a Harlequin, this is not anything near a sweet book. This is a very, very adult book. This is also a fantastically written, absolutely nerve wracking, addictive, scream at the characters book. I enjoyed every new gray hair I received from Through His Eyes. I must admit, I have never, ever read anything like it. And I have definitely NEVER run across a character like Levi. I can only imagine that when he first appeared to Deborah, she might have sought professional help. Whew, big bag full of issues.

I recommend this book, I heartily recommend this book, but I will warn you that you are going to get mad, This is in no way an easy book. It is dark, there is humor, and it did make me smile and chuckle. But Levi is going to make you say very, very bad words. I have already threatened to camp out on Deborah’s front yard if she is the least bit slow about getting the second book out. Oh, and there BETTER be a second book. Well done Deborah Camp, but your job is not yet complete. Write woman, write!

 Side Note: The character Quintara in this book is based on Peggy Fielding. Instead of Peggy’s Writer’s Roundtable (of which Deborah was a member for several years) the book features Quintara’s Psychic Roundtable in Tulsa, OK.

Visit Deborah’s




Thank you for your support and for donating signed copies of your published book to this worthy cause. Our basket raised $40 at OWFI and will be used to help sponsor scholarships to OWFI 2015. If you couldn’t afford to attend OWFI this year, consider applying for a scholarship for next year. The process is easy but the funds are limited, so you’ll need to apply as soon as the scholarships are announced later this year.

Many of you have asked about Peggy Fielding and how you can contact her. Here’s the information I have. Peggy is a founding member of Tulsa NightWriters.





Peggy Fielding is in the Southern Hills Nursing Center, 5170 S. Vandalia Ave., Tulsa, OK 74135.... Room 203... I'm sure she'd love receive visitors and would welcome a card....

Click on Peggy’s picture to see her books on Amazon. She is a prolific author that all of us could learn a thing or two from. You may also click here to visit her author page at AWOC.COM.

Our Members have Brags….

Carla Stewart was the featured speaker at the Women’s Spring Luncheon at Tulsa First Baptist Church at noon on April 24. Carla signed copies of her books with part of the proceeds going to benefit The Caring Center of Tulsa. 

Carol Johnson’s short story, “The Trouble with Starlings,” has been accepted by the Red Earth Review and will appear in the journal’s summer issue.

Chuck Sasser’s new book released in April: Hardcover military history: TWO FRONTS, ONE WAR, (Frontline Books, London) "Dramatic eyewitness accounts of major events in the European and Pacific Theaters of Operations on Land, Sea and Air in WWII.

Karen Graham spoke at the University of Arkansas on their Morrilton Campus to the students about being an author and an entrepreneur/opening Books-A-Daisy, LLC. April 4th.

"Excellence is never an accident; it is always the result of high intention, sincere effort, intelligent direction and skillful execution: it represents the wise choice of many alternatives."

Donna Le of Heartland Fountain, LLC, will take part in two presentations at the Pioneer Woman Museum located in Ponca City, Oklahoma. Heartland Fountain, LLC compiled the anthology, “Oklahoma:  The Fountain of the Heartland.”

“Celebrating History-Creating History” is the title of May 17th presentation and “Lessons from the Heartland:  Spotlight on Women” is the title of the June 21st program. Both sessions are two hours and begin at 10:00 a.m.

            Heartland Fountain, LLC is accepting submissions for Volume II.  More information is available at oklahomaheartland.com.  

Linda Trout will participate in an Author Fair at Promenade Mall in Tulsa on Saturday, May 10th. Times are from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. and one lucky buyer at the Fair will win a mall gift certificate.

Lottie Wild’s article titled "Wasted Days and Wasted Nights" was featured on the Arts Page of the Sapulpa Daily Herald April 26 Weekend Edition. The new column is called "From the Writer's Pen," even though it was from the keyboard.

Bill Bernhardt’s four books on writing are available in print and ebook editions: Story Structure, Creating Character, Perfecting Plot and Dynamic Dialogue.  You can get them at Amazon or from his website: http://www.williambernhardt.com/books/

Each month Bill sends a free eNewsletter filled with writing tips and market news for writers.  To be added to the mailing list, sign up here: http://www.williambernhardt.com/writing_instruction/

Want some hands-on one-on-one writing instruction? Consider attending one of Bill’s small group writing seminars in May-July. The current schedule is:

May 22-26, 2014Oklahoma City, OK (Level 1) June 2-June 6, 2014Oklahoma City, OK (Level 2)June 8-12, 2014Oklahoma City, OK (Level 3)June 16-20, 2014 Oklahoma City, OK (Alumni seminar)July 19-23, 2014Oahu, HawaiiJuly 25-27, 2014 (three-day seminar)Maui, Hawaii

Here's a link to more information and registration: http://www.williambernhardt.com/writing_instruction/small_group_seminars.php

William Bernhardtwilliambernhardt.comFB: William Bernhardt Twtr: @wbernhardt

Why not go out on a limb? That’s where the fruit is…..

Mark Twain

Lottie Wilds, PresidentKaren Graham, V-Pres.Bill Wetterman, TreasurerPan Wetterman, HospitalityJim Laughter, Editor

Do you have an idea to strengthen the Tulsa NightWriters? Send any ideas, suggestions, speaker recommendation, etc. by email to the officer of your choice.

Click on this banner to visit the Tulsa NightWriters website.

TNW Officers for 2014

President Lottie Wilds [email protected]

Vice President Karen Marie Graham [email protected] Treasurer Bill Wetterman

[email protected] Pam Wetterman

[email protected] Editor Jim Laughter [email protected]

Your 2014 TNW Office


Schedule of 2014 Meetings

May 20 – OWFI contest winner recognitionJune 17- John Taylor: Blogger & PromoterJuly 15 Cheryl Stinchcomb: Inspiring WomenAugust 19 – Jackie King & the Foxy HensSeptember 16 –PendingOctober 21 – Margaret Daley