building brands for global growth · need it in the future. it is crucial that we keep our supply...

fuelling the local community JET News Views People this issue Building brands for global growth... Andy Viens, President, Global Marketing, takes a look at the key role of marketing in our business Taking it to the MAX An attractive 2 for 1 offer Heltor Skelter Immingham hub-book Jet climbs high Issue 15 Spring/Summer

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Page 1: Building brands for global growth · need it in the future. It is crucial that we keep our supply chain efficient, maintain volume from our key locations and keep our core customer

fuelling the local community

JET News Views People this issue

Buildingbrands forglobalgrowth... Andy Viens, President, Global Marketing, takes a look at the key role of marketing in our business

Taking it to the MAXAn attractive 2 for 1 offerHeltor SkelterImmingham hub-bookJet climbs highIssue 15 Spring/Summer

Page 2: Building brands for global growth · need it in the future. It is crucial that we keep our supply chain efficient, maintain volume from our key locations and keep our core customer

Cover storyGlobal Marketing

Reinvigorating our BrandsSeveral years ago, US Marketing recognized the need tobuild its three fuel brands regionally to capitalize on thelocalized market strength of each brand. The goal of thisprocess was to tap into what consumers knew and lovedabout 76, Conoco and Phillips 66, in order to build brandvalue that would drive volume.

In 2009, the new 76 campaign ‘We’re on the driver’s side’aired in the Portland, Oregon and Seattle Washingtonmarkets. The campaign brought a fresh point of view forthis category and for 76, emphasizing that the most

important thing in the car is the driver, not the fuel. Itattempted to bring fun and personality back to thefuelling experience. Since the launch, customer andconsumer response has been positive. In May 2010, thenew campaign will run for the first time in Los Angeles,California.

The new Conoco campaign work began in 2009 with thefinished product launching May 2010 in Denver,Colorado, Spokane, Washington, Billings, Montana andSpringfield, Missouri. The new campaign seeks to bring aunique angle and a humorous perspective to reinvigoratefocus on the benefits of Conoco gas for the car.

The Phillips 66 re-launch is in the beginning stages and isscheduled for 2011. The current focus has been oncapturing the essence and equity that Phillips 66 hashistorically brought to the table and using that as inputsfor reinvigorating the brand message for the modernconsumer.

Ultimately, we believe each of these efforts to re-establish the brands as market leaders will contribute tolong term brand strength and overall volume growth inthe coming years.

LubricantsA significant focus for Lubricants over the past 18 monthshas been around development, launch and rollout of theproprietary Liquid Titanium® additive in branded heavyduty engine oil. Lubricants identified a market need andoffered customers industry-leading diesel engine oilswith an exclusive additive that provides value, addedperformance and engine protection.

Following extensive research, surveys and vehicular fieldfleet tests in a variety of diesel engine types, Lubricantsrolled out Guardol ECT® and Kendall Super-D XA®, both

Wholesale Marketing plays a key role across the world insecurely placing refinery production, protecting anddeveloping brand value, managing the sale of products,and interfacing with our customers and consumers. So,when asked to write about US Marketing focus areas andchallenges for a UK and Ireland based magazine, my firstthoughts were that the challenges we face in USMarketing are not unique to one part of the world. In ourworldwide marketing organization, we must focus ondeveloping brand strength, responding to externalpressures, being efficient with costs and operating safely,no matter where we are.

Focusing InGrowth is a major focus for US Marketing. As marketshave become over-supplied with products, the strategicvalue of Marketing increases as it creates a reliableplacement option for our refineries. In the last two years,significant strategic reviews have been completed on themajority of our US refineries. These reviews haveresulted in higher integration targets than currently existand are therefore driving significant growth goals forMarketing over the next five years. These growth goalsare a challenge but it’s always more enjoyable to be in abusiness that is growing and US Marketing has thepeople in-place to meet this challenge.

Similarly in Europe, we face a market place that is bothover-supplied and highly competitive. It is imperativethat we continue to leverage our strengths and buildeffective working relationships internally, as well as withour suppliers and customers, to secure placement for

products coming out of our Whitegate andHumber refineries.




Page 3: Building brands for global growth · need it in the future. It is crucial that we keep our supply chain efficient, maintain volume from our key locations and keep our core customer

with Liquid Titanium. Liquid Titanium strongly bonds tometal surfaces at a molecular level, adding an extra layerof protection to further reduce wear on critical engineparts and help extend engine life. Customer productacceptance led to a six percent increase in branded dieselengine oil sales and, in a market where demand hasfallen 8-9 percent, resulted in meaningful market sharegrowth for ConocoPhillips Lubricants. More recently,Lubricants has expanded the proprietary Liquid Titaniumadditive to the Kendall Motor Oil passenger car line,thereby further leveraging the additive to grow marketshare in the automotive segment.

Facing ChallengesIncreased fiscal take, climate change policy uncertainty,additional regulatory burden, fuel specific mandates, andgeopolitical risk are some of the major challenges in thepolitical environment facing our company around theworld. When I look at those challenges from a marketingperspective, many of them have a serious effect on whatwe do and what we will do in the coming years.

Climate Change PoliciesClimate change policies and fuel specific mandates aretwo challenges that will continue to have significantimpact on our business. Strategically responding tomeet renewable product blending obligations, requiredin the United States’ Federal Renewable Fuel Standardand Europe’s Renewable Energy Directive, will be criticalespecially as obligations increase in the coming years.

Hurdles for meeting our obligations will continue toarise, including State-level fuel mandates in the UnitedSates that conflict with our ability to generate off-setting credits. With this high level of externaluncertainty, we must be agile in our response. As weexplore opportunities to increase the percentage ofrenewable products blended into motor fuels, there are amyriad of issues involved in meeting blendingrequirements, including product liability, production andlogistics constraints, as well as customer and consumeracceptance.

Costs Costs continue to be a challenge within DownstreamRefining and Marketing. The margin challenges we faceevery day, and the uncertain economic environment,demand that costs are always highlighted on our radar. Ichallenge each employee to be disciplined with spendingand continuously look for efficiencies within the businessto drive costs down and productivity up. We have beenchallenged in 2010 to bring our costs down and I havethe confidence that we can reach these targets withoutimpairing our other targets of safety, volume andbuilding strong customer relationships.

SafetyKeeping our people safe and able to return to theirfamilies is a challenge and focus that is constantly beforeus. From Lubricants plants, to retail contractors, to officeemployees, the goal is zero injuries. No matter how thechallenges and focus areas change, safety is always thetop priority.

Across all areas of Marketing and in all sectors of theglobe, we need to continuously raise the bar ofperformance to remain competitive. If wefocus on doing the basic things right -operating safely, being disciplined inour cost structure, and deliveringcustomer service that enablesgrowth - we will be better able toeffectively and efficiently meetthe external challenges that weface.

Another ‘bumper’edition of In Touch

rolls off the press, packedwith what’s happening in

the world of Jet andConocoPhillips, which I hope you

find interesting and informative. I’malways keen to know what you think of In

Touch, so please let me have your comments,along with any news and stories we can publish next

time... and have a lovely summer!

Call me on 01926 404967 or email me at [email protected]




g our marketing focus

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As the Aviation world slowly begins to recover from the recession, which has had a significant affect on the industry, hitting itharder than many others, In Touch takes a look at how Jet have not onlymaintained, but strengthened their position in the marketplace with thehelp of Dave Everett, Marketing Manager, Specialty Products.

“As part of a strategic review of our business, which started back in 2008,we have been assessing every aspect of our business to enable us to bedynamically placed to adjust to what our customers need, when theyneed it in the future. It is crucial that we keep our supply chain efficient,maintain volume from our key locations and keep our core customerbase.

Recently, we have moved our focus away from an operational one to amore marketing and supply led position; case in point at Leeds BradfordInternational Airport. We have reduced our asset ownership with theairport themselves taking over the tank farm. With our joint venturepartner, BP, ceasing operations at the airport, we have moved from a jointventure operation to a sole supplier position. Whilst this position isunlikely to continue indefinitely with additional suppliers showinginterest in LBIA, we can be proud of the considerable efforts successfullymade by our customer support group and supply department to keepthe airport operational following Air BP’s departure, and maintainingcontinuity of supply during a very challenged period. During our solesupply tenure, from July 2009 to date, we have not had any outages ofproduct and we have further reacted to some very challengingrequirements around the repatriation of airline customers in response tothe recent volcanic ash cloud scenario.

Our supply chain is crucial to the success of this new operation and we areideally positioned to do so with nearby Misterton and Teesside terminalsoffering robust continuity of supply.

At Newcastle airport, Jet have gained new business from ThomsonAirlines and have also retained our sole supplier status at Teesside andRobin Hood Doncaster Sheffield, as well as adding volume from easyJetat the same airport.

Looking at the Aviation portfolio in general, we continue to marketactively at five core locations: Belfast International, Robin Hood DoncasterSheffield, Teesside, Newcastle and Leeds Bradford International. We arelooking to further develop these relationships to maximise our businessopportunities, as well as taking a strategic look at other locations, someof which we have previously supplied and, due to commercial decisionson either side, have moved away from. At the moment the Aviationindustry is very much a movable feast, with things changing rapidly.Therefore, we must broaden our contacts and foster them so that ifmarket conditions dictate, we have the relationships and ability to movequickly to service any new customers who come to the fold.

I think we find ourselves in a prime position to adapt to further changesin the marketplace with a strong supply chain from our core locations,coupled with a flexible, adaptable outlook tailored to the ongoing needsof our customers.”

Page 5: Building brands for global growth · need it in the future. It is crucial that we keep our supply chain efficient, maintain volume from our key locations and keep our core customer

In Touch talks to Dave Everett, to get an insight into the highs and lows of a challenging year in

the Aviation industry, and how Jet is helping fuel the recovery...



Dave EverettMarketing Manager,

Specialty Products

ConocoPhillips Marine is switching from paper to electronic invoicing on 1 June 2010.

ConocoPhillips has invested heavily in CPNet, our bespoke Extranet service which keeps customers up to date with

ConocoPhillips’ business 24 hours a day and includes many tools designed to make our customers’ administration easier and

faster. As part of CPNet, there is an electronic invoicing solution, giving customers extra flexibility to retrieve, print and

download invoices. Online retrieval of invoices is now widely used by other areas of our business and ‘Marine going paperless’

supports our commitment to achieve this progressive move, which we think benefits ourselves, our

clients and, of course, the environment.

Benefits include:

• Increased speed with which customers can retrieve invoices, typically less than 24 hours after delivery.

• Access to copy marine delivery tickets within 24 hours, via a link from within the relevant invoice.

• Significant cost and time saving across ConocoPhillips relating to printing and administration.

• Positive environmental impact

Marine goes paperless!

Page 6: Building brands for global growth · need it in the future. It is crucial that we keep our supply chain efficient, maintain volume from our key locations and keep our core customer

deals &dealers Taking it to the MAX

Welcome to CrosspoolCrosspool Filling Station on Manchester Road, Crosspool, Sheffield, has recently re-branded as Jet and has already seen a 20 percent increasein custom.

Keith Gratrix, owner of Crosspool Filling Station, chose to make the move to Jet because of its keen pricing strategy and commitment to offeringa friendly and efficient service to its customers.

“As a local business that places great importance on serving the local community, we aim to offer customers the best possible prices for fuel.We regularly check our prices against competitors’ and the move to Jet has allowed us to provide our customers with an even greater value formoney service,” said Keith.

As well as a newly-branded forecourt, Crosspool also has a modern shop plus vacuum, gas and air facilities. In addition, it is also offeringJetCard to business customers, an ideal tool to help them take control of their fuel costs.

knowledgeable about the products’ usage. There’s a clearhierarchy of product performance and each product’sattributes are clearly and concisely presented.

Sharon Morrow of Retail Services comments: “Today’s vehicles are demanding engine oils that need towork a lot harder for much longer in their modern, high techengines. JetMax currently consists of four different productsthat covers in excess of 70 percent of the lubricantrequirements for modern day vehicles and we continue towork closely with our new supplier, enabling us to reassessthe existing range to develop offerings that will add value forits customers. Having seen the really positive response fromdealers when we previewed the new range, we couldn’t waitto get JetMax to our forecourts.”

Engine oils from Jet comprise JetMax 15W40, JetMax Plus10W40, JetMax Plus Diesel 10W40 and the latest addition -JetMax Pro 5W30, which is designed for the more highperformance vehicles, in particular Ford. And there areplans ‘afoot’ to extend the range with a 5W40 and otherhigh performance engine oils.

Jet recently re-launched its engine oils as the JetMax range,which is designed to easily clarify their performance andapplications to help drivers choose the right product. As

well as giving the range a fresh look, Jet introduced a newproduct – JetMax Pro 5W30 - and replaced the existingfour litre bottle with five litres, at no extra cost to theconsumer.

Having taken the decision to switch lubricant suppliers,it was a natural move for Jet to revise the existingrange in order to be innovative and keep pace with anever-evolving industry. The vibrant and eye-catchingpackaging has been designed to make the productsnot only stand out on the shelf and from thecompetition, but also enable drivers to quickly pickout the right product.

Within the first few months of the launch, there has been asignificant increase in the number of sites stocking Jetlubricants, which is a great endorsement of the new rangeand we are looking forward to seeing JetMax sales soar!JetMax is supported by a range of point of sale tools andinformative literature to ensure staff and consumers are



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Four Aces in Wardley and Marske Services in Marske-by-the-Sea, part of the Topspot group, have chosen Jet as theirnew fuel supplier. Both garages have been an integral part of the local community, fuelling their needs for overhalf a century. The garages recently revealed their distinctive new look and have already seen an increase infootfall.

Barry Eastham, Director, chose Jet because of its competitive prices, the strong emphasis it places on deliveringfriendly, local service and the support it offers to all its sites. As well as bright, newly branded forecourts, FourAces and Marske also have well-stocked convenience stores, jet washes and sell bottled gas. In addition, theyare also offering JetCard to business customers, an ideal tool to help them take control of their fuel costs.

“As a business that places great importance on serving the local community, we were particularly drawn toJet’s community-centric ethos and low pricing strategy,” explained Barry Eastham. “We are delighted withthe new forecourt and from the feedback we have had so far, so are our customers.”

Bridgehouse’s new store’s a ‘knock-out’

Local boxer and former World Boxing Organisation (WBO)Cruiserweight World Champion, Johnny Nelson, helped Jet garage,Bridgehouse Service Station on Renishaw Hill, celebrate theopening of its new convenience store on Tuesday, 20 April.

The forecourt shop re-opened its doors following extensiveexpansion, quadrupling the shop size from 250 to 1,000 square feetand providing the local community with a much wider selection ofessential products and services.

To help celebrate the new shop launch, Johnny Nelson'cut the ribbon’ at 9.30am at Bridgehouse,

along with service station owners,Karon and Pete Swinden.

The new shop at Bridgehouse now offers a ‘bake & bite’ in-storebakery and an off-licence. The Service Station also offers an MOTtesting bay, which is part of the Good Garage Scheme, a registereddirectory of trusted local independent garages for car servicing.

Karon Swinden, Bridgehouse owner, said: “We are very excitedabout the new shop and facilities. With the large amount ofpassing trade we receive from motorists on the M1, we are oftenasked about services that we previously could not offer when wehad just the small kiosk shop. Now we are fully equipped to providea full range of general supplies and motoring services to both thelocal community and passing trade. From the reaction we’ve had sofar, it seems that our customers are as thrilled as we are.”

Jet’s moving to ‘topspot’...or should we

say Topspot is moving to Jet!

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Service, StandaThe top six sites hadalready submitted theirindividual accounts ofwhy they deserved tobe the overall winner.Geoff Patching, RetailSales Manager,expressed Jet’s thanksto everyone for their

total dedication in strivingfor excellence in theirindividual businesses andfor always going the extramile, reiterating the factthat “everyone here is awinner!”

The judging was extremely close but the accolade was awardedto Woolmer Service Station for their passionate, committed andprofessional approach to customer service and standards.

Due to the exceptionally high standard of entries, specialrecognition was also given to Prospect Garage who werepresented with a ‘Highly Commended’ award for theiroutstanding results.

Of course, we hope to see further improved standards and servicewith the introduction of the 2010 programme, this space!

Congratulations to everyone who participated in last year’s Aim Hiprogramme. The year ended with a high number of sites receivingvouchers in recognition of their continued commitment andenthusiasm to the programme over the 12-month period, helpingto raise standards and service across the network.

The Aim Hi Winners competition took place in February at theWelcombe Hotel in Stratford-upon-Avon. The six regional winnerswere invited to attend a celebratory dinner to receive theirindividual awards. They were:

• Woolmer Service Station• Prospect Garage• Springbank Service Station• Brobot - Waddington Service Station• MRH Country • Four Cross Garage

2009 aim hi awards

Above:NATIONAL WINNERDave & Jackie Auger(Woolmer ServiceStation) with StefanWulkan (Manager - UK& Ireland Marketing)and Geoff Patching(Retail Sales Manager)

Middle:HIGHLY COMMENDEDSuleman Patel & Naeem Pathan (Prospect Garage)

Aim Hi Regional Winners with

Patrick Hudson (Marketing Manager - Retail)

deals &dealers


To celebrate the last day of term before the Easter break, St Teresa’sCatholic Primary School in Rochford held an Easter Egg hunt for allof its pupils with 200 chocolate eggs as prizes, donated by Jetgarage, Starthill Service Station on Ashingdon Road.

The event, which was held on Wednesday, 31 March, was organisedwith the help of FOSTs, Friends of St Teresa’s group. Sue Childs, chairof St Teresa’s Parent Teacher Association, said: “The Easter Egg huntwas a lovely treat for the children and a great way to end the termbefore the Easter holidays. We are very grateful for the eggs that

have been donated; it shows a great sense of community spirit.”The children were given the task of finding silver star shapesaround the school and received an egg for the stars they found; afun-filled way to end the term.

Siva Kumarasamy, owner of Starthill Service Station, said: “Wedonated eggs to St Teresa’s School last year and wanted to helpagain this year to get the school holiday off to a good start. Beinga local garage, we like to be involved in projects such as this andhelp where we can.”

‘Starthill’ fuels St Teresa’s School’s Easter Egg Hunt

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rds and Success!



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Glendale Service Station, on Croft Road, Nuneaton, celebrated its recent refurbishment with an ‘Open Day’ on27 March, giving customers the chance to win £100 worth of free fuel. The site has recently undergone anextensive expansion, turning its small kiosk into a large forecourt shop which provides the local communitywith a vast selection of essential products. The garage also now sells alcoholic beverages.

To help celebrate the new shop launch, Glendale, established in 1985, held a prize draw on the Open Daywhich gave customers the chance to sample the new extensive range of goods on offer. Suppliers, includingMars and Kerry Foods, were also involved and on-site, providing free samples to customers. Another ofGlendale’s suppliers held a draw on-site, with the chance to win laptop bags and accessories.

Jane Whistler, Cornwall Garage Group’s shops manager, said: “We’ve been serving the local communityhere in Nuneaton for twenty five years now and we’re very mindful of how many people rely on us - notjust for fuel but also for general supplies. The open day allowed our customers to sample some of the newproducts we now have available and gave us the chance to thank them for their loyalty. The old shop waslimited in terms of space so we felt it was time for a revamp. From the reaction we’ve had so far, it seems that ourcustomers are as thrilled as we are. We are delighted with the improvements to the site; the forecourt shop can now take on a greater role andoffer a wider selection of essentials. We hope our improved offering not only meets, but goes on to exceed, our customers’ expectations.”

Excellent standards and service are vital to guarantee a satisfying customerexperience and keep ahead of the competition. It is our goal to achieve this acrossthe network as a mark of the Jet brand and the 2010 programme has been designedto build on the high standards already in place and challenge new areas of focus.

£100 Free Fuel winner

£100 free fuel winner, Dave Percival receives his chequefrom Sue Boulton.

This year sees a change to the existing Aim Hi Standards andService programme. Aim4Success began on 1 March 2010 andconsists of four key elements.

Standards and Service focuses on brand assessment with anappraisal of the forecourt area infrastructure such as pumps,canopy and pole sign; coupled with the shop, staff appearance,safety and customer communication.Another important element of thissection is ensuring that Point ofSale is current and properlydisplayed.

Safety is paramount in the running of ourbusiness and for all Jet Dealers. As inprevious years, sites will be scored onvarious safety criteria including audits, riskassessments, site defects and thecompletion of contractor audits to ensurehigh standards of Health and Safety areconstantly maintained.

The Jet Retail Detail Training programme continues this year,with a variety of modules to be completed on CPNet. In additionto sites earning points towards their overall score, individual staffwill also have the opportunity to receive vouchers by being thefirst to complete the training in each of the Regional areas.

After the success stories of 2009, PR has become part of theAim4Success programme. Each site will be expected to show atleast one example of PR activity this year, such as a press release

or press cutting for published stories. Our PR company, Prova, willbe available for advice and assistance and Dealers can also makeuse of the PR toolbox facility that is available via CPNet.

There are rewards for every Dealer meeting the points criteria, aswell as Regional awards and an overall winner’s prize. Inaddition, higher levels of standards and service have been shownto improve the customer experience, boost sales and increasestaff motivation.

Such a positive outcome can only be good news for Jet, itsDealers and our customers.

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Jo Barlow, Brand Coordinator, talks to In Touch about anexciting new partnership which is bound to be attractive tofamilies in the lead up to the summer school holidays...

“Being part of the local community is extremely importantto everyone at Jet and, as such, we wanted to reach out tothose people by offering something that would appeal andbe accessible to Jet customers, their families and friends.

Jet have teamed up with Merlin Entertainments, theexciting visitor attractions company which, with 62attractions, is the clear leader in family entertainmentthroughout the UK and Europe and second only to Disneyworldwide. Merlin and its 22 top UK attractions were theobvious choice for us when we decided to offer somethingspecial to our customers this year. Memorable experiences,visitor satisfaction and the highest levels of both customerservice and Health & Safety standards, put them at theforefront of the leisure industry. The geographical spread ofits theme parks perfectly matches our UK service stationnetwork.

The offer is a very simple one – every time you spend £20or more on fuel at any of our participating service stations,

you will receive four ‘2 for 1’ entry vouchers to some of themost popular family days out in the UK. The offer will berolled out in May and June and will be valid at most of theattractions until the end of the year.”

We hope the choice and variety of many well knownattractions will appeal to everyone...

Join the crew at LEGOLAND® Windsor as they set up camp inPirates Landing - another new land for 2010! Try out yourswashbuckling, seafaring skills at the Pirate Training Campbefore climbing aboard the new swinging LEGO galleon, theJolly Rocker – the first ever pirate ship in any LEGOLANDpark!

Experience TH13TEEN, the ultimate new rollercoaster at theAlton Towers Resort and ride into the unknown on theworld’s first free fall drop coaster. Home to the UK’s favouritetheme park, with fantastic thrill rides and family attractions,the Alton Towers Resort offers unlimited fun for kids of allages, families and thrill seekers.

Step inside the UK’s first LEGOLAND® Discovery Centre inManchester and it's like you have just jumped into the

An ‘attract

Jet have teamed up with Merlin Entertainments offering 2 for 1

entry into the UK’s top attractions.

deals &dealers

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biggest box of LEGO® bricks ever; offering fun and highlyinteractive and educational experiences for children 3-12years old.

Take a magical journey beneath the waves with SEA LIFEand discover spectacular displays from touch pools towalkthrough underwater tunnels provide breathtaking,close encounters with everything from humble shrimpsand starfish to seahorses, sharks and rays. SEA LIFE centresare located in Birmingham, Blackpool, Brighton, GreatYarmouth, Loch Lomond, Scarborough and Weymouth;with SEA LIFE Seal Sanctuaries located in Hunstanton,Oban and Gweek.

As the nation’s Thrill Capital, THORPE PARK is the ‘must do’destination for adrenaline junkies! New for 2010,experience SAW Alive, the world’s most extreme horrormaze. Come face to face with live actors in six traps,depicting the most blood-curdling scenes from the iconicSAW movies before braving the world’s most terrifyingrollercoaster, SAW – The Ride.

Explore Chessington: it’s a whole world of Wild Adventuresall in one place. Be one of the first to discover the ancientruins of Wild Asia, a new and mythical land. With excitingrides and rollercoasters, Zoo, SEA LIFE centre and hotel,Chessington World of Adventures really is Britain’s WildestAdventure!

The Dungeons – in London, Edinburgh and York - invite youto delve into Europe’s most blood-curdling history. Liveactors, rides, shows and special effects transport you backto those black, bleak times...are you brave enough?

Imagine a totally electrifying, full day out at Warwick Castle,where you can immerse yourself in a thousand years ofjaw-dropping history, come rain or shine, with the Castle’syear-round programme of interactive entertainmentincluding Fighting Knights, Fairytale Princesses, thrillingjousting tournaments and breathtaking birds of prey.

Great fun, great themed attractions, and great value!

LEGO, the LEGO logo and LEGOLAND are trademarks of the LEGO Group. © 2010 The LEGO Group

tive’ offer...

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Buy local,

Sell localBrian Weedon, owner of Hopcrofts Holt in Steeple Ashton, rural Oxfordshire, sees sales soar following hisshop refurbishment and explains why he thinks‘local is best’!

“We have seen a 25 percent increase in customer footfallfollowing the rebrand of our forecourt shop. The newstore, with its new layout, offers a wider selection ofproducts, as well as more special offers.

As one of only a small number of local shops in the area,we know that having the right types of products therural community requires is a vital element in running a successful business. It’s all about knowing your customers - we alwaystry to stock produce from nearby businesses. Our food-to-go lines, such as sandwiches, pies, pasties and cakes, are all sourced locallyand our bread comes from the bakery in nearby Kidlington. As part of our off licence offering, we stock a selection from Oxford Fine Wines,who supply to the Oxford colleges. Although generally they are a little more expensive, their wines are ideal for special occasions...andmost importantly of all, we like using them. One of our best sellers is wood and coal, of which we can sell a tonne of coal and 100 bags oflogs a week during the winter, again sourced locally. This local supply chain is a really important part of our offering.

Local village shops are on the decline, so we play a crucial role in meeting our customers’ needs.That is why we were particularly drawn to Jet’s community-centric ethos. We are delighted withthe new shop and from the feedback we have had so far, so are our customers.”

It doesn’t stop there, as Brian’s long-term plans areto knock down the existing buildings and re-develop the whole site, including furtherexpansion of the shop and forecourt. With thenearest supermarket about seven miles away, he isconfident there is a real opportunity for the future,as he intends to further his offering to his loyal,regular clientele from the surrounding villages.Above: The site back in 1926.

Right: Hopcroft Holt ServiceStation in 1980Top: how the Jet livery standsout today.



One of Jet’s longest standing Dealers invests in an extensive site redevelopment...

The Manchett family has owned the Manchetts Budgens ofBurwell site since 1961 and has been a Jet Dealer since then,making them one of Jet’s longest-standing Dealers. Since itslaunch in 1961, three generations of the Manchetts familyhave made the group of companies what it is today – asuccessful business that encompasses all areasof the motor trade, including an MOT Centre, CarWorkshop, Commercial Workshop and other‘motor businesses’ in the locality.

The entrepreneurial family undertookdetailed research prior to choosing

a new partner for their newshop, to complement their

successful Jet forecourtbusiness.

The Jet brand resplendent atthe redeveloped Manchetts site

Meet the

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The Jet brand standsproud in the pressThe Jet brand is always looking to recruit new Dealers to its fold and this year’smarketing focus is entitled 'Yesterday, today, tomorrow...' The rationale behind theheadline for the advertising campaign, featured in the trade press, is to explain topotential Dealers that Jet has a long and proud 'Dealer driven' history for over halfa century. Today, behind the Jet brand, is the Humber Refinery, offering one of themost secure supply networks available in today's marketplace, showing we havethe infrastructure in place to offer the very best in customer support. Finally, thereinforcement that Jet are here for the long-term, 'fuelling the localcommunity', now and into the future.



Investment in the futureOver a period of six weeks in February and March this year, theBurwell forecourt site was developed and the car showroomredeveloped into a new state-of-the-art 2,345 sq.ft. conveniencestore. The Budgens store development team then refitted thestore to the highest standards.

Brand new Tokheim 500 pumps wereinstalled and super unleaded added tothe range. New tanks, lines and a newcanopy were also fitted.

The existing workshops wererefurbished and a new service receptionadded.

From a retail perspective, the carefullyconsidered store layout carries alcohol, food-to-go, greetings cards, newspapers/magazines andfresh/chilled foods; new to the forecourt’scustomer offering.

As soon as you walk through the entrance of thenew store, the aroma of hot foods entices thetaste buds, with the ‘Good to Go’ range, alongwith fresh coffee, both highly visible. There is anarea dedicated to fresh food; some 14 metres offresh-food chillers draw customers to thebakery section at the back of the store wherethere is a dedicated freshly baked bread counterand morning goods.

The off-licence section looks like a ‘store-within-a-store’; the atmosphere being created by distinctwooden flooring and specialist lighting. Customers can choosefrom a comprehensive range of chilled and ambient wines,beers and ciders. The Manchetts have already teamed up withtwo local food suppliers – a local sausage company calledPowter and a sandwich/baguette supplier, with plans in placeto increase the number of local suppliers in the future.

The launch day for the new store took place on 5March 2010. On the day, Manchetts invited alocal award-winning school choir to perform atthe front of the store. To encourage customers toattend, postcards with information on the newstore were

delivered to local residents, a Facebook page waslaunched to keep customers informed and advertising wasplaced in the village magazine.

The launch day was a great success with more than 100customers joining the Manchetts team to celebrate. A team of17 staff are now employed at the Manchetts Budgens ofBurwell store, all of whom were recruited from the local area.Just weeks after opening, the initial anticipated turnover hasalready been surpassed and fuel sales have also increasedconsiderably.

Robert Manchett, Director, comments: “Entering into theconvenience retail sector fitted in with the dynamics of thebusiness and complemented our successful forecourt business.We are an enthusiastic family and are keen to develop ourbusiness in the future. We believe our entrepreneurial spiritwill ensure that our business continues to go from strength tostrength in the years ahead.”

Children from the local schoolchoir cut the ribbon

New tanks and linesmean state-of-the-art fuel drawing.


Page 14: Building brands for global growth · need it in the future. It is crucial that we keep our supply chain efficient, maintain volume from our key locations and keep our core customer

Heltor’s depots score a double atprestigious fuel distributor awards


intouc h

Jet branded West Country fuel distributor, Heltor Limited, hasscooped a prestigious award from the Federation of PetroleumSuppliers (FPS) – and in doing so has also made history.

Heltor is a family-owned business with three depots acrossDevon and Cornwall, delivering fuel oil to homes andbusinesses. Their depots are inspected every three years by theFederation of Petroleum Suppliers, as part of the nationally-recognised Depot Certification Scheme and only the top depotsget a Gold or Platinum certification and are eligible for theDepot of the Year Award.

This year, two of Heltor’s depots achieved the top Platinumcertification. Heltor’s Newton Abbot depot has won first prize inthe Depot of the Year Awards, while the firm’s St Austell depotcame a close second.

“We’re thrilled thatour depots took firstand second place inthe awards,”commented PaulKingdon, managingdirector of thecompany. “Achievingthis double victory incompetition withdepots across thecountry, is a testamentto the hard work and

dedication to service that our staffprovide.

“We’re still very much a familybusiness and our customersappreciate the traditional valuesthat shine through in ouroperations.” The FPS inspection isrigorous, and comprises an auditof compliance with existing

legislation, health and safety issuesand environmental measures to ensure a safe and professionaloperation for staff, customer and the public.

Vanessa Cook, Marketing & Events Manager at the FPS,commented: “This is the first time in the history of the Depot ofthe Year Awards that one company has won first and second place.

This is quite an achievement for Heltor and it demonstrates thatthe two depots in question have not only performed top amongsimilar depots, but have also scored between 90 and 100percent in our certification audits.” The awards were presentedat the FPS 2010 Awards Dinner in Harrogate on 22 April, where

Paul Kingdon and Charlie Kingdon from Heltor were present tocollect the awards from Andrew Dear, representative for awardsponsors, QBE Insurance.

Heltor’s ‘skelter’ ride continues as we are pleased to announcethat Heltor have re-signed as a Jet Authorised Distributor foranother contract period. Linda Kingdon tells us why theysigned up again... “We are a family business and take greatpride in the care and attention we give to everything we do andhow that relates to us giving great customer service.

“What I like about Jet is that they give us a personal service andshare our mindset, even though they are a global company. Youdeal with ‘real’ people who care, who are answerable and whoare always on the end of a phone if you need them. It’s all abouthelping each other! Continuity of supply is excellent; you could

even call it ‘supply on demand’ over the last couple of coldwinters, enabling us to meet our clients’ needs.

We have always had a great relationship with our RegionalManager, Mike George, who has recently retired, but we arereally pleased with Jet’s appointment of our ‘new man’, PaulCarey, who we have known for some time too and we lookforward to a long and prosperous relationship together.”

Heltor Skelter

Wholesale news

Jet’s Paul Carey pictured with Heltor’s Managing Director, Paul Kingdon.

Paul Kingdon (top) and sonCharlie collect their awards fromAndrew Dear at the FPS dinner

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Alasdair Moores secures doublesigning for the next five years

With World Cup fever about to descend on the country, Jet are pleased to announce two importantsignings of their own, as Hall Bros. (Fuels) Ltd and Barton Petroleum are to re-sign to the ‘yellow

and blue’ Jet brand for another contract period.

Firstly, In Touch talks to Joe Clarkson-Hall at Hall Bros. (Fuels) Ltd, to see why he’s put pen topaper again...” Firstly, a little about who we are and what we do. We are a family run fueloil and lubricants distributor based in Bridlington, East Yorkshire. We supply to domestic,agricultural and commercial customers across Yorkshire from our depots at Bridlington

and York. Local demand for fuel oils has allowed us to steadily grow and diversify our rangeof products and services as well as our customer base.

"Why Jet? Other than a competitive price, security and reliability of supply are the main thingsthat we need from a supplier. Over the last decade, Jet has shown us that they can consistently

provide the support we need in all of these areas, which allows us to concentrate on growingour business.

People are also an important factor and we know that we can depend upon Alasdair Mooresand Pete George to look after us. When there are occasional problems, as there always will be,

Alasdair and Pete make sure they are rectified quickly and effectively. That support is invaluable.

So, when we compared the service that Jet have consistently delivered year after year, to what we know is available elsewhere, it really wasa no-brainer. That is why we are delighted to have extended the relationship for another five years."

Barton Petroleum...Richard Burton, Managing Director talks to us about why he is all set to re-sign with Jet...

“At the time of writing this, the ink is not quite dry on our new contract; however, it’s a ‘done deal’. We have been Authorised Jet Distributorsfor three years now and are looking forward to continuing to grow that relationship. Why? In my opinion, Jet represents the best all roundAuthorised Distributor package ‘out there’. We get an excellent delivery service and the after sales package is second to none.

We like the Jet people, who are all easy to get on with (even Alasdair!), and they offer us a very professional support service. I also like theJet image, which is bright and modern and, together with their marketing assistance and help with tanker liveries, I don’t think we could beatthe overall package we get with Jet.

There is no doubt it has been a tough couple of years for all fuel distributors but I’m looking forward to our two companies going forwardtogether for the mutual benefit of both businesses and really feel that together, we are perfectly placed to be in prime position for ‘theupturn’.”

...come on you yellow and blues!

L to R: Jon Lovesay, RichardBurton and Jet’s Alasdair Moores

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Wholesale news


With the recent press regarding the fragility of the ‘oil industry’, refineries up forsale or closing and the general ‘doom and gloom’ within the UK market,ConocoPhillips is continuing to invest in infrastructure and their supply chain for thelong-term.

Pete George, Marketing Manager, Wholesale, gives us an insight into why he thinksConocoPhillips is in a prime position to forge ahead, even during uncertain times...

“I have to admit that this is one of the strangest times I’ve known during a long timein the industry. Who would have thought that some of the major players in the UKinland supply market would either have no refinery or have their refineries up for sale?

Our success is undoubtedly a result of the strengths of our Humber Refinery. Its point of difference is, as a petroleum coking refinerydesigned to supply the steel and aluminium industries, it is not solely reliant on the gasoline and distillates market place to be successful.Also, its flexibility means that we can go to the ‘market’ with the right deals for our customers at the right margin for ourselves. TheHumber Refinery is unique and we must ensure that we continue to utilise its strengths in our UK marketing operations.

Our dedicated team is the other major contributing factor in our continued success. Our Authorised Distributors and Resellers like the‘local’ contact with our Regional Managers - Paul Carey, Bruce Mackie, Alasdair Moores, Guy Pulham covering the UK and Paul Barringtonlooking after business development in Ireland. Our clients like the fact that they can ‘draw’ from numerous locations, geographicallyspread throughout the country. Reliability and consistency are key factors in our ability to meet our customers’ requirements.

National Accounts, based in Warwick, headed by Emma McKim, with the help of Karen Watkins and Nicky O’Neill, ensure we develop highvolume opportunities with larger clients. Recently, Emma McKim headed the team that has concluded successful contract negotiationswith three major supermarket chains. “Going forward, we need to develop opportunities, be flexible and maintain our customer focus toensure we keep our momentum up,” concludes Pete.

GB Oils are the UK’s largest independent reseller of fuels and lubricants in the commercial, industrial, agricultural, domestic and retailforecourt sectors; currently trading under 44 ‘household named’ fuel brands. The scale of the GB Oils business is measured in billions oflitres of fuel supplied annually, with continuing expansion planned for the future.

ConocoPhillips is delighted to have agreed a long-term supply deal with GB Oils from its core locations - Immingham, Kingsbury,Bramhall and the Jetty via Associated Petroleum Terminals (APT) to feed GB Oils’ Scottish locations. Such a deal secures volumes forConocoPhillips through its key locations and is testament to the strong and growing relationship between the two companies.

Paul Vian, Managing Director, GB oils, commented: “As GB Oils continues to focus on developing its Oil Distribution business in Britain, itis equally essential to ensure that long term supply positions are in place to support this growth strategy. To that end, we are delightedto have agreed a new long term supply contract with ConocoPhillips that underpins both companies’ commitment to this market placefor many years to come.

Above: The ConocoPhillips‘Wholesale Team’

Pictured at the recentFPS exhibition (left toright): GB Oils -Jonathan Stewart,Finance Director, Paul Vian, ManagingDirector and Karen McBride,Supplies Manager;ConocoPhillips - Pete George, MarketingManager, Wholesaleand Emma McKim,National AccountsManager


No thanks...we’re doing quitenicely!

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It’s no long-haul to safety

Driver safetyevening back bypopular demand On Tuesday, 26 January, Jet garage, Cooper Brothers in Newmains,opened its doors for an evening of personal safety advice and basictraining for the lone motorist, in conjunction with Strathclyde Police.The evening was free for participants and helped drivers to betterunderstand basic car mechanics, including how to undertake oil andtyre checks, as well as explanations behind sometimes complexequipment, such as locking wheel nuts.

Presentations on personal safety for the lone motorist were given bythe crime reduction team from Wishaw Police Office. The evening tookplace at Cooper Brothers’ MOT workshop next to the Jet garage.

Garry Gibson of Cooper Brothers was excited about the event andcommented: “As a business, we feel we have an important role to playin the local community and we hope we are delivering on that byhelping lone motorists to feel that bit safer when out and about. Our

expert mechanics are always on hand tooffer advice and are keen to make sureour customers feel they can pop in andgain an impartial view on safety andmechanical issues.”

A spokespersonfor Strathclyde Police said: “Any event that iscommitted to improving the safety of the motorist is to be welcomedand the Cooper Brothers’ initiative is no exception. The events arealways enjoyable yet educational.” From Jet’s perspective, TonyConway, Marketing Manager, Strategy and Business Improvement,agreed and noted: “The Cooper Brothers’ initiative is an extremelypositive one and we’re delighted to support it. It fits in very much withour philosophy of supporting road safety projects in the community.”

Health &Safety


Wincanton, one of Jet’s hauliers, places paramount importance on safety in everything it does and as such was pleased to takepart in World Day for Safety and Health at work. This is an annual event introduced in April 2003 by the International LabourOrganisation (ILO). It is based on the principle that Decent work must be Safe work and the purpose is to create worldwideawareness of the dimensions and consequences of work-related

incidents and diseases and take the opportunity in stressing theprevention of accidents and illnesses at work.

The Health and Safety Executive (HSE) is fully supportive of the ILO's promotion of this daywhich is recognised with events taking place around the world to raise awareness. Aspokesperson for Wincanton commented, “We have positively engaged in recognising andsupporting this annual event with the engagement of employees through Safety briefingsand Safety bulletins issued nationally and the visual impact of the T-shirts.”

HSE performance...if we don’t measure it, we can’t manage it! During2010, ConocoPhillips has set some ambitious initiatives in place and, withcareful analysis of the metrics and any trends that develop, we can helpchange how some things are done to reach more ambitious targets.

For example, site defects - we have encouraged delivery drivers to identifyand report any defects found at delivery points. The new 45 day target forfixing problems identified is a big ask from 2009’s target of 60 days fromthe end of the month in which the problem was raised. Progress iscommendable so far as the situation is a ‘win-win’ one with drivers feelingthey can really make a difference, whilst we are removing accident risksfrom the dealer network much faster, which has a positive effect all round.

Transport contractor slow speed manoeuvring accidents is a new focusarea for 2010, and after a poor start to the year performance in this area isimproving and reflects the focus placed. We are also looking at CustomerRisk categorisation, as we are aware that some of our ‘delivered’ customersare more likely to experience incidents than others, by definition of theirsite infrastructure. Such incidents can include injuries or spills and we areworking to identify the factors, to both retail and wholesale customers, sowe can work with higher risk sites to reduce their risk.

The IPC office move of key staff from the terminal tothe new Newton building passed without incidentand results in a more pleasant workingenvironment away from the terminal. After a slowstart to the year, Safety Observations are increasing.This is particularly pleasing as we purposely set noindividual targets in this area to test the level ofengagement in HSE.

Finally, the often overlooked ‘H’ of HSE, Health... ourHealth Challenge commenced in February with avirtual goal of seeing which team travels the most kilometres across theworld, with one point, or virtual kilometre, being awarded for every fiveminutes of aerobic exercise.

Manage it!

Measure it...


h &


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Hubfeature Immingham

Buy it NowSearch for profiles of the people who work in the Immingham hub and what they do

Stuart Cufflin, Regional Manager, Customer Support makes a‘hubba-hubba’ about the Immingham team...

“Customer Support at Humber has a close proximity to our refining colleagues but has a strongmarketing focus and characteristics. Our partnership with our Warwick colleagues allows us to delivera seamless service to our customers as the whole process from customer account set up, through ordertaking, deliveries and reconciliation, to final invoicing, uses the same technology and follows the sameprocesses at both locations.

Our day staff are now based at the new Newton building, directly opposite Humber Refinery. Allsupport services and administration staff are based here as part of the ConocoPhillips on-going driveto safety, as all staff not directly involved in production at the refinery have moved into what is not onlya safer, but better working environment away from the refining site.

We have only been in residence for a couple of months but everyone loves our new home! The buildingis superb offering great facilities including a canteen, gym, excellent ‘break-out’ areas and the wholeplace feels more professional which is particularly important when our customers visit.

Warwick and Immingham are very much one team, pulling together for our customers’ benefit.Indeed, the only slight difference is the extended hours Immingham offers from its IPC base nearby, aswe are always available for customer’s enquiries whenever deliveries are being made; early, late,Saturdays and Sundays, we are there ensuring there is not only a point of contact for our Dealers, butcontinuity of supply, ensuring everything runs smoothly. Where there may be problems to solve, theout of hours shift team are empowered to make decisions, which can be challenging with a lot ofexperience required to make the right call.

Rachel ReevesI have worked in Sales and Support here at the Immingham hubfor two years, but have been in the fuel business most of myworking life, having worked for a fuel distribution company forthe last 18 years. I particularly enjoy my current role as I get totalk to a wide spectrum of customers with varied requirementswhich is demanding at times, but always rewarding! Out of work,I enjoy going out with friends and socialising, particularly goingto the cinema. I also like to keep busy at home refurbishing myhouse, although my on-going (two year) bathroomrefurbishment project gives my colleagues at work plenty totease me about.

Janine DavisonHi, I'm Janine Davison and I've worked for ConocoPhillips fornearly four and a half years in Sales Support at Immingham. Itake orders and enquiries for Immingham, Bramhall, Teesside andLPG and also help out with Whitegate Refinery work, providingmonth end and billing support. My spare time is spent onshopping trips with my fifteen year old daughter Jade; on variousDIY fiascos with my partner in our new house; at the gym or thecinema as I'm a self confessed film geek.

Bridie FairbankThis is my ‘second stint’ at ConocoPhillips as I had a three monthgap between a one year maternity cover position and beingoffered my current contract as a Reconciliation Administrator. Myjob involves balancing both sales and stocks for the terminals I’mresponsible for and then making sure the sales figures tally withthe individual deliveries, as well as daily reconciliations. If theytold me I’d be dealing with figures all day in ‘maths classes’, I’dhave never believed them! I’ve just got my own house, which I’mmadly decorating with the help of my cute kitten ‘Dudley’. I alsogo to the gym - about once a month!

Bridget RushbyI started my ConocoPhillips career in Reconciliation, followed by arole in LPG, but evidently they weren’t for me as the last nine ofthe ten years here have been spent in ReconciliationAdministration, crunching the numbers that matter. Certainly thejob is challenging and fairly intense, as the input needs to beprecise if every client is to get the correct paperwork and all thevolumes are to tally-up at my end of day balancing. I’d sum up thejob as challenging but satisfying! I really enjoy gardening butwouldn’t say I’m that green fingered and the rest of my time isspent with my three grandchildren, with one more due to keepme busy at the end of May.

Sara DoeHi, my name is Sara Doe. I'm a Reconciliation Administrator atConocoPhillips in Immingham. My role includes dealing with thereconciliation for Immingham White Oil and LPG at Teesside,Bramhall and various terminals around the country. I haveworked for ConocoPhillips for four years. Out of work I enjoyspending time with my husband and two children who are threeyears and 18 months so I don't have a lot of time for hobbies.

Stuart Cufflin is on hub-book

“New Newton Building”�����

See all 14 members of the team

Today via: hub book Stuart Cufflin • Comments

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hub-bookBuy it NowRead on for hub-book to connect with friends

View all the hub-book friends

Dawn JoynerAs Reconciliation Supervisor, I am responsible for ‘making sure thenumbers add up’ for all products in store, retail sales, collections,deliveries, all the loading cards and fuel for our own transportbunkering name it, we reconcile it! I cover for, andoversee, the work of the team and really enjoy the interactionwith colleagues and customers alike. The work, mainly in our SAPsystem, is intense, detailed and requires a lot of focus. I likereading and shooting things...especially the boss! (that’s the bigstraw thing with the target on in archery) although I have toadmit, luckily for ConocoPhillips, my work is far more accuratethan my aim with bow in hand.

Mike BawdenI look after LPG supply together with the Bramhall andImmingham terminals. I have worked at ConocoPhillips for ‘alittle while’, in numerous roles and locations around the country. Istarted as an apprentice in our commercial vehicle workshops inPlymouth with moves to Kingsbury, Bramhall, Immingham,London, Sunderland, back to Plymouth and Immingham oncemore. I’m a very keen sailor, having raced mainly catamarans.More recently, my sailing has been on dry land in the form of landyachting. I will be competing at the ‘European and WorldChampionships’ later this year in Belgium.

Rachel EyreI have worked at ConocoPhillips for a staggering 21 years, whichis hard to believe - as I now and again remind the boss, I’d havegot less for murder! I have worked in reconciliation, LPG andtransport and am about to move from OperationsAdministration, which is in essence a forward planning role, to ashift based (for the first time ever!) job in operations co-ordination, involving out of hours cover...a change is as good as arest they say.

Naomi DonoghueHi, I'm Naomi Donoghue, Operations Supervisor at Immingham. Ijoined the company almost six years ago as part of the IPC shiftteam who oversee the day to day deliveries forImmingham/Bramhall and Stockton. Despite changing rolesthree years ago, I can still regularly be seen working shifts but alsospend much more time working 9-5 than I used to. Out of work, Iam a keen tennis player and often play competitively through thesummer for my local club.

Heather BrownI joined ConocoPhillips in December 2006 as OperationsCoordinator, working on the shift team at IPC. Prior to joiningConocoPhillips, I worked for Exel in a similar type of role. I am aKarate Black Belt and I enjoy holidays in my apartment in Spain.

Karl StrettonI have worked for ConocoPhillips for just over eight years and Iwork on shift at IPC as an Operations Coordinator. I enjoy thisrole as it tends to be where all of the action happens, needingquick thinking and some time flying by the seat of your pants!Outside of work, my main interests are going to the gym,angling and I am currently looking at studying Egyptologythrough the Open University.

Ian GoodwinI am an Operations Coordinator working on the shift teamdown at IPC. I have been with the company now for threeyears, having previously worked on the construction ofHeathrow Terminal 5 (the luggage system wasn’t myresponsibility, honest). I am a very keen singer, havingperformed at local pubs and clubs around my home town ofScunthorpe. A couple of years ago I auditioned for the X-Factorbut unfortunately wasn’t bad enough to be shown on the telly.

Gill YoungI joined ConocoPhillips back in February 1992 as secretaryfor Immingham Terminal. I moved over to Retail inSeptember 1995, working mainly from Doncaster, thentemporarily out of Warwick. In February 1997, I moved backto Immingham to take up my current role of ReconciliationAdministrator. Presently, away from work, when I am nottrying to keep up with my fast moving four year old, I enjoydoing Zumba classes, walking and cooking for friends andfamily.

Stuart CufflinI joined ConocoPhillips in 2007, my background being quitetechnical, from my degree in chemistry through variousindustrial, chemical and supply chain roles. As RegionalManager, Customer Support, my day to day tasks includerunning three departments - Operations, Sales Support andReconciliation, based jointly at the new Newton Buildingand at IPC. I am also responsible for looking after our largesthaulier, all of which keeps me busy with over 500 customersand 150 staff and drivers; I certainly don’t get bored at work!

I like the challenges my job brings, and particularly enjoygetting involved in new business opportunities andproviding cost effective solutions for the ‘field based’tender team.

Out of work, my time is taken up almostexclusively by my three young children,the eldest of which is only seven, so Ihave my hands full there. In fact,I think coming to work seemslike a rest!

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The management, and more importantly the accessibility of data, is crucial to the ability ofpeople at all levels in an organisation to take the right decisions for the benefit of the

business and the customer.

Historically, each area of the business has been responsible for maintaining its owncontact information and customer records. There was no common format or crossoverof information and a variety of software was used for data storage. In addition,Regional Managers on the road had no easy way to access the information.

As front line support for customers, from opening new accounts, taking orders,arranging deliveries, reconciling sales, and issuing invoices, Customer Support, along

with Retail and Credit, has recognised a need for a different approach to enable them torespond more quickly to customer requests, and to make more information readily

available, in a centralised location.

Initially, Customer Support, Retail and Credit will be using the additional functionality of thedatabase to store their channel-specific data and it is anticipated that other groups will soon

follow. Regional Managers will be able to access the same records on their BlackBerry, so will getup to date information on activities between their Customers, Customer Support, Contracts, Retail

Services and Credit.

Customer Support understands how important it is for you to get through to the right person, first time, so we arealso taking the opportunity to upgrade our phone systems so that your call is routed to the most appropriate person with

up to date customer information at their fingertips.

To enable Customer Support to be presented with a customer's record, at the point at which the call is answered, we will be askingcustomers to enter their account number and to choose from the following options: ‘Place an order’, ‘Change an order’, ‘Request a LateChange’ and ‘Other’.

As an alternative, customers could consider emailing their order. This option provides them with the flexibility to place orders when it suitsthem and avoid our peak time rush. For more details, send an email to [email protected] and we will provide full details.

Anne concludes, “We are expecting to be much more ‘day to day’ efficient with the implementation of our database, as we will be able tosee real time data relating to activities that have taken place.”

Anne Day talks aboutthe management of

‘day-to-day’ data to enhanceCustomer




Data ‘Day’orders










phone systems





world-leadersBramhallCoryton UnleadedDiesel LPG

West London








taking the lead












[email protected]








working hours



information fingertips










here to help

ready to respond





















schedulesdelivery window









regional managers



on time every time


right person


launch date




supporting you

there for you

working together

fuelling success





Kerosene short-notice

delivery standards



volumes bunkering






relationshipsup-to-dateaccount number


The new Customer Support fuel order line numbers are:During working hours 9am - 5pm, Monday to Friday, excluding Bank Holidays:

.. and in addition, the following general query lines will also be changing

CPNet and Invoice Queries 0844 561 8842Republic of Ireland Queries 0844 335 6437

Bramhall 0844 335 6124Coryton/West London 0844 335 6129Grangemouth 0844 335 6106Immingham IPC 0844 335 6148

Kingsbury 0844 335 6149LPG 0844 335 6114Plymouth/Westerleigh 0844 335 6155Teesside 0844 335 6142

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Jet garage, John R Ford, situated on Ampthill Road, Shefford, isbacking its local school’s football team with great results already.The garage has sponsored the year seven boys football team atRobert Bloomfield Middle School.

In total, 15 bright yellow and blue kits were provided to the teamand they are already proving to be a big hit with the players, asSteve Fox, Assistant Head at the school comments: “The boys lookfantastic in their new strip and are thrilled to bits with it. It makesthem look very professional and is definitely helping them intheir winning streak – they have won every game since theystarted wearing it!”

The garage has chosen to sponsor the team, not only because it’sjust down the road from the forecourt, but also because of ownerRichard Ford’s connections with the school. As well as being Chairof Governors, Richard and his three children all went to RobertBloomfield Middle School. “We operate at the heart of a fantastic,close-knit community and it’s important for us to use our positionto make a positive difference,” explained Richard, who is excitedto be in a position to give something back.

“Robert Bloomfield Middle School puts a lot of emphasis on sportand fitness and the pupils are very committed to their teams.We’re delighted to be able to help by providing this kit and lookforward to following their ongoing progress with interest,” heconcluded.

David Watson, Regional Manager, for Jet, comments: “Sport playsa vital role in communities up and down the country, so it’s alwayspositive to see local garages doing their bit and backing schoolfootball teams in their area, especially when there’s a strongfamily connection like this.”

Community spirit,a winning formula...

Community ‘Quality’ rewarded


It’s almost three years since Haddington Athletic Junior FootballClub held talks with all of the football clubs in Haddington, EastLothian, with a view to forming a Community Football Club.

We are delighted to announce that Haddington Athletic havebecome the first Club in East Lothian, and only the tenth Club inthe whole of Scotland, to be awarded the prestigious ScottishFA Quality Mark Community Award, the Association’s topaward.

Raymond Daniel, coach at Haddington Athletic, commented:“The kit is excellent and we’re very grateful for the sponsorshipfrom By-Pass Service Station. We use it home or away,depending upon opponents. The teams have been doing welland the U21s have got through to the cup semi final, so here’shoping!”

A voyage of ‘discovery’...Eddie Bates, who works at Humber Refinery, gave us an end of season viewpoint: “The DiscoveriesSafer Communities season 2009/2010 was one to remember, as we competed and won theScunthorpe Jack Kalson Commercial Under 12s League and to top that, we won through to the finalof Jack Kalson President’s Cup for Under 12s, which was played on Monday, 3 May 2010. We beatWrawby Rovers in the final by two goals to one; this final was played at the home of ScunthorpeUnited (Glanford Park) and was a fantastic experience for the boys and their families. The boys haveworn the strip with pride and we were all grateful for Jet’s kind contribution.”

Page 22: Building brands for global growth · need it in the future. It is crucial that we keep our supply chain efficient, maintain volume from our key locations and keep our core customer

Following the success of last year’s ‘Trailwalker’ challenge, a team of 21 intrepid adventurers from ConocoPhillips, Warwick arebusy preparing to take on a new challenge for 2010 in a bid to raise £6,000 for Action Medical Research. The challenge theyhave chosen is ‘The Three Peaks Challenge’ which involves climbing the three highest mountains in Britain - Ben Nevis, ScafellPike and Snowdon, in 24 hours or less, including driving time.

The teams, named ‘Jet Propelled’, ‘Are We There Jet’ and ‘Jet Setters’, will be setting off from the base of Ben Nevis at about4.30am on Saturday, 10 July. After a quick decent from the 1,344m summit, the support crews will whisk them off to theLake District to tackle Scafell Pike which, at 978m, is the smallest of the three peaks. Then it is off to Wales to conquer thefinal mountain, Snowdon, at 1,085m. If the teams are to complete the challenge in 24 hours, this will mean climbingSnowdon in the dark!

In order to get fit for the challenge, the teams have already been on two training walks and have a couple more plannedbefore the event. However, the most recent training walk up Snowdon was cut short due to the summit being blanketedin heavy snow, making it inaccessible without crampons. To date, the teams have raised over £1,900 for Action Medical Research. This charityhas been funding medical breakthroughs for almost 60 years and played a vital role in the development of the UK polio vaccine. Today, thecharity is dedicated to improving the health of babies and children. You can find out more about the charity at If you'dlike to support the participants of this challenge and donate to Action Medical Research, please log onto

‘Jet Propelled’,‘Are We There Jet’ and ‘Jet Setters’ takeon the Three Peaks Challenge


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Kilimanjaro bound

Patrick Hudson, Jet’s Marketing Manager, Retail, tells us about a tripback to his homeland in aid of causes very close to his heart...

Brother and sister, Sabrina and Max Wilding, brought a newmeaning to ‘Neighbourhood Watch’ when some of the largestsnowfalls in recent history saw elderly and frail residents inPaignton unable to get out to shop for vital supplies.

‘The Wildings’ took the shop to them, as they took bread andmilk to their neighbours, checked all was okay and brought backany other shopping orders local residents required; all suppliedfrom the local Jet service station, Wilding Motors, on TotnesRoad where their parents work.

Ian Wilding, father of the children, said: “We didn’t push thechildren to do this; checking on elderly neighbours and regularcustomers we had not seen in a while, was their own idea. Theresidents were really pleased and appreciated their visits. Whatthey’ve done is great; Tracey and I are really proud of what thechildren did.”

Padstow’s Jet servicestation also helped theelderly during theinclement weather,ensuring that its elderlycustomers were keptwarm as it delivered coaland bottled gas to them,even though it couldn’tget its own deliveries ofcoal. Owner, MikeTrenouth, said: “Weused our own 4x4 vehicles to go to the coalmanto pick up supplies and then delivered them to our elderlycustomers. We were conscious of how important it was for theelderly to keep warm through the freeze.”

Wild weather doesn’t stopthe ‘Wildings’

“This coming August, together with my twin brother Ed and ourrespective teenage sons, George and Charlie, we will attempt toclimb Mount Kilimanjaro in aid of causes that are very close to ourhearts. Six years ago I climbed Kilimanjaro with my eldest son andMike Garner (Jet Dealer in Hampshire) and I can’t quite believe I’mmad enough to attempt it again, this time honouring a promisemade to my younger son that, when he was 16, I would endeavourto do the same with him, if he wanted to do so. In addition to otherson the climb, will be Mike Greene (ex Jet) who broke his leg on ourlast attempt at the summit but is determined to make it to the topthis time! We are certainly not underestimating the task as it’s avery testing challenge, with only half of those attempting it actuallyreaching the summit.

To give us the added impetus needed to get to the top, we areclimbing for two charities, firstly ‘500 miles’ which aims to getpeople living in impoverished rural areas of Malawi and Zambia,who have lost limbs or are disabled, back to normal life, as far aspossible, by recovering their mobility with a combination ofsurgery, prostheses (artificial limbs) and therapy.

‘500 Miles’ is a UK registered charity that supports ‘Flyspec’ which isbased in Zambia and run by two orthopaedic surgeons, John Jellisand Goran Jovic, giving their time to the cause on a voluntary basis.In 2009, they travelled 32,758 nautical miles by air (John and Goran

are both also pilots and fly themselves to clinics where they can)and 31,026 kilometres by road, making 107 visits throughoutZambia seeing 5,258 patients and performing an astonishing 1,527operations at an average cost of around £100 per operation. Flyspecalso pays to train local Zambian staff to make prostheses and tomaintain the charity's workshops and infrastructure; this helpsensure that its activities will be sustainable in the future.

In Zambia, an estimated 95 percent of those needing orthopaedicsurgery or prostheses have no access to it. People with disabilitiesare, almost without exception, hidden away and ignored, having tosuffer in silence and isolation. Zambia is one of the poorestcountries in the world and has no public welfare system or socialsecurity support. Flyspec are making a real difference andcompletely transforming impoverished people’s lives, in many casesallowing them for the first time to be properly mobile, independentand able to support themselves...a truly amazing achievement thatwill surely motivate us to get to the top of Kilimanjaro.

A second charity, which I am seeking more local support for, is called‘Act One Artsbase’ and it provides dance classes and respite todisabled young people in Hertfordshire where I live.”

For more information log on to:

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Bits ‘n’Pieces


Cash for kids...Ian Wallace, Director of James Wallace (Dumfries) Ltd.,took the long trip from his Jet dealership in Scotland tothe USA to support some needy charities.

Ian said: “In February 2010, at the grand old age of 54,I took part in my first ever marathon with my son,Alistair, in Austin, Texas, where he is currently atuniversity. I am raising money for two charities; firstly,Cash For Kids, which raises money for local children'scharities. I was sponsored by ConocoPhillips, whomade a donation to Cash for Kids. I also chose tosupport Act4Africa, as Alistair will travel to Africa this

summer to assist in a programme educating in schools andorphanages about HIV/Aids, about how to avoid it and how tolive with it”.

Ian completed the marathon in 4 hours 24 minutes.

More than 3,500 people around the country took to the streets and parks on Sunday, 18 April 2010 for the BAPSCharities 10k Challenge to raise funds for children and other worthy causes. BAPS Charities UK held this year’sevent in conjunction with the UK’s leading children’s charity, Barnardo’s, as well as several smaller charitiesaround the country. It brought together members of the community from a wide variety of backgrounds andages – ranging from three to over 90 – to walk, jog or run a distance of 10 kilometres.

ConocoPhillips was happy to sponsor Retail Customer, Yogesh Chag, joint owner of Craven Park Service Station,in this challenge. The BAPS Charities 10k Challenge was completed in a total of 15 centres aroundthe UK, many supporting charities at the local level as well.

Ian Jets 2 it!Ian Doubtfire, Managing Director of, one of Jet’sAviation customers, truly did Jet to his marathon.

He says: “Being an aviation enthusiast, I was always aware ofthe excellent work done by the ORBIS team using their DC10flying around the world. Just imagine being given the gift ofsight just by completing a simple cataract operation –it must be truly life changing. Can you believe thatthere are 45 million people who are blind worldwide,of which 80 percent suffer needlessly? I felt I had todo something to help this non profit organisationwhich is manned by volunteers.

Whilst I am getting on, there is still life in the ‘oldboy’ and my daughter suggested I ran a marathon.To help persuade me, she suggested the GrandCayman Islands – I didn’t think about the heatwhen I registered! I conquered the 26 miles, 385yards and completed a once in a lifetime goal in 5hours 45 minutes.

Thanks for the sponsorship from ConocoPhillips”.

Helen Needham, Director at Hingley & CallowOil Ltd., in Stourport, completed a charityrace at Cheltenham during the Festival inMarch 2010. In front of a crowd ofthousands, Helen managed to push her horse, Mister WallStreet, through the field to finish third.

Helen was fortunate enough to be selected for the race andhad to promise to raise at least £5,000 for Cancer Research tocompete. As Hingley & Callow are a customer ofConocoPhillips, we were happy to oblige with a donation.

Miles along the NileLisa Davis cycled 256 miles along the banks of the River Nile inNovember 2009 for the British Heart Foundation in memory ofAntony, her husband and best friend, and also to raiseawareness of the heart disease.

Lisa said: “It was a tremendous experience, both physically andemotionally. We cycled over five days, the longest day being 78miles. We passed a couple of filling stations, unfortunately notJet ones as I would have had my photo taken there as well.With the help of sponsorship from ConocoPhillips, I exceededmy target of raising £9,000.”

on 2 wheels... on 4 legs...

fitness frenzy- all in a good causeon 2 legs...

on ‘Wall Street’

BAPS 10k challenge - the spirit of service