building information model


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Page 1: Building Information Model




Page 2: Building Information Model


1. What is Building Information Modelling?

2. History of BIM

3. BIM Concept

4. BIM Models

5. Clash detection

6. BIM models

7. What is a BIM object?

8. BIM and space management

9. Building Management System

10. Status of BIM in India

11. Applicability of BIM for Current Project Delivery


12. Benefits of BIM at Various Phases of Construction

13. Hurdles in Adoption of BIM



Page 3: Building Information Model



Building Information Modelling (BIM) is a model-based design concept, in which buildings

will be built virtually before they get built out in the field, where data models organized for

complete integration of all relevant factors in the building lifecycle which also manages the

information exchange between the AEC (Architects, Engineers, Contractors) professionals, to

strengthen the interaction between the design team. BIM is a shared knowledge about the

information for decisions making during its lifecycle


Building Information Modelling (BIM) is the documentation process consisting of

information about different phases of any project like design, construction planning,

construction, facility management and operation. It is one holistic documentation process

beneficial for operational visualization, and construction application such as estimating,

scheduling and design coordination. Main advantage of implementing BIM application is the

visual coordination of the building systems such as MEP (Mechanical, Electrical, and

Plumbing) systems and it also identifies the possible conflicts between the building systems.

By detecting the conflicts, problems can be resolved before actual construction which in turn

saves money and time invested, (Damian, Han Yan and Peter (1)). The National Institute of

Standards and Technology (NIST), reported (NIST, 2004 (2)) that the lack of adequate

interoperability cost the U.S facilities industry about $15.8 billion per year. In India, the BIM

application is not widely practiced till now has scope to use this technology in a much wider


Building information models (BIMs) are files (often but not always in proprietary formats and

containing proprietary data) which can be exchanged or networked to support decision-

making about a place. Current BIM software is used by individuals, businesses and

government agencies who plan, design, construct, operate and maintain diverse physical

infrastructures, such as water, wastewater, electricity, gas, refuse and communication utilities,

roads, bridges and ports, houses, apartments, schools and shops, offices, factories,

warehouses and prisons.

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In the following section a brief sketch of the evolution has been depicted.

I phase – Till early 1980s: Before 80’s design documents are made traditionally by

drawing lines to represent a building. These documents like plan, section and elevation are

the main source to describe the building to be built. In these traditional drawings each line

meant to convey design so that a building can eventually be constructed.

II phase – 1980s to Late 1990s: With the introduction of computers, the major switch

over started from manual drafting towards the computer aided drafting, which helped in

producing drawings faster. As buildings became more complex, specialization in the design

and construction process emerged, which in turn lead to more elaborate forms of information.

Use of computers, especially for 2D drawings and reports are revolutionary changes into

Architectural Documentation. III phase – Beginning of the 2K: In the present day, buildings

are much more complex than ever before. The numbers of people involved in producing

drawings are too large. With the growth of technology, the building systems are also many.

Today, buildings have more security, electrical, HVAC (Heating, Ventilation, and Air

Conditioning), and energy requirement. Computer based technology has been updated in

order reduce errors, but in the end, they are still collections of manually created, non-

intelligent lines and text.

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BIM Concept

A shift in process and expectation is happening in the Indian construction market following

the economic bloom and gloom, and architects are stepping up to the challenge. The focus is

shifting from traditional 2D based to a practical reality with respect to functional, economic,

energy, etc. All disciplines involved with a project can share a single database. Architecture,

structure, mechanical, electrical, infrastructure, and construction are tied together and

challenge to coordinate them is unprecedentedly possible. Energy analysis can be done at

early stage of design, and construction costs are becoming more predictable. BIM allows use

of a parametric 3D model to auto generate traditional building documents such as plans,

sections, elevations, details, and schedules. Drawings produced using BIM supported

software’s are not of manually coordinated lines, but interactive representations of a model.

The changes made in this Model are automatically coordinated throughout the project, which

eliminate the coordination mistakes, improve overall quality of the work. There are many

modelling software packages in the fields which have excellent application for conceptual

level models, but these models don’t have the ability to document a building design for


BIM uses 3D, real-time, dynamic building modelling software to increase productivity in

building design and construction. The data can be used to illustrate the entire building

lifecycle from cradle to cradle—from inception and design to demolition and materials

reuse—including quantities and properties of materials (which can be easily extracted from

the model) and the scope of works (including management of project targets and facilities

management throughout the building’s life). Furthermore, systems, components, assemblies

and sequences can be shown in relative scale to each other and, in turn, relative to the entire

project. Managing a construction project and building lifecycle using BIM can result in

substantial savings in both time and money—from design and construction through to

ongoing maintenance. The model saves time and waste on site, and renders extra

coordination checks largely unnecessary; the information generated from the model leads to

fewer errors on site caused by inaccurate and uncoordinated information. When all members

of the construction team work on the same model—from early design through to

completion—introduced changes are automatically coordinated through BIM, across the

whole project, and information generated is therefore of high quality.

BIM has already given the industry measurable positives:

• Increased understanding and predictability—offering greater certainty and reduced risk

• Improved efficiency

• Improved integration and coordination—meaning fewer problems onsite

• Less waste

• Better value and quality

• Better buildings throughout their lifecycle

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According to the U.K. government, early BIM demonstration projects have already achieved

savings of around 20 percent during the construction phase, with some on course to achieve

33 percent savings over the life of the building.

BIM is far more than 3D CAD modelling. It requires changes to the definition of traditional

architectural phases, more data sharing than the construction industry is used to, and a

willingness to embrace partnering in an approach that collects all project-related information

digitally. BIM is able to achieve this by modelling representations, specifications, and the

critical paths of actual parts and components used in the construction process—representing a

major shift from traditional computer-aided design.

There are four levels of BIM sophistication:

• Level 0: This basic level involves separate sources of information in paper documents

• Level 1: This level involves separate sources of information in semi-structured electronic

documents, often involving 2D/3D CAD.

• Level 2: This level involves file-based electronic information with some automated

connectivity. It will include post-construction information such as operation and maintenance

of assets and the management activity for the life of the asset.

• Level 3: This level involves integrated electronic information with full automated

connectivity. Level 3 BIM is a fully integrated and collaborative process that includes project

lifecycle and facility management information enabled by Web services.

Another terminology commonly used is “BIM dimensions.”

Currently, these are defined as follows:

• 3D BIM: This provides a visualization tool enabling designers and contractors to work

together to identify and resolve problems with the help of the model.

• 4D BIM: This is 3D BIM plus the construction workflow planning, scheduling and

management. As the design is changed, advanced BIM models will be able to automatically

identify those changes that will affect the critical path and indicate what the corresponding

impact will be on the overall delivery of the project.

• 5D BIM: This is 4D BIM plus the project’s construction cost and requirements. With

BIM, the model includes information that allows a contractor to accurately and rapidly

generate an array of essential estimating information, such as materials quantities and costs,

size and area estimates, and productivity projections. As changes are made, estimating

information automatically adjusts, allowing greater contractor productivity.

The industry is already discussing 6D BIM, which is 5D BIM plus facility


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Clash detection

Clash detection is the process of finding where the BIM models “clash.” Clash detection puts

a value on the savings made from eliminating problems found during a review.

Clash detection can be broken into three types:

• Hard clash

• Soft clash/clearance clash

• 4D/workflow clash

A hard clash is simply when two objects occupy the same space (e.g., a pipe going through a

wall where there is no opening).

Soft clashes refer to allowable tolerances or space; for example, buffer zones between

components left to provide space for future maintenance.

4D/workflow clashes refer to clashes in scheduling work crews, equipment/material

fabrication delivery clashes, and other timeline issues.

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BIM models

At the moment, BIM models cover the following areas:

• Architectural

• Structural

• Mechanical

• Electrical

• Plumbing

Each discipline creates a BIM model, and all models are integrated into a

composite master model. As more and more business and building applications (such as

voice, data, video, wireless and building control services) operate over one network

infrastructure, the network infrastructure should be covered under the BIM models. After all,

this network infrastructure is the superhighway for these applications and is commonly

referred to as the fourth utility (water, mains power and HVAC are the other three utilities).

This will enable better coordination between the M&E and the network design teams.

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What is a BIM object?

A BIM object is a combination of many things:

Information content that defines a product

Product properties, such as thermal performance

Geometry representing the product’s physical characteristics

Visualisation data giving the object a recognisable appearance

Functional data, such as detection zones, that enables the object

to be positioned and behave in the same manner as the product



In India BIM is also known as VDC: virtual design and construction. India is an emerging

market with an expanding construction market and huge potential for large scale residential

and commercial development (because of population and economic growth). It has many

qualified, trained and experienced BIM professionals who are implementing this technology

in Indian construction projects and also assisting teams in the USA, Australia, UK, Middle

East, Singapore and North Africa to design and deliver construction projects using BIM. In

spite of this, and India's vibrant building sector, BIM usage was reported by only 22% of

respondents to a 2014 survey.

BIM and space management

Using a BIM model for space management enables the facility team to allocate, manage,

and track spaces and related resources within a facility. BIM permits the team to analyse

the existing use of space, evaluate proposed changes, and effectively plan for future needs.

Having accurate and detailed space information is especially useful for planning renovation

projects, where some building segments will remain occupied and change during the

construction phase. Existing workspace management systems should be integrated into BIM.

BIM and asset information management

Data from a BIM record model can be linked to a database of building assets to assist in

maintaining and operating a facility more efficiently. These assets often include the building

elements, systems, and equipment that must be maintained and operated efficiently to satisfy

the facility users’ requirements in a cost-effective way.

Asset management systems are used to support financial decision making, short-term and

long-term planning, and maintenance scheduling. Using information in a BIM record model,

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facility managers can:

• Evaluate the cost implications of changing or upgrading building assets

• Track the use, performance, and maintenance of a building’s assets for

the owner, maintenance team, and financial department

• Produce accurate quantity take-offs of current company assets for

financial reporting and estimating the future costs of upgrades or


BIM and facility management & building analytics

BIM can be used to track, update, and maintain facilities management information to support

better planning, operations, and maintenance decision making throughout a building’s

lifecycle. Tracking performance data from the building systems and comparing these values

to design model predictions enables facility managers to ensure that the building is operating

to specified design and sustainable standards and identify opportunities to modify operations

to improve system performance. Building designers can also use this data to validate and

refine their prediction models and evaluate the impact of proposed materials and system

changes to improve performance. Existing facility management systems should be integrated

into BIM. This is where 6D BIM potentially fits.

Building analytics often focus on building energy use. However, sensor networks are

becoming key ingredients of smart buildings and they provide insight into systems operation,

building usage and location of occupants. When combined with building analytics, the data

can be converted into business intelligence and allow for informed decisions on energy

optimization, operational efficiency and space utilization. This is where 7D BIM potentially



What is a Building Management System?

• BMS systems are “Intelligent” microprocessor based controller networks installed to

monitor and control a buildings technical systems and services such as air conditioning,

ventilation, lighting and hydraulics

• More specifically they link the functionality of individual pieces of building equipment so

that they operate as one complete integrated system.

• Now installed in every major building or facility with the availability of direct integration

into all other building services such as security, access control, CCTV, fire, Lifts and other

life and safety systems

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. • Current generation BMS systems are now based on open communications protocols and

are WEB enabled allowing integration of systems from multiple system vendors and access

from anywhere in the world.

Status of BIM in India

Construction sector is second largest industry contributing to the Indian economy.

Increasingly, large

construction companies in sector such as hotels and airports are starting to implement BIM in

India with distinct benefits but at a very high cost. Indian industry has unwillingness to adopt

new technology immediately. Survey done by Indian built environment sector, RICS school

of built environment and KPMG found that 22% of respondent currently use BIM, 27%

respondent reported that they are aware and actively considering BIM usage. Surprisingly

43% respondents claimed to be aware of BIM but are not sure about implementing it in their

organisation near future. Additionally 8% respondents are not aware of BIM. The main

reason for not using BIM here is the lack of technical expertise, the professional who has

heard about this doesn’t know how to use it, and most of them are not even aware of this


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The various reasons for using BIM and also reasons for not using BIM are shown in figure

In Indian industry there are fewer BIM users with low knowledge about BIM. The major

reasons for this

condition being high cost of software, low demand from clients and lack of skilled or trained

employees. The rampant myths about BIM usage and lethargic attitude of professionals

towards the validating the facts are keeping the firms away from embracing the BIM

technology. Moreover the AEC firms are too comfortable and are not willing to change

current practices. Indian government is not involved with initiative to encourage BIM usage

in construction industry and there is no initiative from education institution either, to

introduce new or current global trends related to the construction industry in academics.

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Applicability of BIM for Current Project Delivery Methods

Project delivery method is a method by which project is executed from concept, design,

construction to the handover to owner. Construction industry is still following traditional

method of Design-Bid-Build (DBB) method. Over the periods it has been tried to minimize

construction time. This has resulted in adoption of Design-Build method, where bidding

phase is removed by awarding project to single general contractor who will take

responsibility of both design and construction.

DBB does not lend itself well to supporting the adoption of technologies or process across the

project team due to many contractual divides. Typically this process is defined by the wall of

deliverables whereby at the end of each phase the deliverables are handed over the wall with

little or no integration or collaboration between the participants in each phase. This

deliverables based approach makes it difficult to successfully implement BIM. DB method

has smoother flow of information between stakeholders but still it has contractual agreement.

Hence DB method also is not so suitable for adoption of BIM.

The integrated project delivery (IPD) eliminates the drawbacks of the DBB and DB.

Integrated project delivery (IPD) is a project delivery approach that integrates people, system,

business structures and practices into a process that collaboratively harnesses the talents and

insights of all participants to reduce the waste and optimize efficiency through all phases of

design, fabrication and construction. Integrated project delivery principles can be applied to

variety of contractual arrangement and IPD teams will usually include team members well

beyond the basic triad of owner, architect and contractor. At a minimum through an

integrated project include tight collaboration between the owners, the architect and the

general contractor ultimately responsible for construction of the project, from early design


project handover. To fully benefit from the use of VBM’s (Virtual Building Model) it is

important that the approach of the project suits the system of BIM. While IPD is seen as the

possible future of project delivery that is being fuelled by BIM, it is still the exception and

not the rule

Benefits of BIM at Various Phases of Construction

Benefits of using BIM at various phases of construction process are explained below.

A. Design and planning:

BIM plays important role over entire life cycle of project from scratch of conceptual design

to demolition of

building. Use of BIM in the project programming allows project team to analyse space and

understand the complexity of space standards and land regulation which saves time and

provide them with opportunity of doing more value added activities. 3-D representations can

be generated from the building model at any stage in the design. These can range from simple

wireframe models/ complex photorealistic renders [5]. This gives consistency in data

extracted from the model. This helps to designers to imagine and validate their design. The

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architects and engineers can take advantage of BIM application at different stages of project

design namely schematic design (SD), detailed design (DD) and construction detailing (CD) .

BIM constructs the building virtually before actual construction. Hence owner or user can

suggest the modification early in the planning and design phase according to their

requirement. Also contractors can participate early in the design phase to contribute his field


B. Quantity estimation:

Provided with the capability for extracting counts of components, areas and volumes spaces

and material

quantities, BIM quantity take-off tools enable a quicker extraction of more detailed spatial

and material quantities information . As quantities extracted from model are more accurate,

owner is protected from over budget project.

C. Clash detection:

BIM based clash detection tools allow automatic geometry based clash detection to be

combined with semantic and rule based clash analysis for identifying qualified and structured

clashes. BIM-based clash detection tools allows contractors to selectively check clashes

between specified systems, such as checking for clashes between mechanical and structural

system, because each component in the model is associated with specific type of system.

Consequently, the clash detection process can be performed at any level of detail and across

any number of building systems and trades.

D. Productivity:

With 50% of typical construction day being non-productive, BIM application can be used to

gain 33% increase by addressing late or inaccurate information, waiting on resources,

multiple material handling, waiting on instruction and rework. This will have a dramatic

increase in the productivity for the construction industry, making it more compatible with

productivity increases in other industries like agriculture, manufacturing, transportation etc.

E. Prefabrication:

BIM offers manufacturers of building components detailed and information–rich models,

which can be

interrogated for manufacturing details, can reduce information request and improve output

quality. A study of the application of BIM on a large healthcare project in the USA revealed

that it is possible to achieve 100% prefabrication for mechanical system installations, and

zero clashes in MEP installation activities. This, in turn yielded 20-30% labour savings for

the MEP sub-contractors and thus savings further up the value chain.

F. Quality management:

BIM-based construction quality application is suitable and helpful in quality compliance

management. First due to data consistency, it is possible and feasible to apply BIM for

quality management and to fully utilize design information through virtualization of the

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construction process. Second BIM can be fit into the current industry standard practices in

quality management.

G. Facility management:

The information collected through a BIM process and stored in a BIM-compliant database

could be beneficial for variety of FM (Facility Management) practices, such as

commissioning and closeout, quality control and assurance, energy management,

maintenance and repair, and space management.

Hurdles in Adoption of BIM

Despite the great benefits of BIM, it has significant problems in its adoption. As BIM is not

just a software

application or modification to construction industry, it calls for restructuring the organisation

and adopting a complete new way of working. The use of BIM substantially alters the

relationship between parties and blends their roles and responsibilities. Our legal framework

however assumes a less collaborative environment with clearer delineation of responsibility.

As we move forward with BIM projects, risk will need to be allocated rationally, based on the

benefits the party will be receiving from BIH, the ability of the party to control the risk, and

ability to absorb the risk through insurance and some other means.

The first legal risk to determine is ownership of the BIM data and how to protect it through

copyright and other laws. For example, if the owner is playing for the design, then the owner

may feel to entitle to own it, but if team member is providing proprietary information for use

on the project, their propriety information needs to be protected as well. Thus there is no

simple answer to the question of data ownership; it requires a unique response to every

project depending on the participants needs. The goal is to avoid inhibitions or disincentives

that discourage participants from fully realizing the model’s potential. Notwithstanding the

use of BIM in projects, it is common to see parties not properly adapting the current contract

framework for using BIM. The owner parties are still using current industry contract

documentation with the risk allocation unadjusted. Parties are making only rudimentary

changes by incorporating BIM execution plans as part of the contract requirement (but

without changing the risk allocation).The BIM addendum issued by consensus DOCS gives

guidance for modifications and attachments in drafting contracts to deal with BIM .Also

American institute of architect (AIA) has produced the protocol for BIM. The deployment of

BIM requires the traditional design processes to be changed.

In theory BIM relies on a single information store that meets the need of all project

participants. Changes to design whether architectural, structural, mechanical or electrical all

occur within the model. Contractor and supplier information is integrated into the model,

adding more detail to the design. That model then produces the field and shop level drawing.

This level of integration has been achieved in certain manufacturing process, but is not the

current construction reality. Significant efforts being made to tighten the integration between

and support interoperability, but the single model and perfect interoperability is still a dream

not reality [9]. Many people believe that the cost of implementing BIM is too prohibitive:

way beyond their project budget. The exorbitant prices for various BIM software packages

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are their prevailing barrier to BIM acceptance in Indian construction domain. The cost of

BIM software packages are more expensive compared to CAD software packages that are

available on the market at a fraction of the cost if BIM software. Besides the initial cost of the

software package, the price to keep the subscription updated is astronomically high by Indian


Training the employee is another obstacle in adopting BIM. To train the employee

organizations need to spend time and money. This creates dilemma in organizations to adopt

BIM. The developing countries like India has cheap and plenty of labours are available,

construction industry shows inertia to adopt costlier technology. Though the initial

investment of BIM is huge, once it is adopted fully it has tremendous benefits.


The present overview depicts that BIM is a revolutionary concept. It needs the significant

alteration in

traditional project delivery methods by changing the roles and responsibility of every

individual in the organization. To achieve benefits from BIM to the full extent, each

stakeholder of construction industry needs to incorporate it. The hurdles like legal issues,

interoperability, cost, unavailability of guidance or protocol, etc. can be overcome. To keep

pace with growing technology and increasing competition, AEC industry should incorporate

BIM as early as possible.

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