building standards verification service balanced scorecard ... · the balanced scorecard is a...

2015 Version 1 Building Standards Verification Service Balanced Scorecard 2015 – 2016 Key contact: Kenny Simpson, Building Standards Manager

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Page 1: Building Standards Verification Service Balanced Scorecard ... · The balanced scorecard is a strategic planning and management tool that is used in business organisations to align

2015 Version 1

Building Standards Verification Service

Balanced Scorecard 2015 – 2016 Key contact: Kenny Simpson, Building Standards Manager

Page 2: Building Standards Verification Service Balanced Scorecard ... · The balanced scorecard is a strategic planning and management tool that is used in business organisations to align

2015 Version 1

Table of Contents

1.0 Introduction ........................................................................... 4

1.1 Structure of Aberdeenshire Council ......................................... 4 1.2 Aberdeenshire Councils Building Standards Service ............... 5

2.0 Building Standards Verification Service Information ......... 5

2.1 Area Focus .............................................................................. 6 2.2 Staff Establishment ................................................................. 6

3.0 Strategic Objectives .............................................................. 8

3.1 Aberdeenshire Council: Our Vision ......................................... 8 3.2 Golden Thread ........................................................................ 9 3.3 Key Objectives ........................................................................ 9

4.0 Key Performance Outcomes .............................................. 10

4.1 Professional Expertise & Technical Processes ................ 10

4.1.1 Protocols for dealing with work ........................................... 10 4.1.2 Performance management systems ................................... 10 4.1.3 Training and development/CPD ......................................... 10 4.1.4 Benchmarking/shared services/partnership work ............... 11 4.1.5 Commitment to work together on technical issues .............. 11 4.1.6 Succession planning .......................................................... 11

4.2 Quality Customer Experience ............................................ 12

4.2.1 Customer communication strategies .................................. 12 4.2.2 Charter (local/national) ....................................................... 12 4.2.3 Engagement (national and local forums) ............................ 12 4.2.4 Customer feedback (local and national) ............................. 12 4.2.5 Accessibility of Service ....................................................... 12 4.2.6 Verification Support Service ............................................... 12 4.2.7 Aberdeenshire Council Complaints Procedure ................... 13 4.2.8 Recognised external accreditations .................................... 13

4.3 Operational & Financial Efficiency ..................................... 14

4.3.1 Team structures e.g. (area splits/specialist teams) ............. 14 4.3.2 Time recording system ....................................................... 14 4.3.3 Financial monitoring/governance ........................................ 14

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2015 Version 1

4.3.4 IT systems .......................................................................... 14 4.3.5 Finance systems ................................................................ 14 4.3.6 Internal communication strategies ...................................... 14

4.4 Continuous Improvement Plan Summary ......................... 14

5.0 Building Standards – Additional Data ............................... 15

Page 4: Building Standards Verification Service Balanced Scorecard ... · The balanced scorecard is a strategic planning and management tool that is used in business organisations to align

2015 Version 1

1.0 Introduction The balanced scorecard is a strategic planning and management tool that is used in business organisations to align business activities to the vision and strategy of the organisation, improve internal and external communications, and monitor performance against strategic goals. Building standards verifiers in Scotland are required to utilise the balanced scorecard as a means to manage, monitor, review and develop strategies for their business with a focus on the three core perspectives listed below and the public interest and continuous improvement cross-cutting themes:

• Professional Expertise & Technical Processes

• Quality Customer Experience

• Operational & Financial Efficiency

1.1 Structure of Aberdeenshire Council Aberdeenshire Council is 6,300 square kilometres of rich farmland, towns, coastline and mountains in northeast Scotland accounting for 8% of Scotland’s total land mass. There are approximately 230,000 people who reside in Aberdeenshire. Total employment in Aberdeenshire is estimated at 88,000. The majority of employees work within the service sector, predominantly in public administration, education and health. In the north of Aberdeenshire the primary industries of farming and fishing are still prevalent. Aberdeenshire’s economy is also closely linked to Aberdeen City’s and the North Sea oil industry, with many employees in oil related jobs. About a third of the workforce is employed in finance, IT and other services, construction and manufacturing. The number of people working in the primary sectors of farming, fishing and forestry has steadily declined over the past decade, reflecting business consolidation and increasing mechanisation driven by rising costs, global competition, and in some instances, such as fishing, increased regulation. Aberdeenshire Council spends over £500m each year on services and has in excess of 11,000 employees. The Councils spending per head of population is amongst the lowest in Scotland, and 11.2% below the Scottish average. Aberdeenshire’s grant per head of population is 12.6% below the Scottish average (equal to £61m each year) and our Council Tax is the 15th lowest in Scotland.

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2015 Version 1

1.2 Aberdeenshire Councils Building Standards Service Aberdeenshire Council’s Building Standards service is located within Infrastructure Services. Infrastructure Services has many functions which are delivered under the following sub services. Roads and Landscape Services Economic Development Protective Services & Waste Management Transportation Property & Facilities Management, and Planning & Building Standards Structure of the Service – Key-reporting lines The following organisational chart shows the key reporting relationships within Infrastructure Services.


Director of Infrastructure Services

Head of Planning & Building Standards

Head of

Roads &

Landscape Services

Head of

Economic Development

Head of


3 Planning


Building Standards Manager

Chief Executive

6 Council Areas – each Managed by an Area


Business Services

Education, Learning & Leisure

Housing and Social Work


Head of Protective

Services & Waste Management

Head of

Property &



Infrastructure Services

Page 6: Building Standards Verification Service Balanced Scorecard ... · The balanced scorecard is a strategic planning and management tool that is used in business organisations to align

2015 Version 1

Building Standards Verification Service Information The principle objective of Building Standards is to

• secure the health, safety, welfare and convenience of persons in or about buildings and of others who may be affected by buildings or matters connected with buildings,

• further the conservation of fuel and power, and

• further the achievement of sustainable development. Building Standards has two distinct roles, verification and enforcement. Verification is principally achieved through the application of the Building Standards (Scotland) Regulations 2004, when considering applications for Building Warrants and submissions of Completion Certificates. The Building Standards Service is also responsible for the enforcement duties contained within the Building (Scotland) Act 2003. This enforcement duty ensures that buildings comply with Building Regulations and public safety is maintained in relation to defective and dangerous buildings.

2.1 Area Focus The Service is delivered at present via Aberdeenshire Council’s Area Focus Policy to the public and customers from the following administrative Areas:

• Kincardine & Mearns • Marr

• Garioch • Formartine

• Banff & Buchan • Buchan The area focus policy allows decentralisation of decision making, provides more local perspective and delivery of services. It also allows better customer engagement with Aberdeenshire’s communities. The six different areas of Aberdeenshire Council vary greatly in population density, industry and social economic issues. Aberdeenshire Council Building Standards delivers its service to these very different and diverse areas via our 9 area based offices.

2.2 Staff Establishment Aberdeenshire Council Building Standards has an establishment of 30 professional staff. They are supported at each location by administrative assistants provided by the Support Services section. The Building Standards Manager is supported by three Team Leaders, each taking responsibility for two geographical areas. The Team Leaders also play a key role in policy development and training. The Building Standards Manager is located in Inverurie; the three Team Leaders are located in Inverurie, Banff and Stonehaven. The Services Information Officer is based in Stonehaven.

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2015 Version 1

• Aberdeenshire 1 Buildings Standards Manager 3 Building Standards Team Leaders 1 Information Officer In addition to this the composition of each team is as follows:

• Kincardine & Mearns 4 Building Standards Surveyors 1 Building Standards Technical Assistant

• Marr 3 Building Standards Surveyors 2 Part -time Buildings Standards Surveyors

• Garioch 3 Building Standards Surveyors 1 Building Standards Technical Assistant

• Formartine 2 Building Standards Surveyors 1 Building Standards Technical Assistant

• Banff & Buchan 3 Building Standards Surveyors 2 Building Standards Technical Assistants

• Buchan 1 Building Standards Surveyor 1 Part-time Building Standards Surveyor

1 Building Standards Technical Assistants Aberdeenshire Council’s Building Standards Service works closely with Aberdeen City Council and Moray Council in the Grampian Consortium Group. The aim of the group is to develop and maintain consistency in the delivery of the Building Standards Service across the three Councils. The purpose of the building standards system is to protect the public interest. The system sets out the essential standards that are required to be met when building work or conversion of a building takes place in order to meet building regulations. The building standards system checks that proposed building work or conversion of a building meets standards; inspections are carried out in line the Construction Compliance and Notification Plan (CCNP) for that project. It must be stressed that these inspections are to protect the public interest in terms of compliance with building regulations and not to ensure quality of workmanship. The control of work on site is not down to the system but is a matter for contracts and arrangements in place between a builder and client. Verifiers, appointed by Scottish Ministers are responsible for the independent checking of applications for building warrants to construct or demolish buildings, to provide services, fittings or equipment in buildings, or for conversions.

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2015 Version 1

3.0 Strategic Objectives 3.1 Aberdeenshire Council: Our Vision Aberdeenshire Council has been providing services and leadership to the people of Aberdeenshire since 1996. The Council has clear aspirations for the future of Aberdeenshire, and these are reflected in the Councils vision.

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2015 Version 1

3.2 Golden Thread This Balanced Scorecard supports the objectives of Infrastructure Service Plan. The Service Plan sets out what Infrastructure Services intends to do in support of the Council’s Strategic Priorities and Community Planning/Single Outcome Agreement (SOA) objectives as well as the improvements it intends to make with regards to governance, leadership, people, performance and reputation in support of actions set out in the Corporate Improvement Plan. The Service Plan is the anchor to the “Golden Thread” that runs down from the Community Plan and SOA through the Council’s Strategic Priorities and Service Plan to Section/Team/Individual work plans.

3.3 Key Objectives Aberdeenshire Building Standards key objectives for the coming year are to

• Implementation eBuilding Standards.

• Staff and workplace appraisal

• Apply for Customer Excellence Award

• Delivery of our Continuous Improvement Plan

• Participate in and provide full commitment to the Grampian Consortium Group

• Engagement and partnership working with LABSS

• Engagement and partnership working with all stakeholders

• Ensure the continued health, safety and welfare of persons in or about buildings of Aberdeenshire

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2015 Version 1

4.0 Key Performance Outcomes 4.1 Professional Expertise & Technical Processes 4.1.1 Protocols for dealing with work Risk Management Protocols are in place for a) Allocation and processing for Building Warrants applications. b) Site Inspections. c) Acceptance and Rejection of Completion Certificates. d) Dealing with Structural Design Criteria. A Handbook has been developed to cover all aspects of administrative procedures from registration to completion. 4.1.2 Performance management systems Current ICT system set up to record existing Key Performance Indicators for reporting to Council Committees. This includes a) Percentage of applications assessed for compliance with technical standards within 20 working days of validation. Target 95% b) Percentage of applications approved within 6 working days following receipt of satisfactory technical information. Target 90% c) Percentage of Completion Certificate requests inspected within 6 working days of receipt. Target 100% d) Percentage of completion Certificate acceptance notices issued within 3 working days of final inspection. Target 90% e) Attendance of Potentially Dangerous Buildings within 4 hours of notification. Target 100% Additional Performance Management tools include a) Live pending lists b) Live amended drawings lists c) Live performance graphs 4.1.3 Training and development/CPD All staff are subject to Employee Annual Review System (EARS). This identifies specific training needs and plans which are submitted to Senior Management Team. Each member of staff has their own individual Training Manual. Various CPD / Staff days are provided throughout the year. A number of staff are currently working towards professional membership of RICS, CIOB or CABE.

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2015 Version 1

4.1.4 Benchmarking/shared services/partnership work Aberdeenshire Council in conjunction with Moray Council and Aberdeen City Council forms the Grampian Consortium Group. This group meets on a regular basis and its main purposes are to establish consistent approach to interpretation of polices and technical guidance, provide benchmarking, share best practice and facilitate training. Aberdeenshire Council and the Grampian Consortium Group are actively involved with national policy and working groups via LABSS. 4.1.5 Commitment to work together on technical issues Technical Working group has been developed within Grampian Consortium Group. Joint Agent seminars and staff training days are held with the consortium members as required. We have a number of staff who contribute to the various LABSS national working groups. Participate in Scottish Type Approval Scheme (STAS). 4.1.6 Succession planning The service encourages and supports staff to undertake further education and obtain professional qualifications by providing financial assistance and time off work. Staff arrangements are reviewed on a regular basis against workflow and verification requirements to ensure as far as is reasonably practicable that a consistent and equal service is delivered to our customers.

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2015 Version 1

4.2 Quality Customer Experience 4.2.1 Customer communication strategies

Information relevant to the Building Standards Service is available on our website. In addition, guidance leaflets are also available at our area offices. Correspondence is normally via emails, letters and telephone calls. Staff are generally available to answer queries without an appointment. However appointments can be made for more detailed discussions. Seminar and Focus groups are also used to communicate with our customers. We shall start working towards our Customer Service Excellent Award this year. 4.2.2 Charter (local/national) Aberdeenshire Council’s Building Standards Charter is available on our website and at area offices. It is reviewed and updated as required.

4.2.3 Engagement (national and local forums) Aberdeenshire Council is part of the Grampian Consortium Group and LABSS which aims to improve quality and consistency in service provision at a national level. Agents Seminars are held in conjunction with Grampian Consortium Group to disseminate information regarding updates to building legislation and technical guidance. Local Focus Groups meetings are held with agents and architects to inform them of proposed changes within the service and to receive feedback and suggestions on service provision.

4.2.4 Customer feedback (local and national) Customer feedback is obtained via questionnaires, focus groups, agent seminars and daily interaction with customers. National Survey to be undertaken by Building Standards Division and feedback shall be obtained via their website.

4.2.5 Accessibility of Service

The Building Standards Service is delivered locally across Aberdeenshire from numerous offices based on Council’s Area Focus strategy. All Building Standards forms and guidance are available on our Website. 4.2.6 Verification Support Service A verification support service is available to all customers when the Building Warrant application 1st response time scale has not been achieved. This service will provide a fast

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2015 Version 1

and simple resolution for any customer that is adversely affected by failure to meet our performance standard. Details of this can be found in our Building Standards Charter. 4.2.7 Aberdeenshire Council Complaints Procedure Building Standards is a complex procedure and individuals may consider that their application has not been dealt with effectively or efficiently. Aberdeenshire Council is committed to continually improving the services which it provides to the people of Aberdeenshire and has adopted a nationally agreed 2 stage complaints procedure for all

Council Services. A copy of the leaflet entitled “Have your say” can be obtained from each

of the main Service Centres, Area Offices and on-line. The leaflet sets out the steps that you can take if you wish to make a complaint relating to the standard of service that you have received, or alternatively have any ideas that you wish to suggest in order that we can improve our services. 4.2.8 Recognised external accreditations

The Building Standards service of Aberdeenshire Council is currently exploring the merits of embarking on the award of Customer Service Excellence. A final decision will be taken by the Senior Management Team of Infrastructure Services.

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2015 Version 1

4.3 Operational & Financial Efficiency 4.3.1 Team structures e.g. (area splits/specialist teams) The Building Standards Service is provided across Aberdeenshire on an area basis with local offices. See introduction for exact composition of teams and hierarchy. 4.3.2 Time recording system A Time Recording System is in place to measure time spent on Verification / Non-Verification.

4.3.3 Financial monitoring/governance Management system is in place to monitor budget for Verification. Meetings take place on a quarterly basis with Service accountants to monitor budget and discuss trends. 4.3.4 IT systems Building Standards operate an application processing system provided by Uniform. This system is where all our applications are plotted and information is stored. It provides performance reporting facilities and letter generation relating to applications. This system is support by Council’s ICT service and a dedicated Information Officer. A range of other ICT tools are available to staff eg Internet, Arcadia, Bodet, emails etc. We shall ensure that we have appropriate systems and procedures in place ready for eBuildings Standards to go live spring 2016.

4.3.5 Finance systems Aberdeenshire Council Corporate Services ensure strong financial governance of the Aberdeenshire Budget. Within the Building Standards Service Corporate Services employ the use of Oracle Finance which includes reporting tools to extract financial information for budget monitoring purposes. 4.3.6 Internal communication strategies Aberdeenshire Building Standards Management Team (ABSM) consists of the Building Standards Manager and the three Team Leaders. It meets on a regular basis to discuss and review all aspects of the Building Standards Service across Aberdeenshire. Team Leaders hold regular Team Meetings with their area based staff to disseminate information and encourage 2-way discussion on all corporate and Building Standards topics. In addition to these meetings, staff training days for the entire service workforce including administration support are held approximately twice a year. Staff shall have regular 1 to1 meetings with their line manager approximately every 3 months. Information is also available via emails and Arcadia (Council’s Intranet Service).

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2015 Version 1

4.4 Continuous Improvement Plan Summary


Professional Expertise and Technical Processes

Key actions from previous quarter (Q1 2015 / 16):

Relevant to KPO1-2 (from


Target completion


Status (from list):


1. Employee Annual Review KPO 2 Mar 15 Completed All staff EAR completed for 2015.

2. Undertake Workplace and 3taffing review

KPO 2 Sept 15 On target With Senior Management Team for final approval.


5 etc.

Commentary: (This is an important requirement and should include a narrative summary of progress, as well as the context and rationale for any changes to current and planned actions.)

Key actions planned for next three quarters:

Relevant to KPO1-2 (from


Target completion


Priority level (from list):

Proposed outcomes:

1. Develop mechanism to record breakdown of time taken by verifier and by customer.

KPO 2 Sep 15 Medium Develop further breakdown of verifiers / agent time.

2. Undertake Workplace and staffing review

KPO1 Sep 15 High

To ensure we have the right number people in the right places to provide the best service.

3 Employee Annual Review KPO 2 Mar 16 Low

All staff to receive EAR


5 etc.

Commentary (optional): (This could look at longer term priorities (one to three years)):

Quality Customer Experience

Key actions from previous quarter (Q4 2014 / 15):

Relevant to KPO3-5 (from


Target completion


Status (from list):


1. Review and update Charter KPO4 Mar-15 Completed

Charter updated and available from Council office's receptions and website.

2. National Customer Survey KPO5 Mar 15 Completed

With Pye Tait Consulting



5 etc.

Commentary: (This is an important requirement and should include a narrative summary of progress, as well as the context and rationale for any changes to current and planned actions.)

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2015 Version 1

Key actions planned for next three quarters:

Relevant to KPO3-5 (from


Target completion


Priority level (from list):

Proposed outcomes:

1. Develop Customer Agreement Protocol

KPO3 Oct-15 High To allow the option of an alternative assessment of Building Warrant applications if they take over 35 days for the 1st technical response to be issued.

2 Review and update Webpage

KPO 5 July 15 Medium Review and update online information

3. Customer Service Excellence Award

KPO 5 July 15 Medium Start process to get Customer Excellence Award


5 etc.

Commentary (optional): (This could look at longer term priorities (one to three years)):

Operational and Financial Efficiency

Key actions from previous quarter (Q4 2014 / 15):

Relevant to KPO6-9 (from


Target completion


Status (from list):


1. Update Time Recording System

KPO 6 Apr 15 Completed

Time recording spreadsheets issued for 2014-15

2. Budget Review KPO 6 Apr 15 Completed

Quarterly review done.

3. Benchmarking KPO 7 Feb 15 Completed

Benchmarking group set up within Grampian Consortium Group.

4 etc.

Commentary: (This is an important requirement and should include a narrative summary of progress, as well as the context and rationale for any changes to current and planned actions.)

Key actions planned for next three quarters:

Relevant to KPO6-9 (from


Target completion


Priority level (from list):

Proposed outcomes:

1. eBuilding and online Building Warrant applications

KPO 5 Mar 16 High Make sure that we have appropriate procedures and resources in place to accept electronic Building Warrant submissions.

2. Update Time recording KPO 6 Apr 16 Low

Update spreadsheet for 2016-17


4. etc.

Commentary (optional): (This could look at longer term priorities (one to three years)):

5.0 Building Standards – Additional Data

Building Standards – Additional Data (Local Authority Annual Return) 2014-15

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2015 Version 1

1 Building Warrant (BW) Number

1.1 No. of BW Applications (including “late” applications)

1.2 No. of “late” BW applications (as included above)

1.3 No. of BW approved

1.4 No. of BW refused

1.5 No. of amendment to BW applications

1.6 No. of amendment to BW applications approved

1.7 No. of amendment to BW applications refused


2 Completion Certificates (CC) Number

2.1 No. of CC submissions (including those where no warrant was obtained)

2.2 No. of CC submissions where no warrant was obtained (“late” CCs as included above)

2.3 No. of CC submissions accepted

2.4 No. of CC submissions rejected

3 Fees Number

3.1 Total value of works for BW applications (including “late” applications)

3.2 Total value of works for amendment to warrant applications

3.3 Total value of works for CC submissions where no warrant was obtained

3.4 Total Value of Work

3.5 Total building warrant fee income (including 'late' BW)

3.6 Total amendment to warrant fee income

3.7 Total CC fee income where no warrant was obtained

3.8 Total Fee Income

4 Costs Number

4.1 Total expenditure on verification

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2015 Version 1

5 Certification Number

5.1 No of certificates of design (building structures) provided

5.2 No of certificates of design (energy) domestic provided

5.3 No of certificates of design (energy) non-domestic provided

5.4 No of certificates of construction (electrical) provided

5.5 No of certificates of construction (drainage, heating and plumbing) provided


6 EPCs Number

6.1 No of copy EPCs received for domestic buildings under Standard 6.9

6.2 No of copy EPCs received for non-domestic buildings under Standard 6.9


7 Statements of Sustainability Number

7.1 No of copy Statements of Sustainability for domestic buildings under Standard 7.1 "Bronze"

7.2 No of copy Statements of Sustainability for domestic buildings under Standard 7.1 "Bronze +"

7.3 No of copy Statements of Sustainability for domestic buildings under Standard 7.1 "Silver"

7.4 No of copy Statements of Sustainability for domestic buildings under Standard 7.1 "Gold"

7.5 No of copy Statements of Sustainability for domestic buildings under Standard 7.1 "Platinum"

7.6 No of copy Statements of Sustainability for non-domestic buildings under Standard 7.1 "Bronze"

7.7 No of copy Statements of Sustainability for non-domestic buildings under Standard 7.1 "Bronze +"

7.8 * No of copy Statements of Sustainability for non-domestic buildings under Standard 7.1 "Silver"*

7.9* No of copy Statements of Sustainability for non-domestic buildings under Standard 7.1 "Gold"*

710* No of copy Statements of Sustainability for non-domestic buildings under Standard 7.1 "Platinum"*

*7.8 to 7.10: Higher levels for Silver, Gold and Platinum are not currently possible for non-domestic.


8 Enforcement Number

8.1 No of section 25 notices issued

8.2 No of section 26 notices issued

8.3 No of section 27 notices issued

8.4 No of section 28 notices issued

8.5 No of instances where the local authority has taken action under Section 29

8.6 No of section 30 notices issued

8.7 No of enforcement cases reported to the Procurator Fiscal

8.8 No of cases from above where the local authority carried out work
