bursting open html5 media with popcorn maker

Bursting open HTML5 media with Popcorn Maker STC Summit, Beyond the Bleeding Edge May 23, 2012 Janet Swisher, Mozilla @jmswisher #popcornjs

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Web video has historically been a black box, isolated from other content. HTML5 breaks that box by enabling interaction among media, other content, and the user. See examples of the potential of HTML5 video for techcomm. See a demo of Popcorn Maker, an alpha-release Web-based GUI tool that enables non-programmers to harness the interactive power of HTML5 video.


  • 1. Bursting open HTML5media with Popcorn Maker STC Summit, Beyond the Bleeding Edge May 23, 2012 Janet Swisher, Mozilla @jmswisher #popcornjs

2. Video in HTML(4)Photo by Abode of Chaos 3. Whats cool about HTML5mediaPhoto by Dominics pics 4. Whats not so coolPhoto by 5. Enter Popcorn.js 6. Introduction to Popcornhttp://mozillapopcorn.org 7. Why this iscool for tech comm 8. Django 101http://django101.com/trial/ 9. MacBethhttp://katehudsondesign.com/demos/popcornmacbeth/ 10. Grockit Answershttps://grockit.com/answers/v/yt.bx_LWm6_6tA.public 11. But you still need .Photo by deltaMike 12. Even cooler: Popcorn Makerhttp://mozillapopcorn.org 13. Popcorn Maker Roadmaphttp://mozillapopcorn.org/roadmapping-popcorn-maker- 14. More about PopcornJS &Popcorn Maker Try it: http://mozillapopcorn.org/popcorn-maker/ Discuss it:https://mail.mozilla.org/listinfo/community-popcorn Follow: http://twitter.com/popcornjs 15. Thanks!