build up of double page spread

Firstly I opened Quark Xpress and created a new project I made sure that when I created the new project that it had 3 columns this would then double when 2 pages were put together to make the double page spread.

Upload: alex-mckiernan

Post on 05-Dec-2014




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Page 1: Build up of double page spread

Firstly I opened Quark Xpress and created a new project I made sure that when I created the new project that it had 3 columns this would then double when 2 pages were put together to make the double page spread.

Page 2: Build up of double page spread

To create my double page I had to add two of the 3 column single pages together. When it came to actually writing the article and adding it to the pages it was apparent that the layout I originally chosen wouldn't work with the pictures I had or the size of the article so had to create another page.

Page 3: Build up of double page spread

I then got the image I was using and spread it across all six columns as I had to change it because originally the photo was only meant to cover three of the columns but the image didn't look right.

Page 4: Build up of double page spread

I then had to include the title however I had to add the title in two separate parts as I tried to get the title as large as I could make it and putting the full title in 2 different parts was the only way in achieving this. I added them both in separately so I could stretch the text and make it bigger also so that they would fit on two lines but at the same time be the same size and this was the only way to do it.

Page 5: Build up of double page spread

The second part of the title was then added in another text box and was stretched and changed colour to create the same effect

Page 6: Build up of double page spread

I then added a stand first by using the simple text box and adding the selected text I then changed the colour to make sure it stood out from the background.

Page 7: Build up of double page spread

For the last part of this page I added the article its self and realised that I had to use a bright colour for the first part of the article as like the other text it would not show so chose a bright yellow colour that stood out.

Page 8: Build up of double page spread

I used this to use drop capitals typing in how deep I wanted to drop capital to be.

Page 9: Build up of double page spread

Because of the size of my article and the changes I had made to the layout because of the photo I had to add a page so that the rest of my article would fit onto the page instead of using the intense yellow colour for the text I kept it simple and used the black as the image was blank and also people would probably not be able to read the article if it was the yellow because of the bright background.

Page 10: Build up of double page spread

When I added the text I had to change the settings of the page to make sure that the writing went into all 3 columns, to do this I had to change it so that the computer knew how many columns there were.

Page 11: Build up of double page spread

I then added an image of Take That so that to the readers the image would link in with the text.

Page 12: Build up of double page spread

I then added the name of the magazine and the page number it would have been if it was to be added into an actual magazine