
Generic name Brand name Drug classifica tion Mechanism of Action Indications Adverse Reaction Nursing Responsibilities bupivacaine HCL 2.5 mg/ml ( 0.25 % ) or 5mg/ml ( 0.5 % ) in 10-ml ampoule Sensorcain e Pharmacolog ic: Amino Amide Therapeutic : Local anesthetic Blocks the generation and the conduction of nerve impulses. Clinically, the order of loss of nerve function is as follows: (1) pain, (2) temperature, (3) touch, (4) proprioception, and (5) skeletal muscle tone. For the production of local or regional anesthesia or analgesia for surgery. CNS: Mild dizziness or drowsiness. SKIN: Severe allergic reactions (rash; hives; itching) RESPI: Difficulty breathing; tightness in the chest; EYES: Blurred vision; changes in hearing; CIRCU: chest pain; excitement; irregular heartbeat; OTHERS: Numbness Monitor vital signs. When appropriate, patients should be informed in advance that they may experience temporary loss of sensation and motor activity, usually in the lower half of the body following proper administration of caudal or lumbar epidural anesthesia. Facilities and equipment for resuscitation should be readily available at all times. High blood levels of bupivacaine must be avoided in patients with hepatic impairment.

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Post on 16-Aug-2015




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Generic name Brand name DrugclassificationMechanism ofActionIndications Adverse Reaction Nursing Responsibilitiesbupivacaine HCL2.5 mg/ml (0.25%) or 5mg/ml (0.5%) in10-ml ampouleSensorcaine Pharmacologic:Amino AmieTherapeutic:Local anes!"e!ic#loc$s !"e genera!ion an !"e conuc!ion o% nerve impulses.Clinicall&' !"e orer o%loss o% nerve %unc!ion is as %ollo(s) (1) pain'(2) !empera!ure' (*) !ouc"' (+) propriocep!ion' an (5) s$ele!al muscle !one.,or !"e prouc!ion o% local or regional anes!"esia or analgesia %or surger&.N!: -il i..iness or ro(siness.!"IN: Severe allergic reac!ions (ras"/ "ives/ i!c"ing)R#!PI:0i%%icul!& brea!"ing/ !ig"!ness in !"e c"es!/ #$#!: #lurre vision/ c"anges in "earing/ IR%: c"es! pain/ e1ci!emen!/ irregular "ear!bea!/ &T'#R!: 2umbness !"a! las!s %or more !"an a%e( "ours/ res!lessness/ ringing in !"e ears/ sei.ures/ !remors/ vomi!ing. -oni!or vi!al signs. 3"en appropria!e' pa!ien!s s"oul be in%orme in avance !"a! !"e& ma& e1perience !emporar& loss o% sensa!ion an mo!or ac!ivi!&' usuall& in !"e lo(er "al% o% !"e bo& %ollo(ing proper aminis!ra!ion o% caual or lumbar epiural anes!"esia. ,acili!ies an e4uipmen! %or resusci!a!ion s"oul be reail& available a! all !imes. Hig" bloo levels o% bupivacaine mus! be avoie in pa!ien!s (i!" "epa!ic impairmen!.