building mini google in ruby

Building Mini-Google in Ruby @igrigorik #railsconf pagerank Building Mini-Google in Ruby Ilya Grigorik @igrigorik

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Post on 13-May-2015



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A look at the math and implementation behind PageRank and how to apply it within a context of a Ruby / Rails application (for fun and profit!)


Page 1: Building Mini Google in Ruby

Building Mini-Google in Ruby @igrigorik #railsconf

Building Mini-Google in Ruby

Ilya Grigorik@igrigorik

Page 2: Building Mini Google in Ruby

Building Mini-Google in Ruby @igrigorik #railsconf

The slides… Twitter My blog

Page 3: Building Mini Google in Ruby

Building Mini-Google in Ruby @igrigorik #railsconf

Ruby + MathOptimization


IndexingExamplesMisc Fun

Page 4: Building Mini Google in Ruby

Building Mini-Google in Ruby @igrigorik #railsconf

PageRank PageRank + Ruby


+ Optimization

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Building Mini-Google in Ruby @igrigorik #railsconf

Consume with care…everything that follows is based on released / public domain info

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Building Mini-Google in Ruby @igrigorik #railsconf

Search-engine graveyardGoogle did pretty well…

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Search pipeline50,000-foot view

Query: Ruby


1. Crawl 2. Index 3. Rank

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Query: Ruby


1. Crawl 2. Index 3. Rank

Bah FunInteresting

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circa 1997-1998

CPU Speed 333MhzRAM 32-64MB

Index 27,000,000 documentsIndex refresh once a month~ishPageRank computation several days

Laptop CPU 2.1GhzVM RAM 1GB1-Million page web ~10 minutes

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Creating & Maintaining an Inverted Index DIY and the gotchas within

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Building Mini-Google in Ruby @igrigorik #railsconf

Building an Inverted Index

require 'set' pages = { "1" => "it is what it is", "2" => "what is it", "3" => "it is a banana"} index = {} pages.each do |page, content| content.split(/\s/).each do |word| if index[word] index[word] << page else index[word] = end endend

{ "it"=>#<Set: {"1", "2", "3"}>, "a"=>#<Set: {"3"}>, "banana"=>#<Set: {"3"}>, "what"=>#<Set: {"1", "2"}>, "is"=>#<Set: {"1", "2", "3"}>} }

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Building Mini-Google in Ruby @igrigorik #railsconf

Building an Inverted Index

require 'set' pages = { "1" => "it is what it is", "2" => "what is it", "3" => "it is a banana"} index = {} pages.each do |page, content| content.split(/\s/).each do |word| if index[word] index[word] << page else index[word] = end endend

{ "it"=>#<Set: {"1", "2", "3"}>, "a"=>#<Set: {"3"}>, "banana"=>#<Set: {"3"}>, "what"=>#<Set: {"1", "2"}>, "is"=>#<Set: {"1", "2", "3"}>} }

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Building Mini-Google in Ruby @igrigorik #railsconf

Building an Inverted Index

require 'set' pages = { "1" => "it is what it is", "2" => "what is it", "3" => "it is a banana"} index = {} pages.each do |page, content| content.split(/\s/).each do |word| if index[word] index[word] << page else index[word] = end endend

{ "it"=>#<Set: {"1", "2", "3"}>, "a"=>#<Set: {"3"}>, "banana"=>#<Set: {"3"}>, "what"=>#<Set: {"1", "2"}>, "is"=>#<Set: {"1", "2", "3"}>} }

Word => [Document]

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Querying the index

# query: "what is banana"p index["what"] & index["is"] & index["banana"]# > #<Set: {}>

# query: "a banana"p index["a"] & index["banana"]# > #<Set: {"3"}>

# query: "what is"p index["what"] & index["is"]# > #<Set: {"1", "2"}>

{ "it"=>#<Set: {"1", "2", "3"}>, "a"=>#<Set: {"3"}>, "banana"=>#<Set: {"3"}>, "what"=>#<Set: {"1", "2"}>, "is"=>#<Set: {"1", "2", "3"}>} }

1 32

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Querying the index

# query: "what is banana"p index["what"] & index["is"] & index["banana"]# > #<Set: {}>

# query: "a banana"p index["a"] & index["banana"]# > #<Set: {"3"}>

# query: "what is"p index["what"] & index["is"]# > #<Set: {"1", "2"}>

{ "it"=>#<Set: {"1", "2", "3"}>, "a"=>#<Set: {"3"}>, "banana"=>#<Set: {"3"}>, "what"=>#<Set: {"1", "2"}>, "is"=>#<Set: {"1", "2", "3"}>} }

1 32

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Querying the index

# query: "what is banana"p index["what"] & index["is"] & index["banana"]# > #<Set: {}>

# query: "a banana"p index["a"] & index["banana"]# > #<Set: {"3"}>

# query: "what is"p index["what"] & index["is"]# > #<Set: {"1", "2"}>

{ "it"=>#<Set: {"1", "2", "3"}>, "a"=>#<Set: {"3"}>, "banana"=>#<Set: {"3"}>, "what"=>#<Set: {"1", "2"}>, "is"=>#<Set: {"1", "2", "3"}>} }

1 32

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Querying the index

# query: "what is banana"p index["what"] & index["is"] & index["banana"]# > #<Set: {}>

# query: "a banana"p index["a"] & index["banana"]# > #<Set: {"3"}>

# query: "what is"p index["what"] & index["is"]# > #<Set: {"1", "2"}>

{ "it"=>#<Set: {"1", "2", "3"}>, "a"=>#<Set: {"3"}>, "banana"=>#<Set: {"3"}>, "what"=>#<Set: {"1", "2"}>, "is"=>#<Set: {"1", "2", "3"}>} }

What order?

[1, 2] or [2,1]

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Building an Inverted Index

require 'set' pages = { "1" => "it is what it is", "2" => "what is it", "3" => "it is a banana"} index = {} pages.each do |page, content| content.split(/\s/).each do |word| if index[word] index[word] << page else index[word] = end endend


PDF, HTML, RSS?Lowercase / Upcase?

Compact Index?Stop words?Persistence?

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Ferret is a high-performance, full-featured text search engine library written for Ruby

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require 'ferret'include Ferret index = index << {:title => "1", :content => "it is what it is"}index << {:title => "2", :content => "what is it"}index << {:title => "3", :content => "it is a banana"} index.search_each('content:"banana"') do |id, score| puts "Score: #{score}, #{index[id][:title]} "end

> Score: 1.0, 3

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require 'ferret'include Ferret index = index << {:title => "1", :content => "it is what it is"}index << {:title => "2", :content => "what is it"}index << {:title => "3", :content => "it is a banana"} index.search_each('content:"banana"') do |id, score| puts "Score: #{score}, #{index[id][:title]} "end

> Score: 1.0, 3


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class Ferret::Analysis::Analyzerclass Ferret::Analysis::AsciiLetterAnalyzerclass Ferret::Analysis::AsciiLetterTokenizerclass Ferret::Analysis::AsciiLowerCaseFilterclass Ferret::Analysis::AsciiStandardAnalyzerclass Ferret::Analysis::AsciiStandardTokenizerclass Ferret::Analysis::AsciiWhiteSpaceAnalyzerclass Ferret::Analysis::AsciiWhiteSpaceTokenizerclass Ferret::Analysis::HyphenFilterclass Ferret::Analysis::LetterAnalyzerclass Ferret::Analysis::LetterTokenizerclass Ferret::Analysis::LowerCaseFilterclass Ferret::Analysis::MappingFilterclass Ferret::Analysis::PerFieldAnalyzerclass Ferret::Analysis::RegExpAnalyzerclass Ferret::Analysis::RegExpTokenizerclass Ferret::Analysis::StandardAnalyzerclass Ferret::Analysis::StandardTokenizerclass Ferret::Analysis::StemFilterclass Ferret::Analysis::StopFilterclass Ferret::Analysis::Tokenclass Ferret::Analysis::TokenStreamclass Ferret::Analysis::WhiteSpaceAnalyzerclass Ferret::Analysis::WhiteSpaceTokenizer

class Ferret::Search::BooleanQueryclass Ferret::Search::ConstantScoreQueryclass Ferret::Search::Explanationclass Ferret::Search::Filterclass Ferret::Search::FilteredQueryclass Ferret::Search::FuzzyQueryclass Ferret::Search::Hitclass Ferret::Search::MatchAllQueryclass Ferret::Search::MultiSearcherclass Ferret::Search::MultiTermQueryclass Ferret::Search::PhraseQueryclass Ferret::Search::PrefixQueryclass Ferret::Search::Queryclass Ferret::Search::QueryFilterclass Ferret::Search::RangeFilterclass Ferret::Search::RangeQueryclass Ferret::Search::Searcherclass Ferret::Search::Sortclass Ferret::Search::SortFieldclass Ferret::Search::TermQueryclass Ferret::Search::TopDocsclass Ferret::Search::TypedRangeFilterclass Ferret::Search::TypedRangeQueryclass Ferret::Search::WildcardQuery

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Ranking Results0-60 with PageRank…

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Naïve: Term Frequency

index.search_each('content:"the brown cow"') do |id, score| puts "Score: #{score}, #{index[id][:title]} "end

> Score: 0.827, 3> Score: 0.523, 5> Score: 0.125, 4


3 5 4the 4 3 5

brown 1 3 1

cow 1 4 1

Score 6 10 7

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Naïve: Term Frequency

index.search_each('content:"the brown cow"') do |id, score| puts "Score: #{score}, #{index[id][:title]} "end

> Score: 0.827, 3> Score: 0.523, 5> Score: 0.125, 4


3 5 4the 4 3 5

brown 1 3 1

cow 1 4 1

Score 6 10 7

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TF-IDFTerm Frequency * Inverse Document Frequency


3 5 4the 4 3 5

brown 1 3 1

cow 1 4 1

Total # of documents: 10

# of docsthe 6

brown 3

cow 4

Score = TF * IDF

TF = # occurrences / # wordsIDF = # docs / # docs with W

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TF-IDFScore = 0.204 + 0.120 + 0.092 = 0.416

# of docsthe 6

brown 3

cow 4

3 5 4the 4 3 5

brown 1 3 1

cow 1 4 1

Total # of documents: 10# words in document: 10

Doc # 3 score for ‘the’:4/10 * ln(10/6) = 0.204

Doc # 3 score for ‘brown’:1/10 * ln(10/3) = 0.120

Doc # 3 score for ‘cow’:1/10 * ln(10/4) = 0.092

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Frequency Matrix

W1 W2 … … … … … … WN

Doc 1 15 23 …

Doc 2 24 12 …

… … … …

Doc K

Size = N * K * size of Ruby objectOuch.

Pages = N = 10,000Words = K = 2,000Ruby Object = 20+ bytes

Footprint = 384 MB

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NArray is an Numerical N-dimensional Array class (implemented in C), size, ...) NArray.byte(size,...) NArray.sint(size,...),...)

NArray.sfloat(size,...) NArray.float(size,...) NArray.scomplex(size,...) NArray.complex(size,...) NArray.object(size,...)

# create new NArray. initialize with 0.# 1 byte unsigned integer# 2 byte signed integer# 4 byte signed integer# single precision float# double precision float# single precision complex# double precision complex# Ruby object

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NArray is an Numerical N-dimensional Array class (implemented in C)

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PageRankthe google juice

Links as votes

Problem: link gaming

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Random Surferpowerful abstraction

Follow link from page he/she is currently on.

Teleport to a random location on the web.

P = 0.85

P = 0.15

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Surfin’rinse & repeat, ad naseum

Follow link from page he/she is currently on.

Teleport to a random location on the web.

Page K

Page N Page M

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Surfin’rinse & repeat, ad naseum

On Page P, clicks on link to K

P = 0.15

P = 0.85

On Page K clicks on link to M

On Page M teleports to X

P = 0.85

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Analyzing the Web Graphextracting PageRank

P = 0.6




P = 0.15

P = 0.20P = 0.05

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What is PageRank?It’s a scalar!

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What is PageRank?it’s a probability!

P = 0.6




P = 0.15

P = 0.20P = 0.05

P = 0.6

P = 0.15

P = 0.20P = 0.05

P = 0.6

P = 0.15

P = 0.20P = 0.05

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What is PageRank?it’s a probability!

P = 0.6




P = 0.15

P = 0.20P = 0.05

P = 0.6

P = 0.15

P = 0.20P = 0.05

Higher Pr, Higher Importance?

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Teleportation?sci-fi fans, … ?

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Reasons for teleportationenumerating edge cases





1. No in-links!


2. No out-links!

3. Isolated Web

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•Breadth First Search•Depth First Search•A* Search •Lexicographic Search •Dijkstra’s Algorithm •Floyd-Warshall •Triangulation and Comparability detection

require 'gratr/import'

dg = Digraph[1,2, 2,3, 2,4, 4,5, 6,4, 1,6]

dg.directed? # truedg.vertex?(4) # truedg.edge?(2,4) # truedg.vertices # [5, 6, 1, 2, 3, 4]

Graph[1,2,1,3,1,4,2,5].bfs # [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]Graph[1,2,1,3,1,4,2,5].dfs # [1, 2, 5, 3, 4]

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P(T) = 0.03

P(T) = 0.03

P(T) = 0.03

P(T) = 0.03

P(T) = 0.03

P(T) = 0.15 / # of pagesP(T) = 0.03

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PageRank: Simplified Mathematical Def’ncause that’s how we roll

𝐿= 𝑇= ൮0.15 𝑁ൗ�⋮0.15 𝑁ൗ�൲

Assume the web is N pages bigAssume that probability of teleportation (t) is 0.15, and following link (s) is 0.85Assume that teleportation probability (E) is uniformAssume that you start on any random page (uniform distribution L), then

Then after one step, the probability your on page X is:𝐿∗ ሺ𝑠𝐺+ 𝑡𝐸ሻ 𝐿∗(0.85∗𝐺+ 0.15∗𝐸)

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G = The Link Graphginormous and sparse

1 2 … … N1 1 0 … … 0

2 0 1 … … 1

… … … … … …

… … … … … …

N 0 1 … … 1

Link Graph No link from 1 to N


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G as a dictionarymore compact…

{ "1" => [25, 26], "2" => [1], "5" => [123,2], "6" => [67, 1]}


Links to…

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Computing PageRankthe tedious way

Follow link from page he/she is currently on.

Teleport to a random location on the web.

Page K

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Computing PageRankin one swoop

Identity matrix

Don’t trust me! Verify it yourself!

𝑞 = 𝑡 ሺ𝐼− 𝑠𝐺ሻ−1𝐸= ൭𝑃1⋮𝑃𝑛൱

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Enough hand-waving, dammit!show me the code

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Birth of EM-Proxyflash of the obvious

Hot, Fast, Awesome

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Hot, Fast, Awesome

Click there! … Give yourself a weekend.

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Click there! … Give yourself a weekend.

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PageRank in Ruby6 lines, or less

require "gsl"include GSL # INPUT: link structure matrix (NxN)# OUTPUT: pagerank scoresdef pagerank(g) raise if g.size1 != g.size2 i = Matrix.I(g.size1) # identity matrix p = (1.0/g.size1) * Matrix.ones(g.size1,1) # teleportation vector s = 0.85 # probability of following a link t = 1-s # probability of teleportation t*((i-s*g).invert)*pend

Verify NxN

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PageRank in Ruby6 lines, or less

require "gsl"include GSL # INPUT: link structure matrix (NxN)# OUTPUT: pagerank scoresdef pagerank(g) raise if g.size1 != g.size2 i = Matrix.I(g.size1) # identity matrix p = (1.0/g.size1) * Matrix.ones(g.size1,1) # teleportation vector s = 0.85 # probability of following a link t = 1-s # probability of teleportation t*((i-s*g).invert)*pend


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PageRank in Ruby6 lines, or less

require "gsl"include GSL # INPUT: link structure matrix (NxN)# OUTPUT: pagerank scoresdef pagerank(g) raise if g.size1 != g.size2 i = Matrix.I(g.size1) # identity matrix p = (1.0/g.size1) * Matrix.ones(g.size1,1) # teleportation vector s = 0.85 # probability of following a link t = 1-s # probability of teleportation t*((i-s*g).invert)*pend


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Ex: Circular Webtesting intuition…



X P = 0.33

pagerank(Matrix[[0,0,1], [0,0,1], [1,0,0]])> [0.33, 0.33, 0.33]

P = 0.33

P = 0.33

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Ex: All roads lead to Ktesting intuition…



X P = 0.07

pagerank(Matrix[[0,0,0], [0.5,0,0], [0.5,1,1]])> [0.05, 0.07, 0.87]

P = 0.87

P = 0.05

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PageRank + Ferretawesome search, ftw!

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require 'ferret'include Ferret index = index << {:title => "1", :content => "it is what it is", :pr => 0.05 }index << {:title => "2", :content => "what is it", :pr => 0.07 }index << {:title => "3", :content => "it is a banana", :pr => 0.87 }



2 P = 0.07

P = 0.87

P = 0.05

Store PageRank

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index.search_each('content:"world"') do |id, score| puts "Score: #{score}, #{index[id][:title]} (PR: #{index[id][:pr]})"end

puts "*" * 50

sf_pr =, :type => :float, :reverse => true)

index.search_each('content:"world"', :sort => sf_pr) do |id, score| puts "Score: #{score}, #{index[id][:title]}, (PR: #{index[id][:pr]})"end

# Score: 0.267119228839874, 3 (PR: 0.87)# Score: 0.17807948589325, 1 (PR: 0.05)# Score: 0.17807948589325, 2 (PR: 0.07)# ***********************************# Score: 0.267119228839874, 3, (PR: 0.87)# Score: 0.17807948589325, 2, (PR: 0.07)# Score: 0.17807948589325, 1, (PR: 0.05)

TF-IDF Search

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index.search_each('content:"world"') do |id, score| puts "Score: #{score}, #{index[id][:title]} (PR: #{index[id][:pr]})"end

puts "*" * 50

sf_pr =, :type => :float, :reverse => true)

index.search_each('content:"world"', :sort => sf_pr) do |id, score| puts "Score: #{score}, #{index[id][:title]}, (PR: #{index[id][:pr]})"end

# Score: 0.267119228839874, 3 (PR: 0.87)# Score: 0.17807948589325, 1 (PR: 0.05)# Score: 0.17807948589325, 2 (PR: 0.07)# ***********************************# Score: 0.267119228839874, 3, (PR: 0.87)# Score: 0.17807948589325, 2, (PR: 0.07)# Score: 0.17807948589325, 1, (PR: 0.05)

PageRank FTW!

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index.search_each('content:"world"') do |id, score| puts "Score: #{score}, #{index[id][:title]} (PR: #{index[id][:pr]})"end

puts "*" * 50

sf_pr =, :type => :float, :reverse => true)

index.search_each('content:"world"', :sort => sf_pr) do |id, score| puts "Score: #{score}, #{index[id][:title]}, (PR: #{index[id][:pr]})"end

# Score: 0.267119228839874, 3 (PR: 0.87)# Score: 0.17807948589325, 1 (PR: 0.05)# Score: 0.17807948589325, 2 (PR: 0.07)# ***********************************# Score: 0.267119228839874, 3, (PR: 0.87)# Score: 0.17807948589325, 2, (PR: 0.07)# Score: 0.17807948589325, 1, (PR: 0.05)



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Search*: Graphs are ubiquitous!PageRank is a general purpose hammer

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PageRank + Social GraphGitHub

Username GitCred==============================37signals 10.00imbriaco 9.76why 8.74rails 8.56defunkt 8.17technoweenie 7.83jeresig 7.60mojombo 7.51yui 7.34drnic 7.34pjhyett 6.91wycats 6.85dhh 6.84

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PageRank + Social GraphTwitter


Analyze the social graph:- Filter messages by ‘TwitterRank’- Suggest users by ‘TwitterRank’- …

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PageRank + Product GraphE-commerce

Link items purchased in same cart… Run PR on it.

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PageRank = Powerful Hammeruse it!

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Personalizationhow would you do it?

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PageRank + Personalizationcustomize the teleportation vector

𝑇= ൮0.15 𝑁ൗ�⋮0.15 𝑁ൗ�൲ Teleportation distribution doesn’t

have to be uniform! is my homepage!

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Gaming PageRankfor fun and profit (I don’t endorse it)

Make pages with links!

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The slides… Twitter My blog



PageRank on Wikipedia: PageRank:

Michael Nielsen’s lectures on PageRank: