bup ir child labour

Abolishing Child Labor BUP_ MBA_HRM: Industrial relations

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Child labor


Abolishing Child LaborBUP_ MBA_HRM: Industrial relationsChild labor is work that is mentally, physially, soially or morally dan!erous and harm"ul to hildren# Harmin! hildren in terms o" health,and physial and mental de$elopment Inter"erin! with shoolin! by depri$in! o" the opportunity to attend shool, obli!in! to lea$e shool prematurely or to ombine shool attendane with e%essi$ely lon! and&or hea$y work# Introduction'ot all work done by hildren is lassi(ed as hild labor that should be eliminated# )ork that does not a*et hildren+s health and personal de$elopment or shoolin! an be onstruti$e, suh as helpin! around the home or in a "amily business or earnin! poket money outside shool time# )hether a ,ob is lassi(ed as hild labor depends on the hild+s a!e, the type and hours o" work per"ormed, and the impat o" the work on the hild-s health, de$elopment and aess to eduation# Should all work by child be Abolished? )orkers must ha$e reahed the minimum le!al a!e "or employment be"ore they start work# Under international standards, the minimum a!e is ./ years, or the a!e at whih ompulsory shoolin! is ompleted, whihe$er is hi!her# 'ational law should spei"y the minimum workin! a!e, whih may be set temporarily at .0 in de$elopin! ountries# 'ational law may allow hildren who are .12./ years o" a!e 3or .42.0 i" the minimum workin! a!e is .05 to do li!ht work outside o" shool hours# Children who are at least .0 years o" a!e also may be allowed to work as part o" !o$ernment2appro$ed trainin! pro!ram# Who are child laborers? 6he worst "orms o" hild labor are "orbidden "or all hildren under a!e .7# 6he worst "orms o" hild labor are "ored labor by hildren8 use o" hildren in prostitution, porno!raphy, and illiit ati$ities 3e#!#, dru! prodution and tra9kin!58 and work that is likely to harm the health, sa"ety or morals o" hildren 3ha:ardous work5# Worst Forms of Child Labor Ha:ardous work is work that is likely to ,eopardi:e or harm the health, sa"ety or morals o" a hild, due to the nature o" the work or the onditions in whih it is arried out# I;< Con$ention .17 (%es the minimum a!e "or per"ormin! ha:ardous work at .7 years# Howe$er, national law may allow workers under a!e .7 who are .= years or older to undertake ha:ardous work i" their health, sa"ety and morals are "ully proteted, and they are ade>uately trained to do the work# Hazardous Work Most industries in$ol$e some "orm o" ha:ardous work: workin! in an unhealthy en$ironment, e#!#, in$ol$in! to%i hemials, hi!h noise le$els, hi!h temperatures, or risk o" burns or in,ury8 work that e%poses hildren to physial, se%ual or psyholo!ial abuse8 arryin! hea$y loads8 workin! at dan!erous hei!hts or in on(ned spaes8 usin! dan!erous e>uipment or tools# Hazardous Work Hazardous Work 'ational law should set out a list o" ,obs that are onsidered ha:ardous# Under international standards, ni!ht work and work "or lon! hours are onsidered ha:ardous "or workers who are less than .7 years o" a!e, re!ardless o" whether the work itsel" is ha:ardous, so they should not be re>uired to work o$ertime or at ni!ht# Hazardous Work Human Ri!hts ?rameworkCRC: @tate Parties should pro$ide "or a minimum a!e or minimum a!es "or admission to employment+#!o$ernment should protet hildren "rom work that is dan!erous or mi!ht harm health or eduation8 and "rom eonomi e%ploitation with appropriate re!ulation o" the hours and onditions o" employment#ICA@CR: @tates should set a!e limits below whih should be prohibited and punishable by law#+hildren and youn! persons ha$e the ri!ht to be proteted "rom eonomi and soial e%ploitation#International Standards on Child LaborI;< Con$ention .17 and Reommendation .0= on Minimum A!e8 I;< Con$ention .74 and Reommendation .BC on the )orst ?orms o" Child ;abor the hildren under the a!e o" ./ are not permitted to be employed or work in any publi or pri$ate industrial undertakin! or in any branh thereo"#e%ept in the ase o" employments whih are dan!erous to the li"e, health or morals o" the persons employed, national laws or re!ulations may permit suh hildren to be employed in undertakin!s in whih only members o" the employer+s "amily are employed# hildren who work in tehnial shools, where suh work is appro$ed and super$ised by publi authority e%emptedInternational Standards on Child Labore$ery employer is re>uired to maintain a re!ister o" all persons under the a!e o" .7 years employedeah member ountry is obli!ed to pursue a national poliy desi!ned to ensure the e*eti$e abolition o" hild labor and to raise pro!ressi$ely the minimum a!e "or admission to employment or work to a le$el onsistent with the "ullest physial and mental de$elopment o" youn! persons#International Standards on Child Labor'ational Child ;abour Alimination Poliy 4C.C ad$oates a "riendly world "or the hildren en!a!ed in work Pro$ides a standard "ramework onernin! eduation, health, workin! en$ironment, spei( workin! onditions, rereation, treatment, and seurity Buildin! soial awareness "or mana!in! and reduin! risks o" hild abuse by employersBan!ladesh ;abour At, 4CC= Child means a person who has ompleted "ourteen years o" a!e and adolesent means the person who has ompleted si%teen years and has not ompleted ei!hteen years o" a!e# 6he law prohibits employment o" hildren and makes a pro$ision "or (tness erti(ates "or the adolesent A hild, who has ompleted twel$e years o" a!e, may be employed in suh li!ht work as not to endan!er his health and de$elopment or inter"ere with his eduation he hours o" work o" suh hild, where he is shool !oin!, shall be so arran!ed that they do not inter"ere with his shool attendane 3as per setion 005ational Instrument on Child Labour6ea Plantation uirements are satis(ed# Fo not permit o$ertime or ni!ht work "or youn! workers# At a minimum, ensure that youn! workers ha$e at least .4 hours o" rest eah day and one day o* work per week# Geep a re!ister o" all workers under a!e .7, and omply with national re>uirements to $eri"y and doument workers+ a!es# Im!lications