buried, baked, steamed - rebirthing-breathwork.com 17 - it's... · 2015-03-24 · "jai...

Buried, Baked, Steamed Pauline and Peter have recently returned from India. While there, Pauline studied Urine Therapy with Dr. Shashi Patil at Anandkunj. 21 days, hands on training working with clients at the facility. Anandkunj is a center for Preventive and Integrative medical care located in Kolhapur a day’s drive from Mumbai in Southern India http://urinecure.org/# Just a little of their adventure follows…. 1st massage 21/01/15 A very high quality massage using a medium of urine mixed with herbs, including one with very fine grit. Following the massage, we headed to the "pits" where I was to have a Bhugarbha bath where one gets buried up to ones' neck in soil. On arrival, at the pits, 2 older men were already laying down, buried to their necks and another man was waiting. The 2 men buried emerged from their respective pits and they were then prepared for myself and the other man waiting. The pits are about 27 cm (15 inches) deep with a slightly elevated ledge at one end to support the head. At that end of the pit was a large meshed "food protector" which gets placed over the area of the head to protect it from soil and sun. The bottom of the pit is flat and hard and I was placed into the first of the pits and dirt was placed tightly around the sides of my neck to keep it firmly in place. The dirt was then placed into the pit on top of my body, firstly down one side, then partly on the other side and then completely all over my body. I remained as relaxed as possible and kept taking deep breaths, mainly I think to convince myself that I would that I was in fact going to be able to keep breathing. I wriggled my head a little and then my fingers and convinced myself I could probably free myself should I felt it necessary and therefore it was safe for me to remain relaxed. There was quite a reasonable weight on my body from the soil which created what appeared to be equal pressure on every part of my body from toes to neck. When it came time to be released it was in fact fairly easy to get out. First I was told to force up with one arm, then the other. Then came the legs one at a time and then I was able to push up the torso. I asked how long I had been there, thinking it was about ten minutes and was surprised to learn I had been buried for 30 minutes. The objective of this bath is to stimulate circulation in the body and is in effect a full body acupressure treatment. By the way, I haven't said anything about the other man doing this bath with me. I could just see him through my plastic cover and he laid in the prepared pit, looked at the soil about to cover him and quickly jumped up and declared "I can't do it." It’s Elemental The Journal of the Rebirth International Aussie & Kiwi Mob, Earth 2015

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Buried, Baked, Steamed Pauline and Peter have recently returned from India. While there, Pauline studied Urine Therapy with Dr. Shashi Patil at Anandkunj. 21 days, hands on training working with clients at the facility. Anandkunj is a center for Preventive and Integrative medical care located in Kolhapur a day’s drive from Mumbai in Southern India http://urinecure.org/# Just a little of their adventure follows….

1st massage 21/01/15 A very high quality massage using a medium of urine mixed with herbs, including one with very fine grit. Following the massage, we headed to the "pits" where I was to have a Bhugarbha bath where one gets buried up to ones' neck in soil. On arrival, at the pits, 2 older men were already laying down, buried to their necks and another man was waiting. The 2 men buried emerged from their respective pits and they were then prepared for myself and the other man waiting. The pits are about 27 cm (15 inches) deep with a slightly elevated ledge at one end to support the head. At that end of the pit was a large meshed "food protector" which gets placed over the area of the head to protect it from soil and sun. The bottom of the pit is flat and hard and I was placed into the first of the pits and dirt was placed tightly around the sides of my neck to keep it firmly in place. The dirt was then placed into the pit on top of my body, firstly down one side, then partly on the other side and then completely all over my body. I remained as relaxed as possible and kept taking deep breaths, mainly I think to convince myself that I would that I was in fact going to be able to keep breathing. I wriggled my head a little and then my fingers and convinced myself I could probably free myself should I felt it necessary and therefore it was safe for me to remain relaxed. There was quite a reasonable weight on my body from the soil which created what appeared to be equal pressure on every part of my body from toes to neck. When it came time to be released it was in fact fairly easy to get out. First I was told to force up with one arm, then the other. Then came the legs one at a time and then I was able to push up the torso. I asked how long I had been there, thinking it was about ten minutes and was surprised to learn I had been buried for 30 minutes. The objective of this bath is to stimulate circulation in the body and is in effect a full body acupressure treatment. By the way, I haven't said anything about the other man doing this bath with me. I could just see him through my plastic cover and he laid in the prepared pit, looked at the soil about to cover him and quickly jumped up and declared "I can't do it."

It’s Elemental The Journal of the Rebirth International Aussie & Kiwi Mob, Earth 2015

Massage 2 23/01/15 Different room and masseur - similar massage although slightly different in that it was slightly more pitched towards a lymphatic massage. Following the massage came a steam bath. I was placed in a sauna type cabinet without the seal, and the steam was turned on which took several minutes to fully heat up and a large volume of steam was generated. I am sure the cabinet would have once had a thermostat but this was obviously non functional as the steam got hotter and hotter. Probably on seeing my eyes starting to pop out, the operator eventually asked me if it was hot yet to which I gave a very emphatic YES. From then on he turned the power on and off. Fortunately he managed to turn it off each time just before my skin started to peel off. After about 10 - 15 minutes I adjourned to the shower room - cleaned up- and felt great.

3rd Massage Today, following the normal urine massage was the third of the 3 main treatments - the mud bath. The 3 treatments are 1. Bhugarbha (soil burial), 2. Steam bath, 3. Mud bath. All are designed to stimulate the body and improve circulation. For the mud bath, I was taken into a big open compound and told to sit on a low fixed concrete stool which was located inside a large drainage area. The "mud guy" then proceeded to smother my entire body with a prepared mud mixture starting with the top of my head, then face, then the rest of my body down to the toes. At one point I wanted to open my eyes but decided that might not be a great idea and waited until he was totally finished. When I did try to open them, it was with great difficulty as the mud was already starting to dry with the sun being high in sky and hot. I did finally get my eyes open to find great dags of mud hanging from my eyelashes. I did not try to risk getting them off as my fingers were also covered in the mud and it may well have made things worse. After getting my eyes open, I then found I could not close my left eye fully due to the drying mud when I tried to blink. The mud was on, and now it was time to walk around the compound for half an hour in the hot sun, so that all the mud could completely dry. After around 20 minutes I thought I would cheat and decided to sit on one of two chairs that were in the compound. This was a mistake as when I tried to stand up again, every joint was "frozen" by the dried mud. Time was up and I walked pretty much with a robot type action to the washing bay where it took around 20 minutes to completely get all the mud off the body. Over the next 6 days I rotated through these treatments over and over and it all became easier and more relaxing. I was so relaxed for the final "burial" I thought I had only been there 10 minutes when in fact it was 30 minutes. From the second day I was also given an acupressure massage each afternoon and everybody is also encouraged to have a sun bath each day which is lying in the sun for 20 minutes each day turning 90 degrees each 5 minutes. The urine research institute, Anandjunj Ashram is the most amazing place. Since we arrived here we have watched many people with quite severe problems including skin ailments, cancers, epilepsy, heart problems, diabetes, asthma, etc. arrive and then gone home either totally healed or well on the road to recovery with a regime that will continue to take them to full recovery. Let's all have a drink of that lovely pale amber fluid. Cheers ..and bottoms up.

Above: Mud Bath Left: The amazing results

Cycles of Life

Spring: The Eternal Now, Peace Arnold Spring is the time when we see, most clearly, the quicking of life giving rise to new forms. While there is never a moment when this pulse of life is absent, Spring is when it is most apparent. That which appears to have died or gone dormant is renewed and reborn. The snake beneath the surface of its skin is ever creating new growth, just as we are ever creating new cells and sloughing off the old form. All the cell of our body are bathed in life renewing energy and responding to the seasons; the external environment. Autumn comes to the forest, leaves fall to the ground, the life energy of the tree withdraws inward preparing for winter, concentrating its activities in its core, restoring itself, readying itself for the birth of the next cycle. Annual plants pack their bags and take off for the winter in the form of seeds, leaving their stalks to break down and feed the next cycle of growth while their seeds nestle into the earth womb preparing for the right conditions to initiate their next cycle of growth. Nothing ever truly dies. Transformation is ongoing. No matter how stuck we may appear to be our life energy moves forward and ultimately we transform; in one way or another. May life energy ever renew the individual cells of your body. Give no quarter to lingering ghosts of old wounds, unresolved traumas and hurtful thoughts. Let the winds of emotion blow them from the branches of your tree of Life and feast on the eternal spring of renewing energy; surrender to the seasons of change and, dance with the elements and the flowers of the field. “Don't say that I will depart tomorrow- even today I am still arriving. Look deeply: every second I am arriving to be a bud on a Spring branch, to be a tiny bird, with still-fragile wings, learning to sing in my new nest, to be a caterpillar in the heart of a flower, to be a jewel hiding itself in a stone. I still arrive, in order to laugh and to cry, to fear and to hope. The rhythm of my heart is the birth and death of all that is alive…..” excerpt from, ‘Please Call Me By My True Names’, Thich Nhat Hanh Peace Arnold is a Rebirther living in NYC. And is available for individual sessions and trainings in Rebirthing Breathwork as well as full day workshops and monthly seminars. Contact Peace at [email protected], 917-579-1449 or visit www.RebirthingNYC.com;


Babaji 10 January 1984 "The fact is that all of you who have assembled here from foreign countries have done very hard work here. You have shown your devotion and courage toward God. You have increased the beauty of this place. "Sri Mahaprabhuji stresses Karma Yoga and states that this is the highest Yoga. All other Yogas can fructify only after your death, but Karma Yoga brings instant results to you. "I want, and many times I have told you, that it is the best thing to live your life with courage and bravery. You must be always active and hardworking. I have told you this before, also. I will give you liberation only through Karma, so you should not lag behind in your work. Be active and advance! "You must always encourage Karma Yoga. You have to progress through Karma Yoga. Through Karma only can all needs be fulfilled. We cannot make the world happy and peaceful without Karma Yoga (work). For the peace and happiness of the world, we have to practice Karma Yoga. Through Karma Yoga - working hard - you can bring peace, happiness, joy and contentment to the world. Idleness makes men slip backwards, lag behind. Karma is the highest and greatest thing. "JAI MAHAMAYA KI JAI!"

John Bradshaw Power and control dominate our economic thinking in relationship to the earth. Just as we do not think of children as sacred beings with inherent dignity, we do not view the earth as a sacred living organism with inherent dignity. We use it as an object, just as we objectify children. Power and control systems are most dangerous at the level of governments. Political systems hold the control buttons for spaceship earth. They will have to implement the new vision of the planet which has come from the awareness that the earth’s internal guidance system is no longer on automatic. Our scientists have uncovered the very process of life itself. They have split the atom and decoded DNA. Those great revelations have placed the control of the planet on manual, that is, in our hands. From Creating Love 1992

HARMONIOUS RELATIONSHIPS Paul Jones and Matoula Piscopani are creating a 3 hour Breathwork workshop which is steadily happening the last Tuesday of each month in the North Shore Auckland area…. Wether in a relationship, or single, all you are after is some inner peace which sometimes can be a rather complicated story. From one perspective, these states of relationship are not so different from each other. There are emotions that are equally strong when it comes to "how am I going to find a partner?", or "how is this relationship going to work?", or "how did I end up in that mess, again"? Separation, feeling alone or inner turmoil can be some of the feelings that are stirred up.

From inner turmoil to inner peace No matter what the case is, single, or in a relationship, the frustrations can be the same. It can be a big or a small issue that is always in the way, or a repetitive "same-old story". Fears of separation, being lonely, or even a preference in staying in a relationship or having none at all, can stop you from bringing any change. However, it is never what you want. In this seminar, you will be discovering your own truths and make the changes you feel safe to do at your own pace. Couples will be able to communicate again from the heart. Singles will be able to identify what is the source of their unease and therefore use it as a bridge towards what they really want to create. If harmony is what you are looking for there are some certain steps you are capable of achieving in this one day event *make peace with all there is *allow space to create harmonious relationships *love your self a new *discover how the past interferes with your present *realise how your present affects your future *recognise the hooks that keep you in a negative state of being *become clear in what you want from any relationships *reconnect with your true power For more info INNER RESOURCES Paul Jones & Matoula Piskopani Certified Breathworkers NZAB & NC`s - N.Z. IBF +64 (0) 9 9729 390 [email protected] http://www.rebirthingbreathwork.net

Paul and Matoula

Radical life extension is a dream shared by many top Googlers Google CEO Larry Page announced what is perhaps his company’s most audacious project: a life science startup called Calico that will pursue solutions for aging and its associated diseases. As Time Magazine put it, Calico hopes to cure death. In many ways, this new venture seemed to come out of left field. But Page actually has a long history with the search for immortality. Page has long been a fan of Ray Kurzweil, the legendary inventor and author who popularized the concept of the Singularity, a theoretical tipping point where technology becomes so advanced it begins to radically alter the fabric of our existence. In the documentary Transcendent Man, Kurzweil openly talks about his ambition to achieve eternal life, even speculating that it might be possible to bring his dead father back from the grave in the process. In 2008 Google became one of the corporate backers of the Singularity University, of which Kurzweil is a co-founder. According to a report in the New York Times, Page and Google provided more than $250,000 in donations to help found the university and several of Google’s early employees have personally donated $100,000 or more. In December of last year, Google hired Kurzweil. LARRY PAGE IS PLANNING FOR THE SINGULARITY The topic of defeating death has become central to the discourse around the Singularity. Last year’s Singularity Summit featured speakers like Laura Deming, who told a rapt crowd that, "There is one fact that never fails to infuriate me. Every day 150,000 die of a disease that we ignore." Deming, a scientific prodigy who at just 18 years old has dedicated her life to ending aging, went on to say that "if we succeed, we will have turned the most awful paradigm that we know on its head. The inevitability of death." There is another, more practical reason why Google is increasingly interested in life sciences. The study of life science is increasingly about genetics, and genetics is becoming a question of computing power and machine learning. While the amount of venture capital funding flowing into the life sciences has dropped precipitously since 2008, Google Ventures has been one of the few Silicon Valley investors expanding its stake in this area. "Digital insights are becoming increasingly important in the life sciences, because genetics is a data-driven practice, giving us a real place to add value," says Dr. Krishna Yeshwant, a general partner with Google Ventures. "There is a lot of opportunity because a lot of the traditional players have been scared off and there is less money available even for the top-tier companies that are great bets." "I'M INTERESTED IN IDEAS THAT SOUND A LITTLE BIT CRAZY" In his post announcing Calico, Page specifically thanked Bill Maris, the managing partner at Google Ventures, saying he helped bring the project to life and get Art Levinson involved. Levinson is the former CEO and current chairman of Genentech, and another one of the corporate founders behind the Singularity University. As Maris told the Wall Street Journal last year, "I'm interested in the ideas that sound a little crazy, such as radical life extension, curing cancer, being able to create a simulation of the human brain and map every neuron." The announcement about the launch of Calico was met with surprise and excitement. But as Google pushes further in the direction of radical life extension, it will likely incite a heated debate. Skeptics point out that without aging humanity may face a crisis of overpopulation, or at least an enormous imbalance between productive members of the workforce and older citizens eager for retirement. Anti-aging work also highlights the question of how best to dedicate resources to the acute illnesses that can take young lives, or the universal problem of aging. "One of the things I thought was amazing is that if you solve cancer, you’d add about three years to people’s average life expectancy," Page said in his interview with Time. "We think of solving cancer as this huge thing that’ll totally change the world. But when you really take a step back and look at it, yeah, there are many, many tragic cases of cancer, and it’s very, very sad, but in the aggregate, it’s not as big an advance as you might think." From http://www.theverge.com/

Larry Page

Tony’s Tips for Wealth Creation Tony McChesney has used the ideas of Leonard Orr and other ‘money’ gurus to help him become wealthy. When asked for the idea that he has found most useful, Tony mentions an idea of Leonard’s that he has found to be particularly beneficial. He suggests carrying a note of the highest denomination of your currency in your wallet at all times. The way it works is that every time you tell yourself you are unable to afford something it will not be true, you then need to dig a little deeper into your money consciousness and own up that you are choosing not to afford that item and for what reason.


From Leonard Orr’s Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/LenRaja

Loving the Immortal Earth Robert Coon Physical Immortality is only for those who deeply love the Earth. And if you love the Earth, the Earth will nurture and expand your life until you arrive at the state of incorruptibility. What is not yet understood widely is that the Earth is an Immortal. Of course, you would have to live for a few billion years in order to begin to either prove or disprove this statement. Be a skeptic and stick around long enough to decide for yourself. See every instant of your daily life as a unique gift, given to you by the Earth. Use this gift, instant by instant to glorify all life. To ‘glorify’ is to make more present to consciousness the existence of eternal qualities. When you use your creative talents to glorify all life, you are helping to make more visible the magickal and eternal qualities of things. The Earth is speaking a very powerful message, and we need to learn the art of listening to it. If we master this art of listening, then we are able to hear its message at all times and in all places. The entire body of the Earth is sacred. But, if we are just beginning to learn this art, then it is sometimes easier to travel to someplace on the Earth that is sublime and powerful with its energies. In every culture, such places are recognised as sacred sites, and attract visitors from afar. It is at these sites, which have been developed for centuries that the eternal message of the Earth can be most clearly heard. The Immortal teachings of the Earth are not directed primarily at the human species. The evolutionary purpose of the Earth is to advance all beings, human and non-human, towards the direction of physical immortality. In order for Homo sapiens to evolve to Homo Immortalis, we must learn to recognise that this great adventure is a cooperative effort evolving all species…. It is absolutely essential to develop a perfect relationship with the Living Earth if you want to be physically immortal. To ignore this requirement is to exhibit an ignorance of biology and the functions of the human body. Our bodies are designed to function within the special environment maintained by the Earth. Immortals are designed to breathe the atmosphere of the Earth, and feel the same warmth of the sun that everyone else feels. You cannot ignore the Earth and become Immortal. Many have tried, and all have failed. All who have overcome death love life and love this Earth and its eternal wisdom. In this Great Work, the Earth is always our greatest teacher and our greatest ally. Pg 227-8 The Path of the Phoenix, The Spiritual Road to Physical Immortality, Robert coon

Lady Musgrave Island, Great Barrier Reef, Australia

Personal Law Joanne Eisemann I always thought my Personal Law was ‘I'm not good enough’ until I went to the Leonard Orr retreat at Mt Tambourine a few years ago. During a rather intense (for me) sharing, Leonard said to me 'you are worthy' I had so much emotion rolling through me at the time I didn't feel able to take on what he was saying. That evening Pauline gave a seminar on Personal Law. One of the things she mentioned was that when you found your personal law you felt like collapsing around it. Later that evening, I was sitting alone reflecting on the events of the day. I thought about Leonard telling me I was worthy, I felt my insides completely collapse around that thought, I realised that all my life I had thought and felt that I was unworthy. I dissolved into a flood of tears that took around half an hour to relax into and integrate, that was it, thanks to Leonard I had found my real Personal Law. At last year’s Raw Earth Retreat, I watched a wonderful demonstration of how to assist someone discover their personal law. Pauline skilfully and gently questioned the volunteer until she shared a thought that most of us could feel resonated deeply within her body. It occurred to me that I have a Personal Law for all the major issues in my life and that it was possible to use this process to discover what they are. Leonard confirmed this for me the next day when he asked Pauline to assist one of the participants find their Personal Law in regard to health. I questioned Pauline later about using the same process to find personal laws about issues, she said the technique was slightly different and as we would spend time together after the retreat we made a plan to talk about it then. On the way home, Pauline told me about the process (see below) and we decided to use it to find my Personal Law around money. I was ripe for change as I had just finished retreat and was up for anything. A few questions in to the process I had it, I felt the same feeling of collapse around the thought' I am not valuable' as I had felt around 'I am not worthy' some years before. I felt devastated, the thing that struck me the most was how much this thought had been sabotaging my ability to receive money and also how aligned it is with my Personal Law. I had been working on my money case for many years but it became obvious to me the work I had done was pretty much useless without finding and changing this idea I had about myself. I knew I had no chance of cleaning up my money case without this realization. I felt sad but good at the same time, now I have a chance, and feel grateful for the process and the loving support of Pauline.

Ruby, Dreams and Joanne

A Guided Self Analysis Technique to Determine the Personal Law of a

client in relationship to a particular personal problem. by Pauline Win

Step 1. For brevity - A quick Personal Law check. Client reads the following list of Personal Laws and intuits which one is their Personal Law 1. I'm not good enough 2. I'm not OK 3. I'm bad 4. I'm evil 5. I'm worthless/Unworthy 6. I'm wrong 7. There's something wrong with me 8. I'm incapable 9. I'm inadequate 10. People hurt me / I hurt people { These two abstract up to the above and are included because } 11. I am not wanted { the client may not be willing to go past this point } Step 2. Client writes the 10 most negative thoughts they hold about their particular personal problem i.e weight, money, relationships, etc. etc. Step 3. Client chooses one thought from their list of 10. The thought that holds the most "charge," suppression and emotions. Step 4. Using the stem sentence... The reason I feel/think......... (in here the Rebirther inserts the statement the client has chosen from the list of 10 most negative thoughts about their particular problem.) For example -The client has relationship issues and they have chosen out of their 10 issues on relationships - "Men always leave me for someone else." The statement the Rebirther would then say to the client - and have the client repeat it - is "The reason I feel I don't deserve to have a committed long term relationship and men leave me is..." or the Rebirther repeats the full actual statement of the client which would read "The reason why men always leave me for someone else is........" This is deemed the Stem Sentence and the additional answer added to the stem is deemed The Flower. Step 5. Using whatever the client said when they have repeated the above statement, the Rebirther says - the stem sentence .. and adds whatever the client said in relationship to above. Step 6. The format continues until the client has stated all their make wrongs/ negative thoughts about relationships. The purpose of this exercise is to gently and firmly guide the client deeper and deeper into their feelings and higher up the hierarchy of their negative thoughts about that particular issue until the client has a "breakthrough." The protocol for the consultant is to allow the client the space to expand until the "breakthrough" occurs. This "breakthrough" is a palatable, visible sense of relief and relaxation of body and mind. The client knows they have "hit the spot" sometimes saying "I feel my mind is clearer/ my body is relaxed/ my mind is empty/ or similar statements. During the process the client may have childhood/ or other memories. A short time talking about these memories during the steps 1 - 6 is effective.

Feel free to pass this newsletter on to anyone you think may be interested. If you want to be added to the mailing list or reprint any of the articles please email [email protected] The next edition of IT’S ELEMENTAL will be Water, please share your stories, ideas, events and pictures by emailing them to [email protected] by May 15th 2015

Many Thanks to all those who contributed to this EARTH edition