bullying in school

Presenter 1: Henlie Hj Osman - 10d0008 Presenter 2: Hartunnoo Md Soud - 10d0016

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Page 1: Bullying in school

Presenter 1: Henlie Hj Osman - 10d0008Presenter 2: Hartunnoo Md Soud -10d0016

Page 2: Bullying in school

• What is bullying?• Different types of bullying• Physical bullying• Verbal bullying• Indirect bullying• Characteristic of bullying (aggressor)• Characteristic of victim• Causes of bullying • Strategies to reduce bullying in school• Effect of bullying• Statistic of bullying• Rules and regulations in school • Video clip of bullying

Page 3: Bullying in school

• Bullying is when a person is picked on over and over again by an individual or group with more power either in terms of physical strength or social standing.

• Some will describe everything from feelings, effects, consequences and others will describe that bullying is something that is about power and the is done on purpose.

Page 4: Bullying in school

Three main types of bullying

1. Physical2. verbal3. Indirect

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Some examples of physical actions.

• Attacking / hitting• Kicking • Stealing / Taking other belongings• Punching • Shoving• Slapping• Spitting• Scratching• Teasing• Sexual harassment

Physical bulling involves real bodily contact between a bully and his/her victim.

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This types of bullying is using WORDS for examples: • Name-calling • Teasing• Insulting• Threatening • Racist remarks• Homophobic jokes

Verbal bullying is a type of hostility or aggression which can happen with children or adults

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This type of bullying is SPREADING WORDS and other NASTY STORIES about someone indirectly. for examples:

• Spreading rumors• Isolating individual from social group activities.• Cyber bullying

o Facebooko Emailo Blogging

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1. Strong, confident & popular.2. No discipline.3. Have positive attitude to aggression and violence.4. Enjoy bullying people.5. Satisfactory.


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1. Physically small, unpopular, weak.2. Low confident level.3. Unfriendly.4. Unwillingness to go to school.5. Loneliness.6. Low academic performance.7. Bad tempered.


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There are some causes of bullying:

1. Jealousy.2. To attract people attention.3. To show people have power.4. Influence from media. example Crow Zero movie.

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These are several ways which to reduce bullying in school:

1. School have problem box where student can report problems, concerns and offer suggestions.

2. Help bullies with anger control and the development of empathy

3. Encourage positive peer relations 4. Make sure parents knows what is happening to their

children. 5. Emphasize caring, respect and safety6. Improve communication among school administrators,

teachers, parents and students.

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• Unwilling to go to school• Unwilling to discuss his/her school life.• School work and academic results are worse than before. • Coming home with wounds and torn clothes.• Moody and does not have much interest in entertainment• Nightmares• Often locks him/herself in the bedroom for a long time.• Waiting to get home to use the toilet.• Becomes nervous when another child comes near.• Becoming increasingly bad-tempered     • Phobia 

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1. WiseGeek, Retrieved on 14 August 2010 from World wide web: http://www.wisegeek.com/what-is-verbal-bullying.htm 2. Wise Geek, Retrieved on 14 August 2010 from World wide web:http://www.wisegeek.com/what-is-physical-bullying.htm 3. Wikipedia, Retrieved on 16 August 2010 from Wolrd Wide Web: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/School_bullying 4. http://www.stopbully.hk/parents_character_is_bullied.htm  

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