build a dinosaur shadow box

88 Paleontologists are people who find and study fossils. They learn about prehistoric creatures that used to live on Earth. Just like dinosaurs, paleontologists come in all shapes and sizes!

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Post on 14-Feb-2017




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Page 1: Build a Dinosaur Shadow Box


Paleontologists are people who fi nd and study fossils.

They learn about prehistoric creatures that used to live on

Earth. Just like dinosaurs, paleontologists come in all

shapes and sizes!

Page 2: Build a Dinosaur Shadow Box

Paleontologist 89

Build a Dinosaur Shadow Box. . . that can create a full dinosaur silhouette from lots of little pieces!

Here’s what you need to know:

Paleontologists usually only fi nd a few parts of a dinosaur – they almost never fi nd a whole

skeleton! So, paleontologists look at animals like birds and reptiles to get a better idea of

what dinosaurs might have looked like. Then they put together the pieces they have and fi ll

in the rest with research and imagination!

. . . that can create a full dinosaur silhouette from lots of little pieces!

Build a Dinosaur Shadow BoxBuild a Dinosaur Shadow Box. . . that can create a full dinosaur silhouette from lots of little pieces!

When paleontologists aren’t

able to fi nd all the fossils

from one individual dinosaur,

sometimes they use fossils

from other dinosaurs. For

example, the Triceratops at

the Natural History Museum

of Los Angeles County has

parts from four different

Triceratops put

together as one!

from one individual dinosaur,

in the rest with research and imagination!

example, the Triceratops at

Each color in this picture shows parts used from 4

different Triceratops! The grey-colored bones are what

paleontologists fi lled in with their research and imagination.

Putting together a dinosaur skeleton is like solving a really

big puzzle with no picture to guide you!

Page 3: Build a Dinosaur Shadow Box


It must be so cool to be a paleontologist!

Paleontologists go all over the world to fi nd fossils – preserved parts of really old plants

and animals that have been turned to stone, which can take millions of years! Once the

fossils are dug out, they go to museums to be cleaned and studied.

Paleontologists don’t only

study extinct animals,

though! To put dinosaur

skeletons together, they

need to understand

animals living today, too!

Birds and reptiles are

likely living relatives of

dinosaurs, and have clues

for paleontologists to

understand how dinosaurs

looked and lived.

looked and lived.

This paleontologist is making a cast of a fossil. Casts copy

the shape and texture of something – for example, if you

press your hand into a lump of clay, you can make

a cast of your hand!

Page 4: Build a Dinosaur Shadow Box

Paleontologist 91

Imagine how dinos might have lived!Think of your favorite dinosaur! Was it fast, slow, big or small? Can you think of an animal

living today that might have moved the same way? Now you’re thinking like a paleontologist!

Here’s an example:

Dimetrodon was a mammal-like reptile, not a dinosaur, even though it might look like one!

Sailfi sh have dorsal sails like Dimetrodon!Dimetrodon might have had a body a lot like an anole lizard, but much bigger!

Draw where and how you think your favorite dino might have lived!

Page 5: Build a Dinosaur Shadow Box


Plan how to build your dino shadow box! List all the materials you plan to use. There’s a few here to get

started. You should look for other things to use, and add them too!





Page 6: Build a Dinosaur Shadow Box

Paleontologist 93

Dinosaur cutouts!You can use a few of these dinosaur pieces for your shadow box! (There are bones for 2

different dinos mixed together here! Choose the pieces you think will fi t together.)

Page 7: Build a Dinosaur Shadow Box


Page 8: Build a Dinosaur Shadow Box

Paleontologist 95

Draw your plan for a dino shadow box design here. Label all the parts so that everyone else can understand your amazing plan!

(If you need help getting started, you can use the dinosaur pieces cutout!)

Page 9: Build a Dinosaur Shadow Box


Start building!If you have trouble getting started, here’s one way to build a dino

shadow box that creates a full dinosaur silhouette:

step 1: Make three boxes that are open on two sides, like square tubes.

step 2: Find your dinosaur! Use the

cutouts, or make your own dino pieces!

Tape each piece onto the middle of a string.

Page 10: Build a Dinosaur Shadow Box

Paleontologist 97

step 3:: Attach the strings to the boxes, so

the dino parts hang inside.

Step 5: Shine a light through the open

side of the box in a dark room. You

should see the shadow of your dinosaur!

Step 5:

step 4:: Start arranging the boxes so they

create a tunnel that you can see all the dino

parts through. You might need to move or turn

some of the boxes so the dino pieces are in

the right spot.

Page 11: Build a Dinosaur Shadow Box


How does it work?Sometimes it takes a few tries to make something work like you want it to! Does

your dino box make the shape of a whole dinosaur? Do you need to use your imagination

to fi ll in any areas of the dinosaur’s body? Take notes here!

Page 12: Build a Dinosaur Shadow Box

Paleontologist 99

Draw or take a picture of the shadow your fi nished dino shadow box makes here!

Page 13: Build a Dinosaur Shadow Box


Put on your thinking cap!Reflect on what you’ve made! What can you change to make it work better? Did you learn

how to do something new? Here’s one question to get you started:

Sometimes dinosaur bones can be hard to recognize! Can you make a dinosaur shadow out of rocks and sticks you fi nd outside? Is it harder to make a dinosaur shadow with these unusual shapes?

Page 14: Build a Dinosaur Shadow Box

Paleontologist 101

Paleontologists can fi nd microfossils, or tiny

fossils, in the rocks and dirt around a bigger fossil.

These are usually bones from smaller animals, piec-

es of plants, or shells. Microfossils can tell us more

about what the environment was like when ancient

animals lived.

Paleontologist 101