building a fan brand: driving loyalty on social and beyond

© Blue State Digital | Proprietary and Confidential 1 Building a Fan Brand Driving Loyalty on Social and Beyond #SMWLA September 22, 2014

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Building a Fan Brand!Driving Loyalty on Social and Beyond!#SMWLA!September 22, 2014

© Blue State Digital | Proprietary and Confidential

Eat up, drink up, let’s chat.

1. What’s a fan brand?!2. When is it a good idea?!3. How do you do it?!4. Let’s work together.!!





Colin Stewart and Megan Hoelle!Blue State Digital

Building a Fan Brand #SMWLA


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What’s a fan brand?

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Focuses on engagement, not sales!Keeps ’em warm between purchases!!

Is fun on its own merits!Revolves around real people


A fan brand:

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It pays off in lots of ways.Strengthens brand affinity!Reaches new audiences!Generates sales leads!Creates ad opportunities!Collects user-generated content!Sweet Ninja Turtle costumes

Building a Fan Brand #SMWLA

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A good fan brand looks like this…Authenticity!A community of real people…

Passion!celebrating the things they love…

Value!with meaningful experiences…

Fun!and lots of personality.

Building a Fan Brand #SMWLA

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…not this.Remember when Walmart tried to clone MySpace? It didn’t end well.

Building a Fan Brand #SMWLA

And now Fiat is trying really, really hard to be “internetty.” It’s also not working out.

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Ultimately, you have to respect your audience and give them something real.

Building a Fan Brand #SMWLA

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When to create one?

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A few questions to ask yourselfIs there an existing community to tap into?!Is there positive brand sentiment to build on?!Is there a connection to strategic objectives?!Is there fodder for content and experiences?

Building a Fan Brand #SMWLA

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How do you do it?

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Ford Social: Turning fan stories into brand evangelism.


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Ford Social was built to bring fiercely loyal fans together. !And it was another way for Ford to talk about their cars and trucks.


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Fan brands are all about telling stories: !Your brand story, in the voice of those who care about you.


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People submitted their stories and identified with the brand through badges. !We were able to target them based on their interests.


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It wasn’t all about submitting stories…!We engaged with the fans in all kinds of ways.


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Green Bay Packers: Unite fans around the world.

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Ticket sales? Not an issue: every game has been sold out since 1960.!But what are other ways to find revenue?

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So we thought about the fans who couldn’t watch from Lambeau.!How about recruiting bars from all 50 states to be official “Packers Everywhere” bars? Over 2,000 bars to be exact.

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We took what we learned from political campaigns:!We helped fans feel like they were part of something bigger.

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Fans could find their local game-watching spot through the site and app.!We built a community where they could share stories and photos.

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Lots of photos!

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High fives and hollering – happy and invested Packers fans!

Results:240,000 fans signed up!

For the email list alone, and many more engaged

through social.

Results: 750,000

searches!People searched for bars where they could watch

the games.

Results: 2,000 Bars recruited!

One in every state, and more globally, from Quito to


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Let’s work together.

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A quick exercise. (Make sure you stretch.)1) Take a familiar product.!!

2) Answer three questions.!!

3) Come up with a creative concept.!

Building a Fan Brand #SMWLA

{ Is this a good candidate for a fan brand?!Which strategic objectives would it support?!Which social platforms to prioritize?

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Ask us anything.

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