bukÁs-loÓb sa diyÓs open in spirit to...

Living WaterMay 19, 2017 1 May 19, 2017 BUKÁS-LOÓB SA DIYÓS OPEN IN SPIRIT TO GOD www.bldworld.org www.bldtoronto.com THEME We are empowered by the Holy Spirit when we remain in Christ and live in Him WORD Acts 8:5-8; Ps 66; 1 Pet 3:15-18; Jn 14:15-23 ORDER 1. “In your hearts, sanctify Christ as Lord (1 Pt 3:15) 2. “Keep your conscience clear” (1 Pt 3:16) 3. “Keep my commandments” (Jn 14:15) DIRECTION Listen to what the Lord is saying and accept the word of God. REFLECTION As the day of Pentecost draws near, Jesus pre- pares His apostles for that time when He would leave them to go back to His rightful place at the right hand of the Father. Now that He was going back to heaven, He promised He would not leave them alone to struggle with life. In just a few days they will receive power from the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit will remain to be their guide as to what to do and enable them to do it. To this very day, the Holy Spirit is doing the same work in all of God’s people. Just as the first disciples were not left orphaned, we too are not orphaned. Through our baptism, we have received the Holy Spirit. And as it was for the people our first reading speaks of who received the Holy Spirit when Peter and John laid their hands on them (Acts 8: 15-17), so too for those of us in the Renewal, it was when hands were laid on us during our own baptism in the Holy Spirit at our LSS that we experienced more fully the presence of Jesus in our lives and the power of the Holy Spirit in us. The condition that Jesus sets on having a living relationship with Him is loving obedience to Him by keeping His commandments. To those who walk in obedience to His Word, Jesus ...P2 6th Sunday of Easter www.bldworld.org www.bldtoronto.com

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  • Living Water– May 19, 2017 1

    May 19, 2017


    www.bldworld.org www.bldtoronto.com


    We are empowered by the Holy Spirit

    when we remain in Christ and live in Him


    Acts 8:5-8; Ps 66; 1 Pet 3:15-18; Jn 14:15-23


    1. “In your hearts, sanctify Christ as Lord

    (1 Pt 3:15)

    2. “Keep your conscience clear” (1 Pt 3:16)

    3. “Keep my commandments” (Jn 14:15) DIRECTION

    Listen to what the Lord is saying and accept the

    word of God.

    REFLECTION As the day of Pentecost draws near, Jesus pre-

    pares His apostles for that time when He would

    leave them to go back to His rightful place at the

    right hand of the Father. Now that He was going

    back to heaven, He promised He would not

    leave them alone to struggle with life. In just a

    few days they will receive power from the Holy

    Spirit. The Holy Spirit will remain to be their

    guide as to what to do and enable them to do it.

    To this very day, the Holy Spirit is doing the

    same work in all of God’s people.

    Just as the first disciples were not left orphaned,

    we too are not orphaned. Through our baptism,

    we have received the Holy Spirit. And as it was

    for the people our first reading speaks of who

    received the Holy Spirit when Peter and John

    laid their hands on them (Acts 8: 15-17), so too

    for those of us in the Renewal, it was when

    hands were laid on us during our own baptism

    in the Holy Spirit at our LSS that we experienced

    more fully the presence of Jesus in our lives and

    the power of the Holy Spirit in us. The condition that Jesus sets on having a living

    relationship with Him is loving obedience to

    Him by keeping His commandments. To those

    who walk in obedience to His Word, Jesus ...P2

    6th Sunday of Easter

    www.bldworld.org www.bldtoronto.com

  • 2 Living Water - January 15, 2016222

    Living Water - May 19, 2017 BLD TORONTO MID-YEAR RETREAT

    (Cont’d from P.1)

    ...promised to reveal Himself. “They who love

    my commandments and keep them are those who

    love me; and those who love me will be loved by my

    Father and I will love them and reveal myself to

    them.” (Jn. 14:21). Yes, it is very clear that one

    way to know the power of the Holy Spirit in

    our own lives is by obeying the Lord. Our best model of obedience is Jesus Himself.

    He laid down His life to accomplish the Fa-

    ther’s will. And throughout His life, Jesus

    showed obedience by subjecting Himself to the

    authority of other people. He allowed Himself

    to be born to a Jewish woman, being subject to

    the authority of Mary and Joseph. Although

    He had no sin, He submitted Himself to be bap-

    tized. As He came out of the water, the Holy

    Spirit overshadowed Him and the voice of God

    was heard saying “This is my Beloved Son in

    whom I am well pleased.” (Matt 3:17) When we

    obey, we please the Father. Obedience is merely the minimum. Love is

    what makes obedience possible. It motivates

    us to do more than the minimum. If we love,

    we cannot help but want to do more for others,

    because unconditional love is the nature of Je-

    sus. Truly loving Jesus leads us to love even the

    unlovable. In loving Him we give up whatever

    it is in our lives which draws us away from

    Him. It means changing our lives, working on

    our personalities and characters, overcoming

    sinful habits, stretching ourselves to love as

    Jesus loved. As Pentecost approaches, let us ask the Holy

    Spirit to give us a deeper knowledge of God’s

    love and to make us channels of His love. As

    our helper and counselor, let us pray for His

    guidance to grow more in the fruit of the Spirit

    so we can truly become worthy sons and

    daughters of a loving God. May the Holy

    Spirit, living and working in us, help us in per-

    severing in our faith and obeying the com-

    mandments that Jesus taught. PROMISE

    " … whoever loves me will be loved by my

    Father, and I will love them and reveal my-

    self to them.” Jn 14, 21b:

    MARCH for LIFE The Canadian National March for Life is an on-going

    campaign against the passage of the infamous Omnibus

    Bill C-150 which decriminalized abortion. This year the March for Life in Ottawa was held on May

    11. More than 20,000 Canadians from all walks of life at-

    tended the event. It started with the Rally on Parlia-

    ment Hill where political, cultural and spiritual

    leaders gave stirring calls to action on how to re-

    store a culture of life in Canada. The participants then marched through the streets

    of downtown Ottawa and returned to the Hill for an impromptu concert. This was

    followed by powerful testimonies given by the women and men of the … cont’d P3

  • Living Water– May 19, 2017 3

    (March for Life - Cont’d from P2)

    ...Silent No More Awareness Campaign. The program wrapped up at 4pm with a

    closing prayer service led by the Eastern Catholic Chaplaincy of Ottawa. Our heartfelt thanks to the BLD Community for its active support of this event. We are now on

    our 3rd year of participation and we have again been well represented this year with a contingent

    of 48 attendees from SFX and Toronto. Special thanks to Tito/Dora Bacungan, Carmen Jimenez

    and YolyUranza who helped coordinate our 2017 March for Life. It was a blessed day in-

    deed, specially for the first timers. See you all next year! And together, let us continue to stand on guard and protect the unborn


    On May 11, 2017, Philip and

    Clarita Malolos (ME#2) cele-

    brated 49 years of marriage.

    To many, that seems to be a

    very big deal. But if you look

    at it from a different per-

    spective, you realize that the number 49

    falls woefully short of its intended tar-

    get in almost every conceivable respect.

    While it is true that 49 is actually 48

    digits more than the number 1, it is

    equally true that this oddest of numbers

    is 1 digit shy of the golden 50. And

    therein lies the rub! After 49 years of

    deciding to love and to keep loving each

    other day-in and day-out… after 49

    years of sacrificing for one another over

    and over again in countless little ways,

    Philip and Clarita are now faced with

    the prospect of going through another

    525,600 minutes of love and sacrifice

    before they can reach that golden and

    triumphant number of 50. How utterly

    inconceivable is that!

    But perhaps that’s the key to

    understanding marriage and

    rediscovering yet again, what

    this lovely couple has so gra-

    ciously shared with our com-

    munity over the years. For it

    was through them that we came to un-

    derstand why marriage is a Holy Sacra-

    ment, which is to say that it has nothing

    to do with numbers, nor a goal that we

    need to reach or achieve. Because for

    Philip and Clarita, it’s a kind of naviga-

    tional star that we look up to as we pass

    through those incredible years of joy,

    heartaches, hopes and dreams -- a star

    that is so unfathomably difficult to

    reach, yet so miraculously beautiful to

    experience. Much like…God’s grace. And so to Philip and Clarita and to a

    miraculously beautiful 49 years of mar-

    riage (which is still.. .ehem..1 shy of 50),

    Happy Anniversary!! May the grace of

    the Lord be upon you always!

    By: Fran and Baby Pulumbarit

    ONE SHY OF FIFTY By Mon/Len Carluen

  • 4 Living Water - January 15, 2016444

    Living Water - May 19, 2017

    Shepherding Sessions: OLA Church (after Praise & Worship)

    Friday, May 19, 2017 : (Salubong) Welcome & Acquaintance

    Friday, May 26, 2017 : Topic - God’s Love

    Friday, June 09, 2017 : Topic - Salvation

    Friday, June 16, 2017 : Topic - New Life and Receiving God’s Gift

    Mon-Thurs, June 19-22, 2017 : One-on-One Shepherding Session

    Mon-Thurs, June 19-22, 2017 : Confession

    Friday, June 23, 2017 : Invocation Mass,

    8:00 p.m., OLA Church LSS Weekend Proper: Marshall McLuhan Catholic Secondary School

    1107 Avenue Rd., Toronto

    Saturday, June 24, 2017 : LSS Proper (8:30 am – 7:30 pm)

    Sunday, June 25, 2017 : LSS Proper (8:30 am – 4:00 pm)





    SATURDAY, JUNE 3, 2017 @ 8:00AM

    FACILITATOR: FR. LARRY TAN, SDB Registration starts tonight, May 19. Please see the

    Pastoral Services Ministry Desk at the basement hall

    after our Praise & Worship.