building an html5 video player

<video> <future answer=”maybe”> <darkside unknown=”1”> </video> HTML 5

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Post on 12-May-2015




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Slides from my talk discussing my experience rebuilding a video player I previously developed in Flash. I gave this talk on March 18th, at the Brisbane Web Design Meetup.


Page 1: Building an HTML5 Video Player

<video> <future answer=”maybe”> <darkside unknown=”1”> </video>


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Page 3: Building an HTML5 Video Player

The Flash Player<video> Support<video> FormatsWorkflow Wins!Example

Page 4: Building an HTML5 Video Player

Understand the present stateof <video> and when, why, andhow you’d want to implement the technology.


Page 5: Building an HTML5 Video Player

Flash Player* Closed Format* Powerful* Everyone Has It

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Market Penetration






html5 video penetration:

flash penetration:

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HTML 5* Open/Closed Format* Powerful* Not Ubiquitious

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Works on...Firefox 3.5+Chrome 3.0+Safari 3.1+Opera 10.5+

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and on...iPhoneiPod TouchiPadAndroid OS

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<video>is only going to become moreubiquitious in the future andis already relevant for playingvideo on mobile devices.

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Format Wars

* h.264 (closed)* Ogg Vorbis (open)

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HTML5 Video Supports AnyMedia.It’s the browser that dictateswhich formats are played.

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DiveIntoHTML5for a detailed explanationon the formats that can beutilized in HTML5 and more...

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Workflow WinsHTML 5

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<video width="480" height="380" controls> <source src="trolololololololol.ogv" type='video/ogg; codecs="theora, vorbis"'> <source src="trolololololololol.mp4" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"'></video>

Basic Video Embeduse the browser’s native video controls

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<div id="player"> <video width="480" height="380" class="ecard"> <source src="trolololololololol.ogv" type='video/ogg; codecs="theora, vorbis"'> <source src="trolololololololol.mp4" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"'> </video> <nav class="player_controls"> <a href="#" class="play_button">Play<span></span></a> <a href="#" class="mute_button">Mute<span></span></a> <progress value="0" class="play_progress"> <span></span> </progress> <progress value="0" class="load_progress"> <span></span> </progress> </nav> </div>

Video With Player UI Expressedin HTML Markup

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/* =CONTROLS ------------------------------------------------------ */ .player_controls { bottom: -20px; height: 70px; left: 0; position: absolute; width: 480px; z-index: 10; }

/* =PLAY/MUTE BUTTONS ------------------------------------------------------ */ .player_controls a.play_button { bottom: 0; left: -38px; } .player_controls a.mute_button { bottom: 0; right: -38px; }

CSS to Style Player UI

Page 18: Building an HTML5 Video Player


Javascript to Control Video

this would tell th


first video elem


on your page to

start playing.

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var _MEDIA = $(’#player video.ecard’).get(0);


function togglePlay(e) { if(_MEDIA.paused) {; } else { _MEDIA.pause(); } return false;};function toggleMute(e) { if(_MEDIA.volume > 0) { _MEDIA.volume = 0; } else { _MEDIA.volume = 1; } return false;};

Javascript to Control Videoget the video element...

add some simple event listeners....

if paused play otherwise pause...

if it has volume mute otherwise turn on volume...

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var video = $(’video’).get(0);;video.pause();video.paused; // Returns true if video is; // Returns true if video is over.

video.volume; // Returns volume value (between 0-1)video.volume=0.5; // Sets volume value (between 0-1)

video.currentTime; // Current point of time in the; // Returns the length in seconds.

video.seekable; // Returns true if supports; // Allows you to rewind/fastforward.

<video> methods & attributes

Page 21: Building an HTML5 Video Player

To see all of the <video> methods & attributesbe sure to take a look at the whatwg working draft:

or just use this link:

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Your standardHTML/CSS/JSworkflow handleseverything.

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In Flash we do all of the legwork to build things that are trivial in the DOM.

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Time for anExample

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Video player that loads anddisplays cuepoints and messages from a datasource.

Skip to demo now if possible.

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Flash Implementation<html> js SWF



AS3AS3AS3AS3 Service AssetEvent CoordinatorEvent CuepointEvent LayerEvent MessageQueueEvent PlayerControlEvent WarningEvent src.time Coordinator Cuepoint MessageQueue src.ui Layer LoadingBar Message Layer OffensiveWarning PlayerControls Asset Client

! AS3 Stack has 20 custom classes.

40+ Dev Hours

! Still depends on HTML/JS/CSS

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HTML5 Implementation<html> js css

4 Dev Hours

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Cuepoint Data In Flash<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><card offensive="false" version="2.0" id="1156"> <title>In Your Honor We'll Be Dancing</title> <library> <asset path="media/cards/1156/pickup.flv" duration="50.721" id="1156"/> </library> <timeline> <frame asset="1156"> <cuepoints> <cuepoint duration="3.5" fade="" time="0.3"> <layer type="fill"> <color>#000000</color> </layer> <layer type="message"> <content> <![CDATA[In your honor we'll be dancing...]]> </content> </layer> </cuepoint> <cuepoint duration="20.0" fade="" time="46.0"> <layer type="fill"> <color>#000000</color> </layer> <layer type="message"> <content> <![CDATA[Your personal message here.]]> </content> </layer> </cuepoint> </cuepoints> </frame> </timeline></card>

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Cuepoint Data in HTML5<ol class="cuepoints"> <li id="cuepoint_1" class="cuepoint" data-time="0.3" data-duration="3.5"> <p class="message">In your honor we'll be dancing...</p> </li> <li id="cuepoint_2" class="cuepoint" data-time="46.0" data-duration="20"> <p class="message">Your personal message here.</p> </li></ol>

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Certain things whichmay be complex in Flashare trivial to implementin HTML as the DOMcan do all of the ‘heavy lifting’ for you.

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Both technologies stillhave their purposes. It’simportant not to rallybehind technologies.

Use the right tool for the job be it HTML5 or Flash.

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Be sure to read:The Cold War of The Web

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Do you guys haveany Questions?

the end